Why do plastic windows freeze? Causes and solutions

Today, not a single multi-storey residential building under construction can do without the installation of plastic structures in its window openings. Plastic windows have gained well-deserved popularity due to the presence of such characteristics as: good heat and sound insulation, long service life, pleasant appearance.

However, sometimes various troubles can happen with such windows. Some are the result of improper use, others are the result of insufficient care. But it also happens that the external environment also has a detrimental effect on the light-transmitting structure. Its manifestation is especially noticeable in winter, when there is sub-zero temperature outside. We are talking about such a phenomenon as window freezing .

In this article, we will look at the main reasons for freezing of plastic windows and ways to eliminate the consequences of ice formation on the glass. We will also provide some useful tips to prevent such problems from occurring.

Reasons for freezing of plastic windows in winter

The winter period brings not only the joy of the first snowfall. During the cold season, problems can also come into the house, one of which is the formation of ice deposits on the glass unit.

The reasons for window freezing may be the following:

  • significant difference in temperature indoors and outdoors;
  • increased humidity levels;
  • poor quality installation of window structures.
  1. Temperature difference . A significant difference between street and home temperatures in winter does its job: sometimes double-glazed windows do not have time to heat up on the room side so that condensing moisture does not appear on the inner surface of the glass. As the temperature outside the window further drops, the resulting condensation gradually transforms into a thick layer of ice. Usually its thickness is no more than 1 mm, but in particularly advanced cases the layer of ice can reach several centimeters.
  2. High humidity level . High humidity, both throughout the apartment and in individual rooms, usually occurs due to insufficient ventilation. Ideally, warm air should be removed automatically and completely through ventilation holes located under the ceiling. However, this does not always happen efficiently. Most often, especially if the house was built several decades ago, such ventilation holes are clogged. Their clogging makes it difficult to maintain the microclimate in the room at the required level, in which there would be no place for high humidity.
  3. Installation of windows performed with deviations from the norms . Installation of windows made of plastic, as well as structures made of other materials, must take into account the requirements determined by GOST 30971-2002. Failure to comply with installation regulations may result in condensation. This phenomenon usually occurs in the corner and at the junction of glass and glazing bead. In the relatively warm season, only the smallest drops are visible, but in winter, when it’s cold, the moisture freezes, turning into ice.

How to get rid of the gap between the window sill and the frame

If a small gap has formed between the window sill and the window frame, it should be repaired immediately. This is explained by the fact that cold air will enter the room through this gap, and due to the constant hypothermia of the window, condensation may occur that will seep into this gap. Due to constantly increased humidity, mold and mildew may begin to form in this gap.

In addition, if there is water in the gap, and there is severe frost outside, ice may form, which will only widen the gap between the window and the windowsill.

As a rule, cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam during the installation process, but often this is not enough. The foam can crumble under the influence of sunlight, which is why a gap appears. There are two ways to deal with this gap.

How to eliminate freezing of a plastic window?

A simple truth is clear to everyone: in order to eliminate window freezing, you need to eliminate the causes responsible for the occurrence of this phenomenon. Let's look at what needs to be done for each of the points listed above.

  1. With a significant temperature difference . In this case, you should either ventilate the room more often or set the window sash to ventilation mode. When carrying out such actions, the temperature difference at the boundary of the glass unit will not be so significant, and therefore the reason for freezing of the plastic window - condensation - is completely leveled out.
  2. High humidity . Eliminated by constant and high-quality ventilation, using any of the above methods. However, the best of them, undoubtedly, will be the use of an exhaust ventilation device, with regular use of which the optimal microclimate in the room will be maintained and the humidity level will return to normal.
  3. Poor quality window installation . Small freezing that has occurred in the corners of the glass unit can be removed by replacing the window sealing rubber bands. If the window is under warranty, then a free call to the specialists from the company who installed the light-transmitting structure will be a sufficient step. If there is no warranty, work associated with replacing the window seal will have to be paid for. In case of more serious installation problems, for example, failure to close the sash correctly (tightly), when minor repairs are not enough, it is necessary to consider the possibility of installing a new high-quality window.

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How to properly care for plastic windows?

In what cases is the window manufacturer 100% to blame?

According to GOST standards, condensation should not appear in the internal chambers of a double-glazed window. To do this, the manufacturer must correctly determine the “dew point” and select the optimally suitable molecular sieve, more details about which can be read on OknaTrade. Therefore, in all cases when the owner does not understand why plastic windows freeze in winter from the inside of the double-glazed window, you need to immediately call or, better yet, go to the office of the company that manufactured the structures.

They will have to replace the glass unit, since it was produced with violations and absolutely does not meet domestic quality standards.

Some tips

To prevent plastic windows from freezing, take into account a few important tips.

  1. Ventilate the room regularly . 20 minutes before leaving for work and 20 minutes upon arrival from work will be enough to get rid of high humidity - the main reason for freezing of PVC structures. Also, if possible, at night, set the window sash to the position of normal or micro-slit ventilation.
  2. Take care to organize high-quality ventilation in the apartment (especially in the kitchen). Check the ventilation holes for proper operation - to do this, take half a sheet of A4 size writing paper and hold it to the ventilation grill covering the hole. If the paper is attracted and remains on the grill, there is sufficient ventilation. If the paper slides off, then this is a sure sign of poor ventilation system performance. To correct the situation, you need to contact the specialists at the housing office.
  3. Do not cover the radiator with any objects in winter . A battery installed in a room is an integral element in creating an optimal microclimate in it. If the battery is completely closed for a long time, the result can be felt quite quickly: the humidity level in the room will noticeably increase, which, in turn, will lead to the formation of condensation on the glass of the structure. Condensate, as we remember, tends to freeze when cold weather occurs. To avoid freezing of the glass of a plastic window, the heating radiator should not be cluttered for a long time.
  4. Try to always keep doors open . Wide open doors eliminate the difference in temperature and humidity levels between adjacent rooms. This creates an even and favorable microclimate throughout the apartment, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of condensation and ice forming on the window.

Let's sum it up

Freezing of a plastic window is a very common problem. But the main thing is that it can be solved. However, you should remember that it is better not to postpone troubleshooting until later. It is known that when water freezes, it expands. Thus, freezing can gradually destroy the entire metal-plastic structure, and instead of repair, replacement will be required.

Determine the cause and begin troubleshooting. If a plastic window freezes, you don’t know what to do, contact the specialists of the Teplo Doma company for help. We have been repairing windows for over 15 years. And believe me, we know a lot about them.

Related article: Distance between a plastic window and a wall

General information

Not so long ago, only wooden windows were installed in houses and apartments, which had a lot of disadvantages - they dried out in the summer, and on the contrary, they swelled in the winter. They had to be painted regularly, removing the old paint, and covered with paper for the winter.

Of course, modern double-glazed windows, regardless of the material from which the frames are made, be it PVC profile or wood, are of much higher quality. However, they are also not completely free from problems associated with freezing and fogging of glass.

Often such incidents occur as a result of violations of the manufacturing or installation technology of double-glazed windows. In this case, they can remain moist in both cold and warm seasons. However, it should be borne in mind that a small amount of condensation does not mean that the product is defective. You should pay attention to the problem if water flows from the windows in the literal sense of the word, and a layer of ice appears on the inside of the sashes.

Condensation on the window

Video - How to insulate a corner in an apartment

Apartments on the top floor have a different problem. The builders could have made a mistake at the junction with the roof. They did not install insulation or there are gaps, cracks, or voids between the ceilings and the wall. Then the reason should be looked for there, and not in problems with the angle or condition of the wall.

Additional thermal insulation of the floors and other work in the attic will be required. Perhaps the roof has become unusable, and it is from it that the water comes. It often concentrates in the corners. In all other cases, only external insulation of the walls of the apartment can be a salvation.

A corner in a panel house freezes - reasons

Freezing of a corner in a panel house
Residents of panel houses, even in their apartments, can observe frozen corners and moisture accumulation on them. There is no point in blaming the building material for being bad. It is unlikely that panels with cracks, voids or other defects were used. This happens extremely rarely.

Video - Cold wet corners of the house. Root cause

The reason lies elsewhere:

  1. Additional insulation is required. If the area is not rich in warm days and the winters are cold, then condensation will certainly form. There is a temperature difference in the corners. It’s warm inside the apartment in a panel house, but not outside. Since corners are the most vulnerable points, this is where condensation occurs. Moisture simply freezes over time.
  2. The problem often affects residents of the top floors of panel houses. There is an incorrect connection between the wall and the ceiling. Cold air blows in at this point or from the roof. If it is not insulated enough, then problems cannot be avoided.
  3. Force Majeure. Perhaps your neighbor on the top floor flooded you, but there wasn't that much water. Usually it flows down in the corners. The same thing happens when neighbors don't take care of plumbing and pipes. They leak a little, which causes water to form in the upper corner of the apartment located above.

Sometimes the construction technology is not followed. There are voids, large gaps in the wall, through which the cool wind blows. Even in a panel house, builders' mistakes cannot be ruled out.

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