Why do plastic windows cry and methods for eliminating their fogging?

With the onset of cold weather, many window owners have a problem with condensation on the glass; plastic windows “sweat.” Why windows cry and how to avoid it, in the article of the WINDOWS MEDIA portal.

An expert from the OKNA MEDIA portal with 22 years of experience in the window industry says:

I will give a real example from the practice of responding to a customer’s complaint regarding crying windows. “The window for 23,000 should not cry! Take your junk, or I’ll go to court!” – the owner of the new window shouted from the threshold, pointing to the window completely covered with condensation.

The window was installed in a room in a communal apartment on the 1st floor of an old house. A family of 4 lived in it, and food was prepared there. The door was sealed and insulated; there was no gap under the door for ventilation. Not surprisingly, the humidity in the room was 98%. The window probably never opened after installation, and by the time of my visit it was no longer crying, but sobbing. The window sill was filled with puddles. The wallpaper in the corners of the room began to turn black. To my recommendation to ventilate more often, the hostess replied: “I didn’t buy the window to open it!”

“With such humidity and temperature, the window not only can, it must cry. Call an expert and you can go to court. The laws of physics work without regard to our desires and expectations. You won't be able to deceive them. It’s not our fault,” I answered.

For those who are faced with the problem of crying windows, it is important to first of all understand the cause. It's not always the window's fault.

“Crying” windows in an apartment and a house: how to solve the problem?

There are a fairly large number of methods for eliminating “crying” windows. So, let's talk about the most effective and common ones:

  • If you know about high humidity in your apartment or house, make it a rule to ventilate the room daily. It is also necessary to remove all indoor plants directly from the windowsill, because they release moisture, which will then settle on the window in the form of condensation.
  • Provide the room with good ventilation.
  • If your window can operate in two modes, then do not forget to use this function. Accordingly, in winter your window should not be in summer mode, and in summer – in winter mode.
  • Don’t skimp on buying windows; remember, the stingy pays twice. Since you have decided to replace your old windows with plastic ones, choose the highest quality ones. Properly selected and installed windows will serve you for many, many years.

Solving the problem of sweaty windows

  • If there is no hood in the kitchen, it would be good to purchase one. And use regularly while cooking.
  • If possible, windows should be kept in the “ventilation” mode. This will ensure a constant flow of air.
  • Don't forget that over time, all things break or wear out. Therefore, it would be a good idea to check the integrity of the fittings from time to time and, if necessary, replace components.

Why windows leak, what to do about it and who is to blame 5 simple solutions to this problem

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Leaky windows are the most common winter problem that every second happy owner of plastic windows faces. And this is not so much a problem as a feature and a coincidence. And no matter how strange it may sound, if your windows are leaking, this is the first sign that they are installed correctly, airtight and to last. As the well-known Elena Malysheva would say - this is the norm!

But! We have absolutely no need for puddles on window sills, and even more so for mold and mildew. So right now you will learn the 5 best ways to solve the problem of leaking windows once and for all. But before we reveal the main professional window secrets, we will answer the most important question - why do windows leak? And someone may even ask “why do we need all this?”

Ways to eliminate condensation

Depending on the cause of weeping windows, a method for solving this problem is determined.

Ventilation of the balcony

The easiest way to deal with condensation is ventilation. Many plastic windows do not have ventilation, so it is advisable to open them for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. The air humidity will decrease and the temperature will drop. But there is one minus. In winter this is not always convenient, but the air should be periodically enriched with oxygen.

Insulation of the balcony from the outside

One of the most successful and difficult ways to get rid of condensation is to sheathe the loggia from the street side. This can be done using the following building materials:

  • foam plastic or penoplex boards;
  • mineral wool;

The joints and seams need to be well sealed, the construction mesh is laid and plastered. Covered with finishing material. As a result, the walls become warmer and condensation does not appear. Sealing cracks and seams will protect against drafts and excess moisture. This method is not always available to residents of high-rise buildings, so there is a way to insulate the balcony from the inside.

Insulation inside

To avoid condensation, you need to properly insulate the inside of the loggia. For this purpose, a material with a vapor barrier is used. This insulation has a vapor barrier layer. There are options with a single-sided or double-sided layer.

For interior finishing of the balcony, the following is used:

  • foil penofol;
  • polystyrene foam, which has a film coating or parchment;
  • mineral wool together with a vapor barrier.

The vapor barrier layer will prevent condensation from forming and will not allow it to enter the insulation.

The next layer is finishing materials, such as:

  • drywall;
  • lining;
  • plastic panels.

Even if after such repairs the windows on the balcony still sweat. There is another option to deal with this problem.

Air dryer

The device effectively combats high humidity. And helps cope with the occurrence of condensation. Excess moisture settles on the cool surface of the equipment. For residential premises there are special household dehumidifiers that can handle from 10 to 100 liters of moisture.


  • there is a sensor that determines the level of moisture in the air;
  • an air filter is provided;
  • You can set a timer, it will turn itself off and on at the right time.
  • copes with condensation at any time of the year.


It is possible to dry out the air.

Split system

This system allows you to establish complete control of the room microclimate. This is a rather expensive procedure. It makes sense if the balcony is large or combined with a room.

Replacement of glass unit

Windows made of aluminum or wood freeze in winter. This accompanies the formation of moisture on the glass and prevents the room from being ventilated. A good option is plastic structures. They do not freeze, good sealing. It is possible to supply multi-chamber models.

Physical properties of condensate

Ice becomes water due to heating, and with a decrease in temperature the reverse process occurs. It is called moisture condensation. High temperature air contains liquid in the form of vapor. With cooling the situation changes. Air cannot hold much liquid as it decreases in volume, and moisture remains in areas with lower temperatures.

The glass of the window is considered the coldest place in the house, since it borders on the street, so condensation appears on it. At very low temperatures outside, it becomes ice. At first glance, it may seem that condensation is not dangerous. But with frequent formation of liquid, construction products become wet, after which the rigidity of the structure weakens and mold forms.

Therefore, it is important to know why the windows in the house “cry”, as well as how to fix it

Window Treatment

Why windows “cry” and what to do in this case is of interest to many people. This drawback can be eliminated by regular processing of products:

  1. If possible, you can purchase special products designed to eliminate condensation. When applied, they form an invisible film that repels water. You can buy them at household chemical stores. Before use, you must study the instructions.
  2. An effective method is treating windows with a saline solution. To do this you will need salt (1 tablespoon) and water (5 liters). The solution must be filtered to remove undissolved crystals. Then you can wipe the window with the product. If streaks or white spots appear after treatment, add a little water to the solution, after which you can wipe the structures again.
  3. A soap solution will do. You will need some water and detergent. A microfiber cloth should be moistened in the prepared solution, wrung out and treated with the window. Then you need to wash the window with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.
  4. A solution based on water and alcohol. This method should be used when the house is cold. You need to add a little alcohol. The product is easy to apply, creating protection against moisture.

Causes of condensation

One of the functions of wooden or plastic windows is to protect the room from freezing. However, products do not always fulfill their purpose properly because they are not used correctly. The following are common causes of condensation:

  • significant difference in temperatures inside and outside the house;
  • increased indoor air humidity;
  • the window sill above the radiator is too wide;
  • poor ventilation (clogged);
  • non-compliance with window operating modes (some double-glazed windows have two modes - winter and summer);
  • the room is rarely ventilated (or never);
  • the wrong window was selected for a certain room;
  • the presence of plants on the windowsills.

There is another group of reasons that contribute to the formation of moisture on glass. We are talking about errors in the production of windows, as well as inaccuracies during the installation of double-glazed windows. These factors will be discussed in more detail below.

Using heating devices

Since one way to reduce fogging is to heat the surface of the window, heating radiators should always be located under the windows.

In this case, in addition to the ventilation device, it is advisable to install a convector under the French window, which is installed directly into the floor. This can be either an electric or a water device. When it works, warm air rises directly across the window glass, heating it and preventing the formation of condensation.

The same option can be used to heat ordinary windows. But since most often there is a window sill between the heating device and the window, which blocks the flow of hot air, you can use special flow grilles. They cut into the window sill as close to the glass as possible.

Condensate: physics of the phenomenon

In the air of an apartment, water is contained in the form of tiny particles of vapor. When cooled, it turns into a liquid state, and at temperatures below zero - into a solid state (ice). Thus, two things are involved in window fogging and icing:

  • room humidity;
  • window surface temperature.

If these parameters deviate from the norm, condensation forms on plastic windows. For clarity, you can look at a bottle taken out of the refrigerator - its cooled sides instantly fog up in the warmth of the apartment.

Why plastic windows cry: reasons

In short, the main reasons have already been named: temperature and humidity. That is, it’s worth putting them in order, and the problem will be solved. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the recommended room temperature is not lower than 20 degrees, as for the relative air humidity, it should be approximately 45%. By following these rules, in most cases it is possible to avoid a situation where plastic windows freeze and cry.

In general, here is a list of reasons influencing the appearance of condensation:

  • Poor ventilation.
  • Wide window sill.
  • A large number of indoor plants.
  • Wet weather.
  • Lots of people in the room.
  • The room is poorly ventilated.
  • Repair work.
  • Poor heating.
  • And etc.

Let's try to explain.

If the room has poor ventilation

, which means the air is stagnating. If the air stagnates, moisture remains in it. If moisture remains in it, it will eventually fall out in the form of condensation on the window.

Like a wide window sill

got into the reasons for crying plastic windows? Radiators in every house are located under the window. If the window sill blocks the flow of warm air to the window, the surface of the glass unit will cool more strongly, and this will inevitably cause a dew point to appear.


absorb and release a lot of moisture. If you don't put it anywhere, it will fall out in the form of condensation.

Why do plastic windows cry? outside is humid

. How is this related? Everyone is trying to ventilate the room more often. But few people think about the fact that the humidity outside can reach 100%. When you ventilate a room, you introduce moist air inside. Yes, perhaps the house becomes fresher, since air saturated with oxygen enters, but at the same time it is also saturated with moisture. Many people forget about this. If the room is not additionally dried, condensation cannot be avoided.

If there are many people

, then sooner or later the air there will be saturated with moisture. Even with normal breathing, one person releases about 50 grams of water per hour. Is it worth talking about how much moisture enters the air during bathing and cooking?

Repair work

- this is always the path to a damp room. We will not go into details; we will limit ourselves to one rhetorical question. Where does the moisture go when, for example, the cement mortar dries out?

Weak heating

. If the room is poorly heated and it is frosty outside, then condensation in the form of ice will appear at the dew point.

The reasons seem to have been sorted out, but what to do next? More on this later.

What measures should be taken if the window fogs up?

Everything here is outrageously simple. If the window fogs up, just open it for 10-15 minutes to ventilate. When you close it, you will find that all the condensation has disappeared. The reason for this lies in the physics textbook for the eighth grade. At a given temperature, the air can contain a strictly defined amount of steam. For example, in a steamed bath at t=+80°C the steam content is tens of times higher than the amount in dry air. When you open a window, the humid air in the room is replaced by dry air from the street. As soon as the temperature drops to normal limits (~20°C), the relative air humidity decreases and condensation disappears. Optimal conditions for residential premises are relative humidity 40%-50% at a temperature of 19-24°C. If the room maintains a similar regime, you will be able to avoid the appearance of condensation on the slopes, frame or the double-glazed window itself. Least of all, increased humidity in a room depends on human activity - the main factor influencing it is poor quality air exchange. In other words, in a well-ventilated room, the likelihood that condensation may appear on the windows quickly decreases to zero.

Wooden windows sweat: what to do?

If wooden windows sweat despite all your efforts, which makes them inconvenient to use, then to eliminate the “window weeping” or at least reduce it, you should go “in reverse” from how the windows were insulated.

You will need to remove the rubber seals and foam in the upper part of the window and monitor the condition of the glass for several days.

If the condensation does not disappear, you will have to continue removing the sealant and foam until the window leaf and frames are dried.

As an option, to eliminate fogging of wooden windows, you can use warm air from a heat gun, fan heaters, or dehumidifiers.

In addition, the accumulation of condensation on windows may be the result of improper installation of radiators or their poor quality. If heating radiators are located away from windows, most likely, it will not be possible to completely get rid of “window crying”. For normal air movement in the apartment and heating of the window leaf, it will be necessary, sooner or later, to move the heating radiators to their proper place, otherwise the cold wall under the window will certainly cause the wooden windows to fog up.

Factors of glass sweating in a cottage

The main threat of cracking windows comes from two factors: the temperature of the cooled surface of the PVC glass unit and the high level of humidity in the room. Another circumstance that contributes to the formation of condensation is the high degree of sealing of plastic windows - the traditional scheme for ventilating a home does not work due to the loose fit of doors and window sashes. The degree of internal surfaces of a private house is influenced by the following factors:

  • outside and indoor air temperature;
  • thermal insulation characteristics of building elements;
  • the quality of construction of the building, the condition of the structures and service life: the presence of cracks and chips, destruction and voids.

If the house is new, and construction work has recently been completed, moisture is released during the drying process of the mortar, plaster, and wallpaper. Structures made of brick and concrete retain excess dampness for two years after construction and transfer moisture by capillary into the premises: this water can appear on the windows for several months. In older houses, double-glazed windows may sweat due to insufficient ventilation and uneven heating of the premises throughout the day.

How to eliminate fogging of plastic windows - we solve the problem

To prevent plastic windows from fogging up, a number of preventative measures can be taken. So, if the window is already installed and the problem does not bother you too much, then follow two simple steps:

  • Remove all potted indoor plants from the windowsill. Both plants and wet soil provoke condensation.
  • Ventilate your apartment regularly, especially if the humidity in it temporarily increases for some reason.

If you are just planning to install a plastic window, then immediately check that all work is carried out carefully and in accordance with the technology:

  • choose at least a high-quality 2-chamber double-glazed window, ideally with energy-saving film. The best option is considered to be a vacuum double-glazed window;
  • carry out high-quality work on insulating slopes: polyurethane foam is carefully sealed both inside and outside the room, and then a suitable insulation is added;
  • the place where the ebb is attached is also covered with cement and insulated with polystyrene foam;
  • The area where excess foam protrudes from under the window sill is also carefully plastered - this eliminates the effects of cold in this area.

As for the main recommendations for eliminating condensation on plastic windows, they are as follows:

  • if the air temperature outside allows it, then it is advisable to keep the windows in the “ventilation” mode all the time;
  • constantly use the hood in the kitchen during cooking, ventilate the premises regularly;
  • reduce the width of the window sill or move the radiator away from the wall, install convection grilles in the window sill or drill holes. It may also be necessary to remove decorative grilles;
  • check the functionality of the apartment ventilation - a thin sheet of paper should stick to the ventilation grille. If this does not happen, the ventilation system requires cleaning;
  • if a defect is found in the design of a metal-plastic window or there are inconsistencies in the technology of its installation, contact the company that carried out the work - their responsibilities include eliminating the inconsistencies;
  • regularly check the wear of the fittings - adjustment or replacement of components may be required;
  • do not forget to switch metal-plastic windows to winter operating mode. To do this, you will need a hex key - it is inserted into the eccentric at the end of the window and then turned.

As you can see, there are two main reasons why condensation collects on plastic windows - either incorrect work on installing the metal-plastic structure or its defectiveness (wear), or too high humidity in the room.

So if you choose a quality product and ensure proper installation, there is a high probability that the windows will not fog up.


And if you also ensure compliance with the temperature regime and high-quality ventilation of the balcony, then the problem will be completely solved - you will forget about unpleasant streaks on the glass and dampness.

Elimination and prevention of glass fogging

The main task of combating “crying” windows is to reduce the level of humidity in the room. This can be achieved in several ways.

  1. Ventilate regularly, especially rooms with poor ventilation.
  2. Use a kitchen hood. During cooking, a lot of hot steam rises into the air, which settles on the walls and windows.
  3. Improve ventilation by reducing the width of the window sill and removing solid screens from the radiators. These structures prevent the free circulation of warm air, which helps keep the glass dry.
  4. In cold block houses, as well as in buildings located in low-temperature climatic zones, insulate the joints and slopes of PVC structures and seal them.
  5. If the room is larger than 20 m2, use additional heaters to heat and dry the air.
  6. Do not forget to switch the fastenings (trunnions) to the appropriate mode for PVC windows in winter.
  7. Replace loose fittings.
  8. Remove most of the plants that require abundant watering from the window.
  9. Use lightweight curtains made of materials that allow air to pass through well.
  10. Seal the joints of load-bearing walls and floors throughout the room. This option is especially relevant for apartments on the ground floor in panel houses.
  11. During repairs, give preference to heated double-glazed windows or order the installation of a heating system.

The two easiest ways to get rid of window tears

Does the above mean that you should not install double-glazed windows in your home? Everyone makes this decision themselves, comparing all the advantages and disadvantages of both options, as well as familiarizing themselves with the methods of getting rid of condensation on their inner surface. For example, the easiest way to get rid of fogging of PVC windows is to regularly ventilate the premises. It can be done either by installing the handle on the frame in the ventilation position (if this is provided for by the design of a particular model), or by opening the windows for 5 minutes every 2-3 hours. It should be understood that the second option will lead to large heat losses and is not suitable for those who disappear all day at work. As already mentioned, one of the reasons why plastic windows “cry” is poor convection. To eliminate it, it is enough to make several holes in the window sill, allowing warm air to heat the glass and lower the “dew point”, and you should, at least in the cold season, abandon curtains and shutters mounted directly on the frame.


A wide window sill located above the heating system interferes with proper air circulation. This may also be one of the reasons why windows “cry”. The necessary heat does not reach the structure, and when it cools, water appears on it.

This problem can be eliminated by reducing the window sill so that warm air from the battery is directed to the window. If possible, the heating radiator should be pulled out. It’s even more convenient to find another method of heating the window.

Step-by-step instruction

If you find an accumulation of water on the windowsill, do not be upset. Use the step-by-step instructions, following which you will soon receive a fully functional window without hassle and serious additional costs:

  1. Call and arrange a visit from a specialist at a time convenient for you. While you wait for the specialist, wipe the window with a dry soft cloth so that water does not destroy the structure.
  2. The technician will arrive with everything necessary to diagnose the window and determine the causes of the leaks. The inspection usually does not take much time.
  3. If the situation can be resolved by simple adjustments, they will be carried out on site. Otherwise, a specialist will advise on further actions and calculate the cost of repairs. If the client is satisfied with everything, a contract for the provision of services is signed.

Reasons for fogging of plastic windows

There is such a vivid expression as “the windows are crying.” This is a very unpleasant problem associated with many different factors: high humidity, lack of quality ventilation in the house and much more. Therefore, if you notice that plastic windows are fogging up, you should first find out the cause of the problem and only then try to solve it.

So, the reasons for fogging of plastic windows may be:

? A large amount of moisture in the apartment. Very often, humidity increases due to cooking, when washing, etc. Then the problem of its appearance may be faulty ventilation in the kitchen or bathroom, where clothes are usually washed.

  • ? Problem with the heating system. Often plastic windows sweat in winter, when there is a significant temperature difference outside and in the apartment. Thus, the problem of condensation on the windows inside lies in the heating system, namely:
  • ? Window trim on the outside or inside is not done correctly. The same applies to the insulation of window slopes.
  • ? Incorrect placement of heating radiators (not under the windows, where they must be located to provide an “air curtain”).
  • ? Insufficient heating of the living space;
  • ? Poor quality window fittings;
  • ? The adjustment of the plastic window was carried out with errors, as a result of which the sashes do not fit tightly to the frame, thereby creating drafts.

First, you should check your windows for all of the above problems. If at least some of them are noticed, then you should first eliminate it and only after that move further in solving the question of why double-glazed windows sweat inside.

The glass unit is sweating inside - what to do?

If the glass unit sweats from the inside, then most likely it is due to its depressurization. In the manufacture of double-glazed windows, a special gas is used, so, as a rule, it is unlikely to get rid of this problem without replacing the double-glazed window.

Depressurization of a double-glazed window can occur as a result of defects, improper installation of windows, or the installation of additional accessories on them. Such accessories are blinds, mosquito nets, etc., as a result of the installation of which the profile is drilled.

Therefore, to install all of the above accessories, it is best to use sealant. By the way, using it, you can also try to seal existing holes in the frame of a plastic window and thereby partially get rid of the annoying problem with fogging of glass.

You can also try to remove the glass unit of the window, find the crack and try to seal it with the same sealant. However, before this, be sure to dry the glass unit so that there is no moisture inside it. It’s not easy to do this at home, but you can try, especially if there is nothing left to do but replace the double-glazed window completely.

Here are some other reasons for fogging of plastic windows inside a double-glazed unit:

? The drainage channels inside the plastic window are improperly made or clogged; ? Defective fittings can also cause fogging of plastic windows inside the double-glazed window. If the windows are difficult to close or there is the slightest misalignment of the sashes, then the reason for the appearance of condensation on the glass may lie precisely in this. ? Incorrect window trim

It is important that when finishing window slopes with plaster, the plastic window frame should not come into contact with the mortar or wall. There must be a small gap between the frame and the surface with a vapor barrier laid in it.

  • ? Errors when installing low tide. It has been noticed that if a window sill is installed with voids inside, then cold can penetrate through them to the window frame, due to which condensation will constantly form on the windows in winter.
  • ? Errors in window installation. Such gross mistakes, such as a frame that is not level, will also cause moisture to appear on the windows.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a double-glazed window may sweat inside. Therefore, before replacing it with a new one and throwing money away, you need to make sure that the reason lies precisely in the depressurization of the double-glazed window.

Common causes of moisture formation

Long-term use of plastic windows in various weather conditions allows us to identify possible causes for moisture.

  1. Increased humidity in the room.

In any apartment there are sources of humidity. Some of them can lead to its increase to a very high level. These primarily include:

  • washing and drying clothes;
  • cooking hot food;
  • water procedures in hot water;
  • houseplants;
  • aquarium;
  • wet repair work;
  • redevelopment of the apartment.

In addition, humidity levels affect health. Fortunately, the problem can be fixed very simply: just ventilate the room. It’s better not to forget about this even in winter.

  1. Violation of ventilation.

A very common reason that leads to the formation of condensation on windows.

In a typical apartment, ventilation hoods are used in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Ventilation ducts are installed on the roof of the building and are regularly maintained.

The causes of ventilation problems may be:

  • foreign debris entering the ventilation duct;
  • closing the ventilation duct exit on the roof with a satellite dish;
  • destruction of the protective grille on the inlet part of the ventilation duct;
  • deliberate closing by residents of the entrance part of the ventilation duct as a source of cold air entering the apartment.

If ventilation is faulty, heat exchange in the apartment is disrupted. Warm air touching cold glass turns into condensation.

Houses built in Soviet times had leaky windows, so there was air circulation in the apartment. Plastic windows have sharply limited the flow of air from the street, as a result, humidity increases, which condenses on the windows.

Ventilation improves significantly after installing exhaust fans.

Cases cannot be excluded when, during redevelopment, building standards for apartment ventilation are not taken into account. The consequences are observed on the glass windows.

  1. Disruption of natural convection.

In winter, the condition of windows is greatly influenced by the heating system.

Thanks to convection, the air heated by the battery moves upward, then moves along the ceiling, where it cools, and falls to the floor along the wall opposite the battery.

As a rule, batteries are installed under windows, so moving warm masses heat up the glass. It is known that moist air turns into condensation after contact with a cold surface.

If natural convection in the apartment is not disturbed, then the windows always remain dry.

Convection disruption occurs for various reasons:

  • A wide window sill has been installed, limiting the flow of warm air onto the glass. The problem disappears after holes are made in the window sill;
  • A decorative grille has been installed to hide the heating radiator and prevent the movement of warm air masses. During the heating season, it is better to remove such a grille;
  • massive curtains and curtains were hung to block the free flow of warm air to the frames. It is necessary to constantly monitor their position in relation to the battery.
  1. Depressurization of the glass unit.

The design of glasses fixed at a distance is a standard double-glazed window. A high seal is created between the glasses, which determines the internal state of the package. This design never fogs up from the inside thanks to the adsorbent that absorbs moisture at the manufacturing stage.

Only the destruction of the sealant with which the bag is coated around the perimeter leads to moisture getting inside, and the glass fogs up.

During installation work, first of all, the frame is attached, and then the package is installed on special gaskets. Special care is required when performing this operation.

  1. The compaction mode is set incorrectly.

There are two sealing modes for plastic windows: summer and winter.

In winter, in the summer version, the doors are pressed less against the frame, so the thermal insulation is not high enough, which means that cold air is able to penetrate into a warm apartment. The window is fogging up.

To select the desired temperature mode, just use a key to adjust the eccentrics on the side of the sash.

  1. Poor installation.

Many mistakes made when installing windows do not appear immediately, but after a month or a year. These errors primarily include:

  • Gaps were not taken into account during measurements;
  • installation was carried out in an uneven and uncleaned opening;
  • installation seams are filled with low-quality material or not completely filled;
  • the frame installation depth is insufficient;
  • the technology for slope restoration has been disrupted.

These errors lead to a violation of the temperature state of the double-glazed windows and, as a rule, to the appearance of condensation.

6 main reasons for crying plastic windows

A slightly more detailed article on the same topic is here. Today I want to briefly understand the main reasons for the “tearfulness” of plastic windows. And, you yourself, based on this article, will be able to find out exactly your own specific case. Find the reason, eliminate it and your windows will stop crying.

Poor ventilation system

Bring a burning match to the ventilation grill in your apartment: if the flame is not drawn into the duct by the air flow, then there is a problem. As a result of cooking, washing and drying clothes, and taking a shower, the air in the room becomes damp. Moisture condenses on window glass and falls on frame elements and window sills.

By the way, modern double-glazed windows are more airtight than wooden frames; there is no natural air flow into the house or apartment. Therefore, you need to ventilate the rooms for 10 minutes at least twice a day.

Depressurization of a double-glazed window

Its symptom is the formation of ice on the glass. It is necessary to either coat the joints of glass and frame with silicone sealant, or replace the sealing rubber in double-glazed windows. For wooden windows, seal the joints with self-adhesive sealant.

Very wide window sill

It disrupts air convection from the heating radiator. As a result, drops of moisture appear on the cold glass. Of course, you can replace the window sill, but it’s cheaper to mount a ventilation grille on it. Use a jigsaw to cut a hole in the window sill panel and insert the grille into it.

Poor quality slopes

Air from the street penetrates through the cracks in them and excessively cools the window glass. Exit: dismantle the plastic panels, fill the space between the window frame and the opening with foam, then return everything to its original position.

Problems with thermal insulation

Single-chamber double-glazed windows with unsatisfactory thermal insulation are suitable only as separation windows - for example, between a room and a glazed loggia. Otherwise, the glass will “sweat regularly.” Solution to the problem: after the cold season, replace the double-glazed windows with double-chamber or multifunctional ones.

House plants

The abundance of pots with flowers on the windowsill oversaturates the air with moisture - the glass begins to “cry”. In winter, try to minimize the “botanical garden” in your apartment near the window frames.

Why condensation appears on horses will be explained to you in this video.

And, in this, one folk craftsman will tell you what can be done so that the windows no longer cry.


  • First of all, you need to ensure that the inner frame of the window wound is sealed so that as little air from the room as possible gets into the space between the panes. In this case, moisture will not be able to get onto the outer glass.
  • Since the quality of most of our windows is such that complete sealing of the frame is impossible, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the space between the glass. That is, there should be as few gaps as possible between the inner frame of the window and the sash, and gaps should remain between the outer frame and the sash.
  • But, of course, they should not be very large. Indeed, in this case, the inner glass will cool and condensation will begin to accumulate on it. True, now it will not freeze and accumulate on the windowsill, but will begin to flow onto the floor of the room, which is also unpleasant. Therefore, usually, if the gaps between the outer binding and the frame are small, they are not sealed at all, but if they are large, small areas at the top and bottom of the binding are left unsealed. Old traditional materials are also suitable for this work.
  • The joint between the glass and the frame is coated with window putty, and the cracks between the frame and the window are pierced with tow (or any other material) and pasted over the top. True, the paper is not particularly convenient for this: it can be difficult to remove in the spring.

Another method

  • Prepared strips of white fabric (usually from old sheets) are moistened with milk, rubbed with laundry soap and glued on.
  • After drying, the mixture of milk and soap forms an airtight film, and in the spring the fabric can be easily removed after it is wetted with water.
  • It can be washed and reused.
  • But now in city stores there is a wide selection of more convenient imported materials for sealing windows.
  • It is better to treat the joint between the glass and the frame not with window putty, but with rubber-like silicone sealant. After all, putty is a short-lived material; it quickly cracks and then falls off.
  • Silicone sealant not only lasts virtually forever, but also provides a much better seal. This is already evidenced by the fact that it is increasingly used for gluing frameless glass aquariums.
  • To seal the gaps between the frames and the binding, it is better to use a self-adhesive rubber seal. It is available in various thicknesses - for cracks from 2 to 10 mm, is very convenient to use and provides almost complete sealing.

Why do plastic windows leak? This question is asked by many apartment and house owners. After all, such a problem literally interferes with life: moisture forms on the windows, puddles appear on the window sills, mold begins to creep along the walls and ceiling... And this is not the entire list of disadvantages. So that the problem does not bother you, and you know how to solve it, we suggest you understand the question of why windows leak and what to do about it.

Why do wooden windows sweat?

First, you need to establish the reason why wooden windows sweat.

It is natural that a wooden window sweats from the inside due to excess humidity formed in your apartment during cool times. The temperature difference between your apartment and the outside environment, with high humidity inside the apartment, makes itself clearly felt in the form of abundant condensation on your windows.

Humidity in an apartment can be caused by both external and internal factors. First of all, heating the apartment with gas should be completely eliminated. Firstly, it is very dangerous for life, since when 1 cubic meter of gas burns, 15 cubic meters of air are needed, and life-threatening hydrocarbons (CO) are released into the air. Secondly, when burning, gas releases moisture, which creates an unhealthy atmosphere in your apartment, subsequently condensing on windows and walls. Thus, this source of heating should be excluded not only because of humidity, but also for reasons of basic safety of your household.

Now regarding external factors. When damp cold air enters an apartment in winter, circulating in the atmosphere of the apartment, humidity is created, which subsequently condenses on your windows. To make matters worse, wooden windows begin to absorb moisture and swell, making them almost impossible to open.

The desire not to let cold air flow into the home forces the owners to tightly caulk the windows, often using polyurethane foam for this. But here it should also be taken into account that wooden windows are not “dead” plastic. When windows are clogged in the process of preparing them for winter, air exchange is most often disrupted due to a decrease in the flow of outside air.

Indeed, in this case, the cold air will be blocked, but there will be no air circulation, which will most likely lead to fogging of the glass and swelling of the frames due to internal humidity.

The process of leak formation and causes

The fog that sometimes covers window glass and limits transparency is condensation formed when water transforms from a vapor state to a liquid one. A phenomenon occurs when a surface with a lower temperature appears in conditions of high humidity:

Constant fogging of windows in an apartment indicates a high moisture content and can lead to deterioration in the health of residents, the formation of fungus and mold. It is necessary to analyze the sources of excess humidity in order to take measures to normalize the microclimate of the apartment or house. The optimal value is considered to be the vapor content in the air from 40 to 60%: at a higher value, condensation appears on the glass. Reasons for the formation of excess moisture:

  1. Insufficient air exchange in the window area: a wide window sill or a solid screen in front of the heating radiator, obstructing the warm flow, thick curtains.
  2. Poor ventilation of the room due to weak draft in the ventilation shaft, lack of outside air leaks through doors and windows.
  3. Failures in heat supply or insufficient heating of the room force residents to use cheap heat sources. Gas burners help out, but they emit water vapor.
  4. Flaws of window installers - poor-quality sealing of slopes, installation of non-working fittings on frame blocks.
  5. The presence of obvious sources of moisture in the apartment: boiling water in a kettle, faulty plumbing, an aquarium, indoor flowers filled with dampness.

The worst case is fogging of the glass unit from the inside due to a manufacturing defect. Only replacing the window frame with a new product will help here.

Why plastic windows “cry”: what to do (photo)

In addition to those mentioned above, there are more radical measures that require some financial costs. For example, those who are interested in why plastic windows “cry” (you already know what to do so that the window sill does not interfere with convection) have probably seen photos in which oblong devices of unknown purpose are installed on window frames. These are ventilation valves that provide ventilation of rooms without human intervention. Moreover, there are models that operate autonomously and do not require power supply. The only thing you need to do to ensure that the valve works as it should is to check and, if necessary, clean and repair the exhaust ventilation in the apartment. Moreover, there are models that can be installed on an already installed PVC window.

Production and installation of double-glazed windows

Although plastic window installers are professionals, even they make mistakes. Mistakes are also made by residents of premises where structures are being changed. In this case, you also need to know what to do. Why do windows sweat and “cry”? This is due to several reasons:

  1. Inaccuracies during the design or manufacture of windows.
  2. Purchasing the wrong glass unit.
  3. Poor installation.

Poor quality structures need to be corrected or disposed of. Buyers should choose their windows carefully. If the product will be installed inside rooms or on a loggia, you must purchase a two-chamber model. Products with 1 chamber are ideal for a room bordering a glazed loggia (since it does not need additional insulation).

For reasons of economy, many people choose thin glass, but they do not adequately protect from the cold. In addition, condensation will appear on such products. When replacing plastic products with wooden ones, you need to prepare for a change in ventilation mode. PVC is an airtight material that increases humidity inside, and there are cracks in the wood through which air is exchanged.

If you compare a plastic and wooden structure, you can find one difference - the inner glass of the first has a lower temperature, so it condenses faster. Construction errors are as follows:

  1. Improper foaming of cracks.
  2. The appearance of a “cold bridge” - the area where plastic or wood joins the side of the wall with a negative temperature.
  3. Blowing of masonry - appears with the destruction of horizontal or vertical seams between bricks.

If you want to purchase a durable product, it is important to control all stages of window installation. Also, do not buy a wide window sill.

These are the main reasons why windows sweat and cry. It is necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it.

Reasons for crying double-glazed windows

When sometimes the glass fogs up from the outside, there is no great harm from this, but constant condensation should be alarming. If the windows are crying, what should the owners of the house do - deal with the root causes of the leaks. Regardless of the type of residential building, the following circumstances may be the causes of sweating:

  1. Wrong choice of window frame according to the conditions of the climate zone: a thin double-glazed window will begin to cry in severe frosts or as the temperature in the house drops.
  2. High concentration of moisture caused by infrequent ventilation, cooking and frequent washing. Manufacturers of plastic windows recommend maintaining the room temperature at 20ºC. Dampness can come from the basement or from the roof side for occupants of the first and last floors.
  3. Error in the design or redevelopment: rooms are located far from the ventilation system, inefficient heating network. These reasons are beyond the control of PVC window installers.
  4. Recent renovations in the house - freshly laid tiles, plaster or painting of surfaces for some time release moisture that settles on the double-glazed windows.
  5. Adjustment of the valves - if it is disturbed, foggy areas appear where cold air penetrates through the seal.
  6. Deviations from the regulations for the installation of metal-plastic windows: installation of a very wide window sill, incorrect filling of voids with polyurethane foam.

When fogging occurs inside a glass unit, this means it is depressurized. The likely reason lies in a manufacturing defect of the manufacturer or erroneous actions of an inexperienced craftsman. If a contract was concluded for the installation of a window and it provides a guarantee for such a case, replacement of the double-glazed window is carried out free of charge. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a new window at your own expense.

Ways to protect windows from condensation

The problem of weeping glass can be eliminated in other ways, including folk remedies. A similar task faces motorists. Special chemical compositions have been developed for them to prevent the formation of condensation. The most commonly used methods:

  1. Saline solution: 1 tbsp. spoon for 5 liters of water. Wipe the glass with liquid. If whitish stains remain, repeat the procedure with a lower salt concentration.
  2. Soap or detergent solution. The steps are similar; finally, wipe the glass with a dry cloth. Proceed in the same way with the water and glycerin-alcohol mixture. The proportion is maintained at 10:1.
  3. Second window cleaner - spray evenly over the entire area, rub dry with clean newspaper.
  4. Decorative candles, lit and placed on window sills (away from curtains and curtains), will raise the temperature near the glass. The dew point will disappear.
  5. A household fan will cope with condensation in 10–20 minutes if the flow is directed towards a weeping window.

Folk remedies for glass fogging

Before radically solving the problem of water condensation on windows, you can resort to one of the tips from people who have had to deal with a similar problem. It will not take much time to implement the proposed methods: they use available tools. Here are some of the recommendations:

Wipe window glass twice a month with an alcohol-glycerin mixture in a ratio of 20:1. Draw a fine mesh on a transparent surface with dry soap and rub it with a flannel or cotton rag. Place table salt in the space between the frames, having first poured it onto a saucer or into a rag bag. It will absorb moisture. Light one or two decorative candles and place them on the windowsill

Be careful not to place open flames near the curtains to avoid igniting them. Direct a stream of air from a portable fan onto the foggy window. Apply an aerosol automotive anti-fog agent to the glass and polish with a soft cloth for 30–40 seconds. Degrease the previously protected surface with an alcohol solution. Mount convection screens at an angle to the heating radiators, directing warm streams towards the window

Decorate with decorative elements. Lay nichrome wire or foil along the contour of the glass and connect it to a 24 V power supply: you get an improvised electric heater. Before work, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Create an additional chamber for glass by installing a transparent sheet of polyethylene terephthalate: PET on the window. This is an improved analogue of plexiglass, its cost is from 100 rubles/m2.

Foggy windows are a signal of high humidity, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of a person and surrounding objects. Solving this problem is not difficult; there are many ways to do this. You just need to devote some time to eliminating the sweating of the glass.

Recommendations for eliminating condensation

It is important to monitor the condition of double-glazed windows by following the rules for stabilizing the microclimate. If you neglect the advice, then even on two-chamber and reliable structures condensation appears in winter and at other times of the year

You need to know not only why plastic windows “cry”. How to deal with this is an important question. The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Check ventilation operation regularly.
  2. Ventilate your home for 10-15 minutes every day.
  3. Do not choose single-chamber kits for replacement.
  4. Monitor the thorough foaming of the joint between the frame and the wall and the remaining stages of installation.
  5. Do not choose wide window sills that cover the radiator.
  6. If the double-glazed window has several modes, then change them according to the time of year.
  7. Perform sealing of slopes.
  8. Maintain normal humidity - 45-60%.

As you can see, glass can sweat for various reasons. By following simple rules, you can get rid of condensation. Then the glass will always be clean and beautiful.


Even after installing a new window, smudges often appear on the glass and puddles on the window sills. Why do plastic windows “cry” and what to do in this case? The main task is to normalize the microclimate of the room. It is necessary to reduce humidity and ensure heating of the inner glass (if the package is two-chamber).

First you need to check if the ventilation is working. The system must remove moist air. When clogged, it accumulates inside and then settles on the windows. There is probably dust and dirt inside the air conditioning system, which makes all work difficult. It’s easy to check the level of blockage - you just need to hold a lit match or lighter to the outlet. If the fire goes out or fluctuates, then the ventilation is working, otherwise it needs to be cleaned.

Wooden windows

Wood allows air to pass through better, so condensation appears less on such structures. But if fogging occurs, then to get rid of the problem you need to take into account how they were insulated. To normalize the microclimate in a room with double-glazed windows made of wood, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Remove the sealant and mounting foam from the top of the frame and look at the condition of the glass. If condensation appears, you must leave the window frame without removing parts until it is completely dry. You can speed up the process by blowing it with a heat gun or a fan with warm air.
  2. Condensation may appear due to improper installation of heating radiators or their poor quality. Often windows sweat and cry due to the fact that the thermal system is far away. To eliminate condensation, you should move it to double-glazed windows.
  3. Wood is considered more sensitive to air flows compared to plastic. Drops on the glass may appear because the door to the room is not closed or the tap is leaking. Such penetration of moisture into the air should be prevented.
  4. Washed clothes that dry on radiators also have a negative effect on windows.
  5. Blackout curtains that darken the room increase the likelihood of condensation.

It should be taken into account that wooden window products are better than PVC, since they form little moisture on the glass. The structure of their surface transmits and evenly distributes heat.

What are the consequences of condensation on windows?

The appearance of condensation can be called a serious problem. The light transmittance of a fogged glass unit decreases. The room becomes damp, fungus and mold spots form.

Microorganisms in a favorable environment begin to multiply, causing damage to finishing materials and destroying the polyurethane foam. They are harmful to furniture and textiles. The plaster begins to deteriorate, and dark spots of moisture appear on the wallpaper. The PVC profile loses its thermal insulation characteristics. Condensation is also harmful to people:

  1. Mold increases the risk of asthmatic lesions and allergies.
  2. Constant dampness worsens the body's defense reactions.

Such unhealthy conditions are especially harmful for children.

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