Why do plastic windows whistle in strong winds, what should I do?

Why do windows whistle from the wind, how to adjust them? From the double-glazed windows, after some time, apartment owners can hear the appearance of a whistle, hum, howling from the street, which intensifies in very windy and cold weather. These troubles sometimes arise after two or three years of operation of the structure.

Due to the large difference in pressure in relation to the street and the room, the movement of air flows forms a whistle, which can be heard even with the windows closed. The quality and tightness of plastic windows do not affect the elimination of noise, but, on the contrary, enhance it. The sounds of whistling, howling, and humming sometimes have a high volume that disturbs night sleep.

The monotonous noise does not allow you to think, relax, listen to your favorite music, or watch movies. Life in your own apartment can be ruined by a monotonous hum.

The article indicates the causes of whistling sounds and ways to get rid of it. For myself, I found the following useful information if window units howl:

  • main elements of a double-glazed window;
  • how to avoid whistling in windows;
  • ways to eliminate it.

Why does a plastic window or door whistle and howl?

When ordering windows for an apartment, we often find ourselves unprepared for the fact that after 2–3 years of normal use, the sashes begin to emit an unpleasant whistling sound that gets on the nerves when the wind blows. It is difficult to determine the cause upon visual inspection, but when the doors are opened, the noise disappears. Why do plastic windows whistle from strong winds and what to do in this case?

Reasons for whistling in plastic windows

What to do if a visual inspection of the sash does not reveal any defects, but the plastic window or door still whistles? Then the reason must be sought in the design of the assembly seam

. Most likely, the installation was carried out in violation of the technology, as a result of which gaps were formed between the frame and the wall, where air could easily enter. This means that the window is not airtight and under the slopes is not protected from the external environment.

Why does the whistle occur? It's all about the sealant that was used to process the seams between the frame and the slopes. The first few years, while the integrity and elasticity of the material are maintained, no whistling is observed, and the cold air remains under the slopes. When the sealant comes away from the plastic, cracks appear, which cause noise in strong winds.

This means that when installing the window, the craftsmen saved foam, which is why large air cavities and cracks formed under the slopes. This indicates an unprofessional approach to work and is regarded as a defect.

Adjusting window sash fittings350
Adjusting balcony door hardware850
Cleaning and lubrication of window sash and door fittings150PVC and wooden with double glazed windows
Elimination of distortions, deformations, manufacturing defects of the window sash/door1350/1850
Replacing the seal, l.m.200
Sealing the seam with polyurethane foam, l.m.300
Sealing the seam with silicone sealant, l.m.from 100depends on the depth and thickness of the seam
Installation/dismantling of slopes, window sills, p.m.from 500depends on complexity
Replacement hinge rotary/poly-folding2500/3500

Another case is when the noose whistles

plastic window. This happens due to improper assembly of the product, when the workshop does not use templates, but does the work “by eye.” This results in a loose fit of the sash to the frame in the area of ​​the awnings, leakage of the window and whistling in strong winds.

How to eliminate whistling without dismantling slopes

To get rid of the whistle, you need to find a gap between the slopes and the frame. Visually, such places can be detected by traces of dust. If the sound disappears when you press the panel, it means that this is where the air passes into the room.

To eliminate the whistling, you simply need to remove traces of sealant, which is a dense white or transparent mass similar to rubber. If you are not bothered by the cold in your apartment, then you don’t have to cover the seam. Otherwise, use a synthetic or acrylic sealant that does not create noise effects.

Getting rid of noise by dismantling slopes

To get rid of the noise forever, and at the same time from the poor work of the installers, you need to open the slopes, carefully removing the final profile and panels. Then the old foam is cut off and the window is foamed again, paying attention to the main installation seam along the perimeter of the frame. In this case, the window is not dismantled.

The master will arrive in a specially equipped vehicle, which has all the necessary tools and spare parts. The repair will not be postponed to another day and will not be delayed.

The technician will carry out repairs in accordance with GOST and the requirements of window component manufacturers. Upon completion of the work, the master will draw up a contract. With us you can forget about poor-quality repairs.

The next day after the repair, we will send an SMS inviting you to leave feedback. All reviews are moderated by the director of the company directly. Your review will not go unnoticed.

When is the hum heard?

If your plastic window is humming at home, you are unlikely to hear howling all day long. It is usually observed under a number of conditions. In particular, to obtain such an effect, you need intense movement of air masses outside the window and their impact on the structure. In short, for windows to howl, you need a wind that seems to play on them like a musical instrument.

In this regard, we can draw a conclusion based on the seasons. The question of why plastic windows whistle most often arises in the fall. You can hear the howling coming from the window openings in winter during snowstorms and wind. But in the summer, during the hot, dry months, this problem rarely occurs.

Also, windows that have been in use for a long time usually sing. New, newly installed products usually have good sealing. And even if there were errors with the installation, they will probably appear over time, and not in the first month of use.

The reason is the difference in pressure

This can be verified using a simple example. If you pump out all the air from a three-liter jar and close it with a lid, it will bend into the inside of this container. In this case, any, even a tiny gap will lead to air being sucked into the can through it, which will be accompanied by a sound effect in the form of a whistle.

Due to the operation of ventilation located in the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom or in the house itself, as well as due to the difference in temperature, the thinness of the air increases. A decrease in the pressure of air masses in the apartment increases the force of their penetration from the street through window slits.

Any window, even the highest quality and very expensive, has one or more microscopic holes that allow air to pass through. They usually appear during the installation of fittings, mosquito nets, and anchor plates. They are attached with self-tapping screws that create holes. Although their caps cover these cracks and seem absolutely airtight, however, as the pressure difference increases, air flows tend to penetrate every microscopic hole in the plastic where the screw is screwed in.

Air begins to circulate in the inside of the window, then comes out of other similar cracks located in the room. For example, from the places where window handles, fittings, stamps, and sealing material are attached. Minimum size holes and high pressure produce loud sounds in the form of a squeak, whistle or hum.

When the noise is heard too often, it is due to a strong pressure difference.

How to deal with hum?

If the windows in the apartment sing, specific measures to solve the problem should be taken by figuring out what exactly the problem is. Often a structural inspection is enough for this.

If a plastic window is humming for the most common reason - due to blowing - by eliminating it, you will eliminate the sound. Most often, the problem is solved by additional use of polyurethane foam. If howling comes from the slopes, you need to remove them, the window sill and ebb, foam around the perimeter and then return the elements to their place.

In addition, if you managed to find the exact area where the plastic windows howl, and the reason is the sealant, you can try to simply rip it out at the place where the sound originates. Sometimes such a small measure can eliminate an unpleasant hum, but it will not solve global installation problems. Moreover, the blowing will remain and worsen.

Another solution that will not help eliminate the global consequences of poor installation is changing the sealant. Windows with silicone usually hum. Often the howling disappears if you replace the used sealant with acrylic or treat it with a synthetic one.

Window fittings

Window fittings ensure the mobility of the sashes and are responsible for the tightness of the connection, opening and ventilation modes. This is the most loaded structural element, which most often needs replacement and adjustment. That is why when choosing a window and fittings you need to pay great attention. Read more about window fittings.

The visible part of the fittings are handles and hinges. Loops are divided into external and hidden.

To increase operational safety (in particular, if there are small children in the house), handles with a lock or button are installed, the accidental opening of which is excluded. The design of the handles is varied: the colors and shapes of the element allow you to harmoniously fit the window into any interior.

How to find the cause and instructions for eliminating the whistling

Close the sash to the position where you hear a whistle. Try to determine where it is coming from. When you find the intended place, press the sash in this place. If the pressing force affects the whistle, it means it is blowing through the seal. If the whistle does not change in any way, no matter how hard you press, it means it is blowing from other places and you should look further.

Switch the window sash to micro-ventilation mode or loosen its pressure by slightly turning the handle. If the whistling stops, it means the air is coming from self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

If there is a whistle from the seal

Open the window sash, find two drainage holes on the inside of the frame at the bottom and simply cover them with something. Even a crumpled piece of bag will do. There is no need to stuff the bag inside the holes; just cover each hole with it. Next, close the sash and listen to the window. If the whistling stopped, then that was the reason. You can leave everything like that, or better yet, figure out how to close them carefully and correctly.

If there is still a whistle, then open the sash, remove the plugs from the outside and seal the holes with tape. Make sure that the tape is evenly glued and does not allow air to pass through. Next, close the door again and listen. If it doesn't help, then read on.

  • Plug outside the window
  • Drainage inside the window

If it whistles from other places

The first thing to do is to determine which of the fastening elements you have access to and process them one by one, identifying the whistling area. As a rule, these are always two screws for fastening the handles, and self-tapping screws for fastening the mounting plates.

It is not necessary to completely unscrew the screws. Simply unscrew them a little, drop some sealant into the hole and screw them back on.

We recommend starting with the screws that secure the window handle. To get to them, you need to lift and turn the cap of the base of the handle.

  • Window Handle Screws
  • Strike plate on frame
  • Another striker

If after treating all the places you still hear a whistle, then look more carefully for a place where air can pass through.

Suction of air flows through drainage plugs

All plastic windows are made with special drainage holes in the bottom of the frame, through which water is removed and air penetrates into the frame, then released into the room from microscopic holes or sealing material.

Reasons for whistling windows

Usually, when the owner of an apartment does not hear any noise when opening any window sash, he gets the impression that the rubber seal is unusable and needs to be replaced. There are main reasons for unpleasant sounds:

  1. Wrong regulation. Every year, any window requires switching it to summer and winter mode. Windows must be adjusted no more than twice in one year due to possible wear of the seal, which will lead to constant whistling. The window will be adjusted quickly and correctly by a specialist who will install it, taking into account the possibility of adjusting it yourself in the future, without turning to professionals.
  2. Illiterate installation or poor quality assembly of plastic windows. This error must be corrected by the company that provided the windows and replaced if necessary or adjusted properly. Incorrect window installation can create a whistling noise in windy conditions. In this situation, you should check for gaps and cracks that allow air into the room. Next, you need to call the specialist who installed the windows, and he will eliminate the existing cracks, along with unpleasant sounds.
  3. Lack of seal. Polyurethane foam was used instead. But it is not resistant to moisture, and water entering through the foam will gradually wash away the layer, forming holes that will cause whistling. There is also the possibility of poor cleaning of the window opening during installation. If foam is applied to a poorly cleaned surface, it will not adhere, resulting in cavities that create howling noises. As a rule, the installation of any plastic window is accompanied by many nuances. Sometimes it is enough just to correctly adjust the micro-ventilation of the glass unit. The long service life and ease of use of a window depend on its competent and high-quality installation, which must be carried out by a qualified craftsman.
  4. Wear and tear of the structure, elements and material. For example, the hinge has moved or the silicone sealant for sealing the joints that connect the window frame and the slope has become unusable. Typically, the service life of a window is two to three years, after which a whistling noise appears. To correct the situation, the sealant should be replaced, and a new one should be applied to the entire perimeter of the window. This will help get rid of the noise problem forever. This task will be handled quickly and reliably by professionals and will free you from unnecessary hassle.

How to find the cause and instructions for eliminating the whistling

It is necessary to close the sash to the level where noise appears. Next, find the place of its origin and press on the sash exactly there. When a whistle is heard when pressed, air penetrates through the sealing material. While maintaining the volume of noise at the moment of pressing in one place, air enters through other elements that need to be detected.

If you still hear noise when you move the window door to micro mode or release the pressure with a minimal turn of the handle, air is entering through the self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

When there is a feeling of noise coming from the sealing material, it is recommended:

  • open the window door;
  • find a pair of drainage slots in the lower part of the inside of the frame;
  • close them with any plug you have at hand. In this case, even a crumpled piece of a bag will do, which will cover all the existing cracks;
  • close the door and listen. The disappearance of noise will confirm that the reason for its appearance lies precisely in these holes, which can be blocked with any material.

If the window is still making noise, you can try the following: open the window, remove the plugs located in the outer part and seal the cracks with tape. It must be glued evenly and tightly, without allowing air flows to pass through. To check, the sash is closed again and the window is listened to. When maintaining noise, you must follow the recommendations below.

When the wind blows through the window, it is necessary to check all the available parts of its fastening, process each one and identify the problematic one that creates the whistle.

Typically, a pair of handle fastening screws and each self-tapping screw that fastens the fittings' strikers are checked and adjusted. At this stage, complete unscrewing of the screws is not required. Usually they are slightly unscrewed, a small amount of sealant is dripped into the holes and secured in place.

Expert tip: First check and seal each screw that holds the window handle together. To do this, slightly lift and turn the cover belonging to the base of the handle.

It happens that processing each window element does not eliminate the audible whistling noise. In this situation, you should continue to look for parts that allow air to pass through.

If all else fails

By following the recommendations listed above, it is possible to eliminate the problem of howling in windows, but not always. There are situations that do not correspond to the above advice. The last attempt is to adjust the fittings to the winter position. But it is better to do this very rarely, due to the rapid wear of the fittings and seal if they are regularly pressed hard.

Sometimes a whistle can appear from a window opening, creating the mistaken impression that it is happening in the window itself. In this case, the outer side of the window is processed along its entire length, trying to prevent air flows from getting into the installation seam.

Why does a plastic window hum?

The whistling and howling of a newly installed PVC profile can infuriate anyone. And if there are small children in the apartment, daily serenades become a real test for the baby and his mother. Most often, the means at hand do not help protect yourself from unpleasant sound: earplugs only muffle it, and trying to destroy like with like and turning on the music loudly is a bad idea that can cause a quarrel with neighbors.

Why do plastic windows cause annoying noise, and what phenomena lead to the endless “singing” of their elements? What parts of the structure become sources of unpleasant whistling? Most often, slopes and decorative profiles emit groans, but the causes of extraneous sounds will be discussed further.

Origin scheme

Experts build the following scheme for the generation of buzz:

  • A gust of wind tries to penetrate into the room from the street.
  • On the side of the slope it is met by finishing elements made of plastic: as a rule, these are dense sheets that differ from each other in thickness. Another obstacle to the flow is the silicone sealant - an adhesive that cracks and peels off over time.
  • As a result, we hear howls.

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from such a noise attack. However, caring owners of plastic windows can easily prevent it. How to protect yourself, and why is it so important to check the design for compliance with GOST requirements?

photo from website: okna-reg.ru

Plastic windows hum: what to do and what to look for the cause

The importance of complying with all rules and regulations is a guarantee of the long service life of your structure. However, small businesses like to save on the production of PVC profiles. What are the consequences of such a careless attitude towards an irreplaceable product? Elimination of necessary procedures and substitution of materials for cheaper and lower quality analogues is a problem that daily leads to serious disruptions in the operation of mechanisms.

There are several important technological stages of frame installation, the change of which causes a defect:

  • lack of vapor barrier material;
  • the PSUL (pre-compressed compactor) was not installed;
  • during installation work, the window opening was not cleared of construction debris;
  • workers did not level the surface before installation.

Instead of protection, discomfort

Whistling sounds, drafts, and crackling noises prevent you from fully resting at night and frankly irritate everyone in the house. This is the first step towards neurosis, sleep disturbances, and anxiety in children. Faded whiteness is not as annoying as monotonous whistling and noise. We will have to find out what the reason is, since the sound from the windows will not go away on its own. The most common causes of such defects are: improper installation, deformation of parts, worn out seals.

Related article: How to attach a sill to a plastic window from the outside

Why do PVC windows crack?


The most common reason why windows crack is that they are not installed correctly. This may be due to a violation of the technology for installing the structure in the opening or poor-quality measurements taken, or neglect of some significant factors affecting the operation process.

For example, the cause of unpleasant sounds may be due to the fact that the measurer did not take into account the fact that the structure is being installed in a new building, where shrinkage will take place over several years. As a result, the walls shift, the level of pressure on the plastic frames changes, and high tension arises.

Another important factor is that the window profile is installed too tightly. As a result, the walls put increased pressure on it, the windows crack, and make other sounds that shouldn’t exist.

Among the violations of the requirements for the installation process, there is another important point: loosely tightened fittings. As a result, unreliably secured hinges and handles during use affect the structure itself, causing it to loosen, which is accompanied by extraneous sounds.

To eliminate these shortcomings, you will need the help of a specialist. If you recently purchased windows, contact the window company that was involved in the production and installation of your window structures; they are obliged to correct any mistakes made.

Material quality

If an independent external inspection does not reveal any errors made during installation, then the reason may be hidden in the quality of the materials used in the manufacture of the window profile. Poor quality material can cause a window to crack. So, excessively soft plastic can become deformed in the cold season, which will lead to the appearance of extraneous unpleasant sounds: crackling, humming, whistling. This nuisance is called the “sail effect”.

Low-quality plastic can undergo significant expansion (compression) under sudden temperature changes, which is typical for certain Russian regions. In addition, the materials from which the slopes and frame are made have different densities, which aggravates the situation. According to the installation technology, to solve this problem, a special stabilizing corner is installed.

If the sounds emitted by a window are caused by an incorrect choice of material, then the problem can only be solved by dismantling the structure and installing a new high-quality window system.

Video description

The window whistles: what to do?

Poor quality profile

If upon inspection no visible damage is found, then the problem should be looked for in the raw materials. Among the common defects, professionals highlight the “sail effect.” Unscrupulous manufacturers use unsuitable material for regions with harsh climates. Plastic that is too soft shrinks at low temperatures, resulting in an unpleasant hum and crackling sound.

Common window problem

Low-quality raw materials expand during sudden changes in degrees from hot to cold, which provokes noise from the profile. If the density of the main structure, frame and slopes is different, then the feature enhances the unpleasant effect. The problem should be neutralized by a stabilizing corner, which is not always installed.

Violation of assembly technology

Plastic windows can whistle if they are not assembled correctly. If employees at the factory violated technological requirements, then regular monotonous noise will appear a few months after installation in the room. The manufacturer must check designs at all stages, but sometimes exceptions occur.

You can prove a manufacturing defect only by contacting the company that created the profile. The owner of an unsuccessful glass block needs to order an examination. If you refuse to eliminate the defects, you will have to go to court.

Humming from the window


A whistle from a double-glazed window can warn of mechanical damage. The slightest crack in the profile will cause air penetration and noise. Oxygen often passes between the frame and the glass or sashes.

What causes whistling and buzzing sounds?

People often encounter the problem of whistling from windows during strong winds. From gusts of strong wind, a thin whistle can be heard, sometimes the window buzzes so much as if it is about to fall out onto the street. A whistling sound may indicate the following problems in the window system:

  • improper installation work;
  • violation of assembly and manufacturing technology;
  • not adjusted fastenings, moving elements;
  • long service life and material wear.

Incorrect assembly technology

One of the first reasons for whistling from the window may be poor-quality assembly of the system. To exclude this factor, you need to invite specialists for diagnosis. Employees must carefully check the hinges, seam tightness, seals and identify the cause. If it is a manufacturing defect, then the manufacturer must replace the window or repair the defects on site.

Violations of the installation technology include a loose fit of the seal, lack of a sealed seam, large gaps, and cracks. The presence of such defects provokes drafts and whistling sounds. Installation specialists and a representative of the manufacturer should come and try to correct the defects. Work defects can come in two common forms:

  1. Incorrectly formed seam, which is held only by polyurethane foam. Wind, heavy rains, snow, and sun gradually erode the layer of polyurethane foam, making it thinner. It is logical that air from the street will begin to seep through the cracks. If the tightness is not corrected in time, flooding of the slopes, dampness, and mold will begin.
  2. Violation of the technology of adhesion of polyurethane foam and window opening. Insufficient cleaning of the window opening from dust and small debris leads to a lack of strong adhesion to the polyurethane foam. Small cracks form and the cavities into which the street wind blows, irritating everyone in the apartment with whistling noises.

The installation of plastic structures should be carried out by qualified installers from a trusted company. Independent installation work or failure to comply with GOST standards will lead to defects. Compliance with the rules, experience and practical skills will help you do everything quickly, without violating the prescribed technologies. You need to entrust complex and painstaking work to those who give a guarantee for the long service life of all parts and components, and in the event of a breakdown, are ready to eliminate the defect.

If all else fails

In 90% of cases, the tips described above help, but if nothing helps, then try adjusting the fittings by switching them to winter mode. Please note that this is a temporary solution, because... under conditions of strong pressure, the seal and fittings wear out much faster.

It is also possible that it is not the window that is whistling, but the window opening, and the cause of the whistling is located between the window frame and the opening. If this is the case, we recommend treating the window from the outside around the perimeter, preventing air from entering the area of ​​the installation seam.

Perhaps you will find the reason by following the advice from the article about blowing air through plastic windows. This article is not about whistling, but where there is whistling, there is blowing, so we recommend that you read it.

In general, if all the methods we described did not help eliminate the whistling, then the reason is poor-quality windows or is much deeper and more serious. And to find out, we recommend using the services of specialists. This will be better than ruining the window.

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