Why do the windows in the house sweat and how to get rid of the leak?

Many housewives who monitor the cleanliness and comfort of their home ask the same question: what can I use to clean the windows so that they stop sweating? As you know, with the arrival of winter and cold weather, the windows begin to “cry” and this needs to be dealt with somehow, but how? How can I get rid of condensation formed on the glass surface? We invite you to find out with us by reading useful tips, as well as learning about effective methods of dealing with condensation. By listening to the recommendations in this article, housewives will once and for all forget about sweating windows, because they will only delight you with their shine and cleanliness.

Condensation or put up with dampness and lack of comfort in the house

Often wooden windows sweat due to the fault of the owners themselves. The greater the difference in air temperature in the apartment and outside, the longer in such weather a window or window is open for ventilation, the more likely it is that after closing the window, “tears” will flow down the glass, and they can be quite abundant. In addition, if the ventilation in the apartment is not well adjusted, problems with fogging of wooden windows cannot be avoided. Thus, if we are talking about an apartment in a multi-storey building, cleaning and adjusting the ventilation will help to avoid fogging of the wooden windows in it.

It would not be superfluous to take basic measures, which, however, will help identify the sources of temperature decrease and condensation formation on the windows. They can be unclosed or poorly closed doors to the street, entrance, bathroom, toilet.

Increased air humidity in the room also contributes to the appearance of condensation on wooden windows, which is formed as a result of washing, drying wet things on radiators, etc.

In addition, thick curtains on the windows, as well as a large number of indoor plants on the windowsill, which also breathe, will cause wooden windows to sweat.

Oddly enough, but old wooden windows, in which cracks form over time, or new, but not very high-quality windows, which also do not avoid the presence of cracks and cracks, fog up much less, because it is through the micro-cracks that fresh air leaks in, which to some extent regulates the internal temperature in the room and promotes the circulation of fresh air. This is why wooden windows with slits sweat much less, no matter how funny it sounds.

However, if the room temperature is below +17 degrees, glass fogging is also possible.

And finally, it is worth remembering that preparing for winter should be done not in late autumn, when the cold is knocking on windows and doors, but in warm times, which will avoid fogging of wooden windows and window “crying” in the winter cold.

Every year, with the arrival of cold weather, owners of apartments and houses with wooden windows face the same problem - fogging. All attempts to insulate window openings with silicone, polyurethane foam and other materials sometimes only further aggravate the problem. In especially severe cases, windows create real “sobs” when condensation flows onto the window sill, and from it onto the floor. As a result, the shutters swell and opening them in the spring turns out to be quite difficult.

But the problems are not limited to this: houses become damp and cold, and sometimes mold or even mildew may appear. After several years of dealing with such a problem, you may even come to the need for expensive window replacement. First you need to understand why wooden windows sweat, and only then decide what to do in such a situation.

Why do windows sweat?

To understand how to solve the problem of window fogging, you need to find out what reasons can lead to this.

Flowers on the windowsill are one of the most common causes of condensation on windows

As a rule, this problem manifests itself for a number of the following reasons:

1 High level of humidity in the room. This problem often causes kitchen or bathroom windows to fog up. If there is high humidity in the room, condensation will form on the windows. Frequent cooking leads to a worsening of the situation, faulty ventilation or hood, drying clothes after washing.

2 Poor circulation of heat from various heating sources. This problem most often occurs in the fall or spring, when it is still cold and humid outside and the indoor temperature is not warm enough. Warm air does not enter the lower part of the window sill, especially if it is wide, and condensation forms in this place.

3 Incorrectly installed windows. Experienced installers carry out this work in accordance with all standards, so no problems arise. Those who charge less for work cannot guarantee a high-quality result; they are usually in a hurry and perform the installation with deviations from the norm. In such situations, the structure is not completely sealed, and cold air can penetrate into the middle of the room. Another problem during installation is level mismatch. Over time, the window frame warps and the seal is broken. This can cause problems not only in the formation of condensation, but also in the operation of the window as a whole: opening the sash, operating the fittings, etc. If you install it yourself, the scenario is approximately the same, without experience, if something goes wrong you won’t even be aware of this before the first signs of a problem appear.

4 Poor quality glass unit. This problem also often arises due to the desire to save money. Poor insulation or faulty fittings in windows allow cold air to enter, causing condensation to form.

5 Double-glazed window. This is the so-called cold glazing system, which is used only for non-residential premises. This design does not have sufficient thermal insulation properties, which leads to the appearance of condensation.

6 The fittings are not adjusted correctly. During seasonal temperature changes, the profile can expand and contract. Therefore, window fittings are adjusted according to the season. Otherwise, the seal of the window may be broken and it will begin to sweat.

7 The insulation has worn out or was initially of poor quality. All window structures are equipped with a seal, which is located along the contour of the sash. It tends to wear out or harden over time. In cheap models this happens faster, so the window “sweats”.

8 Clogged drain holes. You can find them at the bottom of the opening sash. Their purpose is to allow water to flow down the outside of the glass when the sash is in ventilation mode. When the drainage holes are clogged, water flows onto the windowsill indoors.

9 Plant on the windowsill. If the flowers are very close to the window, there is a high probability that condensation will begin to form. Plants release moisture or it evaporates after watering.

How to fix the problem

Once the problem of the weeping window has been identified, it is necessary to move on to the stage of solving it. Since the window sweats either due to high humidity in the room or due to low temperature in the area of ​​the window, you need to start by eliminating these problems.

  1. Increase the air temperature near the problematic window. Those who have an autonomous heating system need to tune the boiler and adjust the batteries under the problem area. If the apartment has central heating, it is necessary to: clean the radiators, add several sections of batteries, install a heat fan.
  2. Reduced humidity. You can reduce the humidity in the room by regularly airing it. Cold air dries out the humidity in the apartment. It is enough to ventilate the room for 15 minutes to reduce the humidity by 15-20%. It is recommended to move all indoor plants from the windowsill, as they produce moisture, which settles in the form of condensation.


How to properly wash windows to prevent them from sweating

We bring to your attention some ways to eliminate the “crying” effect on glass.

Method 1

Most often, oily glass fogs up and retains moisture. How to clear condensation from glass and prevent further fogging? Follow this instruction:

  1. Wash the window with warm soapy water.
  2. Wipe with a clean, damp, lint-free cloth.
  3. Dry the glass using a scraper fitted with a rubberized attachment to remove moisture.
  4. Soak a sponge in alcohol (vodka).
  5. Apply alcohol to glass.
  6. Let dry.

Method 2

To prevent the window from sweating, use a saline solution. For this:

  1. Dissolve half a tablespoon of salt in 4 liters of water.
  2. Filter.
  3. Wipe the glass with the solution.

Method 3

Use a mixture of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The alcohol evaporates, and the glycerin forms a film, thanks to which water does not settle on the glass. So:

  1. First, wash the window with warm water.
  2. Wipe with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Apply the mixture onto the glass with a swab.
  4. Don't wash it off.

Method 4

We offer an effective recipe for preventing the effect of “crying” windows:

  1. Wash the window with a damp cloth.
  2. Mix 10g glycerin with 20g potassium oil and 2g pine turpentine.
  3. Apply the paste to the glass with a cotton swab.
  4. Take a wool cloth and polish the glass.

Method 5

A simple and effective way to prevent windows from sweating is to use crumpled newspapers as a glass cleaner. Printing ink has a moisture-repellent effect, and as a result, windows do not fog up for a long time.

Method 6

There are many chemicals available to prevent glass fogging. These are special liquids, aerosols and wipes. They contain weak acids and surfactants. When applied, they create an invisible film on the glass that repels water, ensuring glass cleanliness and good visibility.

Using them couldn't be easier:

  1. Remove water deposits from the window with a damp cloth.
  2. Apply the aerosol (liquid) to the glass.
  3. Leave it for some time to take effect.
  4. Wipe dry.

Method 7

To prevent the glass from fogging up and freezing, use concentrated liquid glass cleaner “Li-Lo”. It is sold at any hardware store. Apply it as follows:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in the concentrate.
  2. Apply a small amount of product to the glass.
  3. Dilute the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Wet the swab in the solution and repeat the treatment.
  5. Do not wash off the solution.

Suitable substances

There are several substances and folk remedies that will help eliminate fogging of a window indoors:

  • glycerol;
  • alcohol or vodka;
  • saline solution;
  • newspapers;
  • chemicals with weak acids and surfactants;
  • shaving cream.

Each of the proposed methods has its own principle of influencing condensate.


This is a trihydric alcohol that can be found in any home, because it is added to almost all detergents and cleaning products.
This substance dissolves well in water and alcohol, so glycerin is often mixed with alcohol to eliminate condensation on windows.

Glycerin cleans glass and creates a barely noticeable film on the surface of the glass, which prevents drops of moisture from accumulating on the surface.

Alcohol solutions

Vodka or alcohol have a cleansing effect and remove all debris and dirt from the surface of the glass unit.

Thanks to this, glass treated with such substances will not attract condensation, and if it does appear, it will not linger for long.

If you make an anti-fog agent based on glycerin and alcohol, the effect will be more expressive. This is due to the fact that glycerin reduces the surface tension of water droplets and, in combination with alcohol, gives a better result , whereas when using the substance separately, a greasy film forms on the surface of the glass.

Salt based

It is known that salt is a substance that can draw water. This is why a saline solution can prevent moisture from appearing on windows.

Important! When using a saline solution, all the salt must be dissolved in water, otherwise there is a risk of abrasive damage to the glass unit.

Use of newspapers

The use of newspapers is important not only for simply cleaning glass from dirt, since newspapers do not leave streaks, but also for removing fogging.

The newspaper ink used to print text contains a substance that can rub the glass unit and protect it from the accumulation of moisture droplets. It is recommended to try this option first: if it turns out to be ineffective, you should move on to using chemistry.

Store-bought defoggers

To remove the formation of ice and moisture on windows, use purchased products. They are available in aerosols and liquid form. Aerosols are consumed much more economically , while liquid formulations are more expensive, but more of them are needed.

The task of such anti-foggers is to prevent the sudden appearance of condensation. The products contain alcohol, additives and flavorings. When alcohol gets on a glass surface, its adhesion decreases. Because of this, small drops become larger, and under the influence of their own weight they roll down. The glass remains clean.

Anti-foggers for car windows work according to this principle, so if you can’t find a product for home, you can use compounds for cars .

Shaving product

Another unusual, but no less effective method is the use of shaving cream or foam. This method is considered “old-fashioned” but it helps against fogging, including the windows in the car. You can use any shaving foam or cream, even expired ones. The principle of operation is that the product contains glycerin, which prevents fogging.

Note! Some apartment owners with this problem also recommend using toothpaste - it will act on a similar principle.

Defogging products

Constantly treating glass with specialized products will help remove moisture. But there are also several effective folk methods that get rid of condensation.

  1. Special products create a protective film that repels moisture. You can purchase the “miracle spray” in departments selling household chemicals.
  2. If it is not possible to purchase a special liquid for condensation, use folk remedies:
  • Saline solution is an effective method in the fight against moisture. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 3 liters of water. Wipe the window with the resulting solution twice a day.
  • The soap solution creates a film and repels water. Dissolve any detergent in 1 liter of water. Wipe the glass with the resulting liquid first with a damp sponge and then dry.
  • Alcohol protects against moisture, however, it is recommended to use it only in a cool room.


There are many reasons why double-glazed windows fog up. To eliminate this unpleasant moment, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and control the air humidity in the room.

Is it possible to rub window panes to prevent them from sweating?

The problem of fogging and condensation collecting on windows is not new. Such difficulties are often encountered by apartment owners where window products are installed incorrectly . Another cause of fogging is poor ventilation.

This also includes the difference in temperatures outside and in the room, and high humidity in the room.

Windows are often covered with condensation only in the lower part of the glass unit, which indicates that condensation accumulates around the entire perimeter and flows down.

When faced with the problem of fogging, owners are looking for quick solutions, but without eliminating the original cause, it will be difficult to solve this problem .

One of the most common options is to rub the window product with soapy water. Dirty and greasy glass, especially in rooms where smoke accumulates, holds condensation very well. If you remove dirt and grease from the glass, there is a chance that drops of moisture will not linger on the surface of the glass unit.

Note! For the technique to work, it is important to carefully check the quality of ventilation, as well as normalize the temperature and humidity in the room where double-glazed windows are installed.

Why do plastic windows sweat?

Quite a large number of people who use plastic windows are faced with the problem of fogging. The condensation that appears on the double-glazed windows degrades the illumination of the room and negates the view from the windows. The reason for this may be the indoor microclimate in combination with the weather outside, unscrupulous installation, as well as some other phenomena listed below. But, as a rule, the question is formulated like this: “Why do plastic windows sweat a lot?”

Many people, not wanting to delve into the issue, without talking, place all the blame on the company that produced and installed the foggy windows.

In fact, the fault of manufacturing companies and installers is the reason why windows “sweat” in only 4–5% of cases.

Fogging is the formation of water on the surface of a window. Actually, this water is called condensate. It occurs in situations where the air temperature in the room is higher than the air temperature directly near the window. Also, the appearance of water droplets on your double-glazed windows is affected by the level of humidity in the room. Accordingly, the colder the double-glazed window and the higher the humidity, the more often and more strongly the windows fog up.

Very often the question and complaint is heard: “Wooden windows didn’t sweat, why do the plastic windows you installed sweat a lot?!” The fact is that Soviet windows with wooden profiles have a greater distance between the outer and inner glass, therefore, the glass on the side of the room has a temperature higher than the outer one. Which does not mean that wooden windows have better thermal insulation than PVC windows.

Equipping your window with a thin, single-chamber double-glazed window. A standard double-glazed window without the use of energy-saving technologies is almost guaranteed to fog up in the winter.

Solution: replacing the glass unit

Attention! There is no need to replace the entire window, just change the glass unit

Difficult ventilation in the room.

Solution: it will be enough to check and, if necessary, clean your ventilation grilles and ducts;

Window sill located directly above the battery. This location makes it difficult for warm air to circulate in the room, which leads to the above-mentioned temperature difference and the appearance of condensation.

Solution: you can reduce the depth of the window sill, install an additional glass heater, or move the battery to a greater distance from the wall;

Failure to winterize your windows. Windows that operate in summer mode have a lower degree of thermal insulation. The consequence of this is the low temperature of the inside of the glass unit.

Solution: switch windows to winter mode;

There are plants on the windowsill that produce moisture.

Solution: Remove the plants to another location;

Solution: regardless of what kind of windows you have installed, you need to ventilate the room for at least ten minutes every day;

An error was made when installing the windows. Careless work of the specialists who installed the windows can lead to the occurrence of blows that lower the temperature of the glass unit.

Why do windows sweat?

There are several reasons why windows may sweat and here they are:

  • Poor or poor-quality ventilation of the room or apartment as a whole.
  • Large difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures.
  • Plumbing that leaks.
  • Poor bathroom ventilation and high evaporation during bathing.
  • Gas stoves used in winter for heating the premises.
  • The hood is missing or malfunctioning.
  • If there are too many indoor plants at home, then the reason may be hidden in them. Moisture released by flowers can settle on the surface of the glass.
  • There is a large distance from the heating radiator to the glass - the flow of warm air quickly cools down without reaching the window.
  • No floor or ceiling insulation.
  • Before the onset of cold weather, no prevention was carried out with wooden window frames.
  • Manufacturing defects of double-glazed windows.
  • Incorrect installation of windows.
  • During the installation of double-glazed windows, unscrupulous builders poorly sealed the cracks, as a result of which cold air penetrates into the space between the windows.
  • Drying clothes in places that are not intended for this.
  • Also, windows can sweat if new plastic double-glazed windows are not opened slightly in winter in a special mode that provides natural ventilation.

What to do if wooden windows fog up

Fogging of glass in windows and balcony doors, that is, the formation of condensation on them, is a common problem, especially if not modern high-quality double-glazed windows with airless space between the glasses are used, but an ordinary wooden frame.

Deterioration in the quality of “sweating” wooden windows

Condensation, constantly present on the surface of wooden products, noticeably worsens their condition and shortens their service life.

When applied to window frames, this rule is doubly true - after all, moisture not only constantly flows onto the wood, it flows to where it cannot evaporate naturally - into the thinnest gap between the glass sheet and the wooden plank! If we also take into account that only the outer parts of wooden frames are usually covered with varnish, paint and other types of protective films, it becomes clear that condensation causes irreparable damage to the structure.

Before deciding what to do if wooden windows fog up, you first need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Why do wooden windows sweat?

Glass, both in wooden and PVC frames, can fog up in different ways. If moisture forms on the inner glass on the side facing the room, this most likely means an increased level of humidity in the room.

This phenomenon is especially common in the kitchen when preparing food, in crowded small rooms or poorly ventilated bedrooms.

In the kitchen, condensation is formed due to the active release of moisture into the air when water boils, and the lower the air temperature and the hotter the water in the pots, kettles and sink, the greater the amount of water vapor will be in the room and the more the glass will “flow”.

If the side of the window glass that faces the inside of the frame (the outer side of the inner glass and the inner side of the outer glass) fogs up, we can talk about a seal failure.

If a double-glazed window on a wooden base is used to furnish a window and a similar effect is observed, there can be only one conclusion - there was a defect in the production.

In a conventional frame made of boards and slats (jointwork), this defect means poor sealing of the glass.

The option of glass fogging along the edge (in places adjacent to the frame) means that the spacer frame (a strip of material separating the outer and inner glass) has too high thermal conductivity, which leads to the formation of a so-called “cold bridge” and a decrease in the temperature of the glass sheet in the room. A lower temperature compared to the rest of the surface causes condensation to accumulate in this area.

Ways to deal with condensation

The fight against condensation is carried out in different ways depending on the reasons that cause it.

When the inner surface of a window fogs up, caused simply by increased humidity in the room, the main ally becomes high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation or at least regular ventilation - at the same time, the humidity level decreases and the windows delight the owners with a clean, dry surface.

What to do if wooden windows inside the frame fog up? There are two possible options here. The first is the simplest and most radical - replacing the window. But this is not always possible and necessary. The second option is more complex and requires special skills.

It is required to vacuum (make airless) the space between the individual parts of the frame as efficiently as possible or, conversely, to establish high-quality ventilation of the same space. This is a rather complex and not always effective process.

Traditional methods of dealing with “sweating” windows (rubbing the glass with a special composition from a mixture of glycerin, alcohol, liquid soap and other similar components, pouring salt or cotton wool into the space between frames, and similar methods) rarely bring the desired result.

Fogging of glass along the contour can only be combated by replacing the window as a whole (if a double-glazed window is used) or, again, carefully sealing the frames.

The general conclusion from the above is quite simple: in order not to incur extra costs for ventilation, additional sealing and other operations in the future, it is better to immediately purchase high-quality wooden windows with reliable sealing of the glass unit and a heat-insulating spacer frame.

We produce Euro-windows from laminated Angarsk pine timber from larch or oak wood, in three price categories, which will allow you to choose an option based on your budget.

Step by step instructions

To get a positive result, it is recommended that you read the step-by-step instructions for using each of the listed products.

Use of glycerin

First, you need to treat the glass unit with soapy water - this will help remove all dirt and congealed dust on the surface. Next you should follow the instructions :

  1. Mix glycerin with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Wipe the window with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Prepare several cotton swabs.
  4. Wet the swabs alternately in a solution of glycerin and alcohol and wipe the glass from top to bottom.

Important. Much attention should be paid to those places where condensation was usually noticed. It is important not to wash off the applied solution, but to leave it for a couple of hours. If streaks appear on the window, they can be removed with a soft cloth.

How to remove fogging from windows using glycerin:

Alcohol or vodka

Vodka or alcohol can also be used without glycerin. To do this you need to follow the instructions :

  1. Dissolve the detergent in warm water and mix.
  2. Use a soft cloth soaked in soapy water to remove dust and dirt from the glass.
  3. Wipe the glass with a dry, lint-free cloth.
  4. To completely remove excess moisture, you need to run a scraper along the surface of the glass.
  5. Soak a foam sponge in alcohol or vodka.
  6. Gently lubricate the glass with a sponge.

It is important to wait until it dries completely and do not wipe the window with alcohol after treatment.


This method is considered the most accessible, since old newspapers are found in almost every home. To process glass using this technique, you must :

  1. Take clean newspapers.
  2. It’s good to crumple them and unfold them.
  3. Wipe the glass from dust and dirt with soapy water and a microfiber cloth.
  4. Unfold the crumpled newspapers and wipe the dried glass with them.

Note. Printing ink has a water-repellent effect, so condensation will not form on the surface of the window in the future.

Shaving foam

Few people know that with the help of ordinary foam or cream, shaving gel, you can prevent the appearance of dampness and condensation on the windows. To do this you need :

  1. Wash the glass well with soapy water.

  2. Wipe the glass dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
  3. Prepare the foam: it can also be expired - it doesn’t matter.
  4. Apply a thin layer of foam from the dispenser onto the glass.
  5. Gently rub the foam into the glass.
  6. Treat all glass in this manner.
  7. After 2 minutes, wipe the glass completely dry.

You can use this technique often without fear of damaging the quality of the glass unit.

Liquid saline solution

Salt can draw out moisture, so the use of a saline solution will be justified. To do this, follow the instructions :

  1. Dissolve an incomplete tablespoon of salt in 4 liters of warm water.
  2. The solution is mixed well.
  3. After a couple of minutes, the solution must be filtered through a sieve to remove undissolved grains of salt.
  4. The glass is first cleaned of dirt and dust and wiped with a cloth.
  5. A clean rag is soaked in the solution and the glass is wiped with it.

Note! If after treatment with the salt composition a white film appears on the glass, then it is necessary to dilute the solution with water and repeat the procedure again.

Chemical goods from the store

The simplest, but not the most budget-friendly way to save windows from fogging is to use commercial glass anti-foggers. How best to do this :

  • purchase a composition made in the form of an aerosol;
  • following the instructions, spread the composition on the surface of the glass;
  • wait for the product to take effect;
  • wipe the glass dry.

The cost of such products starts from 120 rubles; you can also use compositions designed to eliminate fogging of windows in the car interior.

Causes of dew formation

The fact is that the very question of why wooden windows sweat is posed erroneously. Since both wood and plastic frames never sweat, at least no one has seen this yet. The frame material has nothing to do with it at all. Under certain conditions, any, for example, Finnish precious wooden window will fog up in the same way.

The formation of condensation on glass is influenced jointly or separately by three factors: cool air outside, high humidity and a double-glazed window with poor thermal insulation.

In winter and autumn, we, together with shoes and clothes, bring a lot of water and snow into the house, which saturate the air and the windows begin to “cry”. With all this, the wooden structure of the window absorbs the flowing condensate, swells and actually stops opening normally.

An increase in the humidity of the indoor atmosphere due to washing and drying clothes and working in the kitchen leads to the immediate appearance of dew on the cooler surfaces in the room, which are usually window glass.


Why do wooden windows “cry” in winter?

To questions from readers of the magazines “Ideas for Your Home”, “New House”, “Apartment Answer”, “100 Answers from Professionals.

The presence of countless indoor plants on the windowsills and thick curtains on the windows are other reasons for the windows to fog up.

Why don’t old wooden windows often “cry”? Due to its own structure and condition:

  • Old wooden frames have many intensively ventilated cracks. If you painstakingly caulk such a window in the fight against them, it will fog up in the same way, as the temperature difference will increase and air circulation will worsen.
  • In addition, the old windows have two frames, separated by an impressive space that acts as a buffer. If you bring the frames closer together or completely abandon one, the thermal insulation will decrease. It turns out that only double wooden windows do not get wet.

Eliminating fogging

There are several basic methods to help avoid fogging. Most of them don't even require any special skills or equipment.

Ventilate the room more often

Air humidity can increase due to various reasons: cleaning, cooking, drying clothes, and even due to human breathing. If the ventilation in the room is adequate, then problems with condensation can be avoided by periodically ventilating the room. However, if this has to be done more and more often, then it’s time to check the ventilation ducts and, if necessary, clean them or equip them with fans.

Install the correct double glazed windows

When choosing a double-glazed window, you should pay attention to what climate zone it is designed for. Remember: the wrong choice will result in significantly reduced efficiency

When selecting, take into account the temperature and humidity in the room and the climate. For example, for central Russia, double-glazed windows will be sufficient for frosts of -20 degrees, since more severe cold weather is rare here.

When choosing a double-glazed window, it is necessary to take into account the climate

Improve air circulation

In an attempt to avoid drafts, owners of wooden windows try to caulk and seal all sorts of cracks. Unfortunately, because of this, the air exchange between the house and the street worsens: a barrier stands in the way of drier street air, circulation drops, and all the moisture accumulates in the apartment. As a result, we get not only foggy windows, but also swollen frames, which will be very difficult to open.

You should remove polyurethane foam from such a “sealed” window, starting from the top

It is important to carefully notice changes, if any. If condensation remains, you should continue to remove the seal.

Organize proper heating

There are several key points here. First of all, heating devices should be placed directly under the windows. One of the causes of dew is incorrect installation of radiators or their poor performance. Radiators should be moved under the window - this will simultaneously improve air circulation and help heat the room. Otherwise, there will be stagnation of cold air, and the windows will constantly “cry”. Moreover, in most cases, wooden frames cannot be completely dried unless there is a heat source underneath.

A properly installed radiator improves air circulation in the room

During periods of falling room temperature due to heating problems, many people use gas stoves as an additional source of heat. Unfortunately, this option is far from the best, and simply unsafe. During operation, a gas stove pulls oxygen from the air, instead releasing huge amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide. These combustion products gradually fill the apartment and, of course, raise the overall temperature, but in return they leave fogged windows, and in especially serious cases can negatively affect the owner’s health.

Eliminate other possible factors

Other factors that can cause dew to form on windows include:

Ventilation valves on windows. Special ventilation valves, which some manufacturers install in the upper part of the window, can significantly reduce the likelihood of fogging. The outside air flowing through them will help maintain convection near the inner glass. If absolutely necessary, you can make them yourself.

It is quite possible to install the ventilation valve yourself.

Window sill width. As already mentioned, radiators should be located under the windows, but an excessively wide window sill can negate all their effectiveness. Its width should be such that rising warm air can easily heat the window glass, taking away excess moisture.

Condensation and wooden windows

As a rule, in houses with wooden windows the problem of fogging is not known. This is due to the structure of the wood itself, which allows air to circulate and they are not as airtight as plastic ones. This way the room maintains a normal level of humidity.

Wooden windows rarely sweat, but if this problem occurs, immediate action must be taken

Modern window designs are completely sealed. On the one hand, this is good, because the room becomes much quieter and warmer after their installation. This prevents air from circulating as it was originally intended.

To get rid of condensation, sometimes it’s enough just to ventilate the room daily. This will help natural air circulation and prevent fogging. In addition, some modern window systems have special channels for micro-ventilation. But wooden windows can also sweat, but why does this happen?

Why do wooden windows sweat?

Using a fan heater, you can blow off foggy windows

As in other cases, the first reason for the formation of condensation is excess humidity in the room. If the air humidity is more than 50%, this is immediately reflected in fogged windows.

To get rid of condensation on the windows, arrange for them to be blown with warm air. To do this, you can use a heat gun, fan heater, air dehumidifier, etc.

Incorrect installation of radiators can also cause this problem. If the radiator is located far from the windows, it will most likely not be possible to completely get rid of the appearance of dew. For normal air circulation, the radiator will have to be placed in the correct place. In addition, a cold wall that is not heated by a radiator will also cause frost to form on the window.

Why do double glazed windows sweat from the outside?

Why do double glazed windows sweat from the outside?

this probably means outside the glass, but inside the room... so, sweating, the so-called condensation, forms not only on modern double-glazed windows, but on any windows in general due to poor ventilation of the room.

Double-glazed windows have nothing to do with it. So check your hood or ventilate your rooms more often.

Yes, there really are cases of fogging (condensation) outside the window!

I read the answers, but did not find the reason indicated, so I’m telling you that this happens due to improper installation of windows in the openings.

Possible causes of fogging outside:

The first reason is that when installing the windows, sufficient thermal insulation was not made with mounting foam or polystyrene foam, the window frame and the walls (concrete, the brick of the wall is in contact with the profile of the window frame).

The second reason is that the window is significantly shifted inside the room in relation to the “dew point”, precisely because of this, significant heat loss occurs and condensation forms outside the window!

Such gross mistakes can be made either by illiterate, careless installers, or amateur amateurs! In any case, you need to redo it, if installers from the office installed it, then you need to poke their nose at them and let them redo it (and at their own expense!), and if you installed it yourself, well, now have experience and teach others from your mistakes!

Fogging from inside the room occurs due to high humidity, and from the outside, as a rule, when the basement steams, if there is a fault in it, which often applies to dilapidated housing stock, where basements are very damp, and sometimes steam, creating high levels of humidity around the house.

If you have glass in the room - the bag fogs up from the outside of the surface, and condensation even flows onto the window sill, then in this case you will need to reduce the humidity of the room by creating an additional ventilation hole on top of the heating radiator in the window area (as shown in the photo ).

Eliminating fogging

To prevent high air humidity from spoiling the atmosphere of the room, it is worth familiarizing yourself with methods that will help prevent it. Many options do not require special equipment or special skills.

To ensure that the air humidity in the apartment does not exceed permissible limits, the ventilation in the room must be well equipped. Humidity changes due to wet cleaning, drying washed clothes, and preparing dishes in the kitchen.

The presence of problems that cannot be dealt with most often means the appearance of blockages in the ventilation ducts. They will need to be cleaned or supplemented with fans.

Install the correct double glazed windows

When choosing double-glazed windows for installation, you need to pay attention to what climate the product you like is designed for. When choosing, be sure to take into account the humidity and temperature in the room, some climate features

If, when buying double-glazed windows, you choose the materials incorrectly, their efficiency during operation will be low.

Improve air circulation

Many homes undergo thorough caulking and seal any cracks. But in this way it is often possible to only worsen the air exchange between the street and the interior of the house. By disrupting the air circulation in the room, the owners get an accumulation of moisture in the apartment, subsequently condensing on the windows, it saturates the frames, which because of this greatly increase in size.

To correct the situation, you will need to free the window from the polyurethane foam. You need to start the procedure from the top

It is important to pay attention to how and when the design of the wooden frames themselves changes. If condensation continues to bother you, you will need to remove the rubber seals and replace them with new ones

Organize proper heating

To maintain positive temperatures in your apartment, it is necessary to build the heating structure in such a way that the radiators would certainly be under the windows. Installation of air conditioners and radiators, if done incorrectly, can be one of the reasons for the appearance of dew.

When heating appliances are located away from windows, heating the room is poor. Simply moving the heating devices changes the air circulation, which creates an unhealthy atmosphere. With the correct location of heat sources, it is possible to prevent stagnation of cold air, due to which the windows ooze moisture. Without a nearby heating device, it is difficult to dry wooden frames even in the warm season.

Eliminate other possible factors

Other factors that can affect the internal temperature of a room may include:

  1. The condition of the fittings has a significant impact on the atmosphere in the room - problems can arise if any elements malfunction. On windows they can become uncovered elements. Difficulties often arise with ventilation valves.
  2. Window sills do not need to be made large in width - the size should be selected so that warm air coming from below does not encounter obstacles to heating the glass. In this way, the influence of moisture evaporation into the air can be reduced.

When choosing methods to combat window fogging that could help influence the source of moisture, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions of the double-glazed windows, the region, and weather conditions. Sometimes there are too many unfavorable factors: why wooden windows sweat can only be found out by consulting a specialist. After establishing the reason why the window glass is “crying,” you can begin to eliminate it.

The only reason windows fog up is when water vapor accumulating in the air reaches the so-called dew point, which is the temperature at which steam turns into water droplets. This does not happen if the room temperature is within the normal range and if there is no source of excess moisture in the room.

As you can see, the investigation into the cause forced us to develop two directions of search. Further, the search algorithm will branch out even more.

The main causes of foggy windows and recommendations for their removal

Single glass block

When purchasing a window, do not store it on a double glazed unit. With single pane glass and double pane glass (not energy efficient), you will most likely experience a phenomenon called "fog window".

What to do: Replace the window with double glazing (not a window, a double glazed window).

Charged battery

The window should be blown out with warm air.

The radiator covered by the threshold does not allow the hot air to circulate properly and thus does not heat the window.

What to do: reduce the depth of the window shelf or remove the battery, and sometimes prepare an alternative source of heating the glass.

Poor ventilation in the room

The ventilation grilles are clogged with dust and are poorly drawn into the damp air so that they remain in the room.

What to do: Clean or replace the grilles, if not in them, make sure that ventilation is good and that moisture is usually removed from the room.

Flowers on a window shelf

Completely exhaust moisture. It forms on a double glazed window, forming a form of condensation on the glass.

What to do: Remove flowers from windows.

Not supported for windows in winter mode

Windows set to summer mode have less insulation than winter mode, making the inside of the glass cooler.

What to do: Switch the windows to winter or summer mode.

The room is ventilated for less than 10 minutes per day

No matter what kind of windows you have, they need to be opened and ventilated.

Microventilation mode is ideal for this.

What to do: ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes a day.

Errors during installation

However, it is rare that the window installation company did not select the windows or install the lines correctly.

The result is blowing, which causes the temperature of double glazed windows to drop, making the window sweaty.

What to do: To remove the source of cold air.

Very often there are sweaty windows that are located in the kitchen. The kitchen tends to have the highest humidity. The causes of this dampness are multi-purpose, from gas boilers to pots and washbasins.

Useful tips on how to deal with condensation

Regular ventilation is important to prevent “dew on the windows” and for human health.

Sometimes a problem catches you by surprise, and you have to look for a solution literally on the fly.

If for some reason it is not possible to find the root of the problem, professionals recommend preventing window fogging using the following recommendations:

  • If condensation appears on your windows, first of all you should remove all plants from the windowsill. Plants evaporate moisture, which is when problems arise.
  • Ventilate your apartment regularly. Spend 10-15 minutes daily on this, let it become a kind of ritual
  • You need to install a hood in the kitchen. With its help, most of the moisture that appears during cooking will be absorbed. This will help reduce the humidity level in the room itself and prevent condensation. You also need to adjust the draft of the device; if it is too strong, the result may be the opposite.
  • Windows need to be inspected regularly for damage. Carefully check the fittings once a year and the seals for wear. If necessary, faulty parts must be replaced
  • Once a season, the fittings must be switched to winter or summer mode
  • try to increase the air temperature in the room. In some situations, this is enough, and when the temperature stabilizes, condensation stops forming
  • make a window sill already. This is relevant if “dew” appears mainly at the bottom of the window. This means that the heat from the battery does not reach this area
  • make an additional hole for ventilation under the window sill. It must be end-to-end. Additional ventilation will increase air circulation and possibly prevent condensation.

Ventilating the room can not only help combat condensation, but will also be beneficial for the health of the inhabitants of your home.

The causes of condensation can be completely different. In some cases, the problem is minor, for example the same flowers. Therefore, before taking drastic measures, it is worth taking these preventive actions.

Reasons for fogging of plastic windows

Many blame manufacturers or installers for this, but in reality it is the result of improper use.

  1. A more economical option was purchased, that is, a single-chamber plastic window.
  2. The plastic windows in the apartment also sweat because of the radiator underneath, which is blocked by a large window sill, making air circulation difficult. To eliminate this reason, you can simply make the window sill smaller.
  3. Double-glazed windows fog up due to improper insulation of slopes. This means that before the onset of cold weather, the cracks in the opening were not sealed or the outside was not insulated with appropriate material.
  4. The reason why plastic windows fog up often lies in the ventilation, which prevents moist air from escaping. To eliminate this problem, you just need to thoroughly clean the air duct.
  5. The cause of condensation on plastic windows can be vegetation on the windowsill, which helps to humidify the air in the room. Remove indoor flowers, and the problem will solve itself.
  6. Often, owners have a question: why do plastic windows sweat and cry if all possible reasons have already been considered? Indeed, in fact, even low vapor permeability of walls can be the cause of such a deplorable condition.
  7. Windows also fog up due to improper installation.

If high-quality double-glazed windows were used and they were installed properly, then why do the windows sweat in this case?

Most often, they, like everyone else, fog up in winter. What’s interesting is that the design on some of them involves winter ventilation, which the owners don’t even suspect is present, but this will prevent them from fogging up. This is an additional reason why it sweats.

The design of the windows themselves

We also pay attention to the design of the windows.

The choice of glass in three rows is not at all uncommon

The mechanism of moisture formation here is as follows:

As two initial premises we have:

  • the room temperature is quite comfortable - 23 degrees;
  • There is moisture in the air, you can’t go anywhere without it, but there is no need to talk about its excess content - so the question arises of how to eliminate fogging of wooden windows, in this case, what to do when there seems to be no visible reason.
  • in addition, it has been checked that the windows are not damaged and do not allow cold air to pass through;
  • and the reason is that the temperature outside is significantly lower than the temperature inside, and moisture begins to condense in the air layer near the window;
  • The natural way out of the situation is to increase the temperature of the air “overboard” adjacent to the glass from the outside:
  • It is clear that this cannot be done if you have antique single-pane windows;
  • if the window is made of two glasses, then seal the space between the glasses, increasing the temperature inside. Such a seal on modern windows leads either to their complete inspection and the elimination of ways for cold air to get inside, or to an increase in the number of cameras - installing two or even three cameras. It turns out to be a kind of system of temperature locks, when the air temperature in each subsequent chamber is higher than the previous one.
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