What to do if plastic windows sweat - an overview of the main causes and methods for eliminating condensation

Why windows sweat - causes and their solutions

Fogging of glass leads not only to poor visibility and light transmission, but also to the appearance of dangerous mold on windows and slopes.

Therefore, we want to figure out why windows sweat and how to solve this problem:

  • Why do plastic windows sweat?
  • Why do windows sweat in winter?
  • Why do wooden windows sweat?
  • Why do the windows on the balcony sweat?
  • Why does he sweat between the windows?
  • What to do if plastic windows sweat
  • What to do when wooden windows sweat
  • How to prevent windows from fogging up

Why does condensation form?

In autumn and winter, so-called condensation begins to appear on plastic windows, this is due entirely to a physical reason: water vapor in the air of different rooms, interacting with the glass of the windows, forms droplets at the beginning of the dew point. As the drops get larger, the window begins to “flow.”

This is the dew point, considered the temperature, and water vapor cools down to it, which becomes the appearance of this condensation. This happens when water comes into contact with objects that are colder than the surrounding environment. For example, this is the upper layer of the atmosphere, when clouds come, dew forms on the grass and the glass begins to fog up.

This entirely depends on the humidity of the air and the temperature when the steam is formed into the water. Some sources claim that the dew point in houses is formed at 18 degrees, but when there is high humidity, there is no dew point, because the surrounding area will be humid everywhere.

Let's look at the different places where condensation occurs on windows in order to apply the correct method to get rid of it.

Which windows are more susceptible to condensation?

Oddly enough, fogging is mainly a problem with new products. Soviet frames that have served for half a century usually have their own microcracks - an indicator of old age and wear. Additional air exchange passes through them. Therefore, a situation where wooden windows in a Khrushchev-era building sweat can be observed quite rarely.

New designs are initially more airtight. That's why the PVC windows that were just installed in the house sweat. Although sealed products made from other materials can also be susceptible to condensation under such conditions. So before you think about why wooden windows in newly installed houses fog up, think about whether additional ventilation was provided due to the previous rotten frame.

Structures located in rooms with poor microclimate are also at risk. If the bathroom windows are wet, there’s probably no need to explain why. An installation error or defective glass unit will appear in the kitchen, where something is often boiling on the stove. An additional contributing condition is a problem with the hood in these rooms. It will also be clear why water is observed on the windows in the boiler room of a private house.

The windows are sweating from the outside

In winter, ice can often form on the outside of the window. It is worth knowing that icing should not occur, because the very absence of heat served to form it and the walls of houses, as a rule, are built specifically for freezing; after a certain time, they collapse.

Therefore, in winter, when it rains and freezes on the windows, it destroys the brick even more. It follows that moisture can also affect walls.


  1. The thermal insulation of the space between the wall and the frame was carried out poorly - there was not enough foam or the seam was made with bubbles.
  2. The slopes were not insulated well enough
  3. Poor sealing of the seal between the sash and the frame
  4. The window in the opening is located incorrectly, for example, inside the apartment, so the dew point is not formed as expected, but outside.

The following steps should be taken:

  1. Insulate the space between the wall and the frame
  2. Replace rubber seals
  3. Move the window, thereby moving it correctly outward.

Double-glazed window installation

To understand the reason for the appearance of condensation, let’s look at the design features of such blocks. They include:

  • The frame that is the basis of the system. To make the frame, a hollow plastic profile of suitable width is used. The geometric parameters of the window frame directly depend on the design of the double-glazed window. The base material is reinforced with aluminum to increase strength characteristics.
  • A double-glazed window consisting of one or more glasses connected to each other layer by layer while maintaining an air gap between the layers. The thermal insulation properties of an element directly depend on the number of layers. The choice is made taking into account the climate zone and the purpose of the room for which the plastic windows are intended. For residential premises, as a rule, 2-3-chamber structures are chosen. For northern regions, 4–5 chambers are preferable, as they allow better heat retention inside the house.

  • Fittings that ensure opening/closing of the sash during operation, if provided for by the design. This also includes handles and locks. Sometimes plastic windows are made blind, without the presence of sashes. The functioning of such structures does not require fittings.
  • Additional details, which include slopes, strips, window sills. Plastic is also used to make them. The characteristics and geometric parameters directly depend on the installation location and the size of the window opening.

Attention! Made from high-quality raw materials in compliance with regulatory requirements, the double-glazed window is completely sealed.

The windows are sweating inside

It’s not good when the window has just been installed, and water has already appeared inside the glass unit.

This may occur due to:

  1. Depressurization of a double-glazed window
  2. Profile broken during installation.
  3. A crack that appeared during transportation of the window

Let's consider the solution to each of the three problems

Getting rid of condensation

To combat condensation, you can use special means. They are quite easily applied to the surface, forming a high-quality protective film. Manufacturers suggest using a spray, aerosol, or liquid. The release form does not affect the effectiveness, but only determines the ease of use. The composition of the special products is selected in such a way as to remove condensation without damaging the plastic from which the windows are made. There is no need to worry about the appearance of characteristic streaks and stains after treatment.

Attention! You should start processing glass only after the microclimate in the room has normalized. Otherwise, condensation will very soon appear on the windows again.

If it is not possible to purchase a special product, you should pay attention to folk remedies. These include:

  • Glycerin, which is applied to previously washed glass with soapy water and thoroughly dried. To prepare the solution, mix alcohol and glycerin in a ratio of 20 to 1. The alcohol will evaporate quickly enough, and the glycerin will form a thin protective film that protects well from the appearance of condensation;

  • Newspapers. When washing windows, many housewives carefully wipe the window with newspapers to give them a characteristic shine and get rid of the characteristic stains remaining on the surface of the glass. This method is also effective in combating condensation, since the printing ink applied to the surface of the paper has special properties that provide a water-repellent effect on the glass surface.

  • Soap. To combat condensation, the glass is first thoroughly washed. Then draw a mesh with a piece of soap and rub it thoroughly with a dry cloth, completely getting rid of traces. Similarly, you can protect a mirror from condensation in the bathroom.


Sealing for a window is important, so its absence is due to improper manufacturing or installation. Causes:

  1. Distortion of the frame, which distorted the glass unit.
  2. Poorly attached sealant
  3. Poor quality material
  4. Incorrect installation that moved the glass unit

Most often, the malfunction comes to light in the autumn. It is recommended to invite the window manufacturer to determine who is to blame for this problem, the window installers or the manufacturer.

The four reasons stated above are eliminated by the organization free of charge and on time. The last problem is caused by the window installer.

How to avoid the problem

If you are just buying windows, but are already thinking about possible shortcomings, follow a number of tips. Most likely, you will not experience a situation where wooden or PVC windows fog up if:

  • you will purchase products from a reliable manufacturer;
  • An experienced person you know or an installer will inspect it for defects before installation;
  • installation will be carried out only by professionals.

In addition, pay attention to the organization of ventilation in the room. You may need a hood or climate control valve. Then you won’t have a situation where the windows sweat from the outside.

The question of why plastic windows sweat is asked by those who have encountered this problem. There are several reasons:

  • depressurization of the glass unit;
  • high humidity in the apartment;
  • the temperature regime is violated;
  • poor sealing around the perimeter of the profile;
  • temperature difference;
  • slopes are not insulated;
  • An inappropriate glass unit has been installed.

By finding out exactly where fogging occurs, you can more accurately determine which factor leads to this. Condensation can form on the inner surface of a window in an apartment, on the outside and inside the window - between the panes, as well as on the slopes and frame. Having established the reason why the windows “cry”, it will be easy to figure out what to do to get rid of it.

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Cracks form due to poor transportation or poor-quality installation. A crack can lead to depressurization of the glass unit, thereby allowing air to penetrate, after which ice forms.

You should not try to cover up these cracks yourself, this will not help completely solve the problem, it will only delay time. The glass unit should be replaced; such a function should be described in the contract. Glass is replaced free of charge, subject to warranty.

How can I prevent fogging in the future?

If condensation does form, it is worth considering some measures for the future to prevent fogging of plastic windows. Reducing the humidity level is mandatory. To do this you should:

  • Purchase a device that absorbs water vapor. It can be easily found in any specialty store. The cost of the device is relatively small, and therefore it is accessible to every family.

  • Regularly ventilate the entire apartment to reduce humidity levels. If the house is warm, the sash can be left to air for the whole day.
  • Remove flowers from the windowsill in the winter, as they are a source of excess moisture.
  • Turn on the hood while cooking dinner. Intensive formation of condensation is promoted by a simultaneous increase in the level of humidity and air temperature.
  • Dry clothes on the balcony or street. You should not use the interior space of the room or the battery for this.
  • Keep the ventilation shaft and battery open. In this case, it will be possible to ensure uniform heating of the air in the room and convective heat exchange.
  • Install a ventilation grill into the wide window sill, which will ensure the free passage of warm air.
  • Control the degree of heating of the heating batteries. If it is not possible to eliminate the problem through the efforts of utility workers, it is worthwhile to provide additional heat sources. A “warm floor” system or standard electrical heating appliances will cope with the task perfectly.
  • When installing, choose a higher-quality window design, the design of which was initially designed to prevent condensation from forming on the surface of the glass. So, for 4-5-chamber PVC windows, the thickness should be at least 7 cm. If the transverse dimensions are smaller, condensation will form more intensively.
  • Form a protective film on the glass surface that will not allow the smallest drops of water to settle on the glass. To clean the window, you should use napkins made of suitable materials. With a competent approach and a suitable combination, you will definitely be able to prevent fogging of plastic windows.
  • Treat the glass with an alcohol solution of glycerin. Acting as an antifreeze, such a composition prevents the formation of a protective film on the surface, preventing not only fogging, but also freezing of the glass.

From the inside

The most common problem with windows is the appearance of condensation from inside the apartment.

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  1. Incorrect installation
  2. The microclimate in the apartment is changing due to installation

Let's look at the first reason in more detail.

If this moisture problem is not addressed, fungus may appear. Reasons why fogging occurs:

  1. The windows were measured incorrectly
  2. Installed double glazing with one camera
  3. The doors were not secured well
  4. The gaps were poorly sealed
  5. The window sill and slopes were poorly insulated
  6. The window sill was installed incorrectly

Why do plastic windows in apartments and private houses sweat and cry?

It will not be news to anyone that every person wants to arrange their home as best as possible. Interior decoration of an apartment and house, choice of interior - all this is necessary and important. But you must admit that it is not only these things that determine how comfortable and cozy you will be in your own home.

Today, the issue of choosing windows is also relevant. Over the past few years, plastic windows have taken a leading position among all other types. Such windows are in great demand and popularity, and this is well deserved.

Thanks to a number of advantages of plastic windows, more and more people are choosing them, throwing away their old wooden frames without any hesitation. What advantages are we talking about?

For those who don’t know yet, we’ll tell you. Firstly, it has excellent tightness, thanks to which the heat in the house will be preserved as much as possible, and extraneous sounds will not disturb. Secondly, this is their durability.

To begin with, I would like to make it clear that fogging is the appearance of water directly on the surface of the window. It is this formed water that is called condensate. of reasons why windows sweat, both in an apartment and in a private house, regardless of what it is built from.

Foggy window

Let's look at the main ones:

  • Poor quality assembly and installation. There is an opinion among people that this is the very first and most common cause of weeping windows. But no matter how much you would like to believe it, it is not so. Yes, this happens. And most often this happens due to the inexperience of the technician or low-quality components, but, unfortunately, no one is immune from this. To reduce your chances of getting into a similar situation, take your choice of a professional, and the windows themselves, very seriously.
  • A more common cause of foggy windows is the lack of good ventilation in the apartment or house. To fix this problem, you need to take some time to clean your vents and clean them if necessary.
  • Would you believe that your favorite indoor plants standing on the windowsill can cause such inconvenience? If not, then it’s in vain. Due to the fact that some plants produce too much moisture, a plastic window can easily fog up.
  • Lack of ventilation. Remember that any room, be it in an apartment or in a private house, must be ventilated. By the way, this can not only help get rid of foggy windows, but will also be good for your health.
  • A fairly common cause of weeping windows is the location of the window sill directly above the battery. Due to this location of the window sill, air circulation in the room is disrupted, a temperature difference appears, which directly leads to the formation of water droplets on the window.

Reasons for sweaty windows
In principle, windows fog up, both in an apartment and in a house, for the same reasons. There are probably only a few factors worth noting:

  • In private houses, windows “cry”, as a rule, due to the lack of a constant flow of fresh air. That is, due to poor ventilation. If in new private houses there is at least some kind of ventilation system, for example, in the toilet or in the kitchen, then in old houses everything is limited to the door. It is because of this that we get dampness, mold, and drops on the window.
  • On the balcony, in principle, as in the entire apartment, a possible cause of “crying” windows could easily be renovation, either ongoing or already completed. This happens because the same recently laid tiles or just pasted wallpaper release a lot of moisture, which can settle on the window.
  • In winter , plastic windows sweat much more often. The reason may be that your window is equipped with a thin double-glazed window. Such a double-glazed window does not cope in the required volume with the task of energy saving, and therefore will regularly fog up.
  • Also, the reason that the windows “cry” in winter may be that it is already cold and sub-zero outside, and your windows are still operating in summer mode.

The windows were measured incorrectly

Let's consider the solution to the first problem of window defects. When installing windows, you should remember not to create bridges between the wall and the window. After all, windows of any material, touching the wall, conduct cold, a little more than a double-glazed window, and as a result, the frame sweats.

Only enlarging the opening or completely replacing it with a small window will help eliminate this problem.

“Crying” windows in an apartment and a house: how to solve the problem?

There are a fairly large number of methods for eliminating “crying” windows. So, let's talk about the most effective and common ones:

  • If you know about high humidity in your apartment or house, make it a rule to ventilate the room daily. It is also necessary to remove all indoor plants directly from the windowsill, because they release moisture, which will then settle on the window in the form of condensation.
  • Provide the room with good ventilation.
  • If your window can operate in two modes, then do not forget to use this function. Accordingly, in winter your window should not be in summer mode, and in summer – in winter mode.
  • Don’t skimp on buying windows; remember, the stingy pays twice. Since you have decided to replace your old windows with plastic ones, choose the highest quality ones. Properly selected and installed windows will serve you for many, many years.

Solving the problem of sweaty windows

  • If there is no hood in the kitchen, it would be good to purchase one. And use regularly while cooking.
  • If possible, windows should be kept in the “ventilation” mode. This will ensure a constant flow of air.
  • Don't forget that over time, all things break or wear out. Therefore, it would be a good idea to check the integrity of the fittings from time to time and, if necessary, replace components.

The window sill was installed incorrectly

Wide window sills are not a very good solution - hot air does not flow correctly from the radiator to the window, so the window does not really heat up, and since it is not heated, a low dew point is formed, as a result of which the glass becomes damp.

If the window sill is not installed according to standard installation rules, it is recommended to reduce the window sill panel or make grilles in the panel.

To install grilles on window sill panels, purchase ventilation grilles as well as sealant. The working process is as follows:

  1. Place markings under the bars
  2. Make holes in the corners of the rectangle
  3. Cutting out a hole for the grill
  4. Measuring the grid
  5. The holes are lubricated with silicone
  6. The grate must be pressed down with something heavy

This article provides recommendations that will help you deal with a not very pleasant phenomenon, such as condensation on plastic windows; remember, only timely elimination of this problem will help to avoid it.

Checking ventilation operation

Be sure to check how the exhaust ventilation works. You need to check it in the cold season, with the heating running. It is enough to open any window slightly and hold a sheet of paper to the exhaust grille. If the hood is properly drawn, the sheet will be attracted to the grate and will not fall if it is released. If ventilation is poor or heating is insufficient, you should contact the organization responsible for operating the house.

If the hood is working properly, all that remains is to ensure the flow of fresh air from the street. It is necessary that the windows “breathe”, then they “will not want to cry.”

Photo instructions for eliminating fogging of windows

Briefly about window installation

The quality and service life of a window unit directly depends on compliance with production and installation technology. If the user cannot trace the first process, then the installation order can be controlled. This will avoid a lot of problems in the future.

Work begins with careful measurement of the geometric parameters of the window opening. The performance characteristics of the installed window unit directly depend on its quality. After this, you should contact the manufacturer to order a window unit.

Attention! Most often, companies involved in the installation of plastic windows take measurements themselves. It is better to entrust such responsible work to professionals.

The next step is to dismantle the old window unit, if any. You should act carefully to prevent mechanical damage to the window opening. The process is quite dirty and dusty. It is worth covering all pieces of furniture located indoors with construction film in advance.

Next, the window opening and the window itself are prepared for subsequent installation. Double-glazed windows are removed from the blind model. The doors are removed from the swing door. The protective film is removed from the outside, since if the apartment is located in an apartment building on the top floors, this will be quite difficult to do after installation. If necessary, elements for attaching a mosquito net are installed.

The installation ends with installation. At this stage, it is very important to ensure the correct spatial position of the mounted frame. As soon as it takes the desired position, the remaining elements are mounted and the functionality of the structure as a whole is checked. Particular attention is paid to thermal insulation work, since the likelihood of condensation on the glass surface largely depends on their quality. If everything is done correctly initially, there will be no difficulties during operation.

Thus, many people face the problem of window fogging. The reason lies both in natural processes and in the malfunction of ventilation equipment. A high concentration of water vapor in the air causes mold to form on the surface of the window unit, which negatively affects human health. By following the recommendations described above, you can create a comfortable microclimate in your home and significantly extend the service life of the window unit.

Other ways to eliminate condensation

Convection screens will help in the fight against condensation

But chemistry and folk remedies are not all that help cope with the problem of window fogging.

Of the other methods, the most effective are:

  • Using a fan, you can create air circulation in a room near a window. The device is placed on one of the window sills, and its direction should preferably touch several window sills at once.
  • Convection screens. This is a special device that directs a flow of warm air to the window and prevents condensation from forming. These screens need to be installed at an angle of 30-60 degrees. If the method turns out to be effective in your case, the device can be decorated in accordance with the overall interior of the room.
  • Electricity against dew on windows. This method is considered extraordinary, but in most cases effective. Foil, nichrome thread, or other material that conducts current is attached around the perimeter of the entire window. They operate at a voltage of 12-24 W. This solution warms the windows and prevents condensation from forming.
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