Glazing of balconies and loggias - types of glazing and installation technology

The presence of a loggia or balcony in an apartment increases its space and can be used in different ways. And the warmer the balcony, the more options for its use. The situation is similar with the loggia. If you look at high-rise buildings or private houses, the vast majority of them will have glazed balconies.

Moreover, today in the design of a balcony/loggia there is a clear trend - to use this room as a full-fledged room, separate or combined with the main apartment. And with such a task, the issue of balcony glazing becomes more relevant than ever.

Glazing of a balcony/loggia is the installation of a translucent enclosing structure made of window frames and/or glass on the balcony slab, which serves the function of protecting the room from cold and/or bad weather.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands?

In the general cost of glazing, the cost of installation work takes 10-15%, depending on the condition of the balcony, design features and floor.

The procedure for glazing a loggia or balcony is quite simple. Professionals spend from several hours to several days on it (determined by the degree of preparation of the balcony for installation work and its parameters).

But this is all theoretical; in practice, these are complex high-altitude installation works, which sometimes require the involvement of industrial climbers. You can glaze a balcony or loggia yourself, but it is not recommended.

Our task is to describe the key parameters of glazing in the form of detailed instructions, which contain a step-by-step description of all the work. And this is largely not a guide to action, but introductory information for understanding what it is, what types of devices there are and what stages the process consists of.

Balcony/loggia glazing options - types and types

The approach to glazing depends on four factors:

  1. balcony design: with extension, without extension;
  2. type of balcony glazing: cold or warm;
  3. type of glazing: framed or frameless;
  4. type of glazing: classic or French (panoramic);
  5. type of material used for the manufacture of the frame (profile): PVC, aluminum, wood, fiberglass composite. Material prepared for the website

Let us consider them in detail, classifying them according to the design principle, design features and source material.

Glazing in Moscow - prices for warm and cold glazing:

  • Prices for REHAU warm glazing (PVC profile)
  • Prices for cold glazing with Provedal aluminum profiles

Window cost calculator
Online balcony glazing calculator

Calculate the cost of glazing and balcony finishing work online

Glazing profile options


Glazing without extension

Essentially, this is standard glazing on an existing supporting frame. In this case, the glazing frame is in the same plane with the parapet of the loggia or balcony. This approach is good because the parapet takes on the main load.

Glazing of a standard balcony (without removal)

Glazing of a standard loggia

Glazing of balconies with extension (with extension)

A popular option because it allows you to expand the internal area of ​​the balcony. This approach to redevelopment is indispensable for a narrow balcony or if you want to grow plants on the balcony.

When installing an external structure, it is necessary to accurately calculate the load on the frame being created and ensure its redistribution to the parapet and load-bearing slab. In addition, external glazing necessitates the construction of a canopy over the frame and a window sill.

Glazing of a balcony with the removal of the window sill in Khrushchev

Glazing of the loggia with the removal of the window sill

Note. Extended glazing requires protection of the structure from external factors, so an extended balcony/loggia must be sealed from the inside.

Removable balconies

This is the name given to a structure that somehow, in a horizontal section, occupies a larger area than the slab. The glazed structure expands, due to this, the balcony becomes wider at the middle height. In the case of a wooden structure, the supporting beam extends diagonally beyond the plane of the slab. This structure looks a bit like a barrel.

If the frame is metal, the load-bearing part can be located at right angles to the plane of the railing. The glass will be located 10-15 centimeters further than the balcony railing.

A take-out balcony expands a person’s personal space. This does not require expansion of the slab itself, which is technically not feasible. But the frame must be reliable and light. It is better to choose sliding windows so that when opening they do not create additional load on the building.

Glazing type:

Scheme of cold and warm glazing of a balcony/loggia

Cold glazing of balconies

The type has been known since Soviet times, when there were simply no other options, and the issue of insulation and energy efficiency was not so pressing. Cold glazing involved the installation of wooden frames with one, very rarely two glasses between them. Today, aluminum profiles are used for cold glazing.

The system is justified if:

  • the balcony is not intended to be used as a living space, because the temperature difference will not exceed 5-7°C;
  • if the load-bearing slab is in unsatisfactory condition and its replacement is not possible;
  • if your budget is limited.

Nevertheless, cold glazing will successfully protect against bad weather, dust, wind and noise (not exceeding 10 dB).

Warm glazing of balconies

Significantly expands the scope of use of a loggia or balcony. The use of multi-chamber profiles with a thermal bridge (thermal break) for the manufacture of frames and multi-chamber double-glazed windows allows for a high level of thermal insulation. In turn, protection from external factors, cold, noise, etc., allows you to use the additional space as a separate room: an office, a bedroom or a place for training.

It should be borne in mind that warm glazing itself will not provide absolute thermal insulation and will not make the balcony as warm as a room in an apartment or house. Additionally, insulation of the floor, ceiling, walls and heating device will be required. But, moving the central heating battery onto the balcony/loggia is prohibited; you need to think about the heating system.

Warm glazing requires:

  • dew point calculation. It is important that it does not shift towards the room and does not appear as condensation on the glass. Moreover, it was not located between the glasses;
  • ensuring good moisture and thermal insulation of the floor, parapet, walls;
  • consider a system for opening the doors to ensure ventilation of the balcony.

We recommend: replacing cold glazing with warm glazing

Cold glazing. Step-by-step instruction

It is much easier to do cold glazing yourself, since it uses a lightweight frame structure, as well as single-pane windows. Instructions:

  1. Preparing the balcony.
  2. Measurements to know the amount of material that needs to be purchased.
  3. Installation of windows.

When installing windows, follow the instructions presented above. But you can also buy or order ready-made frame window structures. Then the installation process will go much faster, and it is quite possible to cope with it yourself, without assistants.

Glazing type:

Scheme of frame and frameless glazing of a balcony/loggia

Frame glazing

Allows you to securely fix the glass unit in a rigid structure. However, it does affect the degree of illumination. Many people are confused by the presence of a large number of jumpers, which make their eyes dazzle.

Frameless glazing of the balcony

It is a type of glazing in which there are no frames, and the fencing functions are performed by thick tempered or laminated glass with machined edges, which eliminates the possibility of getting cut.

Frameless glazing of the balcony makes it possible to increase the amount of incoming daylight and creates the effect of no boundaries. Due to the fact that with this type of glazing there are no frames to which the sashes could be attached, special attention is paid to the opening mechanism.

In particular, sliding and folding (sliding) systems are used for frameless glazing:

Sliding glazing of balconies is a design of rail guides that allow you to move the double-glazed windows to the sides (turn-slide system)

The sliding folding glazing system for balconies allows you to fold the windows like an accordion or a book (accordion).

Sliding glazing of balconies

Sliding folding loggia glazing system

In the first case, the doors do not require space to open; in the second, they require a so-called parking area where the doors will be assembled at the time of opening. Frameless glazing allows you to implement panoramic glazing of the balcony - an option that improves visibility.

The principle of folding a frameless glazing loggia system

Frameless glazing of the balcony

How to glaze a balcony: frame and frameless systems

Balcony glazing can be framed or frameless. The first option is represented by a traditional system of window blocks, which provides effective protection of the room from cold, precipitation and wind.

Frame glazing of a balcony (photos clearly confirm this) involves fixing a double-glazed window to a rigid structure made of wood or PVC, as a result of which several sashes are formed, which does not have the best effect on the degree of illumination. However, the frame system provides good sealing, reliably protecting the interior of the balcony or loggia from precipitation, gusts of wind and dust.

Frameless glazing of balconies implies the absence of frames, crossbars and sashes

The design is equipped with mosquito nets, which are installed in open window openings, so that annoying insects will not enter the room when the window is open.

The frameless version of glazing balconies with photo examples demonstrates the absence of frames, crossbars and sashes. This design consists of transverse guide profiles that are attached to the ceiling and parapet. The doors are made of thick tempered or laminated glass with machined edges, which eliminates the possibility of getting cut. On the upper and lower parts of the glass profile there are rollers that move it.

Advantages and disadvantages of frameless balcony glazing

The frameless system has a number of distinctive advantages. It creates the effect of the absence of edges, as a result of which daylight penetrates into the room, which is clearly displayed in the photo gallery of glazing balconies. The design elements do not take up much space. Thanks to the polished edges and durable glass, the thickness of which is 6-12 mm, safe operation is ensured. If the profile splits, which happens extremely rarely, fragments with blunt edges will not harm a person.

Frameless system provides the greatest penetration of daylight into the room

The durable glass can withstand a load of up to 370 kg, so there is no need to worry about it cracking if you lean on it. The frameless system is resistant to adverse weather conditions. Even strong hail cannot damage it. The unique design and opening mechanism allow the doors to be moved to one side, providing access to open space, as seen in the photo of glazed balconies.

Related article:

Decorating a loggia: interesting ideas, photos and recommendations for creating a design

The use of various materials for finishing. Design techniques for decorating the interiors of loggias.

The system does not require the use of special fittings. The design reliably protects the balcony or loggia from the penetration of precipitation, wind and dirt and dust. This type of glazing is easy to maintain. It is enough to treat the system with silicone twice a year. Frameless glazing gives the balcony and loggia (photos of the interiors clearly reflect this) an original appearance.

The frameless design has its drawbacks. One of the significant disadvantages is the low thermal insulation of the system. With such glazing, a mosquito net is not provided. It cannot be attached to glass, so the apartment is not protected from the penetration of annoying insects. The frameless system is characterized by insufficient tightness, in which it is significantly inferior to conventional double-glazed windows. During a rainstorm, the windows are likely to leak.

Important! You can increase the level of tightness using rubber seals and special sealant.

The frameless balcony glazing system has insufficient tightness

Installation of a frameless structure is a complex and time-consuming process that requires utmost attention and precision during installation of all parts. The slightest shift of a few millimeters will become a significant problem when moving the glass. Installation of the frameless system must be carried out by a specialist. In order for glazing to have an attractive and neat appearance, windows must be washed frequently.

Type of glazing:

  • Classic glazing involves installing a frame on an existing parapet. This method is chosen by the vast majority of users because it allows them to reduce glazing costs.
  • French glazing of the balcony. It is distinguished by a significant increase in the glazing area, because with this approach the parapet is dismantled and French windows from floor to ceiling are installed.

French glazing of a balcony (floor-to-ceiling windows) in a private house (inside view)

French glazing (windows from floor to ceiling, roof) in a country house (exterior view)

Type of material used to make the frame:

Types of window profiles for glazing balconies and loggias

PVC (polyvinyl chloride or simply plastic, metal-plastic)

Glazing of a balcony/loggia with plastic windows is the sole leader in the market of warm glazing systems.

The characteristics that determined this situation include: the absence of restrictions on installation (while ensuring proper reliability and strength of the base), the ability to choose the degree of thermal insulation (vary the number of chambers in the profile), the ability to choose the number of glasses in a double-glazed window, the presence of insulation, the stability of the material is practically to all environmental factors (except ultraviolet radiation). This allows us to say that metal-plastic windows will last for decades.

In addition to the mentioned advantages, the PVC profile allows you to ensure an optimal level of tightness, and therefore noise insulation, which is important in cities with high traffic. A significant advantage is the ability to choose the color of the profile for making the frame and the ease of maintenance of the structure.

The disadvantages are significant weight and questionable environmental performance, despite the fact that renowned manufacturers provide their products with certificates. Plastic glazing of a balcony/loggia is chosen for its reasonable price-quality ratio.

Note. The demand for PVC profiles for windows has led to the emergence of low quality products. You need to be extremely careful when ordering plastic windows for glazing.

Aluminum (aluminum window structures)

Glazing of balconies and loggias with aluminum profiles is chosen by those who prefer a cold glazing system. If an aluminum profile is used for a warm system, it must be equipped with a thermal bridge.

Aluminum profiles are distinguished by: lightness, the ability to choose the color or structure of the wood, strength, and environmental friendliness. Widespread distribution is hampered by the high cost, which is 1.5-2 times higher compared to PVC profiles.

Wood (wooden profile for windows)

Natural and environmentally friendly glazing of a balcony with wooden frames was the only possible option 30 years ago. Today they are being replaced by other materials. But, there are users who only accept wooden balcony glazing and the market responds to demand by offering wooden windows with double-glazed windows.

Modern wooden frames are distinguished by: high quality, excellent heat and sound insulation, naturalness, and environmental safety. Thanks to new technologies, wood undergoes processing that reduces the rate of its destruction. And the tendency of wood to crack and twist is leveled by the use of high-quality laminated veneer lumber in the production. The cost of wooden Euro-windows is 2.5-3 times more expensive than metal-plastic ones.

Balcony glazing with wooden frames with extension along the window sill

Glazing of a balcony with wooden double-glazed windows (inside view)

Note. Wooden glazing conflicts with sliding systems, into which water penetrates when opened. Therefore, they are not used if there is a desire to implement sliding glazing of balconies.

Pros and cons of wooden windows

Nowadays, many do not find enough advantages in wooden windows and believe that they have become unreasonably expensive. Why is it unjustified? Metal-plastic structures have more advantages, but this is only at first glance. Now I am speaking out in defense of this craft, and you will understand why.

Some point out that the main disadvantage is that wooden balconies are less suitable for retaining heat, and in winter you will not feel a single difference between the existing wooden balconies and the absence of glazing at all. But for some reason no one considers the fact that instead of ordinary glass you can use exactly the same two-chamber glass as in their metal-plastic counterparts, and fill the cavity between the inner and outer walls with insulation. In any case, the balcony will be ordered individually, so you can get everything you want.

If you decide on a wooden model, listen to the opinion of the craftsman who will do the work. Yes, you may want some patterns or carvings, but only he can explain to you how best to complete this work.

Every carpenter has one goal - to make you a satisfied client who will want to tell his friend about him who comes to him in a couple of weeks with a new order. An experienced carpenter will tell you which wood is best to use for the job, taking into account your financial capabilities and the climate of your region. Don't neglect his opinion.

For insulation, I advise using not polystyrene foam or mineral wool, but polystyrene foam plates. They are an order of magnitude smaller, so they will not create a bulky structure from the window, which will become even more inconvenient. In addition to this, they have more serious heat saving indicators.

On a note! Using the same principle, modern beekeepers insulate bee houses by making a polystyrene foam layer in a wooden hive, which helps the family keep warm in winter.

I want to immediately warn you that you will have to shell out a very good amount of money for all this. Someone says that wooden glazing is much cheaper than the same work, but with double-glazed windows. I assure you that there is nothing more expensive in this world than handmade work.

In addition to all this, remember that such windows require more meticulous care. If, for example, it is enough to simply wash the plastic, then in this case it will be simply necessary to re-varnish the entire balcony at least once every couple of years.

Safety requirements for glazing work

Attention! Balcony glazing is a dangerous construction job, so it is performed by specialists. Self-implementation is highly undesirable!

If you still decide to glaze a loggia or balcony with your own hands, then you should think through safety measures in advance. In particular, it is mandatory to use a safety rope: industrial (more reliable, more durable, more expensive) or sports (lighter, cheaper, service life does not matter if there are no plans to glaze balconies on a commercial basis).

Safety rope requirements:

  • working length (halyard, direct safety rope) 2.5-3 m. A short one will create difficulties in work, and a long one will not protect against injury if it falls off the frame;
  • a carabiner that can withstand a load of 4 times the user’s weight;
  • rope fastening - by arranging a separate fastening point. To do this, a metal anchor with a ring tip is screwed into the (load-bearing) wall, to which the rope is attached. After the work is completed, the tip is cut off with a grinder.

Warm glazing. Step-by-step instruction

The instructions for warm glazing are almost no different from cold glazing, as well as the step-by-step guide. But there are several features:

  1. It is necessary to think through the ventilation system in advance, since with warm glazing the frame structures will be completely sealed and will not let air through.
  2. You need to use at least double glazing, other options are not suitable.
  3. Frame structures for warm glazing are quite heavy, so it will not be possible to install them alone.

Balcony and loggia glazing technology - installation

Due to the popularity of metal-plastic windows, we will consider the process of how to glaze a balcony/loggia with plastic windows. Note that, unlike the loggia, the work performed on the balcony is more complex and labor-intensive.

Work order - step-by-step instructions:

Removing old balcony glazing

If the balcony has glazing, the old windows are dismantled and the load-bearing capacity of the parapet and floor slab is assessed. This will allow you to make accurate measurements for installing new frames.

Strengthening the balcony slab and parapet

  • The slab can be strengthened by creating a metal frame, part of which will be brought into the apartment;

Strengthening balcony slabs with channel bars

Restoration and expansion of balcony slabs with iron frame

  • The parapet can be strengthened by replacing it with a metal frame or with a new one, lined with brick or foam concrete (load-bearing, with a density of 1000-1200 kg/m3).

Balcony parapet frame made of steel profile pipe

Balcony parapet made of foam block

Note. When choosing a foam block, you should take into account that it requires the use of a special type of fastener - a chemical anchor.

Ordering frames and double-glazed windows

In addition to the windows, it is necessary to prepare tools (drill, hammer, hammer drill, tape measure, level, plumb line) and consumables (nails, dowels, foam, sealant, pads for the frame: flat ones of different heights and wedges).

Note. As a rule, window manufacturers do not trust consumer measurements and send out their own specialist.

Installation of a canopy over the balcony (upper ebb)

The canopy is installed before the frames are installed. It is attached with dowels to the top floor slab. The junction with the slab is filled with sealant. In the case of an external balcony, the canopy is also attached to the floor slab, which means you need to correctly calculate its width. When choosing the configuration of the canopy, care should be taken to ensure that it reliably covers the junction of the frame and the base and covers the foam. Otherwise, this unit will need to be covered with a special cover.

Upper ebb on the balcony (canopy)

A borderline case of installing a canopy may be installing a roof, if we are talking about glazing a balcony on the top floor.

Glazing of a balcony with a roof

There are two ways to glaze a balcony or loggia with a roof on the top floor of a house:

  • the roof is part of the glazing structure;
  • the roof is an independent element. In this case, it is installed before the installation of window frames begins.

When designing a roof, the following requirements must be met:

  • lightness, reliability, strength;
  • ability to withstand snow loads and strong gusts of wind;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • tightness.

To make the roof frame, it is advisable to use metal, due to the fact that the timber is subject to deformation. This uses:

  • profile pipe, welded frame;
  • profile pipe or angle, frame with screws;
  • trusses, triangles welded from a corner.

What roofing material is best to choose for a balcony roof:

  • corrugated sheets or metal tiles. Lightweight, durable materials, protected from external influences by several layers of paint, primer and galvanization. The downside is the need for additional sound insulation;
  • bitumen shingles. Pros - you can implement a roof of any shape. Minus - flammability;
  • polycarbonate The advantage is the ability to make a transparent roof. The disadvantage is the relatively short service life (the warranty period is 10 years).

The characteristic that these roofing materials have in common is their low weight, which means low load on the load-bearing foundations.

Preparing the window frame

To do this, the sashes are removed, and the double-glazed windows are removed from the blind sashes. Without them, the frame will become much lighter and easier to attach. To remove a double-glazed window, it is enough to pry off the glazing bead with which it is secured with a sharp knife or spatula. Beadings must be signed to avoid confusion when installing them back.

Removing the window bead

Note. The installation of the sashes is carried out together with the double-glazed window, so there is no need to disassemble it.

Sealing the support profile

The stand (window sill, profile) fits quite tightly to the frame, but it can be additionally insulated. To do this you need:

  • remove the stand profile; Material prepared for the website

  • glue a window seal to it; some craftsmen advise applying polyurethane foam;

Installing a stand profile on a window frame

  • insert the profile back into the frame.

Installation of windows on anchor plates

This is done when it comes to glazing a loggia. Then the entire frame is supported by anchor plates for windows, which fix it around the perimeter (except for the lower profile). But, if you are glazing a balcony, then it is inappropriate to use only anchor plates here, because they will only hold the side sashes, and the central (front) frame, which is the largest and heaviest, will be attached only to the side frames. This mounting may not be sufficient to support the frame's weight and wind load.

Installing window frames on anchor plates

When glazing a balcony, and especially a balcony with an extension, the frame is fixed with a dowel through the profile. In this case, the dimensions of the gaps should not exceed 30 mm. for side posts and 20 mm. for the lower and upper frame profile.

Fastening window frames with dowels

Note. The level is set using mounting plates.

When glazing a balcony, the front (central) frame is installed first, then the side frames. To fasten the frames at the junction, a corner connecting profile is used. It is also necessary when glazing a semicircular balcony or bay window.

Corner connection profile (connector, profile for bay windows)

Foaming gaps with foam

All cracks and gaps around the perimeter of the frame are filled with polyurethane foam. Don't blow out too much foam, because... it can lead to deformation of the frame profile.

Installation of double-glazed windows in frames and installation of glazing beads

To insert the glazing bead, it must be installed in the upper and lower corners and pressed down. The fastening bead will fall into place without any problems. To ensure accuracy and tightness, it is recommended to install long beads first, then short ones.

Installation of opening sashes

Installation of window sashes, checking their performance and tight fit to the frame.

Installation of low tide outside the balcony block

The configuration of the ebb should not only ensure water drainage, but also protect the foam from external factors (sun and wind). If it is not possible to install such a strip, you can use a decorative trim and a regular window sill.

Installation of ebb and flow on the outside of balcony glazing

Installing a window sill from inside a balcony block

Independent glazing of a balcony/loggia is possible if you have experience and skills in construction. However, if you have doubts about your own abilities, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. As a rule, a window manufacturing company always offers a team of installers who perform turnkey glazing and provide a guarantee for their work. And knowing the installation procedure will help control the work of the involved specialists.

Glazing of the balcony with plastic windows

To create warm glazing for a balcony or loggia, the only market leader is plastic windows. The frame consists of frames and sashes made of a multi-chamber profile, which is reinforced with steel elements 1.2-2.5 mm thick. Single- or double-chamber double-glazed windows are inserted into the frame, providing a high level of energy saving. Excellent thermal insulation properties are achieved through the use of glass coated with metal in the form of tin or silver, the space between which in the chamber is filled with inert gas.

Plastic windows are the best option to make your balcony warm

Important! The most popular windows today are Mobifon windows, which combine reasonable cost and good quality.

The system is robust and durable. When choosing a window design, there are no restrictions in shape and size. The main requirement is to ensure proper strength and reliability of the foundation. The system can have any degree of thermal insulation, which is determined by the number of chambers in the profile. When choosing a metal-plastic frame, the required number of glasses in a double-glazed window is also selected. The presence of insulation creates good thermal insulation of the room. Thanks to its high tightness, reliable sound insulation of the internal space of a balcony or loggia is also ensured.

PVC is resistant to adverse environmental factors, so the system will last for many years without losing its original appearance. The structure does not require special care. The PVC frame is available in several colors, which makes it possible to obtain the original appearance of the glazing of a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building.

Plastic glazing is a reasonable ratio of price and quality. It is better to entrust the installation of a PVC frame profile to a professional, since errors made during installation can cause rapid wear of elements, inconvenient operation and a low level of tightness. The price of glazing a balcony with plastic windows is 18-30 thousand rubles.

For balconies on the first and last floors, it is recommended to use grilles and anti-burglary fittings

The installed accessories can expand the functionality of the product, ensuring convenient and safe operation. For balconies on the first and last floors, it is recommended to use anti-burglary fittings, which provide effective resistance to attempts to press the sash from the frame from the outside.

Which PVC window profile is preferable for warm glazing of loggias and balconies?

Glazing and finishing of the balcony must be made of high-quality material. When choosing a metal-plastic window, you should pay attention to the manufactured product and its base. It is better to give preference to galvanized steel, which does not corrode.

Important! The profile from which plastic windows are made must be certified.

One of the main characteristics is the profile width. For the classic version, this value is 58 mm. The profile with an increased installation width is characterized by a size of 70 mm, due to which the product has increased sound-insulating and heat-saving characteristics. There is a thicker version with a value of 90 mm. Such qualified products have high energy-saving properties.

A profile with an increased installation width provides increased sound insulation and heat saving

The second characteristic feature is the number of cameras in the profile. In the standard version of the design there are three of them: the first provides condensate drainage, the second contains a reinforcing metal liner, the third is an additional cushion necessary for better sealing of the window, and is also used to secure parts of the fittings.

The number of chambers is determined by the profile width. For example, products with a width of 58 mm have three chambers, 70 mm - 4, 90 mm - 6.

Important! Increasing the number of chambers with the same profile width does not have a significant impact on the change in the characteristics of the window, since the profile with a larger width, and not the maximum number of chambers, has the best heat-saving properties.

The quality of the window and its cost are affected by the number of glasses. Double glazing is considered the most popular. It is warmer than single, but has more weight.

Double-glazed windows are considered the most popular for glazing balconies.

An important characteristic is the profile class. Class A is represented by high-quality certified products with a thickened outer wall. Class B is a lightweight profile with thinner walls. This option is characterized by low cost, poor dimensional stability, worse energy-saving characteristics, and a shorter service life.

How much does it cost to glaze a balcony/loggia?

The cost of glazing depends on a number of factors:

  • type of construction;
  • the design of the house and the year of construction (glazing in a Khrushchev-era building will cost slightly more in terms of per square meter of opening);
  • number of floors of the house;
  • type of glazing: warm or cold;
  • profile type: aluminum, wood or metal-plastic;
  • number of chambers in the profile (for aluminum and PVC profiles);
  • presence of a thermal bridge (thermal break in the aluminum profile);
  • type of wood (for wooden frames);
  • type of double-glazed windows: number of chambers, type of glass, material for filling the inter-chamber space;
  • type of window opening: hinged, sliding, folding, fixed;
  • quality of fittings;
  • brand. The cost of a window profile or fittings that are identical in their functional purpose is influenced by the popularity of the manufacturer and the country of origin;
  • other factors individual for a particular case.

The cost of glazing a turnkey balcony/loggia includes the following types of work:

1Specialist visit— assessment of the condition of the balcony; — order approval; — adjustment of preferences taking into account real possibilities; — taking measurements; — calculation of the estimated cost and timing of the order.
2Dismantling— existing (old) glazing; - roofing, parapet (if necessary); — preparation of foundations for installation.
3Removing the balcony, installing the roof and strengthening the load-bearing elementsif necessary
4Window system— production of window systems; — transportation; - rise to the floor.
5Glazing installation— installation of a window unit; — frame fastening; — sealing of junction points; — checking the functionality of the fittings and setting them up; — installation of a window sill; — installation of the visor; - low tide installation.
6Carrying out external finishing works— external insulation; - finishing the parapet with siding or other material.
7Carrying out interior finishing work— installation of slopes; — internal insulation; - Finishing work; — installation of electrical wiring; — additional services: installation of a dryer, furniture, etc.
8Garbage removal— cleaning, disposal of construction waste

Depending on the condition of the property and the budget, the number of turnkey balcony glazing services provided may vary.

Additional information on the cost of glazing a balcony and loggia

Prices for glazing with warm plastic profiles, rub.

For glazing of city apartments (windows and small balconies) and rooms with intense heatingFor glazing of country houses and cottages, loggias
  • System depth, mm: 58
  • Number of cameras: 4
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 24 (2 glasses) – 32 (2 or 3 glasses)
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.64

3,500 rub/m2

Discount price: RUB 2,500/m2

  • System depth, mm: 70
  • Number of cameras: 5
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 32 -40 (2 or 3 glasses)
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.78

3,300 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 2,700/m2

  • System depth, mm: 60
  • Number of cameras: 3
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.63

3,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 2,300/m2

  • System depth, mm: 60
  • Number of cameras: 3
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.64

4,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 3,100/m2

  • System depth, mm: 70
  • Number of cameras: 3
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 41
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.71

4,100 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 3,500/m2

  • System depth, mm: 70/80
  • Number of cameras:5/6
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 41
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.79

5,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: 4,300 rub/m2

KBE Expert
  • System depth, mm: 70
  • Number of cameras:5
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 42
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.76

4,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 3,300/m2

KBE 88
  • System depth, mm: 88
  • Number of cameras: 6
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 52
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 1.03

5,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 3,300/m2

  • System depth, mm: 60
  • Number of cameras: 3
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 32
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.76

3,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 2,100/m2

KBE-76 with argo heat package
  • System depth, mm: 76
  • Number of cameras: 5
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 48
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.84

5,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 2,700/m2

  • System depth, mm: 60
  • Number of cameras: 4
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 32
  • Thermal insulation, Ropr, m2 C/W 0.82

3,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 2,300/m2

  • System depth, mm: 70
  • Number of cameras: 6
  • Double-glazed window, mm: 40

4,500 rub/m2

Discounted price: RUB 3,100/m2

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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