Glazing of loggia p44t: architectural features, options and types

Refurbishment of the balcony is carried out for various purposes. For example, facade cladding is carried out to give the site a more attractive appearance, and the installation of double-glazed windows aims to provide insulation.

Beautiful balcony decoration

The timing and methods for achieving any of the goals depend to a large extent on the design of the structure and the type of building.

Apartment building P44T

The abbreviation stands for a series of residential buildings with an improved layout. The apartments have straight and corner sections; the attic floor is also used as living space. The pitch of the transverse wall is 4.2 m, the thickness of the internal wall is 18 cm, the partition is 8 cm. Compared to the P44 series, the degree of floor insulation in the described buildings is higher.

The outer walls of the house are lined with brick-like ceramic tiles, which provides both an attractive appearance and excellent protection from rain, snow and wind.

There are two types of balconies, or, more accurately speaking, loggias of non-standard configurations:

  • “Boot” - the straight section is 2400 mm in length, and the angular section is 1400 mm. The loggia area is quite large and allows for a wide variety of modification methods
  • “Iron” – the length of the straight and corner sections is 1700 mm each. The proportions of the resulting room are closer to square.

Both types of structures are finished and glazed in accordance with the design requirements for the P44T series. Aluminum profiles are used for glazing.

Features of warm glazing

For warm glazing, window systems with PVC profiles are best suited. Such windows with double-glazed windows retain heat well, have excellent thermal insulation and tightness.

The difficulty of carrying out the necessary work for warm glazing lies in the need to close all three sides, on each of which a separate double-glazed window will be installed. When each glass unit is fastened to the one next to it, a surface of two adjacent frames is formed at the junction.

Since the usual PVC window frame is quite wide, this significantly reduces the flow of light transmitted to the loggia. Therefore, for the “pawn” it is necessary to select designs with a reliable but narrow profile, which some modern manufacturers have today.

Also read on our website: Sliding windows to the balcony - the main advantages

Maintaining tightness at their joints is also an important aspect for the balcony-boot p44. Taking into account the fact that balcony fencing could be made of various materials: brick, concrete, steel and even mixed materials, before installing plastic windows you need to make sure of the strength of the existing fencing, since a plastic system with double-glazed windows has a significant mass.

Warm glazing of balconies p-44t of the “boot” type, due to the large area of ​​the loggia, is excellent for increasing the usable area of ​​a room, or creating a full-fledged work office in its space.

In the first case, it will be necessary to dismantle the balcony block between the room and the loggia. In both cases, complete sealing of the internal area is required. To do this, it is necessary to insulate the loggia p-44t, which is usually done using foam blocks, penoplex, foil foam and finishing materials.

Insulation of a zigzag loggia

Despite the curved shape of the parapet, installing plastic windows and insulating them allows you to expand the functionality of the balcony space.

To insulate a balcony p-44 you will need:

  • first make the fence airtight: you can cover it with siding with a preliminary arrangement of a wind barrier, but it is better to lay out a parapet of foam blocks from the inside along the entire contour of the fence;
  • on the outside, a sheet of galvanized iron is perfect for protecting foam blocks from bad weather;
  • if the house design provides for a fire hatch that interferes with the construction of the parapet, it will have to be dismantled;
  • for high-quality insulation of the p-44 loggia, the construction of an additional wall of foam blocks on its narrow side will also be required;
  • then waterproofing and thermal insulation of the walls, ceiling and parapet are carried out - for this, the modern market offers a variety of materials: foamed polystyrene, penoplex, etc.;
  • Next, the floor is insulated, this can be done using expanded clay or using a technology similar to wall insulation, but the best option is to install a warm electric floor;
  • After insulating all the internal surfaces of the loggia and installing plastic windows, you can begin finishing the balcony p-44.

Also read on our website: Double-glazed windows for a balcony or loggia - types and technical characteristics

The external cladding of a boat-balcony is usually made of tiles, which fit perfectly into the overall design of the facade.

Balconies and loggias: what is the difference

Buildings of the P44T series are equipped with loggias. Their main differences from balconies are:

  • the loggia is arranged on a slab, supported by load-bearing or semi-load-bearing walls, while the balcony is an external structure;
  • the loggia is limited on one or two sides - or in a more complex way, by main walls, which reduces the cost of insulation;
  • the design is more protected from weather factors and contributes to less heat loss. When combining it with a living room, there is no need to organize an additional heating circuit.

The “iron” has an open side, consisting of two edges connected at an obtuse angle, and is adjacent to two load-bearing walls. The photo shows a balcony in the P44T building.

One-room apartments, 2-room apartments (linear). A narrow loggia with a protruding crossbar.

The loggia niche has a ledge (crossbar).

The shape of the loggias in one-room and linear apartments of houses P44, P44T is narrow, the usable area is limited.

A wardrobe with roller shutters is installed in the wide part of this loggia. The internal shelves are cut to the shape of the protruding crossbar.

In the narrow part, either a cabinet or a narrow cabinet is installed.

Given their elongated shape, such loggias are usually glazed with “cold” aluminum sliding glazing. Such glazing practically does not retain heat, and therefore condensation is possible. In this case, the optimal material for assembling the cabinet is not laminated chipboard, but PVC.

Refurbishment goals

  • A summer room is the same recreation area or room that can be used for sleeping in the summer. This option is very common in southern latitudes. Arrangement in this case comes down to purely design techniques and furniture.
  • Winter room - you will need higher quality glazing, insulation, and, of course, finishing.
  • Combined room - “Iron” is perfect for this purpose: firstly, to organize a common space, only one wall, and a shorter one at that, is converted. Secondly, the whole room takes on unusual polygonal proportions, which is very attractive.

Glazing with extension

In a “pawn” with a zigzag balcony, you can carry out the removal of the loggia in three options:

  1. along the main edge;
  2. directly;
  3. along the entire part of the perimeter protruding beyond the house (along the initially existing fence.

When removed, the width of the window sill increases by 10-35 cm, depending on the expansion option. Window sills are secured with special brackets made of metal. Wardrobes are built into the resulting additional space.

The protrusion towards the street, which has a “boot”, can also be equipped with a full-height cabinet or a bedside table up to the level of the window sill. This is very practical and convenient - after all, they will fit a bunch of necessary things that take up space in the apartment.

Taking into account the complexities and features of glazing balconies in houses of the p-44t series, it is better to entrust the work to specialists from a trusted company - this will guarantee high quality, tightness and durability of the entire structure.

In addition, professionals have already worked out a lot of glazing options and will be able to offer interesting ideas so that the loggia best meets the wishes of its owner, be it a separate cozy office, a room for relaxation or sports, or the necessary square meters in addition to a room or kitchen.

Balcony windows

Glazing – for the winter model, the installation of metal-plastic windows is mandatory. It is recommended to entrust it to good, experienced specialists who guarantee not only the installation itself, but also the development of the project. The "Iron" balcony has a complex configuration with large window openings. Incorrect calculations can lead to difficulties when opening the doors.

Sash opening options

The doors can be fixed, hinged or sliding.

Sliding glazing

The fittings require maintenance. When opened, sliding doors do not take up balcony space and are suitable for narrow loggias.

Hinged glazing

The fittings are durable and reliable. The doors open inward, which is not recommended for narrow balconies. Hinged glazing is suitable for wide loggias

Fixed sashes can be combined with sliding and hinged sashes; we do not carry out glazing without opening sashes.

The price for turnkey balcony glazing depends on many factors: the cost of the window structure, season, market situation, and so on. You can clarify it by filling out a simple online application form. Our manager will help you choose a glazing option that fits your planned budget.

Glazing costbootboatIron
Cold glazing with aluminum profilefrom 26,115 rub.from 19,420 rub.from 19,425 rub.
Warm glazing with PVC windowsfrom RUB 32,754from 27,220 rub.from RUB 27,225
Sliding glazing Slidorsfrom 40,556 rub.from 29,920 rub.from RUB 29,925
20 cm offsetfrom 12,010 rub.from 11,020 rub.from 11,025 rub.

Floor construction

It is carried out by two main methods.

  • Simple flooring - wooden logs are laid on the floor surface, the floor is insulated, and moisture-resistant plywood or boards are laid on top.
  • Installation with a heated floor system involves the formation of a concrete screed in which the heating cables are located and the laying of finishing material. The design of the P44T series building allows such a load.

The same method should be used in cases where the floor material differs in mass - ceramic tiles, artificial stone panels, and so on.

Types of finishing materials

Today, for finishing work, there is a large selection of different finishing materials. The most widespread for interior and exterior decoration of balconies are:

  • wooden lining and eurolining;
  • plastic lining and panels;
  • MDF panels;
  • siding;
  • drywall;
  • block house;
  • decorative plaster.

Each of these materials has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before deciding what material will be used to decorate the balcony, it is better to consult a specialist.

Wall insulation

The corner section, that is, the parapet and the wall that borders it, are thoroughly insulated. As a rule, heat insulators based on foamed polymers are used - polystyrene foam, penoplex. The thickness of the layer is calculated based on climatic conditions, for example, penoplex - at least 30 mm. Foil penofol is used as a waterproofing and insulation material with lower performance.

The wall bordering the living space does not need special insulation - it is enough to lay a layer of penofol. The same applies to the ceiling, since it is a permanent ceiling.

Balcony Iron - the best design designs

So what, but with balconies in the three-room and two-room apartments of the P44T panel house, the designers did not disappoint.
They really managed to surprise the apartment owners one hundred percent with such large balconies. Especially in all its glory, the balcony, popularly nicknamed “Iron,” was located in a small room. If you look at the layout of the apartment, the silhouette of the iron will be clearly visible. The beauty of the ironing balcony is that it turned out to be almost square. One side actually lay at an angle. But this has its advantages in the overall design of the house. In the photo we see the dimensions of each side of the balcony. The total area of ​​the iron balcony is 4.71 square meters.

Thanks to these dimensions and the almost square shape of the balcony, a lot of ideas for design and interior come to mind. Since the balcony is located in a small room of 13.5 square meters, thanks to it we can increase the space in the room to 18.2 square meters. Which is practically the size of a large room.

Let's think about what purposes residents use the balcony space for.

1 Balcony for relaxation

2 Balcony for work

3 Balcony for floriculture or ironing and drying area

Now let's look at each option in more detail:

Balcony for relaxation

If your family has enough space in the apartment and does not need to create extra rooms, why not use the balcony as a relaxation area. Where you can place comfortable chairs, put a coffee table, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy the early summer morning. We look at photos of balconies with this design.

Straw chairs with a coffee table perfectly found their place on the balcony ironing

The designer beautifully crafted an arch in the balcony opening.

He went out onto the balcony, took a deep breath, and was surrounded by forests and rivers. Lapota!

Another cozy place turned out to be on the balcony. If the sun disturbs your sleep, you can block it out with yellow curtains.

Balcony for the workplace

Most families cannot buy large apartments. Therefore, in every possible way, use the free space in the apartment. Workplaces on balconies have long become fashionable for our residents.

We combine both sports and a work area on the balcony. Work at your desk and get on the machine.

A corner tabletop on the balcony will be the best option for a desktop.

Why arrange offices with bookshelves in the room? When this function is perfectly performed by a balcony boot.

And most importantly, everything is at hand. He rolled back in his chair and his hand was already reaching for the printer.

I slept, ate and went to the balcony to get to work.

Balcony for floriculture and ironing

Well, what woman can do without flowers at home? Where can she iron and dry her clothes? Well, of course, on the balcony. A whole garden of flowers was placed on the balcony of the young owner of the apartment.

You look from the street at a balcony with flowers and the story from the film Seventeen Moments of Spring immediately comes to mind.

How tired women are of constantly taking out and putting away ironing boards and irons, which are always getting in the way in their rooms. Now you can forget about all the bad things. A drying and ironing complex was built on the balcony for their beloved mother, her husband and little son.

Iron, dry things and water flowers at the same time. And all this on one balcony. I wish I could install a washing machine somewhere nearby.

This concludes the photo series dedicated to the design and interior of the balcony of the Sapozhok panel house P44T. I hope we were able to give you some fresh ideas for arranging your balcony.

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