Glazing of terraces and verandas - types of materials and their features

Recently, glazing of verandas and terraces with modern window options has become increasingly common. At all times, this was an indicator of a certain status of the owners of the premises.

The creation of this kind of finishing creates a feeling of presence on the street, which gave this system enormous popularity, and as a result, the emergence of new technologies in this area. As practice has shown, there are a huge number of types of glass decoration for buildings, but first things first.

Types of glazing of courtyard outbuildings

It has been proven that an unusual solution of many designers was the use of multi-dimensional glazing, which is a kind of indicator of the development of modern technologies. This is especially visible in the photo of the terrace glazing.

  • What metals are used for glazing verandas and terraces? The main ones include:
  • frame structures made of wood;
  • decoration using metal-plastic throughout the entire height of the room;
  • aluminum profiles;
  • panels for sliding glazing of terraces;
  • use of polycarbonate;
  • technique without the use of frames.

The most popular are the use of frame structures and their complete absence.

There are a number of advantages that wood and aluminum frames have:

1. Price. It is accessible to almost all segments of the population, and this will greatly save not only money, but also time.

2. Interchangeability. Refers to individual elements, thanks to modern analogues as a result of severe wear and tear of older versions.

3. Independence. Gives you the opportunity to do the necessary work yourself.

The only drawback of these structures is the lack of repairability in unusual buildings, which include sliding glazing of verandas and terraces.

The method of frameless glazing of terraces and verandas has a number of excellent indicators, which include:

  • use in any type of premises, even the most unconventional ones;
  • creating a panoramic effect on the terrace;
  • stylish appearance;
  • complete preservation of natural lighting.

In addition to a large number of advantages, you should pay special attention to the disadvantages, of which there are not so few:

  • reduced thermal insulation characteristics;
  • it is not possible to install mosquito nets;
  • the seams are loose;
  • considerable cost.

Having studied all the pros and cons, we can conclude that such a design of terraces is more suitable for lovers of beauty and something unusual than for those who prioritize functionality.

Features of glazing of extensions

First of all, it must be said that a veranda and a terrace are not the same thing; there are some differences between them. A veranda is a part of the house that stands on the same level with the main building; it is equipped with a foundation, walls, roof and window openings. Using warm glazing and heating, you can turn the veranda into a year-round outdoor recreation area.

In turn, a terrace is a separate building adjacent to a private house or standing alone. A terrace is an open summer area in the fresh air, which can be equipped with small railings and a roof on supports. However, for quite a long time both types of buildings have been used in the same way, when attached to a house, so the line between them has practically been erased and these concepts have become synonymous.

Types of glazing of verandas

As before, in the modern world, a glazing system using wooden frames is increasingly being used, especially since this method is considered not only budget-friendly, but also quite simple to do it yourself.

The main advantage here is that natural wood is absolutely safe, versatile and has the ability to retain heat as much as possible.

Metal-plastic is not inferior to this material. They not only have increased thermal insulation, but also a long period of use. We also note that the use of such windows for small structures is not recommended, as they will look rather awkward. In this case, lighter designs are more suitable.

Requirements for the veranda

  • Private houses, as well as extensions to them, have requirements regarding comfort and convenience:
  • High energy saving rate - it is better to choose materials for walls, as well as double-glazed windows with low thermal conductivity. This will help save money on heating a large room, since in private houses the heating is autonomous and not centralized.
  • Structural strength - when building an extension, it is important to pay special attention to the windows. If the openings for them are large enough, it is necessary to choose durable double-glazed windows that can withstand wind loads and adverse weather conditions.
  • Safety - if you choose metal-plastic windows (it doesn’t matter whether they have sliding elements or not), you should pay attention to their fastening and locking. Windows must close well to prevent unauthorized entry or break-in. It is better to install armored glass with anti-burglary fittings in private houses on the ground floor.

Panoramic glazing option

This is the most advanced option for glazing verandas, as this option can help the building transform into an open terrace. In this case, the load-bearing and sash profiles must be as strong as possible, and the glass must have a certain thickness.

It can have not only different shapes, but also sizes. It has the highest transmittance of sunlight, which is why it enjoys such wide popularity.

Types of closed verandas

These extensions are made with partial glazing (on one, two or three sides), and they also construct frames consisting entirely of double-glazed windows - these structures are called panoramic glazing. Moreover, not only the walls of the veranda are glazed. Double-glazed windows are also installed on the roof. If you build blank walls from wood, brick or other materials, where glass takes up only part of them, then such construction will be cheaper. But then the windows of the house will be shaded, which will be inside the extension.

Panoramic glazing allows light to enter other rooms; the veranda itself is well lit and offers views of the surrounding landscape.

Usually the veranda is attached to the side of the front door. It provides additional protection to the interior from the cold. Sometimes it is done as additional space for a room (a utility room for the kitchen, a playroom for the nursery, a study for the living room, etc.). It can be adjacent to one wall or two at once. The photo shows design projects of verandas.

Some pro tips

There are some general tips for those who want to do this kind of design themselves:

1. It is important to prepare an accurate design before starting work;

2. the premises must have good illumination, therefore special attention is paid to the function of light transmission;

3. the flaps should open inward, this is necessary not only for convenience, but also for air circulation;

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4. the best location of the veranda is on the south side;

5. Glazing of the terrace of the house can be carried out on any floor of the room.

If you compare the cost, then the panoramic glazing option is the most expensive. The most economical and optimal option is to use an aluminum profile.

In conclusion, I would like to note that before starting work, you should conduct market research for construction. An excellent option would be to consider offers from manufacturing plants, since direct purchases make it possible to save a considerable amount of money.

Carrying out work

How to glaze a terrace in a country house using existing frames

Glazing of the structure can be done using existing old frames. The price of work, in this case, will be the lowest.

For this:

  • Wooden surfaces are cleaned of existing old coating.
  • Using putty, chips and other defects are carefully smoothed out.
  • The frames are left to dry.
  • The front sides of the frames used are processed with fine sandpaper.
  • Wood lint and excess putty are removed.
  • The frames are finished with moisture-resistant paints.

Tip: To preserve the natural color and texture of the wood, frames should be treated with clear varnish.

Glazing of a veranda in a wooden house, using old frames, is carried out in several stages.

The installation instructions indicate the following procedure:

  • Inserted into an old glass frame. For this:
  1. a layer of sealant up to three centimeters thick is applied to the grooves of the frame;
  2. dries out a little;
  3. cut-to-size glass is placed into the grooves;
  4. presses lightly to the surface;
  5. the glass is resealed around the perimeter.
  • Joints and cracks are sealed.
  • Frames are attached to the prepared openings.

How to glaze a frame with one glass

Glazing a terrace with one glass frame is the most optimal option for dachas visited by the owners only in the summer or when it’s warm. This method is traditional and easy to implement. During operation, you can replace cracked or broken glass yourself without any problems. Many summer residents prefer this method, which does not require serious expenditure of effort, time and money.

High-quality varnishes, paints and impregnations are used to process wood, which saves the owner from frequent window repairs and restoration of coatings. This design eliminates the risk of dust entering the terrace, protects against glass rattling and drafts, which is ensured by the quality of the seal, which is a transparent silicone sealant.

Construction stages

To attach a veranda with plastic windows to your house, you need to perform a number of sequential operations:

  1. decide on the location and main purpose of the extension;
  2. choose a project and prepare materials;
  3. arrange the foundation;
  4. build walls and roof;
  5. glaze the building;
  6. carry out finishing work inside and outside.

Each stage is related to the previous one, as different construction solutions may be required.

Layout features

In the southern regions, the northern side is chosen to build a veranda.
The most common option is to add a veranda to the side of the house where the front door is located. This allows you to move in any weather without going outside.

Depending on the purpose and the existing layout of the site, they choose the option of building a terrace near other walls.

It matters which side of the world faces most of the glazing:

  • The south side is chosen in northern regions to make the most of the light and warmth of the sun. For warm regions, this location is inconvenient - in the summer the building will heat up very much, and it will be uncomfortable to be in it.
  • North-facing windows are suitable for southern areas. The same option is chosen in the northern regions, thus insulating the northern walls of the main building.
  • The eastern direction is suitable for hot regions, when the veranda is used mainly in the evening.
  • Windows facing west are positioned to extend evening relaxation with natural light.

When choosing a location, take into account the location of outbuildings, trees, compost heaps, toilets, and paved paths on the site. Each of the factors may be important. For example, the toilet next to the veranda is a source of unpleasant odors, and moving outside the paths in the rain is unpleasant and dangerous.

Foundation and base

A log veranda can be placed on a pile foundation.
The type of foundation depends on the chosen material for the walls. For a veranda made of bricks or blocks, a shallow foundation is poured or built from concrete blocks 40x40x20 cm.

Sequence of work:

  1. Dig a trench 60-70 cm deep and 30 cm wide.
  2. Coarse river sand or a mixture of sand and crushed stone is poured onto the bottom. The height of the pillow is 10–15 cm. The base is spilled with water and compacted with tampers.
  3. On loose soils, formwork is installed from boards or other available materials.
  4. The fittings are installed - at least 2 strips of rod with a diameter of 10 mm.
  5. The foundation is poured with concrete grade from M-100, which is compacted by vibration as the formwork is filled.
  6. Until it dries completely, water the foundation with water 2-3 times a day, preventing cracking and premature setting of the cement.

Complete hardening of concrete occurs on the 28th day - if massive walls are to be erected, be sure to wait this period.

For frame buildings, columnar or screw foundation options are prepared. In the first case, pillars are built from bricks or blocks, going 60–80 cm deep into the ground. A popular option is when the pillars are made from monolithic concrete.

Due to the speed of construction and low price, screw foundations have become popular. Piles for them are sold in large chain stores of building materials and entrepreneurs engaged in the manufacture of metal products.

After gaining strength with posts or screwing in all the piles, they are tied with wooden beams or metal beams. A grillage is installed below the beams to protect the underground part from debris, snow, birds and animals.


Laying a heated floor
The coating consists of a rough and finished floor.

There are different options:

  1. The space from the ground to the top of the foundation is filled with a mixture of sand and crushed stone and compacted. The subfloor is made in the form of a concrete screed.
  2. Wooden joists are laid on top of the subfloor, to which a finished floor made of boards, plywood and similar materials is attached. For the finishing layer, choose linoleum or painting. In winter, there is high humidity on the veranda, so laying laminate or carpet is not advisable.
  3. On a columnar (pile) foundation, the subfloor is often made from a floorboard. To do this, logs are attached to the foundation frame, to which the board is nailed.
  4. On the ground side, the subfloor must be protected with waterproofing, which will also prevent outside air from entering the house. The rough layer is covered with a vapor barrier and the finishing is carried out.

The floor height is chosen above the ground level so that rainwater does not enter the house.


Solid walls are built to a height of 50-80 cm, after which space is left for glazing.

To bind bricks and blocks, use a cement-sand mixture of a grade not lower than M-100.

A timber or rounded log is fastened with dowels.

The cladding of frame buildings is fastened with hardware intended for this purpose.

For exterior work, “black” screws are not used. Due to the difference in temperature expansion, such fasteners are destroyed in the cold.


The design of the roof depends on the overall design of the building and the veranda.
Common roofing options for verandas:

  • single slope with a slope of 20°;
  • gable;
  • hip;
  • flat.

The joists are not attached to the wall of the main building, but the gap is sealed with polyurethane foam and covered with a corner.

The outer edge of the logs is laid on the mauerlat beam.

The roof option depends on the chosen design and the financial capabilities of the developer.

How to choose a terrace glazing method

The choice of type of glazing for the veranda depends entirely on the functional purpose of the room. The first thing you need to decide is the time frame for its use:

  • End of spring, summer, beginning of autumn.
  • All year round.

You can already build on this when choosing the type of structure and materials. For “winter” verandas, durable wooden frames or plastic double-glazed windows, tempered glass or triplex are ideal. For cold glazing you can use aluminum, polycarbonate, and soft glass. Of course, a summer veranda will cost much less, but a “warm” one provides more opportunities.

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