What SNiP says: where should interior doors open in apartments, why is it better to open outward?

Interior doors

Where should interior doors open in an apartment? According to building regulations - towards the corridor. This applies to office and government premises.

The direction of the door in an apartment or private home is chosen by the owner.

Doors should open in such a way as not to disturb anyone in the household and not to provoke dangerous situations.

What factors should you consider?

During repairs, the location of the doors should be planned in such a way that later there is no need to change anything and destroy the integrity of the structures.

The choice of the optimal option depends on the following factors:

FactorWhere to openAdditional nuances
Small flatOutward This saves space. Recommended door types are folding, sliding and sliding doors.
BathroomOutward The structure should open freely and not interfere with another door. It is recommended to make your choice towards swing models.
WardrobeOutward It is desirable that the sash slides along the wall.
Children'sAt the discretion of the parents.

The door to the bathroom should open outwards, it is advisable to opt for a hinged design

Options for opening interior doors

Single-leaf model
When choosing a design, it is based on its best location and ease of use. There are several types of opening models:

Single-leaf swing doors are the most commonly used design, as they close tightly around the perimeter, which increases sound insulation and thermal insulation of the room.

They are easy to install, the design is simple and clear, the opening side can be any, depending on external factors.

Double door

Hinged double doors - these designs are more suitable for large rooms. These are mainly places with large crowds of people (conference halls, cinemas and other institutions). Often in country houses or apartments with an improved layout with a large area, they look quite aesthetically pleasing.

The accordion sliding door is installed in rooms with a small area, a narrow corridor, so the swing option, when opening into the room, will not allow any furniture to be placed in its path. If the hallway or corridor is narrow, then when turning in their direction, the swing model will block the free movement of other family members. The accordion helps out because it folds without taking up extra space.

Sliding models are similar in functionality to accordion doors, as they save space. They can zone an area and block fairly large openings where another type is unacceptable. But in terms of soundproofing characteristics and heat retention, the two above types are inferior to swing options. So choose according to your room parameters, noise and thermal insulation requirements, where the interior door should open.

Why outside?

If the area of ​​the room is very small, external opening is recommended. This applies to:

  • bathroom;
  • toilet;
  • kitchens.

This arrangement is due to safety requirements. If something emergency happens, it will be easier for the owner of the apartment to get out by pushing the door.

If a person suddenly becomes ill, the door opening towards the corridor will not be blocked, and help will arrive in time.

In the “children's issue” the safety of the child should come first, and not the comfort of his parents

Note! The “stumbling block” is the nursery. Some parents are sure that the door should only open inward.

Strong arguments are usually given: if the baby accidentally locks himself in the room, then in the event of an emergency it will be easier for the parent to help him by breaking into the structure.

But what if the child is standing right behind the door at this time? According to experts, the door to the nursery should also open towards the corridor.

Features of European models

Right and left door opening in Russia and Europe are very different. For Israeli, Italian and German manufacturers, which door is the left one is determined in the following way: when opening towards itself, the door leaf should remain on the left side. And the right door is determined similarly.

Interesting! For Russians, everything is defined exactly the opposite. Therefore, before purchasing fittings, you need to know the door manufacturer for the correct selection.

Fire safety point of view

How should doors open correctly with t.z. ensuring safety during a fire?

A safer option is:

  • the entrance to the room is located next to one of the walls - you need to open it towards the adjacent wall (this allows the person entering to immediately see most of the room);
  • the entrance is located in the middle of the wall - the door must be opened so that the person who enters the room has access to the switch.

It is very important that the doors open in the direction of travel. This complies with all building codes. If quick evacuation of apartment residents is required, this option is the most correct from a fire safety point of view.

The same rule applies to the front door.

Important! The open structure should not interfere with neighbors.

The door must not be allowed to block their exit and prevent free evacuation.

What do fire safety rules say?


Doors should be placed so that when they open you can move around the apartment without any problems. If somewhere the canvas opens with an impact against the wall, then it is recommended to install a stopper.

If any of the doors is installed incorrectly and creates serious problems during use, then it is worth reinstalling it so as not to damage the product. But still, even at the stage of repair, it is worth paying attention to this point and thinking through as much as possible about where the doors will open. Having studied what interior doors are available for sale according to the opening method, choose the option that is most suitable for the area of ​​your apartment or house.


Feng Shui Recommendations

According to this Eastern teaching, the doors that delimit the space in the apartment are responsible for how vital energy is distributed.

The doors should open exclusively towards the inside of the room:

  • kitchen;
  • living room;
  • bedroom

Also, the design must open on the left side of the person who enters the room. Another important criterion is that more than 70% of the space must be visible to a person.

The product should not rest against a cabinet or wall. Interior dividers must not be allowed to close and open on their own. Otherwise, the circulation of vital energy flows will be disrupted. In order to prevent this, in some cases it is even necessary to reweigh the product.

The philosophy of Feng Shui is controversial on many issues, but many people prefer to live by its rules

Other “Feng Shui” recommendations look like this:

  1. An apartment or home structure should open/close with ease. Hinges need to be lubricated regularly. The creaking of the sash not only adversely affects the state of the nervous system. According to the doctrine, this contributes to the disruption of the harmony of the entire apartment.
  2. Door jambs should not be allowed to become dry or damp. It is important that they are straight.
  3. There should be no gaps under any of the sashes. They provoke drafts, and this negatively affects the qi in the apartment.

Safety and comfort in the home depend on the closing/opening system. Door handles should be as comfortable as possible. This is especially important if an elderly person lives in the house. “Looseness” of the handles is unacceptable; they need to be adjusted from time to time.

The installation type can be right or left. If the house has a dressing room or pantry, it is necessary to abandon the installation of a swing structure. The optimal choice is “accordion” or “coupe”.

It is necessary to take into account which side the switches are located. If the opened flap obscures it, this can create additional convenience for family members.

What influences the direction of the front door of a house?

According to the rules of Feng Shui, any room is divided into nine sectors, according to the cardinal directions. Each zone, defined by the Bagua octagon, is responsible for certain aspects of human life. The technique involves connecting the cardinal directions with the elements of the Chinese horoscope: Earth, Wood, Metal, Water and Fire. Using a lopan compass and a bagua grid, you can determine which zone the front door belongs to.

Door facing north

The northern direction corresponds to the element of Water. This zone is responsible for career growth. The location of the entrance door to the north gives calm, regularity, and tranquility to all the inhabitants of the house. The flip side of this arrangement can be apathy and lethargy. To avoid this, you should add some southern (fire) energy, for example by placing a couple of bright red or yellow decorative elements.

Door - northwest

In the traditional Feng Shui system, the direction of the front door to the northwest, as well as the sector adjacent to it, is associated with the eldest man or head of the family. This entry position helps strengthen his leadership position and the general atmosphere of respect in the family. The zone is also responsible for the successful acquisition of knowledge. The northwest corresponds to the element of Earth.

Choosing a door relative to the rear of the house

Entrance from the northeast

The energy of the northeast is quite active and favorable for representatives of the younger generation if they study or engage in scientific research. However, more mature family members may experience discomfort and suffer from insomnia. In this case, it is worth using objects that reflect and dissipate a strong energy flow, for example, crystals.

Door facing east

The rising sun imbues this side of the world with ebullient energy. The direction is ideal for young people who are just starting out in life and want to climb the career ladder. This location of the front door is considered the most favorable in Feng Shui, as it helps improve the health of the people living in the house and ensures business success. The element Wood corresponds to the East.

If the door faces southeast

This direction of the front door, according to Feng Shui, contributes to the accumulation of material wealth. The process is slow but steady. A family living in such a house will never experience need. The Earth element, corresponding to the southeast, is quite conservative and best suits middle-aged and older people. Young people can liven up the area with home plants. It should be taken into account that the southeastern direction is favorable for those who work on long-term projects.

Door facing south

In the Middle Kingdom, all residential buildings were traditionally built with a south-facing façade. According to Feng Shui, this direction of the front door contributes to gaining fame, helps to establish connections and lead an active social life. The element Fire, corresponding to the southern direction, enhances the energy of the inhabitants of the home. Those who dream of a more relaxing pastime are advised to soften its effect by adding symbols of Water. This could be a painting depicting a pond, or an indoor fountain.

Door that faces southwest

The southwestern direction favors love and romantic feelings. This zone is responsible for a prosperous family life and a successful search for a marriage partner. However, it is worth considering that excessive passion for romance can negatively affect your financial condition.

West door

The Western direction in traditional Feng Shui is responsible for the younger generation. It can be recommended to families who dream of having healthy, numerous offspring, or to those who already have a baby. The Western zone also patronizes people with a creative streak, not only artists, musicians or painters, but also those who only dream of developing their abilities. The corresponding element is Metal.

If the entrance is from the northwest

The northwest side is considered a traveler's zone and is favorable for people whose business involves travel. In addition, the energy of the northwest ensures reliable patronage of high-ranking people and success in establishing communication ties with business partners.

Feng Shui door shape

Let's look at a specific example for a typical new building of type P44, KOPE, etc.

In the left picture, neighbors 1 and 2 mutually violated the rules. Their doors block each other. Both, in court, can force a neighbor to remodel or dismantle the door, but they will also have to remodel their own. Both may be punished by supervisory authorities. But if neighbor 1 makes hinges on the door on the left, then only neighbor 2 will be wrong.

The situation with neighbors 3 and 4 is more interesting - their doors are located very close to each other, so one of them will have to make a door that opens inward in any case. If neighbor 4 is the first to install the door as drawn, then neighbor 3 will be forced to make a door that opens inward. If neighbor 3 is first, then neighbor 4 is destined to open internally.

The right picture shows a situation where all neighbors can make doors with external opening. This is only possible if the trajectories of the doors do not intersect (this depends on the distance of the doorways from each other, which, alas, is not always successful).

Important note number two:

Not all norms of life and behavior are regulated by rules and orders. In many ways, people follow the usual everyday logic: don’t bother others and they won’t bother you – and it works great. Here is a conditional example: let’s assume that during the next re-issue of the traffic regulations, they will forget the clause prohibiting parking in the 2nd and further rows, as well as at the exits from the courtyards. I dare to hope that the majority of drivers will not abandon their car in the left lane and block the entrances (although there will be fools, of course).

The situation with doors is similar. You can block your neighbor’s door (not prohibited!), you can risk your own safety (perhaps it will blow through!), but is this good...

Based on the above, I leave the text of the article and diagrams unchanged. The rules that were in force earlier, although they were not always convenient, they had a clear and correct life logic. I strongly recommend following the old rules when choosing the direction and side of opening the entrance doors. It is safe now and in the future.

Thank you for reading, Anton Budkovsky.

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