The best locks for a metal entrance door for 2022

In this article we will look at the rating of the best locks for your doors. This is a very important and reliable aspect for your home, which will certainly preserve valuables and protect family members from burglars.

Your safety, as well as the integrity and safety of your property, depends on how high-quality and reliable the lock is on your front door. However, choosing a lock on your own is not so easy. That is why today we will talk about the types of door locks, as well as their characteristics.

Classification of locks by security and resistance to burglary

Not every person knows what “lock secrecy” is, and this is quite logical, because such concepts, as a rule, are used by specialists in the manufacture of locks, and not by ordinary consumers.

At the same time, the secrecy of the lock, its reliability, strength and durability form its quality.

  • The secrecy of a lock is a certain number of combinations that can be made from a given number of secrets with a given bit depth.
  • Agree, even such a definition is not so easy to understand. That is why, in simple terms, this concept refers to the number of keys that are suitable for one lock.
  • In fact, the same lock can be opened with several keys, if the manufacturer provided for this possibility during its production.
  • It is logical to assume that a good lock can be opened with only one type of key, and in principle this is true.

In simple terms, how many keys fit into one lock determines its secrecy.

There are 4 privacy classes

In accordance with GOST, there are 4 security classes. Keys according to this criterion are classified as follows:

  • 1st class , these are locks that are intended for indoor use, for example, for locking internal doors in an apartment, house, or country house. This class is not certified, since ideally such keys are used “for show” and they should not perform any security or protective functions. By the way, according to experts, it is possible to open such a lock in just a couple of minutes.
  • 2nd class are locks that must be certified and provide more reliable security for your property. These types of locks can be opened in about 5 minutes.
  • 3rd class locks , these are also certified products. Such locks can be considered quite strong and reliable. To hack them you need to spend at least 10 minutes. time
  • 4th grade . Products in this class are among the most durable and reliable. To deal with such locks you will have to work for at least half an hour.

As you can see, to install locks on the entrance doors of an apartment or home, you need to choose products of class 2-4. However, it is important to understand that even the 4th, the highest class of secrecy, can be bypassed and opened; no one can guarantee you a 100% guarantee today.

Need for a latch

A prerequisite for the correct operation of the locking system on the door is a latch. That is, one of the locks must have a latch assembly and be installed at the bottom. If for some reason only one lock is intended to be installed on your door, this lock must have a latch. If your door will only have one lock and there is no latch on it, then it will need to be installed separately.

Rating of locks for metal entrance doors: review of the best brands and manufacturers

Your safety and the safety of your belongings depends not only on the door and its material, but also on the lock that will be placed there. That is why we present to your attention the most popular brands of locks.

Let's start, perhaps, with domestic manufacturers and the goods that they offer us.

Elbor. This manufacturer occupies a leading position in the domestic market. Products from this manufacturer:

  • BASALT 1.05.61.MA. This lock is suitable for absolutely any door and is overhead. It has a lever security mechanism and belongs to the 4th class. The set includes 5 keys, which are in a special bag with stamps.
  • BASALT 1.05.11. This lock is a mortise lock and is also suitable for any door. The class and security mechanism of the lock are similar to the previous product.
  • RUBIN 1.08.31. The lock is mortise and is perfect for reinforced metal doors. The security mechanism is lever-operated and corresponds to class 4.
  • Guardian. This manufacturer has also proven itself well. The products of this manufacturer are of good quality and reasonable prices.
  • Guardian 20.05. The lock belongs to the overhead lock with a lever type mechanism. Security class in accordance with GOST 4th. This product is protected against the most common types of tampering.
  • Guardian 10.01. This lock is also suitable for installation on a metal door and is protected from opening with a master key. It has a mortise installation type and belongs to the 2nd class of secrecy.

As a rule, the lock models presented above are installed on economy and middle class metal doors.


For more expensive doors, locks from the following manufacturers are suitable. The manufacturing country Italy shows the high quality of its products:

  • CISA B 7535. This lock is recommended to be installed not only on metal, but also on armored doors. The lock is a mortise lock with a suval type of security mechanism.
  • Cisa 57675 ALPS. This lock is recodeable and is suitable for installation on metal doors as an additional lock. Thanks to its security system, such a lock will protect your property from theft, because its mechanism has built-in components that do not allow the door to be broken into.

Country of origin Türkiye:

  • Kale 252R. This lock is suitable for strong metal doors and provides fairly good protection. The set includes 5 keys.
  • Kale 257L. This type of lock also guarantees the safety of your property. The lock belongs to the 3rd class of secrecy, the set includes 5 keys.

When choosing a lock for your entrance doors, be guided not only by your knowledge and preferences, but also by the advice of experts. We also do not recommend that you save too much on such a product, because its quality is the key to your safety.

Inexpensive locks for metal entrance doors: review of brands

You need to choose your locks wisely. What is expensive is not always of high quality. Therefore, before you give your money, at least ask a sales consultant or lock specialist which type of product is best suited for your door.

There is an opinion that there are no budget but high-quality locks, however, this is not so. We present to you the highest quality and inexpensive locks for metal doors.

  • "Border" . This brand has established itself as a quality manufacturer. Moreover, this manufacturer is the largest in our country. All products of Border LLC are certified, which means that they have passed all the necessary tests for reliability and quality. We can also say that this manufacturer pleases customers with an adequate price for its products. Door locks of this brand are affordable for any budget. For example, for only 300-400 rubles. you can buy a mortise cylinder lock that belongs to the 2nd security class. The most inexpensive lever lock will cost you about the same 300-400 rubles. And for 800 rub. You will be able to please yourself with a reliable lever lock of 4th security class.
  • " Kale" . This is a Turkish brand that has been presenting its products on our market for about 10 years. The products of this manufacturer are of high quality and relatively affordable prices. The advantage of this company's locks is their locking system. Regarding prices, it must be said that for metal doors the most inexpensive lock will cost you about 800 rubles.
  • "Elbor" . This company was founded quite a long time ago and throughout its operation has shown itself only from the best side. The products of this brand, which by the way are not only locks, but also doors, are distinguished by high quality and good characteristics. The company's products have all the necessary certificates, and have also been awarded various awards for their quality and reliability more than once. The price of the product will depend on its characteristics, however, products of this brand are available for any wallet.

Reliable lock for your home

  • " Pro-sam" . This brand is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of various locks. The product is suitable not only for metal doors, but also for wooden ones. The products of this manufacturer are in very wide demand, because their quality and reliability are at a fairly high level, and the cost allows anyone to purchase them.
  • "USK " This company produces high-quality door locks, which are represented on our market in a wide variety of types. The range is represented by lever and cylinder locks. Almost all locks are universal, so they can easily be installed on both metal and wooden doors. The locks of this company have different prices, the most budget one will cost you about 550 rubles.

Types of lever door locks: description, photo

There are a huge number of types of door locks on the market. One of these types is a lever lock:

  • The history of these locks dates back to the distant 19th century, and since then these products not only have not lost their popularity, but have even increased it.
  • The thing is that lever locks have a number of advantages. The lock mechanism is very durable and almost never breaks on its own. Problems such as jamming are not a problem for this type of product.
  • Also, such door locks are distinguished by their durability, because they are quite difficult to damage.
  • These devices got their name due to the fact that they have levers, which are flat plates with shaped cutouts on them.
  • Lever locks may differ in the method of their fastening. This is how overhead and mortise types are distinguished.
  • A rim lock is preferably installed on garage doors.

To protect property from unauthorized people

  • Mortise ones are better suited for doors of apartments and houses.
  • Door locks of these types are protected from forced entry. The manufacturer, as a rule, always takes care of this point.
  • High-quality lever locks have a recoding system, with which you can quickly and easily recode the product, and not worry about your safety if you lose the key or if the key is in the possession of some stranger.
  • The deadbolt post is not the most reliable place for this type of lock. However, caring manufacturers eliminate the possibility of breaking into the door using a special design, protecting it with armored plates.
  • The secrecy of these locks directly depends on the number of levers in each individual product. The larger the lever, the correspondingly better quality the door lock will be.

Disc and cross-shaped


Cross-shaped locking mechanisms by their name indicate the type of key used. The key in the end part is cruciform. It is clear that the cylinder of a typical system is equipped with a mechanism with pins in four rows, one on each side. Unfortunately, the vandal resistance of the cross-shaped locking device is at the lowest level.

Disc mechanisms are distinguished by the fact that the cylinder of the mechanism is not driven without a key. The key is endowed with areas that have different slopes from each other. Thanks to the excellent slopes, the key hole is characterized by a truncated circle shape, making it somewhat easier to eliminate small objects that fall there.

Disk mechanisms are marked with a high level of burglary resistance. Metal disc-type locking structures are endowed with an increased level of secrecy.

The security parameter of the lock depends on the presence and number of disks, levers, and pins in the secret device. The greater their number, the higher the likelihood of various relative to unique combinations of their relative arrangement. Thus, opening the system becomes more complicated and, in fact, it becomes impossible to find a suitable typical key to the system.

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Types of cylinder door locks: description, photo

In addition to lever door locks, there are also cylinder locks. Cylinder locks can have varying degrees of reliability and strength; among such products you can find those that are very easy to influence, and those that require a lot of work to crack. This factor will depend on the features of the lock mechanism.

  • Pin 1-row products . This type of device includes locks with locking and combination pins. The pins themselves are made of durable steel and are arranged in 1 row.
  • Pin 2-row products . The peculiarity of such locks is that the pins are already arranged in 2 rows, and from this it should be concluded that there are much more of them than in the previous product. The pins are also made of high quality steel. These locks come with a double-sided key.
  • Cross-shaped products . The pins of such locks are arranged in the shape of a cross, which is where their name comes from. The key for such locks will also look like a cross. The peculiarity of such locks is that the pins are arranged in several rows, and their number may vary.

Cylinder lock

  • Cylinder locks with conical milling . In such products there are several pins in a row, the maximum of them can be 5. Such cylinder locks are reliable and durable, since the pins in them are located on different planes.
  • Cylinder locks with turning pins. The peculiarity of these locks is that they are equipped with pins that turn.

When choosing a particular type of door lock, be guided not only by personal preferences, but also by the expediency of the purchase.

Crossbar locking mechanisms for iron doors

The peculiarity of this mechanism is the opening method. The key does not turn in the hole, but moves inward, completely inserting into the groove. The key has an elongated shape with oblique longitudinal notches. The same notches are located on the inner crossbar, and when they coincide, the opening occurs.


  • steel body;
  • crossbar;
  • spring;
  • key.

Reference! The key comes in different lengths and thicknesses. If lost, difficulties arise in creating a duplicate.

These mechanisms are usually used for garages, sheds, and utility rooms, as they have a low degree of reliability. An attacker can even open such a lock using a wire or a knife.

Combined locks for metal doors: description, photo

The most reliable, safe and practical are combination door locks. These devices got their name due to the fact that they always consist of a combination of 2 types of mechanisms.

Most often, lever and cylinder mechanisms are combined, but such “cohabitation” is not mandatory. You can also find dual-system locks, as these products are also called, with the following combinations:

  • 2 lever systems
  • 2 cylinder systems
  • Suvalny, cylinder, pump systems
  • In such door locks there is always a main mechanism and an additional one. As a rule, the main one is the lever lock

Door lock
It is also important to pay attention to the existing classification of combined locks, depending on how the 2 systems in them interact:

  • Independent. In this case, we have 2 locks on the door, which work completely independently of each other. You can lock the door with both locks or with one lock. It also does not matter at all which lock will close or open first.
  • Dependent. This type of locks is distinguished by their dependence on each other. A door with such a lock must be opened and closed according to a certain algorithm, since without opening the main lock, you will not be able to open the additional one.
  • Semi-dependent. Such locks are by and large independent of each other. However, when closing the upper lock (cylinder), the keyhole of the lower one will be blocked by a special flap.
  • There are also dual-system locks that can be opened with one key. This type of operation of door locks is very convenient and practical.

The best of the best

Most people consult with friends and acquaintances before choosing a door lock. Instead, we went through all the top review sites asking which lock to choose for the front door and compiled a list of good models that have no complaints.

  • Kale 157 AZMT – rim lock;
  • Cisa RS3 S – cylinder head;
  • Cisa 57.986.48 – combination lock (cylinder + lever);
  • Mottura 40.701 – mortise lever lock;
  • ABLOY Protec SU332 and SU333 – cylinder heads;
  • Titan Battery – invisible mortise lock;
  • Elbor Kremen 1.04.04 – mortise lever lock;
  • Border 3В8-6/13 – lever lock;
  • APECS Premier XC-60 – cylinder head.

Which lock is better to choose: tips

You need to choose a door lock based on where exactly it will be installed, what function it will perform and, of course, how much money you are willing to pay for it.

  • If you need to put a lock, for example, on the door that leads to the yard, on your property, and you do not need it to be extremely reliable, then you can use a deadbolt lock. The lock is completely unsuitable for the entrance door to a house or apartment.
  • For a door that leads to an apartment or house, it is better to give preference to lever or cylinder locks.
  • If you want to have additional security measures, then install a latch on the door.
  • An electromechanical lock is quite reliable. To open such a lock you will need a special remote control, card, etc., but there are no keys for such devices in the form we are familiar with.
  • Another type of reliable lock is electromagnetic. It also comes with a magnetic key or code.

Reliable lock
General recommendations for choosing locks include the following:

  • Choose a door lock based on practicality and reliability, not price. What is expensive is not always of high quality and suitable for you. Sometimes even mid-priced locks are great for entrance doors.
  • Choose a lock according to your door. For a wooden door, for example, a heavy mechanical lock is not suitable. In this way, you will not only not ensure your safety, but also, on the contrary, make it easier for scammers to gain access to your apartment.
  • Never buy electromagnetic locks if the lights in your home are often turned off, because after a power outage they will not work.
  • When purchasing door locks for the entrance door to an apartment or house, give preference to locks that have a 3rd or 4th class of security.
  • Check for armor plates in the lock.
  • Check the integrity of the package containing the keys to the door lock.

Castles cannot be called a cheap pleasure, so purchases of this kind must be made carefully. Expensive door locks of the 3rd and 4th security class are recommended to be installed on the entrance doors of those premises in which there is something very valuable and important. For other premises, a 2nd class security lock is suitable, which, by the way, is also very reliable.

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