Should you place the bed with the head of the bed facing the window? Pros, cons and 80 comfortable implementations

A bed with the headboard facing the window is a non-standard solution that can radically transform the interior

Should you place the bed with the head of the window facing the window? The question is increasingly worrying many apartment owners, fascinated by the exquisite bedroom interiors from Western designers. On the one hand, a bed with the headboard facing the window looks very stylish, but on the other hand, constant drafts, noise from the street and bright sunlight are frightening, which are unlikely to have a favorable effect on sleep and will also disturb the intimate atmosphere in the bedroom. It’s different in the West: private houses, quiet streets, lack of frost - nothing prevents you from furnishing this room the way you want. But they do this here too, many will say, but what about hospitals, children’s camps, hotels? You can certainly find a similar arrangement of sleeping places in them; why not resort to such a fashionable design move in your own apartment?

Indeed, why not? Although interior design experts are divided on how a bed should be positioned, it's important to consider your personal needs first. Therefore, if you want to place the head of the bed next to the window, you should weigh the pros and cons, and then decide for yourself whether this option is convenient or not.

You can install a bed with the headboard facing the window in the attic

A fresh look at the bedroom: installing a bed with the headboard facing the window on the entire wall

Bed with headboard to high window of irregular shape

Which way to place the head of the bed

When arranging furniture, you need to use common sense, and also know and remember about the energy and magnetic fields that envelop the Earth and affect us. Surrounding objects redistribute or delay these flows. We feel it as a feeling of comfort or discomfort.

To correctly position the bed in the space of the room, you need to think through several options.

Bed in the bedroom: how not to place it. 13 taboos

The bed is the holy of holies in our bedroom, because we spend a whole third of the day and life in general in it.

A properly positioned bed gives us safety, the opportunity to rest and recuperate for subsequent activities.

If you sleep enough, but wake up tired, if your health has deteriorated, or your career is not going well, pay attention to the rules on how not to place a bed in the bedroom. Examples of placement and Feng Shui recommendations in the article.

Feng Shui is a very deep and systematic science, formed over thousands of years. Its goal is to make our existence harmonious.

How a bed shouldn't be

1 Foot to the front door (dead person’s position), i.e. in a straight line to the doorway.

According to Feng Shui, this factor can create diseases along the midline of the body.

If rearrangement is impossible, a tightly closed door, a screen in front of it, a chest of drawers, a cabinet, or a tall plant with rounded leaves will reduce the negative impact.

2. Opposite the mirror when it reflects sleeping people . Details on how to hang a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not cause harm are here.

3. Adjacent to a wall with a door . This is especially important if you share a bedroom with family members or disrespectful roommates who have a different sleep schedule than you.

Whenever the door opens, you will have to wake up on high alert due to the unexpected sound and movement of the door opening. Serious diseases and illnesses may develop in the center of the body.

4. Adjacent to a wall with a door, when the door blocks the view . You'll have to get out of bed to see someone coming in, instead of just raising your head if your bed is on the opposite side of the door.

You may think that not seeing the door is normal for you, but subconsciously you will experience constant tension and anxiety, which creates an imbalance in the nervous system. Results may include nerve problems, arrhythmia, and rapid heartbeat.

Additionally, repeatedly twisting your body to see who is coming in can cause neck and spine problems in the long run.

The further you sleep from the door, and the greater the view from your bed, the more confident you are in managing your environment and life events.

5. Headboard to the window itself , especially to a large, panoramic one. The window is the gateway between your bedroom and the outside world.

When you sleep with your head directly under the window, your sleep is easily disturbed by sounds from the wind or noise coming from outside, smells, light, and the movements of insects and birds.

When sounds, movements or smells are unfamiliar, your survival instincts kick in and can wake you up completely, making it difficult to fall back to sleep.

Feng Shui advises avoiding placing your bed under a window; this position provides little protection and creates anxiety and trouble.

Thick curtains can be a solution.

6. Share one wall with the toilet (bathtub) . It's a bit like having a bedroom right under the toilet. If your bed shares a wall with the toilet, you may hear fluid moving through the pipes.

The adjustment is to use a thick (preferably soft or very substantial) headboard for the bed, which can minimize unwanted noises that disturb your sleep.

According to Feng Shui: can lead to a leakage of energy, vitality and wealth.

7. Share one wall with the kitchen . Heat from the kitchen, sounds of moving water, running refrigerators, other household electronics, and other noises reduce the quality of sleep.

In addition, the kitchen is an area of ​​intense human activity that can disturb your sleep with the clanking of dishes, pots and sounds of other activities taking place in the kitchen.

According to Feng Shui, such a proximity, just as in the case of a toilet, leads to a loss of vitality, energy, and luck.

8. Under a slanted or low ceiling . They put an invisible pressure on people's energy, which turns into some kind of vague anxiety or feeling of contraction whenever you go to bed. This is especially noticeable if you sleep on the side with a lower arch.

A simple solution is to use a four-poster bed. The four pillars that surround you while you sleep tend to make you feel more protected from the downward pressure of the ceiling.

9. Under a ceiling beam , especially with sharp corners. A beam that looks like a sharp object creates discomfort and anxiety. Air currents, pushing off sharp edges, attack the sleeper.

Thus, the beam gives the feeling that your space is being chopped up, which can detract from a restful sleep. A canopy over the bed will also help, or repairs during which the protrusions are smoothed or rounded.

10. Under massive objects hanging directly above the head or at the head of the sleeping person: chandeliers or bookshelves (more than 180 cm in height), for example.

Large objects make you feel depressed, experience involuntary fear, which provokes insomnia, stress, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Solution: hang a chandelier above the dining table, and replace massive shelves with small ones. Or move the bed.

11. On the same line between the window and the door . This is the case when the bedroom is like a long “pencil case”; the bed seems to be standing on the roadway. Sleeping on such a bed is not comfortable due to the sudden movement of air currents.

How to fix:

hang a small multifaceted crystal ball in the center of the window at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor. A ball from a crystal chandelier or a purchased Swarovski ball will do. Its edges will refract rays of light and disperse sharp currents of air and energy.

Place a lush ornamental plant on the windowsill; it will stop the rapid energy of qi.

Place a screen immediately behind the bed in front of the door: the air and energy flows around the screen will become smoother, and the atmosphere in the bedroom will become harmonious.

12. Near sockets . They generate additional harmful energy background.

13. The footboard is adjacent to the wall . Feng Shui warns: a reduced range of visibility, when the gaze rests on a wall, reduces a person’s energy, his life vision, and intuition.

A wall at the foot of the bed can block your career and cause foot and ankle problems. The more space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes and improves.

Ideal bed arrangement:


If sleep does not bring rest, or there are problems in your personal and social life, take into account the rules for placing your bed. Our health, well-being and quality of life depend on how correctly it stands.



Is it possible to place the bed with the head of the window

If you turn your head towards the window, you will feel unprotected. You will not be able to ventilate the room when you are lying in bed, as you risk catching a cold. If the sound insulation is weak, then the noise coming from the window will interfere. It will feel like you are in an open place.

If the bedroom has two windows, the bed can be placed with the headboard between the windows. This will protect you from direct sunlight in the morning, and in winter, radiators under the windows will add heat.


Let's start with the pros and also list situations and layouts when a bed with a backrest near the window is a stylish and rational solution.

Inconvenient room layout

Sometimes the size of the room and exits to other rooms simply do not leave another chance. For example, when out of four walls two are occupied by doors (the exit from the room and the entrance to the bathroom), and the only empty wall needs to be occupied by a wardrobe. Another option is when there are windows on all three sides. All that remains is to put the bed against the wall by the window.

Design: Lischkoff Design Planning

High window

If the window is located under the ceiling, it makes sense to place the head of the bed against the wall below it. It will take up empty space and will look aesthetically pleasing.

Photo: Instagram megcaris.interiors

Low window

The opposite option to the previous one. If you have a beautifully shaped headboard, the directional light from the window behind it will accentuate its shape and brighten up your bedroom.

Photo: Instagram love_my_home_1989

Curtains like a canopy

Window curtains can also be a stylish addition to your sleeping area if you place the headboard against the window. They will serve as a kind of canopy and accent wall at the same time.

Design: Thom Filicia Inc.

  • Bedroom

    Decorating the head of the bed: 8 beautiful and unusual ideas

Window sill as a storage shelf

Functionally using a window sill as storage above the headboard is a great idea. You can save money on buying a bedside table.

Design: Anna Gillar

Bay window

If your bedroom has a layout with a bay window, placing a bed there with the back facing the window is one of the best options for the functional use of this protrusion on the facade.

Photo: Instagram apartmenttherapy

Bed on the attic floor

If the apartment is on the top floor or you are planning a bedroom in a private house with an attic, place a bed under the window and enjoy the views of the sky.

Design: JLB Property Developments

Feng Shui direction of the head of the bed

Feng Shui says that sleep affects fate and success, and there are no trifles here.

Do not place the head of the bed against the wall:

  • between the window and the entrance;
  • on which the door is located;
  • between two cabinets.

Which side of the world should I put it on?

Eastern teaching attaches great importance to position in space and suggests turning the headboard to the cardinal points:

  • north - health, energy, relief from fatigue, growth of intuition;
  • south - career growth, fame, communication skills in business relationships will increase;
  • east - wealth, good health, luck;
  • West - healthy and happy offspring, new ideas in creativity.

Place the bed diagonally, mixing the energy flows. For example, to fulfill your desires and achieve your goals, turn your head to the southeast. Choose for yourself, listen to your feelings, try different options.

According to Feng Shui, the universal position of the headboard is considered to be north or east. This guarantees sound and healthy sleep.


And now about the possible disadvantages of this solution.

Cold air

Even in the southern regions there can be severe winds - if the windows are not installed professionally or are simply old, cold air will penetrate into the room.

Photo: Instagram apartmenttherapy

If your windows are adjusted, good double-glazed windows are installed and you know that there will be no blowing from the window cracks, why not try it?

Proximity to batteries and dry air

During the heating season, which lasts six months, many people complain that indoor air is too dry. If you sleep in close proximity to a stream of hot air, you can face the morning with headaches, dry skin and poor health.

Photo: Instagram apartmenttherapy

But there is a way out here too. Firstly, most modern radiators are equipped with heat supply regulators. Secondly, a sufficiently high back will cut off air from the hot battery.

It's hard to get to the window

Wash the windowsill, water the flowers if they are standing there, move the curtains and the like. However, there is a counterargument here too. You don’t have to place the headboard too close to the window, but move it back about 15 cm so that the problem solves itself.

Photo: Instagram apartmenttherapy

Psychological aspect: feeling of insecurity

Relevant for private houses and the first floor. It is uncomfortable to sleep when someone can look in through the window. And even if the area is guarded and fenced, the lack of a basic sense of security can greatly interfere with sleep. It's difficult to resist this. If you are really afraid, most likely, the option of a bed by the window is not for you.

Design: Paquette Associates Inc.

Eastern approach: the opinion of yogis

Eastern philosophy has several requirements for how to sleep. Particular attention is paid to cosmic energy, which passes through the body during night rest. Yogis are of the opinion that you should not place your bed opposite the door. In this case, the energy of the sleepers disappears along with the air flow.

It is worth noting that philosophical teaching did not prohibit sleeping with any specific part of the body towards the window.

Much more attention is paid to the side of the world, and not to the window opening. It is believed that the head should be placed towards the north and the lower limbs towards the south.

Types of beds

What will it be like? A classic double or single bed, a folding sofa... Or maybe it's a bunk bed? The possibility of its location in the room depends on the model of furniture.

If you decide to follow the Western fashion and place your bed near the window, you need to take into account a number of inconveniences that you will have to face.

Classic beds can be with or without a headboard, high, low, or with a canopy.

Different cultures share the same teaching that it is better to have a bed with the head of the bed facing north or east.

This is interesting: a water mattress for a comfortable rest (25 photos)

How to place is not recommended?

How can you not place a bed? It is not recommended to place it under a triangular roof that is sloping; you cannot place it under the stairs. This placement causes a feeling of something massive and heavy hanging over the sleeper, which does not add comfort to sleep.

For the same reason, large pieces of furniture are not placed next to the bed: cabinets, shelves and chandeliers. They are especially careful when choosing a place for the bed if there is a large mirror in the room.

A sleeping place is not placed opposite this piece of furniture. The mirror absorbs energy of any nature - both positive and negative . It stores all this and gives it back to the person during sleep.

For a sound and healthy sleep, a person must get enough sleep and be freed from unnecessary thoughts. A person sleeping in front of a mirror will wake up broken and tired. In addition, he may be disturbed by the reflection in the mirror, which takes on different forms at night.

There is no need to place the bed next to the wall in which the pipeline or air vent is built in, so it is placed against the opposite wall if the room shares a wall with the kitchen or bathroom.

The sleeping place is placed away from central heating devices.

According to Feng Shui, batteries burn Qi energy, but this rule is also scientifically based: while sleeping, a person will constantly feel either hot or cold due to the proximity of the radiator.

It is undesirable to place sockets that emit negative energy flows and a TV next to the bed.

The practical side of the issue

In practice, it is better to sleep with your head on the side opposite the window. There are several reasons for this. They are all quite objective:

  • drafts and street noise penetrate through the window opening;
  • a good night's rest can be disrupted by lightning, moonlight and sun rays;
  • when choosing such a position, a feeling of insecurity and serious danger appears on a subconscious level;
  • If unforeseen situations arise, there is a risk that the glass in the window opening will break, and this will negatively affect health.

Based on this, it becomes clear why you should not sleep with your head towards the window.

Interesting headboard

A unique upholstered headboard always looks beautiful and helps draw attention away from the windows.

Natural light helps create beautiful lighting for furniture. The headboard helps cover the bottom of the window, providing additional privacy. Light curtains will be a beautiful decoration.

A massive headboard covers the window without looking awkward, since the bed and Roman blinds covering the window visually create a single whole.

Correctly selected headboard

If the bedroom is small, then placing the bed near the window will be the best option. If you are concerned about the fact that it blocks the window and prevents the passage of sunlight, you should choose furniture without a headboard. Forged structures are also an excellent option.

If you want to create a darker and more private space, then the headboard should be massive so that it blocks out the light as much as possible.

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Benefits of placing your bed near a window

By placing your bed next to a window, you can free up more space in the room. In addition, this will help partially block the view of the street, which is not very pleasant.

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Lots of light can also be an advantage if people like it.

Location according to cardinal directions

It is generally accepted that the headboard should face north, but it is allowed to be located near the eastern wall. Each side of the world affects the sleeper in its own way.

If you point the head of the head to the south, your reputation will be given additional support. The southeast direction makes a person purposeful.

The northern direction awakens intuition, the northeast enhances the intellect, and the northwest promotes the development of strong friendships.

If a married couple is unable to have a child, it is best to place the bed in the western direction, and a girl who wants to find a life partner should place the bed in the southwest.

Useful tips

Tips for placing a bed in the bedroom:

  • there should be free space around the bedroom (at least half a meter);
  • when placing the bed, the individual characteristics of the sleeping person are taken into account;
  • the bed should be the center of the bedroom;
  • If you own a cat, observe where she likes to sleep. Sensitive animals never choose anomalous areas as a sleeping place.

The bed is the central place of the bedroom. With its help, a person rests and restores strength, so it should be located in the correct zone.

Designers' opinion

Before choosing a way to place the bed and abandoning the option you like by the window, I recommend taking into account the following opinions of designers:

  • The first opinion is to install a warm double-glazed window.
  • A second opinion is to use a humidifier or air conditioner.
  • Third opinion - blindfolds.

The space by the window can be functional, resulting in a higher level of comfort.
Before installing a bed in the bedroom, you need to think through all the details. The preliminary project must be considered from all sides and only then a decision must be made.



What circumstances influence the choice of location?

A person may experience discomfort or feel unsafe if the bed is in the wrong place.
From the point of view of Feng Shui, the sleeper may be hindered by the incorrect rotation of energy flows. If a person sleeps poorly and feels groggy the next morning, it is necessary to check whether the sleeping place is located correctly. How to properly place a bed in a room?

There are many options for a comfortable bed position. In different situations, it can be placed in the center of the bedroom, by the window or in the corner, or moved against the wall. The choice of location is influenced by the size of the room, the number of windows and doors, and their location.

For some, cardinal directions and recommendations regarding Feng Shui are important. Any area in the bedroom has an impact on the sleeping person. The final location option should be chosen taking into account all the circumstances.

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