Combining a balcony with a kitchen: stages of redevelopment and 70 of the most comfortable implementations

Kitchen leading into a small seating area on an insulated balcony

The last type is complete insulation. With full insulation in the floor and walls, systems made of penoplex and polyethylene are also installed, a “warm floor” system is installed, and radiators are installed. When choosing and installing batteries, preference is given to electric ones.

After installing a full heating system, the balcony is equated to a living space.

By installing insulation on the balcony, you definitely will not regret it, since it will be pleasant to be on it both in summer and in cold winter.

The advantages of combining a loggia and a kitchen

Combining two rooms into one allows you to make the most of your square footage. If the apartment is small, then this is an ideal solution to increase the area. As a result, the kitchen will become not only multifunctional, but also comfortable.

Rice. 2. Through combination, you can achieve the desired space and create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and coziness.

In the additional area you can organize a dining room or use it as storage for kitchen equipment. In addition, the combination of the balcony area and the kitchen allows you to create an original and unique design.

Increasing kitchen space

There are several ways to expand your kitchen. Physical increase involves redevelopment and combination of two zones. You can also optimize the existing space and transfer some of the functions to the loggia.

Rice. 3. Increasing the kitchen area by combining it with a loggia.

The most common way to expand the kitchen is through a loggia or balcony. To do this, you will need to insulate the loggia, dismantle the balcony block and part of the wall located under the window.

Improving the heat and sound insulation of the kitchen

When combining the balcony area and the kitchen, the heat and sound insulation properties can be improved by insulating and glazing the loggia. All surfaces of the loggia are insulated: walls, floor and ceiling. You can install a “warm floor” system or radiators for heating around the perimeter.

Rice. 4. You must first decide on the purpose of the attached zone.

The scale of sound and heat insulation work depends on this. It is advisable to use multi-glazed windows made of plastic or wood. In this way, reliable insulation can be achieved.

Brighten up the kitchen

By combining the balcony, the kitchen area can be made lighter. This is achieved thanks to the location of the loggia windows. In addition, the view of the streetscape is expanded.

Rice. 5. Combining two zones allows you to expand the possibility of natural lighting.

To enhance natural light, it is recommended to use light colors for decorating the balcony area and the adjacent kitchen. They will reflect light, which in turn will improve the illumination of the room. This is useful not only for plants, but also in this light it is convenient to cook food.

Balcony or loggia - what's the difference?

The balcony is remote superstructure, has only one common wall with the apartment and is fenced around the perimeter.

The loggia is built into the apartment; it shares 3 common walls with it.

This is a fundamental difference, since these two zones have different load criteria. Also, the heating battery cannot be placed on the balcony.

That’s why remodeling a kitchen with a loggia always raises far fewer questions and headaches in general.

Disadvantages of combining a loggia and a kitchen

The disadvantages of the combination include the following:

  • Paperwork
  • Financial investments
  • Difficult and time-consuming installation

To obtain permission to combine two premises, you will have to wait about six months. The main disadvantage is the reconstruction of the load-bearing elements and a major restructuring of the balcony block. In addition, this combination requires additional heating.

Rice. 6. Attaching a loggia to the kitchen requires a lot of financial investment.

It can be difficult to carry out installation and expand a room yourself, especially if you do not have the appropriate skills. Therefore, you will have to involve a team of builders.

Collection of documents

If you plan to remove only the windows and balcony doors, then you do not need to certify the documents in this case. However, serious redevelopment of this area will require permission from the relevant authorities.

Rice. 7. Apartment plan before and after redevelopment.

To begin combining the two zones, you need to prepare a number of documents, namely:

  • Project
  • House plan with explication
  • Documents and copies thereof confirming the right of ownership of real estate

The project can be developed in an architectural office or in another relevant organization that is licensed to draw up such documents.

Costs for insulation and finishing of the kitchen

If the balcony is an extension of the kitchen, then the costs will be high. It will be necessary to glaze the loggia, insulate the walls and floor, install a sewer system, etc. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is used as insulation. To insulate the floor, you can purchase an infrared system or install a heater or oil radiator.

Rice. 8. Installation technology for the “warm floor” system.

If you plan to completely combine a balcony and a kitchen area, then you cannot do without specialists. Their help will be needed in destroying the partition. It is recommended to show the redevelopment project in advance. Finishing work can be done independently without the involvement of builders. This way you can save a lot of money.

How to design a combined space?

Many often cannot decide what is the best way to do it: to decorate the kitchen balcony in the same style, or to highlight the balcony? Photo examples, which are abundant on the Internet or design magazines, can help in making a decision. Only after looking at a couple of dozen pictures you can understand what you like best. And we will only give some advice on how to properly allocate space if this option was chosen.

Remember that even though different materials or colors are used, the room should remain unified. This is the meaning of the combination. To achieve this effect, but add some personality, use one of the following methods:

  • Use finishing materials of the same nature and texture, but in different shades. For example, laminate was chosen as the flooring. Then let it be material from the same manufacturer and the same series, but one is lighter and the other is a little darker. In this case, it is better to lay light-colored material in a room with a smaller area. You can do the same with wallpaper, facing tiles and regular painting. The main thing is not to separate absolutely all surfaces by color. Also, do not use completely opposite primary colors. Let the entire room be decorated, for example, in a blue color scheme, but with a slight difference in tone. In any case, 10% of the area may belong to a bright accent, which in this case may even be red. You can use different colors to decorate the ceiling plane;

  • Alternatively, you can use different materials, but in the same color scheme. No difference. For example, let the walls in the kitchen be covered with olive wallpaper, then the walls on the balcony can be painted in a similar shade. The same goes for the floor - let it be gray tiles in the kitchen, and gray linoleum on the balcony;

  • You can use pieces of furniture of different colors. For example, the kitchen set will be white. Then the kitchen table installed on the balcony should also be white. And the kitchen corner can be turquoise. But then this color must also appear in the kitchen, but only as an accent. For example, this could be a set of cups on a stand or a clock on the wall. In general, you get the idea.

Where to start combining the loggia and kitchen

Combining a balcony and kitchen area is one of the options for remodeling an apartment. There are some restrictions when changing the structure of a residential area. They must be observed and fulfilled. Here you will need documentation and permission to carry out work. First you need to determine whether it is possible to combine the kitchen and balcony area together.

Rice. 9. Apartment plan.

If you start redevelopment without the appropriate permitting documents and approvals, the owner will be required to pay a fine. In this case, the condition of the apartment will need to be restored to its original condition.

Coordination of changes

In many houses, dismantling the wall that borders two rooms is prohibited, since it is load-bearing. It is also prohibited to demolish the door threshold, regardless of the type of multi-story building. Any designer will strictly prohibit this, since this element can act as a load-bearing structure. In a panel house, when dismantling the threshold, the rigidity of the hinged panel may be disrupted.

Rice. 10. Complete dismantling of the partition in a panel house is prohibited.

Partial demolition of a wall, provided that it is not load-bearing, is permitted only if the apartment is located no higher than the 7th floor. Such construction manipulations are carried out only in monolithic houses.

Collection of documents

First, you need to contact the BTI at your place of residence so that the organization issues a registration certificate. The project must be approved by the organization that designed the house. After a positive decision is made, the project should be agreed upon by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, with suppliers of light, gas and other resources.

Rice. 11. Only after receiving permission to carry out installation work can redevelopment begin.

In addition, you will need written permission from the residents of the apartment and house. After collecting all the documents, you can contact the Housing Inspectorate. There they will draw up an acceptance certificate in a “new” form, on the basis of which the BTI will issue a technical passport for the reconstructed apartment.

Do I need to approve the redevelopment?

Coordination of demolition and redevelopment of the premises is a mandatory process. You can avoid it only at your own peril and risk of collapse. Especially when it comes to an old house.

Despite the fact that combining a balcony is a simple type of renovation, you still need to obtain permission for redevelopment.

The first thing you need to do is contact the territorial BTI. After writing the application, the apartment will be visited by a specialist who will be able to give an objective assessment of the condition of the premises. If there are no claims or violations from the central gas and water disposal systems, permission can be obtained within a short period of time.

It is necessary to call a special expert who will evaluate the technical passport of the premises and issue permission for redevelopment.

Additionally, you may need a package of documents:

  • technical passport of the premises;
  • redevelopment project. You need to contact the territorial research institute;
  • permission from a BTI specialist;
  • final act.

In rare cases, a cadastral extract may be requested. It’s worth warning right away that the collection of documents does not end with a trip to the research institute and BTI. In some cases, you need to contact the Bureau of Protection of Historical Objects, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations. A complete list of authorities for obtaining permission is issued by the BTI.

Types of combining loggia and kitchen

Before proceeding directly to installation, you should consider the possibility of combination and you can make it complete or partial. From this the interior style will be developed. When choosing a complete or partial combination of two rooms, you should determine the role of the balcony opening in the new room. Only after this should you start combining. Regardless of the type of association, the loggia is first improved. It is insulated, the floor is leveled and communications are installed.

Partial combination of loggia and kitchen

In case of partial changes in the kitchen, the door blocks and window are removed, but the radiator is left. In this case, permission may not be taken. If you plan to conduct communications, then it will definitely be needed.

Rice. 12. The protruding part can be used as a dining table or bar counter.

Repairs will cost less and you can use the protruding part in different ways. The former window sill can serve as a bar counter, dining table or arch. If the kitchen is small, then you won’t be able to actually enlarge it. As a result, the interior will be unfinished.

Complete combination of loggia and kitchen

A complete change in the structure of the kitchen involves demolishing the partition. At the same time, the loggia becomes its continuation. Taking this into account, communications are brought down and the heating is redone.

Rice. 13. Option for completely combining two zones.

This method of combination allows you to obtain a harmonious increase in kitchen space. Complete reconstruction requires a lot of financial costs. In addition, it may be difficult to obtain permission.

Arch design

How harmonious the attached loggia will look largely depends on how the passage is designed. In some cases and styles, a rectangle looks good. Then all you need to do is beat him correctly. And from a lack of planning it turns into a decoration.

To prevent the opening from looking like something alien, play with it, for example by decorating it with shelves

In the bedroom with an attached balcony there is an arcing exit - cover everything with translucent tulle from wall to wall. Hard lines are softened, harmony is restored.

Tulle hides imperfections

Sometimes a simple rectangle just doesn't cut it. Then the corners need to be rounded, adding smoothness.

To justify such a portal, two niches were made on the sides

Another option to add meaning to the remaining part of the window sill wall is to add shelves above it.

Shelves - useful and beautiful

If the arch is made round only on one side, it will fit better into modern design; with appropriate design, it will be suitable for minimalism and hi-tech.

We will help you with obtaining permission in Moscow and documents for remodeling the kitchen - combining it with a balcony or loggia, installing a bar counter in place of the window.

Carrying out reconstruction work

Before dismantling the partition, the loggia should be insulated, glazed and the balcony door removed.

The main stages of work to combine the kitchen and loggia:

  1. Preparing the balcony. Garbage should be collected from this area, unnecessary things should be removed and cleaning should be done. Remove old finishing materials, trim, and window frames. If the balcony is not glazed, then this must be done at the first stage.
  2. Dismantling the partition. You need to start with the window and door block. Next, use a hacksaw to cut the frame lintel and remove the beams using a crowbar. If there are metal elements, cut them with a grinder. After removing the partition, it is necessary to strengthen the resulting opening. Install a tabletop on the ledge of the former window sill.

Rice. 14. When dismantling the partition, the heating radiator must not be moved.

  1. Insulation. Foam plastic is usually used for this purpose. Foil penofol is laid on top of the insulation and secured with self-tapping screws or glue. Tape the joints between them with metal tape.

Rice. 15. Balcony insulation technology.

  1. Installation of heated floors. First, install the sheathing and check the correct execution using a level. Polyurethane foam is used to securely fix the joints. Next, lay foam sheets and cover them with wooden plywood and secure them with self-tapping screws. To ensure waterproofing of plywood, foil penofol is used. After this, the thermal film is installed and the contacts are brought out. Then the underlay, laminate or other material is laid down.

Rice. 16. Layout diagram for the “warm floor” system.

  1. Ceiling insulation. First, install the sheathing. Then, through the gaps formed, run the wire for lighting. Next, attach the PVC panels. Make holes in them for future lamps.

Rice. 17. Ceiling insulation is an important and necessary task.

  1. Wall decoration. Lay insulation, vapor barrier material and waterproof film on the installed wooden frame. There should be no joints, so they are treated with sealant. The interior decoration of the loggia can be done in the same style as the kitchen, or decorated in different styles.

Rice. 18. Option for finishing the balcony area.

Combining two rooms is a complex and time-consuming job that requires appropriate skills and knowledge.

Design ideas for combining a loggia and a kitchen

After combining the kitchen and loggia, it is necessary to think over the concept of the new interior. The design can be varied. The loggia does not stand out in any way against the background of the kitchen, so it is necessary to make the correct layout of the common space.

Rice. 19. Interesting design for arranging a kitchen combined with a loggia.

If the room is completely combined, then it is recommended that the finishing be done in the same style and color scheme. If partially combined, the loggia can be decorated in a different color and highlighted more brightly. It can serve as a storage room, work area, resting place, etc. When choosing any option, you need to consider the location, shape and size of the balcony.

Dining area on the loggia

The dining area can be moved to the loggia. It can be not only a continuation of the kitchen, but also an independent area with an individual design. Natural light enters the room, and this makes the area more cozy and comfortable. In addition, you can observe a beautiful landscape from the window if they overlook, for example, a park.

Rice. 20. Option for arranging a dining room.

Thanks to this option, you can free up space in the kitchen, especially if it is small in size. This area can be supplemented with bamboo curtains, a small cabinet for dishes, decorative elements, etc.

Bar counter between the loggia and the kitchen

When partially combined, the window sill can serve as a bar counter. The partition can be made narrow or slightly raised, decorated with artificial stone, etc. The bar counter looks beautiful and original, especially if the kitchen is decorated in a classic style.

Rice. 21. Bar counter is an ideal design solution when combining a balcony and a kitchen.

For the bar counter, you need to select appropriate high chairs; it is advisable that they are adjustable in height. The counter can serve not only as a partition for dividing space, but also as a substitute for a dining table. The bar counter between the loggia and the kitchen is an original and non-standard solution that will decorate the interior.

Arrangement of the loggia area with placement of equipment

When placing household appliances on the balcony area, it is necessary to take into account the permissible load, as well as the installation of communications. On the loggia you can place a refrigerator, freezer, washing machine or dishwasher, etc. It should be remembered that a large load on the stove is not permissible.

Rice. 22. This arrangement option frees a certain area from bulky equipment.

It should be placed compactly and not load the balcony area. During the installation process, it is important not to forget to install the required number of sockets.

Arrangement of the loggia area with storage space

You can place canned goods on the balcony area. Using PVC panels, wood or metal, you can build cabinets or furniture structures. To store preserved food, it is necessary to create certain conditions. The jars should not be exposed to sunlight, so you should make sure that the cabinets are closed.

Rice. 23. The balcony area can be used as a storage room.

The furniture structure can be placed on the floor or around the entire perimeter. The cabinet can be installed along the wall. It is not advisable to make wall cabinets for storing canned vegetables. The appearance of such furniture can be changed using colored varnish or photo wallpaper. If desired, you can install a sliding wardrobe system that will match the overall interior design.

Arrangement of the loggia area with the placement of a working area

When moving the workplace to the loggia, the owners may encounter certain difficulties. Placing the stove and sink requires relocating all communications. This will require special permission. It is strictly forbidden to move the gas stove to the balcony on your own. It is quite difficult to obtain permission to carry it, so it is easier to use an electric stove.

Rice. 24. Design of a kitchen located on the loggia.

Relocating the kitchen can be done without demolishing the partition. Residents of the first floor are allowed to drain the sewer, but this is the only case. For kitchens on a loggia, to save space, you can combine a hob and a sink. If the area of ​​the balcony allows, then you can arrange the furniture in a corner.

Arrangement of the loggia area with a seating area

An insulated loggia can be a favorite place to meet and relax for guests. On the loggia you can put a sofa or a functional bench, where you can put some things or objects under the seats.

Rice. 25. Design of arranging a recreation area.

Soft colored pillows and a blanket will add comfort and coziness to the relaxation area. These items will highlight the individual style of the interior. Instead of the usual chairs, you can use ottomans, as well as any frameless furniture. The relaxation area on the loggia allows you not only to expand your boundaries, but also to create a unique and cozy atmosphere for a pleasant pastime.

Arrangement of the loggia area with a garden

The recreation area can be designed in the form of a winter garden. To create a home greenhouse, you need to create all the conditions so that the plants feel good. You should be smart about choosing plants and their placement. Lighting plays a big role for many flowers: some need shading, while others require more light. In the second case, you cannot do without special lamps.

Rice. 26. Construction of a winter garden.

You can place decorative and exotic plants on the loggia, as well as create a “vegetable garden” on the windowsill. A large plant should be placed in the center, and pots with smaller flowers should be placed next to it. The window sill can be decorated with orchids, hydrangeas, azaleas and other decorative flowers. Hanging flowerpots with climbing plants will look original.

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