Technology of installation of plastic windows GOST 30971 2002

PVC window installation technology in accordance with GOST

Korovin Sergey Dmitrievich
Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

When purchasing a window, we plan that it will be able to serve well for many decades. However, this is only possible if the window is installed correctly. Almost all specialists have their own methods and secrets, but there are also special fixed standards - GOST and SNiP. It is the installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST that can give the highest quality results.

Myths about plastic windows

Myth 1. Plastic windows block the opening and “don’t breathe”

Modern designs are equipped with high-quality fittings and rubber seals around the perimeter of the sash and frame, which prevents drafts from entering the room. For a user who is not accustomed to such tightness, at first it seems that the apartment has become stuffy. Compared to old wooden frames, which “breathed” thanks to cracks and dried wood, plastic windows really do not allow air to pass through. To avoid stuffiness and ensure access to fresh air, it is necessary to ventilate the room at least 2 times a day for 15 minutes. New wooden windows also do not “breathe” naturally. The surface of the frame is treated with special impregnations and varnishes, through the pores of which wind does not pass. Wood products require daily ventilation for a comfortable indoor microclimate.

Myth 2. Plastic windows are not environmentally friendly

There is a widespread belief that plastic structures are hazardous to health. Most often, the buyer reacts to the mention of lead in the PVC profile. For rigidity, strength, increased service life, beautiful appearance, and reliable protection against moisture absorption, various stabilizers are added to the plastic. These additives may be lead based or calcium and zinc compounds. Only the material does not contain lead itself, but its compound, which has absolutely no effect on human health. The same table salt is sodium chloride. If we said that salt consists of chlorine, would we eat it? But the compound is strikingly different from the chemical element itself. The same goes for profile additions. The safety of plastic has long been studied and proven. We use this material every day for things such as a toothbrush, glasses, and dishes. Baby bottles are made of plastic and even in medicine you cannot do without it; the same vessels for donor blood are made of PVC.


Installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST will guarantee its long and trouble-free service. Today, all types of work related to this area are regulated by four main standards:

  • GOST 30674-99 . It contains general information on the issue and basic requirements for windows. There is practically no mention of the installation process itself in this GOST.
  • GOST R52749-2007 . This standard focuses on the process of installing windows using vapor-permeable, self-expanding sealing tape.
  • GOST 30971-2012 . This document contains the most detailed information on the issue. It also contains exact requirements for window sizes, device parameters and joint filling materials, methods of fastening structures and similar information. It also describes the requirements for regulatory documentation, some warranty obligations of the work contractor and general requirements for the performance of work. This standard was introduced at the beginning of 2014 and replaced the outdated GOST 30971-2002 for window installation.
  • SNiP 02/23/2003 . The standard sets the parameters for thermal protection of premises. Suffice it to mention that it requires the installation of a 3-chamber double-glazed window for most climatic zones of Russia and a 5-chamber double-glazed window for Siberia.

The standards take into account the climate zone in which the plastic window will be installed.
All of the above regulatory documents are valid, but not mandatory. The only exception was various requirements related to safety in one way or another. Compliance with GOSTs only helps to achieve the highest quality window installation.

Assembly seams according to GOST

Currently, GOST 30971-2012 is in force in this area. Assembly seams connecting window blocks to wall openings. General technical conditions (instead of GOST 30971-2002). If desired and necessary, it can be studied in detail, since in addition to the seams themselves, there is a lot of other useful information on the installation of window blocks. But to put it briefly at the seams:

The junction of a window (balcony) block to a wall opening.

  1. Central layer
  2. Outer sealing layer
  3. Inner sealing layer
  4. Additional sealing layer
  5. Low tide
  6. Windowsill

Size requirements.

Installation gap dimensions.

Material of profile elements

Overall size of the window block, mm

Installation gap size, mm

Preparing for installation

The installation of plastic windows according to GOST is not much different in general terms from the usual installation of a PVC window. The main differences lie in the nuances and compliance with a number of requirements. The technology for installing plastic windows is as follows:


Before starting work, a number of measurements should be taken. The dimensions of the window are set as follows: the width of the window is the width of the window opening, from which the double width of the installation gap (which will be on both sides) is subtracted, the height is the same. According to GOST, the minimum width of such a gap is 2 cm, and in calculations the figure most often used is 2.5-3 cm .

When installing a quarter window, measurements are taken from the outside

If we are talking about installing a window in an opening with an external quarter, then all measurements should be made from the outside. The width will be the distance between the quarters, increased by the size of the frame plant per quarter, which ranges from 2.5 to 4 cm. The height is determined in the same way.

Preparatory work

After the windows have been manufactured and delivered to the customer, work should not begin immediately. It is recommended to first prepare the room: clear the space near the window for convenient work, remove unnecessary things and furniture, cover the walls and remaining objects with film or thick fabric. The doors are removed from the frame, and the cavity of the stand profile is filled with heat-insulating foam. It is recommended to do the latter one day before installation.

Particular attention should be paid to the opening itself - it must be cleaned of dirt and dust in advance. If there are noticeable irregularities, they are leveled with putty.


GOST stipulates two main types of window fastening. The first is done in the mounting plane - self-tapping screws are attached directly through the frame. This option is used most often, but requires that the door leaves and double-glazed windows be removed from the frame in advance. The advantage of this method is the ease of installation in the opening.

Most often, self-tapping screws are used for fastening

The second option is based on the use of reinforcement mounted in the frame during production. The entire structure can be mounted. It should be noted that its weight will be quite large, so the process will require certain efforts and skills.

Preparing the premises

The process of replacing window units is accompanied by the release of a large amount of dust. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to free the room as much as possible from furniture and household appliances. Anything that cannot be taken out, as well as the walls and floor, must be covered with film or newspapers to prevent contamination.

Tip: you can use an old blanket as a kind of screen, stretching it wet at a distance of two to three meters from the window opening. It will absorb a significant amount of dust, and later you can simply throw it away.

Installation work

Installation of plastic windows according to GOST provides for one important point: the frame is not installed on a bare brick or similar base. Instead, small wooden blocks impregnated with solutions are placed . They will help in aligning the window.

After this, either a separate frame or the entire structure is placed on them, which depends on the preferred type of fastening. For greater stability and reliability, the supports are left as part of the structure, and wedges are knocked out between the window and the wall on top for fixation. After this, the frame is attached from the sides in the same way. By controlling the process with a level, the frame is leveled, and adjustments are made by adding substrates.

The frame can be fastened, according to GOST, through pre-drilled fasteners. You should start from the bottom, gradually moving higher. To top it off, the structure is additionally checked for horizontalness and all screws and anchors are tightened.

Drain installation and window assembly

Most often, a special groove is provided on the outside of the window into which the drainage system is mounted. GOST states that during installation it must be foamed. If you need to create a more durable structure, the drainage system is additionally secured with screws.

The drainage system is mounted in a special groove on the outside

Upon completion, another control check of the entire structure is required: for strength, verticality and horizontality. After this, all that remains is to assemble the window. The assembly process takes place in the reverse order of disassembly: during the process, stops, handles and other accessories are returned to their places.

Filling gaps

GOSTs pay special attention to filling gaps. This procedure is almost always performed using polyurethane foam-based polyurethane foam . This material has been tested over years of work, but still has a number of disadvantages. First of all, its resistance to environmental influences and ultraviolet radiation leaves much to be desired. That is why GOST standards require maximum insulation of all seams on all sides - this will avoid destruction of the insulation, which can result in loss of tightness, fogging of windows and the penetration of cold from the street into the house.

The insulation procedure is as follows: waterproofing tape for PVC windows is glued from the inside around the entire perimeter. The tape must also have vapor-tight properties. A strip of foil is glued at the bottom, which will subsequently end up under the window sill board. They pass along the outside in a similar way. PSUL adhesive strip (moisture-resistant and vapor-tight). This membrane film can allow steam to pass out.

Related article: How to glue a thermometer to a plastic window

Installation of windows in accordance with GOST requires mandatory waterproofing of gaps

Both mentioned materials are characterized not only by the fact that they are not difficult to find on the construction market. They also differ in accessibility, that is, the final price of the work will not increase that much, but the quality will increase significantly. In addition, the structure mounted in this way will last several years longer.

To fill the gap when installing PVC windows according to GOST, the strips are slightly bent and the surface is wetted from the inside. Apply the composition using a pistol. Foam is used as a filler, intended for use all year round. According to GOST, ordinary foam can also be used, but only at temperatures up to 30 degrees below zero. Considering the conditions in most regions, such seam insulation in Russia turns out to be of little use.

Window sill installation

At the last stage of the work, the window sill is installed. This process is considered quite simple - you just need to adjust the size and, if necessary, trim the finished window sill so that it fits perfectly under the frame. According to GOST 30971, it is allowed for the window sill to extend onto the walls at a distance of 5 to 10 cm. Pegs are used to create a level, after which the cavity under the board is sealed with polyurethane foam or mortar. Experts recommend making a slope of 1-2 degrees towards the room during installation.

When installing a window sill, it is necessary to adjust it to the correct size

To decorate the window sill, plastic panels are used, which are attached to the initial profile using a clip. The casing, which wraps around the corner, is secured with self-tapping screws and covered with decorative film on top. All that remains is to put on the end caps and seal the seams with sealant.

Many construction companies interpret GOST and SNiP standards as they wish and can simply ignore them, and there is no need to say again what the consequences of incorrect installation are. There are two ways out: either carefully monitor the installation process and immediately notice violations, or install windows according to GOST on your own.

Changes since 2002

Already in the early 2000s, it became clear that in the Russian Federation the requirements for plastic windows in the house should be supplemented with requirements for the installation of plastic windows - in order to somehow keep the installation “Uncle Vasya” mentioned in the preface to this note within the bounds of decency.

Wooden or plastic windows: which is better? – you will also find it on our website.

If you are interested in PVC windows with climate control, read about them at:

To save space on the balcony, see sliding plastic windows in the next article on our website.

This is how GOST 30971-2002 appeared on plastic windows. Its exact name is “Mounting seams of joints connecting window blocks to wall openings.”

Why do the seams receive such attention?

As already mentioned: both profiles and double-glazed windows are manufactured industrially using high-precision equipment, which ensures their consumer qualities - stable heat transfer resistance and noise insulation. But the assembly seam is done manually. It is foamed with polyurethane foam and covered with decorative overlays. Which do not protect the foam either from moisture or from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

Foaming the installation seam of a PVC window

And water-impregnated polyurethane foam is an excellent conductor of cold. It has been noticed that after just two years of operation of a carelessly installed window, through the installation seam, which occupies less than 5% of the window opening area, 2.5 times more heat is lost than through the profile and double-glazed window combined.

GOST 30971-2002 specifies the requirements for the installation of PVC windows and the installation of an assembly seam.

GOST 30971-2002 requires the installation seam of PVC windows to be made in three layers. The outer layer protects the mounting foam from moisture and ultraviolet radiation, but is vapor-permeable (in winter, the partial pressure of steam in a warm room is several times higher than outside, and the steam escaping outside should not be retained in the mounting foam).

Assembly seam according to GOST 30971-2002

The central layer is polyurethane foam. The requirements for installing plastic windows require that its heat transfer resistance be 2 times higher than the given heat transfer resistance of the profile and glass unit. Installation of plastic windows according to GOST requires the use of polyurethane foam with low water-absorbing properties: when such foam is immersed in water for a day, it should not absorb more than 3% of moisture.

Installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST 30971-2002 also includes an internal layer of foam protection. This is foam with low vapor permeability.

As an outer insulating layer, the installation of a plastic window in accordance with GOST 30971-2002 recommends the use of vapor-permeable self-expanding tape PSUL, which is used to seal window seams.

Sealing tape PSUL

What is most important and even revolutionary: the installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST 30971-2002 is accompanied by installation quality control. The contractor must provide the customer with a passport for the installation seam indicating the warranty period (at least 5 years)

In case of controversial issues, the customer has the right to demand selective opening of assembly seams, as well as an independent study of their quality. If the claims are justified, the contractor will be obliged to carry out work at his own expense to open the seams and correct the defect.

Control of installation seams when installing PVC windows

It is clear that GOST for the installation of plastic windows is to a greater extent a help to customers-legal entities. It will be more difficult for an individual to implement the methodology for monitoring “Uncle Vasya” prescribed in it. We hoped that the 2022 GOST for plastic windows would be adapted to the ability of private customers to accept windows - that is, us, ordinary apartment owners. But last year no such standard was published, and, obviously, its appearance will have to wait for an indefinite period.

Compliance with GOST 30971-2002 is the basis for high-quality window installation.

  1. Deviations from the vertical and horizontal of the frame parts of mounted window units are determined (should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m of length, but not more than 3 mm per product height).
  2. Methods for fastening a window in an opening have been determined.
  3. In connection with the use of polyurethane foam as an insulating sealant for the installation seam, methods for its protection have been determined:

a) outside from water (the thermal insulation and durability of the foam decreases, and if freezing occurs, the seam is destroyed) and the sun (destroyed from ultraviolet radiation). Moreover, this protection must be vapor-permeable to allow moisture to escape from the foam itself;

b) from the inside from vaporous moisture from the room (when the foam is saturated with moisture, the thermal insulation and durability of the seam decreases)

21 century. What's new in high-quality window installation technology?

  1. Precision laser technology for measuring vertical and horizontal deviations is based on the principle of an air bubble in a closed volume of liquid. In other words, the usual levels are not written off, but simply upgraded with lasers.
  2. Window mounting methods have probably not undergone any major improvements. Through-mounting of a window frame involves various dowels, screws and anchor screws. Non-through – anchor mounting plates.

Separately, we can say about the use of plastic mounting wedges . They serve to support the window in the opening and have a number of advantages compared to wooden ones.

a) more heat-insulating (have special voids);

b) guaranteed to be more durable regardless of humidity;

c) more durable

d) more technologically advanced (reduce installation time).

  1. No one has yet canceled polyurethane foam in the 21st century. And just like other similar insulation, it must be protected. This protection is based on the technology proposed in the last century by the German corporation Illbruck Bau-Technik GmbH, on which, in fact, GOST 30971-2002 is based. Protection of the foam from precipitation (waterproofing) and the sun is provided by PSUL (pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tape). Made from polyurethane with water-repellent impregnation (certified for 20 conditional years). The problem with using PSUL is that it works 100% in ideal openings in terms of vertical/horizontal and the presence of sinks and cracks. Now the Germans offer this tape already glued onto a plastic cover for ease of installation. In principle, any strips can be used in a similar way.

With proper installation, this allows you to solve the problem of curvature of openings, but leads to an increase in the cost of high-quality window installation technology.

The Russian company suggests using “STIZ-A” sealant as waterproofing. It can be applied at sub-zero temperatures; the application does not depend on the curvature of the opening. The complexity of its application lies in the fact that the application thickness recommended by the manufacturer is 2 mm. If less is insufficient strength, more is insufficient vapor permeability. The aesthetic side of using “STIZ-A” involves covering the application area with masking tape. This increases labor intensity.

An interesting option is to waterproof the installation seam by duplicating PSUL with an under-roof vapor-permeable waterproofing membrane TYVEK. Its waterproofing and vapor permeability properties are higher than those of PSUL, which in this embodiment serves as a screen from solar UV. The use of TYVEK is technologically advanced, does not depend on the curvature of the opening and increases the tightness of this unit.

There are various ways to vapor barrier an assembly joint from moisture coming from the room. These can be foil tapes, butyl tapes on a non-woven base, various vapor-tight paste sealants. Particularly noteworthy is the use of foil foam tapes. In addition to its high vapor barrier properties, its foil layer reflects infrared radiation coming from the room, thereby reducing heat loss. Also, having high thermal insulation (4 mm penofol = 80 mm mineral wool), it allows you to completely eliminate freezing along the wall and, as a result, avoid the appearance of condensation on slopes.

Modern window profile systems are certified for use for 40-50 years. Windows have turned into complex high-tech systems that require the same high-quality high-tech installation that meets the requirements of GOST 30971-2002. Saving on the quality of window installation can result in significant costs in the future.

Based on materials from the Internet project

Added: 01/20/2015 11:37:41

Tolerances for the installation of plastic windows - PVC windows, balconies, glazing, accessories

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to completely clear the window opening and the space next to it:

  • remove everything from the windowsill,
  • take down the curtains
  • clear the approach to the window by moving the furniture at least 1.5 meters from the window.

Protect the room from dust and dirt by covering the floor and furniture with cloth or thick oilcloth.

For ease of installation, supply 220V power via an extension cord and prepare garbage bags.

TOP 10 mistakes when installing plastic windows

Improper installation of plastic windows can lead to heat leakage, unwanted air currents entering the building and accelerated destruction of window frames. The WINDOWS MEDIA portal presents 10 mistakes that installers most often make.

Many contractors install windows the same way they were done years ago, without using the proper insulation materials and modern technology.

Installation is often done too quickly and carelessly, so as a result, the plastic windows are weakly attached to the wall, and the mounting foam does not protect against moisture. What mistakes should be avoided when installing plastic windows?

Wrong window size selected

This error is a consequence of incorrect measurement of the window opening and such windows should not be installed at all: if they are too large, the insulation layer will not fit; if they are too small, they will look unsightly. In both cases, correct installation is impossible, and over time, moisture will begin to blow through and penetrate through such plastic windows.

Improper surface cleaning

This happens both when replacing old windows with new ones, and when installing plastic windows in new buildings.

Loose fragments of uncured mortar, debris, dust or remnants of old sealant cause the foam to bond poorly to the substrate.

Contaminants absorb moisture and water, which can thus penetrate inside the house. They can also cause blowing.

Incorrect installation of PVC windows in terms of wall thermal insulation

This mistake will contribute to the creation of cold bridges at the junction of the wall and window frame. In a single-layer wall, the window should be located in the middle of the wall, in a three-layer wall - in the plane of the thermal insulation, and in a two-layer wall - at the very edge in close proximity to the insulation or extend beyond it.

Poor quality placement of a plastic window in the wall

Excessive abutment of the window frame to the casing or slope will make it impossible to properly seal in these places.

If, in addition, the junction between the PVC window frame and the wall is plastered, then, after some time, cracks will appear in this place as a result of compression and stretching of the window frame due to thermal expansion of the material.

Moisture will eventually begin to penetrate through the resulting cracks, which will lead to dampening of the wall insulation layer.

A mistake is also the distance from the window to the slope being too large. This leads to excessive load on the dowels or anchors, creating the risk of deformation and displacement of the plastic window under the influence of external loads.

GOST requirements for the installation of metal-plastic systems

GOST has a list of requirements for the location of the frame and assembly seams, which are applied at the junction of the wall opening and the window block.

Rules for installing PVC windows according to GOST:

  • The window system must be installed level. The permissible horizontal, vertical and frontal deviation should not be more than 3 mm. on the structure and 1.5 mm. per linear meter of frame.
  • The assembly seam must be three-layer. (GOST 30971-2002). For optimal steam and waterproofing, the width of the seam should vary from 15-18 cm from the corner. If this indicator is higher, then there is a risk of reducing the fastening strength, but if it is lower, the window may bend due to thermal expansion.
  • In order for the window to be firmly fixed in the opening, it must be installed on support blocks, and spacer blocks must be fixed on the sides. Next, the frame is fixed using anchor dowels and special plates. The fastenings should be spaced at a distance of 700 mm. from each other. Compliance with the above requirements determines the consumer properties and quality of metal-plastic windows by 80%.

Attaching window blocks to the opening

According to paragraph B.5.3 of GOST 30971-2012, the choice of fastening elements and the distance between them along the contour of the opening, as well as the depth of embedding in the wall, are established in the working documentation based on calculations depending on the area and weight of the window product, the design of the wall opening, and the strength of the wall material , values ​​of wind and other operational loads.

The minimum distances between fasteners should not exceed for:

  • window frames made of wood - 800 mm;
  • boxes made of aluminum alloys and white PVC profiles - 700 mm ;
  • boxes and colored PVC profiles - 600 mm .

The distance from the inner corner of the box to the fastening element is 150-180 mm; from the impost connection unit to the fastening element - 120-180 mm.

The minimum distances between fastening elements should not exceed those indicated in Table D.1 of GOST 30971-2012:

Table D.1 GOST 30971-2012

Distances between fasteners

Box width, mm

Distance between fasteners, mm

— PVC profiles white

- colored PVC profiles

In accordance with paragraph B.5.4 of GOST 30971-2012, to transfer loads acting in the plane of the window block to the supporting building structure, support (bearing) pads made of polymer materials with a hardness of at least 80 units are used. Shore A or preservative-impregnated hardwood. The number and location of support blocks are determined in the working or technological documentation. The recommended block length should be 100-120 mm. The support blocks are installed after attaching the window block to the wall opening with fasteners.

The installation wedges are removed before installing the insulating layer of the assembly seam. When installing window blocks, it is allowed to use support blocks, which, after fastening, are turned from the installation position to the working position; their installation sites are filled with insulating material from the outside and inside (clause G.1.2 of GOST 30971-2012).

Examples of the location of the mounting points of the frame and support (bearing) blocks and fasteners when installing a window unit in accordance with Appendix G of GOST 30971-2012 are presented in the figures below:

Examples of the location of support (load-bearing) pads and fasteners

Examples of the location of support (load-bearing) blocks and fasteners in single-leaf window units

PVC window installation options

There are two options for installing plastic windows:

  • with disassembling the window down to the smallest detail;
  • without disassembling the window.
  • Without any knowledge, we can say that the second method will be simpler, but its use is limited by GOST requirements.

    Technology for installing a plastic window with disassembly

    GOST requirements state that the collapsible method must be used in cases of installing windows with large dimensions and at a significant height. This method consists of adding increased strength to the attachment points of the frame and walls. Let's look at the elements into which a plastic window is disassembled.

    When using this method, the solid structure is disassembled as follows:

    • The first thing you need to do is set aside the double-glazed windows, glazing beads and sashes, and the frame, in turn, needs to be attached to the wall. It must be remembered that the larger the frame, the longer the anchors will be, and the distance between them should, on the contrary, be smaller. If we take the average size between the anchors, it should be about half a meter.
    • After the frame is properly attached to the wall, you can proceed to fastening the elements that were removed before installing the frame. After installing them in place, all that remains is to attach the ebb and slopes. It is best to connect the ebb tide to the stand profile.

    Installing a plastic window without disassembling

    This installation is designed for those window models that do not exceed 2 meters in height, and the building where it will be installed is no more than 12 floors. The biggest advantage of this installation is that the window does not need to be disassembled, and this will reduce the risk of incorrect installation of elements such as glazing beads or double-glazed windows.

    Stages of installing a PVC window without disassembling:

    1. If necessary, you need to dismantle the old window.

    2. Next, the plastic window block is installed on special chop bars. Then we align the window vertically and horizontally and, using wedges from the timber, fix the system in the wall opening.

    3. Secure the window block using fasteners. They must also meet the requirements of GOST 30971-2002 Appendix B.

    4. We create an internal assembly seam that will protect the structure from excess moisture contained in the apartment.

    5. Foam the assembly seam.

    6. Close the seam with elastic tape. Then we screw the starting profile to install the slopes.

    7. We cut out the slopes according to the given parameters and install them in the starting profile.

    8. This completes the installation of the plastic window. We examined the installation of a PVC window in accordance with GOST with a vapor barrier for the installation seam inside the apartment.

    Little things that require special attention

    It is necessary to install a plastic window without disassembling it only with the shutters closed. To put it in simple words, the fittings must be adjusted before installing the window.

    Don't neglect the stand profile! Without it, the risk of a cold bridge increases. This is also affected by an incorrectly positioned window.

    If a collapsible window is being installed, then your attention must be concentrated on assembling the glazing beads and their fastening. Namely, when removing the glazing bead, the glass unit can be easily squeezed out, so during assembly you need to ensure that the glazing beads are tightly installed both on the outside and on the inside.

    Installation seam of PVC window according to GOST standards

    Let's look at what the installation seam looks like (Figure 1):

    I - outer waterproofing, vapor-permeable layer; II - central thermal insulation layer; III - internal vapor barrier layer

    Figure 1 — Schematic diagram of the installation seam

    As mentioned earlier, there are three layers in the installation seam. The first, located outside, is designed to insulate the structure from moisture and steam. It is followed by a central one, designed to prevent heat from leaking into the external environment. The very last, inner layer, helps protect the structure from the formation and accumulation of steam.

    Much depends on when the installation work is carried out. If the team works in the summer, it is necessary to use appropriate summer materials. These allow construction activities to be carried out in a temperature range from +35 to +5 degrees. If it is necessary to install a plastic window in winter, preference is given to winter-grade materials. They are used at temperatures from +5 degrees and below.

    Let's look at some insulating materials that are recommended according to GOST.

    When performing installation work recommended by GOST, you need to use materials that help prevent the appearance of moisture and mold in the room. This is one of the many reasons why it is necessary to adhere to systematic and thorough work in order not to violate the requirements of GOST. One of the most important requirements for materials of the above-mentioned type is service life: they must provide about 20 years of use while maintaining all their properties.

    Let's look at the main types of insulating materials:

    • Waterproofing tape. It is used to eliminate moisture from the window opening space, insulate and compensate for possible subsequent deviations of the installation seam due to shrinkage of the house. If you do not use such tape, over time, condensation will form within the seam due to temperature differences, which will have a positive effect on the development of mold in the room.
    • Thermal insulation tape. Fabric material based on rubber. This type of tape is attached to the window opening. Its purpose is to protect the window structure from moisture and prevent heat transfer to the seam area.
    • The vapor barrier tape is placed from the inside, and for its correct installation it is necessary to ensure that the material lays smoothly and does not form wrinkles. You need to calculate the length, taking into account the angles of the block itself. It is also necessary to correctly calculate the overlap - approximately 1/2 of the entire width of the material. There are two types of tape that prevents steam from penetrating into the block: with a coating applied inside and outside. The first option is most often used, however, if it is necessary to lay the tape directly under the plaster, it is better to choose an external material, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve high adhesion.

    How to make balcony glazing?

    When using balcony glazing, you need to be especially careful, since the installation area will be large. Plus, on the balcony there will be a large load on individual window elements. First of all, a powerful frame is placed in front of the balcony glazing, which is capable of supporting a heavy window frame.

    Balcony designs of plastic windows can be completely different: hinged, sliding, blind with vents, etc. If the balcony is small and no one goes there in winter, then to save space you can install lightweight sliders. But, at the same time, you need to remember that they will allow the cold to pass through.

    If you make a warm loggia, then for this purpose it is better to install wide profiles and multi-chamber double-glazed windows. The mechanism of such windows will be tilt-and-turn, which will allow you to ventilate a warm balcony at any time.

    Insulating materials used when installing a window

    The functions of the layers of the assembly seam are different. They are designed to provide steam, sound and heat insulation:

    1. The main one – provides sound and heat insulation.
    2. External - protects the seam from penetration of atmospheric moisture.
    3. Internal – protects against steam coming from the room.
    4. Additional (installed in concrete and brick buildings) – protects against the absorption of moisture from the wall material by the joint material.

    The layers of the assembly seam perform different functions

    Therefore, different types of vapor barrier tapes are used in different areas:

    1. PSUL - installed to seal external joints. It has a self-expanding ability, and therefore adheres tightly to surfaces.
    2. BC (BC+) - used for vapor barrier of internal slopes installed using the dry method, meaning plasterboard or plastic.
    3. VM (VM+) – used when finishing internal slopes, which will subsequently be covered with plaster.
    4. GPL (GPL+) is a universal tape capable of performing the functions of vapor, sound and noise insulation. It is made on the basis of foamed polyethylene, laminated on one side with a polyurethane film.

    On the outside, membrane-type waterproofing tapes are also used, which serve to remove precipitation.

    To improve performance, additional elements that protect against atmospheric agents can be used. For example, flashings and trims, as well as ebb installed at the bottom of the window.

    The inside of the seam is plastered or slopes and a window sill are installed.

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