Elementis fittings - an affordable and high-quality solution

Inexpensive Elementis fittings were created as a worthy alternative to mechanisms from well-known brands. The owners of this brand managed to achieve their goals in a short time - since 2000, a factory in Turkey has been producing kits for equipping door and window units at an affordable price. In those years, an enterprise with 150 employees annually supplied 2-2.5 million sets of fittings to the market. The plant operated in Istanbul and carried out all production operations with the exception of the procedure for applying a protective and decorative coating to the surface of parts. This process is prohibited by local law.

To increase production capacity and carry out all operations in one place, construction of another plant began in 2013. Today, the new enterprise with an area of ​​19,000 m² additionally operates a casting section and a tool shop, which makes it possible not to depend on supplies from related companies. A full production cycle and independence have a positive effect on product costs. At the same time, the price reduction does not affect the quality - for this purpose, the plant has opened a hardware testing department. In laboratory conditions on simulation stands, company employees selectively test mechanisms for corrosion resistance and tensile strength.

Brand benefits

Thanks to the constant study of world experience and the practical application of the best ideas, manufacturers of Elementis window fittings were able not only to reduce the cost of products without compromising their quality.
They achieved much more. The main advantage of the Elements brand is its versatility, since the developers have satisfied the basic needs of a wide range of customers. The range of fittings consists of mechanisms for equipping aluminum windows and doors, structures made of PVC profiles, glazing systems for balconies or loggias and wooden door blocks. In order to successfully sell their products in the highly competitive window market, the brand owners created their own development strategy. Its implementation provided the brand with the following advantages:

  • quality control at all stages of production;
  • Availability of our own galvanic coating facilities;
  • assembly of finished systems on production lines;
  • special technology for coating metal parts;
  • giving the required size and shape to parts using hydraulic or mechanical presses and high-precision machines;
  • conducting research to develop our own unique systems.

Thanks to this approach to production, Elementis fittings, reviews of which have created a positive image for the product, are in demand in the Russian window market. Choosing this brand allows you to order functional windows or doors without overpayments.

Pros and cons of Elementis systems

Elementis manufacturers are constantly working on its quality. And today they proudly talk about the many achievements of their brainchild.

Elementis fittings are easy to use and adjust

Advantages of Elementis

  1. All elements do not depend on the direction in which the sash opens. This means you won’t buy a left one instead of a right lock, for example, by mistake.
  2. The window is very easy to open thanks to the locking lifter, which is activated by a handle. Another function of this lock is to distribute the weight of the sash evenly across all parts of the fittings. So that the fittings last longer.
  3. All axles - mushroom-shaped locking elements - are roller and rotate around their axis. Therefore, the fittings move smoother and wear less.
  4. Do you want a burglar-resistant design? It can be made.
  5. To adjust the fittings yourself, you only need an adjusting wrench, or a standard hexagon (4 mm) and a slotted screwdriver. In general, something that is in every home.
  6. Elementis has tilt-and-turn miracle scissors with folding position locks. With them, you can tilt the sash back a little, and even in strong winds it will remain in place.
  7. The middle locks have an additional pin, which is close to the upper corner. Such a window is practically windproof.
  8. The fittings can withstand a sash weighing up to 130 kilograms!
  9. Elementis does not rust. Why? All thanks to the alkali-zinc coating.
  10. Like some popular brands, the Elementis bottom hinge is adjustable in three dimensions. Therefore, it does not blow through even in severe frost.

Additional range of Elementis fittings

In addition to its main product range, the manufacturer, under the Elementis brand, supplies the market with everything for the installation of window and door units. The line of universal fasteners consists of self-tapping screws, plates, anchors, mullion connectors, dowels, etc. All these elements are suitable not only for installing windows or doors, but can also be used when installing furniture, drywall and even roofing.

The fittings for wooden windows and door units developed by Elementis are complemented by hidden hinges. They allow for hidden installation and are intended for equipping interior doors.

Whose fittings for PVC windows should I buy?

One of the most famous and respected brands is Roto. His pens are famous all over the world, earning more and more positive reviews. Therefore, feel free to choose it, but only if the weight of your window does not exceed 80 kg - in this case, you will need to think carefully about which model of Roto fittings to purchase.

Second on our list, but not second in quality, is the Austrian brand Maco. Its product lines are full of innovations. You can find literally everything in the manufacturer’s catalogue, the main thing is to know what to look for. The second “trick” is a special coating. Instead of galvanic, they use wax, which has water-repellent properties.

And the third in this list of brands that deserve high trust is the Turkish manufacturer Kale Kilis with its brand Elementis . This is what the optimal combination of price and quality means! Elementis fittings are in the budget sector, but only in price. In terms of its performance, it is in the luxury sector. And all thanks to the fact that Kale Kilis is a manufacturer with its own full-cycle production facilities.

To avoid getting into trouble...

Choosing quality fittings is not the easiest thing. And all because you need to understand which element is responsible for what. Otherwise, how will you understand why you need “this little detail”?

The standard fittings kit includes the following elements:

  • Limiter - fixes the sash in the extreme position when opening. You can add a “brake” to it, with which you can open the window 150 degrees without the risk of sagging and damage.
  • Latches - soften the impacts of the sash on the frame that occur during a sudden gust of wind/draft.
  • Blocker - prevents windows from swinging wide open. Allows you to put the handle in only one position - for ventilation.
  • Folding “scissors” - fixes the sash in the position in which the handle is located (closed, open, for ventilation, micro-ventilation).
  • Overlays - cover the fittings that remain in the visible area, for example, hinges.
  • Microlift - helps prevent sashes from sagging. With its help, the pressure on hinges and other fittings is reduced, which means their service life is extended.

Additionally, you can purchase a child restraint (prevents children from opening the window), which is inserted into the handle and anti-burglary fittings - an almost mandatory element for windows of apartments on the ground floors and private houses.

If you have any questions, please contact us! Our specialists will tell you everything you want to know about fittings!

Description of hardware characteristics

Elementis fittings ensure complete tightness of window and door units, and can easily withstand at least 20,000 full opening/closing cycles (this is the indicator contained in GOST requirements for system reliability). Thanks to this, Elementis brand mechanisms are actively used for the production of windows in Russia. The number of operating cycles is equivalent to 10 years of service under intensive use. Among the individual advantages of Elementis mechanisms, several important qualities should be highlighted:

  • easy movement of the handles, which is provided by roller pins;
  • adjustment of the sashes in 3 planes, which allows not only to eliminate sagging hinges, but also to compensate for the aging effect of the seal and correct mistakes made during installation;
  • additional protection against blowing in the problem area of ​​the upper hinge, created due to the presence of an additional pin on the lock, which is as close as possible to the canopy.

The number of operating cycles implies both the trouble-free operation of the mechanisms and the effectiveness of anti-corrosion protection.

The ability of the fittings to withstand prolonged exposure to moisture is tested experimentally. The manufacturer regularly conducts tests by placing metal elements of opening systems in salt fog for 240 hours.

Wide range of accessories for installing doors

By using, you can purchase everything you need to complete and install doors. Our catalog presents a full range of components from the brand, characterized by an optimal ratio of quality and price. If you decide to give preference to Elementis fittings, the official website will allow you to buy the following products:

  • Door hinges (universal, card, bearing). Their features include the fact that they are not only adjustable horizontally and vertically, but also provide pressure correction within +/- 0.8 mm (adjustment in three planes).
  • Closers with low temperature oil. Designed for installation on doors weighing up to 60–100 kg and width up to 800–1100 mm. Thanks to the adjustable closing and closing speeds, the shutters operate smoothly and silently.
  • Elegant door handles, including solid and spring-loaded push handles. The locking pins in the products rotate around their axis, so customers can count on little wear on the handles and their easy and smooth operation.
  • Auxiliary elements – templates for hinges, spacer bushings, decorative caps, overlays.

By visiting our official website, you will buy flawless Elementis fittings that will reliably serve for many years! The presented items are sold in different shades (chrome, brass, white, silver, etc.) and are easy to install. We are ready to advise you on choosing the right products, as well as organize delivery of goods to any destination in Moscow or regions of the Russian Federation.

Recommendations for use and scope

Fittings for plastic windows and doors, as well as structures made of aluminum profiles, provide several options for opening the sashes:

  • swing;
  • folding;
  • lifting;
  • tilt and turn.

The maximum permissible weight of active elements is 130 kg. The minimum height of such sashes is 320 mm, and the width is 280 mm. Accordingly, their maximum dimensions are 2350 and 1480 mm. The maximum figure is 2.5 m² for plastic windows and 2.6 m² for aluminum windows, so special tables are used when designing sashes. They indicate the acceptable ratio of height and width of active elements.

Inexpensive window fittings for plastic windows or wooden beams can be both high quality and functional. The appearance of such systems on our market is an opportunity not to overpay for the name of a well-promoted brand.

Hardware functions

On the one hand, what’s incomprehensible here? Fittings are necessary so that the window can be closed and opened. To keep the doors in place. Different modes worked.

And this is all true. But on the other hand, how durable the window structure will be largely depends on the fittings. How secure will your home be?

What about the fittings?

This includes:

  • window handles;
  • locking mechanisms;
  • loops;
  • blockers;
  • planks;
  • corner switches;
  • window scissors;
  • rollers (if the windows are sliding);
  • stops;
  • trunnions (eccentrics);
  • ventilation valves.

Why is it so important to choose the right one?

Answer one question first: how many times a day do you open the windows? 1,2,3... more?

When a window opens, friction occurs. Yes, a completely normal physical process. The more often moving elements rub against each other, the more they wear out. This is unchanged.

But the wear rate is a value that can be controlled by choosing fittings made of high-quality metal that is resistant to abrasion.

What happens if you decide to save money?

Low quality metal is quickly “erased”. The fittings fail. The window stops performing its basic functions.

And there will be two options for solving the problem:

  1. repair;
  2. replace.

The first option will be expensive. The second one is even more expensive.

Therefore, it is best to choose the third one - worry about the risk of wear and tear in advance and order high-quality and reliable fittings for PVC windows.

Regarding the material used to make the fittings. If they offer you any metal other than steel, feel free to turn around and leave. Only steel “parts” that are properly hardened and processed can withstand the load placed on them.

Pros and cons of Elementis systems

Manufacturers Elementis

We are constantly working on its quality. And today they proudly talk about the many achievements of their brainchild.

Elementis fittings are easy to use and adjust

Advantages of Elementis

  1. All elements do not depend on the direction in which the sash opens. This means you won’t buy a left one instead of a right lock, for example, by mistake.
  2. The window
    is very easy to open thanks to the locking lifter, which is activated by a handle. Another function of this lock is to distribute the weight of the sash evenly across all parts of the fittings. So that the fittings last longer.
  3. All axles - mushroom-shaped locking elements - are roller and rotate around their axis. Therefore, the fittings move smoother and wear less.
  4. Do you want a burglar-resistant design? It can be made.
  5. To adjust the fittings yourself, you only need an adjusting wrench, or a standard hexagon (4 mm) and a slotted screwdriver. In general, something that is in every home.
  6. Elementis has tilt-and-turn miracle scissors with folding position locks. With them, you can tilt the sash back a little, and even in strong winds it will remain in place.
  7. The middle locks have an additional pin, which is close to the upper corner. Such a window is practically windproof.
  8. The fittings can withstand a sash weighing up to 130 kilograms!
  9. Elementis does not rust. Why? All thanks to the alkali-zinc coating.
  10. Like some popular brands, the Elementis bottom hinge is adjustable in three dimensions. Therefore, it does not blow through even in severe frost.

Siegenia window fittings: prices, features, differences from competitors

Why is it worth buying Ziegenia fittings when installing plastic windows? According to statistics, approximately 40% of companies that install plastic windows give preference to it. The reason lies in the combination of low cost and excellent quality. It is especially beneficial to install it on profiles in cases where the manufacturer is not important to the client.

In what cases would Zigenia fittings for plastic windows be the ideal choice?

The best solution would be to choose fittings for Siegenia windows for profiles of standard sizes.

If we compare this type of product with its direct competitors, we can conclude that this company is not inferior in quality.

In addition, Zigenia Favorit fittings, as well as other product models, have quite a wide range of functionality:

  • error blocker Si Aubi;
  • microlift;
  • the ability to switch the profile to summer and winter operating modes.

Please note that the latter option will require the use of specialized tools. The translation is carried out using a hexagon.

The micro-lift function on fittings for Ziegenia windows is only possible if a PVC plastic profile is used. This function does not apply to wooden windows. In addition, it cannot be added to the balcony door.

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