Mirror Windows in the House Pros and Cons - diagrams on how to make

The mirror effect of double-glazed windows is determined by the light reflection properties of the glass. The high level of light reflection works like a mirror, and such double-glazed windows enhance the feeling of more space. Experts highlight many advantages of double-glazed windows with a mirror coating. Among them:
  • Unusual appearance - depending on lighting conditions, glass with a mirror coating behaves like a mirror or translucent glass. This makes it possible to create windows that, on the one hand, protect the privacy of the room, and on the other hand, allow discreet observation without the risk of detecting the presence of an observer.
  • Processing Flexibility – With a wide range of glass processing options such as tempering, laminating and cutting, glass can be used wherever needed to ensure safety and proper protection.

What are mirrored windows made of?

The components of the structure are the same as for conventional windows:

What is the point of applying mirror coating to windows and doors?

Windows of houses with a mirror reflection would be more correctly called tinted. The same principle as for cars with tinted windows. Everyone had to at least be a passenger in such a car, and this feeling can be easily imagined.

At first, the new trend spread in the office environment, when entire floors of various offices were hidden behind an impenetrable mirror image. But for private housing, tinting double-glazed windows is even more important.

Advantages of mirror coating:
First of all, it achieves one-way visibility in natural light. This allows you to maintain the privacy of your life without being covered with curtains during the daytime.
Another benefit is the ability of tinted glass to reflect solar thermal energy. In hot summers, with such windows the apartment will be much cooler even without air conditioning.
Thirdly, there is an obstacle to the glare of the sun that plays on the screens of monitors and televisions.
The strength of the glass itself increases.

How do you achieve this effect on windows?

Applying a mirror film to a glass surface is the simplest and most affordable way to achieve a reflective effect. To do this, the surfaces of the glass and film are coated with a special solution, after which the film is carefully applied to the glass surface and leveled with a rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edges. The color can be almost any, which allows you to implement even the most unusual design project.

This can be done at home, but applying a mirror coating directly during manufacture is the key to reliable and long-term operation. In addition, during production the film is applied in such a way that it is located inside the glass unit, which ensures its durability and resistance to external influences.

The color can be almost any, which allows you to implement even the most unusual design project.

There is another option - applying a layer of metal oxide to the still hot glass. Here the color palette is not so extensive - silver, metallic, brass or green-blue shades.

Prices for double-glazed windows from Etkos

SINGLE CHAMBER4+16+41200Package thickness from 14 mm to 36 mm
5 mm250 rub.one glass 5 mm to the price with/pack
6 mm300 rub.one glass 6 mm to the price with/pack
anyDog.For sizes over 2,250x1,605 mm
DOUBLE CHAMBER24-32 mm15004+6+4+6+4, 4+8+4+8+4, 4+10+4+10+4, etc.
34-40 mm15504+12+4+12+4, 4+8+4+16+4, etc.
42-44 mm1650
Vacuum spraying20001-room / 2-room
2 250max 2 400x1 600 arr. No. M 2-5; "Shp" + 50r
K-991k/2k2100/2350Silver tone K-99
Bronze20001-room / 2-room
2 250max 2500x1600 mm, Russia
Sputtered bronze27501-room / 2-room
3 000max 2 500x1 600 arr. TM Br No. M 2-5
Tinting film+ 1000r/m21-room / 2-room Film made in USA

The use of an interference coating on one side ensures a neutral and non-absorbing light distribution. Controlling reflection and light transmission creates many design options, both in architecture, indoors and technical projects. By phone in Moscow you can get advice on the performance characteristics of mirror-coated glass, and also place an order for any products using it at an affordable price - from double-glazed windows for the entrance areas of private houses to glass products for the interior.

Pros and cons of windows with mirror glass

In order not to be disappointed in your choice, you should take into account all the pros and cons of mirror glass in windows.

  • Advantages
  • improvement of sound and heat insulation performance;
  • protection from harmful ultraviolet and infrared radiation;
  • the room is less overheated in the summer and overcooled in the winter;
  • a wide variety of colors, the ability to choose the level of specularity;
  • hiding from prying eyes what is happening in the room;
  • improvement of aesthetic qualities;
  • affordable price;
  • protection of furniture from fading;
  • no glare on the monitor and screen;
  • ensuring sufficient levels of illumination and visibility for those in the room.
  • Flaws
  • if there are no curtains on the windows, then at night, with the lights on, everything that happens in the house is clearly visible;
  • when gluing it yourself, the edges may curl, causing loss of aesthetics;
  • slow heating of the room by sunlight in winter;
  • reduction in light levels.

Double-glazed window with mirror film

Technology using film has become most widespread due to the good level of protection created, ease of application, as well as the extremely low cost of the material, which, by the way, is “affordable” for anyone who wants to improve already installed window structures or purchase new ones.

The mirror film contained in a double-glazed window effectively protects the room from the penetration of excess light. The use of this type of protection is especially important in the summer – it is at this time that maximum solar activity is observed.

Needless to say, what consequences can lead to excessive illumination of the room? Fading pieces of furniture and quickly tired eyes are just some of the problems caused by excessive solar activity.

Most troubles of this kind can be solved by a mirror film applied to the glass surface of an installed double-glazed window.

Let us briefly list the advantages of applied mirror coating:

  1. Protects furniture and objects in the room from fading.
  2. Does not allow you to view the interior from the street.
  3. Helps save heat and electricity.
  4. Prevents the room from overheating.
  5. In the event of glass breaking, it holds the fragments well, preventing them from scattering over a large radius.

The scope of application of mirror film as part of a double-glazed window is mainly in an apartment, private house, or office. A significant advantage of using this option for protecting the premises is the ability to choose the appropriate color of the material from a fairly wide range of colors available on the market.

Advantages of the company plasokna

You can buy windows with mirrored double glazed units at plasokna at the most profitable prices. The company offers its clients:

  • professional installation;
  • high level service;
  • extended warranty for services and products;
  • affordable prices;
  • high-quality products, the creation of which uses only certified components.

Having its own production, plasokna carries out quality control of its products at all production stages.

Scope of application

Double-glazed windows with a mirror coating open up many possibilities of use - both outside and inside:

  • Shower enclosures - thanks to the unidirectional mirror effect, the resistance of the glass coating to moisture, glass is an ideal and innovative product. Designing “mirror” shower screens that increase space and maintain a high level of privacy is gradually becoming an indispensable element of interior design.
  • Doors, partitions, elements dividing space - double-glazed windows with a mirror coating represent an innovative solution for dividing interiors.
  • Decorative glass with mirror coating is an ideal solution for lighting and enhancing the interior. In enameled or polished form, it can itself be an independent decorative element. Due to the high strength of glass, they can be successfully installed in rooms with high levels of air humidity.
  • Facades – the high degree of resistance of glass, comparable to pyrolytic coatings, makes it suitable for use on building facades where a high level of light reflection is required. This glass is ideal for use in building façade lintels.

Technical characteristics of reflective double-glazed windows

Regardless of how reflective glass is created, it will not fade or burn out, scratches will not appear on it, the thickness can reach up to 1 cm. The glass unit area can reach up to 6x3.2 meters.

The installation of such glass is no different from the installation of a conventional double-glazed window. Reflective glass is most popular for decorating the facades of supermarkets and office buildings.

If the windows of your room face the sunny side, are on the first floors, and you want to protect your privacy from the sun and prying eyes, using mirrored glass will be an excellent solution.

Types of mirror windows from

Based on the wishes and needs of the client, the company is able to produce mirrored window products of any size, shape and type. These can be structures based on plastic, wood or aluminum profile systems.

1. Plastic windows

2. Wooden windows

3. Warm aluminum windows

In this case, double-glazed windows may have additional useful options:

  • energy-saving - significantly reduce heat loss through the translucent part of the window, providing savings on heating during the cold season;
  • thermal packages - have increased heat-saving and noise-proofing properties, since instead of dried air their chambers are filled with inert gas;
  • multifunctional - capable of not only keeping the house warm during the winter months, but also providing coolness in the hottest time of the year, reflecting heat in the direction with the highest temperature readings;
  • noise-proof - they have different widths between the glasses and different thicknesses of the glass themselves, due to which they muffle street sounds, creating a comfortable environment in any room;
  • anti-vandal - act as an alternative to bars not only in private houses, but also in apartments located on the lower and upper floors. They have increased resistance to attempts by intruders and hooligans to break glass, and do not form traumatic fragments.

Neutral reviews

Although logic tells me that the reflective layer should be on the INNER surface of the OUTER glass.

There is a first trial experience.

What can you say about this? Mirrored windows look great in high-rise buildings of business centers, banks or offices of reputable companies, built of glass and aluminum. Two or three mirrored windows against the backdrop of an entire 9 or 16-story building will most likely not look very attractive. Like an eyesore.

Reflective glasses are divided into several types:

Mirror double-glazed windows began to appear more often in apartments and private houses; previously they were used mainly in office, administrative buildings, and shopping centers. Such double-glazed windows give the building a stylish and modern design; they are able to highlight all the elements of the structure’s architecture. Plus, this is an additional protective element.

Sometimes a mirror effect is achieved using a tint film. This option seems to be more budget-friendly and is simpler to manufacture. Mirror film has different transparency indicators; in any case, it protects furniture well from fading and helps ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room.

Where are windows with mirror tinted glass used?

Owners of office premises, banks, business centers, fitness clubs, swimming pools, shops and restaurants use mirror glass to give their establishments a respectable appearance. This option looks especially appropriate in modern buildings. Owners of apartments and private houses approach this issue from a practical point of view, because, in addition to the aesthetic component, mirrored double-glazed windows protect the room from the negative effects of sunlight and hide the interior from the curious. Many choose this option for panoramic glazing of balconies and loggias, since it allows you to admire the surrounding view without attracting the eyes of passers-by.

private houses

apartment buildings

cafes and restaurants

office centers

public buildings

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