Metal shutters for windows: pros and cons of blinds

Your comfort and safety in your home depends on the safety of your home itself. Metal window shutters are essential. Every person should know that it is necessary to close their windows from prying eyes as effectively as possible. Standard curtains or blinds will not be enough. Undoubtedly, there is minimal security in this case, but outwardly it is not as aesthetically pleasing as we would like.

Metal window shutters

Standard bars are needed to prevent access to the window from the outside. But the disadvantage of the grilles is that they are not equipped with the functions of eliminating the entry of sunlight into the room, and cold air will easily pass by them. The windows represent the eyes of the house. Every person would like his windows to be attractive and pleasing to the eye, but we must not forget about reliability.

The shutters in the window opening are well-forgotten old equipment . Such window shutters have long been forgotten. But since fashion returns to those times, we remembered their existence and cannot help but note their benefits for the economy.

Today we can see metal materials in absolutely all houses, in old huts in the village, in dachas, in apartments. Almost every third residential building has bars on the windows.

Based on the fact that the choice of this material is quite large, absolutely everyone will be able to choose for their window what suits their taste. Metal products can represent classic and modern. The sashes also have a wide range of options when choosing them; they can be of a roller shutter type or monolithic. Oddly enough, the doors look very well matched to standard doors. Their frame is based on a pipe, and one of the sides is equipped with a metal sheet.

Features of aluminum profile

Rice. 9. Window composition.

In order to choose any material, you need to know its characteristics. Let's look at what distinguishes an aluminum window frame:

  • High mechanical strength - it is impossible to deform such a structure in everyday life, since it absolutely withstands the effects of heat, light, as well as any mechanical pressure. The profiles do not use pure metal, but a mixture of it with magnesium and silicon, which increases the strength indicator even more impressively. In addition, aluminum does not burn.
  • Light weight - it is this indicator that has earned great love and respect among those who buy it. This property is especially important when working with balconies and loggias - where there is absolutely no need for extra load on the supporting structures.
  • Thinness of the profile - aluminum profiles are the thinnest compared to PVC and wood, which allows more light to penetrate into the room.
  • Flexibility - if this criterion is not so important for an ordinary person, then in design it is a pleasant bonus - aluminum structures can be rounded without difficulty, and it is possible to make doors and window profiles of interesting shapes from them.
  • Free sizes - due to the lightness and flexibility of the design, it is possible to manufacture aluminum profiles of any required size.

Types of metal sashes

The shutters that are intended for windows can have a completely different appearance. In this case, everything depends on the metal sheet that underlies this product. The structure of the system allows the doors to be able to both close and open.

There are also blind-type doors, that is, they are strictly welded and cannot open. This option is perfect for a house that is often left empty, and the owners rarely come. There are lattice metal window shutters, which tend to let the sun's rays into the room. But the disadvantage of this type is that in winter the heat from the room will escape freely.

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Each AFK product line offers a wide selection of material options, colors and dimensions for each model. This allows you to choose the optimal combination of characteristics for every taste. However, sometimes there is a need or desire to create a completely unique project from scratch. The custom design service will help bring any, even the most daring idea to life.

Metal windows are windows based on steel or stainless steel profiles. Modern technologies and methods of working with materials make it possible to make stylish, functional and durable structures from this metal for objects of absolutely any purpose.

When ordering metal windows from AFK, you can choose how they will look and what characteristics they will have.

  • The sashes in metal windows can have any type of opening - they can be pivoting, tilting, top-hung, sliding, folding, or hinged.
  • The surface of steel profiles can be painted in the desired color and a decorative coating applied to them to resemble copper, brass, or bronze.
  • Stainless steel profiles can be polished to a mirror finish or given a matte effect by sanding.
  • Glass in metal windows can be bulletproof, up to the highest possible class FB6 according to the European standard DIN EN 1522.
  • Waterproofing up to class 9A according to DIN EN 12208, burglary resistance class up to RC3 according to DIN EN 1627.
  • Structures can be fireproof.
  • Fittings can be visible, hidden or combined.
  • In designs it is possible to use a classic or ultra-thin profile.

If you do not have any special wishes for the technical specifications of products or their appearance, you can completely entrust the development of structures to AFK specialists, participating only in the approval of the project.

Main advantages

We are done with the main disadvantages, now we can move on to the immediate advantages. Undoubtedly, there are much more positive features in this product:

  • The reliability of this product. The protective function of shutters is at the highest level. The hand of villains and thieves will not be able to open the shutter of this product, since it is locked from the inside, access to the house through the window is impossible.
  • Aesthetics of the product. Once these shutters appear on the windows, the overall appearance of the house will become much better and brighter. In addition to aesthetics, comfort also improves.
  • The versatility of shutters. When the sun heats up to 30 degrees in summer, metal shutters on the windows will help keep the room cool, but for this they must be closed. If we talk about the winter period, then the material will not allow heat to escape from the home and share it with the street. Regardless of the weather, be it hail, rain, snow, strong wind and so on, the shutters will reliably protect the window from damage and take the blow upon themselves.
  • Shutter safety. The metal from which the frame itself is made does not emit any toxic substances even under the influence of external forces (sun rays, wind, rain, etc.), as well-known plastic does.
  • The practicality of shutters is also at a high level. Due to the fact that the sun's rays cannot enter the room in the summer, the curtains do not fade, which only makes their service life longer.
  • Metal strength. A stone will not be able to penetrate this product, much less a soccer ball hitting this product.
  • The product is fire resistant.

There are no installation restrictions. This only means that they can be installed absolutely anywhere. The most common locations were terraces, balconies and the first floors of apartments.

Selection factors

The market offers a wide range of products. To make the right choice, you need to consider several factors.

Features of the room

Purpose. Single-chamber double-glazed windows do not retain heat well and are suitable for utility rooms, storage rooms, and cold balconies. For residential premises in Russian climatic conditions, 2-3-chamber double-glazed windows are required.

Location. For apartments on the first floors, it is recommended to immediately install protective locking fittings and impact-resistant glass. Especially durable armored products are produced for offices and shops.

Degree of illumination. If the window is located on the sunny side and on a high floor, and is not blocked by neighboring buildings, it is advisable to provide glass with a special sun protection coating or film.

Humidity. If the ventilation of the room is poor, double-glazed windows with built-in valves are installed, which will allow maintaining an optimal microclimate without frequently opening the windows.

Which metal-plastic double-glazed windows are better?

A metal-plastic window is a prefabricated structure, each element of which affects the overall quality level of the entire product:

  • Type of reinforcing metal. Ferrous metal is highly susceptible to corrosion and is used in budget models. High-quality products use a moisture-resistant galvanized frame.
  • Reinforcement quality. It is important that the sash and frame are strengthened along the entire perimeter, and not in places - then the structure will receive uniform, improved rigidity.
  • Number of glasses. The more there are, the better the heat and sound insulation properties of the window.
  • Quality of fittings. Hinges and locking devices directly affect the consumer properties and service life of a metal-plastic window. Preference should be given to proven brands (Maco, Roto, Vorne).

Fastening process

As a rule, iron window shutters are made in such a way that they can only be closed from the inside. The lock for closing is used exclusively in a safe format. Manufacturers use a special locking element for the lock. It is due to this that the process of self-closing of the protective type system is eliminated, even when the shutters are exposed to high speed wind or rain.


I would like to thank the guys from the Ramokna company for their excellent and high-quality work. Thanks to the measurer Pavel for giving us an idea of ​​the price and choosing the windows for us, I also want to thank the guys from the OT team, Oleg and Victor, who did everything quickly and efficiently. Everyone is very polite and nice. Thank you. Happy New Year! Success and prosperity!

My husband and I decided to replace the old windows with new ones; we were tormented by the draft and cold in winter. I spent a long time on the Internet looking for which ones to choose, and then I came across KBE and I saw that you can choose a color scheme, environmental friendliness, and I was pleased with the German quality. Now they installed them, we are happy, I advise everyone who is going to install good windows.

Today we carried out installation on Shipilovskaya Street. I liked everything very much, from the measurer Oleg to the installers Fedor and Alexander, the team was very qualified, they installed everything on time. I express my deep gratitude to the entire team. 08.12.17

I would like to thank the RamOkna company for the quality work done. Yesterday I had new windows installed. The AC team was working. I would especially like to note the work of the installer Alexander (unfortunately I don’t know his last name), as well as the measurer Sergei, who initially made a professional calculation. As a result, everything fit and was completed with an excellent rating. All that remains is to glaze the balcony, but I will do this next year. I will definitely contact RamOkna and use the services of this company.

Order 6995. From the moment of conclusion of the contract until the moment of delivery - 1 week. The prices are attractive. Manufactured exactly to order. I haven’t used the installers’ services, so I can’t evaluate them. Satisfied. I recommend.


Construction of structures

Organizations that produce this element produce it in different ways. Not in all cases the kit contains certain forged elements that add beauty to the product. Such elements can be produced additionally upon customer request. Also, upon additional order, a double-type protective system can be produced. In this case, we mean shutters on which additional grilles are installed. This symbiosis improves both the appearance and the protective characteristics of the product.

To protect your home and your belongings, it is imperative to use an additional layer of protection. Metal shutters are ideal for protecting your windows from sudden entry by strangers. By installing such a product, you will gain peace of mind for many years to come.

Originally posted 2018-04-18 09:10:57.

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The strength of metal-plastic structures depends on the characteristics. The main thing is not to run into a fake. We offer you high-quality windows from a manufacturer with many years of experience and an excellent reputation (prices and parameters on our website).

The table shows the main characteristics of PVC windows and with a metal frame:

Characteristic Metal-plastic Plastic
Operating area In residential, office, industrial buildings, as well as in buildings with extreme conditions, for example, at the very top of high-rise buildings. Not suitable for extreme conditions, but can be used in office and residential buildings.
Lifetime From half a century About a quarter of a century
Thickness The thickness of metal-plastic windows and the advantages depend on the number of chambers. For single-chamber ones it is about 3 cm, for two-chamber ones it is 3-6 cm, etc. in ascending order. It is better to choose a product from 70 cm thick. It also depends on the number of air chambers, about the same.
Form Thanks to the reinforcing profile, it is possible to realize different window shapes, for example, round, arched, etc. Rectangular. A non-standard shape may exist if the angle between the frames is at least 30°.
Price Average. High.


5.1. The symbol of the panel must be applied on the outside of the uprights of each panel with indelible paint.

5.2. The manufacturer must accompany each supplied batch of panels with a passport, which must indicate:

a) name and address of the manufacturer;

b) name and symbol of the panels;

c) number and weight of panels;

d) date of manufacture;

e) designation of a series of working drawings and this standard.

5.3. The panels should be packaged in packs of 5 panels of the same type.

5.4. Lifting, loading and unloading of bundles must be carried out by a crane using special traverses and gripping devices.

Each bundle must be secured with wire at four corners.

The weight of the box (gross) should not exceed 50 kg.

5.6. Transportation of panels is allowed by any type of transport, provided they are protected from mechanical damage.

5.7. The panels should be stored on pads in an open area located in a flood-free area.

The components specified in clause 5.5 must be stored in packaged form under a canopy.

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