Should I install panoramic windows? Pros and cons, features

Hello friends!
Recently a friend came to see me. He decided to build a family country house. Everything was as it should be, I visited different companies, chose a construction technology. There remains a question regarding the house design. And then he firmly decided that his house would have panoramic windows on the first floor.

It didn’t even bother him that he lived in Russia, where people like to look into windows, and hooligans can throw something heavy at him. Of course, modern glass will not crack from the stone, but it will still be unpleasant.

In general, he asked me to tell me about all the pros and cons of large windows, whether it’s cold with them or not, and how they generally behave in operation. In general, at the end of the evening this article was born, which I decided to publish for you, my dear readers.

Panoramic windows: weighing all the pros and cons

Panoramic windows are a modern hit in interior design. Indeed, windows from the ceiling to the floor make the room much wider, richer, more luxurious, brighter and more original.

But besides all this, such glazing can also cause a lot of trouble: you just have to remember that such windows are of French origin. Their homeland is Provence, where the temperature does not drop below +7 degrees even in winter.

It is in this feature that it is worth looking for a catch.

It’s worth noting right away that panoramic windows the width of the entire wall or part of it will be appropriate only where they were designed in advance: these are either modern new buildings or private houses.

In this case, such windows do not stand out from the overall architectural ensemble. Unfortunately, many owners of apartments in ordinary high-rise buildings, wanting to make their apartment special, knock out the walls, thereby damaging not only the strength of the house, but also its appearance. Although many of our houses are far from ideal, panoramic windows can further ruin their appearance.

More on the topic How to fix plastic windows?

Video: French window on the balcony

If a French window is supposed to be in a room without a balcony, then the following cases are typical:

an old house

The most difficult case. The house may be dilapidated, and even in an old building area. You can hear the answer: “Yes, do what you want, in a year it will still be demolished!” Or, on the contrary, you will be sent to the local authority for the protection of architectural, historical and cultural monuments (there is nothing uniform in this regard), and there they will patiently and kindly explain to you that your innovation will violate the historically established atmosphere of the place, and which articles of which codes link here? And without their signature and seal, work cannot begin.

Technically also difficult. The architect has long since passed away, the project with calculations God knows where. We need to count everything again (time, money!) and what were the parameters of bricks of that time? What are the properties of the solution? What is the condition of the ceiling? You need to carry out an audit, take samples, do tests (time, money!) Most likely, it will be cheaper and easier to move to a new apartment with a ready-made panoramic window.

Brick house

A case of moderate severity. You will have to go through all the circles of documentary hell (see below), but technically, if you strengthen the widened opening with planks, it is quite possible to make a French window in such a house. An exception is a house with load-bearing walls of one and a half bricks (less than 51 cm), but such are extremely rare.

Panel house

How to make a French window in a panel house? There are two possible cases here: completely easy and completely hopeless.

  1. Hopeless - in the Khrushchev and early Brezhnev era. Any construction official who is not completely devoid of a sense of responsibility and remembers that no one is insured against scrip and prison will tell you: “Dear, your house was built (let’s say) in ’72. Estimated service life is 40 years. What year is it now? At which point the question will be settled. Not for your benefit.
  2. Quite light - in a house built after 1998, approximately. By that time, thanks to the use of computer calculations, structural mechanics had undergone changes that were outwardly noticeable only to a specialist, but essentially dramatic. A modern, not poorly built house works like a monolith: if it is destroyed by 3/4, the remaining part of its strength does not lose.

In most houses built in the 21st century. the possibility of installing panoramic windows was included at the design stage. If yours is like this and is managed by a competent operator, then upon request they can immediately print out a ready-made window design for you, which will only have to be approved by the authorities, and they will have no reason to find fault.

In all other cases, the matter is decided by technical expertise. It is carried out and the corresponding conclusion is given by licensed organizations. But - attention! - most of them refuse to examine old buildings, and the services of those that are taken are affordable only by the oligarchs: they have to pay for the work of ace specialists who know their own worth.

Own house

In this case, everything is in the hands of the owner. About special cases of panoramic glazing in your own cottages - see the videos below.

Advantages and disadvantages of panoramic windows

If, however, the opportunity to use panoramic windows presents itself, then they can become a bright element of your room.
The main advantages of such windows are: Unsurpassed view from the window, because with a panoramic window you can see the park, lake, mountains, landscape of the metropolis outside the window in full scale, and they will not be hidden by the usual outlines of ordinary windows.

Such windows provide increased illumination, so the interior will be perceived completely differently, and even before sunset the room will be quite light.

Nature, if it is outside the window, seems to become closer to you, which is sorely lacking in the pace of the modern world.

But at the same time, panoramic windows can also play a not very good role. Their main disadvantages include:

Heat losses will still be much greater, even if the most modern double-glazed windows are installed, because even they are not comparable to an ordinary wall. Therefore, if you calculate the heating power, then it is better to add another 20-30% to the received power in order to balance the heat balance.

Well, before installing such windows, you should ask those who have already installed them in our climate and how things are with the temperature in the house, and only then make a final decision.

Being impressed by the excellent appearance of panoramic windows, we often forget about safety, especially for small children. To prevent the unexpected from happening, it is better to install a reliable fence with a height of 50-60 cm or even more on the inside.

Now the appearance is not so pretty, but it’s also worth thinking about safety. A separate issue is window cleaning. Everything here is not as simple as with ordinary windows, so you will need a professional approach, and this is a separate expense item.

In conditions of more or less frequent precipitation, and in the city this also means dusty air, you can imagine that you will need to wash the windows often, because then the point is in panoramic windows if you can only see streaks from raindrops in them.

It is also necessary to resolve the issue of security, since the window is a much more vulnerable part to thieves than the walls. Therefore, take care in advance about reliable protection: powerful roller shutters, alarms, video surveillance, and these are also expense items.

Eliminating heat losses

A room with panoramic windows cools faster in winter than with conventional double-glazed windows. To reduce heat loss to a minimum, it is necessary to choose double-glazed windows with several chambers and two energy-saving glasses filled with argon, which helps retain heat in the room. The larger the layer between the glasses, the better the heat will be retained.

To keep the room warm, you will also need to install convectors in the floor near the panoramic window or heated window units.

One of the best options offered by the modern window industry is panoramic windows with heated double-glazed windows. They solve all problems of heat loss when glazing large openings.

What to consider before installation?

If all the shortcomings do not bother you, and you still want to install panoramic windows, because they also have a lot of advantages, then you need to be prepared for the many questions and problems that are caused by the installation of such windows.

Please note that glass is a cold material, and in winter, due to the difference in temperatures inside and outside the room, a zone with cold air appears near the glass, which is especially unpleasant if you like to sit near the window. Therefore, it will be necessary to provide heating for this area.

There are a lot of options: a convector under the floor right in the area near the window, or tubular radiators, or simply choose heated windows, which is effective, but quite expensive.

If there is a child in the house, then his safety can be ensured simply by choosing a design with an increased number of bars and partitions so that he cannot stick his head in or climb out through the window.

More on the topic Standard sizes of plastic windows according to GOST

It will also be necessary to decide on the design and materials of use. The frame itself can be made of plastic, wood and aluminum. Naturally, it is believed that metal and wood are much stronger than PVC, but there are exceptions: in some cases, plastic even wins in strength, especially since it is not as cold as aluminum and is not as susceptible to precipitation as wood.

As for the design, size of the window and its configuration, then it is worth starting not so much from the interior design, but from the facade of the house - it is this that will tell you where and how logical it is to use this or that type of glazing.

Next, we decide on the opening method. The most common methods are:

  • tilt and turn - the most popular, allows you to both swing the structure and open it slightly for easy ventilation;
  • parallel-sliding - provides excellent tightness and thermal insulation, but the seals quickly fail, so you need to prepare for frequent repairs;
  • accordion folding is a rather rare method that is suitable for warmer regions, since it cannot provide reliable thermal insulation. But in this way you can completely move the entire window, leaving a huge opening in the wall, which can be very useful in some cases;
  • Lift-and-slide type is the most functional, sealed, silent, warm and reliable, but is quite expensive.

Do not forget about such an element of window design as curtains: they may be absent altogether according to your design ideas.

Otherwise, you need to immediately consider the possibility of attaching the cornice to the ceiling or wall, and in the case of Roman or roller blinds, be prepared that with the slightest turn of one sash, the entire structure will make a lot of noise, but do you need it?

In general, panoramic windows are very beautiful, but such beauty in the house requires a serious approach both during design and in window care, so be prepared for this in advance.


Design and installation

There is no point in breaking a panoramic window into small squares in wide frames with an additional power structure, firstly. Secondly, it must withstand the blow of a squall gust from the outside, and from the inside - the blow of the body of an overweight, completely drunk guest, who, there, in the emptiness, had a vision of the toilet he desperately needed at that moment. Therefore, “balcony” type glazing is not suitable; the structure needs to be solid, high-quality, heavy and expensive. Particularly (see below) you need to think about heating.

Nobody, anywhere, will ever approve a “homemade” French window project; during installation, you will have to move panels weighing 200 kg at a height, and the cost of construction and installation work will be only a small fraction of the total costs. Therefore, we will only give recommendations regarding quality control of the project and the work performed:

  • Window panels - PVC with metal insert or modified wood. The latter are more aesthetically pleasing, warmer and more reliable, but many times more expensive.
  • The frames are reinforced for harsh climates.
  • Double-glazed windows - at least two-chamber, and best of all three-chamber.
  • Glass - tempered, with a thickness of at least 6 mm for ceilings up to 2.8 m high and at least 8 mm for higher ones.
  • The anchor plates are the thickest, 4 mm, made of steel. “Tin cans” are by no means suitable.
  • It is mandatory to additionally fasten the window around the perimeter at least 0.5 m through the frame with 8x150 mm anchor bolts in metal collets.
  • For folding and/or hinged sections on the upper floors - a protective fence in the form of a rod or rods on the frame to a height of at least 1 m.
  • Foaming - only with a pistol, layer by layer from the inside and outside.

Large windows in a private house: advantages and disadvantages

Large panoramic windows in a country house are a sign of luxury and special chic, giving the rooms additional comfort. Quite often, such structures are made with a large width, several times greater than their height.

Stylish floor-to-ceiling windows make the room more original, brighter and richer. It's nice to stand at an impromptu glass wall and watch the sunset or sunrise. However, despite their advantages, large windows also have certain disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at their qualities.

Floor-to-ceiling windows have a significant number of advantages

  1. Visual increase in space. Transparent walls create the effect of a large room, even if it has a small area.
  2. Natural light with large windows increases significantly.
  3. Floor-to-ceiling windows give the building and interior a special aesthetic appearance and appeal.
  4. The beautiful view that opens behind the huge windows will delight and lift your spirits.

However, before choosing floor-to-ceiling windows for your premises, you need to think through all the problems associated with such glazing and possible ways to solve them.

The main advantages of large windows in private homes

High level of illumination.
Panoramic structures allow a large amount of light to pass through, making the interior feel completely different. Amazing view from the windows. By choosing large windows, in the future you can get real pleasure by viewing the surrounding landscape in its full scale, not hidden behind the usual outlines of the frames.

Exquisite look of the premises. Windows with panoramic views will highlight the unusual interior and bring a special atmosphere to the room, giving the home a feeling of exclusivity and originality. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for glazing a cottage with plastic windows on the website.

Reliability of structures. Panoramic windows in private homes are very difficult to damage, as they are made from durable materials that are resistant to mechanical damage. The coating is a special shockproof film - even if the glass gets damaged, it will not be able to break into individual elements.

Alarm on windows. The presence of an alarm system increases the level of security of a country house, protecting the property located inside.

Installation instructions for panoramic windows

Important! Never convert ordinary windows into panoramic windows in existing buildings. The fact is that facade walls are always load-bearing; slabs or other structures of the upper floor lie on them.

Installation of a panoramic window in a new building

The possibility of installing panoramic windows should be provided for at the design stage. Architects are thinking about other ways to construct ceilings. This remark does not apply to the glazing of verandas; panoramic windows can be installed here at any time.

Step 1. Select an option for panoramic windows, measure their width and height. Classic panoramic designs should open the entire space from the top to the bottom of the wall.

Measuring the opening for a panoramic window

An example of a measurement error

Step 2: Assemble window profiles. Follow the manufacturer's instructions during assembly. Do not simplify some steps - the load on the frame is large, you need to take all measures to ensure its strength. If you have no experience in assembling profiles, then it is better to turn to professionals for help. Moreover, double-glazed windows cannot be installed without special vacuum suction cups, and only specialized companies have them. And another problem is the large weight of double-glazed windows. If it is two- or three-chamber and made of impact-resistant glass with a thickness of within 6 millimeters, then it is impossible to manually install it in place; lifting mechanisms are needed.

Now you can start assembling

Step 3. Along the perimeter of the window opening, clean the surfaces from dust and construction debris, and level them if necessary. It is highly desirable that the lower profile of the panoramic window lie on the floor slab with its entire surface. It is prohibited to install windows on the floor. The exception is the flooring made of ceramic tiles and laid on a durable cement screed. If there are coolants underneath, then they cannot be located under the frame of the panoramic window.

Preparing the window opening

Step 4. Measure the places where the frame is fixed in the opening, and use these marks to drill holes in the profile. It’s better to drill the profile and the opening separately - it’s much easier to work this way.

Attach the window and mark the location for the mounting holes

Step 5. Insert the frame into the opening, level it and secure it firmly with wedges. Please ensure that the structure does not wobble. It must be stable throughout the installation.

Step 6. Using a drill and hammer drill, drill holes in the wall for the anchor bolts. If the panoramic window is relatively small and light, then you can use durable dowels; in all other cases, fixation is done only with anchors. The distance between the holes is selected taking into account the material of the walls and the size of the panoramic window. In most cases it is within 40 centimeters.

Step 7. Fix the frames, check the stability of their position. If in doubt, increase the number of anchors.

Anchor plates

Installation of panoramic windows

Disadvantages of panoramic glazing of a country house

Despite a number of advantages, when choosing large windows you need to take into account the existing disadvantages.
For example, opening up the interior space of the house to the views of passers-by. This is especially typical for panoramic windows installed on the ground floor in cottages that are not hidden behind a high fence. Toning the structure will help correct the problem.

A serious disadvantage is the high cost of such windows. These are sophisticated and complex systems that are difficult to install. At the same time, during the installation process a lot of consumables are consumed, which increases the final cost of the work and requires careful attention of specialists.

It is better not to install large windows in rooms where the openings face south. This is fraught with the fact that in the warm season the rooms will become very warm and it will be hot in them. Direct sunlight negatively affects the condition of the walls, floors and ceilings, and furniture upholstery - they will fade.


Owners of private houses can choose windows of the optimal shape and size, as well as design. This is done at the moment when construction is planned.

It is no coincidence that windows are the eyes of the house. The entire interior of the room depends entirely on their design. The window openings give the building a special beauty and unusual style. Quite often this interior detail occupies the entire wall located opposite the entrance. It is no coincidence that it has such a strong influence on how the space as a whole will be perceived.

If the windows are designed well, even a very simple design can be completely transformed. If the shape is not suitable, then all efforts in terms of design will be in vain.

Using windows, you can create a certain atmosphere in a room, control the necessary lighting and color palette.

There is no universal window that would fit any building. Designers and owners are constantly creating unique looks for homes. At the same time, all kinds of elements are intricately mixed, various designs and details are combined, and advanced technologies are used.

Where are panoramic double-glazed windows used?

Large private houses and cottages are decorated with panoramic windows. This implementation looks especially good in forests and spacious clearings. Panoramic window systems are used to decorate the facades of hotels, large office and shopping centers. They are also used in hospitals where patients need to receive a lot of direct sunlight. This glazing method can be found on the facades of many conference centers and avant-garde art buildings. It is actively used in countries with a small number of sunny days per year. This is why panoramic glazing is so popular in the Scandinavian region, in particular in Finland. Another traditional use is in the penthouses of luxury apartment buildings, especially high-rise ones. And in general, any premises on the upper floors of buildings of public importance.

Other places where panoramic windows can be used:

  • winter gardens;
  • greenhouses;
  • terraces;
  • open walls of swimming pools;
  • halls and halls;
  • large bay windows.

Let's talk about panoramic windows

The current trend of our time is large panoramic windows. This can be glazing from one wall to another or a wall made of glass. At the same time, the room becomes very bright. The appearance of the room, its essence and character also changes dramatically.

Many Russians are sure that panoramic windows are not suitable for our latitudes, since they are very cold. Homeowners are afraid of freezing in winter, so they deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the light. In this case, we are talking not only about rooms, but also about utilitarian type premises. In Russia there are practically no bathrooms with windows. The same applies to utility rooms.

But nowadays there are special energy saving technologies. That is why you should not be afraid of freezing. A large window can be really functional and very warm.

But a large window is not always good. It is important to consider the design and size of the window opening, taking into account the concept of the room as a whole.

Panoramic glazing completely transforms the bedroom. At the same time, the boundaries of space are erased. If there is a luxurious view outside the window, you should allow it to miraculously penetrate the room. Modern technologies allow home owners to wake up with the rays of the sun and fall asleep admiring the sunset from the living room or bedroom window.


Windows, more than other elements, shape the personality of a home; Not only the appearance, but also the interior of the home depends on them. This applies doubly to large windows for a private home; variants of which form several types.

Classic (panoramic)

Designs with a large glazing area, when the entire wall (or a significant part of it) is made transparent. The name speaks for itself - the panorama is located in a prime location and demonstrates a picturesque view of the surrounding area. Such windows give the room a presentable appearance, occupy space in the facade wall from floor to ceiling, and their width significantly exceeds the height.

On the top floorSource

Standard window options in a private house are suitable for rooms on the upper floors if there is a beautiful view from there (this option is especially suitable for a house on a slope). The location on the ground floor will be successful if there is a forest, pond, well-kept garden or swimming pool next to the house.

Bay windows

The bay window, an original architectural element, itself serves as a decoration for the house. Supplemented with a panoramic window, it becomes the highlight of the facade and invariably attracts attention. A bay window panorama increases the comfort of living as it increases access to natural light.

Winter morningSource

The panorama can be performed both around the entire perimeter and on one of the bay walls. Since bay windows are usually small in size, continuous glazing does not lead to significant heat losses. The cost of winter maintenance of a room with a bay window increases slightly.


The most complex version of panoramic structures, when the corner of the facade walls is glazed on both sides; the house acquires special attractiveness and lightness. Such a solution is appropriate for buildings with high ceilings, but care must be taken to compensate for heat loss, which is inevitable for large windows in any house.

In the dining roomSource

An angular panorama is implemented in several ways:

  • Frameless design. Fastening to window openings is carried out using special corner profiles, using a special welding technology. A transparent sealant is used to connect the glass sheet.
  • Profile. Corner window shapes for the home can use frames made of wood, aluminum, PVC, fiberglass, or combined (aluminum-wood). The corners are joined in the standard way.
  • With amplification. A column or stationary profile is mounted in the corner part, then frames with double-glazed windows are attached.

French windows

There is a mistake in this name: French windows are large (panoramic) floor-to-ceiling doors. There are two types of French windows and doors: with sliding or hinged sashes. The design of the latter lacks an impost - a reinforced profile between the sashes.

French window design in private homes is at the peak of popularity. Elegant windows and doors are usually designed on the ground floor. Here they serve as a spectacular exit to the garden, to the pool or to another room (for example, a winter garden). A beautiful architectural solution is to connect a living room or bedroom with a terrace (veranda).

If a French window is installed on the top floor, a protective structure is mounted in front of it on the facade, imitating a balcony railing. This façade element, although it does not have its own balcony area, is called a French balcony.

Let's talk about the disadvantages and advantages of large windows

Panoramic windows have many advantages:

  • Often the width is several times greater than the height.
  • These designs allow you to admire the beauty of nature and unique views of the city.
  • A lot of light comes into the room. This is very good in winter for those houses that are built in areas with a fairly harsh climate.
  • The room looks unique and elegant.
  • The home takes on an exclusive look and unconventional splendor.
  • Windows are practically not subject to damage. Very durable glass with a film coating is used for production. Even if damaged, the glass will not break into fragments.
  • Alarms are usually used to protect moving areas.
  • Excellent noise absorption.

Large windows also have disadvantages:

  • The room becomes completely open to prying eyes. This is not always a good thing. This problem is relevant for panoramic windows of houses or apartments that are located on the ground floor. To eliminate unwanted visibility, there is an option to tint the windows.
  • The cost of such structures is quite high.
  • Installation of such systems is very complicated. A lot of material is required. As a result, the costs of this work become very high.
  • In summer, a room with panoramic windows can be hot. This is true for openings facing the sunny side. Possible fading of furniture upholstery, floors and ceilings.
  • It is quite difficult to care for the solid glass that is installed in the system. The same applies to ventilation.
  • Unwanted condensation is likely to occur. In winter, additional heating is required.
  • Before installing large windows, the entire wall or a certain part of it is demolished. At the same time, problems and significant investments are likely.

Features of houses with floor-to-ceiling windows

Houses with panoramic windows look modern and stylish. However, the main feature is the receipt of more sunlight compared to structures with standard openings. Usually some windows are made panoramic. Most often, living rooms are glazed this way. This option is also used for arranging closed terraces and verandas. Glazing all the way to the floor provides a beautiful panoramic view. In multi-apartment buildings, floor-to-ceiling windows are installed only on balconies and loggias, much less often anywhere else. Glazing the entire horizontal space requires scrupulous calculations and competent design solutions. You will definitely need strong vertical supports for the walls and roof. Standard ready-made house designs rarely contain the necessary calculations. You will need to spend a large amount of money on design, manufacturing and installation.

Other important features:

  1. Panoramic windows are made of solid glass or parts separated by imposts.
  2. Buildings need to be equipped with additional heating methods.
  3. It is better to plan panoramic glazing on the south side of the house.

A few words about varieties

There are regular, garden, corner or false windows. The most common are ordinary windows. They are the simplest. With the help of corner elements of panoramic systems, you can create a special mood.

False windows are installed if the view outside the window is not at all pleasing. These are special backlit panels. Landscapes that are printed on canvas are inserted into the base. It turns out to be an excellent imitation of natural views.

Panoramic windows with wooden structures will look great. During manufacturing, the wood is protected from fungus. Aluminum with special components for strength can also be used.

Panoramic windows sometimes allow you to get incredibly spectacular solutions.


At first it seems that the high price is the main disadvantage of panoramic windows, but after their installation, much more serious problems are revealed that would be correct to prevent or reduce in advance. The cause of the problems is precisely what is so attractive about panoramic glazing - the large area of ​​translucent wall elements.

Disadvantage 1: Large heat losses through glass

Unfortunately, it is glass that contributes to the most significant heat loss in winter and overheating of rooms in summer. To solve the problem, it is better to use an integrated approach to achieve an effective result:

  1. When ordering windows to directly reduce heat loss, choose energy-saving or double-glazed windows. Which ones are preferable? Panoteka recommends using heavy double-glazed windows only in extreme cases, exclusively for panoramic windows with small opening sashes; in other cases, it would be more advisable to use a single-chamber double-glazed window with energy-saving glass, so as not to create unnecessary load on the fittings. Filling the internal space with argon will also reduce heat transfer, but the customer, alas, will not be able to verify compliance with this condition of the contract.
  2. Shutters, a fairly new offering on the Russian market, can additionally reduce direct heat loss. Shutters made of artificial material are attached to the vertical profiles of the window frame and prevent the passage of both hot sunlight and frosty air into the room. They can be opened and completely removable, allowing full visibility to the outside whenever desired.
  3. Mirror-coated glass perfectly reflects the sun's rays, and such a choice is appropriate for south-facing panoramic windows. Tinted glass has a slightly less effect, but they are also used to reflect part of the solar spectrum.
  4. A thermal curtain in front of the windows will additionally prevent heat exchange between the window and the inside of the room. With a large glazing area, creating a curtain will reduce overall heating costs. We described modern thermal curtain technologies in more detail in the article on heating.

Disadvantage 2: Heat loss through the window profile

Only panoramic windows made of wood and fiberglass have extremely low heat loss through the profile. Aluminum and PVC windows are significantly inferior to them. When glazing heated rooms, the aluminum profile should be ordered as definitely warm.

With metal-plastic windows, it is often advisable to choose a three-chamber profile if the sashes are large. When the relative area of ​​double-glazed windows is much larger than the share of window frames, purchasing four- or five-chamber profiles will not significantly reduce heat loss. It makes sense to choose a warmer profile when the panoramic window consists of small sashes.

Disadvantage 3: Increased heating costs

No matter how you reduce heat loss in areas with panoramic windows, they will have to be heated more intensively than similar rooms with ordinary windows. The issue of efficient heating must be solved in conjunction with glazing in order to choose the optimal way to heat rooms.

Particular care should be taken in calculating the costs for electric heating so as not to end up in a situation where the limits allocated to the household are insufficient to achieve a comfortable temperature.

Disadvantage 4: Insufficient sound insulation

The noise of a metropolis, a nearby highway, stadium or suburban recreation area is naturally undesirable inside the house.

A single-chamber double-glazed window with two glasses is not able to dampen sound waves sufficiently. So far, our only effective method of sound insulation is the installation of double-glazed windows with different chamber thicknesses.

However, with panoramic glazing this means a significant increase in the weight of the sashes, rapid wear of the fittings and the need to repair windows more often.

The most promising method seems to be the use of acoustic films for windows, but so far we have not found a single offer on the Moscow market, although there is experience in using them at sites in Japan, Europe, and the USA.

Disadvantage 5: Glass icing

Ice on the panoramic windows completely eliminates the possibility of admiring the surrounding view. However, today there are many ways to avoid this by creating a thermal curtain in front of the window.

Slot convectors, long-wave infrared heaters, warm baseboards, warm film floors - any of these methods are suitable for combating glass icing.

To create a curtain of warm air, heaters can be mounted in the floor under the window, on the ceiling, walls around windows, in window slopes or window sills. It is advisable to provide for the possibility of autonomous connection of a thermal curtain in order to use this method regardless of the heating mode of the premises.

Disadvantage 6: Energy-saving glass

A bit unexpected, right? We constantly recommend using energy-saving glass for panoramic windows, but it turns out that they have disadvantages that you should be aware of in advance.

By reflecting the sun's rays from the surface, glass with appropriate coating or film creates increased solar radiation in the plane where these rays fall. As a rule, these are walls under the windows and courtyard areas opposite them.

The consequences of exposure to double solar radiation can be as follows:

  • burnout (discoloration) of some types of siding;
  • wilting and diseases of plants planted under windows;
  • warping of plastic furniture or artificial lawns;
  • strong heating of the stone or concrete surface of the yard and paths.

To avoid such troubles, it is enough to choose a finish that is resistant to solar radiation and plan the design of the yard so that shade-loving plants or plastic products are not in the affected area. It is better to use wooden paths or a terrace under such windows.

Disadvantage 7: Difficulty cleaning large windows

Cleaning panoramic windows from the outside is not always easy, and often dangerous if the upper floors of buildings are glazed. Not everyone can afford to hire washers every time. It is better to decide how you will clean large windows before ordering them, since often the number of opening sashes is determined precisely by the need for cleaning, and not just ventilation.

We recommend finding a manufacturer who, before installing double-glazed windows, will immediately coat them with a special photocatalytic composition for self-cleaning glass. The essence of the action is this: any contaminants decompose under the sun's rays, and at the first rain (or watering from a hose in dry summer) they are simply washed off the glass.

Disadvantage 8: Limitations in furnishing the premises

The presence of a glass wall in the room limits the possibilities for arranging furniture. You will have to think about how best to admire the landscape through panoramic windows. Of course, tall furniture will have to be placed near other walls, but not every low piece of furniture will be appropriate near a window.

In this case, it is necessary to maintain a balance of objects of different sizes, symmetry and other interior design techniques. Furniture problems are solved somewhat easier when panoramic glazing starts slightly above the floor. Soon we will devote a special article to the rules for designing rooms with large windows.

Disadvantage 9: Low privacy of the interior space

Replacing blank walls with transparent windows allows you to better view the interior of the house from the outside. Neighbors, passers-by, and guests will be much better informed about your life. Of course, you can close the windows with curtains, but then you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to see the picture outside the window.

During the day, mirrored or tinted glass can protect your privacy. In densely built environments, this is a very good way to hide your personal life. If you don’t want to curtain your windows in the evenings, but still maintain privacy, then choose to install windows under the ceiling or in those parts of the rooms that are not visible from neighboring houses or from the road.

Another way is to install decorative screens outside, although this choice will fragment the view from the window.

Disadvantage 10: Problem of Vandalism

It is usually easier to enter a house through windows than through walls or a strong door, so the danger of breaking into panoramic windows is quite high. Therefore, for panoramic glazing we recommend using the most durable glass: triplex, tempered, armored. You can laminate the outer glass with special armor films.

However, it is much safer to use additional grilles and, especially, roller shutters. Such protection will quickly scare off vandals. If the house is left unattended for a long time, then it makes sense to install an alarm system and at the same time insure the property.

The presence of shortcomings is not at all a reason to refuse to install panoramic windows, since any operational problem can be solved in several modern ways.


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