Mirrored windows are the best way to create comfort in a room

Nowadays, mirror glass units have ceased to be something unusual. From an ultra-modern technology that helps preserve the secrets of private life taking place on the territory of a home, it has turned into a completely ordinary phenomenon.

The specularity of the glass helps take the comfort of being indoors to a new level: it filters out most of the harmful infrared radiation, while letting in a sufficient amount of natural light. Mirror double-glazed windows will prevent the glazed room from overheating. Their installation will allow owners to save on paying bills for electricity consumed by air conditioners.

In addition, if the erected building is glazed with mirrored double-glazed windows, then in addition to the above-mentioned features, it acquires a spectacular appearance. This fact is especially interesting for owners of shopping centers and sports complexes, since a building that stands out from the gray mass involuntarily forces people passing by to pay additional attention to it.

Today, the mirror effect of glass installed in a double-glazed window is achieved in two ways:

  • a sticker of the required color and level of light transmission capacity of the mirror film;
  • the use of reflective glass in the design (with the so-called mirror coating, which is a thin layer of metal oxide applied to the surface of the glass).

Let's take a closer look at the features of mirrored glass units of each type.

Buy tinted windows in

In our company, clients can purchase window structures with tinted glass, made on the basis of plastic, aluminum and wooden profile systems.

The products can use double-glazed windows with various additional options:

Energy-saving double-glazed window

Thermal package

Multi-functional double glazed window

Noise-proof glass unit

Impact-resistant glass unit

  • energy-saving - significantly increase heat saving indicators;
  • thermal packages - reduce the level of heat loss and increase noise insulation due to the use of inert gas to fill the chambers between the glasses;
  • multifunctional - reflect heat towards a higher temperature (indoors in winter, outdoors in summer), suitable for rooms with windows facing south or southwest;
  • noise-proof - significantly reduce the level of external noise, recommended for installation in windows facing noisy streets;
  • shockproof - resist mechanical damage from thrown stones or bottles, and withstand attempts by attackers to break glass for a long time. An excellent alternative to gratings.

* PROMOTION! When ordering windows from our company, you will receive a thermal package (an innovative development in heat conservation) at the price of a regular double-glazed window! More details can be found in the “Promotions” section.

We will be happy to help you make the right choice!

Work examples

Price of mirror glass units

We manufacture all products in our own production shops in strict compliance with standards, which allows us to produce the highest class double-glazed windows at reasonable prices. The full cost of mirror glass is calculated based on the size, shape and set of all components. Our consultants will always help you understand the intricacies of the choice and get acquainted with the tariffs for the services provided.

Replacement of a single-chamber double-glazed window with a thickness of 4 mm3000 rub.
Replacing a two-chamber with a thickness of 4 mm3500 rub.
The extra charge when replacing one 4M1 glass in the formula is:
glass 5 mm+600 rub.
glass 6 mm+800 rub.
energy-saving with soft coating – I-glass (4mm/6mm)+ 800/1000 rub.
energy-saving with hard coating – K-glass 4mm+1000 rub.
tinted 6 mm+from 1500 rub.
reflective 6 mm+from 3000 rub.
non-standard shape (triangular, trapezoidal, arched)+50%

Benefits of solar control window tinting in houses and apartments


  • reducing the brightness of sunlight for greater comfort in the room;
  • protection from harmful ultraviolet rays, which are the main cause of fading of furniture and other interior items;
  • getting rid of sun glare that interferes with watching TV or the image on a computer monitor;
  • There is no need to keep the windows of the first floors curtained during the daytime - tinting will hide what is happening inside from curious prying eyes;
  • maintaining heat in the room during the cold season for a longer time;
  • increasing the strength of a double-glazed window - when broken, the fragments remain on the film (if film was used during tinting) or do not form sharp, traumatic corners (if tinting was done in bulk);
  • Great opportunities for decorating and giving window products individuality.


  • the room heats up more slowly from the sun's rays, which can be quite noticeable during the cold season;
  • the degree of darkness cannot be adjusted;
  • if the windows are located on the north side or in the shade of trees, the room will be in twilight, and there will be a lack of lighting even more.

You can see the benefits of tinting using a special polymer film in the video below

Advantages of mirror glass units

Windows and doors with a mirror effect are a striking accent in the design of any building. But in addition to aesthetic appeal, they have serious functional advantages:

  • reflection of sunlight prevents fading of internal decorative elements (furniture, curtains, wall coverings);
  • the ability to retain accumulated heat allows you to maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate;
  • dispersion of ultraviolet radiation increases the level of human life safety;
  • increased strength makes it difficult to penetrate into the building;
  • opacity on the outside protects against attacks on privacy.

Window tinting film or bulk tinted glass: what to choose?

Tinting of glass in the mass is carried out at the stage of its cooking. At this time, metal oxides are added to the molten mass. As a result, such glass acquires a variety of colors (gray, green, blue, bronze) and is able to absorb solar energy while remaining almost transparent. It is characterized by resistance to mechanical damage, but can overheat in the sun and burst - such a risk exists for glass with low light transmittance installed on the facades of buildings. Due to its rather high cost, it is not very popular among homeowners.

Glass tinted using a special polymer film is affordable and is the most common. During the manufacture of a tinted double-glazed window, the film is applied to the surface of one of the glasses. When placed in a double-glazed window, this glass will have its tinted side facing the inside of the structure. This solution ensures the safety of the film and the service life of the product. There are also films that can be applied after the glass unit has been manufactured, to the indoor side. The film can be of different colors and degrees of transparency.

Types of mirror glass

two technologies are used to choose from : with the gluing of a mirror film or with the application of a special coating.

First way.

It is the most common and economically attractive due to its ease of execution and low cost of consumables. An additional advantage of the adhesive film is that in the event of an impact it retains most of the fragments. But with prolonged use, scratches may appear on it.

Second way.

The process of sputtering a thin layer of metal oxide onto glass increases the cost of the final product. But the mirror glass unit obtained by this method is characterized by the longest service life. Resistant to external aggressive factors, it does not scratch or fade, and creates additional sound insulation in the house.

How are mirror structures used?

Mirror glass in windows is, in fact, an ordinary double-glazed window, and therefore has the same technical characteristics as conventional transparent double-glazed windows. Its main difference from ordinary glass is its specularity, which makes it impossible to see from the street what is happening inside the room. In addition, such a double-glazed window protects well from infrared radiation, resulting in a pleasant microclimate in the room. In summer, the rooms will be noticeably cooler, and in winter, heating costs will decrease.

Externally, such glass looks attractive. A building equipped with them takes on a stylish, modern appearance; however, mirrored windows also go well with classic facades, becoming invisible against the general background.

What advantages does a multifunctional double-glazed window have? It is described in the article “Multifunctional double-glazed window - is it worth purchasing the product?” A description of the technological process for the production of double-glazed windows for PVC windows is available at the link

What is sprayed glass, find out more in our article “Sputtered glass: how, where and why?”

Double-glazed window with mirror film.

The mirror film contained in a double-glazed window effectively protects the room from the penetration of excess light. The use of this type of protection is especially important in the summer – it is at this time that maximum solar activity is observed.

The process of independently applying a mirror film to a double-glazed window.

The specularity of the glass helps take the comfort of being indoors to a new level: it filters out most of the harmful infrared radiation, while letting in a sufficient amount of natural light. Mirror double-glazed windows will prevent the glazed room from overheating. Their installation will allow owners to save on paying bills for electricity consumed by air conditioners.

Today, the mirror effect of glass installed in a double-glazed window is achieved in two ways:

Installing heat-saving double-glazed windows partially solves this problem. They use low-emissivity glass with a special silver oxide coating, which transmits visible light well, but fully reflects infrared (thermal) radiation, which helps reduce heat loss.

For external glazing, you cannot use double-glazed windows with dimensions exceeding 3x3.2 meters. If the volume of the air chamber is too large, then depressurization may occur due to temperature changes. This is fraught with a decrease in the performance characteristics of the window (it will fog up from the inside), or damage to it.

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