Foil on windows is the cheapest way to protect against heat in the summer.

Installing tinted double-glazed windows is a labor-intensive and expensive pleasure; most often they are ordered immediately when replacing windows with new plastic ones. But the owners of an apartment or house do not always immediately realize about such a service, and the problem of excessive room lighting in the summer affects many.

The scorching rays of the sun not only greatly heat the air in the room, preventing a comfortable presence in it, but also cause fading of decoration and furniture. And this is not to mention the harmful effects of UV radiation!

If tulles, curtains and blinds do not help enough in sunny weather, you can resort to other methods. For example, stick a special foil film on the glass. You will learn further about which material is better to choose and how to use it correctly.

Types of foil for windows

20 years ago, when the choice of means of protecting windows from the sun was not so great, ordinary baking foil was glued to the windows. It looks unattractive, and besides, it completely blocks the view.

But this does not detract from its effectiveness. The foil reflects the sun's rays. As a result, the temperature in the apartment decreases by 4.5–8 degrees. In remote corners of Russia they continue to use it because it is cheap. Not everyone knows that there is a worthy replacement.

Thanks to the development of technology, the light was seen in the thinnest polymer films, transparent on one side and reflecting the sun on the other. They prevent the penetration of ultraviolet and infrared rays and at the same time look quite aesthetically pleasing on the windows.

It is more profitable to buy a sun protection curtain film than regular foil.

On average, the cost of a roll of baking foil 30 cm wide and 10 m long is 70 rubles, and a special protective curtain film (60 cm by 3 m) is 100 rubles. As you can see, the difference in price is small, given that the special film is shorter but wider. Today you can buy it at any hardware store.

Special films are:

  • mirrored;
  • toning;
  • with mosaic pattern;
  • with a white openwork pattern.

Let's look at the 5 most effective ways

Air conditioners

Perhaps the best solution for home and office, but, as the history of previous years shows, they need to be installed in advance! Prices for air conditioners and their installation in winter are several times lower than in the summer season.

For example

  • the cheapest air conditioner today will cost 4,392 rubles
  • prices for installing an air conditioner start from 4,000 rubles


installing an air conditioner today will cost at least
8,392 rubles.
The peak of requests for air conditioners in search engines occurred in July 2012 and May 2013

This suggests that people, taught by bitter experience, began to take care in advance of the surprises that the weather has in store for us.

Blinds or curtains

Today on the market, blinds are presented for every taste:

  • fabric and plastic
  • vertical and horizontal
  • external and internal
  • ready-made and to order

Installation of some requires the arrival of specialists, while others can be installed independently.

The price depends on many factors:

  • material
  • size
  • design
  • manufacturer, etc.

Thanks to such diversity, anyone will find an option that suits their cost:

  • Minimum price from 130 rubles
The disadvantages of blinds include:
  • when closed you can't see anything through them
  • Blinds installed indoors prevent the sun's rays from penetrating inside, but they heat up, collect dust and turn into a battery. Agree, this is not the best solution on hot summer days!


Foil is rare on the Internet, but in markets it is sometimes sold under the guise of solar control film - so be careful

and read the description on the package to make sure it is really a solar window film.

The foil is impenetrable both to the eye and to sunlight. Available in the form of a large-format canvas, it is suitable more as a covering material than for protecting rooms from sunlight.

Sun protection film

Sunscreen film is a film made of lavsan (a thin durable material similar in appearance to polyethylene) with a tinting mirror sun-reflective layer applied to it. Such a mirror film reflects most of the heat rays, the percentage of light absorption fluctuates around 15%, but its main task is to protect from the sun, and not to plunge the room into darkness.

From the outside of the room, the film looks like a light gray-blue tint on a car; everything is clearly visible through it, including in the evening.

Sun protection film has become widespread relatively recently:

The peak of its online popularity occurred in May 2013, compared to May 2012. the increase was 25%.

The production technology is quite simple, therefore the cost of such sun protection film is low. The price on the market fluctuates in the range from 40 to 200 rubles per 1.8 per m 2

There are also many offers of professional film on the sunscreen film market; it is thicker, consists of several layers, and has an adhesive composition already applied to it. Its cost starts from 500 rubles per square meter.

This is how films are distinguished:

  • by thickness
  • blossom
  • quality of materials used
  • number of base layers

Sun control film as opposed to blinds:

  • reflects solar, thermal and part of ultraviolet rays
  • prevents the air temperature from rising in the room
  • maintains a natural microclimate
  • protects interior items (wallpaper, furniture, etc.) from fading

How to properly stick reflective film on a window?

Before you cover the window with mirrored film curtains, you need to wash the glass thoroughly. There should be no dust or stains left on it. Glue the film indoors.


  1. Prepare a soap solution. Despite the fact that the standard instructions indicate that the protective film adheres to water, experienced craftsmen advise adding a little soap. For 1.5 liters of water you will need 5 drops of liquid soap, shampoo or dishwashing detergent.
  2. Pour the soap solution into a container with a spray bottle. This will allow you to quickly and evenly apply it to the surface.
  3. Spray the solution onto the inside of the glass pane.
  4. Unfold the film. If there is a backing, remove it. Please note that the film is glued with the mirror side facing the window. It is important not to get confused.
  5. Spray the solution onto the film and apply it to the window. Move it so that it covers the entire window. Thanks to the soap solution, it will glide well.
  6. Use a soft, dry cloth or roller to remove water from under the film. Align it, moving from the center to the edges.
  7. Use a utility knife or scalpel to trim the protruding edges of the film.

This way you can seal plastic windows in rooms and on the balcony. The protective film holds well and does not fall off.

Modern solutions for protecting rooms from sunlight

Foil for windows is gradually fading into the background, as it has been replaced by a variety of reflective and tinting films. Compared to foil, they are able to perform several important functions at once - protect the room from the scorching sun and ensure the penetration of daylight.

There are several film options:

Tinted - their main task is to darken the glass, while fully maintaining visibility. Gluing such films is quite simple even without the help of a specialist. In addition to its main function, the film performs another additional function - strengthening the glass. Therefore, in the process of breaking glass, it does not shatter into fragments.

Decorative are stickers that perform the function of decorative and sun protection products. Self-adhesive films are often supplemented with various original designs for the entire area of ​​the window or for individual parts.

Another equally relevant solution is the use of blinds. This is an excellent solution for rooms located on the south or southwest side, where the window is slightly “covered” by tree branches or located near the building.

How else can you close windows from the sun?

Beautiful curtains look best on windows. Blackout curtains are used to protect from the sun. They come in white, black and colored. Most often, roller blinds are used on the sunny side. They can be used to close windows partially.

If serious waste is not part of your plans, you can make your own protection:

  • From wallpaper. If you fold the canvas like an accordion, you get a kind of blinds. Make holes and thread the thread. Glue the blinds themselves to the frame with double-sided tape.

  • From fabric. You can close the windows from the sun in your apartment using a suitable piece of fabric. To do this, you need to tuck it, stitch it and insert an elastic band inside. Then open the window and hook the rubber band onto the protrusion. On the balcony, where the doors most often do not open, you can install a mini-cafe cornice. It is simply glued to the frame.

Product installation instructions

To properly stick the film on the window, you will need the following tools, which are usually found in every home:

  • detergent/cleaner for windows and mirror surfaces;
  • water spray (liquid spray);
  • rubber or plastic spatula (cotton and viscose fabric);
  • stationery knife.

There are two ways to install solar control film. The first one is not reliable and involves gluing the product to adhesive tape, adhesive tape, or fixing it to the frame with buttons. It is better to stick the film on the window using a special solution.

Sequential installation of a sun protection product includes the following steps:

A special product is used. It is better to wash the surface on both sides.

It is a mixture of liquid soap and water. There is no need to shake it vigorously, as excessive foaming will occur. The mixture is prepared in a spray bottle and then sprayed. The properties of the soap will allow you to properly glue the film, moving it to the required position.

  • Aligning the film on the window.

Questions and answers

What are the disadvantages of sun protection film?

Inexpensive reflective film makes the glass cloudy, easily scratched, and torn. Beginners are not always able to seal a window without bubbles. In addition, if even a grain of sand remains on the glass, the film will form a bump. Sometimes you come across films with defects (uneven coating).

Athermal films are completely free of all these disadvantages. With high transparency, it blocks up to 90% of infrared radiation and up to 99.9% of ultraviolet radiation. Drivers often use athermal films to protect windows from the sun in their cars. True, such protection is not cheap - about 900 rubles per linear meter.

Do I need to peel off the film in winter?

If the film is not deformed, there is no need to remove it at the end of the summer season.
In summer it protects the apartment from overheating, and in winter it helps to retain heat. The sunny side is a good thing, which in the hot summer goes over to the side of evil. When an apartment feels like a sauna, the positive aspects are quickly forgotten. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved. There are many ways to protect windows from the sun. The most aesthetically pleasing, but expensive are roller blinds. Among cheap protective products, all kinds of sunscreen films are very popular. You can also be smart and close the windows with improvised materials. For example, wallpaper folded like blinds, or fabric with elastic.

Mounting options

In our climatic conditions, the use of such an element as sun protection film for curtains is not relevant all year round. Very often on cold winter days, we want the warm rays of the sun to penetrate the room, delighting us with their presence. Therefore, very often such an element is removed from windows in a cooler period of time. Here, it all depends on how such a curtain was previously installed.

  • First, using a spray bottle, you need to spray water on the glass.
  • After this, the substrate must be separated from the film.
  • A similar curtain for windows is glued to the glass on the side with the adhesive.
  • Then, using a damp cloth, you need to smooth out the film. This way you can get rid of air bubbles and remaining water on the glass.

All work should be done very carefully, since the film is quite thin and can easily be damaged by any sudden movement

It is important to note that if you want to use this film repeatedly, it would be better to use castor oil instead of water. The film is applied to warm glass; during warm periods, it will automatically be heated by the sun's rays

You should not use a hairdryer when working, as uneven heating may simply crack the glass.

Mirror sun protection film.

It is used as universal protection against ultraviolet rays or the glances of random passers-by. When choosing a mirror film, you must remember that during the day the mirror effect of the tint film is much higher than in the evening. During the day, it is almost impossible to see anything outside the house, but in the evening, when it gets dark, and the lights are on in your house, you can be seen. When choosing a sun protection film, you can also kill two birds with one stone if you choose a thicker film. It will give your glass more strength and even after a strong blow the glass will most likely remain intact. This property can be used to protect a child's room. By placing a durable film in a child’s room, you can be sure that while playing, children will not break the glass, and it will not crumble into pieces, which means the children will not be harmed.

Film care

Following all the rules and recommendations for gluing film is only half the battle. It is very important to properly care for the film after gluing the window. Here are some tips: – during the first month after gluing, try not to wash the window; – even after a month, you should never wash the film with window cleaning products containing ammonia. – we also do not recommend that you use hard sponges, as they can easily damage the thin layer of film; If you need to get rid of heavy dirt, use a rubber spatula!


Installation of solar glazed windows

The company offers unique sun-protection double-glazed windows, which are characterized by the presence of an appropriate protective coating - based on silver. They perfectly protect the room from sunlight, maintaining an optimal level of light transmission without distorting color transmission. This is due to the presence of a homogeneous surface.

The manufacturer applies “silver” coating inside the glass unit. Thus, the spraying is reliably protected from negative mechanical influences, precipitation, etc. The service life of this coating fully corresponds to the service life of the glass unit. Moreover, energy-saving and sun-protective coating can be used in one double-glazed window.

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