Types of wood-aluminum windows and their advantages

Wood aluminum multifunctional windows are structures made primarily of wood with metal linings. The wooden part is made mainly from oak, larch, pine or other species. It faces the inside of the room, giving coziness and comfort to its inhabitants. The outer side is lined with aluminum plates, which in no way reduce the positive characteristics of the wood, but, on the contrary, enhance them.

Wooden windows with protective aluminum overlays on the street side are especially relevant in large cities, since “aggressive” substances from road dust and exhaust gases destroy the protective varnish coating on the wood if it is not protected by overlays.

This type should not be confused with aluminum-wood structures, consisting of an aluminum profile with wooden overlays and with all-aluminum products laminated to look like wood.

Abroad (in Sweden, Germany, Finland), aluminum-wood windows have long gained well-deserved popularity, because they combine all the best properties of natural wood and metal: they are not afraid of rain or snow, provide excellent sound and heat insulation, and are an environmentally friendly and durable purchase. Russia also appreciated the benefits of such a symbiosis, as evidenced by positive reviews on the Internet.

Wood overlays

There is a myth that protective covers must be installed on any wooden windows, otherwise they will fade or rot.

In fact, this is not true; modern, imported paint and varnish coatings reliably protect the frame for 50 years in operating conditions outside the city. It’s another matter if you live in a city where the environment is more “aggressive”.

Design Features

The design of wood aluminum windows is not fundamentally different from their monolithic wooden counterparts, with the difference that additional protection in the form of aluminum plates is attached to the outside of the wood frame and sash. The linings are installed around the entire perimeter or only in the lower part, where the most water flows.

We recommend that you look at the prices for wood-aluminum windows from.

Thus, the tree exposed to dampness, water and ultraviolet radiation is protected by an aluminum cover - a material that is highly resistant to precipitation, scorching sun and other natural influences. In turn, the internal frame made of wood guarantees excellent sound insulation and heat conservation.

In the picture below, on the left is a regular window made of wood and on the right is with aluminum trim.

The overlays are attached to the wood in one of the following ways:

  • using glue;
  • using clip locks.

In this case, the wooden profile does not come into contact with the aluminum profile, forming a ventilation gap. So the problem of glass fogging, which is typical, for example, for PVC windows with a fully sealed double-glazed unit, is eliminated. Wooden “breathable” windows with lightweight aluminum trims provide natural air exchange in the room without the need to install special air vents on the frames or in the wall. In tandem, wood is aluminum, the wood breathes precisely due to this small space between the materials, and to compensate for the decrease in tightness, the gap is filled with polyamide plastic.

Thus, the configuration of wood-aluminum windows is as follows:

  • reinforced wooden profile, which differs from the usual one in that an aluminum cover is attached to the frame and sash,
  • double glazing with various options,
  • branded fittings.

Let's consider each point in order.

  1. Profile.

A modern wood-aluminum window essentially consists of two profiles: wood and metal. When choosing the latter, there will be no difficulties, because aluminum frames differ only in color. But the type of wood is of fundamental importance, and its choice will depend on many factors, including the floor on which the customer lives.

The most affordable option is pine. Pine wood is light (suitable for glazing upper floors), soft (it is not difficult to give it the desired shape), environmentally friendly, retains heat well and tolerates climatic changes, frost-resistant. But pine is not durable, and the boards need to be properly treated to last more than 40 years.

Larch has higher performance indicators - a durable, moisture-resistant wood species that will never develop mold and mildew due to its natural bactericidal properties. Larch is relatively inexpensive, decorative, resistant to temperature fluctuations, direct exposure to water and snow (it is no coincidence that it is used in shipbuilding), and durable. Aluminum wooden larch structures have high noise insulation and low thermal conductivity. (Article about larch)

Elite windows made of oak wood are expensive, but they justify themselves with maximum strength, resistance to mechanical damage (which also results in difficulty in processing), beauty of the design and a variety of shades, allowing you to choose an option for any interior. Oak, like larch, contains an antiseptic and is not afraid of moisture. After applying special coatings on wood, aluminum oak windows with double glazed windows have an almost unlimited service life. (more about oak)

  1. High-quality double-glazed windows.

Double-glazed windows with options enhance the properties of wood. In cold climates, energy-saving double-glazed windows with low-emissivity glass are preferable. If you live on the sunny side, you will need multifunctional double-glazed windows: in hot weather they prevent heat from entering the house, and in winter they work in a similar energy-saving manner. For those who are unlucky enough to live above the highway, soundproofing double-glazed windows will be their salvation.

  1. Accessories.

Having spent money on high-strength aluminum-wood windows with optional double-glazed windows, you should not skimp on branded fittings. Products from the Austrian manufacturer Maco have proven themselves well. The fittings must be:

  • reliable and durable (service life – 10 years or more);
  • silent;
  • protected from corrosion;
  • durable, burglar-proof;
  • easy to maintain (it is enough to lubricate all mechanisms once a year).

It should be noted that wood plus aluminum windows have their own design nuances, depending on the country of origin.

In what climate can paulownia grow?

The genus Paulownia includes more than 20 species. Resistance to low temperatures varies among all crop types. For example, Paulownia fortunei grows only in warm climates and does not tolerate freezing temperatures at all. Paulownia elongata can withstand frosts down to –16°C. Paulownia tomentosa (Paulownia tomentosa) is not afraid of temperature drops even to –30°C, and therefore it is most often grown in the middle zone, as well as in gardens and parks in Europe. This is a broad-leaved tree 20-25 m high with a spreading openwork crown and large, showy inflorescences.

Depending on the climate of the region, the growth of Paulownia tomentosa is 2-3 m per year. The most intensive growth of a tree occurs in the first years of life, and then slows down. The tree lives for 70-100 years, practically does not suffer from diseases and pests, feels good in urban conditions, is an ideal material for landscaping parks and a real boon for landscape designers.

And paulownia is a wonderful honey plant. It blooms in early spring, even before the leaves bloom. Flowering lasts six weeks, and during this time the tree looks very attractive.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of wood-aluminum structures

  • Wooden-aluminum combined products are more resistant to precipitation, scorching sun and dust than conventional wooden ones, and allow you to save on annual restoration.

Coating with varnish, antiseptics and sealants improves the protective properties of modern wooden windows, but over time the wood still suffers from the scorching sun and precipitation saturated with chemical compounds. To maintain the original appearance of wooden windows, you will have to regularly repair them, which will cost a lot of money. The use of external protective aluminum inserts will immediately protect the wooden profile from the destructive effects of rain, snow, heat, wind and dust.

Being a natural antistatic agent, the aluminum profile will reflect dust.

Owners will not have to clean and tint such profiles every year, so they will soon pay for themselves.

  • Air exchange.

With its properties, wood allows the product to breathe, and a gap of several mm thick between the materials optimizes air exchange. This measure not only improves the microclimate in the room, providing constant micro-ventilation, but also prevents the development of mold and mildew.

  • Sound insulation and thermal insulation.

Wood and aluminum complement each other in pairs, neutralizing disadvantages and enhancing advantages. The tree perfectly absorbs noise from the street and does not release heat from the house, and the metal profile allows you to extend the life of the tree, protecting it from the external environment and improving sound insulation. It is worth noting that wood with plastic blocks sounds from the street worse.

In terms of heat conservation, aluminum-wood windows are inferior to wood compared to aluminum, because they contain more metal, and it does not have thermal insulation properties.

The thermal insulation properties of wood-aluminum windows are enhanced by the presence of the aforementioned air cushion between the profiles, as well as the sealant itself, which seals this free space.

  • Environmental friendliness of elements made of wood and aluminum.

Neither wood nor aluminum emit harmful substances; it is no coincidence that the latter is actively used for the production of tableware. And the tree also contains various healthy phytoncides and resins.

  • Easy to care for.

The products do not require special care. All you need is wet cleaning when it gets dirty and timely replacement of seals.

  • Strength and durability.

Lightweight but strong, aluminum gives the structure additional rigidity without weighing it down, especially if a soft type of wood (pine) was chosen. Such products will avoid deformation and damage for many decades after installation. Treating wood with anti-corrosion mixtures guarantees a minimum 80-year service life of combined windows.

  • Aesthetics.

The design features of wood aluminum windows open up rich design possibilities. The outer aluminum frame can be painted in any color, and the inner wooden frame can be varnished to preserve the beautiful design, naturalness and “warmth”. Wood can also be impregnated with a special composition to change its shade, or decorated.

A double-glazed window can also be decorated with a bend, layout, bars, tinted film, or a mirror coating.

If a wood species that can be processed is chosen, the structure can be easily given any shape. Aluminum also bends well.

  • Safety, fireproof qualities of aluminum.

Wood-aluminum windows fully comply with the requirements of the current GOST and SNiPs. They can be installed in all types of buildings.


The main “disadvantage” of this variety is the high cost of manufacturing wood aluminum windows. Prices start from 20 thousand rubles. for pine products and 50 thousand for elite oak products. Product design also matters. So, you can buy single-leaf wooden aluminum windows made of pine from 22,000 rubles. per piece, and double doors - from 25,000 - 30,000.

For oak, prices are twice as high - 40,000 - 55,000, respectively. If these are designer wooden-aluminum windows of a non-standard shape, the price will rise even higher. Add to the overall picture the prices for high-quality fittings and double-glazed windows, slopes, window sills, ebbs, specialized glass and do not forget about the services of measurers and installers, as well as delivery charges.

The prices given were for domestic wood-aluminum windows from the manufacturer.

You will see different figures from resellers and foreign suppliers: combined window structures made in Germany cost about 35 thousand rubles, Swedish analogues cost 35 thousand and more, a Finnish double-leaf window of the “standard” class will cost at least 40 thousand. Foreign larch and oak structures will cost approximately 100 thousand rubles.

How to grow paulownia

Paulownia propagates by seeds, root suckers and green cuttings. Seeds are sown in early spring in cassettes with fertile soil, provided with lighting and regularly moistened the soil. Before sowing, many gardeners soak the seeds, keeping them for 7-10 days on a damp cloth or cloth in a warm and bright place. Since the seeds are very small, they do not need to be embedded in the ground when sowing. They germinate in light at room temperature. After the appearance of true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into larger containers (200-300 ml), and after another month - into containers with a volume of 3-5 liters.

Paulownia seedlings grow quickly and need frequent fertilizing with complex organomineral fertilizers (approximately once every 10-14 days). In the fall, the containers need to be buried or moved to the greenhouse, and in the spring the plants can be planted in a permanent place. In the first year after planting, young trees should be protected from the wind if possible and watered in the summer if the weather is hot and dry.

It is more difficult to propagate paulownia using root suckers and green cuttings - it is much easier to buy ready-made seedlings in a nursery. Every year more and more hybrids of this crop appear, which have increased frost resistance and remarkable decorative qualities.

Fast growth and attractive appearance are not all the advantages of paulownia. The peculiarity of the culture is that the tree does not require replanting after cutting down, since it can regenerate. Since the lifespan of the root is about 100 years, the tree can be cut down 8-10 times. But it is better to do this in the spring, so that new shoots immediately begin to develop in the places where the tree was cut down. And already in the first year the shoots from the stump grow by 2-3 m.

Manufacturers and varieties

The country of origin is of key importance in this matter. There are 3 main types of wood-aluminum structures:

  • Finnish;
  • Swedish;
  • German.

Each type has its own structural nuances, and, accordingly, installation features. For example, German products have a special aluminum profile for wooden windows, which protects them from frequent rain, and Finnish massive windows are designed for the installation of built-in blinds. Let's consider the features of each type in order.

  1. Finnish

As mentioned above, the main feature of Finnish wood-aluminum windows is their dimensions (frame width more than 2 cm) and such an option as built-in blinds.

Finnish products consist of 2 doors, fastened with a metal insert: an internal one, wooden, and an external one, aluminum. The double-glazed window of the wooden sash is single- or double-chamber. There is one glass outside. If desired, you can order tinting, mirror or energy-efficient options.

The advantages of Finnish windows: built-in blinds, good noise and thermal insulation due to the properties of wood and the width of the frame.

Cons: they are heavy and the doors only swing open; no folding fittings.

The most popular companies in the Russian Federation: Lammin, Skaala, Fenestra, Domus, Tivi.

  1. Swedish

Swedish type wood aluminum windows are very similar to Finnish ones in design. But its weight is less due to the fact that the doors fit closer to each other. If desired, such paired sashes can be unzipped (to wash, for example).

Plus, Swedish products are equipped with a ventilation mechanism. So windows from Sweden do not have the same disadvantages as their Finnish counterparts.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the following Swedish brands: Sokolka, SSC.

  1. German

Models made of wood and metal from Germany are quite simple in design - they are a wooden supporting profile with aluminum panels on the outside. The latter are held on by clips. A traditional gap remains between the materials for the purpose of ventilation. In German products there is only one sash, with double or triple glazing.

When buying wood-aluminum windows with overlays along the entire perimeter of the outside, choose metal and wood produced by “Germany”, since similar designs to German ones are made by Italians, Slovenes, Croats, as well as domestic manufacturers. But their quality is questionable.

Best brands: Unilux, Gutmann, Kneer.

Customer Reviews

Wood-aluminum, as well as aluminum-wood windows, are still just taking root in the Russian market. In this connection, on thematic forums there are often comments regarding the high cost and lack of a tilt-and-turn mechanism in some (Finnish) designs. Therefore, before ordering wood-aluminum windows, buyers are advised to check with the supplier about the availability of this option, otherwise in the rain the window will have to be closed completely, and this is inconvenient.

Some note that aluminum-wood windows and aluminum-wood combined doors are not only unaffordable for them, but are also environmentally friendly, which in Russian reality is not a priority characteristic. However, negative reviews are usually left by those who have not decided to purchase combined models. Those who have become their owners unanimously note the highest quality, ease of use, durability and, of course, the beauty of such structures.

Where is paulownia wood used?

Paulownia is sometimes called the “aluminum tree” because its wood is much lighter than other species. The average weight of paulownia is approximately 210 kg/cub.m. Wood is widely used in shipbuilding, aircraft construction, the production of surfboards, skis, snowboards, and is often used as material for boxes and pallets, because reduces the total weight of goods.

Paulownia wood is strong, clean and smooth, has a fine-grained structure and is highly valued in the construction market, as well as in furniture production. The material is used for building houses and for interior decoration. Despite its low specific gravity, paulownia wood is surprisingly durable and practically does not absorb moisture. Therefore, you can safely make a gazebo or a set of garden furniture from it.

Paulownia wood has incredible resonance, which is suitable for the production of musical instruments, equipment for concert halls and recording studios. The material can be easily processed in any way and is also used for making toys and souvenirs. Therefore, the quality of the wood will certainly be appreciated by those who engage in wood carving.

The popularity of paulownia is growing every year. And for good reason: growing these unpretentious and amazingly beautiful trees can bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also a good income.

Where to buy wood aluminum windows in Moscow?

You can buy wood and aluminum windows in Moscow and the region everywhere. Priority is given to the aluminum-wooden lines of Schuco schuco, Allywood, Aldo, Reinaers, as well as the above brands of German, Finnish and Swedish windows. All these brands can be bought in Moscow (what are the prices for wooden windows in Moscow today and what type to choose for yourself, read our separate article.)

Domestic manufacturers of aluminum windows with wood profiles in Russia also deserve attention, especially as a budget option.

An important point that you should pay attention to when ordering wood-aluminum products is the equipment and professionalism of the installers. Due to improper installation, for example, a Finnish window, the outer single glass may sweat and even become covered with frost. This will not happen if you buy only original products from companies that have been working with such products for more than one year. It is also worth taking out a guarantee that includes free repairs.

Thermal characteristics of aluminum-wood windows

All models of such windows are equipped with double-glazed windows and are made mainly from warm profiles with thermal breaks, due to which they are highly energy efficient. The level of resistance to heat transfer and noise insulation is determined by the customer himself when choosing double-glazed windows for these structures. How you can simultaneously ensure high performance of these two main parameters, read on OknaTrade.

Sometimes, to reduce cost, some manufacturers offer to use a profile without a thermal break. This option is only suitable for cold glazing. You should not believe the assurances that internal wood linings are sufficient to prevent heat loss - this information is not true.

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