Windows with smart glass that change transparency for home and office

Expensive smart glass that changes transparency is gradually becoming fashionable and was developed quite a long time ago. Scientists discovered the technology itself back in the 1980s. It is based on a liquid crystal matrix: under the influence of electric current, the crystals change their position, and the darkening of the window changes. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve both completely transparent and completely darkened glasses.

Application area

This property is widely used for tinting cars and is used for windows of business centers, offices, and private households. In the modern world, this technology has become widespread in the so-called smart home. The fact is that it is enough to press one button, and the glass of the building will become opaque, isolating you from the bustle of the street and the curious glances of passers-by.

Electric tint included

Normal glass condition

A smart double-glazed window will help isolate harmful ultraviolet radiation and prevent infrared radiation from entering the room, making your stay in the room comfortable in the summer. Thanks to this property, significant energy savings occur, since cool air remains in the room longer and there is no need to use the air conditioner constantly.

This technology is also convenient for a meeting room. If you need to hold a confidential meeting, tinted glass will help isolate the space, while it will be impenetrable to view from the outside and light enough for people inside.

You can install smart glass in your apartment. They will help get rid of the summer heat and make the room comfortable to live in: if you don’t like curtains, electric tinting can completely replace them, and will be much more effective than any, even the thickest fabric.

The properties of such windows vary depending on lighting conditions and ambient temperature. This happens thanks to special sensors that monitor these conditions.

Smart windows - advantages and disadvantages

The manufacturability of the structures under consideration is obvious. There really is something to be surprised by and strive to put into practice as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, despite the attractive technologies, the so-called smart windows show not only obvious advantages, but at the same time real disadvantages.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with both in order to take a more specific and specific approach to the issue of purchasing and installing smart glazing.

Advantages of smart glazing

Smart windows may be considered a bit of a tech gimmick, but these designs definitely demonstrate an environmental advantage. By creating a shaded state, such structures reflect almost 98% of light and solar heat.

This process significantly reduces the need for air conditioning, thereby reducing costs.

It is estimated that electrochromic glass helps reduce peak energy consumption for cooling and lighting by approximately 20%.

Since smart glazing is powered by electricity, it is easy to control the system using a smart home circuit or solar energy sensor, regardless of the presence of owners inside the building.

Scheme for controlling the transparency of glazing, supplemented with intelligent film: 1 – self-adhesive electrochromic film; 2 – constant voltage stabilizer; 3 – AC to DC voltage converter; 4 – control button; 5 – smartphone functionality (application)

This kind of glazing allows you to save up to 8% of the total energy consumption of the building. New technological glazing uses a small amount of electricity.

Only when switching modes (100 windows consume approximately the same amount of energy as one incandescent lamp). Overall, absolute energy savings are achieved.

Other benefits of smart windows include owner privacy at the flick of a switch (no need to twist blind rods or pull curtain ropes). Ease of use and safety can also be considered an advantage.

Disadvantages of smart glazing designs

Glass, which involves printing electrodes and fancy metal coatings, of course, costs the potential owner several times more than regular glass.

According to market research, one large-size smart window is estimated at approximately $30,000–60,000 rubles.

The durability of materials used in the manufacture of current structures also raises questions. Performance declines after approximately 10–20 years, but this is a shorter period than traditional glazing.

Another disadvantage of such structures is the transition time from a transparent state to an opaque state and back. Some technologies limit this period of time to minutes.

True, stick-on electrochromic films show a faster transition (less than 1 second) from a transparent state to an opaque state and back.

Features of the technology

Most often you can find SPD technology. Devices created using it have particles suspended in a liquid, deposited on a special film. It is placed between two durable glasses or plastic plates. Under the influence of an electric current, the system begins to absorb light, blocking its penetration through the particles. In the activated state, the glass will be black, less often gray or blue.

Colors of smart films

Color gradation can be controlled manually or automatically. For this purpose, the system is equipped with a control panel. Auto-dimming windows are quite convenient; The brighter the sun outside, the darker they will become. The smart glass switches very quickly, so you will have to wait less than a minute.

Another smart glass technology is LC. It differs from SPD in that in a completely darkened state it can transmit light, maintaining comfortable lighting in the room without additional light sources. This glass can be used both indoors and as external windows.

With power supplyNo power supply
StateWeak tintTransparentDarkDarkOpaqueWeak tint
Transparency, %55763, 50, 51-462
Light transmission in the visible sector, %49750,50,246750
Reaction time, s2-30,1180-3002-30,1180-300
Power consumption, W/m24-57-90,5000

Generalized concept for the use of electrochromic glass

Experts hint at simplicity, amazing amenities, and environmental benefits. What are smart windows and how do they work in practice? Let's try to figure it out.

Glass is a practical and necessary building material. It's hard to imagine how much:

  • dark,
  • dirty,
  • cold,
  • wet,

Residential and other premises would remain if builders did not have the ability to glaze structures.

However, with all the pronounced advantages of the material, glass also has certain disadvantages. In particular, the material allows light and heat to pass through, regardless of the wishes of the property owner.

On a hot summer day, the mass of solar energy entering the building forces the use of air conditioning, which is accompanied by significant energy consumption. It costs money and harms the environment.

An obvious point is that the owners of most homes and offices equip their windows with curtains or blinds. This is a smart approach to windows, but not an automated one. Curtains and blinds create a technological barrier that makes up for the lack of glass, but this approach cannot be considered completely “smart”.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the emergence of “smart” technology, maximally automated. Examples include:

  • electric washing machines,
  • dishwashers,
  • vacuum cleaners and much more.

The question became logical: why not equip your home with “smart” electric windows that can automatically switch from light mode to dark mode?

Smart windows (also called smart glass), switchable dynamic designs, allow you to change lighting modes.

The scientific idea (concept) of such “smart” structures is directly related to electrochromism - the effect of a material changing color (or switching from a transparent to an opaque state).

The functions of electrochromism appear when electrical voltage is applied to the material.

Typically, smart windows exhibit a smooth transition from a bluish color to full transparency when an electric current passes.

The effect of a “smart” window obtained in a laboratory environment. As you can see in the picture, the “transparency” (left) and full “shading” (right) modes fully justify the name of the technological design

Design types of electrochromic glass

There are different types of electrochromic glass:

  • just shading
  • shading and transparent,
  • mirror and opaque.

Each type is built using individual technology. Let's consider one of the technologies that is based on the activity of lithium ions.

A typical simple window is made from a single vertical pane of glass. In turn, double-glazed windows are made from at least two glass panels separated by an air gap to improve thermal insulation and sound insulation.

More complex windows (using reflective/heat reflective glass) that can already be considered "smart" are coated with a thin layer of metallic chemicals.

Electrochromic windows are completely smart windows that work approximately similarly to complex metal-chemical structures. But metal-oxide coatings for smart electrochromic structures look more complex.

The build film of such "smart" systems is applied by processes similar to those used in the manufacture of integrated circuits (for example, silicon computer chips).

Structure of smart windows (circuit and principle of operation): A – shading mode when the power is off; B – transparency mode when the power is on; 1 – film layer; 2 – liquid crystal active layer; 3 – liquid crystal film; 4 – conductive coating

In production practice, an electrochromic smart window is made of either silicate glass or plastic (the technical term is “substrate” or base material).

The work surface is coated in several thin layers using a spraying process. On the inner surface of the product (looking inside the room), the smart window has a double “sandwich” consisting of five ultra-thin layers:

  • central divider,
  • two electrodes (thin electrical contacts) on each side of the separator,
  • two transparent electrical contact layers on both sides of the electrodes.

The operating principle is based on the periodic migration of lithium ions through a separator between two electrodes. Typically, when a smart window is transparent, lithium ions are concentrated in the area of ​​one of the electrodes, made based on lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2).

When some voltage is applied to the electrodes, the ions migrate through the separator to the other electrode. By passing through a separator made of polycrystalline tungsten oxide, electrons contribute to the reflection of light. Accordingly, there is an effective switching of the smart window to a shaded state.

As the voltage on the electrodes changes, the reverse process occurs, and accordingly, smart windows again acquire a state of transparency.

What is noteworthy is that energy is consumed only when electrochromic windows switch to a transparent or shaded state. Remaining in any of the modes, smart windows do not consume electrical energy.

Other technologies to achieve similar effects

In addition to lithium-ion technology, other glazing options are also available. For example, instead of placing a separator between the electrode layers, an electrochromic material (dye) is used.

Such a material has the properties of changing color when current is passed through the structure. The technology is similar to that used for photochromic sunglasses, but requires more precise power control.

Smart windows, made according to the scheme described above, are installed as separate elements. It requires the installation of an entire double-glazed window, where the glass is coated with a special compound.

This option seems quite expensive. However, it is possible to obtain smart window technology at a cheaper rate.

The option of equipping conventional window structures with film is cheaper for the potential user. Meanwhile, smart film shows improved performance characteristics compared to sputtering technology and the ability to control a smartphone

Well-known in the field of glazing and "Smart Tint", for example, offer a thin self-adhesive electrochromic film.

This kind of material can easily be applied to existing standard windows, making these home components “smart.” The film allows you to turn on/off newly created “smart” structures using a special application on your smartphone.

Electrochromic films use technology similar to a liquid crystal display, where liquid crystals, under precise electronic control, change the array of transmitted light.

When current is applied, the crystals line up like blinds opening, allowing light rays to pass through. If the current is turned off, the crystals are oriented randomly, scattering light, making the smart windows opaque.

The performance of overlay films is impressive. According to Smart Tint experts, smart film is capable of transmitting 98% of light in transparency mode.

In another case, the transmittance decreases approximately threefold, and a no less effective state of opacity is created. Durability is determined by the limit on the number of switchings, which is declared by the manufacturer at the level of 3 million times - no less.

How is management carried out?

Glass with variable transparency can adjust the dimming independently, and the owner can also do this using a remote control. In this case, the system will consume only 7 W/sq. m.

The basis of the technology is smart film. This electrochromic product is excellent for use on display glass, can serve as projection glass, and can also be combined with regular glass to reduce the cost of a self-tinting window.

Scheme of work

The smart glass itself is a triplex glass on which PDLC film is applied. For this purpose, glass of different thicknesses can be used, the strength of which is quite high. Such designs can be used even in rooms with high humidity, where there is a high probability of water ingress, for example, bathrooms, kitchens, showers. The window shape can be absolutely any.


The most commonly found on sale is smart glass tinting with adjustable dimming, the price of which averages $450 per square meter of film. This film is called Smart-film and has an adhesive base. A more expensive analogue is Smart-glass: its price is higher, but this is a different level. You can purchase a ready-made double-glazed window, the cost of which starts at $740 per square meter.

Example of order price for electrically dimming glass

Smart glass: price

The cost varies depending on the option chosen:

  • smart glass is installed,
  • The smart film is glued to previously installed standard glass.

The price of glass and smart glass film is significantly different: the price of smart glass is higher, the price of film is lower, but the characteristics are also somewhat different.

Examples of the cost of starting glass at manufacturing companies.

Smart glass PDLC4x4mm raw4x4mm hardened5x5mm raw5x5mm hardenedSingle-chamber double-glazed windowDouble-glazed window
Up to 10 sq. m. 900 USD950 USD980 USD1050 USD1000 USD1050 USD
Up to 30 sq. m. 850 USD930 USD930 USD990 USD950 USD980 USD
From 30 to 50 sq. m. 800 USD850 USD880 USD950 USD900 USD920 USD
Over 50 sq. m. Negotiable
Glass Controller8500 rubles with remote control / 3000 rubles without remote control

* Prices are indicated in conventional units of 1 USD. = 1 €

In addition, the price depends on the choice of tinting method. There are two types:

  • Installation of smart glass.
  • Gluing smart film to regular glass.

These two materials differ in cost and characteristics. Film is cheaper.

The average cost of such glass is from $800. Many companies offer discounts if you purchase a large volume at once. In order for the system to be controlled and to operate stably, it is necessary to purchase another device - a controller. Compared to the glass itself, it is inexpensive - approximately 8-12 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the ability to control the system remotely. A controller with a remote control costs on average three thousand rubles more than usual.

Advantages of variable transparency glass

  1. High strength provided that the windows are based on multilayer triplex or other types of impact-resistant glass.
  2. Energy efficiency. The use of this material helps reduce heat loss from rooms during the cold season and keep cool on hot days. For example, when the air temperature rises above 29 °C, glass with adjustable transparency becomes frosted and prevents sunlight from penetrating into the rooms.
  3. High level of privacy. By changing the degree of transparency of the panels, you can protect the house from prying glances from the street without the help of curtains and drapes. Glass is also used in meeting rooms, when zoning offices in the open space style, and in shower rooms.

Our other products: Fire windowsGlass fire doorsFire partitionsFire glass


You can use smart partitions for business or to delimit space in an apartment: you don’t have to build a wall or install bulky structures. It is enough to install glass that can become dark when you need to remove something from your eyes, or, on the contrary, become transparent if you need to visually enlarge the space.

This solution is perfect for skylights. You don't have to think about how to darken them, insulate them or isolate sound, since the film copes with all these tasks perfectly.

Types of Tinted Glass

We offer tinted glass in shades of bronze (Planibel bronze), gray (Planibel grey), and dark gray (Planibel dark-grey).

Principle of operation

Typically one of three technologies is used:

  • PDLC – products are milky in color, darkening is achieved using liquid crystals.
  • SPD – the basis is suspended particles. The glass has a matte blue color.
  • Electrochromic glass is a nanospray. The product turns out dark blue.

The first two products have the following feature: when the voltage is turned off, they become completely darkened, transparency is reduced to a minimum. Electrochromic glass is distinguished by the fact that it has several degrees of darkening. The base consists of lithium ions, which move under the influence of electric current. The polarity and voltage can be set, thanks to which the movement of ions is controlled and the desired degree of darkening is obtained.

Buy smart glass - buy a piggy bank:

  • finishing materials and furniture will not fade under the influence of UV;
  • heating and air conditioning costs will be significantly reduced;
  • curtains, blinds, curtains as an expense item will cease to exist;
  • no tinting required - smart glass can be darkened according to your wishes. Smart glass - electric tinting, removed from the remote control.

Safety is one of the most important characteristics of smart glass: it is classified as protective and meets the requirements of GOST R51136-98 “Safe architectural glazing”. Games in the nursery can be very active - the ball will not break the window.

Smart glass completely eliminates the problems with roof windows: no additional shading, insulation, or sound insulation is required.

Advantages of smart tinting

  • High comfort. This tint makes the room bright, while insulating harmful infrared and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Energy saving. The film serves as a good heat insulator, so the effect of a thermos is preserved in the room.
  • Increased security. From the street you will not be able to see what is happening inside the premises. Smart windows are highly durable, exceeding the reliability of standard glass.
  • Additional insulation is not required when using such windows as stained glass windows.
  • The transmittance of light is not tied to the transparency of the glass.
  • Liquid crystals are reliably protected by two thick glasses, scratches on which do not affect the operation of the structure in any way.
  • Windows can be washed.
  • Control is carried out using a remote control or automatically.
  • Low power consumption - only 7 W.
  • Attractive appearance of glass when switched off.
  • Ease of use, quick installation.

Smart windows are an excellent solution for both business and country houses. They will make the interior special, fit perfectly into the concept of a smart home, provide comfort, additional warmth, silence and energy savings. You don’t have to wake up with the sun shining in your face and think about how to separate the space so as not to clutter it. Smart film or glass is an excellent modern solution to many problems that allows you to increase the functionality of windows.

Examples of using

Smart glass can be used in both outdoor and indoor installations. For example, a huge screen made of smart glass with variable matte serves as a display at the Guinness Storehouse (Dublin). The Nissan Micra CC campaign in London featured four panels of smart glass that were sequentially altered in matte finish to create a striking advertising installation on the streets of the city.

Another use case is a huge glass cube made of smart glass

, capable of exiting a residential tower building at a height of 88 floors (Eureka Towers, Melbourne, Australia). The cube accommodates 13 people. When it extends 3 metres, the glass becomes transparent, giving visitors a 275 meter view of Melbourne.

The main use of smart glass

– internal partitions and doors, which many companies use to organize confidential meeting rooms. In the normal state, such rooms are part of the internal space of the office, but, if necessary, serve as a private room. Smart glass performs the same function in hospitals for organizing patient examination rooms.

Smart glass displays are used in advertising

outdoors, for presentations and commercials. If necessary, smart glass can become transparent for viewing the interior of a room or displayed samples (clothing, cars, etc.), or matte and used as a projection screen.

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner uses electrochromic windows

, which replace aircraft dampers. NASA is considering using electrochromic glazing to control temperature on the new Orion and Altair spacecraft.

Smart glass is also used in some small series of cars. For example, the Ferrari 575 M Superamerica has a smart glass roof, and the same option is available in Maybach cars.

AbavaNet, Moscow, 2009

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