Supply valve for plastic windows: let the apartment breathe!

PVC windows are good for everyone: they make you feel warm, quiet and comfortable. However, ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows leaves much to be desired. Without proper ventilation, residents risk “side effects” such as persistent fatigue and headaches. Of course, you can ventilate the room to ensure an influx of fresh air, but this solution can hardly be considered successful: in windy or cold weather, keeping the windows open is quite problematic. In addition, air enters the room uncontrollably. Accordingly, for a comfortable stay in the house, you need some kind of device with the help of which air will continuously flow into the room in the required quantity. For this purpose, supply valves were created. One of their types, window valves, is built into the glass unit, so that a narrow gap is formed that regulates the air supply.

Types of supply valves for windows

There is a wide range of ventilation valves on the modern market. Usually there are several types of devices.


A manually controlled air valve is cheaper than an automatic one, but it is difficult to regulate the air flow manually: after all, the required amount of fresh air greatly depends on the number of people and the state of the microclimate in the room.


An automatic window flap is more convenient. It has a built-in sensor that determines the level of relative humidity in the room. Thanks to the sensor, the device itself regulates the amount of incoming air and determines when to open or close the ventilation hole.

Rebated supply and ventilation valves

The most budget option. Fresh air is supplied from the street into the house through special openings in the frame or sash. To install the valve, you do not need to dismantle the windows. Street noise practically does not penetrate into the house. The main disadvantage of this type is the low throughput: the room will still need periodic ventilation.

Slot valves for windows

With slot ventilation, air is supplied through a hole whose width is 12–16 mm and length – from 170 to 400 mm. Some models consist of one universal block, and some consist of two blocks: one is installed on the inside of the window, and the second on the outside. Slot valves have a high flow capacity and do not require the removal of windows to install them, which is why they are quite popular in the market.

Handle with supply valve

Mounted instead of the usual handle of a plastic window. When installed, the appearance of the window does not change in any way. The handle valve also often has a built-in filter element that blocks dust.

Overhead valves

This type is the most effective among others. However, you cannot do without dismantling the window: the dimensions of the window sashes and frames must be “adjusted” to the device. There is practically no protection from street noise. Therefore, this type is more often used in warehouses and factories than in ordinary apartments.

Based on the material they are made of, models are divided into wooden, metal and plastic.

CleanAir® filter mesh instead of the usual mosquito net!

  • The air we breathe directly affects our well-being, performance, sleep and vital functions.
  • Insufficient ventilation of the room, or its ventilation with polluted air, creates a concentration of harmful substances that poison the human body.



Installing a supply valve on a plastic window

Apart from installing an overhead valve, there are two ways to install it: with milling (you will have to make a hole in the window block; most likely, you will need the help of specialists) and without milling. The second method is the simplest; with its help you can install the valve on PVC windows with your own hands in a matter of minutes. You will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • ruler.
  1. Using a utility knife, cut off a portion of the standard seal on the frame equal to the length of the valve.
  2. Glue a new one in place of the old seal - it comes complete with the supply valve.
  3. In the same way, remove the excess seal on the sash.
  4. Install the plugs from the kit into the groove on the sash where the previous seal was located.
  5. Attach the valve to the top of the sash (the brackets should be directed towards the window). Secure it with the screws included in the kit.
  6. Install a new seal between the brackets.

Pros and cons of an inlet valve

Reviews of ventilation valves range from enthusiastic to aggressively disappointed. Almost all users note the same pros and cons. Advantages:

  • Unlike micro-ventilation or ventilation with open windows, there are no drafts in the apartment when the supply valve is operating.
  • Fresh air is supplied continuously, which has a positive effect on the microclimate of your home. The humidity in the apartment is normalized, and the risk of mold and mildew on the walls is reduced.
  • The device is easy to install and use.
  • The likelihood of condensation forming on windows is reduced.


  • In winter, some valve models freeze over.
  • If you have a manual valve, you will have to frequently adjust it depending on weather conditions, the number of people in the room (i.e. the level of carbon dioxide in the air) and other climatic indicators. Since the valve is located at the top of the window, you may need to stand on a chair or stepladder to adjust the operation of the device - this all depends on the height of the windows themselves.
  • The device, as a rule, is not equipped with filters, so particles of street dust and other pollutants may enter the air.

As we can see, supply valves for plastic windows have both pros and cons. The question naturally arises: is the game worth the candle? What other devices are there that will provide an influx of fresh air and oxygen?

CleanAir filter mesh “CLEAN AIR” with a filter element based on RespilonAir® nanofiber

The result of scientific discoveries of recent years. Protects your health and makes life much more comfortable.

  • completely protects the indoor air from the penetration of pollutants from the outside;
  • does not interfere with air exchange and ventilation;
  • you no longer need to wipe the dust so often, it simply isn’t there;
  • To clean the membrane from trapped harmful impurities, it is enough to rinse it with water.

The unique properties of the Respilon filter are confirmed by laboratory research

  • Switzerland,
  • Czech Republic,
  • USA.

Window valve versus other ventilation systems: which is better?

To compare types of supply ventilation, you should first define the comparison criteria:

  • Performance.
    The performance of the ventilator is measured in cubic meters of air supplied by the device per hour. On average, an adult consumes about 30–40 m3/h. So, if your family has three people, you will need a device with a productivity of 90 cubic meters per hour. It is best to take a ventilator with a performance reserve so as not to overload the device with constant operation at maximum settings.
  • Noise.
    For comfortable use of the ventilator, a low noise level is important. An unnoticeable noise level is in the range of 30–40 decibels; at high performance, the normal noise level of the ventilator should be no more than 50–55 decibels. Also, when choosing a device, you need to monitor what sound comes from the ventilator: intermittent noise will most likely irritate your ears.
  • Filtration system.
    Air filters are not installed in every ventilator. If you want the air supplied to your apartment to be not only fresh, but also clean, the presence of a filtration system should be a decisive criterion for you.
  • Air heating system.
    Air heating is a necessary function for residents of cities where winter is especially harsh. Using the heating system, you can program the device to supply air at a comfortable temperature.
  • Difficult to install.
    Ventilator installation is a process that requires care and precision. Some types of ventilators are installed by yourself, while others require the help of specialists.
  • Price.
    The price of a ventilator depends on the factors mentioned above - maximum performance, sound insulation, quantity and quality of filters, availability of a climate control system, etc. Thus, the cost can vary from several hundred rubles to tens of thousands.

A climate control valve for plastic windows is the simplest and most cost-effective solution for providing ventilation. Its installation does not require special equipment, through it fresh air enters the house, it does not make noise - the noise level entering the room from the street only slightly increases. However, the capabilities of the device are not so great. Its productivity is quite low - up to 35 m3/h. The device is not equipped with filters or a heating element. The wall inlet valve also has a similar device. To install it, you need to make a hole in the wall. As a rule, the performance of a wall valve is higher than that of a window valve (up to 50 m3/h). Some models are equipped with a coarse filter that prevents large dust, lint and insects from entering the room air. Due to installation errors, the wall on which the valve is located may freeze at low air temperatures; There is no air heating system. A mechanical ventilator is similar to a wall supply valve, but it necessarily contains a fan and more efficient filters. The performance of such a device is limited only by the performance of the fan (40–120 m3/h). However, such a ventilator does not clean the air of fine dust and allergens; It also lacks climate control function. Breezer is the most effective supply ventilation system among the previous options. The advantages of the breather include climate control and a three-stage air filtration system. The breather also has a recirculation mode, that is, the device can purify the air inside the room. The device is installed by specialists by making a small hole in the wall facing the street, and takes about an hour. The cost of a breather is significantly higher than other ventilators. Below we have provided a brief comparison table of four ventilation devices (specifications may vary depending on the model).


Now you know everything about window filters and can install them without any help. The video in this article will help you understand some important aspects even better. If there is something you don’t understand, ask in the comments below.

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December 13, 2022

Accessories, Interesting, Windows

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So is it worth buying a window valve?

If there are no major sources of air pollution near your home (for example, a busy highway or an industrial plant), winters in your region are not very cold, and if you do not plan to spend a lot of money, then a ventilation valve for plastic windows will be sufficient. It is worth remembering that its performance is sufficient if 1-2 people live in the room. The window valve needs to be cleaned every six months. Dust from the device can be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. When cleaning, it is not recommended to use household chemicals or rinse the device under running water.

Window valve, mechanical ventilator, breather - the choice is yours. Each device has its own advantages, which manifest themselves in certain circumstances. Breathe easy and be healthy!

Filter management

The structure can be controlled using the following mechanisms:

  • cord mechanism;
  • spring mechanism;
  • automation;
  • chain mechanism.

The essence of the cord and chain mechanism is that a roll of filter is wound onto a shaft using a cord or chain. To raise the curtain, pull the control element, and to close the window, release the chain or cord.

The spring mechanism is based on the return principle. To open the curtain, pull the bottom edge of the structure, and to close it, release it. The spring itself returns the filter to its original position.

Automation is the most “advanced” mechanism. It operates remotely using a control panel and may have additional equipment in the form of light sensors or a special timer.

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