Decorative plaster on the balcony: main varieties, application methods

A balcony is a room located close to the street, which often suffers from external penetration of moisture and dust. Many building materials are suitable for its design, including decorative plaster. It is a universal building material, capable of completely changing any area in the apartment. When finishing loggias, plastering is often used. It allows you to create a reliable and beautiful wall covering, which will subsequently serve for a long period of time. The variety of modern building materials makes it possible to choose the desired color and create an attractive, unique interior.

Applying decorative plaster to the walls of the balcony allows you to create an attractive coating with a long service life Source

Advantages of using decorative plaster on the balcony

The spacious loggia is one of the best places in the apartment, ideal for relaxing. Therefore, it must be cozy and visually attractive. Wall decoration plays an important role in its design. They are often decorated using plastering, which has many positive aspects.

The main advantages of plaster:

  • attractive appearance;
  • a huge variety of colors;
  • durability of use;
  • resistance to abrasion, deformation;
  • vapor permeability;
  • solidity;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • easy care;
  • efficiency.

Decorative plaster on the balcony is safe for people and animals. It is made from natural or synthetic components and is easy to clean using household chemicals. In addition, this coating goes well with natural or artificial stones, tiles, wallpaper, and other finishing materials.

Decorative plaster goes well with stone: the interior turns out interesting and stylish Source

Preparing the bark beetle mixture for application

List of necessary plastering and painting tools for finishing a balcony:

  • Bucket.
  • Plastic grater.
  • Spray.
  • Mixing attachment for an electric drill, and the drill itself.
  • Painting spatula for spreading the solution after its preparation.
  • Roller and container for primer and then paint.

How much dry mix should I buy? The consumption of dry plaster per 1 square meter will be 2.5 - 4 kg. It is better to rely on the information from the instructions for use of the mixture. But it is advisable to make a purchase with some reserve (usually 10%).

It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for using the plaster, otherwise you can easily spoil the raw materials. But the general rules are the same. The dry mixture is gradually poured into water at “summer” temperature. The ingredients are intensively mixed using an electric drill and a special “mixer”. This is an attachment for a regular electric drill. This mixing will prevent the formation of unwanted lumps.

The well-mixed mass should be left covered for 15 minutes to allow it to “infuse.” Then the mixture is stirred again with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It looks like puree with an even color shade.

It is advisable not to add water to an already mixed mixture. This can provoke stratification of the solution and the service life of the Bark Beetle is reduced. The finished mass must be used for its intended purpose within three hours.

Types of decorative plaster

As a rule, in stores there is a huge assortment of different types of plaster mixtures suitable for high-quality finishing of balconies. They differ in chemical composition and type of finishing coating.

When choosing a suitable product for a specific room, it is important to consider the availability of:

  • precipitation;
  • frost;
  • drought;
  • excessive humidity;
  • likelihood of mechanical damage;
  • temperature fluctuations.

Depending on the binder used in production, decorative plaster for balconies comes in several types. Each of them has different characteristics and is more suitable in certain cases.

There are several varieties of modern plaster mixtures, each of which has unique properties Source


In practice, the following types of solutions have long been used:

  • gypsum;
  • limestone;
  • cement.

All of them have excellent technical characteristics, which is why they are used more often than others. Mineral plaster for balconies is inexpensive and convenient to use when performing repair work. If the winters are not very cold, then this coating will last quite a long time. It does not tolerate very low temperatures.

Gypsum plaster on the balcony is used to level or decorate the walls of the room. It hardens quite quickly and gains strength. In addition, this mixture adheres perfectly to the walls and allows them to breathe. Gypsum is a plastic, hypoallergenic material that is easy to apply to substrates and create unique decorative reliefs. The main disadvantage of this building material is its high hygroscopicity, which significantly limits the service life of the created coating. Before using such a composition, hydrophobic additives must be mixed into it. Gypsum plaster on the balcony must be coated with a waterproof product.

When used for interior decoration, lime strongly resembles natural stone. It is extremely resistant to moisture, but it requires special additives. Similar to gypsum, the lime composition is quite plastic, does not cause allergic reactions, and in addition has pronounced disinfectant properties. Thanks to the latter, you don’t have to worry about the walls being damaged by fungus and mold. Based on reviews, lime is less reliable than other similar materials.

Cement-sand mortar, to which plasticizers are added, is considered the strongest and most durable. It cannot be damaged by sudden temperature changes or excessive humidity. Balconies are often finished with textured plaster. It allows you to create a unique effect. After applying such material, the wall surfaces are distinguished by their originality.


Contains acrylic resins. They provide the coating with moisture resistance and a long service life. Therefore, it can be easily washed from fresh contaminants if done in a timely manner. This mixture is characterized by significant elasticity; it can be applied to wooden and brick surfaces, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and other insulation materials.

Finishing the balcony with decorative acrylic plaster looks quite attractive and does not lose its integrity under the influence of vibration. But it has a significant drawback - a high fire hazard. In addition, acrylic is capable of accumulating static electricity and quickly fades when exposed to intense sunlight. Since such a mixture practically does not allow steam to pass through, mold and mildew often appear on the walls.

Due to its resistance to moisture and high temperatures, acrylic plaster is used to decorate both the interior of balconies and the exterior walls of the house Source


It is made on the basis of silicone and is characterized by good elasticity. After applying such a composition on the surface, it is still possible to form different reliefs for some time. The silicone mixture lays easily on any substrate and has good adhesion. Silicone has excellent vapor permeability and is resistant to negative external influences. Its main drawback is its considerable price.

Silicone plaster practically does not suffer from mechanical damage; after complete drying, it is difficult to knock down or scratch Source


According to its purpose, the mixture is not intended to level planes, but to create a relief on them that imitates a particular material.

Conventionally, the compositions can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Small-relief. Made from the smallest fractions, after mixing they form a homogeneous paste. They are used for artistic modeling with the creation of fragments of varying complexity and size.
  2. Large-relief. Excellent textured raw material for creating free-form designs. They contain fibers and crystals that form a beautiful relief.
  3. Pebble. Filler in the form of crushed stone can have a round or angular surface. The material is highly resistant to mechanical stress.
  4. Marble. Contains crushed marble, fractions 1-5 mm. They are distinguished by high aesthetic characteristics.
  5. Bark beetle Due to the presence of stones in the mixture, the pattern on the wall takes on the texture of wood bark. In different brands, the size of the stones varies between 2-6 mm. The bark beetle on the balcony looks beautiful and representative.
  6. Venetian. The mixture contains flour made from multi-colored stones. Due to this, the finished surface looks expensive and luxurious.
  7. Plaster. It is recommended that experienced plasterers work with such materials. The time to form the relief is limited, since the solution hardens quickly.

When deciding which decorative plaster to choose for a balcony, you must proceed from the base of the mixture. It determines the operating conditions of the finish, the technology of its application, care and maintenance.

Basic methods of finishing a loggia with plaster

Based on the sizes of the constituent components, all plaster mixtures are divided into:

  • Coarse-grained. They are applied in layers using a special tool and require the formation of an additional decorative texture. Dried walls look like untreated stone.
  • Fine-grained. Before applying them, the walls should be well leveled. If desired, it is possible to create unique reliefs on the applied layer. After the mixture dries, even minor flaws will be noticeable on the surface. It is better to paint the dried coating or tint it with a roller. It is recommended to use such material only if you have considerable experience in performing finishing work.

Depending on the size of the components, decorative plasters are divided into fine-grained and coarse-grained Source

Balcony plastering tools

In order to plaster balcony walls properly, you should prepare the following tools in advance:

  • roller;
  • brush;
  • solution container;
  • Master OK;
  • plumb line;
  • mixer;
  • putty knife;
  • grater;
  • construction tape;
  • rule;
  • sponge;
  • cutter.

Additionally, it is worth purchasing special devices to create the selected pattern on the surface.

Tools for plastering work make it much easier to finish surfaces with plaster mixture Source

How to plaster a balcony

Those who apply decorative plaster to the walls of the loggia for the first time must strictly adhere to the recommendations that are necessarily included with the products used. Therefore, you need to study the description and basic characteristics of the material in advance. Moreover, you cannot neglect any instructions, otherwise the result may turn out to be mediocre.

It is extremely important to carry out repairs during the dry, warm period of the year. You cannot plaster a balcony at temperatures below 5°C or in extreme heat. If the sun's rays constantly fall on the working base, then it must be protected. It is also undesirable to carry out plastering work in rainy autumn. Then, not only the solution used, but also the finished base will have to be protected from excessive moisture until it dries completely.

It is extremely important to plaster the walls on the balcony in warm and dry weather: this will have a positive effect on the quality of the work performed Source

Surface preparation

First of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating from the base: wallpaper, paint residues, whitewash, plaster. When there is a lot of dust on the wall, the quality of adhesion of the solution to it decreases. Therefore, it is extremely important to thoroughly wash the surface of the walls. Rust and grease stains can penetrate a fresh finish over time. Therefore, there should be no unnecessary inclusions on the prepared base.


  • Remove existing iron elements. If they are permanently attached, then cover them with a suitable insulating compound or oil paint.
  • Cover doors, window frames, switches, sockets with protective polyethylene.
  • Turn off the electric current.
  • The brick base requires particularly careful processing. The seams in it should be deepened by 8-10 mm. Then sand the entire wall with a wire brush.
  • Cover smooth concrete with notches.
  • Seal all holes with cement and, if necessary, use reinforcing mesh.
  • Places that may be exposed to moisture should be insulated with waterproofing materials.

In order to improve the adhesion of the solution to the base and significantly strengthen the surface of the walls, it is recommended to apply two layers of deep penetration primer. It is worth considering that putty is used only when necessary. After completing the above preparatory work, the base should be thoroughly dried. Only then is it possible to finish the balcony with plaster.

Plastering the walls of a balcony or loggia is carried out only after careful preparation of the surfaces and elimination of existing defects Source

Preparatory work

Decorative plaster is quite easy to use.

The result of use will be especially attractive if you properly prepare the walls.

The standard procedure is as follows:

  • it is necessary to dismantle all decorative cabinets, shelves and remove all furniture from the balcony; if finishing will be carried out on external walls, then additionally the window sills and their fastenings should be removed;
  • The walls should be cleaned of old decorative coating as thoroughly as possible; if necessary, it is worth removing the old plaster down to the bare wall;
  • Using a chisel attachment on a hammer drill, you should process each crack, as if opening it; all cracks must be filled with repair compound;
  • a primer must be applied to a bare wall; the first layer should dry, and then it is recommended to apply the second;
  • Using a spatula, you should apply regular plaster to level the walls; it is better to use a cement composition;
  • Use a wide paint brush to go over the walls to remove any remaining dry compound and dust that formed during leveling.

Preparation must be done carefully.

When using Venetian decorative plaster, it is better not to level the walls, but to cover them with plasterboard. This way you can get the perfect basis for creating a beautiful design. After completing this stage, you can proceed to decoration.

Finishing of surfaces from the inside

After plastering the walls on the balcony is completed, a decorative coating should be applied. For this purpose, varnishing, waxing or painting is often used. The application of paints and waxes gives the walls a more pleasant, attractive appearance. If work is carried out on an open balcony, high-quality painting will protect from rain. In addition, the paint film will make sharp protrusions less noticeable.

You should always remember: the material for the finishing coating is selected to match the base of the plaster composition. If it is acrylic, then the dye used should be the same. All work is carried out in one or two passes. The paint is applied with a soft brush only after the surfaces have completely dried.

Advice! To cover plastered walls, it is recommended to use tinted, colorless varnishes, since they are easier to match to the main component of the plaster mixture.

A suitable material for the finishing coating is selected depending on the base of the plaster composition used Source

Caring for decorative items on the balcony

Caring for decorative plaster is easy. It often has good water-repellent properties; any dirt can be easily removed with a rag pre-moistened with water. If it is not possible to periodically wipe dust from the walls of an unglazed balcony, it is possible to apply an antistatic compound to them. Proper care of your finish will help preserve your renovation for many years.

Attention! Plastered walls must not be washed with abrasives or cleaned with solvents. They can damage the structure of the plaster and paintwork.

With proper care, the decorative coating retains its attractive appearance for many years Source

Types and characteristics of wallpaper

When planning to hang wallpaper on the balcony, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. Wallpapers are divided into types according to their composition:

Wallpapers are divided into types according to their composition:

  • Paper. They are resistant to temperature changes, but completely unstable to humidity and fading. They can be used for repairs to cold glazing of balconies and loggias when using frost-resistant glue.
  • Vinyl. Moisture-resistant, fade-resistant. The use of vinyl wallpaper on the loggia is rational, because it can be washed and retains its decorative qualities for a long time.
  • Non-woven for painting. The characteristics allow you to use this wallpaper on the balcony. This option is for those who like to periodically update their interior design. The paintwork quickly fades in sunlight, losing its brightness.
  • Cork. Environmentally friendly material. Can be used in a heated, well-ventilated room, because... cork, like many natural materials, is afraid of moisture stagnation.

  • Fiberglass. This wall covering can be used in any room. The composition of the fabric gives the material high wear resistance, resistance to fading and mechanical damage. Walls covered with fiberglass are easy to wash and clean from dirt.
  • Photo wallpaper. Their use depends on the size of the room and the base material from which they are made. When choosing photo wallpapers as a design option, their sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, expressed in a rapid loss of brightness, is taken into account. It is better to glue them on large loggias located on the north side.
  • Liquid wallpaper. This material appeared on the finishing materials market recently, but has already become firmly established in everyday use. Liquid wallpaper combines the properties of textured plaster, paper and paint coating. They are designed for finishing in any type of room.

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