Rehau Blitz windows and Veka plastic windows: positive customer reviews

The Rehau Blitz New profile system combines European quality and low price. It reliably insulates heat, protects the room from street noise, and looks harmonious in any interior. With professional installation it can last 60 years or more. In this review of the REHAU Blitz New profile, we will look at the features of this series, technical characteristics, and advantages.

Why compare Rehau Blitz and Veka?

Both German manufacturers present several models of profiles on the Russian market, from which they create PVC windows with different characteristics. This is natural, because variability makes it possible to choose translucent structures suitable for specific conditions. For example, someone wants to increase energy efficiency, someone wants to increase sound insulation. You can order windows with all the options at once, or install a standard design, like Rehau Blitz.

By comparing, the customer is looking for a product that will fully satisfy his needs.

Limitless design possibilities

When purchasing plasokna windows, the client can make their appearance unique by using a variety of decoration methods. Thanks to lamination, it is possible to give the profile any desired color. You can diversify the color of double-glazed windows by tinting them. Stained glass windows and frames are also installed, which gives the products an antique look. These options are used individually or combined with each other.




Stained glass

What our clients say about the window ordered by Blitz

Not all customers require window systems with the number of functions and characteristics that manufacturers offer in the 21st century. A large share of customers cost little, and they do not always buy Blitz windows when they want to save money.

Some people are indifferent to the aesthetic qualities of windows, while others do not require structures to be strongly protected from noise from the street. Before concluding a contract, the customer’s situation is studied by managers in order to find a profitable and optionally useful option.

In general, customers are satisfied with their choice, because even the classic Rehau Blitz window system, devoid of unique characteristics, fully copes with the task assigned to it.

Comparison of the Blitz window profile with other profiles in the Rehau line

Budget products are represented by two models: Rehau Blitz and Euro Design. When thinking about inexpensive but high-quality glazing for your home, you should compare these profile systems.

Profile and glass width

Both budget three-chamber systems have an installation depth of 60 mm, which allows the use of systems with double-glazed windows and the manufacture of structures of different configurations. At the same time, the Blitz system has a wider light opening, which resulted from reducing the profile height from 116 to 105 mm. The thickness of the outer wall of the Rehau Euro Design system is 0.1 mm greater than that of the Blitz profile.

Both profile systems have two sealing circuits. The overlap of the outer and inner elastic in the Blitz profile is 6 and 8 mm, respectively. Similar indicators in Euro Design are 8 mm. The main technical characteristics affect the thermal and soundproof properties of window blocks.

Sound and thermal protection

With almost identical technical characteristics, inexpensive profile systems from Rehau are distinguished by their ability to prevent overheating and cooling of rooms, and the penetration of extraneous sounds from the street.

Both compared systems belong to class B in terms of noise insulation. They are able to block up to 25 dB of street noise from entering the room. But thanks to a slight advantage in technical characteristics, the Design profile has a higher level of thermal protection - 0.75 m²°C/W.

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Reviews about Veka plastic windows are also good

For customers who have not found their type profile in the Rehau model line, we suggest making a choice in favor of German windows from another manufacturer. Reviews about Veka plastic windows are always positive, because quality is the main characteristic of the product, and all other options only allow you to individualize the model as intended for specific operating conditions. But so that buyers do not get lost in the choice, we honestly talk about the profiles of any window manufacturer from Germany.

Advantages of purchasing Rehau Blitz from our company

The presented profiles of our own production from ]"PVC Window Factory"[/anchor] are offered at an affordable price. Products can be purchased at prices without surcharges for intermediary services.

The structures are manufactured on equipment using European technology using high-quality raw materials. The design uses aesthetic and reliable fittings (Germany) that are resistant to mechanical damage.

Our company provides free consultation services, calculation of materials and costs, signing of an agreement on site or at the company’s office.

Installation of profiles is carried out in accordance with GOST by certified specialists. The company provides a warranty certificate and a quality certificate for 5 years.

The company offers a range of additional services for lamination, repair, installation of burglar-proof fittings, slopes, etc.

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The REHAU Blitz New system is suitable for budget glazing of residential premises, warm balconies, loggias, country houses, and the creation of balcony doors. Also suitable for glazing gazebos and verandas, windows facing a quiet street or courtyard, for office and retail premises. It is used in construction and reconstruction of houses with standard glazing requirements.

Why compare Rehau Blitz and Veka?

Both German manufacturers present several models of profiles on the Russian market, from which they create PVC windows with different characteristics. This is natural, because variability makes it possible to choose translucent structures suitable for specific conditions. For example, someone wants to increase energy efficiency, someone wants to increase sound insulation. You can order windows with all the options at once, or install a standard design, like Rehau Blitz.

By comparing, the customer is looking for a product that will fully satisfy his needs.

Rehau Partner - quality and professionalism at affordable prices!

plasokna is an authorized partner of the REHAU concern, which simply obliges it to have certificates for the parts used for the production of products. Specialists responsible for installing window products are required to undergo the necessary training programs at the Rehau Academy. By becoming a client of plasokna, you will gain a whole list of prerogatives, first of all, this concerns the cost, which is much lower than that of competitors.

What our clients say about the window ordered by Blitz

Not all customers require window systems with the number of functions and characteristics that manufacturers offer in the 21st century. A large share of customers cost little, and they do not always buy Blitz windows when they want to save money.

Some people are indifferent to the aesthetic qualities of windows, while others do not require structures to be strongly protected from noise from the street. Before concluding a contract, the customer’s situation is studied by managers in order to find a profitable and optionally useful option.

In general, customers are satisfied with their choice, because even the classic Rehau Blitz window system, devoid of unique characteristics, fully copes with the task assigned to it.

Fittings and adjustment

Rehau Blitz plastic windows are complemented by high-quality fittings. Installation provided:

  • slopes;
  • window sills;
  • handles (standard, with a built-in lock or burglar-proof);
  • children's locks and handles;
  • reinforced locking mechanisms;
  • additional accessories (mosquito net, blinds);
  • anti-removal pins;
  • comb;
  • tides for the lower part of the window block.

In Blitz profiles it is possible to install different opening systems (pivot, blind, tilt-and-turn, etc.).

Adjusting Rehau windows allows you to customize the performance characteristics to suit the needs of the room owner. Mechanisms are configured at levels:

  • left and right;
  • up down.

You can adjust the profile for use in winter and summer yourself. For the warm season, it is necessary to loosen the connection of the sashes. For winter operation, it is necessary to increase the degree of compression of the valves to prevent heat from blowing out. The adjustment is made by changing the location of the eccentrics.

When turning the handle tightly, you need to check the quality of the lubricant in the hinges. The dried composition must be cleaned off, then new material must be applied to the elements of the internal system with an oil can or sponge. If necessary, you can open the doors perpendicular to the frame, install a hex key in the hinges (lower or upper) and turn until the damage is eliminated.

Adjusting the profile opening mechanism will prevent drafts. Adjustment of the fit of Rehau Euro sashes is carried out using eccentrics at the end of the window profile. When you turn the hex key to the left, the connection increases; when you turn it to the right, it decreases. The strength of the junction of the elements can be checked using a fire brought to the joints.

Blowing heat out of the room also occurs due to wear and tear of the seal over 3-4 years of operation. It is necessary to remove the old material from the grooves, the new gasket is inserted evenly without stretching. The frame bevel can be removed using a hex key. The window opens, a key is inserted into the opening on the top hinge and turned clockwise. The bottom of the block should rise up. When you turn the tool in the opposite direction (counterclockwise), the sash will move away from the fastenings, and the opposite lower edge will drop by 2-3 mm. The lower hinges are adjustable when the window units are closed.

Setting rules may vary depending on the brand of hardware. With the handles and fastenings from Siegenia Aubi installed, the screws of the profile fastenings are tightened. For elements manufactured by MAKO, adjustment includes dismantling the valves and manual adjustment. Roto brand fittings are distinguished by complex design solutions; it is recommended to entrust adjustments to specialists.

Elements of the window system require regular maintenance and cleaning from dust and dirt (at least 2 times a year).

It is necessary to wipe the seal with grease. The fittings are cleaned with a damp cloth; the use of products with abrasive particles is prohibited.

Reviews about Veka plastic windows are also good

For customers who have not found their type profile in the Rehau model line, we suggest making a choice in favor of German windows from another manufacturer. Reviews about Veka plastic windows are always positive, because quality is the main characteristic of the product, and all other options only allow you to individualize the model as intended for specific operating conditions. But so that buyers do not get lost in the choice, we honestly talk about the profiles of any window manufacturer from Germany.

How to save on energy consumption and make windows quieter?

You can increase the energy-saving and noise-insulating performance of the product by using functional double-glazed windows as translucent filling:

energy-saving double glazing

Provides a significant reduction in the release of heat into the external environment; it heats the house, not the surrounding area.

multifunctional double glazed window

It protects against heat loss during cold weather and prevents overheating in hot weather, so it is best suited for the sunny side of the building.

Energy efficient thermal package

It has high thermal insulation properties, while transmitting much more light than other energy-efficient double-glazed windows.

Noise-proof glass unit

Significantly muffles external noise, so it is especially appropriate if there are sources of constant noise near the building.

Types of metal-plastic windows

Currently, the German concern Rehau produces the following types of PVC profile systems with metal reinforcement:

  • Rehau Blitz is the most budget option, and at the same time, the parameters of this profile are not inferior in their standards to other, more expensive designs. The three-chamber system is reinforced with an anti-burglary mechanism. The frame has a smooth, even surface, the fold at the sash is curved, which prevents the accumulation of moisture and dirt.

  • Euro Design is also a budget option, but compared to Rehau Blitz, this type has better thermal and sound insulation. It is possible to produce various shapes of windows: round, oval, rectangular.
  • Sib Design - the profile is designed for installation of structures in cold climates. The system is able to withstand temperature changes, the width of the glass package is increased.
  • Delight Desing is a five-chamber system with a greater illumination function, and the locking devices are reinforced. The figured structure of the sash gives the product an elegant look.
  • Brillant Desing - a five-chamber profile has three types of transoms: beveled, rounded and offset. Thermal insulation characteristics are high, locking devices with enhanced effect. The surface is perfectly smooth, different colors.
  • Intelio is a six-chamber system with improved thermal insulation, light transmission, sound insulation and waterproofing characteristics. Among the above species it is considered the best example.


  • An attractive combination of technical characteristics and low price.
  • Increased area of ​​the translucent part. The profile height is only 105 mm. Therefore, it transmits 12% more sunlight compared to its BLITZ counterpart.
  • Environmentally friendly - PVC does not contain harmful components. Thanks to the unique formula, the plastic does not turn yellow with use and does not crack in cold weather.
  • Improved design. The edge of the valve is more rounded.
  • High quality of materials and workmanship is guaranteed by the manufacturer REHAU.
  • Tightness thanks to a double-circuit seal that does not wrinkle in the corners of the opening doors.
  • High-quality B-class sound insulation. BLITZ New dampens the sound wave by 25 dB.
  • Increased thermal insulation - the heat transfer resistance coefficient reaches 0.70 m2*C/W, while the Blitz has 0.63 m2*C/W.
  • Long service life, reliability. The stability of the structure will come from steel reinforcement around the perimeter of the frame and sashes.

What fittings are suitable for the profile? - Quality comes first!

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One of the important components of the finished window is the fittings. The stability of its operation determines the functionality of the window system and the ease of its operation. REHAU products are equipped with durable European fittings Sigenia Aubi, Roto, Maco. It lasts from 5 to 10 years if it is properly and promptly looked after and serviced periodically.

As a rule, Blitz systems are equipped with Roto fasteners and provide for self-adjustment by the homeowner. If minor malfunctions occur in the operation of the fittings, they are easy to adjust.

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