Supply valve for plastic windows: let the apartment breathe!

PVC windows are good for everyone: they make you feel warm, quiet and comfortable. However, ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows leaves much to be desired. Without proper ventilation, residents risk “side effects” such as persistent fatigue and headaches. Of course, you can ventilate the room to ensure an influx of fresh air, but this solution can hardly be considered successful: in windy or cold weather, keeping the windows open is quite problematic. In addition, air enters the room uncontrollably. Accordingly, for a comfortable stay in the house, you need some kind of device with the help of which air will continuously flow into the room in the required quantity. For this purpose, supply valves were created. One of their types, window valves, is built into the glass unit, so that a narrow gap is formed that regulates the air supply.


Now the market has a very large assortment of such ventilators, but they are divided into types:

  • manual inflows;
  • automatic inlets;
  • rebated supply and ventilation valves;
  • slot inflows;
  • handle with air supply device;
  • overhead devices.

Each device on the list is somehow better than the other in terms of its characteristics. What the main preference is is up to the user to decide.

Analysis of device types

There are several types of ventilation devices. Their classification depends on their characteristics and capabilities. What is the benefit of a fresh air valve?

Manual inlets

It costs less than an automatic one, but it is difficult to regulate the supply of fresh air on your own, because it depends on these factors:

  • how many people are in the room;
  • what is the state of the microclimate in the apartment?

Automatic inlets

So convenient. There is already a device there that shows the humidity in the room, so the device will independently edit the settings.

Manual inlets

Automatic inlets

Seam supply and ventilation devices

Slot ventilators

Overhead inlets.

Seam supply and ventilation devices

This is an inexpensive option. There is no need to remove window openings for installation. Noise from the street still penetrates the house.

But the main disadvantage of such an inlet is the passage of air; sometimes you will have to ventilate the room.

Slot ventilators for window openings

Slot ventilation is popular. These ventilation devices of this type have different structures and settings for operation.

They are popular due to their strong air intake.

Handle with air supply device

This is a non-standard device. It is simply placed in place of the handle, and even the appearance will not change when installed.

It has a filter that can block dust from outside.

Overhead inlets.

And this type is the most effective compared to the previous ones, but, unfortunately, removing the windows will not work here. The dimensions of the doors and frames must be “adjusted” approximately to the ventilator, and there is no normal insulation from noise on the street.

It is because of such problems that they are used more in enterprises than in their own homes, which is recommended.

Why is it important to regularly ventilate the room?

Regularly leaving windows closed for safety reasons is also not an option. After all, a systematic supply of fresh air is necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate in the interior. Without ventilation in rooms (especially with flowers), the level of humidity quickly increases, fungus and mold form, and interior items and facing materials deteriorate faster. For complete ventilation with minimal risk of burglary, it is recommended to install secure windows that can provide fresh air when the doors are closed.

How does this mechanic work?

Review of the operating principles of the ventilator mechanics and its control.

Operating principle

This system works like this: there is a room and open air, where the pressure is less - an air flow is created there.

He enters an apartment or room from the street and ventilates it.

Is there a window filter for plastic windows? It makes it possible to breathe clean air and not apartment dust.


It depends on the device of the ventilator. It can be regulated or automatic and constant. But a ventilator will help you achieve the optimal parameters of your microclimate.

Automatic equipment works like this: first, a normal influx of fresh air flow is set, and its device maintains the pace.

The only negative is the high price.

With a manual device, everything is much simpler - it allows you to choose when to ventilate the room. But here you need to be careful and monitor your choice.

If the ventilation is not optimal, there will be a lot of drafts in the apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, there are no perfect things in the world, and everyone has pros and cons. The benefits of a fresh air ventilation valve are discussed below.


What is good about a supply and exhaust valve?

  1. Now, unlike ventilation from an open window opening, there will be no drafts in the room. The air will flow evenly.
  2. There is fresh oxygen all the time, the house is nice and fresh.
  3. Easy installation, operation and maintenance of the device.


  1. In winter, many models may freeze, and the supply of normal air will stop.
  2. If the device is manual, you will have to constantly adjust the air supply.

The advantages of this device outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, it is quite popular in use.

So is it worth buying a window valve?

If there are no major sources of air pollution near your home (for example, a busy highway or an industrial plant), winters in your region are not very cold, and if you do not plan to spend a lot of money, then a ventilation valve for plastic windows will be sufficient. It is worth remembering that its performance is sufficient if 1-2 people live in the room. The window valve needs to be cleaned every six months. Dust from the device can be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. When cleaning, it is not recommended to use household chemicals or rinse the device under running water.

Window valve, mechanical ventilator, breather - the choice is yours. Each device has its own advantages, which manifest themselves in certain circumstances. Breathe easy and be healthy!

Installation of a perforated ventilator

It is better to make such a device on a dismantled sash

Sash milling

Installing the mounting strip and valve
It is best to make such a unit in the upper compartment of the windows, but there is a difficulty. The frame needs to be milled, and this requires special equipment.

Preparatory work

If you plan to install a ventilation vent, then it is better to take many situations into account.

  1. It is better to make such a device on a dismantled sash.
  2. The device can be installed during the warm season.
  3. When carrying out work, do not damage the seal.


To install the unit you need:

  • fine-grained file;
  • jigsaw;
  • template for marking holes;
  • silicone sealant.
  • electric drill.

You don't have to use a template, but it will be easier.

Carrying out work

The installation of a supply valve on a plastic window begins with the following.

  1. The master makes the layout.
  2. Place a template on the perpendicular brace and mark the insert.
  3. Creates a milling cut - drills several holes in a row and connects them using a jigsaw.
  4. The same manipulations are carried out in the frame.


The craftsman treats the back side of the strip with sealant, applies it to the sash and secures it with a self-tapping screw.

Secures the canopy on the open side and treats the boundaries between the parts with sealant.

The fittings and the sash are put in place, and the ventilation mode is set in the device.

Installation without milling

Make installation easier without routing. The master will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • ruler.

Components that come with the device:

  • valve;
  • one long and two short seals;
  • plugs;
  • self-tapping screws

Install the device in the center of the sash

The valve is attached to the profile with self-tapping screws

After installation, the valve must be adjusted


The wizard determines the installation location and marks it.

At the marking site, cuts are made with a knife and the seals are removed.

They are placed in the open groove of the dowel - one in the middle and two at the edges. The protection is removed and the device is placed in its natural position.

You just need to adjust it, and the air supply will ensure normal ventilation of the room.

Installing a supply valve on a plastic window

Apart from installing an overhead valve, there are two ways to install it: with milling (you will have to make a hole in the window block; most likely, you will need the help of specialists) and without milling. The second method is the simplest; with its help you can install the valve on PVC windows with your own hands in a matter of minutes. You will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • ruler.
  1. Using a utility knife, cut off a portion of the standard seal on the frame equal to the length of the valve.
  2. Glue a new one in place of the old seal - it comes complete with the supply valve.
  3. In the same way, remove the excess seal on the sash.
  4. Install the plugs from the kit into the groove on the sash where the previous seal was located.
  5. Attach the valve to the top of the sash (the brackets should be directed towards the window). Secure it with the screws included in the kit.
  6. Install a new seal between the brackets.

The most popular ventilators

At the moment, the most popular are Breezer Tion, Ballu Air Master, Lufter, Vakio.

These brands are popular because of their ease of use, good quality ventilation and easy operation. Which window valve is better is up to the buyer to decide.

The article described the types of window valves. We consider which one is more suitable for ease of use. How exactly winter ventilation will be carried out on plastic windows. Thanks to the information, everyone can choose exactly the product that will be most useful.


As an example, I talked about two different ways to install devices for micro-ventilation of rooms. I hope you find these instructions helpful. If you have questions about the text, ask in the comments, I will answer everything. And of course, don’t forget to watch the interesting and useful video in this article.

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October 14, 2016


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