Types of locks for plastic doors and working with them

  • Posted by Maxim Kuznetsov
  • Date: January 22, 2018

Probably every person has encountered the need to install plastic doors in their apartment; for example, they are often used to separate a balcony from the main living space. The fact is that a plastic door allows you to create effective heat and sound insulation. Despite this popularity, the cost of plastic doors is quite high, and installing locks for them also requires relatively high costs. We recommend that you do this yourself, without resorting to the services of professionals, because they are quite expensive, and you can find almost all the necessary information in the material below.

  • 2 Installing a lock on a plastic door
    2.1 Video: installing a lock on a plastic door
  • 3 Removing the plastic door lock
  • DIY installation

    You can do the installation of mortise, cylinder and electromagnetic locks yourself. Only specialists can install a multi-point lock on a plastic balcony door.

    To install an electromagnetic lock, you need to supply electricity. Installation diagram:

    1. Funnels for fastening are marked.
    2. According to the markings, recesses are drilled equal to the length of the fastening screw.
    3. All elements of the mechanism must be inserted and secured to the surface of the structure.
    4. Connection of electrical wires is carried out according to the instructions.

    The final stage is to check the serviceability of the mechanism.

    Types of locks installed on PVC doors

    There are many types of locking mechanisms on the market. When choosing them, it is necessary to proceed from where the blade is installed, what requirements are imposed on the reliability of the lock and many other factors.

    As already noted, the lock on a plastic door can be either mortise or padded. Locking devices may differ in various design features that determine their functionality. Let's look at the main types of locking mechanisms installed on plastic doors.

    Depending on the number of locking points, single-locking or multi-locking options are distinguished.

    Single-point locks have only one locking point and do not provide reliable protection and a tight fit of the door to the leaf. The door does not fit tightly, since the single-point lock presses it only at the insertion point, that is, exactly in the middle of the structure.

    Multi-point locks are a locking mechanism used to securely lock plastic doors with two or more points to achieve the greatest burglary protection. The locks have two or more points of contact with the box (two or more locks), which ensures the reliability of the structure, as well as the tight fit of the canvas to the box.

    The locking devices are separated from each other and are driven by a special movable tire. Thanks to this design and the tight fit of the canvas to the frame, excellent sound insulation is achieved. In addition, heat does not escape from the room.

    The locking mechanism does not allow the canvas to sag and the structure does not become loose. The considered locks for plastic doors are equipped with a standard type cylinder or levers.

    Depending on the material of manufacture, locks for plastic doors can be partially plastic or completely metal. Metal options are the most widespread because they have greater strength and improved consumer qualities. It is recommended to choose metal.

    Depending on the type of locking mechanism (single-lock or multi-lock), the options for locks and latches differ. The single-locking mechanism is equipped with a latch and a bolt, a latch and a roller, or a separate bolt and a latch.

    Multi-locking mechanisms are divided into two main types: driven by a handle or driven by a cylinder.

    The first option works as follows: when you turn the handle, the trunnions enter the corresponding strips and the canvas is pressed against the box. The key extends the bolt and locks the lock.

    The second option simultaneously extends the trunnions and closes the bolt when turning the key.

    There are also lever and cylinder locks.

    The lever lock contains steel plates that are moved using protrusions on the key. Such locking mechanisms are more reliable than cylinder ones.

    The cylinder lock works on a different principle. A larva is installed inside it, in which the pins are located. When you turn the key, the required combination is formed and the mechanism opens. A cylinder lock is easier and cheaper to replace, since only the cylinder needs to be replaced, while a lever lock requires replacing the entire mechanism.

    There are also electronic and electromagnetic locking mechanisms. A distinctive feature of such locks is a special opening and locking mechanism. In order to open the lock, an electromagnetic pulse is required, which will turn off the magnet. Such options are used in sports clubs and office premises. When opening and closing, the mechanism does not wear out, which ensures its long-lasting operation.

    An interesting feature of some electronic locks for plastic doors is that they can transmit information to a computer device about who, when and how many times entered the room. For this purpose, special electronic keys are programmed, the use of which is monitored by the system. This function can be used to find out if an organization's employees are late.

    This locking mechanism is compact and is an excellent replacement for the conventional mechanical version. A special feature of an electromechanical lock for a plastic door is that it can be opened using an electronic key, a control panel, or a regular key.


    Each of us passes through several doors every day. Often they do not leave the slightest trace in our memory, perhaps serving only as an obstacle on the way.

    But let's imagine that behind one of these doors is your store, salon, office or warehouse. It's a completely different feeling, isn't it? Such a door immediately becomes the subject of our attention and concern, because, in addition to the aesthetic appearance, such characteristics as burglary resistance and the ability to retain heat, ensured by not blowing the door around the perimeter, come to the fore. The reliability of the lock is also important.

    What type of lock should I choose?

    The choice of a lock for plastic doors is made depending on what goals the consumer is pursuing. The first selection criterion is the size of the lock, which is determined by the type of door into which it will be built. Once the size is determined, you can decide which lock is needed - single-point or multi-point.

    A single-point lock for a plastic door is installed in those leaves that separate rooms inside a building where burglary protection is not required and there are no temperature changes. In a situation where a closer is not installed, you should install a door with a latch, additionally selecting a push mechanism.

    When installing a closer, you should choose a latch with a roller mechanism so that you do not have to set the closer to make a strong bang when closing the door. With this arrangement, you won’t need a push handle; a regular one will do. The door will be locked in the closed position thanks to the closer, and not the roller.

    A multi-point lock on plastic doors is installed if the door is located between a cold and warm room, and also when it serves as an external door. If the door is not properly pressed, drafts cannot be avoided.

    If the door is installed as an external door, it will not be able to withstand sub-zero temperatures when using a single-locking device. Ice will accumulate on the lower and upper corners, the pressure at the edges will worsen, but in the center it will remain the same, as a result the canvas will be subject to deformation. With the help of additional trunnions, the multi-locking mechanism will much better press the blade along its entire height.

    Installation of locks

    It is important not only to choose the right lock for a plastic door, but also to install it correctly. If the installation technology is not followed, problems with the operation of the mechanism will begin and the lock will not perform its main function.

    The best solution is to entrust the work to a professional who is well versed in the process, knows the technology for installing locks and the design of a specific mechanism. An ordinary consumer is unlikely to be able to quickly and without practical training master the process of installing a lock for a plastic door, so it is better not to waste energy and nerves and entrust the work to a professional.

    As an important nuance, it should be noted that replacing a lock is not difficult, unlike its installation, which is due to the design features. The procedure can be easily performed independently using a regular screwdriver.

    To summarize, it should be noted that the correct choice of a lock for a plastic door depends on the conditions under which it will be used. If the choice is made correctly and the installation is done efficiently, the mechanism will serve for many years without breakdowns.

    Using polyurethane foam

    A popular solution when installing a PVC door with your own hands is to use polyurethane foam, the purpose of which in this case is to protect the protruding parts of the frame and door leaf.

    • You should work with foam very carefully, remembering that it can get on adjacent areas of the door. To protect these areas, they are covered with masking tape before work. Moreover, they only need to seal a small strip around the perimeter of the door frame.
    • When foaming the box, it should be taken into account that the foam should cover its entire structure along the entire contour. In this case, the composition used will begin to set evenly in all areas, and the likelihood of distortions will be minimized.
    • Most often, installation of the input block requires the use of 1 foam cylinder. However, consumption may decrease or increase. To determine more precisely how much foam is required, you should proceed from the space of the doorway that needs to be sealed.
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