Types of latches for plastic doors to the balcony

When choosing and installing plastic balcony doors, people often either refuse additional fittings or are simply not offered them. But as practice has shown, a latch on a plastic balcony door is far from superfluous, and today we will look in detail at why this hardware is needed and what it comes in, and practitioners will receive step-by-step instructions for installing such a latch with their own hands.

The balcony latch for plastic doors is a very useful device.

Purpose of the latch

The plastic door latch is a very useful, convenient and functional part of modern door hardware. The simple principle of operation, similar to the operation of the latches on the doors of kitchen cabinets, allows you not to be distracted by monitoring the position of the door. The latch mechanism is designed for the door to be opened freely by a person (if necessary) without applying any serious effort. But at the same time, the closed position of the door leaf is not disturbed by strong gusts of wind. Keeping the plastic door from swinging open while the door lock mechanism is in the unlocked position is the main task of the installed latch.

Another, household name for the mechanism is the smoker’s latch. The explanation for this is simple: just slam the door shut and the smoke will no longer be drawn into the living space; Tightly closing the balcony door with a lock is not required for a short visit to the balcony or loggia. If you use a one-way lock (its handle is located on the side of the room) and there is no latch, the door cannot be closed when exiting to the balcony. So, the usefulness and necessity of installing a latch on the balcony door is obvious.

Types of door latches

The main difference between the latches used is in the locking mechanism. Based on this feature, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Roller latch, predictably, has a roller mechanism supported by a spring. The entire structure is placed in a small metal box. A strike plate with a groove (grip) is installed on the frame profile. The roller attached to the end of the door leaf enters the grip when closing the door and is fixed in it.

    Most popular model

  2. Tail latch similar to a roller one. Its latch is also spring-loaded and when closing, the beveled tongue must fit into a reciprocal groove on a special strip installed on the frame. The shape of the latch does not allow the door to open back, because it is strictly fixed in the groove, falling into it when closing. The halyard latch is opened with a special handle, which has a rotating mechanism.

  3. Magnetic latch Structurally very simple. Magnetic and ordinary metal strip - that’s the whole design. The strips are attached at the same level: metal – on the door leaf, magnetic – on the frame. The service life of such an elementary mechanism is not limited. The main advantage of the magnetic latch is the ability to operate correctly even with a slight displacement of the slats relative to each other due to inaccurate installation, misalignment of the frame structure, or sagging of the door due to unadjusted hinge fittings. The magnetic lock, unlike models with other operating principles, does not wear out or wear out during operation. Therefore, the reliability of its fixation and the clamping force are always stable, and breakdowns are excluded.

Sagging of the door leaf, its skew, or changes in the geometry of the frame structure can disrupt or make it impossible for the roller and latch to function properly. The working latch (in the form of a roller or beveled tongue) must fit exactly into the striker clamp mounted on the frame. Emergency adjustment consists of adjusting the door leaf using the fittings screws. During the setup process, the position of the door relative to the frame opening is adjusted. In this case, the leaf can be raised, lowered, shifted to the right or left from the top or bottom, and adjusted the force of pressing the sash to be opened to the frame. If this adjustment does not help to establish the correct operation of the latch (in general, this is very rare), you will have to dismantle and reinstall one of the parts of the mechanism. Usually they move it in the desired direction and attach the bar with the groove.

The magnetic latch does not create problems in this regard. If the initial installation is correct, its correct and reliable operation will not be affected by a slight misalignment or sagging of the door.

Installing the magnetic latch takes a few minutes

Another characteristic difference between latches. If the halyard and roller ones close with a characteristic click, then the magnetic ones hardly disturb others.

Due to the fact that the functional elements of the latches are attached to the end part of the frame and door profile, they are not visible from any viewing angle. This feature helps to preserve the strict classical aesthetics of not only the door, but also the entire structure installed in the opening.

Caring for all types of latches is very simple. Periodically, their mechanisms are wiped from dust, dirt, debris and lubricated (except for the magnetic latch plates) with a special product for window fittings. Any silicone grease or regular machine oil (spindle) will also work. The main thing is to be sure that the lubricant composition used does not include resins, acids and other aggressive substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

The physical principle underlying the operation of the device gives it the following advantages:

  1. Soft, silent, smooth attraction. Closing the door without clicking. Silence helps preserve the restless sleep of children and the elderly.
  2. To fix the door, you do not need to close it completely - just close it so that the bar falls into the area of ​​action of the magnet. The magnetic door latch will do the rest.
  3. The fittings will work reliably, even if the canvas sags on the hinges or the box becomes warped.
  4. The absence of protruding parts when open reduces the risk of snagging, tearing clothing, or even injury.
  5. Easy to install. For entry-level latches this is much easier to do than for mechanical type latches.
  6. There is virtually no wear on the moving elements of the latch. The tongue does not leave scratches on visible parts of the structure. In mechanical devices this causes a deterioration in appearance.
  7. The minimum number of moving parts and low loads on them during operation ensure low wear, high reliability, and a long service life.
  8. Advanced models, in addition to the usual function of fixing the canvas, can also perform the work of a door closer.

Magnetic latches for interior doors have a number of disadvantages. Complex models with advanced functionality are still significantly more expensive than their mechanical counterparts. With increasing popularity due to mass production of products, manufacturers will inevitably reduce the price.

In addition, a strong magnetic field can have an undesirable effect on precision instruments, mechanical watches, and older models of pacemakers.

External handle

The handle is a plastic petal.
In order to close, or rather pull, the door from the street side, it is necessary to provide a special external handle. Made of metal, more often of durable plastic, the handle visually resembles a shell or petal in shape. A plastic shell is much more pleasant to the touch, especially in the cold season. But it is easier to break if used carelessly, and the material itself has a tendency to break down under prolonged exposure to sunlight, freezing temperatures and other external factors. The main advantages of a more expensive metal handle are resistance to mechanical loads and a long service life. Typically, the outer door pull handle is located at the same height as the lock's rotary handle. This position for closing the door is very convenient.

You can do without an external shell handle only if the door lock mechanism is double-sided, that is, internal and external rotary handles of the lock are required.

Double-sided handle for a plastic door

The choice of external handles in specialized companies and construction supermarkets allows you to choose a copy with a convenient ergonomic shape and the desired color.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation is based on the physical attraction of magnetic materials (bar) to a source of constant magnetic field (magnet). Magnetic materials are alloys of iron with other metals. Permanent magnets are made from ferromagnetic alloys. The castings are exposed to a strong magnetic field, causing them to become magnetized, becoming a source of constant attraction.

The magnetic field acts at a short distance (5-25 mm), so the blade must be brought close enough to the bar.

Attention! Critics of magnetic clamps often claim that over time, the magnet supposedly loses its properties. Engineering tests have demonstrated that the field reserve in a modern magnet will last for 30-50 years. The door will probably have to be replaced.

The magnet is little affected by ambient temperature and humidity. The absence of moving parts operating under load ensures high reliability, low wear, and long product life.

Useful tips

  • When choosing a magnetic latch, it is a good idea to inquire about the amount of force applied to open the door. If this value is minimal, there may be a leaky fit of the door leaf to the base of the frame; the door can open when there is a gust of wind or from a light accidental touch of a person or pets. Maximum values ​​have their drawbacks - contact of the latch plates will be accompanied by a noisy bang; When the door is closed more tightly, its rubber seal wears out faster.
  • The latches produced are universal, they are compatible with most used profiles. But when purchasing, do not be lazy to ask about the compatibility of the purchased mechanism with the profile of your balcony.

  • A plastic petal handle will last longer if, when pulling the balcony door, you touch it with your hand not at one point, but along the maximum possible plane.
  • The following advice takes real life situations into account. What should a person on a balcony (loggia) do if the door gets jammed due to various technical reasons or human factor? You should definitely not try to open it with strong blows or pushes. The possible result may be disappointing - deformation of frame and door profiles, deformation or breakage of fittings and door lock. After this, you may need to completely replace the balcony block. If you can’t wait for help, knock out the double-glazed window. Replacing it will cost less and will be done much faster. An opaque sandwich panel installed at the bottom of the door leaf is very convenient in such a situation. It is cheaper and breaks without the formation of numerous sharp fragments, like glass.
  • If one latch with a magnetic strip does not hold the door in a draft, install another one.
  • Sometimes, in order to securely hold the door leaf, it is necessary to adjust the distance between the magnetic latch bars when the door is closed. Washers placed under the bar help reduce the gap. Their number is determined by the quality of the latch.
  • When installing a double-sided handle on a door, it is advisable to purchase a multi-point version. In addition to its standard function, it can be locked with a button or key from the room side. This design will protect the home from unauthorized entry through the balcony in the absence of the owners.

  • When replacing an old mechanism, it is not necessary to drill new holes. It is enough to install it in the old places with screws of larger diameter.

When installing yourself or replacing latches, it is advisable to use screws: no shorter than 30-35 mm - for fastening the roller cylinder with a safety margin; no longer than 19 mm – when installing an external handle (this ensures that the screw will not reach and damage the glass unit during installation or further operation of the handle).

Magnetic mount material

The magnetic strength of the fastener will depend on the type of material from which the core is made . Cheaper and weaker, available in a ferrite version. They are durable and suitable for outdoor use. Those who have greater adhesive strength will have an alloy core:

  • neodymium;
  • samarium;
  • cobalt.

The latter are often used where higher but not bulky adhesive strength is required, hence with reduced dimensions. Both options are made from very rare raw alloys.

A magnet based on samarium and cobalt is used at high and even very low temperatures. It is more resistant to corrosion than neodymium magnet.

It is precisely because of their meager availability in nature that cobalt and samarium magnets are more expensive . However, NdFeB neodymium magnet is less fragile. Working with high-energy magnets requires certain precautions.

Latch Installation

When starting work, you need to be sure that the balcony door is correctly adjusted and its position relative to the frame opening will not change in the near future. If necessary, you will have to independently set the position of the door leaf and the pressing force against the frame when closing it with the rotary handle. The door hinge screws will help with this. Now let's move on to the main installation. A screwdriver or a more convenient screwdriver will be enough; for marking, take a pencil.

The easiest way is to install a magnetic latch. No special setup or precise installation is required. Both strips are simply attached at the same level - to the end of the door and the frame profile. A slight shift in relative position will not in any way interfere with the correct operation of the latch.

Opposite the latch, make a mark with a pencil and attach the striker in the center of the groove.

Another thing is with the roller and halyard latch mechanism. In both cases, the exact position of the bar with the groove relative to the latch is required. Without any doubts or measurements, we attach the latch itself to the seat of the balcony sash. Opposite its center, we draw a line with a pencil and draw this line outward so that it is noticeable when the door is closed. Having closed the door, we mark a similar mark at the same level, but on the frame. At this height the center of the grip of the strike plate should be located. Now we fix the bar with the lock along the mark with one screw and check the correct operation of the mating elements. If the result is negative, the bar is shifted and the performance is checked again. If further adjustment is not required, the bar is secured with a second screw.

Briefly about care

In conclusion, we can add that even the best fittings require careful handling and periodic maintenance. Sharp slams of the door can lead to breaking of moving parts, and sometimes the door jamming with a broken tongue. If the fabric is skewed or sagging, you should inspect the hinges and adjust the latch again. Regular treatment of the rubbing and moving elements of locks with a neutral thick lubricant (for example, silicone) promotes smooth operation of the locks and significantly increases their service life.

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