Energy-saving windows: what makes them “warm” and how do they help save on heating?

A double-glazed window is an important part of the window structure, the choice of which must be taken very seriously. When clients order plastic windows in (Moscow), our consultants select for them an option with optimal technical and operational characteristics, taking into account not only personal wishes regarding price, profile color, etc., but also the location of the building/room and its purpose. , facade design, special conditions and other parameters.

When and how should you choose MF?

Experts recommend installing MF in cases where they want to improve the indoor microclimate not only in winter, but also in summer.
The products are effective in regions with continental and sharply continental climates, which are characterized by cold winters and hot summers. The improved energy-saving properties of MF are especially noticeable in buildings with a large glass area. Immediately after installation, the microclimate is significantly improved and heating, ventilation and air conditioning costs are reduced. We should also not forget that the microclimate in the room is influenced by the material of the building walls. The savings promised by the manufacturer can be seen by installing MF in brick buildings.

Multifunctional double-glazed window with interlocking bars

In multi-storey panel buildings, where the walls themselves heat up in the heat, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon air conditioning. In this case, to preserve heat in winter, it is enough to install energy-saving structures, which are a little cheaper.

Like any metal-plastic windows, MF will be ineffective when installed in rooms with uninsulated walls, as well as if the installation is poor-quality

Before investing in glazing, care must be taken to ensure proper repairs and only skilled workers are used to install glazing systems

Let's take a closer look at the issue of radiation and the transmission of radiation by glass in order to understand the principle of operation and the difference between energy-saving glasses and multifunctional ones.
We all remember from our physics course that the sun emits, in addition to visible light, radiation that is not visible to our eyes, but carries energy.
  • Ultraviolet radiation is the radiation that allows us to sunbathe outside, but it carries little thermal energy, only about 2%. It is UV rays that cause fading and burnout of the surface of wallpaper, paint and other decorative elements of the room. So, a single-chamber double-glazed window in combination with Clima Guard (energy-saving) glass transmits 35% of UV radiation, and Clima Guard Solar (multifunctional) – 25%. These are very good indicators!
  • Visible light is light that we can see. And it already carries most of the thermal energy, about 48-49%. You can reduce the light transmission of glass, thereby reducing the amount of heat that will eventually enter the room. But at the same time, we need to take care of additional lighting, and this is a cost. Accordingly, we need to preserve visible light as much as possible.
  • Infrared radiation is a wave that also carries a lot of thermal energy, almost on par with visible light, about 49-50%. But this radiation is not visible to the human eye. Accordingly, it is from such waves that we need to protect ourselves so that there is no excessive heating of the room inside. Radiation can be either in the long-wave range or in the short-wave range. Short waves easily penetrate through ordinary glass and energy-saving glass (i-glass only prevents long-wave radiation). Short infrared radiation heats objects and surfaces of the room, after which already heated objects emit heat, but in the long-wave range!

Thanks to a special coating, Clima Guard Solar glass protects us from short-wave infrared radiation and protects us from overheating in the summer, and in winter it prevents heat from heating devices from escaping outside, reflecting long-wave infrared radiation back into the room.

Therefore, in rooms whose windows face the sunny side and are actively exposed to solar radiation, we strongly recommend installing multifunctional glass in a double-glazed window.

Manufacturers of double-glazed windows have made ordinary glass sheet uncompetitive not only by using several pieces of glass in one sealed package, but also by using high technologies. The answer to the question: multifunctional double-glazed windows - what is it, is associated precisely with the use of the latest scientific developments and high-tech technical processes in their manufacture.

Due to complex production technology and expensive materials, multifunctional (MF) glass costs more than its counterparts, but its installation in many cases is more profitable in terms of energy saving and convenience. To determine when it is more effective to use a multifunctional double-glazed window, it is useful to study its capabilities and technical characteristics, and find out the difference in comparison with other modifications.

MF double-glazed windows have sun-protection and heat-saving properties


  1. Can energy-saving double-glazed windows be installed on either side??

To achieve maximum efficiency, it is advisable to install it with i-glass indoors. Heating the glass in this case will help heat the air in the room. Stickers placed on it during assembly will help you distinguish the sides of the glass unit.

If the main purpose of installing a double-glazed window is to combat solar heat, it is better to face it with i-glass facing the street.

Installing double-glazed windows with I-glass facing the street is justified in regions with hot and long summers.

Double-glazed windows with i-glass (low-emissivity)

The simplest double-glazed windows today, but no less effective in their properties, are double-glazed windows with the so-called i-glass (i-glass). Such double-glazed windows are often called “energy-saving”. These are double-glazed windows that contain low-emissivity glass, the surface of which is coated with a special silver oxide coating. Such a coating on glass can significantly reduce heat loss from the room, due to the fact that such a coating acts on the principle of aluminum foil: it reflects heat or, to put it differently, blocks heat in the room.

Low-emissivity glass as part of a double-glazed window should always “look” inside the room, while the surface of the glass, on which a special coating of silver oxides is applied, faces the inside of the double-glazed window, which protects it from mechanical or other external influences.

Energy-saving glass is “warm” glass. The temperature of its surface is close to the air temperature in the room, and even in winter, the surface temperature of such glass is rarely below +14 degrees, which blocks the formation of condensation on the surface of the glass if the humidity in the room is high.

Externally, energy-saving double-glazed windows are no different from conventional double-glazed windows and transmit sunlight well. When using energy-saving double-glazed windows, the loss of thermal energy from the room is reduced by approximately 70%.

Comparative characteristics of conventional and energy-saving double-glazed windows:

Type of glass unitDouble-glazed window formulaGlazing thicknessHeat transfer resistance, m2оС/W
Single chamber4-16-4240.32
Single chamber energy saving4-16-4i240.53
Double chamber4-8-4-12-4320.49
Double chamber energy saving4-8-4-12-4i320.61

Based on the table, it can be seen that the thermal insulation characteristics of a single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window with a thickness of 24 mm are higher than those of a conventional double-chamber glass unit with a thickness of 32 mm (not energy-saving).


  1. How can you be sure that energy-saving glass is installed in a double-glazed window?

The instructions are more than simple: light a match or lighter next to the window and look at the reflection of the light in the glass. The reflection in i-glass will be slightly different in color. If all the reflections have the same color, then all the glass in the double-glazed window is either energy-saving (which is unprofitable for the seller) or ordinary.

The picture clearly shows that the color of the reflected flame in regular and energy-saving glass is different.

The difference between energy-saving double-glazed windows and conventional ones

Energy-saving double-glazed windows are the number one choice among consumers today. They are a certain type of glazing that perfectly retains heat in a room.

Unlike conventional double-glazed windows, double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass are made from special glass, on top of which a certain low-emissivity coating is applied. This allows short-wave solar energy to pass unhindered directly into the interior of the room, and heat flows tending outward to be freely reflected, thus preserving heat. There are several types of heat-saving windows:

1. Energy-saving double-glazed windows with argon. They contain a special gas that creates a certain pressure inside the system and prevents heat from escaping outside; 2. Energy-saving single-chamber double-glazed windows. Has one camera. 3. Energy-saving double-glazed windows. Represented by two cameras respectively. The production of energy-saving double-glazed windows implies the use of several types of glass in the process of their creation: - I-glass with an improved energy-saving effect, absolutely transparent; - K-glass, which has a metal oxide on its surface, has a lower degree of transparency.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows technical characteristics

They depend on the type of glass used in the manufacturing process and the number of chambers. They are determined by the type of glass unit and heat transfer resistance. Drawing an analogy with an ordinary single-chamber window, it can be noted that the level of its resistance to heat transfer is 0.32, while energy-saving single-chamber double-glazed windows are 0.59; two-chamber regular - 0.47, two-chamber energy-saving - 0.64. Thus, we can say that, unlike a regular one, the energy-saving package is 1.5 - 2 times “warmer”

Before checking an energy-saving double-glazed window, it is necessary to check the presence of such an important indicator as the marking of energy-saving double-glazed windows, which indicates the type of glass used, the number of chambers and the level of energy saving. This is a mandatory condition indicating their high level, quality, practicality and durability of performance characteristics. A single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window or a double-chamber one saves approximately 38-40% more heat than conventional metal-plastic windows at the same cost!

A single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window or a double-chamber one saves approximately 38-40% more heat than conventional metal-plastic windows at the same cost!

Many manufacturers of energy-saving double-glazed windows, unlike us, offer their customers deliberately inflated prices. Our price for energy-saving double-glazed windows is the personification of democracy and acceptability for various categories of the population. If you are interested in reviews of energy-saving double-glazed windows, how to determine its level of thermal energy conservation, how to distinguish an energy-saving double-glazed window from a regular one, or how to accurately and correctly install an energy-saving double-glazed window, call our consultants at the phone numbers listed on the website, who will provide you with explanations in an accessible form. Or you can send a request for calculation to our managers and they will call you back and tell you the cost of your window.

According to research, windows with energy-saving double-glazed windows pay for themselves in 1 season. After that, you get net savings for the rest of the time.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows purchased from us are distinguished by: - ​​high quality; — reliability; — practicality; - aesthetics; — high degree of functionality; — excellent heat-saving properties; - good fittings from the world's leading manufacturers.

We will provide you with high-quality service, the fastest window production and a long warranty period.

How to determine the type of glass in a double-glazed window

The technology for manufacturing low-e glass is quite complex. Several large global manufacturers are engaged in the production of such products, among which the most famous are: Saint Gobam (France), Pilkington (Great Britain), PPG (USA), Glavelbel (Russia).

The production of energy-efficient window units also requires special equipment and strict adherence to the technological process. It is impossible to produce high-quality products in artisanal conditions. Experts recommend products from Veka, KBE, Salamander, Rehau.

What affects the cost of double glazing

  • Type of glass
    . Optional glasses are more expensive than their standard counterparts. But sometimes saving on glass filling is unacceptable.
  • Chamberiness and depth
    . For harsh winters, we recommend thicker multi-chamber double-glazed windows.
  • Filler gas
    . Inert gas increases the cost of glazing.
  • Fasteners

In order to wisely save on glazing, it is important to know how to choose the right double-glazed window for a PVC window. Don’t fall for the tricks of salespeople and settle for a quiet heating package for the kitchen

Here it is optional.

We will tell you about all the features of glazing in each room, tell you about the options for window elements and make a window to suit your needs. We carry out installation in accordance with GOST and provide a guarantee for the work.


Energy-saving glass is visually difficult to distinguish from ordinary glass

Before purchasing, it is important to make sure that the double-glazed window offered by the supplier is truly energy-saving

You can distinguish the latter from the usual one using the flame of a candle, lighter, or match. Of course, the easiest way to check in a store or warehouse is with a lighter. To do this, just strike a flame and bring it to the glass unit. If one of the reflected flames (and there will be several of them, since the product consists of several layers) has a different shade (pronounced red), this indicates the presence of a reflective layer. So the test shows that the double-glazed window is energy-saving.

You can accurately determine the type of glass unit if you check it with a special device. It is applied from the inside (where there is no button or indicator) to the product. Then just press the button on the device. If the glass unit is energy-saving, the unit will make a characteristic sound and the indicator will light green.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows have their own markings. First of all, such glass is indicated by the letters “K” or “I”. Additionally, the design can be equipped with a heat-saving film, in which case it is marked with the letter “P”. The designation "Ar" indicates the presence of argon between the glasses.

The standard marking of a heat-saving package may look like this - 4M - 16Ar - 4K. This means that the double-glazed window is single-chamber, has 2 lenses 4 mm thick, the distance between which is 16 mm. The inner glass is energy-saving “hard” (K-glass) 4 mm thick. The space between the glasses is filled with argon.

When installing energy-saving structures, it is important to remember that the risk of heat leakage remains with poor-quality sealing and thermal insulation of the window opening. The applied layer of plaster will not cope with this

The dimensions of energy-saving glass should not exceed 3x3.2 m. This is due to the fact that when the dimensions of the glass increase, the narrow distance frames remain narrow. In such a design, there is a high risk of depressurization of the glass unit, which means it will lose its energy-saving functions.

The optimal distance between double-glazed windows is 10-15 mm. As the latter increases, the cost of the product increases, but its thermal efficiency does not change in any way.

For residential premises in central Russia, a single-chamber double-glazed window with energy-saving coating is usually sufficient. It replaces the standard two-chamber design.

You will find even more information about energy-saving double-glazed windows in the video below.

Is it worth pumping inert gas into the internal chambers?

Myths around energy-saving windows can sometimes misinform even those who have already made a clear decision to order such products. One of the most common misconceptions is that argon can significantly increase their efficiency. On the one hand, the information is completely true - inert gas retains heat well. On the other hand, its efficiency in a specific situation is not as high as some sellers promise. The logic of manufacturers is absolutely clear and lies in the fact that it is personally beneficial for them to sell an additional service to clients. However, does the window customer need this? To avoid making mistakes and wasting money, it is recommended to take an individual approach to the need to use inert gas. In some cases, it makes sense to pump in argon, while in others, it is more advisable to use a double-glazed window with an energy-efficient coating. The optimal type of double-glazed window can only be determined by comparing the heat transfer resistance coefficients of different modifications.

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Type of glass unitHeat transfer resistance coefficient

Single-chamber double-glazed window with selective coating without inert gas>0.6 m² °C/W
Single-chamber double-glazed window with energy-efficient spraying and argon>0.66 m² °C/W
Double-glazed window with selective coating without inert gas>0.72 m² °C/W
Double-chamber double-glazed window with spraying and argon>0.8 m² °C/W

These data clearly show that inert gas in all cases increases the efficiency of windows by approximately 10%. For those who want to fill energy-saving windows with argon, expert reviews can be crucial. After all, these are the people who work in the region and have reliable information about what level of thermal insulation is optimal for specific climatic conditions. At the same time, the warmest double-glazed windows with 2 chambers and inert gas, due to high prices and weight, are not yet in high demand in regions with a temperate climate.

Double-glazed window formula: decoding

The designation is deciphered traditionally - from left to right. Numbers, letters and numbers describe the elements of a double-glazed window sequentially, starting with the outer sheet of glass. The first symbol displays the thickness of the glass in millimeters; sometimes a designation of the brand of glass is added. Then follows the width of the inner frame, then, if available, the thickness of the middle glass is indicated, again the graph paper of the width of the second frame, and finally the thickness of the third glass.

Here is an example of a two-chamber design: 4 10 4 10 4:

  1. Here the numbers 4 indicate the thickness of the glass. There are three of them: external, intermediate and internal.
  2. And the number 10, repeated twice, conveys the width of the frames.

This scheme is also called a 48 mm double-glazed window, and this is the usual window standard in Russia and the CIS countries.

And this is the most popular single-chamber concept: 4 16 4:

  • As you might guess, in the middle there is a number expressing the width of the frame.
  • And on both sides there are indicators of the thickness of the glass.

The given formulas are extremely simplified. In practice, there are more detailed markings

Therefore, it is important to consider the issue in detail

Window glass formula

The designation of glass thickness with one number is no more common than an expanded one, accompanied by additional symbols. The most common addition in this case is in the form of a glass brand. In the formula 4M1-16-4M1, the material describes the M1 fragment. This means that the glass unit uses standard high-quality colorless sheet glass.

There are other types of notation. So K-glass, otherwise, the common K4 glass, which is energy-saving and has a coating of indium and tin, will be labeled as 4K. Here the number indicates the thickness in millimeters, and the letter K conveys the technological component.

To minimize the risk of injury to people when a double-glazed window is damaged, sheets of tempered glass are used, which, when broken, forms fragments with blunt edges. Such a component in the package is designated ESG. Glass that has been cooled for a long time, has been hardened in a salt solution, is impact resistant, but produces fragments with sharp edges, and is marked TVG. Another fracture-resistant and thermally resistant variety is marked Z or Zak.

Tempered glass is widely used for stained glass. But even more often, multilayer triplex (designated 3.3.1 or 4.4.1 according to the thickness of the layers of glass and film), reinforced (symbol A) or even armored (letter B) glass is used. These are heavy materials that require a high-strength profile for installation.

There are also tinted arrays, variations with soundproofing properties, multifunctional glasses that combine energy-saving properties with sun protection, and many other varieties and varieties.

Moreover, new types of glass with improved technical characteristics are appearing. It is impossible to describe the results of a huge industry in a short article, but the general logic should be clear. Next to the number indicating the thickness of the glass, its additional characteristics may be indicated by markings. You can find out the exact information by searching on the Internet.

The most common types of glass and their symbols

Frames and inter-chamber space

Spacer frames are a traditional glass separator. A part made only of aluminum is not accompanied by any additional markings. Only its size is written in millimeters.

Distance frames

When thermal inserts are included in the frame design, the letters TP (thermal break) or TD (thermal distance) are added to the numerical designation of the width. Some large companies offer their own version of the technology. Then, instead of the abbreviation, the name of the manufacturer is indicated.

The internal space between the glass is occupied by gas. If this is ordinary dry air, no additional markings are applied.

But in the case of filling the chamber with inert gas, the marking suggests the following designations:

  • Xe – xenon;
  • Ar or A – argon;
  • Kr – krypton;
  • Sf – sulfur hexafluoride.

Now you can try to read the glass unit formulas that are as close as possible to practice.

The reality and myths of energy-saving windows

N.A. Murashko, Guardian representative in Ukraine and Moldova

Although in general the level of awareness of window buyers is growing, today we still hear questions from them: “Which windows are better - Rehau or KBE?”, “Which is better - a double-glazed window or a single-chamber one with energy-saving glass?”, “Argon is leaving” glass unit?", "Does argon explode?". We will try to provide answers to these and other questions most frequently asked by customers.

Let's start with the fact that everyone who wants to install or replace windows must understand for themselves: what does he want to get from the window?

just close the opening cheaper or install a window that looks similar to your neighbor’s window. Note that focusing on the lowest price, without paying attention to anything else, will provide you with a very high probability of permanent problems with this window;

do the window correctly once and for a long time

With this approach, we recommend that the buyer think about what is important in his particular case:

  • Thermal insulation (needed almost everywhere and always)
  • Sound insulation (in many cases relevant)
  • Protection from solar overheating and psychological comfort of being indoors (very important for large areas of glazing, oriented to the south, west; glass roofs and facades)
  • Security (apartments and offices on the 1st floors, private houses).

In this article we will talk about thermal insulation: by what means it is achieved, what makes the window really warm, avoiding complex graphs, isotherms and tables, and we will operate in terms understandable to a wide audience.

Often, when choosing a window, the buyer’s attention is diverted to the choice of profile brand and does not always pay due attention to the double-glazed window. At the same time, measuring the thermal insulation of a manufactured window only by the profile grade is the same as assessing the quality of a car by the grade of steel from which the body is made

Meanwhile, glass occupies about 80% of the total window area. Therefore, if the seller talks a lot about the number of cameras in the profile and does not pay attention to the parameters of the double-glazed window, such a “specialist” is not entirely competent.

So, first of all, the thermal insulation of the window will depend on the parameters of the double-glazed window. It is the double-glazed windows that we will talk about.

A double-glazed window is several glasses hermetically connected to each other using a special frame and sealants. In this case, such a package is filled with air or gas (argon, krypton), which improves the thermal insulation properties of the double-glazed window. Double-glazed windows can be single-chamber (two glasses and one air chamber between them) and two-chamber (three glasses and, accordingly, two air chambers).

Modern technologies in glass production have stepped forward and now there are many types of special glass on the market. According to their functional purpose, special glasses are divided into:

In this case, any of the special glasses can be:

In metal-plastic and wooden windows, standard energy-saving glass is most often used to save energy. Tempered or triplex energy-saving glass is used in cases where security or intrusion protection is required.

My experience

My relationship with energy-saving glass began with the glazing of the attic a little over three years ago. Initially, I wanted to order double-glazed windows with ordinary glass, but the manager, fortunately, dissuaded me from this idea.

The total area of ​​panoramic windows with transparent doors and opening sashes was 26 square meters. At the time of installation they cost me 68 thousand rubles.

Here are my impressions after three years of using the windows.

  • The transparency of i-glass is really almost the same as regular glass. The attic darkening is minimal;

View through an open door and a closed sash window. The darkening is almost imperceptible.

  • In the summer heat, energy-saving double-glazed windows significantly reduce the heating of the room. I already mentioned above that the floor illuminated through windows is noticeably less heated than that illuminated through an open door;
  • In winter, the glass remains quite warm. Its temperature differs quite slightly from the room temperature;
  • Finally, the main thing: i-glass quite realistically reduces heating costs, and very noticeably. With a rare -15 degrees outside in Crimea, a quite comfortable +20 was maintained in the attic with an area of ​​60 square meters by a single inverter air conditioner with a thermal power of 4100 W. I repeat: with panoramic glazing of 26 m2.

A single air conditioner is used to heat the attic.


In addition to reducing the cost of air ventilation in summer and space heating in winter, multifunctional double-glazed windows have many advantages. Thermal energy loss is reduced by at least 78% compared to conventional glass. Sunlight reflection is 58%. Another advantage is the high light transmission capacity. The products are characterized by an optimal price - the product fully pays for itself in the first 12 months of use.

Multifunctional double glazing differs:

  • resistance to chemical and mechanical stress due to the strength of the coating;
  • ensuring protection of furniture and wallpaper from fading;
  • beautiful appearance due to the reflection of the color of the frame on the surface of the glass unit;
  • variety of configuration options.

In addition, these double-glazed windows are often universal. They can be equipped with any window designs. These glasses allow you to use a single-chamber double-glazed window with the same result as a double-chamber one. This parameter provides a noticeable reduction in the load on the hinges of the window opening and its fittings. This means they extend the life of the structure.

Features of double-glazed windows

Even a standard glass bag, due to its design, is much warmer than ordinary glass. A double-glazed window consists of glass sheets united by a spacer frame. When purchasing, first of all, you need to consider:

  • quantity, thickness of glass sheets;
  • distance between adjacent glasses;
  • filling the chambers;
  • glass coating.

The space between the glass - the chambers - is usually filled with air. When they are filled with inert gas, the thermal insulation is higher.

A moisture-absorbing substance is placed inside the spacer frame to prevent windows from fogging up. Double-glazed windows are mounted in an aluminum, wooden or plastic profile.

In a multi-chamber double-glazed window, the interglazed distance may vary within one system, but it is always more than 2 cm. Reducing the distance makes it possible to eliminate interglazed thermal convection and retain heat in the room. To make the window warmer, use optional glass, sealing rubber, and inert gas as filling.

As a rule, customers prefer glass bags:

  • transparent, without distortion,
  • warm and quiet
  • heat-, fire-resistant,
  • shockproof,
  • sun protection

What it is?

This material is a double-glazed window with a special multi-layer coating. It is applied to the glass surface during deep-vacuum magnetron processing. In this case, the coating is completely environmentally friendly. Highly selective silver becomes the main functional layer. Double-glazed windows created using this technology help to significantly reduce the penetration of solar radiation into an office or apartment.

At the same time, the light transmission capacity remains at the highest level. In addition, the use of such windows makes it possible to reduce heating and air conditioning costs, since they have improved thermal insulation. In this regard, the circulation of cold air in the double-glazed window is reduced, eliminating the possibility of condensation forming on the inner glass during the cold season. In humid and hot weather, condensation will also not appear on the outer glass.

Multifunctional double-glazed windows allow you to effectively maintain an optimal indoor microclimate. They become a kind of mirror that reflects heat and light in both directions. Due to this property, glass works well in cold and hot weather without compromising light transmission. Multifunctional double-glazed windows help save on electricity. After all, heat loss will be minimal, you will not have to spend money on additional heating of the space. It is by these parameters that you can distinguish a multifunctional double-glazed window from a regular one.

IM glass

The use of multifunctional (iM) glass in window construction is the most modern innovative solution. This is a more “perfect” relative of i-glass. Multilayer coating is applied to the base:

  • A middle functional layer of silver or chromium that reflects infrared light waves;
  • Protective layers – to prevent damage to the main “soft” layer;
  • The lower and upper layers are made of oxides and nitrites. Specularity, light transmission properties and color of the product are determined.

The technology has made it possible to embody in one material the advantages of all existing types of glass: energy-saving, tinted, shockproof, self-cleaning. Such double-glazed windows do not create a barrier like curtains, but absorb radiation, as photo filters do. In the summer, the room will remain cool, as if using tinted glass, but the light transmittance of the window will not decrease. In winter, even in the window area it will be warm and comfortable.

Multifunctional glass can be given a convex shape and tempered to improve its strength characteristics, which provides ample opportunities for the design of non-standard buildings and private houses.

Benefits of energy-saving windows

Rice. 3. how energy-saving windows work

“Hot” products are quite expensive. Therefore, when the client is faced with the question of choosing products, preference is often given to standard varieties. They look completely identical in appearance, but clients themselves do not always understand what the difference is between a cheap and expensive item.

Thermal insulation

Rice. 4. thermal insulation indicators of different types of windows

The main advantage of improved windows is their reflective ability. Regular glass heats up and cools down quickly. Because of this, in winter, when heating systems operate at full capacity, part of the heat is used to heat the street. That is, resources are wasted. The special coating minimizes the radiation of heat into the external environment, thereby maintaining the optimally high temperature at home. Under such conditions, it is easier to maintain a comfortable temperature, and the batteries do not have to work at full capacity.

In summer, the room will be protected from overheating. Although sunlight will penetrate into the apartment, most of the heat will be reflected to the outside environment. Such a device does not guarantee that the apartment will be cooler than outside, but the room will heat up much more slowly in hot weather.

A light weight

Rice. 5. differences between double-glazed windows with one or two chambers

Modifications that help keep the room warm in winter do not carry additional weight, and can be applied to different variations of double-glazed windows. This means that the single-chamber variety with a special coating will be even hotter than the standard two-chamber design. A single-chamber profile with improvements will be warmer than a two-chamber profile by 20 percent or more.

The single-chamber profile is much lighter than its advanced counterparts with two or even three chambers, but thanks to the coating, it is more reliable and economical in all respects. This design is suitable for installation in any home, although a two-chamber profile is not always suitable for installation on “light” walls.

The weight of the structure is not related to its saving properties, because applying a film or filling the chamber with gas is possible not only with single-chamber products, but also with other types of double-glazed windows. The advantage is that you can use a lighter product and get excellent results.

No condensation

Rice. 6. condensation on the window

Condensation occurs due to temperature changes in winter outside and at home. Regular window lenses cool quickly, so when they encounter warm air and high indoor humidity, water droplets appear on the surface. Energy-saving products will not be as cold in winter as standard ones. Therefore, the problem with temperature changes, which causes glass fogging, disappears.

Burnout protection

Rice. 7. types of tinted glass

Color fading on fabrics, furniture, wallpaper and paintings occurs due to too bright light. Therefore, in most museums, rare exhibits are stored in rooms without windows and with special lamps. However, the reflective ability of the spraying not only stops heat transfer, but also reduces the illumination of the room. The change is unlikely to seem noticeable to a person, but most things, even if they are constantly on the windowsill on the illuminated side, will retain their bright shade longer.

Average prices

The average cost of energy-saving windows depends on what type of coating is used, the number of chambers and what gas they are filled with.
A regular double-glazed window with one chamber and i-protection costs 1050 RUR/m2 , and with 2 voids – 1500 RUR/m2.

The cost of a single-chamber product with IM and i protection, as well as filling voids with argon, is 2500 RUR/m2, and a 2-chamber product – 4000 RUR/m2.

How does an energy-saving double-glazed window differ from a regular one?

The main difference between energy-saving double-glazed windows is that such double-glazed windows use glass with a special coating.

Up to 10 layers of special metal coating, which includes silver, are applied to the surface of the glass. Application occurs in a vacuum chamber using the magnetron method. The thickness of such a coating is only a few tens of nanometers.

It is silver oxides that do not transmit infrared rays, which are heat carriers. Thanks to this, it works like a thermal mirror and reflects most of the heat back into the room. This double-glazed window is 30-50% “warmer” than usual and retains up to 40% of heat. Most often, coated glass is installed first from the inside of the room, primarily to preserve heat in the house.

It is also used outside the window, then it works to protect against sunlight and overheating of the room. In addition, the likelihood of condensation on the windows is reduced, and due to the fact that ultraviolet light passes into the room and heat waves are delayed, the risk of the appearance of various microbes is reduced.

Such glasses have several names. The most famous names are energy-saving or heat-saving glass. They are also called low-emissivity because they have low emissivity or selective because they reflect only part of the electromagnetic waves.

A huge advantage of energy-saving double-glazed windows compared to conventional ones is heat conservation, which leads to energy savings. The high coefficient of heat transfer resistance (0.65 m 2K/W) allows you to reduce the cost of heating the room. Heat savings up to 78%.

In addition, they reflect heat transfer from the outside much better, that is, a room equipped with energy-saving double-glazed windows heats up less in the summer heat than a room in which conventional structures are installed.

An important advantage of energy-saving double-glazed windows, in addition to heat conservation, is the ability to produce lighter glazing structures.

The energy-saving properties of such double-glazed windows make it possible to install single-chamber structures instead of double-chamber ones without loss of thermal characteristics. This property is especially important for large structures. In this case, the use of single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed windows lightens the weight of the window. In addition, this also saves money when ordering single-chamber double-glazed windows instead of double-chamber ones.

It is quite simple to distinguish a regular double-glazed window from an energy-saving one. To do this, just light the lighter and bring the flame to the glass. On the regular one, two yellow reflections of the flame will appear, and on the energy-saving one, one reflection will be yellow, but the second will have a pronounced red tint. The amount of flame reflection will depend on the number of glasses.

Energy-saving glass can also be distinguished visually. If you look at such glass from the street, it has a mirror effect. The use of such glass does not distort the color rendition if you look at such a double-glazed window directly from the room to the street, which is undoubtedly very convenient.

In addition, the inter-glass space in energy-saving double-glazed windows is, as a rule, filled not with air, but with the inert gas argon. It not only increases heat transfer resistance, but also protects the glass nanocoating from oxidation.

You can also supplement the energy-saving double-glazed window with a special thermal frame, which protects the edge zone of the double-glazed window from ice and freezing.

Today, energy-saving technologies are appreciated by residents of many countries. Energy-saving windows are very popular among various segments of the population.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of warm plastic windows include:

  • improvement of the microclimate in summer and winter;
  • reduction in heating costs;
  • an increase in temperature near the window, which reduces the likelihood of condensation and subsequently fungus;
  • weight reduction due to increased energy efficiency (a single-chamber warm window corresponds to a regular 2-chamber window);
  • reducing the wear rate of fittings by reducing the weight of the sashes;
  • protection against fading of the surface of furniture or household devices, since when using IM glass the amount of direct sunlight is reduced (part of the radiation is filtered or extinguished);
  • improvement of sound insulation properties;
  • protects plants from ultraviolet radiation and freezing, which allows you to place them on the windowsill even in winter without fear that they will be damaged.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  1. higher cost than conventional PVC windows (although over time this pays off due to savings on heating);
  2. rapid loss of the insulating qualities of the coating if you install the window in a place with prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  3. Some types of warm glazing are not suitable for installation in single-chamber structures.

Multifunctional glass, its design, advantages

Manufacturers of double-glazed windows have made ordinary glass sheet uncompetitive not only by using several pieces of glass in one sealed package, but also by using high technologies. The answer to the question: multifunctional double-glazed windows - what is it, is associated precisely with the use of the latest scientific developments and high-tech technical processes in their manufacture.

Due to complex production technology and expensive materials, multifunctional (MF) glass costs more than its counterparts, but its installation in many cases is more profitable in terms of energy saving and convenience. To determine when it is more effective to use a multifunctional double-glazed window, it is useful to study its capabilities and technical characteristics, and find out the difference in comparison with other modifications.

MF double-glazed windows have sun-protection and heat-saving properties

Can it be converted from a regular one?

An ordinary window can be converted into an energy-saving one, but in most cases this will not greatly increase their energy efficiency (15-30%).

To do this procedure, you can replace the double-glazed windows with heat-insulating ones. The main thing is to calculate and measure the required width and weight, since it may not coincide with a regular double-glazed window.

In some cases, you can stick a special heat-reflecting film on the glass. It can be transparent or tinted, which makes it easier to choose it to suit the desired parameters of the room. It is simply glued to the outside of the glass unit, so you do not need to completely disassemble the window to make this improvement.

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