How to install a vestibule door on a landing

In apartment buildings, there are often vestibule doors installed in addition to the entrance doors. Such measures are most often used to enhance security.

An additional door significantly reduces the risk of vandalism and creates an additional barrier for unauthorized persons to enter the apartment. It protects against excessive noise and cold, which can penetrate into the apartment from the common entrance.

In addition, an additional hallway is formed, which residents can use to store various bulky items: strollers, bicycles, sleds and much more. The location of such a structure is not possible in every case and the current law requires obtaining a number of permits.

Consent of neighbors

In order to install a vestibule door, it is not enough to reach an agreement with the owners of the apartments on your floor. It is necessary to obtain written consent from absolutely all residents of an apartment building, no matter how strange this fact may seem.

This is due to the fact that, by law, the entrance and staircases are part of the common property, which, as is known, is shared ownership by all property owners in the building.

Permission to install an additional door can be obtained in two ways.

The first option involves holding a general meeting of residents and putting the relevant issue on the agenda. If such meetings are held regularly, then this method is the easiest and fastest to obtain written consent from all owners. The protocol reflects the decision made and with this document the initiator of door installation can contact the appropriate authorities.

The second way is to personally visit all your neighbors and take written permission from them. It is drawn up in free form, the main thing is that the last name, first name and patronymic of the tenant giving consent, the exact address, the essence of the issue, the date of writing and a personal signature are present. Having collected all the papers, you can move on to the next stage.

Requirements for door elements

The effectiveness of the protective functions of a fire door is influenced by various parameters. Among the most significant are the design features of the product and the characteristics of the fittings that are used to complete it. Particularly serious attention is paid to its three varieties - door closers, thresholds and locks. It is advisable to consider each of them in more detail.


The main purpose of a door closer is to ensure smooth closing of the leaf and its tight fit to the frame. Both functions are essential for the effective use of a fire door. Basic requirements for closers are established by GOST R 56177-2014.

The document contains technical conditions for the manufacture of this type of fittings, as well as the main characteristics required when completing fire doors. The main requirement is to maintain the functionality of the product when directly exposed to fire.

Important. In today's environment, closers are often integrated with intelligent fire safety systems that operate automatically using various smoke and temperature sensors.


Modern fire doors are equipped with various types of locks - lever, cylinder, electromechanical, etc. The general requirements for this type of fittings are:

  • production of devices for self-closing doors made of steel and refractory alloys;
  • special design that eliminates the possibility of flame and smoke entering adjacent rooms;
  • compliance of the fire resistance limit of the lock with the same parameters of the door.

The last of these requirements is especially important. It consists in the fact that the fire door as a whole and all individual components must withstand exposure to fire, high temperature and combustion products for a certain time. The fire resistance limit is set depending on the characteristics of the room and is expressed in minutes - from 15 to 120.


The purpose of a fire door threshold is to ensure the tightness of the structure and create obstacles to the spread of hot air, smoke, carbon monoxide and other combustion products. There are two types of such fittings - mortise and drop-out.

The need to equip fire-resistant door structures with special thresholds depends on the functional purpose of the building. The presence of fittings is mandatory when installing on the following buildings:

  • hospital complexes and other healthcare institutions;
  • industrial and warehouse facilities with a high level of explosion and fire hazard;
  • educational institutions of various types, including schools, preschool educational institutions, universities, etc.;
  • shopping, hotel, administrative and other buildings classified as crowded places.

The need to equip fire doors with thresholds is indicated in the construction design documentation. Fulfillment of this requirement is one of the mandatory conditions when putting a building into operation.

Fire safety requirements

The law establishes certain rules that must be followed for the legal installation of a vestibule door. Fire safety plays a vital role in this regard.

According to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, two important aspects are distinguished:

  • any additional structural elements installed on the landing or in the common corridor should not impede the evacuation of people in the building;
  • It is impossible to install a door whose opening direction is contrary to the design of the house, and the design at the same time blocks evacuation.

Based on this, the easiest way is to install a new door instead of the old one, the location of which is already provided for in the design of the apartment building, if it opens in a similar direction.

In the event that there was previously no additional doorway on the landing or a structure is proposed that will open in the other direction, then, according to the law, appropriate changes will have to be made to the design of the apartment building.

If the installation is not approved by the relevant authorities, then it is unlikely that negative consequences will be avoided. If the structure causes inconvenience to any of the residents, then, as a result of their complaint, an inspection may be launched, the results of which will be submitted to the court.

If the court decision is not in favor of the door owner, then its installation becomes illegal. In this case, it will have to be dismantled and also pay a fine. Therefore, you should not neglect the advance preparation of all necessary documents required by law.

Regulatory requirements according to GOST

Basic regulatory requirements for fire doors are contained in GOST R 57327-2016. The document came into force at the beginning of 2017. It contains the rules in accordance with which fireproof metal doors must be manufactured and tested.

The second all-Russian standard, which regulates the technical conditions for the production of steel door blocks, is GOST 31173-2016. It was introduced instead of GOST 31173-2003 and is also valid from January 1, 2022. The document defines the fundamental requirements for the most common category of fire barriers - metal doors.

Consent of the management company

It is easiest to ensure that this condition is met. The main thing is to take into account the possibility of employees having access to electrical panels, meters, fire equipment and communications.

To do this, it is enough to make a duplicate of the door keys and leave it in the office of the management company or at the concierge post. In some cases, a lock is not installed on it at all.

This does not increase the safety of the residential premises, but it resolves the issue with the consent of the management company, and the common premises will still remain functional.

Prices for iron doors in the vestibule

Vinyl leather + vinyl leatherfrom 9,000 rub.
Powder coating + vinyl leatherfrom 12,500 rub.
Laminate + Laminatefrom 13,900 rub.
Powder coating + Laminatefrom 12,500 rub.
Laminate + MDFfrom 21,100 rub.
Powder coating+ MDFfrom 20,700 rub.
Powder coating + Powder coatingfrom 17,000 rub.

Coordination with the municipality

As the law states, in addition to permission from the fire inspectorate to install a door, you must also obtain consent for redevelopment from local authorities.

To do this, you need to draw up a detailed plan that will show the future door and the direction of its opening. According to the law, this plan, the consent of all residents and permission for installation from the fire inspectorate, along with the application, must be submitted to the local administration. After making a positive decision, you can proceed to installing the door.

It's no secret that many residents install vestibule doors without completing any documents and quietly use them year after year. However, you should not rely on chance and go through all the necessary approvals in advance.

The law does not stipulate a statute of limitations for installation, and if the door is not reflected in the plan or deviates even slightly from it, then the owner may well be required to dismantle it, pay a fine of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles and all legal costs. Therefore, it is important to have all permits on hand to avoid possible negative consequences.

It often happens that when moving into an apartment, the vestibule door is already installed. If the new owners were not given any permits for its installation, then it is best to check with the management company whether it was formalized by law or whether the installation was unauthorized.

To avoid problems in the future, it is important to obtain all the papers indicating the legality of the design. It is also important to have a house design on hand if an old door is being replaced with a new one, in order to avoid inconsistencies when carrying out repair work.

Construction standards (SP and SNIP)

The most important fire safety requirements for fire doors and other fire-resistant structures are contained in SNiP 01/21/97. The document came into force at the beginning of 1998 instead of the partially canceled SNiP 2.01.02-85. It was adjusted twice - in 1999 and 2002, and in 2011 it was registered with Rosstandart as SP (Code of Rules) 112.13330.2011.

The building codes introduced by SNiP regulate the fire safety rules during the construction of various buildings, as well as their subsequent operation. The key requirements are as follows:

  • when developing design documentation for construction, including PPR, it is necessary to provide for the structural and technical solutions necessary to comply with fire safety rules;
  • One of the basic requirements is the installation of fire doors on escape routes and in rooms with a high level of potential danger. The latter include social institutions, hotel-type facilities, places of mass gathering of people, enterprises with large staff, etc.;
  • fire-resistant door structures are selected taking into account the minimum dimensions and the required fire resistance limit;
  • Fire doors must be installed by licensed contractors, and the products themselves must be certified.

The specified SNiP introduces important concepts for the classification of fire doors: the level of fire hazard, the degree of flammability of materials and the fire resistance limit. The document provides a detailed definition of each of them, and also provides links to regulations governing the rules for conducting relevant tests.

Types of vestibule doors

The law does not regulate which doors can be installed in the vestibule. Therefore, the choice depends solely on the needs, financial capabilities and taste of the residents themselves.

Wooden common doors are a relic of the past as they provide minimal security. In the vast majority of cases, metal models are installed.

They are divided into several types.

  1. Doors with two leaves, one of which is narrower. The width of the wide, working part is classically 90 centimeters. The second is fixed with special latches and is used to widen the doorway if it is necessary to carry large objects.
  2. Three-section door. Usually, the side parts do not function and such a model is installed in wide corridors. The size of the movable door is 90 centimeters, so the door does not become heavier, despite the width of the vestibule.
  3. A door with a transom mounted directly on the door frame. Used in corridors with high ceilings.
  4. Wide double-leaf model. The left side is secured with latches and opens if necessary. Traditionally, the format of such a door is 2 meters high and 180 centimeters wide.

You can often find a lattice steel door in a vestibule. On the one hand, this is convenient; it makes it easy to see who is standing at the entrance. On the other hand, such options are less secure, since an attacker can immediately see how many locks are installed in a given structure.

In blind door models, peepholes are installed that allow you to observe the landing, and the corridor itself is not visible to anyone. This is especially true in cases where bicycles, strollers or other expensive items are stored in the vestibule.

Door installation requirements

The operational and fire safety characteristics of fire-resistant doors depend not only on the quality of workmanship, but also on the correct installation of the products in the opening. The basic requirements for the installation of such structures are as follows:

  • each fire door must be certified, which is indicated in the passport and a special nameplate - a sign that is installed on the product by the manufacturer;
  • installation work is carried out exclusively by licensed companies and individual entrepreneurs;
  • The door frame is fastened using anchors with a diameter of 1 cm;
  • A maximum deviation from the design dimensions of no more than 15 mm per square meter is allowed. m. construction;
  • Non-flammable polyurethane foam is used during the installation process.

The presence of such a large number of requirements for the manufacture, configuration and installation of fire doors clearly shows the importance of this type of structure in compliance with fire safety rules. The control functions over their implementation are assigned to the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and construction supervision authorities. Violation of any of the listed requirements entails administrative, and if there is harm to the life and health of people, criminal punishment.

Degrees of protection

In addition to structural differences, metal vestibule doors differ from each other in the degree of burglary protection.

There are four levels.

  1. The simplest and most affordable models, which can be opened by any burglar with at least some knowledge of locks.
  2. Class 2 doors cannot be broken down or opened with tools; only cutting tools can handle them.
  3. The third class is even more protected. To open such a door, you will need a special power tool and a lot of time.
  4. The most reliable is the fourth class. These doors can easily withstand any type of burglary and can even withstand gunshots.

The most common are second or third class models. This is due to the fact that the simplest inexpensive door will not provide sufficient protection to residents, and an option with an increased degree of resistance is simply impractical to install in standard apartment buildings.


When determining the size parameters for a door, it is important to take into account the need to strengthen and insulate them. Speaking about conventional metal entrance structures, you can focus on the following standard dimensions:

  • a canvas of 850-2050 mm requires an opening of 880-2080 mm;
  • a door with dimensions 890-2070 mm is installed in a hole 920-2100 mm;
  • for an entrance door with dimensions of 970-2070 mm, a span of 1000-2100 mm is required;
  • a door 1200-2070 mm needs an opening 1230-2100 mm.

For reinforced canvases, other parameters are used:

Doorway dimensions (mm)

The presented dimensional values ​​may be adjusted due to the cladding materials of the product, in particular when the door is made of thick solid natural wood. To carry out more accurate measurements, it is recommended to dismantle the old entrance structure and measure the resulting hole.

Door selection

In addition to the design aspects and the degree of necessary protection, it is important to take care of other components of the vestibule door. Elements worth paying attention to are decor, lock, peephole and fittings.

The design of the doorway must correspond to the purpose of the structure. Therefore, it is important to ensure a decent appearance of the door being installed. It is wise to place all decorative elements only on the inside, so that nothing from the landing attracts undue attention and does not indicate the wealth of the residents.

The exterior is usually hammer painted or powder coated to create a completely unremarkable surface.

The next step is the selection of accessories. The service life of the door and the ease of use largely depend on this. It is advisable to choose hinges that are designed for heavy loads, and the locking mechanism on them should be such that it is impossible to cut them off from the entrance.

A lock installed on a vestibule door, first of all, must be quite complex. This will prevent intruders from quickly opening it and entering the premises. But it is also necessary to choose a design that is easy to open with your own key, especially if children will use it.

The peephole must also be of high quality so that everything that is happening outside can be clearly seen. It must be located at such a level that it is convenient for all residents to use it.

You should not save on purchasing a vestibule door. Due to the fact that it is used several times more than the entrance door to an apartment, structural elements such as hinges and locks wear out much faster.

Therefore, it is much better to choose the most durable and high-quality model that will last for many years than to purchase a cheaper option and suddenly find yourself locked in your own vestibule due to a broken lock.

Installing common gates for several apartments is a profitable solution that allows you to protect yourself from break-ins. In addition, heat will be retained much better and sound insulation will increase. But this issue should be approached very responsibly, so as not to subsequently incur double costs.

Tambour - pros and cons

It is impossible to say for sure whether this is a good idea or a bad one.
On the one side:

  • There will be additional useful space where you can store all sorts of different things;
  • there will be an additional barrier for thieves who clean out apartments;
  • sound insulation in the apartment will improve (you will be less bothered by sounds from the elevator shaft);
  • it will be possible to take off your shoes in the vestibule, which means less dirt from the street will get home;

on the other side:

  • a common area will appear in which you and your neighbors will have to clean;
  • an additional reason for conflict will arise (situations may be different, but the principle is the same: shared space + different views on things);
  • if vestibule doors are cheap and not very reliable, then on the contrary they can become bait for robbers.

There is an opinion: burglars will break open a flimsy vestibule door, lock it from the inside and calmly work on the entrance doors. The neighbors at the entrance will not see or react.

As you can see, the grandmother said in two. So, analyze your situation and relationships with your neighbors on the site and, if you decide to install doors, choose solid ones with good locks.


Owners of apartments and private houses whose apartments are equipped with entrance openings that meet accepted standards can count on a number of advantages when choosing and purchasing a metal door. This is about:

  • a wide selection of products: as a rule, manufacturers present collections of doors that comply with or are closely compatible with current standards, putting forward a wide range of all kinds of cladding of different materials, colors, decorative solutions;
  • financial benefits, no need to individually order a metal structure: standard doors will cost the buyer much less;
  • ease of installation: the closer the existing dimensions are to standard values, the easier and faster the process of installing the door is, because in this case there will be no need for additional work on decorating cracks, installing additional panels and other operations.

The problem of non-standard sizes of entrance openings is solved by ordering doors according to individual measurements.

To summarize, it is worth emphasizing that when choosing metal entrance doors, special attention must be paid to current GOSTs and SNiPs, the types of door panels offered by the manufacturer, door finishing materials, the presence of reinforcements and insulation. While experimenting with design and finishing materials is quite acceptable, taking risks with the selection of dimensions is highly not recommended.


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