How to open the door yourself if the lock is jammed: causes of failure, options for action

Preventative measures - how to protect the lock from jamming

What to do when purchasing:

  • before purchasing a door, check what type of lock it will be and whether there is a guarantee;
  • ask about the country of production - high-quality locks are made in Austria and Germany, you can also take Polish, Turkish or Ukrainian;
  • In the store, check the ease of movement of the tongue;
  • There should be no rust, scuffs or scratches on the lock.

How to care for the mechanism:

  • periodically clean from dust and dirt, lubricate;
  • turn the key only after it is fully inserted;
  • do not use keys of poor quality or damaged;
  • You can use machine oil for lubrication;
  • the best lubricant is silicone, it has a long-lasting effect and also repels water, preventing the mechanism from rusting;
  • correct the distortion of the door leaf or frame, even if the lock is still functioning normally;
  • open the door by the handle, no need to pull the key, which is still inside;
  • Do not slam the door sharply or forcefully.

Important: do not lubricate the lock with edible vegetable oil. It absorbs all the dirt and dust and can ruin the mechanism.

When the oil thickens, you can open the door with almost any key - this is the method used by thieves.

In order not to waste time and money (on repairing the lock or a new one, on calling a locksmith), you need to handle the lock carefully. If you open it with careful smooth movements and do not apply force, it will last a long time

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What to do if the lock is jammed

If such a nuisance does occur, then you can try to find a way out of this situation. A large number of different methods, simple and quite complex, have been invented for this. You can use improvised means, for example, wires or pins, or special tools, such as a screwdriver, grinder, pliers, drill, crowbar, etc. Some even use special mechanical master keys.

If you cannot cope with the current situation on your own, then it is better to use the services of a mechanic from a utility service or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There are also special companies that provide urgent door opening services.

How to open a door if the cylinder lock is broken

The following problems arise if the door with the cylinder mechanism is jammed:

  • the key cannot be pulled out in any way;
  • difficult to turn the mechanism;
  • The mechanism creaks during revolutions.

Very often, when opening the front door, the lock cylinder jams or the key gets stuck. What can be done in these cases?

First, using a wire brush, you need to clean the door and lock slots, because the cause of damage may be dust or peeling paint. Then the door lock should be lubricated with kerosene or machine oil, and then turn the key. If the mechanism still jams, you can try to pull out the key with pliers. If this does not help, then you will have to drill out the lock cylinder and replace it with a new one.

Also, one of the reasons for jamming may be the skew of the door leaf. In this case, you will need a wedge, screwdriver or chisel. The tool needs to be driven into the place where the door overlaps the frame, after which it is necessary to put the structure in place, using the wedge as a lever. At the same time, pull the handle to open the iron door.

How to open an entrance door with a lever lock

If a problem arises with the lever lock, when the key is jammed after three turns, and it is completely impossible to make a fourth, then you should grind off the longitudinal protrusions that prevent the key from positioning incorrectly. After this, you need to insert the key on the other side and try to open the door. However, if there is nothing to grind off such protrusions, then you should press the keyhole a little and insert the key upside down.

Rough autopsy

If manipulation methods are useless, it is recommended to resort to a rough autopsy. The most effective way would be to use a drill with a metal drill bit. However, it is unlikely that such a tool or even a hammer will be at hand. And you can imagine how noisy this process can be.

You can try using available tools: a screwdriver, a knife, a flat or Phillips screwdriver, a nail file. The owner of cylinder devices can try to turn the lock using these simple devices. Unfortunately, after such manipulations the lock will be completely broken.

For owners of lever locks, this method will be useless. This type of locking device is very resistant to force breaking. Most likely, your manipulations will simply damage the lock’s secret completely. And if in the case of manipulation methods you can get by with replacing the lock, then a rough opening can damage the door leaf. Which will significantly increase your costs.

The key is stuck in the keyhole or it is broken

If the key is stuck in the keyhole, you need to try to pull it out. To do this, lubricate the mechanism using machine oil, WD-40 spray or kerosene. After processing, try to remove the key by swinging it from side to side. This must be done carefully, without applying unnecessary effort.

If the key is broken, pliers will help you get it out.

In a situation where the lock does not open due to a key inserted into the hole from the back, you can try to push it out. But this can only be done if it has not been rotated.

If these attempts are unsuccessful, you will have to drill out the cylinder and install a new lock. If you managed to pull out the key, then you need to remember that it is no longer safe to use such a mechanism - it may jam again.

Set of tools

Almost any lock can be opened without a key if you have a simple set of tools on hand. Of course, you are unlikely to carry them with you in your bag, but you can always borrow them from a neighbor. So, you will need:

  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • metal saw;
  • crowbar.

When starting a hack, remember that you will still have to fork out money in the end to replace the lock. Perhaps it’s better to ask your neighbor not for tools, but for some money to borrow to call the special services?

Reasons for a jammed lock or door

Even the most expensive and high-quality locking mechanism can fail. Rarely does it happen overnight. Usually the door gives alarm signals long before a global accident. You just need to hear and see them. And having recognized it, do not put off solving a small problem. Otherwise it will turn into a serious one. Signs that the lock will soon fail:

  • When opening or closing, it jams slightly;
  • Sometimes when turning, the key gets stuck;
  • Doesn't close on the first try;
  • The key slips into idle;
  • There are extraneous sounds (crackling, clicking).

The reasons why the door is jammed may not only be technical. In most cases, the human factor is to blame. Basically this is negligence in using the lock and door. But nature can also make its own corrections. Circumstances that cause a door to jam:

  • Debris getting into the keyhole;
  • The key is deformed due to improper use. For example, they opened beer bottles;
  • Frequent use of great physical force when closing the door (slamming);
  • Due to increased humidity, the door leaf has swollen;
  • If the door structure is massive, then it may become skewed;
  • Instead of the original, a low-quality duplicate key is used;
  • Lack of regular preventive maintenance in the form of lubrication and cleaning of the locking mechanism;
  • Incorrect or inept actions when opening and closing the lock;
  • Manufacturing defects.

The reasons for a jammed lock can go back a long way. If a person without the proper skills was involved in installing the door, then mistakes may have been made that eventually led to jamming. It could be the loops. They may be screwed unevenly. Or there are few of them and due to the large mass of the door leaf, it sagged. The hinges can put pressure on the sash when there is no gap between it and the frame.

In such cases, until the distortion is corrected, the door will not open. You can find a pry bar and use it as a lever. Slide it under the door leaf and try to lift the door a little while opening the lock. It should work. But once you get into the house, you must immediately call a professional to eliminate the distortion. Otherwise the problem cannot be solved.

The door lock is jammed: how to open it yourself?

Quite often, wanting to save on calling professionals or not being able to contact the emergency service, owners of apartments and private houses try to open a lock or door on their own. As a rule, this leads to aggravation of the problem, which our specialists then have to fix. Therefore, we have developed a small guide on how to open a door or lock with the least damage.

If the key does not turn in the cylinder or is difficult to insert into it, try treating the key hole with universal WD-40 liquid. Then wait a few minutes and try again

If the door faces the street and the lock is frozen due to condensation accumulated in it, special defrosting agents, which can be purchased at any hardware store, will help. If a key is stuck or broken in the mechanism, it must be carefully pulled out with pliers. When this fails, you will have to drill it out along with the core

Then only the secret part will have to be changed, and not the entire mechanism. A skewed door that has blocked the locking device can be lifted with a wooden wedge or pry bar by inserting it between the bottom of the leaf and the threshold. After opening, the door structure will need to be leveled.

When starting to open it yourself, remember that unprofessional actions usually lead to complete breakdown of the locking mechanism, damage to the coating or deformation of the door leaf, followed by repair or replacement.

What to do if the key gets stuck?

The work should be performed in the same way as when the lock is jammed. It will take a lot of patience when vandals insert matches or other objects into the larva

To correct the situation, use pliers, carefully turning, to pull the key out of the hole. Using thin wires with curved edges, we pull out foreign objects from the larva

If the cylinder is dirty or the lubricant has frozen, the keyhole is filled with VD, after a pause, we try to pull out the stuck key, gradually loosening it

It is important here not to break the key in the well. If this happens, you need to disassemble the lock or remove the cylinder and try to remove the fragment

Lever locks are simple in this regard. Having removed the cover, we release the plates and take out the fragment. If the key remains in the cylinder and does not come out after treatment with liquid, this will require replacing the cylinder.

More complex situations and if there are no skills in working with plumbing tools will require calling specialists.

Lock and key jammed in it

You should equip yourself with WD-40 liquid, which is sold at auto parts stores or hardware stores. You need to process the lock, carefully turning the key from side to side, and try to open it. Is there a larva blockage? The lock is treated with liquid, and the key is inserted into the lock cylinder several times and pulled out until the dirt is completely removed.

The key is broken and stuck - this situation is more complicated. There are several options:

  • A piece of the key sticks out. You should take pliers and use them to turn the key rod to the desired position. Then carefully remove.
  • The wreck is inside. Here you can try with a sharp object (knitting needle, paper clip, etc.) to push out or pull the stuck end out. And then pick it up and pull it out with tweezers.

If these methods do not help, contact specialized services. They will help you get out of the situation with the least damage.

Reasons why the car does not open with the alarm key fob

If the door constantly jams when the key fob tries to connect to the lock, then the reason may be either in the key fob itself or in the security system.

But the reasons in each case must be considered separately:

  1. The information on the key fob is incorrect. The device thinks the door is open, but in reality it is not.
  2. The key fob and the security system do not interact with each other. The key fob sends a signal, but no response comes.
  3. Spontaneous failures occur unexpectedly. For example, everything was fine all day, but at night it was impossible to set the alarm or open the car.

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These are just superficial reasons.

The problem may lie much deeper. Eg:

Car battery discharge

When everything is fine with the key fob, the problem arises in the car battery.

To solve the problem, you need to get as close to the car as possible and try to press the key fob button several times.

If the problem is with the battery, then there is a chance that the door will open. But, of course, you can’t go far in such a car.

Driver, always keep your battery charged.

When leaving the car, check whether the lights, dimensions, and radio are turned off. If the car sits all night with the battery running, then it will simply run out before the morning. You will have to ask someone to “light it up” or carry it home to recharge.

These two problems are more related to driver responsibility.

A car, like any piece of equipment, requires maintenance. Alarms are one of them. If you don't take care of your car, it won't last long.

Radio interference problems

If the car does not open with the Starline alarm key fob, then the problem may be hidden in radio interference. Sometimes the signal from your remote control may be jammed. This happens very often, especially if you are in a difficult to reach area. In this case, it will be quite difficult to open the car. For example, radio waves will weaken significantly if you are near facilities such as an airport, military base, or other important government installations. To check for radio wave interference, look at your cell phone.

In order to still open your car, bring the remote control as close as possible to the signal receiver and press the button one more time.

Wiring damage

The source of the problem is sometimes in the vehicle's electronic devices, or in the wires.

A sudden voltage drop easily burns out equipment. But problems with the unit can, on the contrary, directly affect the cable system.

Devices begin to spark if the wires were poorly insulated during installation of the alarm system.

Externally, the problem manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms: the alarm may either completely not respond to the key fob signals, or work every other time.

In this case, you will have to completely replace the damaged wire and replace the burnt out device.

But it is better to do this at a service center. In addition to burnt wiring, specialists can find a lot of other faults that are affected by this problem.

Problems with the central locking

If the car does not close the lock from the remote control, although the driver has changed the wires, you should evaluate the condition of the central alarm lock. According to statistics, it fails more often than other elements, especially when controlled remotely. The problem can be identified if the vehicle with active security functions is idle for more than 1 minute. To solve the problem, you need to use the standard key fob or quickly switch the open/close buttons. If the car starts automatically, the security will be disabled as usual.

Problems with the central locking are due to the fact that the basic communicator is not able to work in conjunction with a running vehicle. And although the activation or deactivation of the protection occurs without failure, the central locking cannot perform its functions.

The defect is eliminated by adjusting two pulses. The first one is responsible for waking up the bus, and the second one is responsible for opening the doors. With the help of such manipulations it is possible to unlock the lock even when the car is running. However, the method does not allow opening the trunk lock.

Damage to the key fob

The most common problem of system failure is physical damage to the key fob.

This may be mechanical damage (impact, friction, etc.). Or the remote control getting wet (there have been cases when key fobs were simply dropped into the toilet, river, basin of water, etc.).

In this case, it is necessary to understand what exactly stopped working after external damage. Sometimes it is enough to replace one part. But, in very severe cases, it is recommended to replace the key fob completely.

If you drown your key fob, there is a way to dry it before the electronics short out. To do this, remove the batteries and put the keychain in a bag of rice for a day.

The cereal will absorb all the moisture and quickly dry the device. There is another way. To do this, you need to disassemble the keychain and put it on the windowsill to dry.

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These are traditional methods and they do not provide a 100% guarantee.

Consequence of improper installation of the system

When a security system is installed in a car, according to the instructions, all parts must be installed in a clear sequence.

If this sequence is broken, then the alarm will not work.

Any instruction insistently obliges the wiring to be well insulated and the sensors to be installed in places where moisture will not enter.

If you do everything the other way around, then the moisture that gets in will short-circuit the device.

Heat sources should also be avoided.

They are a direct threat to the insulation and the devices themselves. Because an overheated alarm system fails.

Therefore, if you doubt your abilities, it is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist.

Improper installation can render the alarm system, for which you paid a lot of money, unusable.

Software glitches

A software glitch can disrupt the connection between the remote control and the signal receiver. This is purely an internal error.

Like any program, it can sometimes crash. Phones need to be reflashed, Windows needs to be reinstalled.

The same procedure must be done to restore the connection. Just reprogram it.

To do this, you need to open the instructions and read how you can restore the connection.

Most often, this procedure is done in emergency mode. To do this you need:

  1. enable emergency mode;
  2. in the alarm unit it is necessary to disconnect all wires;
  3. disable control;
  4. restore connection.

This is a simple procedure that any driver can perform independently. But sometimes the problem turns out to be much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

You can restore the connection if the program itself remains. That is, it can be restarted.

If the program disappears, you should contact a specialist.

What to do with a broken cylinder lock?

Locking devices of this design are subject to repair, and this can be done independently. Breakdowns that could not be repaired are not typical for such locks and are incredibly rare. In a cylinder mechanism, the weakest part is the cylinder; it is the one that breaks first in the device. It will no longer be possible to repair this element, but even a not particularly trained person can replace it.

If the lock is stuck on a metal door, you must:

  1. Insert the key into the keyhole.
  2. Unscrew the side strip at the end of the door panel.
  3. Find a small screw near the crossbar; it holds the cylinder in place. It needs to be unscrewed.
  4. Turn the key slightly in the hole, after which you can remove the larva with it.
  5. Having grabbed the element, go to the construction supermarket to choose a similar one for replacement.
  6. At home, repeat the steps described above, but in reverse order.

If the methods described above did not help, you will have to remove the door. Since it is metal and has special protection against burglary, you will need to cut off the bolt hinges using a grinder. But this is the most extreme option.

If the lock in your apartment or office is jammed, there is no need to despair. It is quite possible to repair it yourself or call specialists who will help you open the locking device and replace damaged parts of the mechanism.

Rough opening method

How to open an iron door without a key if none of the above methods worked? In this case, it is worth turning to a more crude method of opening the door - drilling. But this method will work if the lock is not equipped with drill protection.

To open it you will need an electric drill, a thick flat-head screwdriver, a metal drill and a hammer. It’s worth warning right away that after this method of picking a lock, you will need to buy a new cylinder.

First you need to try the folding method. To do this, insert a screwdriver into the cylinder; you can even hammer it in and start turning it. When you feel that the cylinder is turning, you need to pull the screwdriver towards you and remove it. After this you can get inside the room.

Well, the second method of rough hacking is to drill out the cylinder with an electric drill.

What to do in such a situation?

Causes of problems

There are different ways to open the front door when the lock or the door itself is blocked. This depends on the complexity of the locking mechanism, the reason for the blocking and the nature of the door: knocking down an iron door at the entrance to a home is much more difficult than an ordinary wooden one.

Breakdowns are possible in both expensive and cheap devices. The most common include the following:

  • mechanical damage - for example, breakage and jamming of a key, jamming of moving parts in the absence of lubrication, etc. Some of them can be eliminated yourself and still open the front door. Repairing others will require the participation of specialists;
  • manufacturing defects - it is necessary to call not just specialists, but representatives of the company that produces locking devices;
  • incorrect operating mode - lack of cleaning, lubrication, sudden slamming, lead to partial wear of some elements of the mechanism, which causes the key to jam. As a rule, such problems can be resolved on their own;
  • sagging or misalignment of the sash is a problem that can only be solved by specialists. It is unrealistic to reinstall an iron entrance door with your own hands;

Door distortion

Incorrect installation of the block - again, cannot be corrected independently.

It is worth noting that if a really complex lock that requires several degrees of protection is jammed on the front door, you will not be able to open the door yourself even if you want to. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to call the company’s specialists.

Call the master

Incorrect operation

The key is difficult to insert, does not turn, or is not even inserted all the way. You shouldn’t “insist” and try to turn it: removing the debris is more difficult than trying to get into your home.

First of all, you need to lubricate the jammed lock. For this purpose, universal spray WD-40 is used, which can be found at your local hardware store. You can also use any machine oil or kerosene as a lubricant.

WD-40 spray

Inject it with a syringe into the keyhole. The photo shows the lubrication of the locking device.

lubrication of the locking device

After processing, the key is inserted into the hole and tried to be turned several times without completing the movement.

You can tap the key lightly, but gently; as a rule, after several attempts, when the lubricant spreads, the mechanism opens.

  • Debris stuck in the lock - fragments of matches, small rubbish - can be detected with a flashlight or mobile phone. If foreign objects are detected, they are removed with ordinary tweezers. Instead of tweezers, you can use wire or a stiff metal brush.
  • A key left on the other side that prevents you from getting into the apartment can be pushed out with a nail file, a pin, or a hairpin.

Locking the locking mechanism

What to do if the lock jams in the door while turning the key? This option is possible when dirt accumulates in the cylinder or the tongue gets stuck. In the latter case, the handle turns, but the tongue remains motionless, as it is jammed. Accordingly, the sash cannot be opened.

A universal solution to this problem is squeezing out the tongue. Use a metal ruler, a knife blade, or a plastic card. The object is inserted into the gap between the door leaf and the frame as deeply as possible in order to hook the far edge of the tongue. If this is successful, use a ruler to push the tongue out of the groove, applying some force. The video shows the front door opening when the lock jams.

Locking mechanism failure

In this case, you can get into the apartment only with special skills. The only available method is drilling out the mechanism. If you can get the necessary tool and if you have the appropriate skills, you need to remove the decorative strip and drill out the cylinder.

In this case, the door suffers little, but the locking mechanism will need to be changed.

In some cases, you can knock out the cylinder with a hammer and then use a metal hook to move the bolts. However, this is only possible with some models. If a lever lock is jammed, for example, it is better not to try to open it yourself.

Types of locking mechanisms

First of all, you need to understand the structure of the mechanism and then select options for opening it.

The following types of locks are installed in modern metal door structures:

  • Mortise. The locking mechanism cuts into the canvas, which often leads to partial disruption of its operation;
  • Overhead. The mechanism is installed on the door leaf. The counter plate is mounted on the box.

Everything is clear with the types of locks, but as for the locking mechanisms themselves, the following are mainly used:

  • Suvaldny. Special plates are installed inside the mechanism and the more of them, the more reliable the door structure. When you turn the key, the plates become in a certain sequence;
  • Cylinder or pin. There are special blocks or pins located inside; when you turn the key, they act on the crossbars, causing the door to open.

In turn, the pin mechanism has several levels of protection:

  • Low level. This type of mechanism is very easy to open with a master key. The key comes in a cross-shaped or butterfly key;
  • Average level. Opens according to the punch card principle;
  • High level. The most reliable option. Opening method: punched card and Finnish key.

How to open the cylinder mechanism?

It is easiest to open a cylinder mechanism with a low level of protection. First you need to find something small and thin, for example, a hairpin, a paper clip, or a small piece of wire. Divide the found object into two parts and bend it at a right angle.

The bent part must be inserted into the keyhole and tension must be created in the upper part of the mechanism in the direction in which the key is turned, and with a straight part of the wire, lift all the pins one by one. Afterwards, carefully twist the bent part of the wire.

If the locking mechanism is of the cross-shaped type, then you can simply open it with a screwdriver. First, you need to remove the outer part and insert a screwdriver into the place where the key is inserted and turn it in the right direction to scratch off the pins a little.

How to open the front door without a key if it has a Finnish locking mechanism? This device is the most reliable and it is not so easy to hack it. If the locking mechanism is not expensive, then you can still try to remove its outer part, pull out the plates and use a screwdriver to open it. Well, if the lock is of high quality, then in this case it is recommended to call professionals.

How to open the lever mechanism?

Such locks are popular because they have a high degree of security. In order to try to open such a lock, you need to find a similar key, insert it as deep as possible into the keyhole, pull it a little and strike. Of course, it may not work the first time, but, as practice shows, the method works.

If the lever lock is single or double row, then the approach should be slightly different. You need to find a small piece of metal, use metal scissors to cut something like a key and use pliers to make small waves. A homemade key is inserted into the hole until it stops and turned.

The easiest way to open a lock is with a tongue. To do this, you can use a plastic card or some kind of plate. But, as practice shows, the card can break, so you should immediately look for either a metal plate, a chisel with thin steel, or something similar. The main thing is that the found item fits between the canvas and the box. They need to press down the tongue and open the door.

What to do if the door lock is jammed?

It is necessary to determine further actions based on the nature of the breakdown. It can be determined by excluding available versions. If the key is missing, you can open the door with improvised means - a hairpin, a needle.

Step-by-step instruction

A sequence of actions that helps to open the sash in half the cases of jamming:

  • clean the keyhole with a stiff brush to prevent the entry of foreign objects - shavings, peeling paint, trim;
  • use magnetic attraction to remove metal shavings;
  • lubricate the mechanism with oil and try to carefully, slowly turn the key;
  • If you can't scroll, try to get it out with pliers.
  • if the door lock does not open after working with pliers, the mask is pulled out and replaced;
  • To avoid damage to the hinges, a thorough inspection should be carried out.

The lock on the door is jammed - what to do if the device is in English:

  1. Drill out the mechanism with a screwdriver, pull out the cylinder with a small piece of metal wire, hook up the drive mechanism, and push in the bolts.
  2. Knock out the cylinder with a stop by tapping it with a hammer.

To prevent distortion, you will need a wedge. If you can’t find the item you need, you can use a flat-head screwdriver or chisel. A wedge-shaped object is inserted into the hole between the leaf and the door frame. With a slight pressure, you can return the warped canvas to its original position, while at the same time trying to open it.

If the interior door is not locked with a key, and the door does not open when you press the handle, it means the tongue is jammed.

To solve the problem, it is recommended to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Insert a flat object (knife, ruler) into the gap between the entrance flap and the frame in the area where the tongue is located.
  2. Tilt the knife so that it slides along the steel cut.
  3. When the ruler reaches the end, push away from you to push the tab into place.
  4. If there is no cut on this side of the sash, then you need to get it out by inserting a ruler diagonally from above.

If you don’t have a hairpin, you need to ask your neighbors for any thin, long object. Then you should replace the lock, because there is no point in repairing it.


A few simple tips to help you cope if your door is jammed:

  1. If a wooden door is deformed from moisture, a hairdryer will help correct the situation. In the absence of the latter, you can use a heating device.
  2. If the fault is in the iron frame of the door, then the opening must be carried out based on the belonging of the locking mechanism to a certain group.
  3. If the door lock is jammed and the security system is cylinder-type, only a master can save you. Among the breakdowns: the key cannot be pulled out, it turns poorly, creaks, the cylinder gets jammed when opening, or the key gets stuck.
  4. If the lock on the door is broken and the security system is of the lever type, then in order for the key to be inserted correctly, you can grind off the longitudinal protrusions or press the hole a little.

A careful inspection of the door leaf can help identify the problem. Visually you can notice cracks in the hinges, shrinkage and other damage.

Key lock

A common but easy-to-lock device for interior doors. It can be locked from the living room side by simply pressing a button. When installing such a handle, you should think in advance about where to store spare keys. But if they are not there, you will have to use improvised means again. Some lock manufacturers provide for the possibility of slamming doors, so they leave a small hole in the decorative trim of their products for emergency opening. You need to insert a thin metal object (knitting needle, awl, nail, pin) into it, and the latch will open.

What to do

Once the main causes of breakdowns have been identified, it’s time to move on to ways to eliminate them. Each breakdown has individual recommendations for repair, but there are a number of general tips that are suitable for almost any similar situation.

General recommendations

Experienced citizens who have repeatedly encountered similar problems recommend the following actions:

  1. If the mechanism jams while turning, clean or replace the cylinder. This will cost less than completely replacing the lock and will require less time for manipulation.
  2. If the key is stuck in the entrance lock and does not want to come out, treat the cylinder with lubricant. Kerosene or machine oil is suitable for these purposes.
  3. At the first sign of an impending breakdown, do not be lazy to disassemble the mechanism and check its condition.

Cylinder lock failure

The following problems may occur in the operation of the cylinder lock:

  1. Due to contamination, the mechanism will begin to turn worse, requiring more effort from the owner.
  2. The key gets stuck in the keyhole and it is impossible to pull it back out.
  3. During interaction with the mechanism, extraneous sounds appear.

Level type

If complications arise during insertion of the key into the mechanism cylinder, it is recommended:

  1. Insert the key on the back of the door.
  2. Grind off longitudinal protrusions that interfere with comfortable penetration. In situations where you cannot grind off the tabs, try applying light pressure on the keyhole.

How to remove a stuck or broken key

If your key is stuck in the lock and causing it to not turn, try one of the following methods:

  1. Treat the keyhole with oil or special lubricant.
  2. If the door is not closed, disassemble the lock and carefully remove the key.
  3. Using pliers or tweezers will help you remove the broken key.

Force methods

In cases where careful methods of influence do not help, they move on to forceful techniques. They are more effective, but can cause irreparable damage to the door or locking device. Forceful methods include:

  • breaking out;
  • knocking out;
  • drilling;
  • call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Breaking out

If the need arises to quickly open a stuck door, breaking it out will help. Algorithm of actions:

  • take the gas key;
  • use it to clamp the secret;
  • we turn sharply.

The cylinder and the fasteners holding it are destroyed, thereby allowing the door to be opened.

Advantages of the method:

  • speed;
  • simplicity;
  • the door remains intact.


After such an impact, the lock will finally break. It cannot be restored.


To drill, you need to insert a drill of a suitable size into the keyhole, and then drill out the pin mount. It holds the bolt and prevents the lock from turning. If everything is done correctly, the lock should turn smoothly inside the lock.


When knocked out, the lock is completely destroyed, and it will not be possible to restore it, as is the case with drilling. To knock out the lock, you will need:

  • prepare a hammer and chisel;
  • place the chisel on the lock;
  • knock out the lock cylinder with strong blows to the chisel.

Try to use a heavier hammer, otherwise you will have to fiddle with the jammed mechanism for a long time.

Contacting the Ministry of Emergency Situations or specialists

Opening doors yourself is not always a good solution. The owner of the apartment may incorrectly determine the essence of the problem and cause more damage to his property than necessary. To prevent this from happening, contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations or companies specializing in hacking. They will minimize damage and get the job done much faster.

What to do if the door in your apartment is jammed

For a person who finds himself in a difficult situation when the lock on the door is jammed, there are three options for seeking help:

1. To the housing office or management company. When calling a regular locksmith, you need to remember that he is not a specialist in opening locks on doors. Therefore, the maximum that the master can do is cut off the hinges with a grinder, drill out the lock cylinder with a drill, or press the door with a pry bar. In any case, you will need to prepare for expensive repairs or complete replacement of the door.

2. To the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Rescuers promptly arrive at the scene only when there is a real threat to human life or the danger of an emergency. For example, there is only one small child or a person in need of help behind a locked door, the gas is turned on, or the water tap is not turned off.

In other cases, you will have to wait 2-3 hours for the arrival of the Ministry of Emergency Situations officers. However, they also do not choose ways to open the door without damage, using tools such as an angle grinder and a pry bar. In the best case, the door and frame will simply be pulled out of the opening; in the worst case, they will saw it in half.

3. Call a specialized service for opening doors and locks. Experienced emergency service technicians deal with various models of locks and doors every day, so when opening them they choose the most reliable and gentle method. In all cases, they manage to open the lock (if it is jammed) or the door without damage.

Brute force

If you cannot open the door, but you have no other choice, then you can resort to extreme measures and use brute force. There are also different approaches possible here:

  • Cut off the hinges. Open fasteners are cut down along the hinge axis or plate and the canvas easily falls out of the opening.
  • Cut off the tongue. If the latch or bolt is clearly visible in the gap between the box and the canvas, and you can insert a hacksaw or grinder disk inside, try cutting it off. Be prepared for sparks from the metal.
  • Knock down the door. If you don’t have the right tools at hand and the door is very flimsy, you can easily knock it out of the opening.

Knocking down a slammed door should only be done as a last resort.

Such methods should be used only when other methods have failed. Most likely, after a break-in, you will have to change the door or, at least, restore the door leaf and frame. The fittings will also need to be replaced.

It is quite possible to open a door without a key, but not all methods remain without a trace. To prevent such a need, regularly check the serviceability of the locks and install mechanisms that do not slam shut spontaneously.

Who should I contact for help?

In cases where the problem cannot be solved on your own, you need to call a specialist.
In most cases, this will be cheaper than trying to open the door yourself by breaking the lock. Do-it-yourself actions often lead to the key breaking in the keyhole, and this in any case leads to calling a technician and completely replacing the lock. Our staff will open the lock with special tools. Prices for their services vary in different cities and companies, and depend on the source of the problem. The craftsmen will try to preserve the integrity of the lock if possible, but if this is not possible, they will offer an additional service to replace the mechanism on site. The average time for emergency opening of locks is 15-20 minutes.

If the lock breaks, there is no need to panic. Some problems with the door can be solved independently. The main condition is that if you can’t fix it, you need to contact a specialist.

Possible causes of failure

In second place after accidental slamming of the door are the following reasons for possible malfunction of the mechanism:

  • The key remained in the keyhole on the reverse side of the canvas;
  • Tongue jamming;
  • The latch is stuck;
  • Broken key in the locking mechanism;
  • Lost key.

Each of these problems has its own solution.

The door slammed

What to do if the door slams? This is an issue that requires immediate resolution. Most often, this problem occurs with a metal door structure equipped with a deadbolt lock, which automatically slams shut when closing.

To begin with, you shouldn’t panic, but turn your head on and start using the means at hand that can help you get out of the current unpleasant situation. You can try using a plastic card or a small piece of wire to open the door. But these items can be effective if the mechanism is not a crossbar type. Then you take a plastic card and insert it into the gap between the door leaf and the box, you need to try to press the tab so that it moves away and the door opens.

If the mechanism is crossbar, then heavy artillery enters the entrance - a grinder, with the help of which the crossbars are cut. After such an opening, you will have to completely replace the lock on the front door.

If the front door slams, and there are small children in the apartment or something is being cooked on the stove, then you should not waste time trying to open it yourself, but urgently need to call a rescue team who will do everything quickly and, in some cases, without damaging the door structure .

If the interior door slammed or a child accidentally locked it, you can use the plastic card method discussed above or try to disassemble the lock and get to the latch.

The lock is jammed

Interior doors, as well as entrance doors, are equipped with a latch, and if they slam shut due to a wedge, then first of all you should turn the handle in different directions, trying to activate the mechanism. If these manipulations do not give a positive result, then it is worth starting to disassemble the mechanism. To do this you will need a screwdriver, but if you don’t have one at hand, you can use a spoon, nail file or knife.

First of all, the handle is removed, after which an ordinary pencil is taken and inserted into the body of the lock, thus feeling for the mechanism. You need to press on it, releasing the latch.

What to do in a situation where the door to a room slams, which is equipped with a latch and its operating principle resembles a key? It is this that can be accidentally pressed, causing the structure to slam shut. Most often, this problem occurs due to the fact that the key was accidentally pressed first, after which the door was slammed.

For such cases, the design of the lock provides a special hole under the handle, into which it is necessary to insert a thin object, for example, a nail or wire. After this, the mechanism relaxes a little and it can be unlocked.

The key remained on the other side of the door leaf

There are handles that can be unlocked using a key, but how can you open an interior door if the key remains on the other side and it slams shut? There is no need to take radical measures and break down the door; you should find an ordinary knitting needle or any other thin object, and also take a newspaper. This opening method will only work if there is a small gap between the canvas and the floor through which the key will pass.

The newspaper is pushed under the door, and the key is pushed out of the keyhole using a knitting needle. The purpose of this method is to push the key out so that it falls on the newspaper, by pulling on which you can pull out the key under the canvas.

The key was left in the locked room

As you know, interior doors do not have a complex unlocking mechanism, so with proper skill it can be easily broken. You can open the lock if the interior door slams shut for some reason using a knife, knitting needle or hairpin.

The key broke off in the lock

This is a fairly common problem and its resolution depends entirely on how the key broke. If a small part of it is visible from the locking mechanism, then you can try to carefully grab it with pliers and pull the piece, and then make a duplicate of the key.

If it is not possible to get the fragment out, then using a nail file or jigsaw you can try to turn it inside to unlock the door.

How to open a door if the lock is jammed

Available methods for troubleshooting with your own hands:

  1. To open the door if the lock is jammed, you can try to clear the lock slot of debris and dust.
  2. Lubricate the device and try to open it again.
  3. If the mechanism is jammed due to the door being warped, you need to find a wedge and insert it into the gap between the door frame and the leaf itself. This will allow you to return the structure to its original position. Once aligned, the door should open.
  4. The cross-shaped lock can be easily opened without a key using chewing gum and a screwdriver. Chewing gum is placed in the well. After this, you need to insert and carefully twist the screwdriver. A few turns will allow the gum to mold to the shape of the key and the locking mechanism will open.

The key is difficult and does not move completely into the keyhole

This means that the lock cylinder or lever mechanism has broken. In such a situation, you will need a special tool and the help of professionals, because you will have to completely dismantle the device.

Problems with the lock may occur due to the key inserted from the inside. If it is not turned, you can try to push the key with a pin or nail through the lock slot.

The locking mechanism, which is subject to intensive use for a long time, must be lubricated. After processing, carefully insert and remove the key. You can lightly tap on it, while gradually pushing the key inward. Do this slowly so as not to completely break the device.

A decorative strip may interfere with the key's movement. After removing it, the key enters the keyhole all the way.

Blockages in the keyhole are detected by highlighting it. This can be done with a flashlight or mobile phone. Broken matches or small debris are removed with a metal hook or tweezers.

The key won't come out

If you cannot remove the key from the keyhole, you should not make sudden movements to avoid breaking it. Try pouring kerosene or special machine oil into the gap using a syringe. After 10 minutes, shake the key, but do not force it. If you managed to open the front door of your apartment, remove the lock and check its core.

Sometimes the mechanism works when the door is open, but when closed it jams. In this case, you need to bore the doors.

The tongue is jammed

It happens that the door does not open, even if you turn the key all the way. This problem can be easily resolved by using any narrow metal object, such as a utility knife, to open the lock. Any plastic card will do.

Pull the door leaf away from the jamb and insert an ax or crowbar into the resulting gap. This will give you access to the tongue. Try pressing it into the lock with a knife, the door should swing open. After this, you need to disassemble the mechanism and find the cause of the breakdown. Most often this is a weakening of the spring.

The lock is broken

In cylinder models, you can remove the broken cylinder using a drill or pliers. The outer part is bitten off or drilled out, and the remains are knocked out with a thick screwdriver and hammer. After this, the crossbars located on the drive mechanism are moved with a metal hook.

The main problem with lever locks is plate jamming. It is not easy to open such a mechanism, therefore, without the necessary skills, it is better to entrust the solution to the problem to specialists.

If a door lock is jammed, it is much easier to open it from the inside because almost every home has the necessary tools. In addition, from the inside you can easily remove the mechanism, especially the overhead type.

Unlocking the lock

If the lock is blocked due to water ingress in winter, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Use a lock defroster. The substance is otherwise called “liquid key”. The product is available in the form of a spray.
  2. Take matches and a lighter. Heat the key a little in the fire and insert it into the lock. Shake slightly to the sides. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to break the VAZ lock.
  3. Spray the keyhole with alcohol or an alcohol-containing substance. For example, cologne or eau de toilette. Pure alcohol actively generates heat and dissolves ice.
  4. Make a heating pad from a bottle of warm water or a bag of hot sand. Place the makeshift heater against the lock. Keep the heating pad on for a couple of minutes.
  5. Pour some windshield washer fluid inside the lock. Remember, the washer contains isopropyl alcohol, which has an aggressive effect on metal.
  6. Take a cocktail straw and insert it into the lock hole. Breathe inside. Warm air can melt ice.
  7. Try applying silicone grease around the perimeter of the rubber seal. In some cases, the car door freezes in this very place.
  8. Direct the hose containing the exhaust gas from the pipe of another vehicle into the lock.

If none of the methods help, all that remains is to drive the VAZ inside a warm garage. There the car will warm up, you can try to open the driver's door.

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