How can you open a plastic balcony door if it is jammed?

Methods to open a balcony door from the inside or outside if the fittings are jammed. The funds are at hand necessary for this.

Finding yourself closed from the street when you have no idea how to open the plastic balcony door from the outside is unpleasant and even unsafe if the balcony is not insulated and the weather is not conducive to walking in your home clothes. Owners of plastic windows and doors of an old standard that are not equipped with a handle for outside use are not insured against similar incidents.

The absence of additional fittings is a feature of the most common models of PVC windows and balcony doors. What to do in such cases and what are the current methods of getting home without harm to the structure of windows and doors? There are options, and anyone whose balcony door is not equipped with a double-sided handle should take note of them.

How to open a plastic balcony door from the outside if you stay on the balcony

Finding yourself closed from the street when you have no idea how to open the plastic balcony door from the outside is unpleasant and even unsafe if the balcony is not insulated and the weather is not conducive to walking in your home clothes. Owners of plastic windows and doors of an old standard that are not equipped with a handle for outside use are not insured against similar incidents.

The absence of additional fittings is a feature of the most common models of PVC windows and balcony doors. What to do in such cases and what are the current methods of getting home without harm to the structure of windows and doors? There are options, and anyone whose balcony door is not equipped with a double-sided handle should take note of them.

Prevention measures

It is much easier to prevent a malfunction than to get into a difficult situation and urgently try to fix it. Preventative measures do not take much time:

  • All moving structural elements must be lubricated twice a year.
  • Clean the fittings from dust and dirt to prevent foreign objects from getting into the mechanism.
  • Turn the door handle smoothly, without jerking.
  • Do not open the sash until the handle has been completely turned to the desired position.
  • Do not hang bags on the door handle, do not lean your elbows.
  • Check the position of the door from time to time and make adjustments if necessary.

If the operating rules are followed and proper care is taken, the plastic balcony door will serve without causing problems.

Caring for a metal-plastic door

It is quite easy to recognize that something is wrong with your metal-plastic door. Main features:

  • extraneous noise, grinding during opening;
  • depressurization (water leakage, draft);
  • violation of sound insulation;
  • handle jamming;
  • cracks, chips on plastic.

In general, some metal-plastic problems cannot be solved. This is especially true for the plastic frame, which can quickly deteriorate, especially in the unfavorable northern climate. Protection of locks and curtains can be ensured periodically (once a year or two) by lubricating them with medium-thick oil. Periodic checking, lubrication of the main components, replacement of rubber bands and gaskets will extend the service life and protect you from troubles with sudden jamming of the door.

Why doors jam: main reasons

First, let's figure out why the balcony door

balcony or loggia, which previously served well. There may be several circumstances. One of them is a sloppy appeal. Sudden movements on a plastic balcony door can lead to the opposite effect - the latch mechanism will not work correctly and the exit will be blocked.

The malfunction of the door can also be affected by malfunctions of the devices. So, for example, the reason is:

  • in malfunctions of the lock mechanism when opening the door in the “ventilation” mode;
  • the handle is broken;
  • in a distorted structure;
  • in freezing of the system due to condensation formed between the box and the seal.

The listed faults are not critical. How to find the reason for the jamming of the canvas, it is worth trying in a piquant way to return it to the “open” position. It is important at such moments to remain patient and not panic, trying to break the product. A broken balcony door will add trouble and costs for repairs and replacement.

Options for “release” from a balcony blocked from the inside

If the plastic door to the balcony, where there is at least a small set of tools, is jammed (it wouldn’t hurt to keep it there just in case), then the situation can be considered controlled. An ordinary screwdriver is enough to gently press out the lock latch, slightly pressing the fittings. If everything is done correctly, the leaf flap will open slightly and you will be able to stick your hand in for the final opening.

Video: How to open a plastic balcony door from the inside?

The video shows how you can open the plastic door to the balcony

from inside the apartment using a handle.

Course – “How to break into a balcony door” [confirmation]

How to break open a door on a balcony

? I will teach this technique - Troll)

Instead of a screwdriver, a spatula, hacksaw or knife are suitable for these purposes. The main thing is to try using a sharp object to lift the bead that secures the double-glazed windows on each side of the door, disconnecting it from the central part to the edges. The same manipulations must be done from above and below, then try to pull out the glazing bead by pulling it in your direction, thus freeing the glass unit.

A fundamental point: the weight of a double-glazed window in a balcony door design can exceed 30 kg, so you should be very careful when holding it after all the manipulations.

After the double-glazed window is pulled out, unhindered access to the door handle from the inside will open. Even if the lock does not work and the door cannot be opened, you can get inside through the window opening by continuing to repair the door in a warm room.

Attention! You should not try to knock out the glass unit. The outer glass is quite thick and will most likely withstand pressure. Only a heavy iron object can handle glass with a width of 4 mm or more. Glass shards can cause injury, and replacing double-glazed windows will require investment.


Let's start by considering the most unpleasant option. The door jammed while you were on the balcony or loggia. It doesn't open and you can't get into the room. In this case, the main thing is not to panic, but to quickly find a thin metal or plastic tool (knife, spatula, hacksaw blade, chisel) on the balcony. In a word, everything that can be used to hook the glazing bead that secures the double-glazed window to the door. After this, trying not to scratch or leave deep burrs, pick up the glazing bead from the long side in the middle and carefully, with both hands, detach it from the center to the edges. Do the same on the other side, and then on top and bottom.

Having freed the glass unit from the holding bead, it can be easily removed by pulling the top edge towards you. You just have to remember that the weight of 1 sq. m of triple glazing over 30 kg. Therefore, be careful, especially if you have a full-height double-glazed window installed on your balcony door. It can be very heavy. By removing the double-glazed window and carefully setting it aside, you will have access to the door handle and the ability to open the lock from the inside, and if it does not work, simply climb into the room through the free opening.

Do not under any circumstances try to knock out a glass unit. It is quite durable, and the outer glass can be 4 mm thick. And such glass can only be broken with a heavy metal object. In this case, fragments are inevitable, which can seriously injure you. And double-glazed windows are not cheap.

If the door is jammed when you are indoors, everything is much simpler. You can use the tool that you have on your farm, or call a specialist. But in most cases, a specialist will not be needed; all reasons can be easily eliminated with your own hands.

If the balcony door, open for ventilation, does not want to return to the vertical position, just move the handle to the horizontal position and feel for the metal tongue at the end of the door where the lock is located, just below the handle, to return it to its original position (vertical). Or press the spring-loaded plate blocking the door lock and, also aligning the door vertically, press it against the door frame and turn the handle all the way down, closing the lock. After that, open it again. The fault should disappear.

A broken door handle is not the actual reason why the door is jammed. This is the result of either wear and tear of the material from which it is made, or excessive force with which it was opened or closed. Replacing it will take no more than 10 minutes, if you have a spare one. It is enough to pull the decorative plug at the base of the handle towards you, turn it 90° and unscrew the freed screws that secure the handle.

Carefully pull out the broken handle with the rod and insert a new one in its place, tighten the screws, and return the decorative trim to its place.

Jamming, as a result of a sagging balcony door, does not happen all at once. This is certainly preceded by difficulty opening the lock, clinging to the edge of the door frame, or creaking. Therefore, if you did not fix these problems in time, a jammed door will be your punishment for negligence and laziness.

To eliminate this reason, it is necessary to remove the decorative trims from the hinges, try to open the door by lifting it with your hands by the bottom edge, or remove the double-glazed window to lighten the structure and eliminate critical sagging. After this, using hexagonal L-shaped keys, adjust the position of the door in the vertical, horizontal and frontal planes.

Before installing decorative trims, do not forget to lubricate the door hinges for preventive purposes.

Freezing of a plastic door to the door frame is very unpleasant. This happens in severe frosts, when the door was slightly opened for ventilation, condensation accumulated on the seal. After closing, it freezes and tightly “grabs” the door.

In this case, think carefully about whether you have an urgent need to immediately open it and find yourself on the balcony. Or you can wait with a piece of meat or dumplings stored in the cold until warmer days.

In most cases, the cost of an uneaten piece of meat is not comparable to the cost of a broken door. But if you really can’t wait, or your beloved dog is freezing on the balcony, then there is only one way out. Again, dismantle the double-glazed window, rescue the unfortunate animal, and, armed with an ordinary hairdryer and dressed warmly, walk a stream of hot air along the entire perimeter of the door, slightly pulling the door handle towards you.

Usually, after 5-10 minutes of such intensive treatment with warm air, the door thaws and opens. After this, thoroughly wipe the door frame and seal with a dry, lint-free cloth and lubricate the rubber seal with silicone grease to prevent the possibility of freezing in the future. Replace the glass unit.

In the warm season, a similar situation can happen if the seal or door frame is densely strewn with traces of the hands of a rogue party (protein cream cakes, sweet champagne or jelly). In this case, it is not a hair dryer that will help, but a steam generator, or plenty of water treatments with warm water.

If none of these remedies help, do not try to break down the balcony door. If the plastic profile bursts or the lock breaks, they cannot be repaired. Call a specialist. Perhaps the reason is a breakdown of the rods that operate the closing mechanism. You cannot repair them.

Related article: How to remove a door from card hinges

Entrance door

A jammed interior door is a nuisance, but we can solve the problem, there is a wide range of options and time, unless, of course, a frightened child is screaming behind the structure. But what to do if there are problems with the metal product and the reinforced lock of the front door. The question of how to open an iron door using improvised means is quite difficult. First of all, you need to eliminate panic and try all the safe options without financial or health losses.

Each problem has an individual approach. If the key is lost or broken, then how to open the product without a key is a pressing question. The “skillful hands” or “do it yourself” option from scrap materials is almost impossible. Regardless of the complexity of the lock, professional tools are needed. To open a padlock, which is very rarely used for the front door of a residential building, a crowbar and the strength of a burglar or a metal file are enough.

If the lock is internal, you need a screwdriver, hammer, chisel, drill, or everything can be replaced with a set of master keys. First of all, you need to remove the decorative trim around the lock, knock out or drill out the lock cylinder, and only then is it possible to open the door. In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that as a result of all the measures taken to open the door, replacing the lock is inevitable, and this is the simplest option; it is more difficult if you have to change a door that has been removed from its hinges or knocked out of the door frame.

The key is broken

The key broke in the lock hole. In this situation, you need to remember the main rule - do not push the fragment remaining in the lock deeper. You can always find improvised tools in your pockets, purse, or from your neighbors to carefully remove the debris. A nail file, pliers, a thin file, a jigsaw file, an awl, and, in extreme cases, straighten the ring from a bunch of keys are suitable. The extraction process is delicate and can take a long time. The main thing is to remember not to damage the lock, which can later be opened with a spare key or a copy of the key, urgently made from debris in the nearest workshop.

Lost key

The key is lost, and there is no possibility that neighbors or relatives have a duplicate. The question of how to open a structure without a key is not so easy to solve; it all depends on the type of lock. The better the quality of the lock, the more degrees of protection the locking mechanism has, and without special dexterity, skill, or experience, it cannot be opened. In this case, turning to professionals is inevitable. If the lock is simpler, then there are options to open it, and there are two main ways. The first method is to knock out the lock cylinder with a hammer or improvised tools.

It is enough to hit harder, and if the lock is not reinforced, it will easily break - the cylinder along with the cracker, remove the screw and open the lock - a matter of technique, bent with a knitting needle or wire. The second method is to drill out the secret itself, and as a result the lock will open with any flat object of suitable size. As a result of such simple operations - the lock is broken, the door is open, and in the near future - a trip to the hardware store for a new lock.

Lack of tools

It is impossible to open the product without a key due to the lack of tools or skills, and the front door is non-metallic. The solution in this case is to knock down the door. If the door opens inward, then knocking the door down is faster and easier than fiddling around with master keys or even tools without the slightest idea about the design of the lock. The main thing you need to know in the process of knocking down a door is that the blow needs to be targeted and sharp, near the keyhole.

Ruler for unlocking a balcony door - how to use it?

If a set of tools, a knife or a hacksaw, when the balcony door on the loggia or balcony

It didn’t turn out, but there is an opportunity to use an iron ruler, it’s worth trying to get out with its help.

Just as in the case of the sharpened objects listed above, you can use a ruler to pick up and pull down the latch of the blade. Actions must be careful, without haste, with respect for the construction material. The plastic is quite flexible, so the ruler will be able to reach the target.

If you can’t open the latch with a ruler, for example, when the reason for the jamming is not in the lock, it’s worth trying an effective and piquant method of unscrewing the door hinges. It will be easier to cope with the task if you know their structure. Typically, a balcony door hinge is an iron tab with fasteners, a frame part and a spacer sleeve.

By adjusting the composite hinges, even when the door is stuck, you can slightly move the door in the appropriate direction.

Fundamentally: in most cases, the screws of the door leaf are disguised with decorative overlays.

We use improvised means

When opening the sash from the outside, you can use whatever is at hand: a ruler, a metal strip or even a knife. It is important here that the element is sharp and durable. In any case, it is important to prepare for the fact that, despite the reliability of plastic doors, they do not guarantee protection against penetration from the outside, although they provide excellent protection from cold and bad weather.

It is easy to disable the balcony door fittings by using a thin and durable object. If you do not want to damage the structure, it is recommended to additionally use some available means. It is placed between the frame and the glass unit, eliminating any damage to the appearance of the frame

The opening principle is based on the following:

  1. A ruler or metal strip is placed inside the balcony door so as to engage the latch.
  2. After this, gently press on it to open the latch.

Even beginners can do this without special training. At the same time, the chances of damaging the door opening mechanism are minimized. However, small scratches may appear at the junction of the door and the door frame. But when you get home, they will seem insignificant to you.

Please note that if there is a lock on the balcony door, which is common, especially on the lower floors, the above methods will not work. There is a method that will help in any case - using a drill. It is used to drill out the locking mechanism. However, in this case, the plastic balcony door will require replacement, which will be expensive.

It is important to understand that the tool you use to try to open the door will damage its expensive profile. If this is important to you, wait for help or look for other methods to solve the problem. However, there is almost always a way to open balcony doors from the outside. Therefore, the answer to the question of what to do if the door slams shut will be a recommendation for finding a suitable tool to help open it.

Opening plastic windows: methods and techniques

Let's say the window is closed, you're outside, and you only have a flathead screwdriver. First you need to find where the latch is. You will need to carefully press out the window sash by pressing on the fittings. If you manage to do everything correctly, the sash will open slightly, you can stick your hand in and turn the handle, opening the window completely.

How to open a plastic window from the street using a ruler?

If you don’t have a screwdriver at hand, but you find a metal ruler, you can use the following scheme: place the ruler between the window frame and. Then you need to find the latch, try to hook it and pull it down

You need to act carefully so as not to damage the plastic of the window. This material is quite flexible and will allow you to squeeze a ruler where it is required without any problems.

If you do everything correctly, the window will open.

However, it is worth considering that they have a variety of designs, and you need to act in accordance with what design you have installed. The above methods illustrate how to open a plastic window with standard handles. If you have a different design in front of you, these methods may not work.

How to open a plastic window without a handle?

Opening such a structure from the street side on your own is extremely difficult. You can try to use any narrow object if the window is not locked. This method will help protect the structure from damage, and it will continue to function. If opened, it may be damaged. Almost always mechanical scratches remain on it, less often chips.

Another way to open a plastic window from the outside is by drilling. It will damage the frame, since a through hole will appear in it, through which you can insert a narrow object, for example, a wire or a handle, and open the doors with its help.

How to open a double-glazed window,

without harming it - an important issue for the window owner. Not everyone will want to change or repair after they need to break into the premises. These methods are the safest for the structure and allow you to maintain its functionality.

The door is jammed: what to do inside the room

It’s not so unpleasant to be faced with the fact of a jammed door inside a room, having at hand everything you need to solve the problem on your own, as well as the opportunity to call a specialist who knows what to do if the door to the balcony is jammed and how to set it up for normal operation without replacement.

Often the balcony door gets jammed from the inside during ventilation mode. To solve the problem, it may be enough to simply set the handle in a horizontal position, then try by touch to find the iron tongue at the end of the blade in the lock area, setting it in a vertical position.

As an option, it is also worth trying to press down the spring-loaded plate responsible for locking the lock, or to align the blade in a vertical position, attaching it to the box and turning the handle all the way down. These actions help to open

balcony door from the inside without radically interfering with the operation of the system.

What to do in unusual situations?

Sometimes, especially during severe frosts, a plastic door can freeze to the door frame. This can occur when the structure is open for ventilation or if condensation accumulates on the seal. This leads to it freezing and the inability to open it. Initially, you should think about whether it is really urgent to open the door. If this is the case, do not try to break down the door. This will not lead to anything good.

Initially, you can try to warm the door. To do this, you should use a hairdryer. For mild freezing, 5-10 minutes of intense heating will be sufficient. After this, wipe the box and wipe the seal with a lint-free, dry cloth. The top is lubricated with silicone lubricant to prevent further freezing.

Appearance of a frozen metal-plastic door

Balcony Door Doesn't Open for Ventilation

Jamming of a plastic balcony door is one of the most annoying breakdowns that sometimes happens to this fairly reliable structure. It’s doubly unpleasant if the door jams when you go out onto the balcony in a light robe and slippers on your bare feet to bring some groceries from the balcony or just smoke. Most plastic door designs are not equipped with a balcony handle on the street side that covers the lock. Therefore, closing the door tightly behind you is quite problematic. This serves as a kind of guarantee from choosing the right studio that you will be stuck on the balcony.

Some “reactive” owners try to slam the door behind them with a sharp jump only on themselves, managing to pull out their hand in the end. With some skill this can be done. However, the problem is that it is not possible to calculate the force when you are busy and need to sharply pull the door towards yourself in order for the latch to work. A blow to the box may cause a loose or worn handle to fall down and trigger the door lock. That's "jamming" for you.

On the contrary, the door is jammed, not quite correctly. You can choose the studio that it was handled incorrectly, not from a blow, as it is also called a sharp slamming, then the prerequisites should be found in the malfunction of the locking parts or door hinges.

They are few. Is this possible:

  • activation of the lock mechanism when the door is opened for “ventilation”;
  • broken door handle;
  • distortion of the structure;
  • freezing of the door during winter due to condensate accumulated between the frame and the seal.

None of these circumstances are fatal. Simply, if the balcony door does not lock, or in other words, does not open, you need to try to find out the reason, and not try to force it back into a vertical position, or, in other words, open it abruptly.

Although the design is reliable, it can break if too much force is used. Still plastic.

Let's start by considering the worst option. The door jammed when you were on the balcony, also called a loggia. It doesn't open and you can't get into the room. In this case, the main thing is not to panic, but to quickly find a narrow iron or plastic tool (knife, spatula, hacksaw blade, chisel) on the balcony. We conclude that what remains for our client to do is to hook up the glazing bead that secures the double-glazed window to the door. After that, trying not to scratch and not to leave deep burrs, pick up the glazing bead from the long side in the flow and carefully, using two hands, disconnect it from the center to the edges. Do the same at the same time, and at the end from above and below.

Having freed the glass unit from the holding bead, you can simply pull it out by pulling the top edge towards you personally. You just have to keep in mind that the weight of 1 sq. m of triple glazing than just 30 kg. Therefore, be careful, especially if you have a solid double-glazed window installed at the full height of the balcony door. You will like him more languid. By taking out the double-glazed window and carefully setting it aside, you gain access to the door handle and the ability to open the lock from the inside; if it doesn’t work, just get into the room through the free gap.

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Do not try to knock out the glass unit. It is quite durable; among other things, the outer glass is 4 mm thick. And such glass can only be broken with a heavy iron object. With all this, fragments are inevitable, which of course can seriously injure you. And double-glazed windows are expensive.

If the door is jammed while you are in the room, what remains to be done even easier for our client. You can use the equipment that is of course on your farm, as they also call it, call a master. Alas, almost always the master is not useful, our client is left with conditions that can simply be eliminated on his own.

The window sash opens in two positions simultaneously. Do-it-yourself plastic window repair.

If the balcony door, open for ventilation, does not want to return to a vertical position, just move the handle to a horizontal position and feel for the iron tongue at the end of the door where the lock is located, a little lower than the handle, and return it to its original position (vertically). Or press down the spring-loaded plate blocking the door lock and, in the same way, align the door vertically, press it against the door frame and turn the handle all the way down, closing the lock. Subsequently open again. The malfunction should go away.

Procedure for jamming a plastic balcony door

Jamming of a plastic balcony door is one of the most unpleasant breakdowns that can occur with this fairly reliable structure. It’s doubly unpleasant if the door jams when you go out onto the balcony in a light robe and slippers on your bare feet to bring some groceries from the balcony or just smoke. Most plastic door designs are not equipped with a balcony handle on the street side that covers the lock. Therefore, closing the door tightly behind you is quite problematic. This serves as some guarantee against getting stuck on the balcony.

Article on the topic: The plastic door has settled, what to do

What to do to prevent penetration from the balcony

The relative ease of opening a balcony door using improvised means does not guarantee complete safety for the apartment owners and their property. Of course, there are effective ways to protect against hacking. Special means will help, using which the owners must be prepared to face a serious problem if they happen to be locked on the balcony.

For those who want to protect themselves to the greatest extent, it is recommended to pay attention to special anti-burglary profiles and fittings. The last component consists of the following parts:

  • mushroom-shaped pins with clamping strips;
  • metal plates that prevent the handle from being drilled;
  • Overlays blocking direct access to the latches.

Used together, these precautions allow you to avoid unpleasant incidents associated with the entry of strangers into your home.

Anti-burglary fittings for balcony structures, preventing thieves from entering the home

To solve the problem with children who lock their parents on the balcony while playing, a false handle will help. This method allows you to avoid unpleasant dialogues with your child. The baby will believe that he managed to close the adult on the balcony. But the door won't actually be locked. The pen will be especially useful if you often encounter such children's antics.

What to do and how to open it if the plastic door is jammed

Metal-plastic windows and doors are an indisputable advantage of the current century. We get so used to their functionality and convenience that the unpleasant situations that sometimes happen to them often catch us unexpectedly. What to do when a plastic door

and there is no way to open it?

How to open the door


The very first and most basic advice that any professional will give you is not to worry, even if the situation turns out to be serious, with a calm head it is easier to decide what to do. First you need to follow some rules:

  • Don't hack. You should not try to use force unless there is an incredible reason for it. Using force can break fragile plastic parts and also cause economic loss. Often the cause of the problem can be removed with one 2 smooth movements, if you know how your plastic door
  • Do not pick with sharp objects. There is no need to pick locks or trim without understanding the reason why the door
    to the balcony is jammed. You put yourself at risk of damaging its appearance in this way.
  • Do not try to break the glass. It is not easy to break a good double-glazed window and is dangerous for your health: firstly, you can get hurt, secondly, if the weather is cool outside, you can catch a cold. If there is a need for this, the double-glazed window can be carefully dismantled.

What not to do

First of all, panic. Even if you are left on the balcony and cannot get into the room, there is always a way out. To solve any serious situation, you need to have a calm head.

There are certain rules to follow:

  • Do not break;
  • Avoid sharp objects;
  • Do not try to break the glass.

Using force unnecessarily can lead to disastrous results. Firstly, you can injure yourself and then you will no longer be able to reason soberly. Secondly, the door can be irrevocably damaged. But knowing its structure, the trouble can be eliminated with one or two easy movements.

Poking at the lock with sharp objects will most likely lead to nothing. It will only be a waste of time. And if you pry at the casing with something sharp, you can render it unusable. The appearance of the door will be spoiled, and the problem will remain unresolved.

Only panic in the head can cause thoughts of breaking glass. This is a very bad idea. The glass unit is strong enough to make this easy. In addition, confusion in thoughts will not allow you to perform the operation correctly. Injuries and unpleasant consequences are inevitable.

If there is a serious need to remove the double-glazed window in order to enter the room, you need to carefully dismantle it.

We use a screwdriver

It happens that a person goes out onto the balcony, and the door slams shut. There is no one at home, or members of the household do not hear the call for help. In this case, you will have to think about what to do. Try using a screwdriver or other similar tool that can be found on the balcony. This is the so-called folk hacking method. Without using tools, you will not be able to open a door or window.

Finding a screwdriver is easy. It can be stored on the balcony. If it is located on the ground floor, you can go to the store or ask your neighbors for the required tool.

The principle of opening with a screwdriver is simple. Place the sharp end into the slot where the latch mechanism that holds the sash in place is approximately located. Gently press on the free end until a gap appears. This simple method will help you open the latch and get inside. However, it is recommended to act carefully if you do not want to break the mechanism.

The door handle is loose

This procedure is considered the simplest when compared with other problems. Depending on the degree of damage, this element can be tightened in the right places, adjusted or replaced.

If the handle becomes loose, you need to turn the base bar 90 degrees. This will make it possible to regulate the screws that attract the element to the PVC profile. In order to better fix the part, use a screwdriver.

Self-adjustment of self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.

The need for replacement may become apparent unexpectedly when inspecting the mechanism.

Let's look at the procedure:

  • Turn the handle or part that is preserved parallel to the floor;
  • Remove the plug located at the base (rotate 90 degrees);
  • Unscrew the screws using a Phillips screwdriver;
  • We remove the handle together with the rod from the structure;
  • We install a new mechanism in the socket. If the rod is too long, you need to saw it off using a special machine;
  • We fix the screws. In the process, you need to control the force to avoid damage to the handle itself or the PVC profile;
  • We mount the latch back, masking the screws;
  • We check the installed part, namely the door clamp and the free movement of the handle.

The door jammed when changing positions

Plastic door

the balcony often jams when you try to move it with a sharp movement from the “ventilation” state to the “open” state, and also vice versa. The handle is blocked and the structure itself freezes, relying solely on one point, mainly the lower corner, and it is difficult to open or close it.

In this case, you need to decide what brand of fittings. The brand name can be found on the lock plate. As shown in the photo.

For products with the brand of accessories “Winkhaus”, “GU”, “Roto”, on the cut, slightly below the handle, you need to find the iron tongue with your finger. It must be returned to its original position so that it becomes vertical. At the same time, with your other hand, set the handle in a horizontal position to the “open” position and press the door

. After turning the handle down, carefully close it.

If you have AUBI brand fittings, then instead of a tongue on the cut there appears to be an iron plate with a spring. In this case, it is necessary to vertically level the door , press the plate against the seal and close the door, while turning the handle down. You can see how this is done in the video.

Basic adjustments of the balcony door

To adjust the balcony door with your own hands, take it from your home toolkit or buy:

  • screwdrivers with a flat, cross-shaped tip (size selection is carried out according to the hardware of the fittings);
  • hexagon socket wrenches (triangular, pentagonal, and “star” splines are also used for imported designs);
  • pliers (pliers);
  • meter metal ruler or tape measure;
  • glue, scissors (to replace sealing rubber or silicone).

This video answers all questions about adjusting a plastic balcony door:

Each of the mechanisms of the locking structure and frame fastening on hinges is responsible for its own area of ​​work. But the same symptoms (the plastic door to the balcony does not close, the frame rubs against the frame with the bottom or side edge) occur when a specific mechanism is not configured correctly, so they need to be considered separately.

Causes of balcony doors jamming and their elimination

The first, most important condition that must be observed if the balcony door does not open is not to try to redouble your efforts. Excessive pressure on the handle or door leaf can damage the fittings or lead to deformation of the door leaf, and then repair or replacement will cost a decent amount. Of course, there is little pleasant in such a situation, especially if you find yourself outside. Trying to knock out the glass is ineffective, since the double-glazed windows in the doors are very strong. There are glazing beads on the glass side. They need to be carefully picked up with something sharp and carefully removed. After this, it will be easy to remove the glass unit from the frame. If the door jammed while you were inside the apartment, there are much fewer problems, but before you take any drastic action, you need to find out the cause of the breakdown.

Handle jammed

If you ignore the rules for caring for the fittings of a plastic balcony door, then this problem will definitely appear. The mechanism needs regular lubrication, otherwise it stops opening. To restore the mobility of a jammed handle, it is necessary to process the elements of the handle mechanism and locks. Any lubricant, including automotive lubricant, is suitable for this.

If the handle did not withstand intensive use and broke, it will need to be replaced. Accessories for plastic doors and windows can be purchased at any specialized store. Remove the handle when it is in the “open” position. The fasteners are located under the decorative plate. To get to them, you need to pull it slightly towards you and turn it to a horizontal position. Then all that remains is to unscrew the screws, remove the broken fittings and install a new handle.

Skewed or deformed door leaf

jam if the door leaf is skewed or deformed. As a rule, such a problem does not appear immediately, and an attentive owner will definitely notice the first signs: a deformed seal, a creaking handle, the need to make more effort to close the door. Misalignment often occurs when the hinges cannot cope with the load from a heavy sash.

The misalignment should be adjusted immediately. First you need to find out in which direction the displacement occurred. The closed door is outlined around the perimeter with a pencil, then the door is opened and the side of the displacement is determined. To eliminate the vertical distortion of the structure, tighten the hexagonal screw, which is located in the upper or lower part of the hinge. Turning clockwise lowers the sash, turning it in the opposite direction raises it. To level the horizontal plane, you need to slightly remove the plugs from the hinges, tighten the hinge screw and use a hex key to rotate the screw. These actions help solve the issue of door leaf skew. If deformation occurs, it is unlikely that you will be able to fix the problem yourself; you will have to call in specialists.

The handle is blocked when turning

This happens if you sharply turn the handle and simultaneously move the sash. The opening mechanism freezes, the handle is blocked, and the door leaf remains with a single support point in the lower corner. The procedure for eliminating this problem will depend on the brand of fittings indicated on the handle mounting plate. If the product is marked Roto, GU or Winkhaus, you first need to find the metal tongue of the mechanism, which is located at the end of the frame, just below the handle itself. It needs to be turned vertically, while simultaneously turning the handle to the “open” position. Press the door firmly against the frame and close it with the handle.

For fittings marked AUBI, the tongue structure is replaced by a metal plate and a spring. The repair process goes like this:

  • the door leaf is leveled to the correct vertical position;
  • the plate is pressed tightly against the seal;
  • cover the sash and press it against the frame;
  • turn the handle to the “closed” position.

Types of locks

To find out the reason for the lock's failure, you need to know its design. Today, manufacturers offer different models of products that differ in design and locking mechanism.


Despite their strength and reliability, these are not the most popular models. The design of the bolt mechanism includes plates. If a lever lock breaks, it must be visually inspected under a light beam. It is possible that small foreign particles have entered the core and are interfering with the operation of the shutter mechanism.


In these devices, the main working mechanism is a cylinder, which, if broken, must be drilled out with a drill, removed and a new core installed. Cylinder locks are most often installed in plastic doors.


The PVC door leaf is secured using the magnetic components of the locking device. They are used relatively rarely, but are quite reliable.

The operation of such mechanisms requires electrical power. Therefore, it is not recommended to install or replace them yourself; it is better to entrust this work to specialists.


Electric locks do not have handles or keys. A plastic door equipped with such a device is opened using a special key fob or electronic card.

Such bolt mechanisms are almost impossible to hack, so they are considered the most reliable. They require an electrical outlet to function.


The design of multi-locking mechanisms includes several special clamping parts. The quality of pressing of the leaf to the frame of the door block, the service life of the structure, as well as protection against burglary depend on these elements.

Stainless steel is used to make lock parts. The device turns out to be quite durable and reliable, and rarely breaks. But, if any malfunctions occur, most often the product has to be replaced.

PVC door handle jammed

It often happens that a plastic door

it got stuck on the balcony due to the handle not working. This can happen if the handle mechanism needs lubrication or is broken. In the first option, it is enough to treat the handle and lock parts with lubricant. For a plastic structure, any one you choose in an automotive chemical store will do.

The plastic door handle to the balcony breaks very often, especially in public areas. They are very fragile in themselves, and very often regardless of the price of the structure. Sometimes just a little more effort is enough and the handle will break off or the entire locking mechanism will break down. If the door

the balcony is jammed due to a broken handle, then an excellent option would be to change it. It’s not difficult to buy a new pen in absolutely any specialty store or market.

In order to remove the old handle, it is necessary, if possible, to set it to the “open” position. Next, pull the decorative plate at the very base of the handle towards you from a vertical position to a horizontal one, as shown in the photo. Having done this, we will see underneath the screws that secure the handle to the window. Having unscrewed the screws for fastening work using a suitable screwdriver, you need to carefully pull towards yourself and pull out the handle. The new handle must be inserted in place of the old one and secured with screws.

Diagnosing problems: step-by-step instructions

In order to correctly adjust the plastic door on the balcony, you first need to accurately determine the cause of the malfunction.

Door adjustment is needed in cases that are easy to determine yourself:

  • The door closes tightly, with additional effort.
  • When opening doors, you also need to apply force.
  • There is a noticeable air flow coming from under the door.
  • In a quiet position, the open door cannot lock in place and “creeps” to one side.

Replacing the rubber seal

Very often, the problem area of ​​such a door (like many others) is the tightness of the closure. In winter and in windy weather, this can be easily checked by the air entering inside.

Most problems are related to the condition of the special seal (usually rubber). Mechanical defects may be found in it:

  • uneven occurrence;
  • lag from the surface in certain places;
  • relief, swelling of the layer;
  • scratches, cracks.

Typically, the seal lasts a long time and only needs to be replaced if there is obvious wear. The replacement sequence will be as follows:

  1. First you need to remove the old filler, carefully dismantling it around the entire perimeter.
  2. Then the new rubber mount is inserted into the groove.
  3. The seal is evenly lined around the perimeter, but it must not be stretched - in this case, when cooling, it will tighten even more, which can cause cracks.
  4. It is glued at the nodes with a special glue.

The replacement of the rubber filler is clearly shown in the video

Here is an option with plastic windows, but replacing the seal on the balcony door is no different.

Door hardware repair

A problem with the rubber seal is the simplest problem. In this case, it is precisely this that needs to be checked first. The situation is more complicated with deviations in the lock or other door fittings, due to which it cannot lean against the surface perfectly tightly along the entire perimeter.

In this case, the diagnostic sequence will be as follows:

  1. First you need to open the door slightly and apply a sheet of paper to the surface.
  2. Next, close the door so that it presses the sheet tightly.
  3. Now you need to try to pull out the paper - normally it is very difficult to pull out.

If the paper is removed from the clamping space quite easily, it means that there are minor malfunctions. They can be eliminated by setting the constipation to maximum.

Next, you need to check the engagement of the rod with the response, as shown in the photo.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Open the sash and turn the handle to closed mode. Use a pencil to fix the level of the rod, as shown in the figure.

Then you need to close the door and mark the same levels on the frame with a pencil.

Now you need to carefully correlate these marks. The rod should extend to the end of the shoulder protrusion, as shown in the figure.

And here is a deviation option, when the marks do not correspond to the position of the answer.

In this case, you need to move the response to the optimal position.

Now you need to check the degree of pressure again using a test with a paper sheet.

If the clamp is not tight enough, then you need to move on to a more complete study of the problem:

  1. Close the door and trace it along the entire contour with a pencil.

Next, you need to open it and measure the width of the strip drawn with a pencil. Normally it is from 7 to 9 mm.

Next, using the strip, you can determine how much the door is shifted and in which direction. For example, in one case 4, in another 12 mm.

Then you need to adjust the position in the appropriate direction and to a certain distance.

If it is discovered that the door is somewhat narrower than the required size, while it is narrowed evenly, then the problem can be solved in another way - the sealing rubber must be replaced with the one that is supplied with plastic entrance doors.

This rubber is wider and can easily compensate for the detected difference.

Jamming due to distortion or deformation

Balcony door

may also jam due to the cause of its warping or deformation. If you have observed poor functioning of the handle for some time, creaking, or deformation of the seal in certain places, then this may be a misalignment of the door leaf. This often happens with a balcony door due to its impressive weight and frequent use. It is very easy to adjust the skew with your own hands. To do this, you first need to determine in which direction the skew is going. When the door is jammed and there is no way to open it, visually assess which direction it is skewed. If the door can be opened, even just a little, it is easier to detect misalignment. In the “closed” state, you need to circle the door

Opening it with a pencil, you can determine by the contour in which direction it has shifted.

When correcting distortion, the working front will go in the hanging loops of the structure, so first you need to remove the plugs protecting them. In this case, if the door is skewed in a horizontal position, then it is enough to lightly tighten the hinge screw, and then use a hex key to rotate the self-tapping screw, which is responsible for the horizontal surface, to make adjustments to the door leaf.

When the door is skewed in a vertical position, in order to correct it, you need to twist the self-tapping screw with a hexagon, which is located at the bottom of the lower or upper door hinge. In order for a skewed door to lift, the screw must be turned counterclockwise, and vice versa if it is necessary to lower it.

If all of the above actions did not help eliminate the problem, then, most likely, we are talking about deformation. Deformation can occur due to temperature changes or damage. The basis may also be poor quality installation process or materials from which the plastic door

. It is very difficult to correct the deformation on your own, so it is better to turn to experts.

Fault prevention

To avoid a situation where a plastic structure causes unpleasant moments, you need to learn how to behave correctly with it. Let's consider a few important points:

  • doors must be closed and opened with smooth, slow movements;
  • no need to jerk the door handle sharply;
  • sometimes, at least 2 times a year, after wet seasons, it is necessary to lubricate the moving parts of the doors;

Also, do not be lazy to protect your balcony from sudden temperature changes.

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