What to do if you lost the keys to your apartment, how to open the door and get home

Photo from the site: R62.fssprus.ru Anyone can find themselves in an unpleasant situation and, at the most inopportune moment, discover that they have lost the keys to their apartment and now cannot get into their home. If your search for keys in your bag and pockets is unsuccessful, you should think about how to solve this pressing problem.

In most cases, you can get by with small losses and limit yourself to just opening the lock. But sometimes it is necessary to take more serious measures and resort to the help of third parties. Our article will help you understand this difficult issue and choose the best option.

How to open the door if the key is lost

Everyone knows that such a problem is much easier to prevent than to solve, for this reason it is worth taking care of the presence of duplicate keys in advance. If you give the duplicate to your relatives, close friends or neighbors, you will not have to decide how to open the apartment if you have lost the keys. If you lose your main key, you only need to go and get a duplicate from the person who has it.

There are many ways to open the door, but if you do not dare to do it yourself, it is best to call your neighbors for help, contact a special service or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

There are also more difficult situations, for example, when a person lives alone and has only one set of keys. If he has lost the keys to his apartment, it will be difficult to immediately understand what to do. In this case, you can try to open the door yourself using popular improvised means. The opening method will depend entirely on the type of lock, some of which can be handled alone, others are equipped with an overly complex mechanism.

General Tips

Losing or losing the keys to your apartment is a common situation in which anyone can find themselves. General recommendations for behavior in this case:

  • You shouldn’t panic, even if you can’t find the keys; there are a number of ways to open the front door and get to your home. When you are emotionally unstable, you can make many mistakes;
  • First of all, you need to once again search your clothes, bag and car interior. It is not uncommon for keys to get lost in the lining of a jacket or backpack. After this, you should remember the path home along which you walked, carefully walk and look for the keys - they could at some point fall out of your pocket;
  • Try to remember if anyone has a spare set of keys to your house. It is always recommended to give the duplicate to relatives, parents or close friends.

It is strictly forbidden to advertise about missing keys. This may provoke intruders who may rob your apartment while you are away.

Cross type locks

Many modern door designs are equipped with mortise cross-shaped locks made in the form of cylinders; if you lose the key, you can open a door equipped with a lock of this type in several ways. First, you will need to drill a small hole above the well, then insert a master key or a handy tool of another type into it, slightly lift the stopper and move the bolt hook. You can also use a screwdriver that fits the size, placing it in the hole and turning it clockwise.

Photo from the site: Podkova7.ru

Opening the lock of interior doors

There are several tips on how to open a lock on an interior door without a key. In the case of a deadbolt mechanism, you can simply pull the door so that the deadbolt bounces back to its original position on its own. If this doesn't work, you should try to find a similar key. You can also use a master key. Depending on the type of mechanism, one of the simple instructions on how to open a lock with a hairpin will do. So, you can try to move the tongue in the gap between the leaf and the door frame, or try to move the levers or pins through the keyhole to turn the lock.

Cylinder locks

What should you do if you have lost the keys to a house or apartment that has a door with a cylinder lock? The method of opening such a lock will depend on how long ago it was installed inside the door. When it comes to an old lock, you can try opening it with a different key. In case of failure, take pliers, as well as screwdrivers of different sizes, which are usually used to open doors with locks of this type:

  1. First, you will need to unscrew the screws holding the decorative trim of the lock using a screwdriver that fits the size.
  2. Then you need to carefully hook the nearest cylinder with pliers and slowly move it.
  3. If you cannot remove the cylinder, you can place a screwdriver in the lock hole and move it to the side that corresponds to the rotation of the key in the lock.
  4. If the tool does not fit into the hole, it can be driven into it using pliers.

Opening the internal lock, or the door from the inside if it is jammed

If it turns out that the door needs to be opened from inside the apartment, the situation is much easier. There may be many items around the house that can help with opening a door. So, what methods can be used in this situation.

It often happens that the front door lock is equipped with a special tongue. In this case, you will need a screwdriver or other similar tool: you probably have at least a nail file in the house. To open the tongue mechanism using these simple devices, insert it between the door leaf and the frame and try to squeeze the lock tongue. It’s good if there is a man in the house: physical effort will be required. When the tongue is released, all that remains is to turn the handle and swing the door open.

For this method, you can use a regular plastic card.

You can also try using a screwdriver to disassemble the lock into individual parts, and thus get to the core of the locking mechanism.

You can rummage through various household items at home and try to open the lock by selecting various keys lying around in boxes of small items. But this method will only work if your lock mechanism is cylinder.

Experienced attackers sometimes use the following method: pour caustic acid into the keyhole, which melts the locking device. Of course, an ordinary person is unlikely to have acid in his house, but suddenly.

If you use this method, take every precaution: if acid can melt metal, imagine what it can do to skin.

Level locks

If the keys to your apartment are lost, a completely logical question arises: what to do in this situation. You can open a door with a lever lock by choosing one of two options: usually the mechanism is broken down by removing the pin responsible for the movement of the lever, or a more delicate method is used. To remove the pin, you will need a drill equipped with a special drill bit, as well as a hook, bent paper clip or wire.

If the door has a modern design and is equipped with a lock, supplemented with special protection against burglary, it will not be possible to open it using improvised methods; in this case, you will have to call specialists.

It is necessary to drill a hole only at the location of the main support of the mechanism, then insert a pre-bent hook into it and turn it to move the levers. A lock of this type quickly opens and with the help of two master keys, one of which must be placed in the recess to the end of the board, the second at the same time moves the levers to move the main pin.

Rough opening method

How to open an iron door without a key if none of the above methods worked? In this case, it is worth turning to a more crude method of opening the door - drilling. But this method will work if the lock is not equipped with drill protection.

To open it you will need an electric drill, a thick flat-head screwdriver, a metal drill and a hammer. It’s worth warning right away that after this method of picking a lock, you will need to buy a new cylinder.

First you need to try the folding method. To do this, insert a screwdriver into the cylinder; you can even hammer it in and start turning it. When you feel that the cylinder is turning, you need to pull the screwdriver towards you and remove it. After this you can get inside the room.

Well, the second method of rough hacking is to drill out the cylinder with an electric drill.

Locks with tongues and latches

Special types of locks, equipped with tongues or latches, are opened in several ways using a variety of objects. In the first case, you can open the door with a screwdriver or a plastic bank card, which is inserted between the lock frame and the door. The screwdriver allows you to gently press the tongue, then you just need to turn the handle for the door to open.

If the owner of the premises has lost the keys to an apartment with a lock equipped with a latch, it is worth keeping in mind that opening it will not be so difficult compared to other types of mechanisms. To do this, you need to remove the screws holding the handle using a screwdriver or additional tool, then pull them out completely. Afterwards, you need to remove the metal panel covering the mechanism and find the latch: by pressing on it, you can easily turn the door handle.

Photo from the site: Furnitura-okon.ru

Intercoms Laskomex

Often, the installers of these intercoms provide residents of the entrance with a four-digit code that will allow them to open the door without a key. To get into the entrance, you need to press the “B” button, enter the apartment number and this code.

1. Press 0 – “K” – 0 – “K” – 0 – “K” – 0 – “K”.
2. Enter 6666.

3. When “P” appears on the screen, press 8.

4. After 60 seconds the door should open.

Rack type locks

Rack and pinion locks are considered the most reliable, therefore, if you lose the key to a locking mechanism of this type, you should try to open the door using tools, because You won't be able to hack it alone. The simplest means at hand will help you open the door carefully without damaging the lock. By following step-by-step instructions, you can do this as quickly as possible:

  1. The rack lock can be easily opened using two small screwdrivers, the diameter of which allows them to be freely inserted into the lock. To begin with, one screwdriver is inserted into the hole, it is placed on the crossbar notch and the part is moved in the desired direction. Then the location of the bolt must be fixed using a second tool and this manipulation must be repeated until the lock is opened.
  2. When the question on the agenda is how to open a door with a rack and pinion mechanism if you have forgotten the keys, you can use a wooden wedge or a thin tree branch corresponding to the diameter of the hole. They drive it inside, then pull it out and cut it in those places where the notches remain, after which you can try to open the door with it instead of keys.
  3. If there is a small distance between the door jamb and the mechanism box, a tool is inserted into it, which must be pressed until it stops. After a gap has formed, a flat-type screwdriver is inserted inside; it will help you quickly move the bolts and open the lock.

Methods for opening deadbolt locks

Deadbolt-type locks are the simplest locking devices, the mechanism of which includes one or more crossbars. Therefore, the scheme for opening a deadbolt lock is quite simple: you should try to grab the deadbolt. The following tools are suitable for opening this lock:

  • Screwdriver. It is stuck into the gap between the leaf and the door jamb, forming a tension under the influence of which the bolt takes its original position.
  • String or fishing line. This version of the master key is only suitable for reverse type deadbolt locking devices. It is most convenient if there are handles on both sides of the door. A loop is made from fishing line or string, which is inserted into the hole, wrapped around the handle, and then pulled towards itself to simulate the movement of the key.
  • Pencil or stick made of soft wood. Such a tool is placed in a keyhole like a key. In order for it to penetrate deeper into the groove, you need to tap it with a hammer or other improvised means. It is much more effective to use a pencil or a stick made of soft wood, because then the teeth of the crossbar themselves will make the necessary grooves in it.

Crossbar-type mechanisms are simple and unreliable, so the question of how to open a lock with a master key in this case has an almost elementary solution. Regardless of the number of locking elements, they have a typical design, so they can be easily opened without the presence of a “native” key.

How to solve a problem with a broken key

If a person has lost his house keys and does not know what to do, he can use additional tools to help open the lock mechanism. But there are situations when a key left inside the mechanism breaks, does not move in one direction or the other, or simply gets stuck. In this situation, it is not always advisable to break the door, since replacing it will be quite expensive.

To begin with, it makes sense to try to open it by using tools that you can borrow from your neighbors. The type of tools will depend on where the entrance of the room opens, that is, inward or outward. To open the lock, you will need a grinder, pliers, a special screwdriver and a jigsaw file; in certain situations, use a drill and a small crowbar.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to open the door in the traditional way, but cannot do it, you should not solve the problem with radical methods. It is best to wait for the specialists to arrive.

First of all, you will need to remove the damaged key from the lock recess by placing a jigsaw file in it, teeth up, and slowly turn it. The goal is to hook the key, which is then pulled out of the hole along with the file. If the key breaks into two parts and one sticks out of the hole, you can turn it in the direction of opening with the lock key, hooking it with pliers.

If the lock is broken and does not open after removing the key, you should try to remove its cylinders by drilling out the cylinder. The drive mechanism is hooked with metal hooks, which will allow the bolts to get inside the lock body. You can also simply cut the crossbars using a grinder. This method is relevant for those who do not know what to do if they have lost the keys to their house or apartment.

Photo from website: Adchinem-minsk.by

How to open locks of different shapes

Sometimes you have to open the locks of utility rooms. These can be either hinged or mortise transom devices. Rack locks are often installed on garages, and sometimes situations arise when you need to get into a room, but the key is left at home.

In this case, you can use a thin screwdriver or a knitting needle. The picks are inserted into the keyhole, and the teeth of the rack are carefully moved towards the opening. It is important here that the rack is held in place at all times. Otherwise, under the action of the spring, the crossbars will return to place.

You can often hear that locks with a cross-shaped key can be opened with a screwdriver. This is true if the device is installed on a mailbox. However, if it is a hinged or mortise lock, then you cannot do without a special tool. These locking devices have 3 groups of pins, which means the tool must have the same number of hooks. It is manufactured according to the collet principle. By inserting the device into the keyhole and swiping the pins several times, you can open the lock.

Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations

If the owner of a private home has lost the keys to the apartment and does not know what to do in this situation, the easiest way out is usually to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Rescue service employees arrive as quickly as possible, regardless of the time of day, and will help you quickly open the door using tools. But it must be taken into account that rescuers will not waste time carefully opening the lock.

Most often, they simply cut out the mechanism or knock out a window if the apartment is on the first floor in order to open the door from the inside. In the future, the homeowner will have to urgently purchase a new door or replace the glass, which is associated with large and unforeseen expenses. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations should be called if the owner of the home has lost the keys to the apartment in the evening and does not know how to open the door.

Vizit intercoms

To get started, you should try the standard combinations:

▪ 12#345 ▪ 67#890 ▪ *#423 ▪ *#4230 ▪ *#3423 ▪ #196.

If the keyboard does not have the “*” and “#” buttons, press “C” and “K” respectively.

The service menu of the device can be called with code #999. If the call is successful, the intercom will emit two intermittent beeps.

After this, you can enter one of the combinations:

▪ 1234 ▪ 12345 ▪ 0000 ▪ 9999 ▪ 3535 ▪ 6767 ▪ 7056 ▪ 11639.

After a successful combination, the intercom will emit one short signal and open the door. In case of failure - two signals: try the next combination.

To exit the menu, press “*”.

1. Enter the service menu with code #999, wait for two intermittent signals.

2. Press 2 and wait a few seconds.

3. Press “#” and pause again.

4. Dial a combination from the list above.

By the way, if you successfully entered the menu with code #999, you can press 3 and attach a new key to the reader. If the intercom has enough memory, it will remember your key and you can open the entrance door with it.

Help from specialists

You can open the lock with minimal losses by calling a locksmith from the nearest housing department. You can also contact a special company, whose employees will be able to come and fix your problem. Their services are quite expensive, but you will save on a new door and, most likely, will be able to keep the lock safe and sound. Now there are a large number of companies that are engaged in opening lock mechanisms.

The services of private specialists will cost from 1000 to 3000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the lock being opened. You will also need to present documents that confirm your right to stay in the apartment, and an identity card.

Anyone can find themselves in an unpleasant situation and suddenly find themselves in front of the closed door of their own apartment. If the owner of his own home has lost the keys to his house, the question of what to do in this situation must be resolved in a calm state. First of all, don't panic. In this article, we have described all the available methods for opening common types of locks, which will help you solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Where to go after opening the lock

Regardless of how carefully the lock is opened , it is recommended to change it. After replacing the old locking mechanism with a new one, leave a duplicate with people you trust. This will help avoid emergency opening of the lock.

If you need to change the lock, contact our service specialists. Our locksmiths provide high-quality services for opening and replacing locks of any type from all manufacturers and use only safe methods. The best professional tools are used to carry out the work, and the specialist has a large selection of Abloy, Cisa, Mottura door locks with a high degree of protection. We work with official dealers, so the price of door locks is low. In addition, our employees will open the lock of a car and safe equipment of any reliability class.

Our organization has a large staff (more than 70 experienced specialists), so the time period from submitting an application to the arrival of the specialist is 15 minutes. Service centers are located throughout Moscow and the region, as well as near metro stations.

Call center operators accept requests 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By contacting us, you can count on favorable terms of cooperation, as well as:

  • High level of service.
  • Extensive selection of fittings and locks.
  • Various forms of payment.
  • Low prices.
  • Warranty and post-warranty service.

We provide services to individuals and legal entities and offer all possible payment options. Opening locks in Moscow in our organization is the best way to solve the problem without breaking the locking mechanism and damaging the door leaf.

More complex locking mechanisms will require a different approach

  • “Key” locks are quite common. What it is? Pressing the handle button on the inside locks the door. You need to know that strong cotton can cause a problem. As a rule, a high-quality mechanism of this type is equipped with a safety system. In an emergency, inspect the outside of the handle; most likely, you will find a small hole. We select an object that can fit into it: a knitting needle, a hairpin, a nail. We insert and press on the inner part of the mechanism, this will cause the key to open.
  • A locked latch lock will require more complex steps. Arm yourself with a screwdriver and remove the bolts, then remove the outer part. If the circumstances are such that there are no tools at hand, for these purposes you can use any flat tool at hand - a spoon, a nail file. When the inside of the mechanism is in front of you, carefully examine all the details. You need to find a small bump, press on it and press the handle, combining these two actions and the door will open. At first glance, it may seem difficult to cope with such a lock, but in fact, if everything you need is at hand, you will quickly find your way.

All these methods are good only when the mechanism is simple, but if trouble happens at the entrance to the house, such methods will not work. Next, we will figure out how to open external doors with different locks.

How to open locks of different shapes

Sometimes it is necessary to open the locks of utility rooms, in particular, hinged and mortise bolt devices. Rack locks are often installed on garages. And sometimes there are situations when you need to get into a room, but the key is left at home.

In this situation, you can use a thin screwdriver or a knitting needle. The picks are placed in the keyhole, and the teeth of the rack are carefully moved towards the opening. Moreover, it is especially important that the rack bar is constantly maintained. Otherwise, under the influence of the spring, the crossbars will return to their place.

It is often said that locks with a cross-shaped key are easy to open with a screwdriver. This option is available when the device is installed on a mailbox. But if it is a hinged or mortise lock, then you cannot do without a special tool. Such locks have 3 groups of pins, which means the tool must have the same number of hooks. It is manufactured according to the collet principle. By placing the device in the keyhole and swiping the pins several times, the lock opens.

The key is broken: what to do?

There are disappointments in life: the key broke and got stuck in the keyhole. To solve the problem you need hands and a set of tools:

  • The scrap is small.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Drill.
  • File.

This is a complete set of tools to solve the problem. Perhaps all you need is a nail file or a screwdriver.

The process of removing a key using a jigsaw file consists of the following steps:

  • Insert the nail file with the teeth facing up;
  • Move slowly, prying off the key;
  • Pull out the file with the key.

If after the procedure the lock still does not open, the mechanism may have been damaged.

If you come across a butterfly lock, in addition to the above-mentioned opening method, you can try this:

  • Make a hole above the well using a drill.
  • Neutralize the larvae.
  • Press the hook on the mechanism so that the crossbars move inward;
  • If that doesn’t work, you can cut them with a grinder.

If the door has gaps, you can use a screwdriver to pry it up, press it down, and suddenly it will give way.

Whatever happens, you shouldn’t try to get into the room through your neighbors’ balcony - it’s better to pay to call a locksmith if you can’t open it yourself.

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