Left door hinge, how to determine. How to determine left or right door?!

There are many companies offering professional door installation services, but you can do this procedure yourself. Before starting work, you should clarify the characteristics of the fittings and installation rules. Beginners often face the question of how to determine whether left or right hinges should be installed on a particular canvas. Our publication will help you figure it out.

Determining which loops you need is very simple

Left door hinge, how to determine. How to determine left or right door?!

Often, when purchasing and installing door locks or handles, it is important to know which opening door you have installed, right or left. You need to know this in order to choose the right lock. There are: universal locks (where the latch-tab is reversed for both the left and right doors), and locks that are exclusively right-handed or left-handed are also often found.

Let's consider options for doors, external and internal opening.

  • Left external opening door: Approach the door from the landing (street). If the door handle is located on the right edge of the door leaf, and the door hinges are on the left side of the door, and you open the door with your left hand, moving it towards you, then such a door is considered left-handed.
  • Left internal opening door: Approach the door from the apartment side. If the door handle is located on the right edge of the door leaf, and the door hinges are on the left side of the door, and you open the door with your left hand, moving it towards you, then such a door is considered left-handed.
  • Right external opening door: Approach the door from the landing (street). If the door handle is located on the left edge of the door leaf, and the door hinges are on the right side of the door, and you open the door with your right hand, moving it towards you, then such a door is considered right-handed.
  • Right internal opening door: Approach the door from the apartment side. If the door handle is located on the left edge of the door leaf, and the door hinges are on the right side of the door, and you open the door with your right hand, moving it towards you, then such a door is considered right-handed.

Installation of door hinges

Having determined in which direction the door will open and having purchased hinges based on this, you can begin installing the structure. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. First of all, you should mark the location of the loop. It should be taken into account that the greater the weight of the canvas, the more reliable the fixation of the device should be.

Location of the door hinge on the leaf

It should be remembered that in case of an error, it will be very difficult to correct the door leaf and platband.

  1. The contour of the hinge wing is applied to the end part of the door leaf so that the distance from the end of the door to the hinge is about 1.5 times the size of the mounted device.

Attaching a hinge to a door leaf for taking measurements

  1. Along the contour you need to make a small indentation equal to the thickness of the wing. The loop should fit into this recess as clearly as possible. If the wing protrudes from an insufficiently deep cavity, the tightness of the structure will be disrupted, which will cause certain problems with the movement of the canvas.

If the recess is too large, the left and right hinges of the door will “sink” into the depression, and this is fraught with skewed hinges, the appearance of a squeak and rapid failure of the door.

  1. You can avoid these troubles by using an electric router, which allows you to accurately determine the depth of the cavity on the door and frame, and carry out the work carefully and accurately. If it is not possible to connect a router to the process, the good old chisel, which exists in every home, will come to the rescue.

The process of making recesses using a router

Modern hinges are small in size and cannot withstand heavy loads. Therefore, experts recommend using three fasteners when installing heavy doors.

Let's look at the further stages of installation using an example.

Installation of hinges to the door leaf

Let’s assume that a structure that can be opened with the right hand is installed using a handle located on the left. In this case, you will need 3 right door hinges.

Fixing loops on the canvas

The upper and lower devices should be placed at a distance of at least 25 cm from the edge of the canvas, and the third - in the middle. Next, you should mark on the canvas the locations of the technological holes, which should coincide with the holes on the hinges. This can be done with a pencil by applying the fittings to the end.

Next, recesses are drilled, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the hinge screws. If the diameters do not match, the blade may be damaged during the process of screwing in the fasteners.

After the hinges are installed on the canvas, it should be attached to the box and the contours of the mounted fittings should be transferred. The process of installing hinges on the box is completely identical to the cycle of work with the canvas.

It is important to remember that the gap between the leaf and the door frame on each side should be 10-15 mm.

This is necessary for the normal functioning of the door at any level of humidity and air temperature in the apartment.

Door hinges. Door hinges for heavy doors: features of different types

Hinge on the front door

The weight and size of door leaves can vary greatly depending on the purpose of the door and the material from which they are made. While there are no problems with the choice of canopies for furniture and interior doors, the same cannot be said about door hinges for heavy doors or gates.

You need to select reinforced fittings for them, as they must withstand very serious loads.

What to consider when choosing

The operational characteristics of the doors themselves depend on the reliability and efficiency of door accessories: service life, noiselessness, ease and smoothness of opening. And if we are talking about products located at the entrance to a house or site, then additional requirements are imposed on the hinges.


  • Resistance to intense wear;
  • Resistant to moisture and dust;
  • High level of resistance to tampering attempts.

For reference. The most vulnerable point of steel entrance doors is the hinges, which are often cut off to gain entry into the house.

Therefore, when choosing canopies, we try to take into account all factors that may affect the safety, convenience and duration of their use.


  • Location of the door block;
  • Conditions and intensity of its operation;
  • Dimensions and weight of the sash;
  • The direction of opening the door leaf;
  • Appearance of fittings.

The maximum load is experienced by the gate hinges. The entrance door to a country house is subject to the influence of moisture and temperature changes. The door to the apartment operates in simpler climatic conditions. The intensity of use of interior doors is minimal
. If the door is very heavy, then in addition to the special design of the canopies, the optimal number of canopies is selected for each door. Quite often, instead of two, three or even four loops are used in order to more evenly distribute the mass of the fabric between them and eliminate possible deformations.

Advice. Calculating the number of loops is easy. The maximum load is determined for each product. If it is equal to, for example, 40 kg, then a cloth weighing no more than 80 kg can be hung on two loops.

Types of canopies for massive doors

Special fittings are selected only for really heavy doors. The instructions require installing it on canvases weighing from 80-100 kg. With a smaller mass, you can get by with regular loops, increasing their number if necessary.

By type of design

According to their design, hinges are divided into one-piece and detachable.

The first ones consist of two cards mounted on the rotation axis with holes for fastening. Standard loops are 10-12 cm long and are used primarily when installing lungs.

Material selection

Door hinges are made from ordinary black steel, stainless steel and brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc, sometimes supplemented with aluminum. Brass canopies, unlike steel and stainless steel, are cast rather than stamped. They are not cheap, but they are distinguished by precision workmanship and high quality decorative coating.

The color of the hinges most often imitates any metal: gold, nickel, chrome, copper or bronze. Their surface can be either glossy or matte. Stainless steel canopies are resistant to corrosion. They can even be placed on the entrance doors of a private house. Typically, such rotary mechanisms are not painted.

How to choose hinges for a door. Differences between the right door and the left one

The only difference between the right and left doors is which side of the door leaf the hinges are attached to, and which side the handle with the lock is attached to. Moreover, you need to understand that the design of the hinges, handles and locks themselves will also depend on the direction of movement of the door leaf. On the right door you will need to install right hinges and a handle adapted for the right hand.

It is important to choose the right fittings for a new door

You can use universal one-piece hinges, for which there is no difference in installation. But they are not very convenient when you urgently need to remove the door to free up the passage.

It is better to mount the door on removable hinges, which are also divided into right and left. Their name is determined by the position of the part without a pin when opening the hinge by hand: if the part without a vertical pin is on the right, then this is a right hinge, it is suitable for a right door. Because the part without a pin is attached to the door leaf, and with a pin - to the door frame.

If fittings and components were purchased in advance without taking into account the opening direction, then they may not be suitable for the desired design option.

Basic safety requirements

Before installing a door structure, you need to pay attention not only to its type in the direction of opening, but also to its compliance with installation safety standards. This will allow you to choose a convenient product that will be practical in use. The basic requirements for the door and its location are expressed as follows:

  • if it opens towards a narrow corridor, then the gap between the open canvas and the wall should not be less than 60 cm;
  • the width of the opening for the entrance structure should not be less than 90 cm, and for the interior - less than 80 cm;
  • the door in the bathroom or toilet should only open outwards;
  • if the front door opens towards the stairs, then the distance between the open door and the nearest step is planned to be at least 150 cm;
  • the front door is considered an evacuation door, so in case of danger it should not impede the movement of people to the street;
  • an open door inside the house should not interfere with free passage around the room.

Doors are installed according to safety requirements and room layout

Therefore, when choosing a door, it is worth considering the direction of movement and the size of the structure itself. Manufacturers provide a wide selection of models, so choosing the right door is quite simple.

Fire safety standards

When designing a doorway, it is necessary to ensure full and free opening of the leaf. It should not block the entrance to adjacent rooms or impede access to the elevator or stairs.

Entrance doors, according to regulatory documents, are considered evacuation doors in the event of an emergency and should not prevent the flow of people from exiting to the street.

From the above information, it is clear that each country has its own rules and regulations that need to be followed. The main thing is that the installed door leaf meets fire safety requirements, because in emergency situations this factor will play a big role.

How to choose a right or left entrance door. The lock is left or right, how to determine

How to choose the right handle for the front door?

Right or left: door handle diagnostic methods

When buying a handle for a door lock, find out in advance what type of opening your door has: left or right. The lock can be universal (suitable for any door), right or left. For entrance doors there is an internal and external opening type.

To determine which door is left or right, you need to look at the door from above (the right one closes clockwise). You should also look at which side the handle is located when you open the door towards you.

In other countries, the design of the door is determined in a different way. As a result, misunderstanding arises (imported components spoil the situation and bring chaos). To avoid misunderstandings, it is important to clarify the correct location of locks and hinges before purchasing. The ideal option is a universal handle, but you can also use a right or left one.

Left outer

If from the street the handle is located to the right of the door, then the door hinges are located on the left. Then the door can be opened with your left hand.

Left inner

The door handle from inside the apartment is located on the left. The door opens on the left.

Right outer

If you open the door from the street, the handle is located on the left of the door leaf, and the hinges on the right. The door opens on the right.

Right inner

When opening the handle from inside the room, the door hinges are located on the right and the handle on the left.

Features of different types of handles

On the bar

Handles usually have a type of design, the name indicates the letter (L - left or R - right).

There are also handles that have a universal design; the name of such handles always contains the letter “U”. This option is suitable for any door leaf. Such a handle can be easily reconfigured, for example the P85-9090-U handle.

On a flange (socket, separate)

The handle on the flange (rosette) is used for installation on doors made of metal or wood. They have a spring that is needed to return the handle to its original position when lifted up or pressed. It is securely fastened with screws, there is a hook on the spring, a reinforced system for limiting the rotation of the handle, and different configurations. Handles on a flange can have a single-row ball bearing in a flange housing, which makes it possible to use it in rooms where a lot of people walk.


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Hinges for interior doors: main points when choosing hinges

Before you go to a specialized store to buy door hardware (in our case, hinges), you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • material, weight and width of the door leaf;
  • color and style of door design;
  • location of hinges: right, left;
  • location of the door (entrance or interior);
  • operating intensity is divided into low, medium, high;
  • design feature of the door end; it can be folded or smooth;
  • technical feasibility of fastening the selected type of hinges.

The most important point when choosing a sash rotating mechanism is to ensure the strength, reliability and load-bearing capacity of the connection. A door with incorrectly selected hinges or installed with gross violations has a significantly reduced service life.

Therefore, at the preparatory stage, it is important to have information about the weight of the door leaf, as well as its width. In this case, it is especially important to correctly determine the weight category of the sash. The final value should consist of the weight of the canvas and all components. These are locks, handles, closers and more. Based on the data obtained, the number of loops is determined as follows:

  • fastenings in two levels for a sash weighing no more than 25 kg;
  • two or three loops will be needed for a fabric weight category of up to 40 kg;
  • their number depends on the type of hinges and door material;
  • three loops – for weights up to 60 kg;
  • four fastening points - for a sash of 80 kg.

When selecting the correct number of hinges, the location of the door, the frequency of its operation, the wind load (for entrance models), the equipment with a door closer, and the likelihood of additional physical activity are taken into account. Based on these factors, increasing factors are applied relative to the calculated weight of the sash.

Door hinge. Types of canopies

Among the whole variety, several main varieties of these products can be distinguished. So, what are the types of hinges for entrance and interior doors:

  • overhead – the simplest models that are screwed onto the canvas without preliminary surface preparation;
  • mortise - a card version, similar to the previous type, with one difference - they need to be deepened into the end of the door;
  • corner – allow you to install doors with a rebate. differ from straight ones in their design and shape of the plates;
  • hidden - protect the door from breaking and do not spoil the overall appearance of the structure;
  • screw-in - instead of plates they have fastening pins that are screwed into the canvas;
  • double-sided - allows you to open the door in both directions.

Main types of door hinges

It is quite difficult to say unequivocally which canopies are best to choose. In this matter, you should rely on the features of the door structure itself, its purpose, the weight of the leaf, the materials used, etc.

First, you should consider the most common types of card hinges for doors. These are direct overhead awnings. They look like a rod with a hinge and two plates for mounting on the door.

Overhead door hinges are simply attached with self-tapping screws on top of the door leaf

There are several options for such products. The most ancient one is two identical plates. Over time, the overhead hinges were improved and one side was made longer to make it easier to attach the part. Modern samples look like an axis with two sidewalls. They are made in such a way that when closing the doors they do not interfere with their movement and ensure a tight fit of the door leaf. Therefore, one part seems to be cut out from the other and in the closed position they form a straight surface.

The good thing about such products is that they are easy to install. No special skills or additional measurements are required. They can be used for interior doors by screwing them onto simple self-tapping screws.

Mortise types of door canopies are in many ways similar to overhead ones. They have a similar card structure principle. The main difference is the installation method. In order to ensure smooth movement of the door leaf and not spoil its appearance, the hinges are cut into the end of the door. To do this, a layer of material several millimeters thick is removed strictly according to the shape of the lining. Then the plates are laid in the formed recesses and screwed with self-tapping screws.

Mortise-type hinges are installed in recesses and secured with ordinary self-tapping screws

Mortise hinges are also used for interior doors and in old entrance structures. However, for the latter there are more advanced parts. An undeniable advantage of such canopies is the relative ease of installation and low cost.

In addition to straight card models, there are also corner canopies. They differ not so much in function as in appearance. Not even straight plates, but two corners are attached to the axial rod. Such parts are mounted at the end of the door using self-tapping screws using the mortise method. The shape of the loops ensures their more convenient placement and a tight sheath of the fabric. But if you want to choose this type, keep in mind that they will be noticeable against the background of the structure.

Corner door hinges have a design in the form of two corners and are mounted in a mortise manner

When it comes to the question of which door hinges are better, hidden models definitely win. This type is radically different from card ones, as it is installed directly into the door leaf itself and the frame of the box. This provides a number of advantages of hidden hinges:

  • invisibility of fastenings;
  • the aesthetic appearance of the door is preserved;
  • impossibility of cutting loops for the purpose of hacking;
  • allow you to adjust the door position in three planes.

Hidden canopies are quite difficult to install, so if you decide to choose this type of hinge, it is better to ask a specialist to perform the installation work. In order to deepen them, a rather deep niche is cut out in the frame and the end of the door. The hinged axis is hidden in a metal case and is reliably protected from the threat of damage.

Often such hinges are used for entrance doors. However, in the sector of elite interior structures, this type of panel fastening is also often present. Their cost is fully justified by their quality characteristics.

Hinges for hidden interior doors

There are also screw-in types of door hinges. They have a distinctive structure. Several pins are attached to the axle, which serve as the main method of mounting such parts. The canopies are screwed into the canvas and the frame, leaving only the central part – the hinge – visible.

Screw-in door hinges

In order not to spoil the appearance of the door, you can use special overlay caps, which are matched to match the coating of the door and essentially play the role of a decorative overlay.

This type of hinge is not recommended for mounting doors made from fragile, low-quality materials, soft wood, or low-grade plastic, as they can disrupt the internal structure of the door leaf and cause cracks, distortions, and chips.

Hinge designs: left, right, versatile

Door canopies are:

  • universal (or one-piece);
  • left;
  • right.

Advice. If you want to prevent the door from slamming when closing, look for hinges with a closer. They are attached to the floor, the top of the door leaf or installed inside the door frame. The more holes in such a part, the more weight it can withstand. Thanks to these hinges, the door closes smoothly, as if in slow motion.

Loops left and right. How to determine whether a door opens left or right

Before choosing new interior doors, interior design and repairs, you should determine the direction of opening the door in the living room. Not only the design of the room, but also the safety of everyone living in it depends on how and in which direction the door leaf is directed. You can choose a door that fully complies with SNiP and fire safety rules if you know its direction. How do you know which door is in front of you?

Information about the direction of door opening is necessary to ensure the safety of all occupants.

In order to correctly determine the opening side of the door, you can use three methods:

  1. Determine whether the door opens clockwise: the right door will open clockwise, and the left door will open counterclockwise.
  2. Determine which door is based on the location of the hinges and handle: if the hinges are on the left and the handle is on the right, then the door is left-handed, if vice versa, then it is right-handed. At the same time, you need to stand in front of the door so that when it opens, the door moves toward the person standing.
  3. Determine the direction of opening by the position of the hand. If it is comfortable to open the door with your left hand, then it is left-handed, if it is with your right hand, then it is right-handed.

If, when choosing a door leaf, it is not possible to distinguish the left from the right door, then experts advise giving preference to a universal door leaf, the hinges, handle and lock of which can be easily moved to the other side. The opening sides of such a door may vary depending on the configuration of the doorway and the purpose of the room.

Tips and tricks

Locksmiths advise ordering doors along with hinges and locks. Sellers will find the right fittings that will definitely fit.

Don't miss: How to assemble a sliding door yourself? Step-by-step instructions for installing an accordion door.

If you decide to move the doors to another location, then according to the law, this is considered a change in layout. All movements must be clarified with authorized organizations before they are carried out. This is not a whim of the state, but fire safety. In the event of fires, the rescue team has a plan for the layout of rooms and doorways, and an unauthorized change may affect their work for the worse and not save anyone's life.

See examples of safe door locations below:

Right-hand door. Methods for determining the door opening side

The rules for opening entrance door blocks are clearly stated in GOST 31173–2003, in fire safety and sanitary standards. But today, many manufacturers of door structures do not comply with the prescribed requirements and their products do not meet established standards. In this regard, when installing products in a particular room, it is important to be able to independently calculate the direction of opening of the panels. By the way, in Russia and Europe there are different approaches to determining left-hand and right-hand doors. What do you need to know about opening interior doors? In this case, there are no strict standards as such. The main criteria are the following:

  • enough free space for full opening;
  • they should not interfere with other structures;
  • be convenient to use.

Doors are most often installed in the bedroom, directed inward, and in the bathroom and toilet - outward. The opening sides primarily depend on three parameters that you should pay attention to:

  • where the web is directed when pushing;
  • where are the hinges located?
  • which hand is more convenient to open the selected door.

Let's take a closer look at each of the options for determining the side.

Determining the right and left doors

In the direction of pushing

If the doors are not sliding, then they either open inward or outward. If you open it with your right hand in the direction away from you, then it is a left-hand door. If you push the blade with your left hand, then this is a right-handed product.

By loop location

You can find out which door to choose in the following way. Stand facing the aisle so that the canvas moves towards you. Look where the hinges are located:

  • if they are on the right, the door is right;
  • mounting on the left - left.

If, on the contrary, you open the door from yourself, then the rule applies:

  • the hinges are on the right, then the door will be on the left;
  • the hinges are on the left, which means the door is on the right.

By location of the door handle

Let's consider another proven method of determining the desired side by the door handle. Everything is quite simple here:

  • with a left-handed door, the hinges hang on the left and the handle on the right, while you use your left hand;
  • when the product opens away from you, the handle will also be located on the right; if you open the door with your left hand, then this is the right door.

European approach

If the question arises of installing doors according to European standards, determining how to open doors is fundamentally different from the Russian approach. In this case, the opening side is recognized by the movement of the door itself. To install the side of the door you need to do the following:

  1. Stand next to the doorway so that the wide section of the frame faces you.
  2. Push the door away from you.
  3. Watch the hand opening the door and the direction in which it is moving.
  4. The left one is opened counterclockwise with the left hand, and the right one, on the contrary, clockwise with the right hand.


Overhead awnings are universal, fixed with self-tapping screws, and suitable for any door leaf.

They are used if there is no possibility or desire to bury the wings in the door leaf. To prevent hinges from creaking, reinforced models designed for heavy door leaves are equipped with anti-creaking rings made of steel or roller bearings. One of the popular options for such loops is the butterfly. The hinge wings are asymmetrical. The cutout on one of them repeats the shape of the second, due to which they are folded in one plane.

Fourth method

There is another rather intricate option for how to find out the direction of the doors. The good news is that you don't have to stand anywhere, and you don't have to push or pull anything either. The bad thing is that you will need to disassemble the hinges (if the hinges are collapsible). If, having decomposed the hinges into two components, you find that the pin (by the way, it should “look” up) is attached to the sash element on the right - then this is the right hinge and the door, respectively. In the case when everything is the other way around, then both the hinge and the door leaf are left-handed.

Installing new doors in place of old ones

If renovations are underway and the task is to replace the entrance group, then you need to figure out which doors are being replaced - left or right. How to determine what kind of door you have?

So that the fire department and organizations responsible for sanitary standards do not have any complaints against you, you must preserve the design of the doorway planned by the design bureau. To do this, just remember which hand opened the door when you pulled it towards you. If you held the handle with your right hand, the door is right, if your left hand was used, the door leaf is left.

The direction of movement of interior doors is selected based on personal preferences and design requirements. It is more difficult with entrance doors, for which special requirements are imposed by the departments responsible for the safety of residents.

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