Installation of hinges on interior doors. The most affordable DIY methods

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  4. Installation of hinges on interior doors. The most affordable DIY methods

Every owner should know how to properly install a door leaf.
Hinges are one of the most important components of a door structure; they ensure that the leaf is held in the opening and ensure its correct functioning in various positions. It is the correct installation that determines how flawlessly the door will function. If errors are made during installation, for example, the door parameters are not taken into account when choosing hinges, creaking or even jamming of the mechanism may occur. Therefore, correct installation of hinges will increase the functionality and reliability of the door structure.

Photo 1. The correct choice and correct installation of hinges will ensure smooth functioning of the interior door.

How to install a hinge on a cabinet?

The hinge bowl is fixed using fastening screws to the cabinet door. Then, holding the façade suspended, the hinge arm is placed on the striker plate and secured with installation screws. A 1-2mm gap must be left between the end of the case and the cabinet door to allow for further adjustment.

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Popular types of canopies

Canopies for interior doors are among the main elements of the door system. Without them, the entire structure can be considered useless. Today, the retail chain offers numerous types of loops with different characteristics. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to decide on the type and function that the door leaf will perform, as well as the direction of opening.

Butterfly overlays

This type of canopy has a simple design and is easily installed on the door leaf of interior doors.

The appearance of the canopies resembles the wings of a butterfly when opened.

Mortise card

They are among the most common types of loops. They consist of two parts, which are attached to the structure with simple wood screws. They are buried into the end of the sash with screws. Loops are divided into universal, right and left. Therefore, when purchasing canopies, you need to know which way the door will open.

The universal type of hinge has two pairs of bearings. They are used on all sashes. They have a long service life.


Used in rebated door systems. It is not the plates that are attached to the central axis, but the corners.

This design crashes into the door end and is reinforced with self-tapping screws. Corner products provide the door with a tight rebate.


They have a high degree of protection against “uninvited guests”. Hidden structures with a closer are installed directly on the sash and frame. To do this, notches of considerable depth are cut at the installation site. They are mainly used for entrance doors.

Installing a door with an overlay ensures camouflage of fasteners, an aesthetic appearance and eliminates cutting of hinges from the outside.


This species is significantly different from other analogues. It does not have the usual wings on the awnings, and the pins are screwed directly into the wooden door frame and leaf. Only the hinge remains visible. Screw-in hinges are usually installed on doors that have a rebate.

They are not recommended for installation on structures made of soft and low-grade wood materials. Otherwise, distortions, cracks and disruption of the structure of the canvas may appear.

Double sided

They are installed on doors in places with high traffic.

Their design resembles card loops with three plates. On one of them there are two axes of rotation on the sides.

Selecting the type and number of hinges depending on the parameters of interior doors

Card loops are in wide consumer demand. Such popularity was deserved due to its inexpensive cost and ease of installation. No specialist help is required here. The configuration of such a mechanism is also not complicated: two plates, which are also called wings or cards, on which there are eyelets for fastening elements - self-tapping screws.

Photo 2 The number of hinges directly depends on the weight of the interior door.

This type of product has been predetermined by its configuration since the 80s, when their mass production began. The simplest steel options with two eyelets on one card are in most cases used for non-residential premises, such as country sheds or outdoor showers. But in order to protect yourself, doors are installed not using self-tapping screws, but with screws with large pitches. The production of such products has not been relevant for a long time.

Modern production of hinges for interior doors offers a wider variety of both colors and sizes. The sizes are divided into four- and five-inch parts. In the first version, the hanging elements have four eyelets, in the second, respectively, five. When choosing the right type of hinges, you should definitely take into account the massiveness of the door leaf. The greater the weight of the door, the larger the size of the awnings. For a very heavy door leaf, it is necessary to install additional hinges, at least one.

Methods for installing hinges on interior doors

To install door hardware, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  2. Self-tapping screws.
  3. Pencil.
  4. A set of wedges is necessary to align structural elements.
  5. Building level.
  6. Drill with thin drill bits.
  7. Hammer and chisel.
  8. Knife.

[Photo 8 Correct installation of hinges requires their exact location in the recess made, excluding gaps with the canvas.]

After preparing all the necessary tools, you can start working. We install door hinges:

  1. The marking is done first. To do this, you need to make an indent from the upper and lower edges of the canvas by 20 - 25 cm.
  2. We outline the door hinges with a pencil.
  3. Next, you need to use a chisel and a hammer to knock out the indentations along the intended contour. It is worth paying special attention to the thickness of the recess; if you make it too deep, the door will rest against the frame. The depth of the pocket should match the thickness of the canopy.

Next we move on to the door frame:

  1. It is necessary to fix the door in the hatch using wooden wedges. The canvas must be leveled using a building level in the position in which it will be in its installed form. The correct process involves leveling both horizontally and vertically. If the first condition is not met, the door will be difficult to close, the second will lead to it opening on its own.
  2. After the door structure is leveled, it is necessary to mark the places where the door hinges come into contact with the frame.
  3. The subsequent steps are similar to the door leaf: a hole is made for the door hinges using a chisel.

It is very important to know that when applying fittings to the inside of the door, it is worth considering the location of the hinges, which should be facing the front of the door, i.e. in the direction where the door will open in the future.

Mortise models: types and installation

Mortise hinges are similar in appearance to overhead awnings with a card structure. The difference lies in the method of fastening and detachable plates.

Popular types of such loops:

  1. Brass. They have an aesthetic appearance and are in great demand. There are two types of canopies in the retail chain: chrome-plated and polished.
  2. Brass plated. They are made from several alloys. To give an aesthetic appearance, brass, bronze and gold plating is used.
  3. Steel. The most reliable and high-quality type of fastening. They are not subject to grinding, therefore they have a long service life. To preserve the aesthetic appearance of the canvas, they are cut into the end of the door frame. The recess and configuration of the recess corresponds to the thickness and shape of the plates.

How to mark a door leaf for inserting hinges

A Russian folk proverb says: “Measure seven times, cut once.” These words are perfect for inserting hinges into the door structure. This type of work is preceded by numerous stages of marking and measurements. Thus, to achieve the best result, it is better for a novice master to follow the following tips:

  • In the case of a two-hinged door canopy, a distance of 200 - 250 mm is measured from each end of the leaf, after which the hinge is applied to the site of future installation and completely traced with a pencil both along the contour and in the place of the holes for the screws.
  • If it is necessary to install a third loop, under no circumstances should it be installed in the center of the canvas - only offset to the upper part. This is due to the action of the bending moment when the door is in the open position. When installing this suspension in the middle of the canvas, the pair of forces completely ceases to act on the structural element, since at the point of equilibrium of the circuit its value is zero, and such a loop will be useless.

Rice. 3. Door leaves with 3 hinges

  • Each hinge has a top and a bottom, and the door must strictly fit onto the elements on top. In this regard, before marking, it is necessary to determine the correct position of the suspension. Many manufacturers often mark the correct position with arrows, which makes the life of a beginner much easier when performing work.
  • When applying markings, the rod hinge element should be directed only to the front part of the canvas.
  • Any inaccuracy in the outline of the hinges will lead to gaps; in the case of self-tapping screws, it will not allow them to completely enter the thickness of the wood, and all this will inevitably affect the functioning of the structure. All hardware must be deepened to the limit, without creating additional play for the plate.

After marking, it is necessary to temporarily fix the fittings to check the accuracy of its positioning, and, if necessary, adjust the measurements.

designs a round door in the style of a hobbit house (Wheat Laboratories forum in Perm)

In some of my earliest wofati projects, I thought about putting in a round door. So I thought about it for a very long time.

I rejected the idea of ​​a reversal because it would mean you would have stops at certain points on the outside, but not on a full circle. You could try to imitate this, but it wouldn't be quite right. It would never look like a clean circle around the edge. It would be compromised. And this is a kind of artistic endeavor.

A good argument is that the hinges and their fastenings are there to accommodate the weight of a person tripping and hanging on the door for support.

I thought about opening only part of the door. Kind of like a big D where the door would be 3/4 of the way around. It works in different ways, but after years of thinking, I think I want to stick with the present. A truly round door.

Some questions ….

Does the door fit perfectly into the floor or maybe there is a small protrusion? At this point I think it's probably best to have a hybrid: there are slight rises on either side to meet the door.

Diameter? To show some respect for the book, Gandalf had to duck down a little to get inside. Regular doors are about 6'8" tall - this is my guess because I'm 6'6" tall and most doors will try to take my hat if I'm wearing one. Plus, the smaller the diameter, the less real estate is used inside the house - and it will be a tiny house. At this point I think the door will be six feet in diameter.

Window. I want to add more light to the tiny house. With such a large door in such a tiny house, there are few window options. So it would be great if the door could include some kind of glass. Of course, any glass added to a door like this needs to be symmetrical for the round door theme to work. I'm guessing there are four windows surrounding the door handle.

Interior Door Handle: I think the interior door handle doesn't have to be in the center.

Seal: It will be cold outside. So I like the idea that the door can be sealed well. My concern is that the door fails and is too large to close when closed. So perhaps the hinge should be adjustable. I'm also worried about growth and contraction. So it's possible that when the door closes there will be a quarter inch ring around the door to keep it from jamming. Perhaps a little wool could be tucked into the door frame so that the door would slide on the wool. And the wool may need to be fluffed or replaced periodically.

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