Why does the door squeak? How to lubricate the entrance or interior door so that it does not creak?

The door is creaking, what should I do?

Very often, doors begin to creak immediately after installation. Usually a few days pass, and apartment owners experience unpleasant noise. In this case, this is due to improper installation of the door leaf. It is necessary to call a repair team to ensure that they adjust the door correctly. If, in addition to hearing a creaking sound, it is difficult to open the doors, then sagging of the door leaf is to blame.

The door creaks, what to do:

  • For these purposes, it is necessary to use an eccentric and correctly center the front door. You will need a special key. Very often there are problems with the lock if the door sag. In this case, it is necessary to urgently adjust it, because this can lead to damage to the lock.
  • You simply won't get into the house because it's jammed. Please note that often door hinges and their component parts fit tightly together. This makes it impossible to pour lubricant into it. Try using other methods.
  • To do this, you need to lift the door by about 1-2 cm, so that a gap is formed. Next, lubricant must be introduced into this gap. This could be machine oil or grease. Solid oil is applied with a thin stick. If you don't find anything in your house, you can use a regular pencil lead. It is necessary to grind it with sandpaper or a knife until dust is obtained. It is this dust that is found in the space between the hinge parts.

Door creaking


The finish is scratched, the insulation is caked, the peephole is fogged up - problems that do not require emergency intervention.
This is alarming, since at any moment the home may remain unprotected. In this case, the trouble is eliminated quickly, but first the reason that prompts decisive action is determined. In addition, the cylinder mechanism fails if a match is inserted into the key hole. You should not slam the canvas with excessive force, since structural elements, for example, of a lever lock, may incorrectly change positions. When unlocking the sash, it is not recommended to first press the handle and then open the locking hardware - there is a considerable probability of the bolts jamming. If there is a closer on the door, it is prohibited to fix the structure in the open state, especially with a brick - the settings will fail.

Why do doors creak when opening?

The reasons why a door creaks can be different. However, the most common are the following.

Why do doors creak when opening?

  • Lack or thickening of lubricant
  • Presence of dust and debris in the hinge area
  • Corrosion of door components

Typically, creaking occurs due to misalignment, as a result of old age and the weight of the door. In this case, sometimes it is enough to adjust the doors, normalizing the position of the hinges, making it correct. However, this does not always help.

Hinge lubrication

Special lubricants

If earlier car service technicians used ordinary soap to lubricate door elements, now specialized products are made to “treat” creaking locks and hinges. Many of them contain Teflon.

Such coatings have the consistency of dry soap, and due to the absence of a greasy film, they resist the adhesion of sand, dirt, and dust. The only drawback of Teflon auto lubricants is their price. But the high cost is compensated by a long service life - about two years. Although soap protects mechanisms about the same - 1-2 years.

The front door creaks, what should I do?

In order to cope with the squeak, you can resort to several manipulations. Sometimes it is enough to lubricate the hinges with oil. The ideal option for lubrication is to use grease or any other lubricant.

The front door creaks, what to do:

  • If you have a sewing machine at home, then regular machine oil will do. In addition, the bottle is quite convenient due to the presence of a narrow spout through which you can inject oil into the loop area in the deepest and most distant parts.
  • You can also deal with squeaking using regular vegetable oil. This is the worst option, but sometimes, if there is nothing suitable in the house, then vegetable oil for a short period of time can still save you from squeaking.
  • Vegetable oil has a very low viscosity; it is quite liquid and flowable, so it does not cover all the components of the loops well. As a result, it drains over a few days, so the door begins to creak again.
  • If you do not have a suitable container, you can use a regular syringe after removing the needle from it. The thin spout fits perfectly into hard-to-reach places and allows you to lubricate the hinges without disassembling the door. If after such manipulations the creaking does not disappear, then you can use other methods. Most likely, the problem is not the lack of lubricant or its thickening.


Machine oil and nigrol

Nigrol is a fairly liquid product, so you can only fill the loops with it using a syringe. When it gets on the mechanism, the substance literally flows. Excessive application of nigrol can seriously contaminate the door, along with the thresholds and glass. Just lubricate moving parts without any extra effort.

Excess drops flowing down are difficult to remove even with a wet rag. Nigrol has water-repellent properties, so only a dry cloth can get rid of it. For greater effect, before work, clean the mechanisms of old grease and various blockages, then degrease the treated areas.

How to lubricate the door so it doesn't squeak?

You can deal with the problem by disassembling and removing the doors. It is necessary to remove the hinges and completely disassemble them. Next, using a soft cloth, all components are wiped to remove debris, dust and any dirt. This helps remove rust and prevents further corrosion.

After this, if you find traces of corrosion, you need to treat the door with a special anti-rust compound. This product stops the oxidation of the metal and prevents the destruction of the hinges. Next, lubrication and assembly of the door components are carried out. The method is usually used if the door is quite old and the introduction of lubricant did not help.

How to lubricate a door to prevent it from squeaking:

  • For these purposes, it is worth using other products that can be purchased at an auto equipment store. Almost all products used to lubricate car parts are suitable for eliminating the squeaking of entrance doors.
  • If there is rust on the hinges, it must be removed. For these purposes, it is best to use oil. It is applied to the fabric, applied to the loops for several hours, and secured.
  • Thus, under the influence of oil, some of the rust can come off and can be easily removed. However, remember that if the rust is outdated, then removing it can be quite difficult and will take a lot of time.

Applying Lubricant

Adjustment features

In regions with harsh winters, there is an additional problem with steel blocks. The doors there are even shrouded in frost from the inside. But the topic has not been fully studied. There may be several reasons. And the solution to the problem is as follows: instead of internal DSV structures, external DSV systems should be installed; in order to shift the dew point, it is necessary to additionally install vestibule doors; 3 sealing gaskets are required. In addition, locks can only be lubricated with compounds that have a minimum freezing point (for WD-40 it is -73°). Additional information can be obtained from the DverMet MSK online store.

How to lubricate the front door so it doesn't squeak?

WD-40 lubricant is often used for these purposes. However, it is worth understanding that this is an inferior lubricant, since it contains only 20% oil. The product is created on the basis of alcohol to clean all parts from dust and dirt.

How to lubricate the front door so it doesn't squeak:

  • Therefore, if there are no lubricants, you can pour a little WD-40 on the hinges. White alcohol, thanks to its dissolving abilities, will wash away all the debris and possibly eliminate the squeak. However, this will most likely not last long due to the lack of lubrication.
  • It is usually recommended that after cleaning the hinges with WD-40, use machine oil or grease for lubrication. The products used by car enthusiasts are perfect for such manipulations.
  • Indeed, some car lubricants are also suitable for entrance doors. They are usually made from silicone and machine oil. They will also help eliminate squeaking.

Hinges squeak
Please note that you should not use regular grease to lubricate the hinges of entrance doors. It has a high viscosity at low temperatures, so it can cause squeaking and difficulty opening and closing doors.

Reasons why wooden floors creak

There are several likely reasons why wood floors make squeaking sounds.

When examining the floor surface, pay attention to such points

  1. On the condition of the base on which the floor joists are installed. These are lintels with boards fixed across them, forming the floor surface. The joists are made of wood and as they age and from daily loads, the base of the floor underneath them becomes deformed, becomes uneven, the level acquires a slope, which can cause vibrations and creaking sounds.
  2. When initially leveling the floor, special pads are used that are installed on the joists. They consist of wooden blocks, which age over time, dry out, and the floor boards in these places collapse and begin to wobble, making a creaking sound.
  3. Correct spacing between joists is of great importance. If the 50 cm parameter is not observed and thin boards are installed on them, the coating will fluctuate.

If the distance between the joists has not been maintained, there is a high probability that the wooden floor laid on top will creak.

Also, a lot depends on the quality of the wood used when choosing boards and joists:

  • poorly dried material will dry out when laid on the floor, it will warp at the fastening points, which will disrupt the evenness of the coating;
  • The fastening of the boards depends on the density of the wood. If this indicator is low, the connection of boards with lags and nails quickly becomes loose.

The accumulation of moisture on the base of the floor under the joists leads to the proliferation of fungi in the wood and its rotting. The quality of the connection between boards and joists is deteriorating, and the floor is sagging in some places. In this regard, all wooden components of the floor must be treated with an antiseptic for prevention.

If the wood has not been properly dried, the floor will sooner or later sag, which will also cause squeaks.

Small wood-boring beetles are a real disaster for wood. In a short time they can eat through the wood and damage the joists to such an extent that the floor boards will fail.

When installing the floor, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

there must be reliable fastening between the logs and boards; there must be a technological gap between the floor surface and the walls; it is important to ensure reliable fixation of the plinth to the floor; It is impossible to allow the floor to be attached to the joists through a board, which was practiced in the old days in order to save money. This is an unsuccessful method, leading to the creaking of unnailed boards. Long-term use of the floor leads to its natural aging

All parts of the floor structure are subject to wear and tear. The gap between the boards is growing due to weakening of the fastening - it becomes clogged with debris and dirt

Long-term use of the floor leads to its natural aging. All parts of the floor structure are subject to wear and tear. The gap between the boards grows due to weakening of the fastening - it becomes clogged with debris and dirt.

Remember that wooden boards and joists must be securely fastened

Not all of the listed reasons can be eliminated independently without opening the floor. For reliable and long-term service of the floor, it is necessary to initially provide for the installation of joists in a concrete base, a reliable structure with good ventilation with fastening of tongue-and-groove boards.

To eliminate the causes of the squeak, they first begin to find the source of the sound and study the condition and degree of wear of the floor. When a problem area is detected, press firmly on the boards. In case of deflection due to a loose fastening, use a long self-tapping screw to strengthen the fastening of the boards to the joists. If the cause is not eliminated, the floor will continue to creak. To clarify the circumstances, you will have to partially open the floor and examine it from the inside, for the presence of reasons for the creaking according to the above points.


As soon as you get rid of the squeak in one place, it is worth lubricating the remaining door hinges of all entrance and interior doors before they also begin to make characteristic sounds. This will serve as a good preventive measure - it will help avoid unwanted repairs, or even complete replacement of fittings.

In addition to lubricating door hinges, it is recommended to regularly check and tighten the fastening screws, as well as monitor the air humidity in the house, avoiding excessive dampness.

Preventative care

After installing an interior door, it requires regular maintenance. Experts advise doing this:

When an interior door creaks, you need to identify the cause of this phenomenon. Then you can begin to fix the problem by adjusting the hinges or lubricating them with improvised means - Vaseline or machine oil.

Which seal should I choose?

Sealing tapes for interior curtains are made from various materials.
Regardless of this, all elastic bands are designed to reliably seal the canvas without leaving gaps in the structure. In accordance with the main evaluation criteria, all products meet standard requirements: Some manufacturers of interior doors initially equip them with strip fittings. When purchasing these products, there is no need to think about additional sealing. Otherwise, the rubber seal must be purchased and installed separately. To achieve the tightest fit with the canvas, it is important to choose the right product. The main criterion is the size of the gap to be eliminated.

For the installation of interior doors, a narrow profile of the same color as the frame and leaf is used. The arrangement of internal structures is carried out using elements made of soft materials. Rubber seals provide better silent and tight insulation.

To insulate the door to the bathroom, a silicone seal is selected. The environmentally friendly material can withstand temperature changes and high humidity that are typical for this room.

Rubbing the canvas

If during operation the sash rubs against the frame, metal is visible from under the decorative coating, it needs to be adjusted.

In this case, adjusting the metal entrance door with your own hands is carried out as follows:

If the friction has decreased but remains, the procedure must be repeated. If the hinges are worn out significantly, adjustment will not help them. You need to buy new fittings.

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