What is an interior folding door “book”

Owners of small apartments quite often envy those whose living space is of a decent size. First of all, this is due to the fact that in a small apartment it is quite problematic to arrange the interior the way you would like. After all, the furniture you like may simply not fit in size and therefore you have to think about how to find extra free meters of space. But quite often people don’t think about the fact that they can get more free space if they install interior folding doors, or “book” doors, as they say, which have been gaining more and more popularity in recent years, gradually displacing standard interior doors. After all, book-shaped interior doors make it possible to gain about a meter of free space.

It has long been noted that a folding interior door-book is an excellent alternative to the usual swing door, to which everyone is already accustomed. Its design is somewhat reminiscent of bus doors, because it has several doors that move along a guide. A door like this is perfect for any room, but most often they are installed in the bathroom or kitchen.

But here you should take into account some characteristics of such doors, such as strength and reliability of fastening. Interior door-books are compact and mobile. In addition, they are multifunctional. They can also be effectively used to delimit a room as a screen partition.

Thanks to the large selection, an interior door book can be selected for any opening, even the most non-standard one, without any problems. In addition, such doors are also distinguished by their safety, because they cannot close due to a draft, and if you accidentally hit the door it is difficult to get injured.

A folding door will also be very convenient during transportation, because its leaves take up significantly less space than regular doors. There are a large number of models on sale that differ in color, opening method, style, design features and appearance. Thanks to this, they can be installed in any room. They will help make it more modern and original.

The main advantage that can be obtained by installing such a door is saving free space. The interior door-book is gaining more and more popularity precisely because of this property. Its installation is quite simple and does not require much time or any special skills or tools. Let's look at what a book door is in more detail.

The interior door is operated by a book system, which is somewhat reminiscent of blinds. It consists of vertical panels connected so that the movement of all parts of the structure occurs in a reciprocating order. This is also possible thanks to the presence of a special guide. A folding door consists of one or two pairs of leaves, which makes folding the door a simple and practical procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unusual folding book doors are very popular today, as they have an interesting design that can completely change the image of a living space. Such elements have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the simple but reliable folding design of such doors. They can be considered economical, and this applies not only to the price, but also to saving free space in the home. This is explained by the fact that when opening and closing these structures do not take up extra space. Classic swing structures cannot boast of such characteristics.

When folded, the sections will always be located within the doorway. In such systems, only one half of the structure moves forward. The book door differs from the popular accordion door in that it does not block the opening and looks very unobtrusive. Thanks to these dimensional characteristics, such structures can be installed in the smallest rooms and even in a narrow hallway.

Another advantage of these custom door panels is that they can be easily installed in any doorway. If the product contains only one leaf, then it can be opened in different directions (left and right).

It is worth noting the fact that such door designs are distinguished by high security. It is almost impossible to hit their surface. This characteristic is especially relevant if a small child or pets live in the home. In addition, even in situations where there are drafts in the house, the door will not slam sharply, making unnecessary noise. Many consumers choose such items, since no door leaf can compare with them in terms of durability.

Interior “book” structures exclude the use of floor rails. Such details make the layout less convenient, so the rejection of them can be confidently attributed to the advantages of these systems. Not long ago, remote-controlled flip doors appeared on the market. Using such products is very easy and simple. In addition, they are very inexpensive and are especially useful in homes occupied by people with disabilities.

Despite the large number of positive qualities, folding doors also have their disadvantages. First of all, it should be noted that such structures are made from a variety of materials, but still cannot boast of high-quality and sufficient sound and thermal insulation. As a rule, in the lower part of such systems there are small gaps and cracks that allow noise, cool air and drafts to pass through. You can get rid of this only by installing special seals.

Book doors are very durable and wear-resistant, but you should be more careful with models that have mirror or glass inserts. Care should be taken when opening and closing such elements so as not to damage fragile materials. A high-quality interior door should be complemented by a closer, which is necessary for smooth opening and closing. Also included with these systems should be a lock, which is useful for complying with all tightness standards at the joints between sections.

Hinged door blocks - a traditional solution

Most often, hinged interior doors are installed in apartments, houses and offices.
They are familiar to use and easy to install, providing a good level of heat and sound insulation. On the swing side, door blocks are divided into right and left. Right opening means that when you move your right hand towards you, the sash swings open to the right. The door hinges in this case are also located on the right side. And if you open the doors towards yourself, holding the handle with your left hand, then such a door block is called, accordingly, left-handed, and the hinges of the left door are on the left.

Swing door blocks also have a very significant drawback - the presence of an “opening zone”. For the normal operation of such structures, it is necessary to allocate free space, which does not have the best effect on the functionality and aesthetics of small rooms.

Design options

Book doors are available in various designs. These models are:

  • Two-section.
  • Four-section.

Two-section options consist of a pair of synchronously folding and unfolding sections, which, as a rule, have the same dimensions. Four-section models, of course, have more sections, which makes it possible to reduce the width of each of them and make the doors more convenient to use.

The correct choice of the number of sections largely depends on the dimensions of the doorway. If it does not exceed 1.5-1.7 m, then two-section structures can be installed, otherwise you should consider purchasing a four-section model.

These door design options differ in their guide system. If the door has 4 leaves, then for its proper functioning you will need both upper and lower guides. If the structure consists of 2 sashes, then you can get by with only the top guide. However, the second part will also not be superfluous, since with its help you can avoid skewing the doors and wear of the sliding mechanism.

Tsar folding doors are in great demand today Such options are characterized by the presence of transverse strips located between two racks on the sides. Simply put, these parts form a special frame, which in the future can be filled with various auxiliary materials. As a rule, side doors have at least 3 strips. Thanks to this structure, this design is more reliable and rigid. Nowadays, folding drawstring models have become widespread due to their durability, wear resistance and design.

Considering the design features of folding doors, the following options can be distinguished:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral;
  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical.

Materials and design methods

Fashionable interior book doors are made from a variety of materials. Let's take a closer look at the range of such products that modern manufacturers offer us.

Symmetrical and asymmetrical folding door options

A distinctive feature of asymmetrical products is the different size of the sashes: one is much larger than the other. This design allows the asymmetrical model to be a serious competitor to traditional interior doors. At the same time, its operation requires much less space. Symmetrical systems have sashes of the same size.

Attention! Asymmetrical designs are used when zoning space.

The two-leaf folding door mechanism includes:

  • support rollers. To reduce noise they are made of rubberized plastic;
  • rotary sliding carriage;
  • guide rails;
  • two or three sets of loops.

The mechanism contains the necessary elements

Compact folding interior doors: a space-saving option

The folding interior door with the compact opening system is distinguished by its elegant style and practical design. They come with one and two doors. The design is equipped with a rotating and sliding mechanism. As a result, the installed door not only allows you to use the available space more rationally, but also contributes to the creation of a modern interior.

During operation, the door leaves are first folded and then placed along the wall. Such systems are relevant for pantries and dressing rooms.

Performance properties and design options for folding interior doors with photos in the interior

The characteristics of the material used in the manufacture of door system elements determine the appearance of the structure and its service life. We suggest looking at photos of folding interior doors to make it easier to choose the right type for a specific room.

Material affects appearance

Chipboard and MDF

Folding sliding interior doors made of MDF are a practical option suitable for many rooms. When used in conditions of high humidity, they may swell. Presented in a large assortment.

You can choose design and color

Products made from chipboard have higher strength characteristics. They are not recommended for installation in the bathroom. Various films act as a decorative coating, which allows you to purchase a model that imitates natural materials.

Chipboard is a suitable material for interior door systems

Secrets of choosing the right folding door block

Folding interior book doors are available in several types depending on the materials used, colors, finishes and design of the door. Expert recommendations will help you make the best choice:

1) Consider the installation location and operating conditions.

Basically, products of this class are presented by manufacturers in three versions - glass, wood and plastic (PVC). For kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and showers, buy book doors made of eco-veneer or veneer. They are the most resistant to high humidity and temperature changes, easy to clean, and also the most inexpensive - from 4977 rubles.

Wood is natural in any living space, but the price of folding wooden doors is higher. Therefore, this option is suitable for those who are ready for significant financial investments. Glass models are universal, and they also increase the level of illumination and add lightness to the design.

2) Select models according to the opening size and color palette preference.

When purchasing book doors, you should take measurements of the opening in advance, and also take into account the existing design style. This will help you find a model that will look best in your interior.

Wood models

Pine is used to make wooden structures. This is an inexpensive but beautiful material with an unusual texture. More durable types of wood include maple, beech or oak. Wood models are used in classic interiors. They are environmentally friendly, aesthetically pleasing and retain heat excellently. To increase the service life, the surface is covered with mastic, painted and polished. Instead of solid wood, chipboard and MDF are used. Similar products have a lower price.

Wood combined with glass inserts suits different interiors

Plastic products

When choosing interior folding doors for economy class books, you can choose plastic. It is resistant to moisture, so it is used for doors to the bathroom or kitchen. The material is characterized by a rich color palette. White models go well with metal-plastic windows, and wood imitations are suitable for ethnic and classic interiors.

Plastic structures are great for utility rooms and dressing rooms

Glass options

Combinations of glass with plastic, aluminum and wood are popular. Such options look original in the interior. Glass comes in different types. There are mirror, matte, transparent and colored models, as well as options with polishing and sandblasting.

When using glass, it is important to ensure safety. The best option is tempered glass or triplex. They are practically impossible to damage. But even when broken, the hardened material will crumble into fragments with blunt edges, and pieces of triplex will remain glued to the film.

Glass models visually increase the space


Today, such designs are the least popular. In Europe, doors with elements made of aluminum or steel have long been used. This door is quite durable and will last you quite a long time. The structure can be installed in rooms with high humidity.

How to assemble and install?

Assembly and installation of different models differ significantly.

  • Harmonic. The easiest way to install folding models is the accordion type. Initially, it is necessary to prepare the doorway for the installation of such structures. After you have carried out the necessary preparatory work, you need to install the door frame using a building level. The box is necessary so that sections can fit into it when opening the folding structure.

The box should be installed using screws and secured with mounting foam. Moreover, it is better to use foam that will not expand over time.

After the polyurethane foam has hardened, you need to get rid of its remnants. Then you should complete the installation of the box, securing it with platbands. Make sure that there are no distortions or cracks, otherwise the door will not fit into such a frame or will simply break.

Then you need to move on to assembling the door leaf. You need to arrange the sections in the correct order and assemble them. At the same time, follow the rules for joining images and drawings or other decorative elements; they will help to correctly position all the canvases. Then the runner rollers need to be secured in the right places, and they are attached to each narrow section one at a time.

Some doors in their design provide for the use of additional fasteners. Sometimes their role is played by loops that are secured between different sections. They also need to be installed and secured to each other.

After assembly, you need to take measurements just in case. So, you need to measure the door leaf and the doorway to establish compliance. Having established this fact, you need to proceed to further installation. First, install the retainer so that it aligns with the rollers. After this, only the last step remains: connecting the rollers and the door leaf using hooks or loops.

After fastening, you need to check how well the structure moves along the guides. If you need to ensure the tightness of this structure, you should also install a seal. Each accordion model requires specific care. It is important to periodically lubricate the rollers and rails with at least machine oil.

This way you will ensure silent movement of the canvas along the guides and extend the life of these component elements. This will greatly simplify the process of opening and closing the door. When using, try to move the door along the guides smoothly without sudden movements. Otherwise, you will damage the sections and the door will simply fly off the guides. Make sure that the parts in its mechanism are in good condition so that the design will serve you as long as possible.

You can learn more about how to install a folding door in the video below.

  • Book. Installing the book model will be slightly different. Having assembled the two sashes, you need to proceed to installing the canopies. Then you must fix the hinge in the door block. In order to make the load on the doorway more uniform, it is better to use four hinges.

If you do not want to use hinges in the design, then give preference to aluminum rails. They can be installed both at the top and at the bottom of the passage. The rail will act as a guide. But for the door to function, rollers with bearings must also be installed.

Before installation, the rails must be lubricated with machine oil.

After you have completed all these steps, you need to secure the aluminum tire. It must be given the required size suitable for the parameters of the door leaf. To do this, you need to cut it and fix it with screws. After this, you need to install the rollers, then you can secure the tire to the floor or door block.

If you want to make a lock in the design of the book, then you need to do it at this stage. After this, you can fix the door leaf and check its functionality.

You can learn more about how to install a folding door in the video below.

Installation Features

Folding book doors can be installed in a variety of rooms. The material from which the canvas is made plays an important role here. For example, it is not recommended to install beautiful wooden models in the kitchen or bathroom, as this natural material can be severely damaged in high humidity conditions. For such rooms, it is best to select structures made of inexpensive plastic or metal.

Book models are not used as entrance doors. This is due to the too low rigidity of such products. An exception can be made only if you choose an option for accessing the courtyard or directly from the house to the garage.

You can turn to more original and fresh design ideas if you buy a door with combined doors. In such specimens, the lower half consists of an opaque material (plastic, wood, chipboard, MDF), and the upper half is made of glass (frosted, transparent or multi-colored). These options look very stylish and modern.

It is worth considering that reliable and long-term operation of folding doors is possible only if high-quality and reliable fittings were initially installed on the folding mechanism. This requirement should not be neglected. Fittings for book doors include:

  • roller mechanism consisting of guide rails and rollers;
  • structural supports;
  • seals;
  • handles;
  • clamps;
  • retainers.

When selecting all the listed spare parts, you should make sure that they are in good condition and of high quality. Don't rush to buy accessories. It’s better to first read reviews about the products of a particular company that produces such parts.

Well-known manufacturers and reviews

Experts recommend giving preference to popular manufacturers. This ensures that quality materials were used to make your door. Today, many domestic and foreign companies offer their consumers book doors and accordions.

The following brands are very popular among buyers.


The company is considered one of the best in the Ural region. Buyers prefer the products of this company, which produces doors to order. This way you can make all your desires come true, rather than wasting time looking for an approximate model.


The domestic manufacturer is famous even beyond the expanses of Russia. Buyers prefer products from this company due to the variety of materials and design. Durable structures delight their owners for many years and even decades.


The company has been operating since 2000 and presents doors made of all possible materials to customers. To date, the official website presents products with 24 design options. Customer reviews contain a lot of information about high quality products and good service.

Let's summarize the above

Any door, even the highest quality one, will become unusable if it is not treated with care. In this case, the service life of the structure is reduced by half. The movements of the shutters when closing the door should be smooth and unhurried. At certain intervals, it is necessary to inspect door hinges and other fasteners. Prevention is always cheaper than repair work.

If you have any doubts at the stage of choosing a folding door model for a particular room, it is better to consult a specialist. Having a clear understanding of the dimensional parameters of your doorways and the free space around, he will be able to accurately select the best option for the door leaf, its configuration and equipment.

In addition, in this case, it is also better to entrust the installation of the selected door leaf to professionals, so that later you will not be excruciatingly painful for wasting money on purchasing an expensive folding door model. The slightest violation of installation technology can lead to irreparable consequences - deformation of not only the guide, but the door leaf itself. You should not choose folding interior doors purely based on photos on the Internet - be sure to look at the product in person, its color, texture and quality of individual elements. You shouldn't skimp on quality. On the contrary, the family budget may suffer from this. After all, fixing a breakdown can sometimes cost half the price of a new product, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Interior book door from the Framir factory

Our specialty is custom-made interior doors. Thanks to the full production cycle from measurements to installation, we can offer our customers:

  • a wide range of classic and designer models;
  • systems of non-standard sizes, shapes and designs, including sliding doors;
  • reasonable price,
  • selection of quality fittings.

All operations are performed by qualified employees, which guarantees high quality products and competent installation. We manufacture doors and partitions of any complexity, taking into account the characteristics of the room. This allows you to make your home cozy, giving it a touch of originality. Among the non-standard interior solutions are custom-made interior sliding and folding doors, of which the “book” model is especially popular.

Main differences between mechanisms

Interior doors in residential premises are divided according to several criteria:

  • the material from which the product is made;
  • presence or absence of a lock;
  • type of opening - hinges or guides;
  • opening amplitude (for articulated ones).

Today we will talk not so much about appearance, but about mechanics and how to choose a door that will be most ergonomic when used in your room.

What types of interior doors are there according to the opening method? Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • swing - single-field and double-field;
  • sliding compartments;
  • sliding pencil case;
  • sliding “barn”;
  • folding “book”;
  • folding accordion;
  • rotary (swinging);
  • pendulum.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's take a closer look at what types of interior doors there are.

Review of prices for different models

Let's consider the price range of different options for interior folding doors.

IllustrationCharacteristicsCost (as of July 2022) per door leaf, rub.
, laminated chipboard, solid glazing.1500
, MDF, partial glazing throughout the entire panel.9300

, solid pine.12000

, glass25000

, MDF12500

How to care for a folding door

Folding-sliding interior doors require maintenance just like any other interior elements. Thus, MDF products must be regularly wiped from dust and dirt using special products. You can prepare the solution yourself by mixing water and alcohol in a ratio of 9:1. Wipe the panels with a soft cloth and do not use aggressive agents to avoid damaging the panels. Do not forget about the hinges: they must be periodically cleaned and lubricated with special oil or grease.

Wooden folding doors must be periodically treated with your own hands with a special substance containing wax or silicone. These substances will help restore the outer layer of the canvas and fill small cracks on its surface.

For long service life of folding structures, it is necessary to carefully open and close them; it is also important to regularly wipe and protect from mechanical stress and moisture on the panels and hinges. The video below will tell you in more detail how to install and care for folding doors with your own hands.

Installation Requirements

  • It is very important that the doorway is free from distortions.
  • There is no need to prepare the floor for installing the book.
  • Which way the door will open is selected during installation.
  • A guide rail is mounted in the groove at the top of the box, and a roller for the drive blade is installed in it.
  • The door panels are connected with butterfly hinges.
  • In the driven part of the book, axes are installed in the drilled holes.
  • The box is assembled using fasteners and mounted in the prepared opening.
  • The upper axle bracket is mounted in the guide rail. A bracket for the lower axle is installed on the floor.
  • The door leaf is placed in a frame.

Options in the interior

Modern book doors can be installed in different rooms and interiors. For a kitchen, the ideal option would be a structure made of plastic or metal, since these materials are not afraid of the high air humidity that occurs in such rooms. So, in a modern room with snow-white walls and an equally light floor, glass doors with black frames will stand out effectively. Nearby you can place the same dark dining table and hang mirrored decorative elements on the walls.

Also, in a bright kitchen with a tiled floor, a soft caramel wooden structure with narrow and tall frosted glass inserts will look cozy. It is advisable to place in the interior details made in the same color scheme as the doors. For example, this could be caramel blinds and a soft brown flower/tree vase. Such designs look good in bedrooms.

For example, a snow-white folding door will look harmonious against the background of pale gray walls and a brown laminate floor. Place a bed with beige linens in such a room and dilute the snow-white tones with wall paintings with black frames and a gray chair.

Such door designs are ideal for decorating a studio apartment. For example, with the help of glossy white doors you can separate the living room area with a dark floor and snow-white walls from a large niche reserved for the sleeping area. Doors with photo printing look impressive in many interiors.

However, such options are not recommended for installation in overly colorful interiors and small spaces, otherwise the environment will seem overloaded and cramped.

In a bright kitchen with a glossy stretch ceiling and golden floor, a door structure with black guides and inserts made of transparent and lime-colored glass will look great.

An elegant cappuccino-colored wooden door will soften the sophisticated interior of a snow-white kitchen with a dark brown floor. Place a white bar counter with soft brown stools or an island nearby for food preparation. A delicate narrow model in milk chocolate color can be installed against the background of a gloomy gray-green wall and a floor lined with soft brown laminate. Support the tandem with a tall wooden or ceramic vase next to the door structure. Such simple but attractive solutions can be used in an elongated hallway “at the fork” of different rooms.

Rating of the best entrance doors to an apartment 2021–2022

A truly cozy home is one in which you feel safe. Iron entrance doors have become commonplace - in modern new buildings they don’t install anything else. Another thing is that there are often complaints about quality, since developers often skimp on details, and the question of replacement arises quite quickly. And since you want to choose the best option, we offer you a rating of the best entrance doors to an apartment in 2021–2022.


( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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