Standard sizes of Penoplex. Types and characteristics. Comparison with analogues.

Choosing insulation is not the easiest task. Some of them are afraid of getting wet (stone wool), others are difficult to work with (glass wool), and others have not yet found widespread use (foam glass). What remains is polystyrene foam. He is criticized for being unnatural and flammable, but in terms of technical characteristics, he is among the leaders. Moreover, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), although more expensive, can withstand mechanical loads better than regular foam. One of the manufacturers, Penoplex, produces EPS of various densities and purposes. Its products are quite popular - it is one of the most famous brands in the country.

What is this. History of the creation of the material

The material first appeared back in 1941, when the DOW CHEMICAL company (USA) patented a fundamentally new product with high thermal insulation properties and moisture resistance. The production of the material was put on stream, but initially it was manufactured only for the needs of the Navy.

Due to its resistance to wet environments, Penoplex has been used for the production of life rafts. After some time, the material began to be used in refrigeration units. Penoplex occupied its rightful niche only in 1950, when it began to be used in construction. It is curious that in the US construction market the material is known under the brand name STROYFOAM.

Penoplex is a Russian brand that appeared only in 1988.

What is Penoplex? Essentially, it is foamed polystyrene, which is produced on extrusion machines. In its structure, the material resembles polystyrene foam, which is familiar to many, but has a denser structure and, accordingly, better characteristics.

Myths about Penoplex that are worth learning about!

Are you ready to order thermal insulation boards made from extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex 35 of the required thickness? Or maybe you want to get a free insulation consultation on choosing density and sizes? Call us at +7 (495) 565-39-92 right now!

What is it made of? Compound

We have before us a completely artificial material, which is made from chemical components mixed in certain proportions. The technology involves using a temperature of 140 degrees, which causes the ingredients to melt and foam, forming porophores. If we talk about specifics, the following materials are used in production:

  • Polystyrene.
  • Ground perlite.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Tetrabromoparaxylene.
  • Barium or zinc stearate.
  • Bicarbonate of soda.

The use of such components in certain proportions forms a strong cellular-porous structure filled with gas.

Operational Features

The method of producing penoplex is quite simple, but this simplicity is where its uniqueness lies. Certain additives are introduced into the melt from polystyrene balls, which cause it to turn into thick foam. After passing through the extruder, the bubbles are compressed and form a dense mass. In this case, 98% of the weight is gas, which is located in bubbles. Thanks to this manufacturing method, penoplex has many advantages. Among them:

  • minimum weight;
  • sufficient strength;
  • combustion resistance;
  • minimal heat permeability;
  • high installation speed;
  • absence of harmful emissions;
  • affordable price;
  • quick payback.

The weight of the insulation is so small that even one person can lift the packages for installation at a height. Due to the high density of some types of penoplex, it can withstand high compressive and bending loads. Penoplex insulation with the addition of fire retardants does not support combustion, but simply melts. The large size of the sheets makes it possible to cover a large area in a short time. In addition, the ends of the penoplex have locking connections that simplify the elimination of cold bridges. The insulation is environmentally friendly; no substances are used in production that can evaporate over time, causing harm to health. It is also important to know about some disadvantages:

  • harmful emissions during smoldering;
  • poor vapor permeability;
  • poor resistance to UV radiation;
  • susceptible to destruction from certain chemicals.

Penoplex needs finishing. If this is not done within the first year, the insulation may become unusable due to constant exposure to sunlight. Over time, it begins to crumble, becoming brittle. Penoplex is a favorite insulation material for some rodents, as well as ants, who like to set up their homes inside the sheets. Although some types of insulation do smolder when exposed to open fire, in the process carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released, which are dangerous to human and animal life. Extruded foam plastic is not recommended for indoor installation. This is due to the poor vapor permeability of the insulating material. As a result, mold will certainly begin to appear, which can cause significant damage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any building material, this insulation has its strengths and weaknesses. The fine balance of price and quality makes it competitive and distinguishes it from numerous analogues. Let us immediately note that it is not worth singing odes of praise to Penoplex: despite many undeniable advantages, there are also disadvantages. If you conduct an impartial analysis of the characteristics, you will get the following picture.


  • High thermal insulation performance.
  • Absolutely neutral to humid environments.
  • Convenient installation.
  • Easy to process.
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Durability (subject to certain conditions).
  • Soundproof.


  • Low fire safety of unmodified material.
  • Low vapor permeability.
  • Sensitive to aggressive substances: gasoline, acetone, oil paint.
  • Unstable to ultraviolet light. Destroys in direct sunlight.

Low vapor permeability - good or evil?

As you know, the same property of a material can be considered a plus in one situation and a minus in another. This is exactly the case with the low vapor conductivity that extruded polystyrene foam is characterized by. Moreover, it does not conduct steam in any direction. Moisture does not penetrate from one side or the other. This distinguishes it from vapor barrier membranes, which may have one-way conductivity.

It is ideal on flat roofs

Where is vapor non-conductivity needed?

If installed correctly (without gaps and cracks) with joints taped, EPPS does not require the use of vapor barrier membranes. It hardly lets through steam. Neither in liquid nor in gaseous state. So the use of membranes and waterproofing is unnecessary. When using floors in a cake, this is excellent, because moisture usually comes from the ground. When using polystyrene foam, it does not penetrate either by capillary action or in the form of steam. In this case, this is definitely a plus.

Excellent for laying under screed

These properties are also a plus when using extruded polystyrene foam in blind areas, under paths, etc. In addition to protecting against freezing, it does not get wet. This allows, with a competent approach, to get rid of frost heaving and make, for example, not a deep strip foundation, but a shallow strip or Swedish slab.

The use of EPS in the roofing pie of a flat roof is also optimal - leaks are minimized, and almost no heat is lost. When using on pitched roofs, it’s already worth thinking about. The fact that Penoplex Roofing does not allow moisture into the attic space is good. But it will be possible to remove excess moisture from the attic only with the help of very good ventilation, which includes not only dormer windows. Additional elements will be needed on the ridge, in the roof plane. In general, given the cost of Penoplex, this is not always reasonable.

On the walls: yes or no?

Insulating walls with Penoplex is permissible only if you agree to make an effective ventilation system that will regulate the humidity in the house. In this case there are two options:

  • Insulate the walls with EPS from the inside. With this solution, moisture practically does not enter the enclosing structures (the material from which the walls are made) due to the low vapor permeability of the material. In this case, the Penoplex layer for walls can be of small thickness. Specifically, it is necessary to count, since it depends on the material and thickness of the walls, and the region of residence. But, with such insulation, it is necessary to select the external finishing of the facade so that moisture is not trapped inside the wall. Ventilated facades are most suitable for this purpose.

    Installation on walls is possible, but with a lot of conditions. And this is not the best choice

  • Stick the EPS on the outside. But at the same time, it is necessary to make an effective vapor barrier inside the room. It is needed to prevent moisture from entering the walls. Since there is EPS on the outside, it will not come out. To prevent moisture from accumulating in the wall, a vapor barrier is required. In this case, the thickness of Penoplex will be large. So large that the dew point is not in the wall, but in the thickness of the insulation. That is, in this case it will be necessary to insulate EPS walls with a thickness of 100 mm or more.

As you can see, there are options for using extruded polystyrene foam for wall insulation, but they are far from the best. Despite the fact that the material itself is good, it is poorly suited for this purpose.

When used on a pitched roof

And we must also take into account that the second option is only for non-hygroscopic materials. Such a scheme is very undesirable for wooden, frame buildings; it is poorly suited for foam blocks. The fact is that no matter how good the vapor barrier is, some of the moisture will still get into the walls. If the material is non-hygroscopic, moisture will gradually be removed from the wall during the dry season. With hygroscopic materials this process is more complicated. As a result, the wood rots and the foam block walls “bloom.”

Types and technical characteristics

It is worth noting that the material has different densities, which determines the scope of its application. Usually the manufacturer indicates this data on the packaging, significantly simplifying life for inexperienced builders. So, according to their characteristics and scope of application, the following types of extruded polystyrene can be found on the market:

  • For roofing . This material is suitable for increasing the thermal insulation of roofs and is used in commercial and residential buildings. The density of this category varies between 28-33 kg/m3 .
  • For walls . Suitable for insulating facades and interior spaces. Here the density indicators are 25-32 kg/m3 .
  • For the foundation . The density of the material varies between 29-33 kg/m3 , area of ​​application: initial stages of construction, arrangement of basements.
  • "Comfort" . Here the density indicators look like this: 25-35 kg/m3 , due to its characteristics, the material is the optimal solution for multi-storey buildings (apartments, balconies, loggias).
  • Type "45" . This category is the densest on the market: 35-47 kg/m3 . The area of ​​application of the material is to improve the properties of a runway or road surface in conditions of extremely low temperatures.

Considering that the cost of a material directly depends on its density and thermal insulation, knowledge of these features will help you purchase the right material and save money.

If we talk about technical characteristics, Penoplex has the following parameters:

Physical and mechanical propertiesThose. norms Unit change Penoplex - RoofingPenoplex-WallPenoplex-FoundationPenoplex-ComfortPenoplex-Type 45
Average densityGOST 17177-94kg/m3from 28.0 to 33.0from 25.0 to 32.0from 29.0 to 33.0from 25.0 to 35.0from 40.1 to 47.0
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, not lessGOST 17177-94MPa0,250,200,270,200,50
Water absorption in 24 hours, no moreGOST 17177-94% by volume0,40,40,40,40,2
Flammability groupFederal Law 123 (TR on TVET)groupG3G3G4G4G4
Thermal conductivity coefficient at (25+5)СGOST 7076-99W/m∙єS0,0320,0320,0320,0320,032

It is worth noting that the material achieved such high performance thanks to fully insulated cells, whose diameter is 0.1/0.3 mm.

Find out about the characteristics and dimensions of Penoplex Basis >>>

How much brickwork does extruded polystyrene replace?

The answer to this question lies in the thickness of the insulation boards. It looks like this:

  • Penoplex 20 mm thick = 370 mm brickwork.
  • Penoplex 30 mm = brickwork 750 mm.
  • Penoplex 47 mm = brickwork 925 mm.

Accordingly, an insulation board can replace a brick wall that is twice as thick as the insulation itself.

Manufacturing technology

The equipment used is an extruder. Its name, arbitrary from the name of the head with dies located at the exit of the alloy from the unit, is extrusion.

The main component of the technological process is polystyrene granules. It is divided into several stages:


  • The granules are immersed in the equipment container.
  • Hermetically sealed.
  • Heat until the volume of each increases, to the shape of a ball, due to the formation of a void inside.
  • A foaming agent is added.
  • Set the pressure mode.
  • Technological conditions create a nitrogen environment that promotes the chemical interaction of components with abundant release of oxygen.
  • The mass under pressure is released through the extrusion head, transforming into a monolithic structure with closed air cells, each with a diameter of 0.1 mm.
  • The more repetitions of foaming, the less the weight of the slab, and the higher its density. The mass is not released from the unit in order to carry out further actions in accordance with the technology.


Making the slab - staying in the holding chamber for 24 hours. All air is pumped out of the unit using a vacuum pump, and the material is left inside. It stabilizes, the pressure inside the granules filled with air is balanced.


Blocks are formed in a closed type matrix. Steam is supplied inside the container under pressure. Residual moisture is lost. The aging stage ends for a day, with each new heating cycle increasing the density of the structure.

A moderately dried block is cut on a conveyor belt. Violation of technology leads to uneven edges. The cutting tool is a red-hot refractory steel string. The production uses equipment with an electronic program that controls the level of metal heating.

Dimensions of insulation boards

Penoplex is produced in the form of slabs, with the following external parameters: length - 1,200/2,400 mm, width - 600 mm. Thanks to its porous structure, the material has a relatively low weight even with impressive dimensions, and is easy to process.

Dimensions, mm Type (density)
Penoplex C (25-32 kg/m3)Penoplex K (28-33 kg/m3)Penoplex F (29-33 kg/m3)Penoplex 45 (35-47 kg/m3)
thickness20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 80; 10020, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 10020; 30; 40; 50; 60; 80; 10040, 50, 60, 80, 100

When performing interior work, you need to take into account that the space will be reduced by the thickness of the insulation + finishing coating.

Slab thickness (mm) Number of slabs per package (pcs.)
20 18
30 12
40 9
50 7
100 4

The key indicator of thermal insulation is the thickness of the slab. Depending on the installation conditions, the recommended material thickness looks like this:

Let's conduct a comparative analysis with other popular insulation materials that are found on the domestic construction market.


  • Penoplex 50 mm is used in curtain wall technology.
  • It is effective in insulating the base of the floor of a sauna and bathhouse.
  • Included in the package is a roofing sandwich for pitched roofs.
  • Laying on walls indoors is done in a low-density manner, using a frame or wet plaster technology.
  • When forming the foundation, it serves as formwork. Compression resistance and density provide the structural reliability required by the standard.
  • Placed under the blind area, protecting the walls from freezing in the winter.
  • The foundation facade is finished using wet plaster technology using insulation.
  • Designed for laying under the road surface - a technology to prevent soil swelling at low temperatures.
  • In permafrost conditions, it prevents soil shrinkage from melting of the top layer, under the laid asphalt or concrete slabs. In this and the previous type of work, high-strength Penoplex 50 insulation is used.
  • Placed inside the loggia on the floor or wall on the side of the window adjacent to the street. Tiles or wallpaper are applied to it.
  • The slabs, provided with tongues and grooves along the side edges, are laid on top of the roof frame. The tightness of the connection, hydrophobicity and the included fire retardant will protect the wood from moisture.

Available analogues. What is the difference? Which is better and warmer?

  1. Penoplex or Mineral wool
  2. If you compare these materials, you must take into account their scope of application. For example, mineral wool is definitely not suitable for a foundation or basement: it absorbs moisture well, which leads to weight gain. Accordingly, the insulation slides down, exposing the walls. To avoid these problems, you will have to install additional moisture insulation, and this proportionally increases costs.

    However, in terms of heat and sound insulation, Penoplex loses to mineral wool, although the latter material looks more difficult in terms of installation.

  3. Penoplex or Foam plastic
  4. Both materials do not absorb moisture, so they are equally suitable for insulating basements. Thermal conductivity indicators are better for Penoplex, but only slightly. It is worth noting that polystyrene foam can be classified as an eternal material, and the service life of Penoplex declared by the manufacturer is 50 years .

    Therefore, for internal and external insulation, both materials can be used with equal efficiency, but if service life plays a decisive role, it is better to give preference to polystyrene foam.

  5. Technoplex or Penoplex
  6. These are two materials that are almost identical in their properties. Here you can observe the same indicators of mechanical strength and bending resistance: 250 kPa and 0.4 MPa , respectively.

    If we talk about resistance to sub-zero temperatures, then Technoplex looks warmer - the operating temperature of the material: -70 degrees Celsius , however, such temperatures are difficult to meet in most regions of Russia. The thermal conductivity of the insulation is the same: 0.031 W/mK , but Technoplex is more resistant to humid environments.

  7. Styrex or Penoplex
  8. There are no fundamental differences between these materials, so they have an identical scope of application. Here we can highlight the following difference: Stirex is more resistant to bending deformation, but is more expensive to purchase. In addition, Stirex is more suitable for insulating rooms where there is a significant difference between external and internal temperatures.

  9. Izolon or Penoplex
  10. Thanks to its structure, Izolon is ideal for insulating floors and roofs, increasing the thermal and sound insulation of rooms. However, for walls it is better to use Penoplex as a material that is more convenient to install.


Like all types of materials, it has advantages and disadvantages.

Positive traits


  • Thanks to the monolithic cellular structure, the layer does not crumble.
  • High degree of compression resistance.

Performance characteristics

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient is lower than that of polystyrene foam.
  • Does not rot from dampness, does not harbor insects - the listed factors will extend the life of use to 50 years.
  • Frost-resistant.
  • Withstands temperatures created in a sauna or steam bath.

Resistant to moisture absorption

  • The material becomes hydrophobic - resistance to water penetration.
  • As a result of the formed closed cell, it becomes resistant to vapor permeability.
  • Application does not require additional waterproofing.

Fire safety

  • During manufacturing, fire retardants are added to the components, making it non-flammable. During fire, the material smolders without supporting the process.


  • The indicator affects the strength characteristics and weight. It is increased artificially by repeating the heating process, subject to the technological sequence. The price of the product increases with additional manufacturing costs.

Environmental friendliness

  • When heated and the humidity of the room is high, penoplex 50 does not emit toxic substances.
  • Does not harm the atmosphere.
  • Closed air cells in the structure are characteristic of types of materials that do not support some chemical reactions. It is effective for insulating the foundation and blind area of ​​a building.

Negative qualities

  • Organic solvents contained in the glue cause loss of density and change the integrity of the structure.
  • A low vapor permeability coefficient has a negative effect on base condensation. It is necessary to leave a gap when insulating walls from the inside.
  • High price for material. The higher the density, the more expensive it is.

Popular manufacturers

The construction market offers an abundance of goods produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Among the general flow, the largest ones can be distinguished.

CompanyA countryProduct characteristics
EryapTürkiyeEngaged in the production of Bonuspan panels, the microscopicity of which is almost zero.
IZOCAMTürkiyeA feature of products manufactured using the technologies of American companies is their low weight and increased strength characteristics.
Elit-PlastUkraineA distinctive feature of the products produced under the Penoboard TM is the blue color. The environmental friendliness of the material is controlled by the Kyoto Protocol, which eliminates the possibility of environmental contamination.
TechnoNIKOLRussiaThe company provides a wide selection of thermal insulation products under the TM TechnoNIKOL and TECHNOPLEX
PENOPLEXRussiaA distinctive feature of this manufacturer is the orange color of the finishing panels, which are available in three versions: with a rough surface, with an L edge and with a P edge.
FibranGreeceThe company produces Fibran Eco XPS boards, the creation process of which does not use freon, which makes the products the most harmless.
UrsaGermanyA company engaged in the production of high thermal conductivity boards. The products are presented in three types: with smooth and stepped edges, with a corrugated surface of the panels and with increased thermal conductivity characteristics.

XPS extruded polystyrene foam is considered an excellent thermal insulator, widely used in household and industrial applications. The only drawback of insulation is the price, but it is compensated by the quality of the work performed.

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