Dimensions of balconies and loggias: standard width in a five-story “Khrushchev” building and in a panel house with 9 floors, height of balconies in brick houses, GOST

After reading this article, you will learn what balcony glazing options can be used in Khrushchev. You will also learn ways to increase the area of ​​this room. The text explains why, in the case of old residential buildings, one cannot be guided by generally accepted building codes regarding weight loads and what the consequences of an overstressed state of a balcony slab are. Why is it important to be especially careful when choosing a company that will perform glazing? What nuances need to be taken into account when choosing finishing materials and filling the space with furniture? What factors influence the cost of glazing? These and other points are highlighted below.

Overview of standard dimensions

First, a little theory.
A balcony is an additional space protruding beyond the walls of the structure. It has one common side with an apartment building and is secured with an additional plate. The loggia is considered part of the total area of ​​the apartment. It occupies a certain area of ​​interfloor ceilings, therefore, from the point of view of the law, it is considered additional living space and is included in the footage of the room. From the street, the loggia does not stand out beyond the boundaries of the façade of the apartment building.

So, these concepts have three basic differences.

  • The balcony extends beyond the walls of the residential building; they seem to hang over the open space, so they are visible from the street. In accordance with the rules, the loggia is included in the total area of ​​the apartment and is not distinguished from the outside in any way.
  • A balcony is a separate structural element that is not included in the usable space. It is indicated separately in the apartment plan. The footage of the loggia is read as part of the usable area of ​​the room.
  • The loggia has three common walls with all other rooms. The balcony is connected to the house only by one rear part.

These definitions should not be confused, since they may change the layout of the home, visual characteristics, heating system, as well as the cost of paying for housing and communal services.

The dimensions of the balcony block are directly dependent on the type of additional space in the apartment. Thus, during the construction of five-story buildings of the Khrushchev type, balconies became widespread. Loggias are present mainly in modern houses, complementing stained glass window openings; on their area you can arrange an additional room - a bedroom, a relaxation area, an office or a mini-greenhouse.

The dimensions of balconies and loggias are standardized depending on the type of the entire multi-story building. In old Khrushchev-era buildings, the balcony block of the residential premises must meet the following standards.

  • The length is determined within 3 m, a difference of +/- 1 m in both directions is allowed.
  • In some Khrushchev houses, parapet height standards apply. The fence should rise 1 m above the level of the floor slab.
  • In buildings of the Khrushchev era, the balcony parts are narrow, overly bulky and spacious blocks are potentially unsafe. GOST sets the width of structures in the range from 65 cm to 1 m; such a slab does not protrude particularly from the load-bearing wall of the building.

In panel buildings and other types of buildings erected today, there are two criteria that must be strictly observed.

  • The length of the protruding part of the balcony relative to the outer wall of the building should not exceed 80 cm. Such a balcony turns out to be narrow, but if you make it wider, this can lead to the collapse of the entire structure.
  • The width of the balcony directly depends on the dimensions of the standard slabs. In the vast majority of cases, they correspond to 3.2 m; this parameter can only be increased by a multiple of times, since then the interfloor ceilings will be closed.

Compliance with these requirements is aimed at ensuring the safety of balcony blocks that hang outside the wall of a multi-storey residential building. In relation to private buildings, these standards are classified as recommended, since the result of construction and redevelopment will affect exclusively the home owners.

The standard dimensions of the loggia differ from the established standards in terms of the dimensions of the balcony. This room is included in the footage of the entire apartment, and therefore its dimensions are slightly different. They are installed taking into account the size of the slabs on which the loggia is built.

  • The width of the slab starts from 1.2 m. Its dimensions can be increased by increasing this indicator by an integer number of times.
  • The standard for length is set similarly. The minimum size of the slab is 2.9 m; it can be increased by equipping a loggia of 5.8 or 8.7 m - however, such solutions are rather rare for standard buildings.

The type of loggia and balcony does not have any influence on their parameters, therefore additional rooms can always withstand glazing, as well as dismantling.

But for different natural conditions, additions may be prescribed, since in different countries the operation of balcony parts may have its own nuances. For example, for northern regions the depth should be within 1 m, for warm cities this parameter is set at up to 1.2 m. This is due to the fact that in the warm season a sleeping place can be placed on the balcony area, so an appropriate area will be required.

Step-by-step installation process

The general procedure for installing balcony ceilings is to prepare consumables and tools, work clothes, methods of protection (goggles, hat, respirator), marking the surface, cleaning and checking its location and plan, according to the project. The preparation for all types of slabs is the same, and even the installation nuances are largely similar, differing only in the type of hangers and fasteners.

Builders follow these steps:

  1. Lighthouse slabs are installed on the sides of the wall structure, to which elements for the future ceiling are welded and attached.

  2. A mooring is stretched along the outside length of the house.
  3. Then, using a crane, the slab is transported to the future mounting location. To do this, they must sling it.
  4. The slabs are carefully lowered (2 people) along risks and a cord called a mooring. Before this, a cement mortar bed is prepared on which the slab is laid.
  5. Check the level and geometric compliance of the laid floor.
  6. Identified slopes are eliminated and leveled; if necessary, the mortar bed is changed if the slab has to be raised again.
  7. Install temporary stands and rods until the bed solution completely hardens.
  8. Weld the protruding steel rods of the slab to the rods in the wall, screw in the anchors securely, and check the reliability of the fastenings.

If the slab is laid on a finished metal structure, it is welded and screwed with anchors and screws. A wooden slab of wood is fastened to the main part. During installation, it is important to do everything sequentially, take your time, and follow safety precautions .

The fastening element for wooden balconies is special hot-dip galvanized construction nails, size 3.5/100. Large screws are also used, with attachment points appropriate to the project.

Beams that are attached to support balcony ceilings are mounted above the outer wall, as well as at the end of their beam marking.

Balcony or loggia: main differences

In the minds of many people, a balcony and a loggia are the same thing, although in reality the two concepts are different. A balcony is a room that is attached to the load-bearing wall of a building. It necessarily protrudes forward beyond the facade, can have a different shape, and must be fenced along the perimeter. In fact, it has only one common wall with the building.

A loggia is a small extension that is considered part of the building. It is based on the load-bearing structure of the building. Externally, the loggia does not protrude beyond the façade of the house; it seems to be built into it. Most often, such rooms are rectangular or corner in shape.

They often try to provide full heating on the loggia, but in this case its area will automatically go from general to residential and you will have to pay much more for utilities.

Due to the fact that the loggia is located in the building, it is able to withstand heavy loads. When repairing and arranging a balcony, it is important to take into account the weight of building materials and furniture, since this structure is not intended for significant loads.


Most often, the need to repair balconies arises in old houses belonging to the secondary housing market; it is associated with certain factors.

Causes of destruction

  1. Incorrect distribution of load-bearing load on the balcony floor.

  2. Errors in installation technology.
  3. Construction of balconies from low-quality materials.
  4. Destruction due to seismic causes.
  5. Man-made disasters.
  6. Military actions (explosions, shell explosions).
  7. Long-term exposure to adverse natural phenomena.
  8. End of service life (necessary, over time).

Cracks and destruction form on balconies and ceilings . They may move somewhat away from the wall surface or change their geometry. Also, exposed reinforcement rods may be visible on the surface of the floors, which will require their replacement if it has become severely deteriorated and unusable, as well as fresh pouring of the slab and welding of individual elements to strengthen the base.


There are various ways to eliminate problems and damage that have arisen. Here you will need the help of professionals, since all work will be carried out from the street. The exception is private houses, when the owner can and wants to repair and tighten the second floor balcony on his own.

For example, he can seal cracks using special sealants and anchor connections, pulling together parts of the wall and then filling them with concrete mortar. If the wooden parts are worn out, replace them with fresh ones .

Major repairs should only be carried out by a team. Because if, for example, you need to install a new slab, you will need calculations, transportation and special tools, which are available from construction companies providing these services.

What does SNiP mean: balconies and loggias, height of railings on the balcony

SNiP is a document that regulates the redevelopment and reconstruction of balconies. This is a collection of building codes and regulations. A loggia and a balcony, according to this document, regardless of whether it is a cantilever type, closed or open, should not load the enclosing and supporting structures of the building where they are erected. Fire safety requirements, etc. are taken into account.

Creating a balcony railing is an important step in arranging a balcony. The reliability and durability of the structure depends on how well the work is done. According to the standards, it is allowed to use only one type of structure, which is listed as screen-type fencing. And those elements that are used must withstand the loads established in SNiP.

The total height of balcony railings depends on the height of the building. It should not be higher than 1000 mm for values ​​less than 30 m, and 1100 mm for heights greater than 30 m. The minimum height of the railing is 0.9 m. The railing must have a high load-bearing capacity, higher than that of stair railings. To comply with safety standards, the use of horizontal elements is prohibited. Installation of products with untreated edges is also prohibited.

Finish options

You can decorate a Khrushchev-era balcony from the inside with wooden clapboard. This is the most popular option. In addition, the following materials are used today:

  • drywall (with further painting or decorating with wallpaper, special plaster);
  • PVC panels;
  • natural cork;
  • plastic lining;
  • siding.

It is recommended to finish the floor with linoleum, carpet, laminate. An excellent option for decorating the surface opposite would be a suspended ceiling. This coating looks impressive, is light in weight and does not require significant financial costs. It is advisable to choose a material that is resistant to low temperatures. Such a stretch ceiling will serve for a long time even with a cold glazing method. You can read more about insulating the ceiling of balconies here.

A balcony in a Khrushchev building is characterized by a small load-bearing capacity. Therefore, preference should be given to those finishing materials that have minimal weight. In view of this, it is better to refrain from decorative stone on the walls. It is also undesirable to use ceramic tiles and parquet for flooring. If you still want to use these materials, reinforce the structure.

Since the balcony in the Khrushchev-era building has a narrow shape and very modest dimensions, when decorating it you should adhere to minimalism. If you want to furnish the room with furniture, use the lightest and most compact samples to avoid cramping and discomfort.

When choosing a style for decorating a balcony space, you need to proceed from the purpose of the room. For example, the interior of a children's leisure area is best done in cheerful colors. And in the interior of the boudoir, it is desirable to have carved furniture and thick textiles.

A thoughtful design of a balcony in a Khrushchev building can offset the lack of free space.

To improve the view from the window, you can decorate one of the side walls with photo wallpaper.

As for the exterior decoration, it is recommended to sheathe the Khrushchev balcony with corrugated sheets or corrugated sheets. This solution is optimal due to a number of circumstances. The material is durable, affordable, and the procedure itself is easy to do yourself. Such sheets are very light, so they are safe to use when arranging the balcony of an old house.

What does SNiP mean: balconies and loggias, height of railings on the balcony

SNiP is a document that regulates the redevelopment and reconstruction of balconies. This is a collection of building codes and regulations. A loggia and a balcony, according to this document, regardless of whether it is a cantilever type, closed or open, should not load the enclosing and supporting structures of the building where they are erected. Fire safety requirements, etc. are taken into account.

Creating a balcony railing is an important step in arranging a balcony. The reliability and durability of the structure depends on how well the work is done. According to the standards, it is allowed to use only one type of structure, which is listed as screen-type fencing. And those elements that are used must withstand the loads established in SNiP.

The total height of balcony railings depends on the height of the building. It should not be higher than 1000 mm for values ​​less than 30 m, and 1100 mm for heights greater than 30 m. The minimum height of the railing is 0.9 m. The railing must have a high load-bearing capacity, higher than that of stair railings. To comply with safety standards, the use of horizontal elements is prohibited. Installation of products with untreated edges is also prohibited.

Selection and design rules

All technical features of work and standards are specified in GOST standards . The balcony project, taking into account knowledge about the slab, future load and installation features, with the determination of the work plan, is best entrusted to professionals. As already indicated in one of the sections of the article above (with an example of a calculation), the load indicator is of great importance, which must be indicated in the project, taking into account the features of the structural (load-bearing) wall.

How to calculate?

For any calculations of the load of balcony floors, the standard value of 200 kg/m2 is used.
It is multiplied with the dimensions of the slab, and then the planned load is subtracted. This is of great importance if, for example, additional space will be formed on the slab - an office room or a recreation room, a library, a green corner, or things will be stored there, furniture will be installed, etc.

The slab load calculation calculator helps to quickly and without errors determine the approximate load , taking into account not only the dimensions of the slab products used, but also the characteristics of the layers above the slab, other temporary loads, and taking into account screeds.

Every civil engineer has similar calculators. With the help of such professional devices, mistakes in the construction of balconies will be eliminated. The formula for any calculation for balconies is based not only on the load, but also on the area, which is defined as:

S = a * b , or S = A+B+C+D (all sides of the perimeter along the walls) * h (height)

From the resulting calculation, the area of ​​the windows, the weight of the parapets and other important quantities that are related to the specific plan, made in the form of a diagram (drawing), are subtracted. Also, in addition to the loads on the floors, the thickness of the insulation is additionally calculated.

The project itself must take into account the material to which the balcony will be attached , as well as the mounting hardware. They must be of factory quality and meet the stated standards from the manufacturer. It is not worth saving on fasteners, as this can lead to the collapse of the structure, which could harm the family and other people, pets, and various things, including your own or a neighbor’s parked car.

When taking measurements, many experts advise adding an additional 2 (cm) to the length and width of the slab. This is necessary so that later you do not have to seal large gaps, and, if necessary, cut off the excess part (reduce it to the required length).

GOST dimensions: balcony slabs

Parameters, sizes, types of balcony slabs are regulated according to GOST 25697-83. The slabs themselves are divided into several types: PB - solid flat beams, PBK - solid cantilever flat, PBR - cantilever ribbed. The length of balcony slabs is from 1200 mm to 7200 mm, the width of balcony slabs is 1200-1800 mm.

The thickness of typical balcony slabs in a brick house or panel house is in the range from 150 mm to 220 mm. It all depends on the type of slab, the dimensions of the slab and the weight of the slab.

It is possible to expand the balcony structure along the base of the slab. This concept involves providing additional usable space. But first, the loads of the balcony structure on the same slab are calculated to prevent its collapse. Typically, metal or steel brackets are used to expand the balcony.

Standard balcony width and repair of balcony slabs

The width of the balcony in Khrushchev is 0.65-0.8 m, and the width of the balcony in Brezhnevka will be the same, but the length is shorter. In panel houses, the width is 0.7 m. And a three-meter or six-meter loggia will be 1.2 m wide. All these points, as well as other dimensions, are included in a document called a technological map. And all your reconstructions, taking the same example, expansion along the base of the slab, are entered into this map.

What does repairing a balcony slab mean:

  • It refers to major repairs that involve a large amount of work;
  • Such repairs are carried out if the destruction of the slab has not yet reached the base, and the reinforcement has not been damaged by corrosion by more than 10%;
  • The restoration process includes some transitional blocks - this includes cleaning the slab, updating the reinforcement frame, installing formwork, screeding concrete, and, of course, strengthening the parapet.

If the slabs have more significant damage, these are already emergency slabs. They need to be replaced. If you yourself discover that the slab is collapsing, contact the management company, write a standard statement, so that the company can create a commission and draw up a report on the condition of the balcony. If it is recognized as an emergency, this is already the work of the management company. That is, for example, you repair what is in the apartment – ​​the doors, the floor – yourself. Any decor (if you want a stained glass window for your balcony) - do it yourself. But the balcony slab is already the responsibility of the managing party.

Removal by floor

An even more radical way to increase the size of the balcony. To do this, a new metal frame is installed to replace the old one and a little larger than it. In the most extreme case, the width of the balcony becomes 40 cm larger in each direction.

This method is dangerous because the balcony is essentially built anew, leaving only the balcony slab in place. The metal frame is attached to the concrete. More information in the article “balcony with take-out”

Such a huge load can negatively affect the strength of the extension element. Therefore, before this type of redevelopment, you can contact an expert who will inspect the balcony and make the necessary calculations.

Typical Balcony Sizes

Just ten years ago, balconies were rarely glazed. Now it is used everywhere - both in Khrushchev and new buildings.

In new houses everything is extremely simple - the balcony is almost always glazed at the construction stage using all technologies.

But glazing a balcony with an extension in a Khrushchev-era building is more difficult, since its structure is already worn out and in some places can be destroyed.

The size of the balcony creates some restrictions when choosing the option and type of glazing. Therefore, you need to know some standard sizes.

The height of the balcony from the bottom to the top slab is always 2.6-2.65 m, regardless of the layout.

Other sizes are also standard:

  • width – 65-80 cm,
  • length – 280-310 cm,
  • parapet height – 100 cm.

Characteristic features of balconies in Khrushchev buildings

The process of glazing balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings is not the easiest. But still, this can be done.

First, consider some nuances:

  • condition of the floor slab - it may be partially destroyed and covered with cracks due to the low quality of concrete used in construction, so it is better to use the services of professionals for preliminary repairs;
  • the condition of the parapet - it cannot be used as a support for a new frame. Do not forget to take into account its age and carry out additional strengthening or replacement if necessary;
  • size - can contribute to the choice of glazing with offset

But here it is important to check the compliance of the technical and operational characteristics of the building; . floor - if it is not the top floor, then the roof of the upper balcony is used

If you live on the top floor, you will have to install a roof.

  • floor - if it is not the top floor, then the roof of the upper balcony is used. If you live on the top floor, you will have to install a roof.

Curtains and decor

Thanks to modern blinds and designer fabric curtains, it is possible to protect the glazed loggia from excessive sunlight and heat. To design balcony frames, shortened models of the minimum size are most often chosen. Roller curtains, Roman curtains or pleated blinds are perfect. Products that are installed inside the frame allow you to save as much space on the balcony as possible.

In order to give a small balcony in a Khrushchev-era building a cozy and comfortable look, the room can be decorated with soft pillows or accessories made with your own hands. Thanks to wall paintings, handmade items and outdoor decorations, the atmosphere is filled with special warmth. It is appropriate to paint wall surfaces using stencils or decorate the surface with special stickers. Such drawings will not only diversify the monochromatic decoration of the walls on the balcony in the Khrushchev-era building, but will also become the main compositional center.

Lighting will help highlight the decorated loggia. An LED strip with several color modes will make the atmosphere even more festive.

The photo shows plants and decor in the design of a narrow balcony in Khrushchev.

Types of balcony slabs


Overall dimensions, composition, strength characteristics, basic physical and mechanical properties, permissible load and other parameters of slabs for loggias and balconies are regulated by GOST. According to the current standard, there are several types of products with corresponding letter markings:

  • PB - flat solid beams, supported on two opposite or three sides;
  • PBK - flat solid cantilever, attached to two sides with an adjacent edge;
  • PBR - ribbed cantilever, laid in the internal transverse walls of the building.

There is also a classification according to design parameters, according to which the balcony slab is divided into two groups - solid and hollow. The first category is considered universal and is used in the construction of buildings of various heights without any restrictions. The second variety is used exclusively for arranging loggias.

Types of loggias and balconies

Additional rooms in the form of loggias are divided into several types depending on their location. They are straight, angular and lateral. The exception is loggias, which have a corner location, but lack forward visibility. It should also be noted that these premises have a varied architectural design. They mainly differ in the shape of their construction: angular, semicircular, rectangular, etc.

Balconies are also not far behind. They may differ not only in shape, but also in the material used to construct the fence. For example, metal forging.

Let's pay attention to the concept of a French balcony. A special feature of this design is the complete absence of floor. That is, we open the door to the balcony and immediately run into a metal fence.

Today, almost all loggias and balconies are being glazed and used as additional squares to expand the area of ​​the apartment.

We recommend watching a video about increasing the balcony area:

Selecting materials

Today, the most modern materials and designs are used for glazing and finishing the Khrushchev balcony. Let's take a closer look at them.

Plastic profiles

They have the following advantages:

  • Excellent quality and durability;
  • Virtually unlimited service life;
  • Unpretentiousness and easy care;
  • High thermal insulation performance;
  • Relatively low price.

But in any case, such a frame has quite a lot of weight, so old balconies cannot always support the weight of the structure. This also applies to the parapet, which creates additional load on the panel and also reduces the already small area.

Wooden frame

Today, in the era of plastic, wood has not lost its uniqueness and remains one of the most popular glazing methods.

Advantages of a wooden frame:

  • Completely environmentally friendly material that does not pose a danger to humans;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Wood fits perfectly into any interior;
  • Excellent sound insulation performance;
  • Relatively light weight;
  • Easy installation, allowing you to do this work yourself.

Methods for fastening balcony slabs

Balcony covering

The opinion that the balcony slab is always a continuation of the interfloor ceiling is erroneous. In many cases, this installation method is impractical, uneconomical or physically impossible due to the nature of the technology used. In modern construction, the most common methods of fastening these elements are:

  • pinching into a load-bearing wall or facade;
  • additional base on the ground floor;
  • suspension of the platform to load-bearing walls;
  • support on floors in panel houses.

Regardless of the method of installing slabs for loggias and balconies, the main attention when choosing should be paid to the quality of the materials and their compliance with the industry standard.

Equipment and accessories for installation

In order to lay slabs for balconies, it is necessary to use the services of builders, industrial climbers, equipment in the form of lifting vehicles, as well as the following devices, materials and tools:

  1. Special level, angles, cord, range finder, tape measure, hammer.

  2. Impact drill, screwdriver, grinder, grinder.
  3. Reinforcement of the required sizes, channels, I-beams, profiles, binding wire.
  4. Ready-made floor slabs of given dimensions, or all the necessary devices for pouring a monolithic base (formwork, reinforcement, concrete composition).
  5. Shovel and container for mixing concrete or plaster mortar, concrete mixer.
  6. Stationary or automatic concrete pump for supplying the solution to the place where the balcony is being built.
  7. Vibrator, tampers and smoothers for leveling the surface.
  8. Typically, a spatula, trowel, for applying plaster mortar, screed and sealing cracks.
  9. Welding equipment (machine and everything necessary for it, including a protective helmet for the worker).

A construction mixer, a wood saw (if this material will be present in the work), a rivet gun (for fastening corrugated sheeting), waterproofing and vapor barrier material, with all the necessary accessories for them, also

Consumables and tools may vary in each specific case. When contacting a construction company, many of the listed work supplies, including machinery and equipment, are provided by the company, so owners do not need to specifically rent or purchase them.

The difference between a balcony and a loggia

According to all regulatory documents, a balcony should be understood as a platform protruding beyond the facade of the house at floor level. This is one of the most significant differences from a loggia. The design of the balcony room may lack any element, but the presence of a platform is required.

Unlike a balcony, a loggia is built into the building. By and large, it can be considered a room. It has not only a platform, but also three walls, which are integral with the building. The front part is open in its original form. This room never extends beyond the front of the house. Compared to a balcony, a loggia can withstand heavy loads. If desired, you can install heating on it, which is a strict prohibition for balcony rooms.

To install heating, you must first obtain a special permit and coordinate the redevelopment with the relevant authorities.

Warm way

The idea of ​​turning a small balcony into a separate room or connecting it to an existing room comes to almost every apartment owner. We looked at interesting ideas in the article “design of a small balcony”.

In practice, this is achieved by installing metal-plastic double-glazed windows. They should be double, or even better triple, for better thermal insulation.

Instead of metal-plastic, frameless windows can be used. Currently they are produced with multiple glass units.

In addition to the already traditional double-glazed windows on an aluminum or metal-plastic frame, there are also windows on a wooden frame. Contrary to popular belief, modern designs are high quality products.

More information in the article “repair of a balcony in Khrushchev”

But this is not the end. There are two ways to expand the balcony, albeit slightly.

Standard sizes

Dimensions of balconies
Regardless of the construction plan, regulatory documents provide for the distance between the lower and upper ceilings. It is 2.6 m. Paying attention to the size of the loggia, it should be noted that to build this room, hollow slabs are used, the dimensions of which are 1.2 × 5.8 m. Typically, such a slab is divided into two parts. In this regard, the standard room length dimensions are 2.9 m.

At the balcony, the platform should protrude beyond the facade. Therefore, a slab with a length of 3.275 m is laid so that it protrudes beyond the building by 0.8 m.

Here are some typical balcony dimensions provided for by regulatory documents. The data presents dimensions in meters according to: length, minimum width and height of the parapet:

  • in Khrushchev houses - 2.8–3.1 m × 0.65–0.8 m × 1 m;
  • in houses built in the 70s - 2.4 m × 0.65–0.8 m × 1 m;
  • three-meter loggias – 3 m×0.7 m×1–1.2 m;
  • six-meter loggias – 6 m×0.7 m×1–1.2 m;
  • panel houses – 3.1 m×0.7 m×1.2 m;
  • block houses – 5.64 m×0.7 m×1.2 m.

It is imperative to adhere to the standards for the height of the parapet. According to all regulatory rules and in accordance with fire safety, its height should not be less than 1 m.

Look at the video about expanding the French balcony:


Balcony slabs are fixed in several basic ways:

  • cantilever plate along the bottom of the base;
  • pinching;
  • supporting internal walls and columns on consoles;
  • suspension and support on the outer wall of the building;
  • resting on attached elements.

Depending on the method of fastening, you can additionally strengthen and strengthen the floors during the first installation, or perform this procedure with an already installed slab.
To do this, use devices such as :

  • reinforced rods;
  • construction mesh;
  • cement screed;
  • additional anchoring;
  • metal profile brace.

In any case, the chosen method is advisable after an assessment of the object by a specialist, or when performing planned design work. Most concrete slabs can be reinforced with an additional slab , which is attached end-to-end to the bottom slab. Here, all existing steel elements must be sealed using welding, as well as anchors and fastening hangers.

If the project provides for strengthening the slabs with the help of jibs, then this process is carried out only by high-rise installers, using special tools, lifting elements and transport. When strengthening work, it is necessary to use suitable braces, level the surface of the slab, if necessary, additional concrete filling is done, and the seams are tightly sealed.

The supporting metal structure is most often made from high-quality profile pipes.

Types of loggias and balconies and their sizes

Nature and national culture are so distributed that balconies and loggias in different countries have their own unique characteristics. And many of them have successfully taken root in Russia and Ukraine.

  • “Italian” style - designs of this type are distinguished by a variety of shapes and the use of multiple decorative techniques. Elegant but complex forging is used as fencing.
  • “A la France” - this style prevails in Soviet-era houses. These are small structures that are more decorative than functional. Doors can be decorated with an elegant twisted grille.
  • Spanish Gothic is a rectangular or square terrace with a strict and laconic decor. The perimeter railings are framed by a concrete parapet or modest lattice.
  • Americano - structures of this type are located around the entire perimeter of the house, separated from each other by thin lintels, the railings are lower than the standard. Relevant in individual buildings, hotels and tourism facilities.
  • Portuguese veranda - found in low-rise buildings, can be open or closed, and is in demand in preschool educational institutions and dispensaries.
  • The Swedish balcony is the most common type of construction in our country. It is distinguished by a narrow rectangular protrusion beyond the line of the facade; metal crossbars are provided as fencing. Parameters depend on the building series

The dimensions of such loggias depend entirely on the type of building and climate zone. In middle and northern latitudes, the projections of structures are usually small. This allows you to not limit the passage of natural light. This is especially true in multi-story construction, where the upper balcony space forms a shadow for the lower one. Loggias provide more shade, so their size in the northern regions is smaller than in the southern ones.

Is the area of ​​the loggia or balcony included in the living space?

The question often arises whether the area of ​​a balcony or loggia is included in the living space, whether heating charges are charged for additional square meters and who should be responsible for repairing these premises.

The total area of ​​the apartment is calculated as the sum of the areas of all rooms and additional premises located inside the apartment, officially registered extensions. But if the area is not heated, it is considered unsuitable for living.

Therefore, the total area is calculated with a reduction factor - for balconies equal to 0.3, for loggias - 0.5. Sometimes real estate agents, in order to attract the attention of buyers, announce the living area along with the balcony area.

If the loggia area is officially attached to the apartment, then it is included in the total area and is included in the payment for heating and rent.

When making purchase and sale transactions, you do not need to take the sellers’ word for it, but you should carefully study the relevant documentation for housing.

How to measure a balcony?

If the owner intends to make repairs, it doesn’t matter - on his own or with the involvement of professional teams, he needs to take correct measurements of the space. This will allow you to determine the required amount of construction and finishing materials.

Measuring loggias can be done using the simplest measuring instruments - rulers and tape measures. But to achieve maximum measurement accuracy, you should use a laser rangefinder. If the balcony has a non-standard shape, for example, sloping or semicircular, then this will significantly complicate the process. It’s easy to take measurements, but calculating the area can be fraught with certain difficulties. To simplify the task, space can be divided into geometric shapes - triangles, squares and rectangles - and their area can be determined, and then the results can be summed up.

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Calculation of usable area

A fundamental aspect for all owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings is the inclusion of a balcony and loggia in the useful footage of a residential premises, as well as its impact on the price of the apartment and the procedure for paying for utilities.


Obviously, the area of ​​an apartment is the sum of the areas of its individual premises. However, there is an important nuance here - balconies, like loggias, are not considered by law to be a space suitable for permanent residence. Therefore, it is recalculated taking into account the reduction factor: for balconies it corresponds to 0.3, for loggias a little higher - 0.5.

Advice! Before purchasing an apartment, you should carefully read the terms of the contract. The fact is that some unscrupulous realtors, in an effort to inflate the area of ​​the apartment being sold, deliberately do not indicate the difference between the balcony part and the loggia.

Let's explain with an example. Let's say you are going to buy an apartment of 60 square meters. It includes a balcony block with an area of ​​6 square meters. m. and a loggia of 7 sq. m. After registering the property as a property, when paying for heating for 47 sq. m. m. will have to be paid at the maximum rate; payments for additional area are recalculated taking into account the coefficients. If the purchase and sale agreement states that the total footage of the residential premises is 60 square meters. m. - in this case you will have to pay for housing and communal services at a single high rate.

The opposite situation also happens. If the area of ​​the purchased housing is indicated without highlighting the balcony and loggia, then these blocks will not be considered your property. This can lead to serious problems during the resale of housing, exchange or resettlement.

Prices for finishing and insulation in Khrushchevka

Finishing cost table, using prices as an example.

Service typeMaterial typePrice
Ceiling and wall finishingPVC panelsfrom 380 RUR/sq.m. m
MDF panelsfrom 420 RUR/sq.m. m
Treefrom 670 RUR/sq.m. m
Drywallfrom 1,170 rubles/sq.m. m
Floor finishingWarm floorfrom 2,000 rubles/sq.m. m
Tiles, linoleum, parquetfrom 1,500 rubles/sq.m. m
Insulation of floors and wallsPenofolfrom 200 RUR/sq.m. m
Penoplexfrom 400 RUR/sq.m. m
Electrification and lightingfrom 3,000 complex
Roof installationfrom RUR 1,780/linear m
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