Balcony glazing, aluminum or plastic, which is better?

When it comes time to insulate the house, a dilemma arises: which double-glazed windows for the balcony will best protect against noise, dust and precipitation, and how to make the space more cozy and comfortable. The glazing process is an important step in insulating the entire area of ​​the home, since most of the warm air escapes through the balcony. Modern glazing options allow you to choose the most successful solution in terms of technical capabilities, functionality, aesthetics and budget.

Classic glazing or panoramic (French)

The very first question when repairing a balcony is its configuration. The choice of building materials, the amount of work, and the size of the budget depend on what the future loggia will be like. There are two options: classic and panoramic.

The concept of steel glazing is distinguished separately; it is also called trolleybus glazing. With this type of design, metal sheets are used that are welded to the balcony frame. The glass in this design is rounded, edged with a rubber seal. Such balconies are the most budget option of all possible, but due to a number of disadvantages, they are not popular.

Nuances of the seal

The black seal is made of rubber, the basis of which is synthetic rubber. The material is additionally tinted with black soot. An exception is the REHAU brand seal, which is made from PVC.

Plasticized PVC is used as the basis of the gray seal. It is welded to the profile, which helps reduce the cost of the process. However, this material does not withstand frost well. The white seal includes thermoplastic elastomer. It is a new generation material.

French balcony glazing has many advantages.

Panoramic or French loggia

This glazing option is also called portfonetre and is common in France, Spain, and Italy. Over the past few decades, thanks to modern technology, the fashion for panoramic windows and balconies has spread to countries with colder climates.

A distinctive feature of this type of glazing is floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors surrounded by a wrought-iron parapet.


  • lots of sunshine;
  • maximum visibility;
  • attractive appearance.


  • high cost of both materials and work;
  • lack of window sill;
  • inability to organize a place to store things;
  • in the warm season, the loggia needs additional ventilation, and in winter it needs heating.

Classic glazing

The design feature of the balcony is a high parapet with windows. The lower part is solid, blind.


  • the ability to additionally insulate the loggia;
  • organizing additional storage space;
  • the ability to arrange a separate room;
  • wide choice of double-glazed glass designs;
  • opportunity to save.

Disadvantages: externally, the balcony will look ordinary, not as impressive as a French one.

When choosing classic glazing, a number of questions arise: from the need to remove the balcony to tinting the glass.

With and without takeout

The design without removal implies a minimum of intervention in the original layout of the loggia. The straight parapet is insulated and double-glazed windows are mounted on it. Such work can be carried out independently, without involving authorized bodies.

Removing the balcony structure involves moving the frames 20 cm beyond the balcony slab. This option will increase the total area, but is included in the category of redevelopment according to the Housing Code, which means that it is better to obtain permission for repairs before starting construction work. Such an expansion incurs additional costs in the form of examining the slab and calculating the additional load, strengthening the frame.

In the absence of permission to carry out work, the structure may be considered illegal, which entails a fine and dismantling.

Warm or cold glazing

The choice of type of work determines whether the loggia will be a warm room, part of the room, or whether the temperature in it will differ from the street by only a few degrees. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.



  • savings on double-glazed windows and insulating materials;
  • the ability to equip a place to store things and products that need cold.


  • the temperature difference on the loggia and outside will not be great;
  • in the cold season, such a balcony can serve as an additional cold bridge.



  • expands the scope of use of balcony space;
  • the ability to turn the loggia into part of a room or a separate space for work or relaxation;
  • high-quality protection from noise, dust and cold.


  • additional calculations, measurements;
  • increased budget.

This type of glazing requires calculation of the dew point - this is the temperature to which the air must cool for the water molecules in it to become liquid. The floor, ceiling, and walls must be moisture and heat resistant to ensure a comfortable air temperature in the room.

A reliable ventilation system is also necessary. For glazing, multi-chamber profiles with a thermal bridge and high-quality double-glazed windows are used.

Elimination of condensation

When installing PVC windows, many are faced with the problem of condensation on the double-glazed windows. To avoid such a situation, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • The fencing for a balcony or loggia must be properly insulated with membrane waterproofing installed.
  • You need to choose frames with double insulation, double-glazed windows should be double-chamber.
  • It is recommended to install special ventilation holes on the frames.
  • Hoods should be installed on the balcony space. For more information on how to get rid of condensation on windows, watch this video:

Materials for the manufacture of frames and profiles

The glass is framed in wood, plastic or aluminum.

Wooden windows


  • natural material;
  • appearance;
  • natural infiltration;
  • possibility of restoration with minor defects.


  • high price;
  • sensitivity to moisture;
  • wooden windows need periodic treatment.

Aluminum windows

The use of aluminum profiles is common for cold glazing.


  • durability. With proper quality and maintenance, an aluminum profile will last about 80 years;
  • lightness of the material. This is important if it is impossible to strengthen the frame or concrete slab;
  • configuration and dimensions. Aluminum frames are the best solution for large windows and loggias;
  • fire safety. Aluminum is a poorly flammable material;
  • resistance to corrosion processes.


  1. Insufficient thermal insulation. Aluminum heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly.
  2. Low sound insulation. Even the highest quality aluminum is not airtight enough.

Plastic windows for the loggia

The most common type of window profiles. They are also metal-plastic double-glazed windows for loggias.


  1. Versatility of design. The plastic profile can be selected according to heat and sound insulation parameters.
  2. No installation restrictions.
  3. High degree of tightness.
  4. Wide range of colors and textures.


  • significant weight of the structure;
  • the controversial issue of the environmental friendliness of plastic windows.

Plastic windows have the widest range of products and a variety of prices. This type of glass frames has become a field of activity for unscrupulous manufacturers, therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to thoroughly study the quality certificates, both for the material used and for the design. Unscrupulous execution of frames made of wood or aluminum is less common.

How to install windows on a balcony

The installation of balcony windows is most often trusted to specialists. Many companies offer free installation when you purchase double-glazed windows from them, so there is no point in wasting your own time on installation. Also, the warranty on double-glazed windows only applies if the installation was carried out by the company’s specialists.

Let's summarize. It is impossible to give a definite answer which balcony windows are better. There are many factors to consider. What type of glazing do you want, warm or cold? What is important to you about window profiles? Write down your own criteria and wishes, and this will help you make your choice.

Cameras in double-glazed windows: features of the main types

There are 4 main types of double-glazed windows: single-chamber, double-chamber, three-chamber, five-chamber. They differ in the number of glasses in the profile. The choice of a double-glazed window with a certain number of chambers depends on how much heat needs to be retained in the room and what degree of sound insulation should be. The more cameras in a double-glazed window, the higher these indicators, and the more expensive the design. This is achieved due to the air contained between the glasses - it works like a thermos.

The thickness of the glass also affects the quality of the glass unit. Designs from leading manufacturers provide a choice from 4 to 6 mm. This is necessary for glazing in different climatic zones. The thicker the glass, the better it retains heat.

Types of window structures

To install windows on a balcony, it is not enough to simply install glass. The system by which glass and double-glazed windows will be opened plays an important role in air circulation in the apartment, thermal insulation, and ergonomics. Windows on the balcony can be installed using several frames or a frameless design.

Frameless double glazed windows

This design does not provide a large number of frames. The balcony is protected from the street by laminated or tempered glass with polished edges. A distinctive feature of frameless double-glazed windows is the window opening mechanism.

There are two ways to open frameless windows - accordion or sliding:

  1. The first option allows you to fold the window glass on one side of the axis of the guides on which they are placed. The disadvantage of the accordion system is the need to place all the doors on one side, which takes up a lot of space.
  2. A sliding structure consists of individual doors in a common frame that move along a common axis. They are not fixed to each other, but ride along guides located above and below. There is also an option in which the sliding doors move up and down, but this requires a high ceiling.

Window tinting on the balcony

Previously, tinting could only be done for car windows. Now you can tint any window. Some types of tinting free apartment owners from the need to use curtains.

Tinting is a film that is applied to glass.

There are several types:

  1. Sun protection . Protects the balcony and furniture from sunlight and the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Mirror . This type reflects 80% of the light that hits the glass surface. On one side, the film can be colored, which will decorate not only the window sash, but also the facade of the house.
  3. Matte . Such a film will hide it from prying eyes, but will allow sunlight to penetrate onto the balcony.
  4. Protective . The film is designed to strengthen the glass in the sash.

Using tint has a number of disadvantages. The film is made of plastic, which calls into question its environmental friendliness. If the double-glazed windows do not allow sunlight into the loggia, then the room will be in twilight and the air will warm up more slowly. It is difficult to remove the film without damaging it, which means it will have to be changed at the change of each season.

Sash opening method

It would be a mistake to think that a balcony frame can consist only of solid, that is, fixed elements. In order for window glass and frames to be washed or maintained, opening sashes must be installed. They also provide the necessary ventilation. There are several types of opening sashes.


The mechanism ensures that the frame swings inside the room. When fully opened, it rotates almost 90°, providing access to the outer part of the glass unit and the blind elements adjacent to it. The rotating system is inconvenient for ventilation. When fully open, it gives too much air flow; it has no other positions. Therefore, comb-type holding devices are produced. Micro-ventilation is not provided. If the sash has to be opened frequently, over time it will sag under its own weight. It can be adjusted and returned to its previous position, but the number of such adjustments is limited. Hinges and fittings of swing doors break more often. In addition, rotating structures are considered the most dangerous, since people or pets can fall out of them.




The lower part of the glass unit is firmly fixed. The top one can tilt into the room, that is, open at a slight angle. This is very convenient for organizing ventilation and is completely safe. It is impossible to fall out of such a window. The main disadvantage is that you cannot wash the outside of the glass.


They combine the functions of both systems, which is very convenient. Their shortcomings are mutually neutralized. Tilt and turn sashes are equipped with several opening modes, and it is possible to organize micro-ventilation. They are easy to clean and maintain. They are considered a good choice for finishing balconies.

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The sash does not swing open or recline, but moves along a horizontal guide. It extends behind the adjacent element, which saves free space. They are often chosen when looking for the best way to glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building. The features of the sliding mechanism do not allow it to be sealed. Therefore, for insulated loggias, for example, it is not suitable. Most often, sliding frames are made of aluminum profiles.


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There are other types of frames. With a transom, hanging, folding, rotating along a horizontal axis, etc. They are rarely used to solve non-standard architectural problems.

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