How can you paint plastic panels and how to do it correctly?

Wall and ceiling panels made of plastic are in fashion these days. Many residential owners use them as a finishing material. But not everyone is satisfied with the proposed color palette, so the question often arises: how to paint PVC panels and is it possible to paint them at all?

Considering the huge range of paints and varnishes on the sales market, choosing paint for plastic will not be a particular problem for the user. But before you start painting, you need to decide on the color that will most suit the homeowner in the interior of the room. As a rule, acrylic compositions are produced in pastel, medium and rich tones.

How to paint PVC

Sheet PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, does not require additional maintenance.
But white sheets of material sometimes need to be painted due to the creative ideas and designs of designers. The question arises: how can you paint PVC panels? Until recently, PVC panels were difficult to paint due to the chemical composition of its surface. Modern paint for plastic allows you to paint the material in any color without deformation. Whether you're looking to refinish a worn surface or apply a new color, there are two main things to know about painting PVC: It's possible and it's easy.

The most important requirement that paint must meet is high adhesion. The smooth slippery surface of the panels and the rather dense texture prevent good adhesion of the materials.

Aerosol paints

Acrylic spray paint for PVC is especially suitable for painting plastic products. The container protects the paint from air penetration and the formation of a film on the surface. On the labels of such paints you can find the words: “Plastic” or “Multi-Surface”.


  • high level of adhesion;
  • ideal for painting small parts and hard-to-reach places;
  • does not require additional tools;
  • creates an even and smooth coating;
  • dries quickly;
  • economical to use.


  • If cleaning is not done in a timely manner, the nozzle may dry out;
  • spray painting requires certain skills.

Polyurethane-acrylic paints

This paint for PVC is made on a water-based, colorless base. To give the paint color, base acrylic paint and hardener are used. Such paints are used for painting large volume surfaces.


  • has no pungent odor;
  • uniformity of coating;
  • quick drying;
  • resistance to defect formation;
  • does not drain from vertical surfaces;
  • independent tinting;
  • special additives allow you to create different textures on the surface being painted.


  • Over time, a film may form on the paint surface;
  • When painting with a spray gun, it is necessary to remove solid, undissolved particles from the paint.

Pros and cons of painting MDF

MDF is painted most often for two reasons:

  • the need to protect the material from negative environmental factors;
  • decorative purpose - you want to change the color of the MDF board or improve its appearance.

Regardless of the reason for painting, it has a number of advantages:

  • The painted element becomes resistant to high temperatures. This means that when using an MDF panel in the kitchen, you can place hot dishes on it.
  • The presence of special additives in the paint allows you to obtain facades of an original design: mother-of-pearl, pearl, metallic.
  • As a rule, paints intended for MDF do not contain harmful chemicals. This is a big plus, especially if you plan to dye the material at home.
  • And finally, painting products can significantly extend their service life.

Of course, painting MDF is not without its drawbacks, of which the following can be highlighted:

  • high price compared to film coating;
  • possibility of color fading under direct exposure to sunlight.

Enamel/model paint

How to paint PVC panels other than traditional paint designed specifically for use on plastic.


  • durable coating with good overlap of the previous layer;
  • fine finely dispersed pigment for uniform coverage;
  • ideal for small drawings;
  • gives the surface gloss;
  • The dried coating is resistant to water and acrylic solvents.


  • long drying time;
  • strong pungent odor;
  • the use of solvent to thin the paint must be used with caution for plastics;
  • not recommended for surfaces with a large painted area;
  • may leave brush marks;
  • Requires primer and final varnish.

If you want antique

If there is a desire to give the surface a more expressive look, to age it a little, then they resort to patination. It is advisable to do this when there are drawings and patterns.

Patina is applied in this way:

  • walk over the selected area with a sponge soaked in the mixture;
  • leave until completely dry;
  • the painted area is sanded;
  • proceed to the final stage.

You can create the effect of artificial aging yourself by resorting to patination of the surface

How to paint plastic with your own hands? Features and nuances of painting plastic at home.

Features and nuances of painting plastic objects at home using aerosol cans or simple paint and a brush.

How to paint plastic with your own hands? Features and nuances of painting plastic at home.

Decorative items give the interior of any room a unique and finished look. If you want to decorate your apartment and create a stylish interior without spending too much money on decoration items, then the easiest way is to give a second life to plastic objects and surfaces by painting them with beautiful spray paint. The process of painting plastic with your own hands, if you are well prepared, will not take much time and will not be too difficult.

Surely at home you have a lot of objects made of plastic, polypropylene, polycarbonate, polystyrene - in everyday life all these materials are called plastic.

If you are reading this article, then you are interested in the topic of painting plastic products, and you already have a lot of questions about this: how and with what to paint plastic with your own hands? how to prepare plastic for painting? Do the properties of different types of plastic affect the dyeing process? Is it necessary to prime plastic and others. We will talk about all this in the article.

What do you need to color plastic at home?

- aerosol acrylic varnish, glossy or matte - for final finishing

- gloves and mask or goggles for protection

- newspaper or covering film

- paper tape (painting tape)

- a bowl of water, cotton rags, detergent

- solvent or white spirit

- fine sandpaper

— ADDITIONAL: If you want to remove deep scratches and chips on the product, you will need putty (preferably automotive) and primer

How to paint plastic at home?

Not every paint is suitable for painting plastic objects. Some types of paints simply will not adhere to the product. Therefore, for working at home, it is best to use aerosol paint in cans, universal or special for plastic, which is easy to apply and does not require special work skills - a little skill, strict adherence to step-by-step instructions and you will succeed. However, some people prefer to use traditional paints for painting, so in the second part of the article we will talk about how to paint plastic with a brush.

Step-by-step instructions for painting plastic

Step_1 Clean the plastic surface from dirt using a sponge (brush) and soapy water. If dust and dirt remain on the product, the paint will not apply evenly and the product will have to be repainted. Heavy soiling, mold and erosion can be cleaned with bleach. Before starting work, dry the plastic product thoroughly.

Preparatory work

Before you paint a window sill, windows, doors or other surface with your own hands, you should carefully prepare it. To do this you need:

  1. Remove mosquito nets, blinds, curtains, ebbs and other objects that will interfere with the work.
  2. Free the surface from mechanical contamination.
  3. Remove greasy stains.
  4. Seal rubber seals and other fittings with construction tape to prevent paint from getting in.
  5. The glass should be covered with plastic film.

For more effective cleaning, degreasing and removing static stress, you can use specialized activator cleaners for PVC. They are applied to a cloth, which is used to wipe the surface to be treated. After this, you need to allow the solution to completely evaporate, which takes from 5 to 10 minutes, and only after that start painting.

If the surface has roughness, scratches and other irregularities, they must be puttied and then sanded with fine sandpaper. Finally, cover the entire surface with an even layer of primer. If you have certain skills, you can do this yourself. But if you have no experience, then it is better to resort to the services of professionals.

Paints intended for coloring plastic

Acrylic paint for plastic.

Nowadays, polyurethane-acrylic water dispersions are used for painting surfaces made of PVC, ABS plastic, polycarbonate, and polypropylene.

They are suitable for repair and restoration of doors, windows, siding, sandwich panels, decorative elements, etc.

  1. Dispersion coatings are environmentally friendly because they do not contain thinners or solvents. They are diluted with water, so they do not have a pungent odor.
  2. They create a coating that has high decorative qualities.
  3. The finish is resistant to defect formation and contamination. It dries quickly, gains hardness and has anti-blocking properties.
  4. Acrylic paints have good water-repellent ability and wear resistance.
  5. The coating has high levels of hardness, adhesion and adhesion.
  6. The instructions indicate that the service life of the finish is equal to the service life of the plastic base itself and is at least 7 years.

The described paints are a thick white liquid.

Important points

When purchasing paint for processing plastic windows, you must first calculate the required amount of material. To do this, you need to take measurements of the surface that will be processed. The exact calculation will be made by sales consultants.

The cost of polyurethane-acrylic paint composition is quite high. However, the low material consumption and long service life without additional treatments completely justify the costs.

When applying paint, the most important factor is to follow the instructions exactly. The high environmental safety indicators of the presented PVC paints make it possible to use them in residential premises, children's and medical institutions, and public catering establishments.

Repainting a plastic surface

Let us answer the question whether it is possible to paint plastic panels with a brush or roller. No, painting should only be done by spraying. When painting by hand, stains and marks from the tool will remain on the coating.

Preparing for work

Cleaner for plastic.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • cleaner for plastic surfaces;
  • lint-free cotton cloth and napkin;
  • the paint itself, as well as the color scheme;
  • spray gun;
  • To work with your own hands, you will need gloves and a respirator or protective mask.

The best option is to use a cleaner specifically designed for plastic to prepare the surface. Its price is low and its efficiency is good.

Plastic often bears traces of the silicone lubricant used in its manufacture. The cleaner degreases the base, removes lint, dust and removes static electricity.

In addition, it softens the top layer of the surface, thereby improving paint adhesion.

  1. Apply a little cleaner to a cotton cloth and wipe the surface with it. Based on the fact that the composition softens the plastic, avoid exposing it to too much force.

When working, observe personal protection measures.

Note! The room in which you will carry out preparatory and main work must have a forced ventilation type. Especially if it's small. Avoid contact of cleaner and paint with mucous membranes and skin; work in a respirator and gloves.

  1. After cleaning, make sure the coating is completely dry before painting the sandwich panel or other plastic surface. As a rule, this happens after 4/5 minutes.
  2. Next, treat the surface with fine sandpaper (zero) and wipe with a dry, lint-free cloth.

Painting process

The photo shows the stages of painting plastic panels.

Read more about how to paint plastic panels.

  1. If the finishing process includes painting, then painting work should be carried out no earlier than 60 minutes after tinting.
  2. Before painting, determine the viscosity of the composition. If it is thick, dilute it with clean water.
  3. You will apply the paint using a spray gun. Therefore, before work, put on a respirator and cover untreated surfaces with plastic wrap.

When painting sandwich panels, you need to pay attention to such factors.

The spray gun should be easy to use.

  1. Desired parameters of the spray gun: operating pressure level - 2/2.5 atmospheres, gun nozzle diameter - 1.6/1.8 millimeters.
  2. The dye should be sprayed in a layer of 6 mm. If the coating is thicker, it will worsen the decorative qualities of the finish and make drying longer.
  3. If the base is light in color, one coat of paint is enough. If the plastic is dark, you need to spray two/three layers of paint.

About whether it is possible to paint the plastic panels again. Yes it is possible. Subsequent painting should be done after the acrylic paint has completely dried. The time required for this is indicated on the container with the composition.

  1. The coating should be dried at room temperature at +20/24 degrees and normal humidity. It should be taken into account that increased humidity will increase the drying time, and increased temperature will shorten the drying period of the paint.
  2. How wall panels have dried before painting should be checked no earlier than 5/6 hours after painting.

Dyeing technology

The process of painting MDF with colored polyurethane enamels includes several stages:

  • grinding;
  • primer;
  • direct painting;
  • drying.


For good adhesion of the paint and varnish coating, it is necessary to sand the products being processed, be it facades or wall panels. For this we use:

  • dry sandpaper;
  • Scotch Brite - a soft, fine-grained abrasive;
  • Underground grinding machines.

If the product is small, then sandpaper on a foam rubber base with a gradation of P220-P280 is used. For flat surfaces, 700 series sanding mats with fine-grained abrasive are used. The same materials will help remove excess primer and fill in scratches before painting.

The surface directly on which the paint will be applied is cleaned. After cleaning, the surface must be degreased with anti-silicone.


MDF is prepared carefully for painting; sanding alone will not get rid of it. If there are visible flaws (cracks, dents), then the surface in these areas must be puttied, thereby leveling the surface.

For puttying, acrylic putty for wood is best suited; it should be applied and smoothed with a special rubber spatula.


For flat products it is better to use universal white polyurethane primer LBR30. The content of a large amount of resin in it gives a minimal tendency to shrinkage. Suitable for matte and glossy finishes. For the latter, where every defect is visible on the surface, the preparation requirements are an order of magnitude higher. The best results are obtained by using polyester primers.

Before painting the panels, they must be thoroughly prepared. First make a working mixture. To do this you need to take:

  • primer LBR 30 – 100 parts by weight;
  • hardener LNB 77 – 40 parts by weight;
  • thinner LZC 1051 – 10 parts by weight.

All these components must be mixed together and the first layer of primer must be applied to the surface to be painted using a gun with an upper tank. Nozzle diameter 1.8 mm, air pressure 2-3 atmospheres. The material consumption should be 120 g per 1 m2. The optimal thickness of the resulting film is 120 microns. To completely complete the shrinkage process, the soil should be dried for 12 hours.

Before painting the product, it will need to be treated with abrasive again. For gloss, an emery tool with a finer grit is additionally used. After this, the surface will be prepared, and paint for MDF panels can be applied.

In the video: priming and sanding MDF.


You can paint wall panels with a brush, roller or spray gun. The room temperature should be about +20°C, air humidity - within 50-80%. Can be painted with matte or glossy enamel. But first you need to prepare working compositions. For matte enamel take:

  • 100 parts by weight of enamel;
  • 50 parts by weight of hardener;
  • 30 parts by weight of thinner.

For glossy enamel, 70 parts of hardener are taken. The remaining components are in the same quantities. For gloss you should always use a slow thinner that will ensure good flow.

Painting of MDF panels should be done in a relatively spacious room, if these are internal structures (for example, facades or wall elements). The outside of the house should be finished in the warm season. The enamel consumption should be approximately 150g/m2. Medium density fiberboard or MDF dries completely in 24 hours.

To obtain a glossy finish, polishing should be done after 3 days. By this time, all polymerization processes will be completed. Using special additives on the surface of the product, you can create mother-of-pearl, metallic effects, and obtain corrugated waves.


MDF panels can be painted with alkyd or polyurethane enamel, as well as powder mixtures. Wet technology involves the use of a sprayer with appropriate pressure. If the paint is applied in two layers, intermediate sanding is necessary. The thickness of the layers is no more than 120 microns.

Painting surfaces must be free of small debris, dust, and insects. If they get in, they should be removed in a timely manner using a tool such as tweezers. Smudges formed on the painted surface after drying are removed with a stationery knife or fine-grained sandpaper.


Is it possible to paint MDF in another way? Yes, there are special powder mixtures that are applied to the work surface with a sprayer. After this, the product is subjected to high temperatures until the paint completely melts. This method provides for obtaining an almost perfectly smooth surface.

Powder coating technology involves spraying dry microscopic particles onto the surface.


You can paint MDF panels using any method. Drying completes any finishing process. It is carried out subject to certain conditions:

  • ambient air temperature no more than 50°C;
  • relative humidity less than 80%.

The duration of the final stage depends on environmental conditions. Can range from 5 hours to a day. Painted MDF board will dry faster at lower temperatures and air humidity.

Regardless of what you can use to paint wall panels, following the steps and conditions of the technological process will allow you to get a rich color, a smooth surface, and will save time and costs. It is better to automate all the work using special paint and varnish equipment.

How to paint MDF correctly (2 videos)

What you need for work (20 photos)

Painting MDF boards is a very labor-intensive procedure that will require compliance with technology and many rules. It is immediately worth noting that such work takes a long time, it may take more than one week. In any case, you can do everything yourself and still get the necessary decorative surface.

Why do you need to paint plastic windows?

Painting a PVC profile may be required in the following cases:

  • The frame has faded in the sun, lost its original color, turned yellow and looks unattractive. The absence of a paint layer can lead to a violation of the physical properties of the profile, so it is recommended to paint it.
  • The paint layer can protect the window from the harmful effects of the environment.
  • The design of the room has changed, and the original color of the profile no longer harmonizes with the room.
  • The facade was repainted, the windows began to look unprofitable.

An alternative to painted windows is laminated. Read more in the article “Colored plastic windows - the best solution for glazing.”

Types of dyes for PVC

Not every paint will adhere to a smooth plastic surface. It is for this reason that PVC windows are painted using special dyes that adhere well to plastic . Water-based PVC paint is widely used.

What paint can be used to paint tile floors? It has the following features:

  • The surface does not require complex preparation before painting.
  • The paint dries at natural temperature.
  • At 20 degrees, hardness will be gained in 8 hours.
  • When choosing what to paint PVC with, you can use either manual application or use a sprayer.
  • Materials can have different textures, a wide range of colors is offered.

Selection of materials for painting

In principle, all paints for MDF are selected taking into account the composition of the material. And this is, first of all, a fine wood fraction, which means that paint solutions for wood are suitable for the job. But to obtain a truly high-quality coating, it is advisable to use special mixtures.

When choosing materials for painting MDF, you should pay attention not only to the color, but also to the purpose of the paint

Polyurethane enamels

This material should be preferred for the following reasons:

  • The coating is wear-resistant and can withstand exposure to household chemicals.
  • The solution does not have an unpleasant odor, which makes it possible to carry out work in cramped home conditions.
  • The mixture can be applied using a sprayer, roller and brush.
  • Painting MDF with enamel is done independently; this procedure does not require professional skills.

Naturally, when choosing this material, they pay attention to the manufacturer. It should be a well-known brand that is sold in specialized stores. When purchasing a product from an unknown manufacturer, there is a high probability of getting a fake.

Advice! If it is not possible to select a polyurethane composition, then pay attention to alkyd enamels and paints (oil and acrylic).

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer

Choosing acrylic paint

Acrylic paint for PVC panels

Acrylic substances are more expensive and high-quality materials. In addition to the difference in price, they have the following features:

  • The surface needs careful preparation before painting. To do this, you need to remove dust and other contaminants from it. This can be done using compressed air, a cloth, or alcohol.
  • The surface must be degreased until it dries.
  • Using a special rag, dirt is removed from the surface and static stress is removed.

What products should I choose for interior work with plastic?

Paint for PVC plastic and interior work

Paint for PVC plastic may differ not only in composition, but also in its ability to withstand difficult operating conditions. Therefore, all materials can be divided into universal ones, suitable for interior and exterior work, and those that can only be used indoors.

If you buy regular paint, the plastic will have to be sanded, then it will need to be primed. It may lose its glossy appearance, as roughness will remain after sanding. You can avoid unnecessary manipulations by using the appropriate type of paint.

How to paint and renew MDF panels

For MDF panels, you can use alkyd or acrylic enamel, but when choosing a paint, you should take into account the type of primer, operating conditions of the panels, and the composition of the top layer. If it is laminated paper with a synthetic, weakly absorbent film, then it would be advisable to use acrylic or water-dispersion enamel. These materials are environmentally friendly and are perfect for interior painting indoors, while the surface of the panel will be renewed and also additionally protected from the moisture of an aggressive external environment.

Thus, if the entire painting technology is followed, the question of whether it is possible to paint MDF panels becomes completely solvable at home.

Methods for painting plastic surfaces

Paint for PVC profiles, provided that the work is carried out indoors, should be applied at room temperature. What happens if you paint a whitewashed ceiling with water-based paint and how do you wash it off? This will contribute not only to comfortable work, but also to quick drying of the paint.

If you don’t have a sprayer, you can apply the material to the surface using a regular paint brush or roller. If you are going to apply a second coat, you need to wait until the first one is completely dry.

When using a spray gun for painting, the operating temperature is set according to the room: for example, not lower than 18 degrees. You will also have to take into account humidity - no more than 80%. The room should be free of dampness and dust; it is recommended to spray at a pressure of 2 atmospheres, using a gun with a nozzle size of 1.6–1.8 mm.

Exterior trim can make your home stand out. How to make window frames in a wooden house with your own hands, read our material on the website.


From the article it became clear that painting PVC and ABS plastic is not a difficult task. You just need to thoroughly clean the surface of any dirt, decide on the color and the required amount of material (also find out how to paint old parquet yourself).

You can apply it in a convenient way - by spraying or with a roller and brush. Dry the first at room temperature, the second at 40 degrees or more.

The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

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