How to lubricate plastic windows, material selection criteria and procedure technology

Plastic windows with double-glazed windows are a brilliant invention that has saved humanity from the need to regularly paint and repair frames, and seal cracks in them for the winter. But these modern structures also require maintenance to extend their service life and ensure correct operation. However, it is completely easy and simple: lubricant for plastic windows helps to keep the fittings in working order. Let's figure out what it should be and how to use it correctly.

Window fittings require periodic inspection and lubrication Source

The need to lubricate plastic windows

When cleaning the house, we do not forget about cleaning the double-glazed windows from dust and traces of rain. However, not everyone realizes that window care is not limited to external procedures. Over time, internal mechanisms and fittings begin to work incorrectly, and this is due to a decrease in the quality of factory lubricants. Dryness leads to the accumulation of dust from the street and metal particles. Malfunctions can be signaled by squeaks, rattles, clicking, or jamming of the door. When purchasing a new window, the manufacturer provides a 4-5 year warranty. This is exactly the shelf life of the factory lubricant. Unfortunately, not all sellers notify buyers about the need to carry out preventive maintenance, and therefore situations are brought to critical moments. If you do not respond to the problem in time, the end may be sad. Lubricant for plastic windows performs the following tasks:

  • reduces the level of friction of metal elements, increasing their wear resistance;
  • makes it easier to close/open the doors;
  • protects against rust by creating a protective layer on the metal;
  • The rubber seal retains elasticity, does not stretch and ensures the necessary tightness of the sash.

All moving and rubbing elements, as well as seals on the frame and sash, are lubricated. On some models of PVC windows you can see the corresponding marking with an oil can. Thus, manufacturers give a hint which elements need lubrication.

Lubrication of plastic windows

The situation is complicated by the fact that the structures installed with the advent of the first PVC windows have fittings and fasteners, replacements for which are now difficult to find. Therefore, wear of one or another element leads to a complete replacement of the internal mechanism or the entire unit.

Consequences of no treatment

Important! If you do not lubricate the fittings, then over time it will become clogged with dust, the oil will thicken, and the surface of the metal will begin to wear off, forming metal shavings.

This will cause unpleasant squeaks or rattles, the window will be more difficult to open/close, and the locking mechanism may also jam. In some cases, the sash may become skewed or not fit tightly, which will result in poor thermal efficiency and sound insulation.

Seals that are not lubricated will gradually wear out or become deformed. Under the influence of the external environment and pressure, they will begin to lose elasticity, which is why they may crack or become hard. This will lead to the window no longer closing tightly (or closing at all), as well as the formation of drafts and cold bridges, which will reduce thermal efficiency and sound insulation.

How to lubricate plastic windows, types of products

Not all products are suitable for lubricating windows. You can find ready-made kits for caring for plastic blocks on sale, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. It is better to purchase everything separately, especially since half of these sets may not be useful.

How to lubricate the mechanism of plastic windows

The best choice for lubricating window mechanisms would be the following:

  • Silicone based products made specifically for window mechanisms. When applied to a metal surface, a thin, resistant film is formed. The lubricant is available in tubes or sprays. Both options will do;
  • universal lubricant, which contains the same silicone. It is identical to the special product, but can be used not only on windows. The consumption of the product is minimal, so one tube will last for a long time;
  • lubricating oil for sewing machines or bicycles. The product is similar to machine oil, but has better cleaning properties. It is easy to use and stays on the surface for a long time;
  • mineral or synthetic lubricants. The main thing is to choose products that do not contain acids, aggressive reagents and abrasives.

It is not recommended to use any vegetable fats, petroleum jelly, or shoe polish for lubrication. This is due to the fact that vegetable oils leave a film on the mechanisms that takes a very long time to dry, about two weeks. During this time, a large amount of dust accumulates on it, which complicates the operation of the fittings, accelerating its wear.

TYPES of products for plastic windows

What should not be used to lubricate plastic window fittings? Products containing acids and chemicals destroy the metal surface, “eat” the anti-corrosion layer and oxidize parts. Gun and car oils are also not suitable. The former are expensive and do not provide protective functions for windows. The latter have a low degree of purification.

How to lubricate rubber bands on plastic windows

Seals also need maintenance. You can buy special lubricants, or you can use improvised means:

  • silicone-based lubricants;
  • silicone sponges;
  • pharmaceutical glycerin, but only in its pure form, without cosmetic additives.

Vaseline and baby powder should not be used. Also, do not choose products containing solvent, alcohol and alkali. They will lead to destruction of the rubber structure.

There is a controversial opinion regarding the use of WD-40. Some argue that using an aerosol will create a protective waterproofing film on the surface. Others say that at low temperatures the product can thicken and interfere with the operation of window mechanisms. If this is the only product on hand, it can be used to lubricate the seals.

Difficulties and errors

When lubricating a double-glazed window, the following difficulties and errors may occur:

  • If you do not remove the old grease, dust, dirt or metal shavings from the surface of the parts, the new lubricant will not have any effect, since it will wear off very quickly and can also become clogged in the mechanism, which will disrupt its operation.
  • When using aerosols, an air suspension is formed, which will fall not only on the metal, but also on other parts of the window, which is why it will have to be wiped off.
  • You should carefully select the material with which the window will be lubricated. To do this, you need to carefully read the label, as it may indicate restrictions and side effects, as well as the composition. Lubricants with aggressive substances and abrasive components can destroy the metal, plastic or rubber part of the window.

Criteria for choosing window lubricants

You need to take care of window structures with high-quality and proven products. Poor lubricant quality will reduce the service life of the mechanisms. When purchasing, be guided by the region of residence, because some products tend to “tan” at low temperatures.

Aerosol for lubricating plastic windows

Consult with the store salesperson which lubricant is suitable for your plastic window model. Choose aerosol products. This is the most convenient type of lubricant with economical consumption. Using spraying you can reach the most inaccessible places in the mechanism. You don't have to buy expensive products. They often contain components found in inexpensive lubricants, and their operating principle is the same.

How to lubricate plastic windows yourself

You don’t have to be a specialist to carry out preventive maintenance on window fittings. To do this, you need to know the sequence of actions and have the necessary materials on hand. Don't forget to remove all decorative trim from hinges and handles.

Cleaning plastic windows

Before you start lubricating the elements of the window structure, you need to thoroughly clean them of accumulated dirt and dust. The window sashes open wide and are easily visible. All brackets, bolts and other moving parts need to be cleaned.

For cleaning, use a damp soft cloth, sponge or brush. Along with the dirt, a layer of old grease is also removed. After wet, use a dry cloth and wipe all parts dry. In warm weather, you can leave the window to dry on its own. Remember not to use any detergents. You can use WD-40 on metal elements. The frame is washed with ordinary soapy water. For stubborn dirt, use a stiff brush, paying particular attention to where the door and frame meet.

Lubricating hardware

Before you begin the lubrication procedure, you need to understand where to lubricate plastic windows. The lubricant is applied to all elements that move during operation. If the work is done with an aerosol, the process is greatly simplified. It is enough to spray the product at a distance of 3-5 cm. Lubricate with oils by dripping them onto the guide bars of the products, all rotating mechanisms and grooves. 2-3 drops will be enough. For convenience, oil lubricant is drawn into a syringe or small oil can, the tip of which is directed to the mechanism element. In order for the lubricant to penetrate well between the moving parts, the window sash must be closed. It is better to open and close in different modes several times. This will allow the product to spread quickly to all parts and lubricate them better.

Silicone is often used to lubricate windows. Before the procedure, the can is shaken thoroughly several times. The spray hole is directed at the element to be lubricated at a distance of 3-5 cm. By pressing the valve, release the product for about two seconds. This will be enough for the lubricant to get inside. Silicone in cylinders is good because, due to its transparency, it does not leave marks on the surface. After lubricating all elements of the fittings, drips of lubricant are wiped off with a clean rag.

Seal lubrication

To ensure that the sealing rubber on a plastic window does not dry out and ensure a tight fit of the sash, it must be lubricated regularly. Before lubrication, the window opens completely, providing access to all rubberized areas. The seal is thoroughly cleaned with a brush to remove dust, and also washed with a soap solution and left until completely dry.

Professional products or those that are suitable from your home arsenal are chosen as a lubricant.

The product is applied to the seals and, using a cotton swab, is evenly distributed over the entire surface. You can choose lubricant in a container with a roller at the end. It will be more convenient for them to apply the product.

Tools and materials

For work you may need:

  • syringe;

  • lint-free cloth or sponge;
  • a hard bristle brush or toothbrush;
  • window cleaner (no solvents or abrasives);
  • oil for hinges and fittings;
  • seal lubricant;
  • paper towels;
  • soap solution.

Frequency of the procedure for lubrication of plastic windows

The frequency of lubrication of PVC windows depends on the frequency of their use. Living conditions also matter. For example, those windows that face the road will get dirty more and faster. Accordingly, they need to be cared for more often, about once a year. It is better to lubricate plastic windows in early autumn or late spring at above-zero temperatures. If you notice extraneous sounds emanating from the valves between periods of lubrication, then do not wait for the right time. Delaying the procedure can negatively affect the quality of fittings and sealing elements.

Why is it needed?

Compliance with these procedures is mandatory. The lifespan of windows and the quality of their service depend on proper care.

There are several important reasons for lubricating fittings.

For easy opening and closing of windows. Lubricants can reduce friction between certain elements. There is no unpleasant creaking when using the handle. It also easily turns in the right direction, without much effort.

By reducing friction, wear of elements is significantly reduced. If window fittings are lubricated regularly, this will extend the service life of the structures.

When using these products on metal parts, the risk of corrosion will be reduced. Such damage often causes premature failure. The service life of the coating, which is applied to the elements during the manufacturing process of the entire structure, will also be extended.

The above reasons should be a reason to want to properly care for your windows. Their functionality and service life depend on this.

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