Liquid plastic Cosmofen - what is it and where is it used?

Liquid plastic is a modern adhesive-sealant that is in great demand.
It does an excellent job of sealing gaps between window blocks and slopes, as well as between plastic parts.

Liquid plastic has found wide application in:

  • Plumbing work (for example, connecting pipes, rain gutters).
  • Installation of PVC windows.
  • Bonding window slopes, ebbs.
  • Connecting rigid PVC integrals.
  • Manufacturing of billboards.

The adhesive-sealant is capable of closing technological seams, joints connecting several structures, and also contains the function of fastening additional parts (for example, protective strips or drains).

Characteristics of liquid plastic

This sealant is a polymer material based on solvent and liquid PVC. A lot of time has passed since the launch of liquid plastic production.

Since then, the recipe has been changed in order to improve it, and today it has reached its maximum quality.

An ideal tool for sealing seams and gluing various structures simply cannot be found. The joints of the parts are connected using the diffuse welding method. After hardening, the glued elements become a single whole.

Ideal bonding occurs with:

  • polycarbonate;
  • organic glass;
  • hard plastic;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene terephthalate;
  • rigid PVC with aluminum profiles and sealing;

Liquid plastic also stands out for its chemical resistance. Even the slightest change in shade is absolutely excluded.

It has such useful properties as:

  • Resistance to sub-zero temperatures.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High level of resistance to external aggressive factors.

Characteristics of adhesive-sealant:

  • Working with liquid plastic at a humidity of 60-70% is most effective.
  • The sealant loses its adhesive properties after 60 seconds.
  • When applying liquid plastic, the room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees and fall below +5°C.
  • The recommended sealant consumption is 150 grams per square meter.
  • Reaching temperatures above 300 degrees, the glue can ignite.
  • Setting occurs after two to three minutes.
  • Complete hardening occurs after 24 hours.

Despite such serious characteristics of the glue, it should be noted that it also has a number of limitations:

  • The structure of the parts to be glued must under no circumstances be porous.
  • Surfaces with different thermal expansions should be glued with extreme care.
  • It is not recommended to glue parts that are in prolonged contact with water due to the lack of a positive result.
  • When connecting surfaces made of aluminum materials, special treatment must be performed.
  • If there is a need to obtain a plastic seam, then adhesive-sealant, alas, is not suitable for the job.
  • The low quality of diffuse welding can be influenced by the chemical inertness of polypropylene and A-PET.

By following all the rules and using knowledge about the properties of liquid plastic, you can achieve the best result in gluing parts.

How to wash windows

Before cleaning plastic windows, purchase tools that will greatly facilitate this task:

  • Sponge on a long handle. It will help you reach the top of the glass, as well as clean the outside of sections that do not open. Use special sponges that do not have hard scratching surfaces.
  • Long handle tie. Acts in the same way as windshield wipers on a car, effectively removing dirt and liquid.
  • Microfiber cloths for cleaning the frame and window sill, rags for wiping the screed.

To clean the glass unit, you can use products in spray bottles. The choice is great: Clin, cif, Ecover, Secunda, Mister Muscle - everything we use to clean mirrors in everyday life. But you can also use a special product for plastic windows, for example Fenosol.

The ideal time to clean windows is spring and autumn, when the sky is overcast but not raining.

With the right approach, a home remedy that is very easy to prepare can also help. What to use at home? For cleaning windows, a foamy solution of dishwashing gel or washing powder, a solution of vinegar (100 ml per 1 liter of water), a solution of ammonia (1 tsp per 1 liter of water) may be suitable.

Corrosive acids, alcohols, acetone, solvents and concentrated alkalis are not suitable for PVC profiles. Never use abrasive powder products to avoid scratching the surface.

After cleaning the glass, you can apply a protective coating that will prevent dirt from appearing. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. water, 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and a couple of drops of ammonia.

Advantages and disadvantages of Cosmofen

Like any other product, liquid plastic has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Main advantages:

  • Absolute environmental safety.
  • Absence of even minimal changes in shade for many years.
  • The joining seams are filled with the material used in the manufacture of windows and slopes.
  • After using liquid plastic, the seam acquires distinctive mechanical strength.
  • Absence of fungus or mold on the seams of glued parts.
  • Bonding occurs using the diffuse welding method.
  • After the liquid plastic hardens, the window and the slope become one, forming a kind of monolithic part.
  • The acceptability of the combination of elements to be bonded is ensured.
  • All gaps and irregularities on the application surface are smoothed out.
  • No influence of solar ultraviolet radiation.
  • Possibility of using detergents without consequences.
  • This type of glue absolutely resists the absorption of tobacco smoke.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • The sealant is curing too quickly! Just a minute is given to apply and smooth out the liquid plastic. A fraction of a second of delay, delay in application, and the surface of the plastic is covered with a film and attempts to form a seam lead to a negative result.
  • Very toxic components of the sealant composition, which have a specific pungent odor that causes a sharp headache. Also, if you inhale chemicals over a long period of time, there is a risk of cancer. That is why you should follow safety precautions, and when working with glue, use a respirator and ensure ventilation of the room.
  • Inability to connect objects that have constant contact with water.

Application technology and safety measures

The process of applying sealant is simple:

  • Surfaces to be glued should be cleaned of dust, degreased, and dried. When cleaning surfaces, use only napkins or pieces of cloth that do not leave lint.
  • We leave an even strip of glue-sealant along the entire length of the joint. Under no circumstances should we smear it into the seam.
  • Then you should wait until it dries completely, which will take 10 to 15 minutes. If glue accidentally gets on metal surfaces, it is recommended to use appropriate cleaners.

As you can see, the technology is completely simple and absolutely anyone can do it.

When working with liquid plastic for windows, you need to know that this product contains cyanoacrylate.

This is a very dangerous chemical, which is why it is necessary to adhere to basic safety rules:

No contact of people prone to allergic reactions with the sealant. Perform work exclusively with gloves, remembering that gluing occurs instantly. Gluing should only be done with a mask on the face. Prolonged ventilation of rooms where work with liquid plastic was carried out is mandatory.

Instructions for use

Applying the material is not difficult. It is very important to properly prepare the surfaces, for which they are washed and cleaned of any dirt and grease. The area of ​​the future joint should be degreased (Cosmofen 10 or 60 are suitable) and dried thoroughly.

When wiping the base, it is important to use lint-free rags that do not leave hairs. Next you should proceed as follows:

  • squeeze out a little product along the length of the entire seam;
  • You cannot rub or smear liquid plastic;
  • If possible, the product should be pressed;
  • maintain the complete drying time specified in the instructions;
  • the position of the parts can only be changed within a few seconds;
  • It is necessary to observe the conditions during work - temperature above +5, but not more than 25 degrees, humidity less than 60%.

Manufacturers and price

The manufacturer of the adhesive-sealant is the popular German company Weiss, which produces liquid plastic under the well-known brand Cosmofen. Recently, the manufacturer has been quite successfully expanding its product line, adding glue for working with glass, leather, and cellular polycarbonate.

The glue should be stored in a tightly closed container for 12 months at a temperature range of 15 to 30 degrees. If used after the expiration date, it should be remembered that the viscosity of the adhesive may increase and the result of the work will no longer meet the necessary criteria.

The main types can be called:

Cosmofen Plus HV

It is used both in industry and for domestic needs. The universal composition ensures bonding of materials in a fraction of a second.

Liquid plastic can be bought both in regular construction stores and on the Internet. However, you should not be tempted by the price to buy sealant from scratch.

In most cases, they offer a fake that does not even half correspond to the characteristics and properties described above. The cost of this product is available to everyone and varies between 90 – 200 rubles.

When to wash windows

For the first time, plastic windows are washed immediately after installation. Moreover, it is advisable to remove the protective film from the surface of the glass unit. She protected the windows during transportation, but that was the end of her mission. Over time, the film may stick to the windows under the influence of the sun and will be more difficult to remove.

In the future, windows are washed twice a year or when dirty. To do this, it is better to choose a warm, cloudy day. Can be washed in sunny weather. But you will need to act very quickly, as water and detergent dry out in the sun, forming streaks and making cleaning difficult. The ideal time for cleaning is spring and autumn, when the sky is overcast but not raining.

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Expert advice

Working with adhesive-sealant should be done with maximum care, thoroughly and quickly enough.

It is not recommended to apply a thick layer of glue to areas with foam, otherwise deformation will occur after the foam falls off. The glue is applied to the foam plastic pointwise! The use of fastened elements is possible only after the seam has completely hardened, otherwise the tightness of the connection will be compromised.


Liquid plastic for windows, in the usual understanding of the average person, is a special sealant that is used to treat window joints and seams.


Liquid plastic has recently appeared on the market and has virtually no disadvantages.

This sealant uses the principle of diffuse welding, that is, it has the property of ideally welding surfaces in places where parts come into contact. Consequently, after applying the glue, a single part is formed in the problem area, without any color or other modifications.

Butt window treatment using liquid plastic has the following positive properties:

  • joining seams are treated with the same material as is used for slopes and windows;
  • high density of parts bonding;
  • after complete hardening, a monolithic part is formed at the gluing (welding) site, where there will be absolutely no gaps between the slope part and the window;
  • the desired effect is achieved through the use of diffuse welding - a technology that provides for the mutual penetration of parts;
  • mold or mildew will never form in the place where the treatment was carried out, and the seam itself is characterized by sufficient strength;
  • the sealant is absolutely safe for health and does not harm the environment;
  • The manufacturer's stated warranty regarding the sealant indicates that the formed seam will not be subject to change for at least 15 years.

Washing double glazed windows

Cleaning a double-glazed window from dirt is not so difficult. And using a professional tool from the arsenal of cleaning companies, you can handle it in a couple of minutes.

First, prepare a foam solution, for example, with dishwashing gel. Dip a non-abrasive sponge in it, squeeze out so that the water does not run off, and wipe the surface of the glass unit with horizontal movements. If you use store-bought household chemicals, apply the product to the glass with a spray bottle and also rub it with a sponge on the glass using horizontal movements. Pay special attention to the area along the glass unit where most of the dirt accumulates.

Now use a tie rod (also called a scraper). Place it firmly on the glass and drive off the water using vertical movements. Thanks to the rubber nozzle, the tool will handle this quickly and without streaks. After each pass of the screed on the glass, wipe its working surface with a dry cloth - this way you will get the perfect result. Make each new pass of the screed overlap with the previous one. Finally, after the glass surface is completely clean, use a cloth to wipe the bottom of the frame to remove any stains and move on to the next surface. After you wash all the glass, you only need to wipe the window sill.

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Now that you know what and how to clean plastic windows from dirt and yellowness, it will not seem so laborious and tedious. And the result will delight you for another six months.

Sealing the seams of plastic windows with liquid plastic

The practice of using and applying cosmophene is not complicated.

The technology for working with the composition is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the two surfaces to be joined must first be cleaned from traces of dirt and dust, dried securely and degreased using lint-free wipes;
  • for a perfect invisible seam, it is better to use masking tape so that the seam is perfectly even;
  • open the tube, apply an even strip of adhesive throughout the entire damaged and pre-treated area;

There is no need to smear or rub liquid plastic into the seam!

Stable drying of the sealant occurs within 15 minutes.

When you start working with liquid plastic, it is worth noting that:

  • the consistency of the sealant can remain liquid only for the first two minutes; the best temperature in the room for work is an environment in the range from + 5 to + 20 degrees;
  • the optimal humidity level for effective work with glue is 60%;
  • rational glue consumption is noted in the range of 150 g/m2;
  • the optimal rigidity of the applied adhesive is formed already in 4 minutes;
  • glue is flammable, but only at temperatures exceeding 300 degrees;
  • The full stage of hardening occurs after one day.

To remove glue residue from a metal surface, you should use a special cleaner.

If traces of liquid plastic have formed on the surface of a solid PVC profile, then you should wait for it to completely harden. Armed with a sharp blade, cut off the protruding part of the glue, and then treat the remaining sealant with a special cleaner.


How to clean plastic windows from dirt and yellowness: proven methods

A cleaning company master can clean plastic windows from yellowness and dirt in a few minutes. To do this, he has professional tools, high-quality cleaning products, and also focuses on the right weather. Learning and putting this into practice is not that difficult. But when you master these skills, you will understand how to clean plastic windows quickly and without much effort.

COSMOFEN PLUS liquid plastic glue

COSMOFEN PLUS is a diffusion instant adhesive for quick structural bonding of rigid PVC parts.

Liquid plastic for windows Cosmofen is especially suitable for quick, structural bonding of rigid PVC plastic elements, such as flashings, additional profiles and strips, roller shutter elements, gutters or pipes.

Liquid plastic COSMOFEN PLUS is used in specialized enterprises for quick structural bonding of rigid PVC elements: in window production for gluing additional profiles such as, for example, window slopes, sills, and blinds.

For plumbing work, for gluing pipes, rain gutters, etc. in the production of advertising boards for structural bonding of rigid PVC integrals. The addition of UV stabilizers, as is common with window profiles, increases the weather resistance of this PVC adhesive.

More than 25 years of practical experience, a certification certificate, and references from numerous renowned profile manufacturers confirm the leading role of COSMOFEN PLUS in the field of window and door manufacturing and are a guarantor of the degree of security that you need.

Eliminating yellowness

It is not difficult to clean a window profile from dirt; it is much more difficult to get rid of yellowness. To do this you will need ammonia, hydrogen peroxide or bleach. Dissolve any product in water, wipe the plastic with it, and then rinse with a clean, damp sponge.

Another homemade recipe involves perhydrol and powdered bleach (such as Vanish). Dissolve a tablespoon of each product in 0.5 liters of cold water and wipe the windowsill, then rinse with water. If you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the procedure.

As a last resort, you can try “Cosmofen 20”, which cleans the PVC profile from yellowness and dirt, but at the same time removes a thin layer of plastic. This aggressive remedy should only be used in extreme cases. White spirit and Defender 30504 have the same effect.

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Main properties of COSMOFEN PLUS

  • Good ability to withstand temperature loads;
  • Characterized by good temperature stability and ultra-violet ray resistance;
  • The weather resistance of COSMOFEN PLUS HV adhesive required in window production was confirmed in 1988 by a certificate from the Institute for Synthetic Materials Technology in Würzburg, in compliance with the guides RAL 716/1 part 1 section 3.2.5 and the adhesive was declared suitable for use in window production ;
  • Various viscosities (achieved by dilution with COSMOFEN 380);
  • Thixotropic;
  • Fast hardening;
  • Available in different viscosities.

COSMOFEN PLUS glue consumption

  • 20 mm wide approx. 8 g/linear m;
  • 40 mm wide approx. 16 g/linear m.

Technical characteristics of COSMOFEN PLUS

  • Base: diffusion adhesive, vinyl chloride polymer in solvent;
  • Color transparent, white;
  • Properties of the adhesive film in the hardened state: viscous-hard, impact-viscous;
  • Viscosity cone-plane, +25°C, 30s -1 COSMOFEN PLUS approx. 3.100 mPa.s cone-plane, +25°C, 60s -1 COSMOFEN PLUS HV approx. (tix.) 4,000 mPa.s COSMOFEN PLUS white approx. (tix.) 4.000 mPa.s
  • Density EN 542 at +20°C approx. 0.99 g/cm³;
  • Opening time exposure time (at +20°C, 50% relative humidity) approx. 60 s;
  • Functional strength (when gluing non-tensioned planks) approx. 2-4 min;
  • Curing time (at +20°C, 50% RH) approx. 24 h (~90%);
  • Storage temperature in a dry room at +15°C to +25°C;
  • Minimum operating temperature from +5°C;
  • Flash point -14°C;
  • Ignition temperature +212°C;
  • Packing of 30 pieces of 200 grams;
  • Shelf life 18 months.
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