Application of liquid plastic Cosmofen for PVC windows

Multifunctional liquid plastic for windows is presented in the form of a sealant, which craftsmen use to process all joints of PVC products. This product is practically free of disadvantages. Liquid plastic compares favorably with all analogues in that construction joints, even under the influence of unfavorable factors, do not change their color or deform. The technician does not have to worry that after some time the applied product will peel off from the treated surface.

Short description

Liquid glue for plastic windows is widely known among experienced builders as a high-quality sealant, with which you can effectively seal all the cracks between different parts. Most often, this product is used by craftsmen to treat areas under window sills , as well as to fill voids between double-glazed windows and slopes. The cost of liquid plastic (LP) varies from 220 to 400 rubles.

The use of such a sealant is very justified, since it can glue two parts together as firmly as possible. In addition, the hard plastic does not turn yellow or crack at all, even over the years. The product does not stand out at all against the background of the window. The liquid composition is actively used by experienced installers when installing PVC windows. Despite the affordable price, many home craftsmen often try to replace this product with regular silicone. This approach to work has its drawbacks, since after just a few months the slopes can peel off from each other.

It is worth noting that even ZhP has its small drawbacks. For example, the product hardens quickly. The technician needs to have time to apply the sealant and carefully level it in a maximum of 50-60 seconds. Otherwise, a kind of film may form on the surface of the plastic. If after this the master tries to form a neat seam, he will end up with a very unpleasant picture.

Manufacturers note that ZhP is very toxic , as it has a pungent chemical odor, which causes dizziness and nausea in a person. That is why it is still not worth breathing with such a product. To prevent the development of negative consequences, experts recommend ensuring good ventilation in the workplace.

The most popular product today is Cosmofen for plastic windows. The products are manufactured by a German company. The product is very easy to work with and the results always exceed expectations.

Where and how to use liquid plastic for windows

Modern material with excellent characteristics is actively used in the installation process:

  • For attaching slopes and window sills to PVC windows;
  • For fixing accompanying elements (flashing, flashings, decorative panels);
  • For reliable and accurate sealing of technological seams when installing window and door systems.

Main advantages

Universal liquid plastic for windows appeared on sale not very long ago, but during this time it managed to gain trust among both specialists and novice craftsmen. The adhesive provides high-quality diffuse welding of surfaces at their joints. As a result, it is possible to obtain a solid part without signs of mating. It is worth noting that the most popular products are from the Cosmofen line. The main component is dissolved white glue.

To combat various defects, experts are accustomed to using multifunctional liquid plastic for PVC windows. This glue has several advantages:

  • The optimal combination of absolutely all parts to be glued, made of hard polyvinyl chloride.
  • Along the entire length, the joining seams must be filled with the same product that is actively used for the production of slopes and windows.
  • After the liquid substance hardens, a monolithic part is formed on the surface, in which the window and the slope are combined into a single whole.
  • The glue manufacturer guarantees that the resulting seam will not change color for 15 years.
  • Strong bonding occurs as a result of diffuse welding.
  • The product is dangerous only for the first 60 seconds, after which it is absolutely safe for both humans and the environment.
  • Mold and mildew never form in the seam area.
  • Durability and moisture resistance.
  • Absolute sealing of all seams.
  • Elimination of gaps and irregularities.
  • The sealant retains its color for 15-20 years.
  • Not afraid of household detergents.

Types of packaging

The German manufacturer does not build branches in other countries, so the entire list of products is produced and packaged in Germany in environmentally friendly containers:

  • tin, sealed containers - for compositions containing solvents, volatile components;
  • cylindrical polymer tubes with special nozzles, used in conjunction with pistols;
  • tubes made of PVC, thin-walled sheet metal with sealed stoppers, which are suitable for the rational use of single- and multi-component adhesives of medium and high viscosity.

Before being sent for sale, the container undergoes thorough, strict control to ensure compliance with all quality standards.

Areas of application

Modern manufacturers have come up with many different products for processing and insulating windows. ZhP is able to cope with the cracks that form during the installation of slopes. Installing such elements allows you to cope with several construction defects:

  • It is the slopes that allow you to transform the window structure, due to which it will acquire an improved and harmonious appearance.
  • During dismantling of old panels, deformation of the opening may occur. It can be easily removed using slopes.
  • The level of lighting in the room is significantly improved. The desired effect is achieved due to the fact that the opening is equipped with an additional reflective surface.
  • High-quality slopes allow you to increase the level of thermal insulation, due to which you can ensure the most favorable microclimate in the room.
  • The penetration of dust and extraneous noise is prevented.

All these factors influence the fact that a window structure cannot do without installing plastic slopes of suitable size. But in order for such products to fully cope with the obligations assigned to them, their connection with the main fabric must be as strong as possible. To solve this problem, the ZhP was developed. The craftsman must carefully close the technological seams, as well as fix some auxiliary elements (plates, drains, protective strips). This is precisely what explains the need to use universal sealants.

Application of composition for slopes

When installing plastic windows of any complexity, one way or another, there is a need to install slopes. This need arises due to the deformation of the old window opening as a result of the necessary work aimed at dismantling the old window. The slope is also needed to maintain the temperature inside the room by reducing the heat loss of the window.

To make a slope, use special glue for PVC windows. Liquid plastic. To perform all the necessary functions, the slope must have a number of specific properties and at the same time have a presentable appearance. Due to the similar structure, PVC windows and liquid plastic ultimately form a fairly strong, monolithic part. The seam, made of liquid plastic, has increased resistance to various mechanical damage and is a completely safe, environmentally friendly material. The use of liquid plastic for PVC windows also helps to improve the noise of the insulating layer, which will protect any room from extraneous sounds from the outside, dust and dirt and give an aesthetic appearance.

Features of use for PVC windows

When installing new double-glazed windows, slopes must be installed. In some cases, it is possible to line pre-plastered openings with special plastic panels. To ensure that all existing joints of window blocks with slopes are as tight as possible, form a solid monolith and have an attractive appearance, it is necessary to use a high-quality sealant that has the necessary performance properties. ZhP is ideal for these purposes.

The need to use such a polymer adhesive for window openings for the purpose of decorating and finishing the surface is directly related to the properties of the sealant. Uniform coloring allows you to give the joints the neatest look. In addition to the traditional sealing of seams between window blocks and slopes, liquid polymer is necessary for accurate, professional masking of technological seams.

The ideally selected composition of liquid plastic sold today is actively used by craftsmen for anti-corrosion treatment. The glue perfectly withstands aggressive environments. This material is used to cover elements of window structures that are most susceptible to the negative effects of corrosion (metal rain gutter, awnings). This type of duct is simply irreplaceable when connecting various pipes.

Description and scope

Liquid plastic for windows Cosmofen is usually used for window structures. The composition is required for PVC products, especially in situations where slopes are being installed. These elements for plastic windows give the structure a more attractive appearance.

Slopes serve not only the function of beauty. They also protect the room from various dirt and improve noise insulation. After installation of such parts, they must be sealed. In this case, it will be most effective to use Cosmofen glue, which will do its job perfectly.

The liquid composition is one-component. Due to the rapid hardening of the product, fixation must be carried out correctly immediately. Otherwise, you can ruin the slopes, the window itself and use up a certain amount of glue to no avail.

The manufacturer from Germany made the adhesive mixture resistant to use in a humid environment. The composition also has a reduced level of viscosity, is not afraid of exposure to sunlight and contains components that make the adhesive mass for plastic reliable.

The plastic seam has the following features:

  • prevents heat from leaving the premises in large quantities;
  • high level of resistance to various factors;
  • The connection is not afraid to be used in rooms with sub-zero temperatures.

The liquid product can be used not only for slopes of window structures. The sealing mixture is also used when it is necessary to secure advertising banners, in the plumbing industry, for all types of plastic and for other purposes.

Characteristic differences

Quite often in the domestic sphere, RP is used for high-quality sealing of seams in polyvinyl chloride windows. Flawless bonding of the slopes and the block itself is ensured due to the fact that such products are made of a solid substance. The plastic has the same structure and density. After the glue has completely hardened, the impression of a monolithic structure is created. The manufacturers themselves note that the sealant is ideal not only for plastic windows, but also for old wooden frames.

After many years of use, the wood may simply dry out, causing deep cracks to form. Larger ones can be sealed using non-expanding foam. The nose of a construction gun simply cannot fit into small cracks, and careless use of the material can provoke the development of deformations. That is why experts recommend using a universal hard drive.

Adhesive sealant can be safely used to seal gaps between the frame and glass. More recently, such areas were sealed everywhere with standard mastic, but this procedure had to be repeated several times, as the material simply dried out. In the case of liquid plastic, this problem is completely eliminated. Since reliable protection against gaps is observed for 15-20 years. The product will not affect the overall aesthetics of the window, and the product will not fade in the sun.

The unique composition allows you to glue the following materials: hard plastic, polystyrene, plexiglass, polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene terephthalate, as well as vinyl fabrics. Due to the high gluing speed, this product even covers combined types of materials: glass, leather, rubber and ceramics.

Don't forget about restrictions. Experts do not recommend gluing surfaces that are constantly in direct contact with a damp environment. The parts to be glued must not have a porous structure. The sealant is not intended for solving those problems when the craftsman needs to obtain a plastic seam. If you need to carefully glue aluminum parts, then they should be pre-treated with special compounds. Otherwise, the adhesive qualities of the glue will be reduced several times.

Restrictions on use

Plastic elements of small dimensions set almost at the same time when the composition is applied. If you need to glue a product of a larger size, it will take a little longer to dry.

Before using Cosmofen liquid plastic, you need to be aware of the limitations that exist for working with this composition. They look like this:

  • if you use a sealing agent with a material such as polypropylene, the reliability of the seam may decrease;
  • You should not use the mixture when the compound is in constant contact with moisture. If the composition periodically interacts with water, then this will not affect the reliability of the seam, but if there is copious amounts of water, the glue will begin to soften and lose its qualities;
  • when coatings have different temperature resolutions, there is a high probability that the adhesive layer will peel off from the surface after a certain period of time;
  • Do not use cosmofen with products that have an overly porous structure. If you still need to do work with such a coating, then first you need to coat it with a special compound that will make the roughness several times lower.

It is important to remember all of these restrictions. If you neglect the above nuances, the manipulations of gluing elements to window structures may not end up as well as we would like.

Instructions for beginners

Even a beginner can cope with the application of the seal. Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to adhere to the basic recommendations of the manufacturers. At the initial stage, both sides of the seam must be carefully cleaned of dust and dirt, as well as degreased and dried. Not even a small lint should remain on the surface. After this, it is necessary to squeeze out the most even strip of sealant into the crack. The joint must be treated with a continuous strip of hard plastic. It is worth noting that it takes a maximum of 15-20 minutes for the glue to completely harden.

Experts note that when using sealant, you must remember its main characteristics:

  • The glue can only ignite if the temperature rises to 321 °C.
  • The sealant applied to the surface of the structure can maintain adhesive properties for no longer than 60 seconds.
  • The final hardening of the product occurs after 24 hours.
  • At the time of working with the product, the humidity level in the room should be within 65%. The temperature should not be below 5 and above 21 °C.
  • If glue accidentally gets on a metal part, it can be easily removed using special cleaning agents.
  • The standard consumption of liquid iron is 150 g/m².

Efficiency of use

Liquid plastic, the instructions for which are not always read by users, will not cause difficulties in use. Before applying the glue, the surfaces are free of all kinds of dirt and dust. Then, the surfaces are thoroughly dried. The entire gluing result depends on the quality of preparation. Liquid glue is applied extremely carefully, in a smooth layer over the entire joint. After 15 minutes, the glue dries and becomes hard.

It is important to know that when liquid plastic hardens, it decreases in volume and the seam will become more retracted.

Main characteristics of Cosmofen sealant:

  • the optimal temperature ranges from +20 to +5 degrees;
  • It will take 5 minutes for the glue to harden, while it will take a little more than a day to completely harden;
  • to achieve optimal results, the air humidity in the workroom must be at least 60%;
  • the properties of liquid plastic are maintained for a couple of minutes after applying the mass to the work surface;
  • It is accepted to consume liquid cosmofen plastic in a ratio of 150g/m2.

Cosmofen plus is used for installation work: sewerage, plumbing, outdoor advertising and aluminum structures of any complexity.

Advantages of Cosmofenplus adhesive-sealant:

  • accelerated polymerization;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • increased resistance of the material to ultraviolet rays.

Technical features and characteristics:

  • the polymer base of the glue is located directly in the solvent;
  • impact-viscous property of the adhesive in the solid state;
  • the optimal operating temperature in the workroom will be +5 degrees Celsius;
  • A few minutes are enough for strong bonding. A better effect can be achieved with additional load;
  • The glue will completely harden within 24 hours.

Multifunctional Cosmofen

Among the variety of polymer sealants, this adhesive has the greatest advantages. Cosmofen is distinguished by the instant connection of two surfaces. The product does not react at all to fungi and mold, and is also resistant to corrosion. Even after years of use, the seam does not change its color.

The most popular today is Cosmofen 345. It is actively used for sealing seams on window profiles made of rigid polyvinyl chloride. The glue is resistant to aging and precipitation, as well as the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Even after 15 years, the surface of the seam does not crack.

If materials are glued or glued, for example, a foam plinth at the junction of the ceiling and wall, then Cosmofen is applied to one of the elements, after which the component parts are pressed for 3-5 minutes. Products can be subjected to load after welding after 16-20 hours.

The final applications of liquid plastic are impressive in their diversity. Using this product you can seal seams, as well as gaps between the parts of the window structure. If you take into account the basic recommendations and rules of use, you can end up with perfect gluing of structures made of different materials. Using ZhP to seal cracks and seal PVC window joints with slopes, you can get a monolithic structure that has one color shade.

Assortment of liquid plastic

The products produced in the “liquid plastic” line differ in viscosity. This leads to different areas of application, although there are no fundamental differences in the scope of use.

For example, Cosmofen Plus has a medium viscosity; its subtype Cosmofen Plus HV has a higher viscosity, so it bonds plastic surfaces more reliably. The materials in this series cannot be replaced with glue like Cosmo SL 660, 650 for plastic - they have a different operating principle.

Cosmofen PMMA for acrylic

Cosmofen PMMA is a solvent adhesive that is essential for instant bonding of acrylic. Widely used as a material for connecting window profiles with an outer layer of acrylic.

The area of ​​use of liquid plastic is the production of advertising products and acrylic commercial equipment. Cosmofen PMMA is very resistant to solar radiation. The composition contains solvents and a number of polymers.

Main technical characteristics of liquid and frozen film:

  • color - transparent, colorless;
  • viscosity - 2000 MPa/s;
  • film strength - semi-rigid;
  • material density - 1.15 g/cubic. cm;
  • the working time of the glue after application at room temperature (+20 degrees) and humidity 60% is 45 seconds;
  • achieving strength - 16 hours;
  • final hardening, distribution of solvent residues - 8 weeks;
  • temperature during operation - at least +5 degrees;
  • combustion temperature - +321 degrees.

Hardened glue should be removed in strips, tearing them off - the product can be separated from the materials without damaging them.

Cosmofen Plus for PVC

Cosmofen Plus is widely used by companies involved in the manufacture, installation, and repair of plastic windows and other products made of rigid PVC.

Can seal and glue ebbs, slopes, louvres and other additional profiles. Cosmofen Plus is used to connect plumbing pipes, gutters, and glues billboards and banners. It is highly resistant to temperature and ultraviolet resistant. The composition is diffusion adhesive based on vinyl chloride polymers in solvents.

Characteristics of the product:

  • film - transparent, colorless;
  • properties of the film after hardening - durable, withstands shock loads;
  • viscosity - 2200 mPa/s;
  • density - 0.99 g/cubic. cm;
  • the shelf life of the glue after application at room temperature (+20 degrees) and humidity 50% is 60 seconds;
  • functional strength - 2 - 4 minutes;
  • curing time - 24 hours, final removal of solvent residues - 8 weeks;
  • ignition temperature - +212 degrees.

The product is not used for gluing pressure pipes.

Cosmofen 345 adhesive-sealant

Cosmofen 345 sealant is widely used for sealing seams on parts of plastic windows made of rigid PVC. The resulting compound will be resistant to atmospheric changes, precipitation, and exposure to sunlight.

The glue does not spread over the surface, does not crack, gives minimal shrinkage, and can fill seams up to 5 mm deep. Contains silicone and is absolutely transparent, so it can be used for connecting translucent metal-plastic structures.

Where else can I use Cosmofen 345? The composition perfectly glues products from the following materials:

  • tree;
  • stone - natural, artificial;
  • concrete.

With a surface width of 20 mm, glue is consumed at the rate of approximately 8 g/linear meter.

Cosmofen Plus HV for PVC

Liquid plastic Cosmofen Plus HV is used for quick gluing of solid PVC products. Most often, the composition is used in the installation of plastic windows to attach drains, protective strips, flashings, and a number of closing elements.

In advertising production, adhesive is used for attaching panels, profiles, boxes and banners. The product is widely used in plumbing work, but not for joining pressure pipes.

The glue is one-component, colorless, transparent, looks like a gel, and has high viscosity. The composition of the product is a solution of polyvinyl chloride on tetrahydrofuran. The resulting seam will be highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, since the composition contains special substances - UV stabilizers.

Main characteristics of the glue:

  • viscosity - 4000 mPa/s;
  • density - 0.99 g/cubic. cm;
  • the shelf life of the glue after application at room temperature (+20 degrees) and humidity 50% is 60 seconds;
  • achieving functional strength – 2 – 4 minutes;
  • final hardening is a day.

Cosmofen Plus S for PVC

The Cosmofen Plus S liquid plastic product differs from the others in color - this glue is white.

The scope of use is similar - glue is used to connect parts of PVC windows (slopes, ebbs, slats). In plumbing work, glue is useful for rain gutters and pipes (with the exception of pressure pipes). The material is used for the manufacture of advertising products.

The technical parameters of the product are the same as those of other adhesives in the Cosmofen Plus series. If the viscosity of the material is too high, it can be diluted with Cosmofen 380.

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