How to make upper and lower ebbs on a balcony for effective drainage

The main purpose of the element is to drain water from window glass and prevent moisture from entering the window sill and window frame. If moisture gets into these places, then processes of accelerated destruction of building materials begin: the plaster of facade walls falls off, window structures become unusable. If the walls are sheathed, then there are even more problems. In addition to their protective function, ebbs serve as an additional element for decorating facades; they acquire a finished look, and the designs of window openings look organic.

Window sills

Polymer coated ebbs

Window with low tide

Flashings can be installed both during the construction of buildings before finishing the façade walls, and after the start of operation. The first option is better - it is possible to use a full range of special measures to seal all joints and seams and do this with minimal loss of money and time. In the second case, the technology becomes somewhat more complicated, but this does not have a noticeable impact on the quality and cost of the work.

Low tide as a decorative window element

What are low tides

The design externally resembles window sills located outside the room. Necessary for removing excess moisture from the window and adjacent wall. If they are not installed, rain and snow will gradually destroy the frame and facade of the building.

They decorate the window opening, giving it a finished look and aesthetics.

Installation of window sills is possible both at the construction stage and a little later. The first case is preferable. It makes it possible to seal seams with less time and financial costs.

What is it needed for?

If the window owner saves on installing ebb tides:

  1. all the moisture will collect on the windowsill;
  2. will begin to evaporate;
  3. will damage the most important window elements and fittings.

Due to the above, the destruction of the window will be large-scale. In addition, the slopes and wall material located next to it will begin to be damaged.

It is better to install an external window sill during the installation of a window unit; a long period of time between them is undesirable. It’s good if this stage takes place together with finishing the facade , then it will be possible to apply a full range of protective measures to seal all construction joints of the ebb and flow with minimal financial costs.

Types of tides for windows

Currently, several types are produced, differing in the material of manufacture. There are no functional features of the structures. The essence comes down to protecting part of the structure from adverse external conditions.

When choosing a low tide, you need to pay attention to the parameters of the window opening, the shape of the structure, and the general style of the building. The color and material are matched to the window frame. They must be in harmony. The width of the flashing depends on the thickness of the wall and the design.

White window tints look great with the same plastic frames. If the color is different, then the drainage should be chosen to match or slightly darker.

Bay window openings require an individual order for outlets. Galvanized products coated with a polymer composition look good. They consist of several rounded parts, which together create the desired shape.

Briefly about the main thing

Shutters are installed to drain water from windows during rain and prevent it from getting under translucent structures and inside walls. They are mainly made of plastic and galvanized metal. However, they can also be created from facade tiles, aluminum, and stone.

Drainage drains made of plastic and metal are produced in mass quantities to standard sizes. It is easier to order steel products to order in the required dimensions. It is easy to cut them at the installation site to fit the size of the openings, leaving a metal reserve of 10-40 mm for bends.

Galvanized flashings can be connected by soldering or locking. They are installed on a prepared concrete or wooden base. During installation, foam and self-tapping screws are used. Their side edges are bent and brought under slopes or straight edges are deepened into them when they are plastered.

Materials for making castings

Manufacturing materials depend on which window is installed, the design of the building, and the design features of the opening.


Plastic window sill
The advantage of plastic is unsurpassed sound insulation. Unlike other materials, plastic does not increase the noise from raindrops. The appearance of plastic moldings on the construction market has solved the problem of drumming raindrops forever.

Such products do not fade over time, maintaining their original appearance. They are characterized by sufficient strength, withstand snow loads, the adverse effects of the sun, wind, and temperature changes.

Plastic castings do not require special care. It is enough to regularly wash with water or wipe with a soft cloth. A wide range of colors allows you to choose ebbs in plastic windows of any shade.


Metal window sill
Made of durable metal alloys. They are durable and have a long service life. Not demanding on care. The disadvantages include a low noise insulation threshold.


Galvanized steel window sill
Made from galvanized metal sheet. The surface of the product is varnished. This is necessary for additional protection of the ebb from mechanical and chemical influences, preventing corrosion and giving a decorative appearance. In addition, the varnish makes cleaning easier.

Such models are durable and resistant to the adverse effects of precipitation. There is only one drawback - they amplify the sound of falling drops of water. This problem is partially solved using a substrate. As a rule, it is made of polyester and is mounted under low tide.


Aluminum window sill
Lightweight and durable. Long service life is the main advantage of the design. Throughout the entire operational period they retain an attractive appearance and do not lose technical characteristics.

Aluminum can deteriorate due to corrosion. To prevent this from happening, treatment with special compounds is required. In this case, the product will delight you for many years.

Made from epoxy resin

Window trim made from epoxy resin
These trims are made from fiberglass and epoxy resin. It features the highest noise absorption of all existing offerings on the market. It can take any shape (at the request of the customer and depending on the need caused by the design features of the opening). Good wear resistance makes it popular among the population. The disadvantages include the above-average price and a small selection of colors. Models are usually made in white, black and brown.

Other material

Granite window sill

Wooden window sill

Copper window sills
In addition to all of the above, there are copper sills. They are quite rare, despite their good performance characteristics. Long service life without loss of quality, easy maintenance, attractive appearance are undeniable advantages. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Stone flashings can be installed on buildings with unusual architecture, such as mansions.

Plastic: good or bad?

Plastic window tints are considered the most “quiet”. When raindrops fall on them, there is almost no sound. And they are also considered inexpensive, which is important if the budget is limited. Only unpainted galvanization is cheaper, but its appearance, after several years of use, is not very attractive, the paint holds very poorly.

What are the disadvantages of plastic moldings? The fact is that plastic loses its elasticity under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, becomes brittle, and can crack under load. And, even if there are no serious cracks, there are always microcracks. They form over time and become filled with dust. After a couple of years, the once snow-white plastic becomes grayish or has a yellow tint. Nothing can wash it off. If installing window sills every five to ten years doesn’t bother you, you can use them too.

Plastic ebbs are two planes connected by jumpers. You have to step very carefully

The following disadvantages of plastic moldings are flammability and significant thermal expansion. Plastic melts at high temperatures. If a cigarette butt gets on it, a hole will be provided. It may not happen that often, but there is a possibility.

Thermal expansion manifests itself if the installation of window sills on windows is done rigidly - the strip is fixed with self-tapping screws. Then, in hot weather, it “goes in waves” and bends. Afterwards, it usually returns to normal. In order not to worry about thermal expansion, oblong rather than round holes should first be made in the edge of the ebb, to which it will be attached. When tightening the screws, do not press down the plastic too much. Then, when changing the size, the plastic casting will not “behave”.

Plastic drip installation

The second point is to leave a thermal gap on the sides, which is filled with silicone waterproof sealant (for outdoor use). In this case, thermal expansion will not cause a “wave”. The plastic will simply expand a little, compressing the sealant, then return to normal. So installing plastic drip sills has its own nuances.

Flashings for PVC profile windows

Window sill on PVC window
Modern apartment buildings are often equipped with a small roof eaves or do not have one at all. Light rain and snow fall on the frame, moisture penetrates the wall, stains and damages the building. There are stains under the window and the plaster is destroyed. Low tides will successfully solve this problem. The most common windows are made of PVC. It is for them that external window sills are most often looked for. First of all, you need to pay attention to the design of the wall, the opening and the color of the frame. Based on this, a decision is made to install the model.

Plastic, metal, aluminum, galvanized types are well suited. They have a lot of advantages without any disadvantages. Looks good with a PVC window. The most common are plastic models. They can be any color, so they will fit with colored frames. Low cost adds to its popularity among the population.

Average prices for different types

The cost of ready-made external window sills depends on the material, external design, size and service life. The cheapest are drainage systems made of ordinary metal , but they have a shorter service life of no more than 7-10 years, and require annual maintenance to remove rust and paint. The most expensive and “eternal” window sills are made with epoxy resin.

When choosing a particular window sill model, the buyer must first of all pay attention to the appearance of the model so that the ebb is consistent with the façade design. It is better if the ebb is installed together with the installation of the window unit, in which case the total costs will increase. The cost of installation work for arranging an external window sill depends on the geometric characteristics and source material.

Average prices for flashings up to 400 mm wide for windows with installation:

  • metal without external coating - 230 rub./running meter, installation - 900 rub./running meter;
  • metal with external coating - 350 rub./running meter, installation - 900 rub./running meter;
  • galvanized without external coating - 350 rub./running meter, installation - 900 rub./running meter;
  • galvanized with external coating - 500 rub./running meter, installation - 900 rub./running meter;
  • PVC width 140 mm - 158 rub./running meter, installation - 600 rub./running meter;
  • epoxy resin - 650 rub./running meter, installation - 2000 rub./running meter;
  • aluminum with external coating - 627 rub./running meter, installation - 1200 rub./running meter; preparatory work - 200 rub./p.m.;
  • sealing mounting cracks with construction foam - 250 rubles/linear meter;
  • sealing of connections - 250 rub./rm.

Flashings for wooden windows

Wooden window with a metallic tint
Modern wooden windows are coated with special compounds that prevent the material from rotting. But with prolonged exposure to moisture, wood deteriorates. For this reason, wooden windows need strong slopes and high-quality installation.

Aluminum slopes are currently popular. This metal is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, the product can withstand physical impact. The appearance can be anything. Painting it in different colors adds decorativeness. The most popular are brown, white, black, gray, beige.

No less durable galvanized drains. A polymer coating is applied to the surface, and the sounds of rain become less audible. In addition, it helps to choose the right color. It is recommended to choose a product that matches the color of the window frames or is slightly darker. The slopes fit well with wooden windows and will fulfill their intended function.

The most budget option remains plastic. The cost does not mean that the product is inferior. The price consists of the cost of raw materials and manufacturing technology. Plastic ebbs are durable and are not afraid of the sun, moisture, or frost. Fit tightly. The color range is very wide. The print is applied using lamination. This is a popular option that will suit any windows, including wooden ones.

Domestic manufacturers offer ebb tides made of wood. They look beautiful and fit perfectly on the windows. The downside is sensitivity to temperature changes, direct sunlight, and frost.

They require special care and careful handling. It is necessary to periodically varnish the product. This will extend the service life and maintain the attractive appearance of the natural material.

Such flashings should be installed by a craftsman who has experience working with wood.


External window sills operate in harsh conditions in the open air, so high demands are placed on them both in appearance and in terms of production characteristics:

  1. High resistance to atmospheric factors: wind, precipitation, sudden temperature changes, resistance to UV rays.

  2. Strength characteristics must withstand all possible mechanical loads from falling objects, birds and snow accumulation.
  3. Quiet, they should not create an increased street background indoors, for example, when raindrops fall on them.
  4. Frost resistance not lower than F 50.
  5. Absolutely waterproof.
  6. Easy installation and operation.
  7. Durability of the outer coating.
  8. The service life is at least 10 years for galvanized and metal castings, for other types at least 25 years.
  9. The length of the finished product is at least 3 meters.
  10. The width of the finished product is from 90 to 400 mm.
  11. Thickness: plastic - 1.5 mm; galvanized - 0.55 mm; polyester - 2 mm;
  12. aluminum - 1 mm.

The anti-corrosion protective properties of galvanized steel coated with polymer compounds and the thickness of the zinc coating are interconnected. Products made from zinc sheets with a specific gravity of zinc of 180 g/m2 without rust will last 7 years less than with a specific gravity of 275 g/m2.

Ebb tides for semicircular or shaped windows

Round window with ebb
Not all window openings have right angles and a linear shape. Curved windows also require drainage. Installation of flashings on non-standard openings should only be carried out by a qualified craftsman with extensive experience.

Products made of metals and plastics are ideal. These are flexible materials that can be shaped into any shape. Slopes made of copper are characterized by the greatest ductility. It easily takes any shape. If such a slope cannot be installed based on the budget, then you should turn to a plastic model.

In any case, a specialist is required to take measurements and make an individual order according to the parameters of the opening.

Features of connecting two ebb tides

The need to connect two drainage systems arises when one of them is not enough to completely cover the lower slope of the window. Although this situation happens extremely rarely. After all, it has already been mentioned what low tide is in plastic windows, and what it may look like. Basically the product is a metal strip. Its length can reach 6 m if necessary.

If you still need to connect two metal products to reduce the final cost, then soldering is used. It is performed with a soldering iron with a power of at least 200 W. Hydrochloric acid is also used in this work. It will allow you to remove the zinc coating from the metal at the soldering site. After all, ordinary solder will not cope with such a task.

The master connects the two ebbs as follows:

  • Places products with overlap.
  • Eliminates large gaps by pressing one drainage pipe against another with some kind of weight.
  • Pour a small amount of hydrochloric acid onto the joint or apply it with a brush. The solution is distributed throughout the joint. Otherwise, the metal will not connect in unlubricated areas.
  • Heats up the soldering iron so that solder brand, for example, POS 60, melts on the tool.
  • Applies the heated end of the soldering iron along with solder to the joint where hydrochloric acid is already present.
  • Removes the load, but only after the solder has cured.

Usually the seam is made from the front side. If necessary, solder can be passed from below the joint to increase the strength of the connection. At the end of the process, the adhesion site is washed with a solution of water and baking soda. This allows the remaining hydrochloric acid to be neutralized.

The connection of two galvanized sheets is also done using a lock. It consists of two parts. They are created on the opposite edges of the connected drains. An experienced locksmith will always make a quality lock. After its creation, a folded seam is obtained.

The lock itself consists of two curved edges in opposite directions, which hook into one another. After this, the seam is compacted with a mallet. Strong blows are made on it with the instrument. They are performed first on one side and then on the other side of the seam.

Making metal casting with your own hands

Galvanized metal for casting

Homemade sheet bending machine for bending ebb

In some cases, it may be necessary to make a metal casting yourself. As a rule, they are installed in country houses and utility rooms. For this you will need:

  • A metal sheet. It is recommended to use galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4–0.5 mm. It is better if it is covered with a layer of polymers;
  • Metal scissors. Needed for cutting molds. If there are none, take a grinder;
  • Square, pliers, pencil, tape measure;
  • Mallet.

Measure the window opening with a tape measure. Add 5 cm to the figure. The margin is needed so that it would be possible to bend the metal to the slopes. Experts recommend cutting out the rough blank a little larger. If necessary, it can be trimmed at any time.

Decide on the width of the tide. Measure the width from the window to the edge of the wall. Add 4-5 cm to the result. This will be the overhang of the product for water drainage.

Don't forget about additional benefits:

  • 1.5 cm is needed to ensure fastening of the ebb to the plastic window;
  • 2.5 cm will be required for a drip with a bend (rolling).

If the pencil is hard to see, use a marker. Traces are erased with alcohol or solvent.

All lines must be on the front side. Otherwise they will not be visible during work. As a rule, it is more convenient to bend the plate by securing it with a clamp between two pieces of wood along the intended bend line.

If you have a sheet bending machine, the process will go faster and better. The optimal manufacturing method is the industrial method. This is the only way to correctly install sills on plastic windows, make the sills efficiently, reliably, beautifully in a short time, without wasting your own time.

Deciding on the sizes

General scheme for determining the size of the ebb
When taking measurements, you need to consider the following:

  • What will be the shape and depth of the slopes. Protruding and shaped slopes require the largest size (for subsequent trimming). Decorative protrusions require overlaps of 3 cm;
  • The drip tray should protrude 2-3 cm from the wall;
  • The bend angle should not be less than 110 degrees;
  • If the ebb for plastic windows is longer than one and a half meters, compensation gaps must be provided at the end of the product. As a rule, they are equal to half a centimeter. Filled with any moisture-resistant sealant.

The size of the house ebb should correspond to the width of the window opening plus an increase for bends. As a rule, the material is cut out with a margin of 15 cm. It is convenient to use the drawing. If the installation of drip tides is ordered by professionals, then you do not need to measure the windows yourself and calculate the required dimensions. After filling out the application, a specialist will arrive at the specified time and measure the window.

Methods for bending drainage edges

Craftsmen use several ways to bend the edge. Each of them chooses the most convenient method.

For example, you can use tools for tin work - special pliers. They have a wide clamping part. Thanks to the larger gripping area, work efficiency increases.

In addition, pincer-shaped clamps are used. They clamp the sheet of metal along the previously drawn bend line and bend the part. It is advisable to use wooden blocks as an auxiliary tool. Work is carried out strictly on a flat surface.

Important! The use of a clamp requires a deviation from the marked fold line of at least 2 mm. This distance is needed to bend the metal sheet as accurately as possible.

The third method requires a stable, flat, horizontal surface, such as an iron table. The fold line should be placed exactly along the edge of the table. The sheet needs to be secured. Bending is done using a mallet. For a more even fold, pass along the sheet 2-3 times.

When a drain is made from a thin sheet, it is bent by hand without the use of tools or technical devices. Gloves must be worn to protect against cuts.

Important! To make the fold as even as possible, make a furrow (deep scratch) on the reverse side with a sharp object in the place of the future fold.

General requirements for installation of ebb and flow sills

basic requirements for installing ebb sills
Installation of ebb sills is carried out upon completion of window installation. It doesn’t matter what material the frames are made of, they must “settle” for 3-5 days. During this time, the foam and other solutions dry. The protrusions of excess mixture are cut off with a knife or chisel.

For high-quality installation of drainage systems you need to know the following:

  1. According to the technological installation rules, the ebb should be installed so that it enters the walls by 2 centimeters. To do this, make recesses (grooves) where the slope enters the surface.
  2. It often happens that a product that is correctly made according to the standards does not fit into the grooves. Then you need to clear the recess of debris, level the protrusions with the main surface, and sweep away the crumbs with a brush. The window sill can almost always be trimmed, especially if it is made of metal. You need to do this carefully, without scratching the front part. If the metal is exposed, then this place needs to be painted over.
  3. After preparation and fitting, you need to proceed to installation. Wet the mounting wall with water. Polyurethane foam adheres better to a wet wall. Installation of ebb tides is usually carried out with its help.
  4. Insert the outer window sill very carefully into the prepared grooves. Leave minimal gaps. The casting should fit tightly, but without rubbing. This can harm the enamel; it will come off over time and the metal will begin to rot.
  5. The next step is to set the angle of inclination. Direction: away from the wall to remove moisture. It should flow down. The horizontal slope cannot be done “by eye” but must be carefully measured using a professional building level. The desired slope is found by moving the plates along the plane. The angle should be such that the installed product can be pressed down with several bricks (they should not slide down). Don't forget to wrap them in soft cloth so as not to spoil the appearance of the cast. The bricks will hold the sill in place as the foam begins to expand. Otherwise, the product will tear out of the grooves and the work will be ruined.
  6. After the foam has dried, you need to check for voids and carefully fill them with the same foam or sealant. This will help eliminate drafts in the room and increase the sound insulation of the product.
  7. The bricks are removed after 3-5 days. During this period, the foam will set properly. Now you need to rub and putty all the seams around the ebb.

Now the window sill can be wiped with a damp sponge, and it is ready to please the owner for half a century or longer.

Important! It is not necessary to seal the lower profile of the window before the sill is installed. Since the bend of the product will need to be inserted into this opening.

Installation of drip tides can be done not only using foam (installation is the easiest, cheapest, fastest way), but also using self-tapping screws and rivets. Nails cannot be used. The ebb, as well as a regular window sill in a room, must fit tightly to the profile and cut into the side slopes.

Installation of window sills requires a slope. This is a condition for long-term and high-quality operation for many years. You should always make an incline. If you skip this step, then moisture, ice and snow will always accumulate at low tide. Incorrect installation will ruin the ebb and will have to be reinstalled. In addition, if the installation is not correct, moisture will enter the window profile and penetrate the wall. The material will deteriorate and drafts will appear in the house. Expensive repairs will be needed.

If you install the ebb tide yourself, then do not forget to buy a lot of foam. It is worth considering that if there is not enough of it, then after a while the voids can be filled. If the craftsman is too generous, the window sill may become deformed due to the expanding foam. The joints are sealed with quick-drying moisture- and frost-resistant silicone-based sealants.

With this information, you can install window sills with your own hands. But if you want to be sure that the product will not have to be replaced after a few years or months, then entrust such work as installing a low tide to professionals.

A properly installed drip lining will protect the wall and, accordingly, the room. Moisture will not get into the wall cavities and freeze there when frost occurs. This will save the structure from destruction.

Drainage as an integral part of the window structure

Low tide is an important element in the drainage system of a building structure. Fitting tightly to the wall or window profile, it prevents water from entering seams and other installation joints, maintaining the integrity of the brickwork, concrete fencing or facing material. Without drainage, melt water and rain will cause irreparable damage to the facility, gradually destroying it and forcing unscheduled repairs.

As a rule, ebb tides are installed together with the balcony glazing. This service is offered by any installation team that installs plastic windows. But there are situations when the drainage element has to be repaired or replaced with a new one after glazing, for example, if the owners are not satisfied with the appearance of the ebb or it does not fulfill its purpose well. It is not always possible to do such work yourself, especially when it comes to installing the upper ebb on the balcony. However, knowing what options exist and understanding the specifics of their installation is advisable for every customer who wants to get a high-quality result.

Drainage is a mandatory element of balcony glazing

Step-by-step instructions for installing metal flashing

Installation of ebbs and slopes requires careful adherence to technology. Several main stages can be distinguished:

  1. If you are installing ebb tides on plastic windows yourself, but the product itself is made industrially, then carefully inspect it from all sides and look for a special bend. It is inserted inside the window profile.
  2. If using a homemade casting, give the metal the desired shape yourself. This is done using metal scissors. It is necessary to make several cuts so that the product fits the slopes as tightly as possible.
  3. It is very important that the slope is more than 10 degrees. Water and snow should not stagnate on the windowsill. They should flow freely to the ground.
  4. The bent part must be placed tightly under the frame. Modern plastic windows have holes (grooves) designed specifically for the installation of ebb tides.

Taking these nuances into account, you can design a beautiful window, give it a finished look, and maintain warmth and comfort in the house.

Answers on questions

How to correctly measure the base of the ebb?

Firstly, don’t worry too much, the accuracy of the removal can be plus or minus a few millimeters.

Secondly, taking the size is quite simple:

Window tide measurement

How to bend the edges of the tides?

There are several ways, each of them gives good results.

How to bend a steel sheet evenly

Galvanized sheet can be bent using a mallet

We strongly recommend that you protect your hands with gloves while performing tin work. It is very easy to cut yourself on sharp edges, and such injuries take a long time to heal.

And one more practical piece of advice. To make the ebb bend easier and the line to be smooth, press a groove on the reverse side. Place the sheet on a flat surface and press a shallow groove under the ruler with a metal object. Make sure that the zinc coating is not damaged. But even if it is scratched, it’s not a problem. The line will always be on the opposite side of the tide and moisture will not get on it.

Prices for sheet metal bending machines

What are the features of installing metal flashings on wooden houses?

There is one difference, but a fundamental one. If a cement mixture is used as a base on stone walls, then for wooden walls you need to make a supporting frame from bars. In some cases, several slats of varying thicknesses placed along the window opening are sufficient. They are fixed to the beams with nails. To prevent snow from falling under the tide and to strengthen the fixation to the wall, it is recommended to use polyurethane foam. Before foaming, press down the ebb on top; choose a load such that it does not bend the iron and at the same time does not allow the foam to lift the ebb.

Installing a low tide on a window of a wooden house

How to join two short sheets?

This is another way to reduce the cost of metal castings. There are two ways, choose the best one for yourself.

Conventional solders are not suitable for galvanized steel; they either do not pickle the zinc coating or pickle it very slowly. You will need a large soldering iron with at least 200 watts of power, the bigger the better.

To solder galvanized sheets, you will have to use hydrochloric acid. Ordinary solders are unsuitable for iron; they cannot remove the zinc coating; you need to use concentrated acid.

Hydrochloric acid solution

Work with it carefully, do not allow the chemical liquid to come into contact with the mucous membranes. As soon as trouble occurs, immediately rinse with running water.

Important. When the acid boils, very caustic fumes are released into the air. Work only outdoors, be sure to use respiratory protection.

Always make the seam from the front side of the casting; from the back the gap is visible. If you doubt the strength of the solder, turn the sheet over and repeat the soldering of the seam. The acid etches the zinc to iron; due to this preparation, the metal is combined at the molecular level. After finishing work, the surfaces must be washed in water with baking soda, this way the acid will be neutralized. It is recommended to rinse the clean tide again in running water.

Leveling a lock with a sledgehammer

Connection of two galvanized sheets

The lock can be cut with metal scissors; enlarged sheets are used to make large-sized castings.

Video - How to sew two sheets of galvanized iron without a machine

As you can see, you can do everything with your own hands, but only if you have two conditions: you need to have the desire and at least minimal knowledge. Don’t be afraid, try it, nothing can replace practical experience.

Video - Installing a window tide


Required tools for installation

Metal shears are used to cut galvanized sheets when making ebbs.
To install ebbs for windows, you need special tools. Order the production and installation of window slopes from professionals. This will eliminate the need to look for missing fixtures. Installation of ebb and flow on windows is carried out using several special devices that are needed for a certain type of work:

  • Metal scissors. With their help, sheets are cut and subsequently adjusted to the required parameters and shapes of the opening;
  • You will need a screwdriver and a drill. You can combine two tools in one. But not all models are interchangeable, so it’s better to prepare both. They require attachments of various types and lengths. This way you can quickly and firmly fasten all parts of the water drainage structure;
  • For wooden frames, use regular wood screws. If the frame is metal-plastic, then you will need metal screws;
  • Don't forget about a tape measure, a pencil or marker, and a square, which will be useful for taking measurements and drawing precise markings.

Professionally manufactured and correctly installed slopes will make the repair complete.

Correct sizing for drainage

The quality of the final result depends on the accuracy of the original dimensions according to which the casting is made. If they are removed correctly, there is no need to redo the work. At the same time, it is performed as quickly as possible. However, an error of a few millimeters is allowed.

To make sills for windows, the dimensions of which will be as accurate as possible, the master performs the following steps:

  • measures the length of the window frame together, where the drainage system will connect to it;
  • first applies a construction square to one side and then to the other side of the window;
  • measures in each case the small leg of an imaginary triangular figure that is formed between the applied tool and the slope;
  • adds the sum of the small legs to the previously measured length of the window frame to obtain the final length of the drainage.

After this, you need to know how the ebb will be installed. If it is factory installed under vertical slopes or simply touches them, then the craftsman makes bends on its side edges. Therefore, it increases the overall length of the product by approximately 40 mm - 20 mm on each side. If the drainage bouquet crashes into plastered slopes, then this size increases by 10 mm on each side.

Installation cost

Drainage sill for a window
The cost of the ordered product and installation work consists of several factors;

  • Dimensions of ebb tides;
  • Window opening configuration;
  • Material of manufacture;
  • Production time;
  • Other.

As a rule, the master considers the time spent, the complexity of the work and the complexity of the installation. A metal window sill is easier to install than one made from epoxy resin. Therefore, this type of work will be cheaper.

To calculate the cost of installing drip tides, it is best to contact a specialized company. The master will coordinate the visit with you, measure the opening and recommend the material for making the product. The final cost can only be announced after taking into account all the nuances and wishes of the client. You can find out the average cost of installing and manufacturing a particular type of drip sill by calling the company at the number listed on the website.

How to make the right choice for your home?

When choosing window tinting, the owner needs to follow these recommendations :

  1. The material for arranging an external window sill must correspond to the climatic characteristics of the area and the construction dimensions of the window opening; it is not recommended to install plastic sills for northern regions.
  2. The flashing must be of sufficient width and length, taking into account reserves for bending and slope, so that there is no unprotected space left on the stone part of the opening.
  3. The color of the product must match the color of the window frame.
  4. Type of painting, choose either powder or polymer. The first is cheaper, the second is more durable, and such a product does not create noise.
  5. The certificate for the product confirms the service life of the ebb, it
  6. must be no less than the service life of the window unit.
  7. Warranty from the manufacturer for at least 2 years.

When installing a new window, it is necessary to provide for the simultaneous installation of a drainage system; in this case, complete sealing of the seams will be ensured.

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