How to make a wooden floor on a balcony - installation and processing instructions

Everyone will appreciate a natural floor that has low thermal conductivity, especially when you step barefoot onto the terrace or balcony. In addition, wooden flooring has other advantages, which include:

  1. If the processes are carried out accurately, the surface will be perfectly smooth.
  2. The coatings have a wide variety, which allows you to create any design. By choosing wood that retains its natural color and texture, you can get a very beautiful surface.
  3. The boards have a long service life.
  4. It is possible to perform high-quality insulation.
  5. The balcony slab bears a small load.
  6. The material is environmentally friendly, which does not negatively affect human health.

Positive characteristics

Everyone will appreciate a natural floor that has low thermal conductivity, especially when you step barefoot onto the terrace or balcony. In addition, wooden flooring has other advantages, which include:

  1. If the processes are carried out accurately, the surface will be perfectly smooth.
  2. The coatings have a wide variety, which allows you to create any design. By choosing wood that retains its natural color and texture, you can get a very beautiful surface.
  3. The boards have a long service life.
  4. It is possible to perform high-quality insulation.
  5. The balcony slab bears a small load.
  6. The material is environmentally friendly, which does not negatively affect human health.

Surface coating

The reinforced concrete structure is attached to the outer wall with one reinforced part, and the other remains suspended. For this reason, you should not overload the base of the coating.

The best option for finishing the flooring on the balcony is wood.

Taking into account the structural properties of the slab, you can make the right decision on how to paint the wooden floor.

But first you need to complete the process of laying the lag. Choose a high-quality wooden beam, which has a size of 50x50 mm. Lay it across, retreating about 3 cm from the fence. This material must be treated with special biological agents to protect against mold.

It would be a good idea to impregnate the timber with drying oil so that the timber is resistant to temperature changes. Cover the surface with three layers of product. Be sure to give it time to dry, at least a day.

If the boards used are not planed, and the loggia is glazed, you need to think about what else can be used to cover the wood? For such a room you can choose several types of flooring:

  • coloring;
  • ceramic or metlakh tiles;
  • moisture-resistant laminate with protective film;
  • linoleum.

Choosing paint

Nowadays there is a large selection of different paints in stores, but we need one that is suitable for painting wood. A special feature of floor paint is that it must be resistant not only to mechanical, but also to chemical influences.

When deciding what paint to cover the floor with, you need to take into account the following features:

Typically, painting a wooden floor is done with oil or alkyd paint; you can use acrylic or alkyd impregnation and varnish. Much will depend on whether the floor is new or painted. If it is new, then acrylic or alkyd impregnation is most often used, and for previously painted floors, oil or alkyd enamel is used. If the service life of a floor coated with oil enamel is about 3 years, then that of a floor coated with alkyd paint is about 6 years.

If one can of paint is not enough for you, then you need to take several from the same batch so that they do not differ in shade. You must first calculate the required amount of paint and only then go to the store. On average, about 200 grams of paint are spent on painting 1 square meter in one layer.

Varnish is rarely used to cover the floor, this is due to the fact that it cannot provide reliable protection. Such a coating will quickly be damaged by furniture, heels, and you can only walk on it in soft shoes.

Types of coating

If the question arises about how to cover wooden floors on a balcony, it is likely that it is made of wood or concrete. The concrete surface is most often covered with linoleum or laminate. It is better to cover a wooden surface with paints, which come in different types:

  1. Oil paint has properties to withstand weathering. It is intended for external as well as internal work. The service life is shorter than that of acrylic-based materials.
  2. Acrylic paint is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays. Perfectly withstands temperature changes. Covers the surface perfectly and is also absorbed very well. The service life is long, but expensive.
  3. Polyurethane paint as well as varnish are excellent materials to use when the surface is beautiful and also smooth. The structure of both products is the same, they cover the wood perfectly and contribute to resistance and durability.
  4. Aqualacs are also used to cover wood floors. They make the surface resistant to moisture.

Related article: Finishing materials for inside balconies

Step by step process

It is immediately worth noting that there are many technologies and methods for performing such work. At the same time, they offer different options on how best to cover a wooden floor on a balcony and how to insulate it. However, it is worth considering only one of the most popular methods, since it solves a lot of problems and can be considered universal.

Making a timber frame that is level may require the use of shims

Lighthouses and additional works

  • First of all, it is necessary to create a base of wooden beacons, which are often called logs. They are slats that are stuffed onto the surface, setting them according to the level. At the same time, manuals explaining how to treat a wooden floor on a balcony recommend using special impregnations to protect the material from moisture.

Some craftsmen prefer to create simple logs from parallel slats

  • Next, a film is laid on the surface, which plays the role of waterproofing. It should protect the material from exposure from below. Taking this into account, many experts advise first laying the film and then attaching the guides.

Insulation material with a reflective surface is more effective, since the foil returns outgoing infrared radiation deep into the room

  • At the next stage, the instructions explaining how to make a wooden floor on the balcony recommend insulation. Mineral wool is best suited for these purposes. It is placed in the space between the joists, completely filling it.
  • It is worth noting that waterproofing the floor on a balcony in a wooden house may require additional treatment of the walls with special compounds from the surface and 5 cm above the expected level of the finishing coating. In panel or brick houses, you can use special mastic or bitumen.

Floor painting

The finished surface of the finished board must be painted. If tongue and groove wood was laid on the balcony, it must first be prepared. Purchase paint intended for outdoor use in a suitable shade.

Treat the boards with solvent for degreasing. Places where tar stains have appeared should be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Once the surface is completely dry, you can apply the first layer of paint.

The work must be carried out with a paint brush, carefully rubbing the paint into the wood. The first layer should be applied correctly along the grain of the board. Allow time to dry, which is usually 24 hours. Then apply a second one, only across the fibers. The third layer is applied similarly to the first. All layers must be thoroughly dry before applying the next one. For information on the main mistakes when painting wood, watch this useful video:

Laying tiles

This finishing material has a huge number of different shades and textures. When purchasing tiles for a balcony, it is important to choose ones that are frost-resistant. It is laid on a special adhesive intended for outdoor use. To install tiles you should have:

  • container for mixing glue;
  • a basin in which the tiles will be soaked;
  • several types of spatulas: flat, serrated, and rubber;
  • rubber hammer;
  • building level;
  • grout for seams;
  • rags.

This work should be carried out with rubber gloves. Use a notched trowel to smooth the prepared glue over the surface. It is necessary to lay tiles in rows and check each of them with a level.

Start laying correctly from the far edge and gradually move towards the doors. After the glue has hardened, treat the seams with grout that has an acrylic filler. Fill the seams with a rubber spatula.

Laying laminate

The moisture-resistant material is laid on a special substrate. The lamellas are installed by snapping a lock with a tongue-and-groove system. Despite the fact that the surface of the laminate has a moisture-proof layer, it can deteriorate if there is a large amount of moisture. To learn how to lay laminate flooring, watch this useful video:

It is better to install such material on a glazed balcony and do not forget to close the windows when it rains.

Wooden balcony in an apartment - 5 aspects of finishing with wood

This option as a wooden balcony was very popular back in Soviet times - lining the walls and ceiling was perhaps the most attractive solution in those days. Nowadays, such finishing is not suitable for everyone, but if you decide to decorate your balcony with wood, then this review will tell you how to organize the work process and what to pay special attention to. All the work described can be carried out on your own without any problems, so you can also save on this design option.

In the photo: this finish looks very cozy and is great for creating a relaxation area

Linoleum coating

This material is not afraid of moisture and can withstand sub-zero temperatures. To install linoleum you need to have the following tools:

  • carpenter's or stationery knife;
  • wood saw;
  • drill with attachments;
  • plywood;
  • self-tapping screws

When choosing linoleum, it is important to take into account the width of the coating so that installation is done in one piece, without seams. Place plywood under the material, preferably moisture-resistant, 1 cm thick. It must be attached to the floor with self-tapping screws. Treat the resulting seams with a special putty, and after drying, carefully sand them with fine-grained sandpaper. For more information on how to lay linoleum on a loggia, watch this video:

Related article: Combining a balcony with a room coordination

Spread the linoleum and leave it for several days to give the desired shape. After this, install a decorative plinth, which should be attached not to the floor, but to the wall, since under the influence of various factors the floors can “play.”

Insulation criteria

Opening laminate with varnish

Insulated floors, walls and ceilings are the solution to almost all the problems of an attached balcony, so special attention is paid to the thermal insulation process. Many ordinary people who decide to do the connection themselves often make mistakes. After all, insulating a balcony is not so easy. Here you will have to work hard and invest not only your own strength, but also money.

Insulating loggias is much easier because this element of the building has ready-made side walls and a concrete parapet. In fact, this is already a room. Only glazing is carried out in it, and insulation is installed, and then comes the finishing. By the way, it is on loggias that it is possible to use penoplex without a frame, which greatly simplifies the process.

Insulating balconies is a more difficult job. After all, this is an open structure installed on a floor slab. To make a full-fledged room out of it, you will have to work hard. In general, the issue of insulating a balcony with your own hands must be approached very responsibly. And if you are not an expert in this matter, then it is better to study the issue thoroughly. Our information and video posted on this page will help you. Use, learn and put into practice.

Balcony treatment products

Wooden material for finishing loggias is the most popular. Although it is not cheap, it is still profitable, since the processing area is not too large and assembly is very simple. Most often, cladding boards made of wood are used for walls and ceilings. But before covering the floor on the balcony, it is necessary to apply protection against fire, moisture, mildew and mold, and then varnish or paint.

This wooden material is sensitive to moisture, temperature changes and the effects of wood-boring beetles. And everyone knows well that if you incorrectly care for such a finish, the wood will age and lose its attractive appearance. Therefore, the owners of loggias have a question: how to treat the lining on the balcony in order to preserve its beautiful appearance and ensure that the material remains durable for a long period of time?

This is extremely necessary if you purchased cladding that was not processed at the factory, but for planks with a “Euro profile” (thickness - twelve point five millimeters, working width (without tenon) - eighty-eight millimeters, total width (with tenon) ) - ninety-six millimeters) already during their creation, impregnation with an antiseptic is provided.

If this type of wall paneling is not treated well, the paneling will darken over time, peel, and possibly rot. Increasing its resistance to bad influences and leaving this substance durable is achieved through good processing and subsequent coating.

Not glazed

If your balcony is still not glazed, it is clear that the floor on it is constantly exposed to active precipitation and strong gusts of wind, and in winter it has to hide for a long time under a fluffy layer of snow. Accordingly, in the spring the snow melts, and the floor again has a hard time due to the significant layer of water that has formed.

Therefore, in this case it is very important to create a surface that is resistant to negative natural influences. It immediately comes to mind that the floor can be raised by forming a new screed, and a reliable, durable coating, chosen in advance by you, can be laid on top. We propose to consider everything in a little more detail and in order.

Option 1: Painting

You can simply take the concrete floor screed on the balcony and paint it with special paint, which is intended for outdoor work. This type of paint usually lasts for three or four years. This means that for this period of time you will not need to update.

It should be borne in mind that by painting the floor on the balcony, you will not be able to create a durable coating, since the paint is not designed to withstand loads associated with gravity pressure (furniture or other large items).

Option 2: Tile

If you plan to move old but still usable furniture here, then in this case it is better to cover the floor with tiles. By laying the tiles according to all the rules, you will provide the concrete screed with a protective layer, and it will not be destroyed by precipitation on the balcony.

How to process boards

The processing of these boards is carried out in several stages:

  1. The steps to prepare for processing are that the surface must be cleaned of various contaminants and the previous coating that has lost its quality. This is done using pumice, sandpaper or a brush with coarse bristles. And the places of chips, cracks and holes from knots must be sanded and puttied. If there is resin on the wood, it can be removed with resin solvent, alcohol, white spirit, acetone or gasoline. Before assembly, the wooden material must be thoroughly dried.

  2. Impregnation with an antiseptic agent to prevent the appearance of fungus, mold and damage by wood-boring beetles (the main substance is harmless boric salt). These products come in two types: glazing (translucent) and covering (leaving only a relief). And if suddenly the fungus has already appeared, then bleaching with chlorine-containing liquids will do; this will not kill microbial spores, but will inhibit the development of the fungus. It would also be a good idea to apply a fire protection substance (fire retardants are ammonium sulfate, boric or phosphoric acid salts dissolved in water) and a water repellent substance.
  3. Choosing what to cover the lining on the balcony with, and then carrying out the work of covering these planks.

Related article: Is it possible to make a kitchen on the balcony?

No. 9. Carpet

A rather rare way to organize the space of a loggia or balcony is to use carpet. If the loggia is an extension of the living room or a place for rest and relaxation, then soft carpeting is a completely suitable option.

Main advantages:

  • soft and pleasant to the touch surface;
  • good heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • huge selection of colors and patterns. The length of the pile may also vary.

Carpet is made from natural, synthetic or mixed yarns. Carpet made from synthetic fabrics is easier to use. Be prepared for the fact that this material attracts dust, and stains from carpet are not so easy to remove.

Covering agents

In order to cover the finishing of the loggia, the following types of varnish are used:

  1. In a glazed room, it is better to use a water-based substance that dries quickly, does not contain a solvent, and does not smell. It may consist only of the base or of it and a hardener (more durable). Not resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations. It should not be used in rooms with very humid air.
  2. The alkyd product has a strong odor and takes a very long time to dry. Suitable for any type of loggia. Resistant to mechanical and external influences, able to repel water.
  3. The acrylic product protects against the influence of direct rays of the sun; it must be diluted with alcohol or water. Apply in two layers. The first layer is the varnish itself, the second is the layer to create the shade.
  4. A product containing polyurethane retains the natural color of the finishing material, but is toxic.

The most suitable protection option when deciding how to cover the floor on a balcony is a high-quality water-based varnish that preserves the texture of the covering, because this product is elastic, resistant to abrasion and cold, and does not crack or peel.

When coating the material for finishing with varnish, the following steps must be taken:

  • cover the surface with a primer;
  • apply the first coat of varnish and wait for it to dry;
  • apply the final coat of varnish.

In addition to varnish, it is permissible to use water-based paint or stain. Alkyd paints are resistant to cold. Oil-based paints should not be used due to the fact that these compounds become very deep in the structure of the sheathing and make re-working more difficult.

The main difference between varnish and paint is that varnish does not distort the natural appearance of the boards, but paint gives them a different color. If the structure of the wood needs to be hidden, familiarize yourself with the procedure for painting lining.

Thus, we can conclude that there are suitable answers to the questions: how to cover the floor on the balcony and how to cover the lining on the balcony. Wood boards will be an excellent option for covering the entire loggia.

Sequence of work

Precise adherence to the sequence of work will help avoid mistakes.


To protect materials from the penetration of moisture from the outside, all cracks are carefully sealed. After this, a waterproofing film is laid. Now the wooden floor on your balcony is reliably protected from moisture, but you will also need to protect the heat-insulating layer from water that may get in during wet cleaning. The second layer of film is applied after installing the insulation. Penofol can be used as the first layer, which will create additional insulation.

Installation of logs

Longitudinal logs are mounted along the balcony, parallel to the load-bearing wall. On typical balconies, three are usually enough - one is fixed in the center of the floor, and two are fixed at the edges. Anchors or dowel-nails are used as fasteners.

Installation of joists is a critical stage of installation; at this time, the future floor is leveled horizontally. The position of each log is checked with a level; if there is a tilt of the concrete base of the balcony or its unevenness, in the right places the height of the log is adjusted with a wooden or plastic lining. When fastening it, like the joist itself, it is stitched through and through with a self-tapping screw.

Longitudinal logs on the balcony floor

A more reliable basis will be a structure consisting of transverse and longitudinal logs. The transverse ones are installed first with an interval of 40-50 cm. The longitudinal logs are laid on top of them. As a rule, longitudinal logs are more massive than transverse ones. Fastening of longitudinal logs is carried out through the passage of self-tapping screws, which are recessed into the body of the log by 1.5-2 cm.

All logs are installed so that they do not come into contact with the walls.

Important: When installing joists, you must take into account the final height of the floor along with the finishing coating, which should not exceed the height of the balcony threshold.


The insulation is placed in the space between the joists, perhaps a little short of their top level. The air-filled space becomes additional thermal insulation. Cutting thermal insulation materials is easily done with a stationery or construction knife. A film is laid on top of the heat-insulating layer; it can be fixed to the joists using a construction stapler.

As mentioned earlier, you can increase the insulation of the floor by laying heat-reflecting material before installing the insulation. When laying it, as well as when laying film, it is important to ensure an overlap of 20-25 cm on the walls on all sides.

Laying the covering

The boards on the joists are laid in the direction from the wall. When laying, the position of the first board must be checked with a square or level. The covering must be positioned strictly perpendicular to the wall. Having retreated 1 - 1.5 cm from the wall, the first board with the cut tenon is fixed with self-tapping screws. At this stage it is important to fulfill certain conditions:

  • Three edges of the first board (the fourth will be in contact with the second board) do not touch the walls, the size of the gaps is 10-15 mm.
  • The fastening screws are screwed in at an angle of 45°.

After this, perform the following steps:

  1. Having measured the distance, slightly larger than the width of the board, install an auxiliary rail using self-tapping screws.
  2. The second panel is laid next to the first and connected by end fastening.
  3. To press the boards closer together, 2-3 wedges are inserted between the second board and the batten. When they are hammered in, the gap decreases. It is also convenient to adjust the boards closely to each other without using a rail using a striking block , which you can make yourself from wood.
  4. Each board is additionally fixed with self-tapping screws into a groove at an angle.
  5. The first and last flooring boards are additionally secured with self-tapping screws to the joists along the longitudinal line.

These steps are repeated the required number of times, after which the laid floor is framed with skirting boards.

The question “how to cover a wooden floor on a balcony” can be resolved in favor of plywood or pressed sheets if subsequent flooring of linoleum or laminate is planned. Laying such materials on logs is not difficult. The joints of the sheets must run along the joists. The sheets are fastened to the joists using self-tapping screws at intervals of 20 cm. It is most convenient to drill holes in the sheets before doing this.

You will learn about what you can use to cover the floors on an open balcony in our separate article. It provides an overview of the main materials.

If you don’t know what to do if a plastic window doesn’t close, then our material will help you figure it out.

How to cover a wooden floor?

This is my first experience in painting

tongue and groove floor. If you are a professional, you can make the video better. Shoot it.

After arranging the floor, we begin to think about how to paint the floor on the balcony.

. But first, before painting, you should clean it of debris and dust. When choosing a paint coating, you should pay attention to its characteristics. The floor covering on the balcony must be protected from UV rays, temperature changes, and be resistant to mechanical stress and quick erasing.

How to paint the floor on the balcony, the best option would be varnish

There may be two options here: treat the floor surface with varnish or paint. Since our floor is smooth and beautiful, there is absolutely no need to spoil it with paint; here it is better to coat the surface with varnish.

When choosing a varnish, you should pay special attention to the fact that it is intended for exterior and interior use.

, had UV protection and was moisture resistant. Alkyd varnishes are the best for these works; they have all the listed characteristics.

Before opening the floor with varnish, you need to sand the surface, clean it and prepare it for further work. The varnish can be applied with a brush, roller or spray gun, depending on the size of the balcony. Each layer must dry for twenty-four hours before applying the next.


    The easiest way to protect wood is stain impregnation. For its budget price, it is quite effective. After high-quality impregnation, the wood will successfully resist rotting processes, mold and fungus formation. True, the color range of stains is not particularly diverse. For external treatment, a special stain is used, which contains additives that prevent the paint from fading.

    Wax-based coatings are more suitable for areas with high humidity levels. After use, a moisture-resistant, heat-protective film, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, is formed on the surface of the wood. The resulting coating has good heat and frost resistance. In addition, it gives the surface shine. Depending on the composition, it can be either soft matte or glossy. This is an excellent option for protecting clapboard cladding on the balconies of houses located in regions with difficult climatic conditions, for example, with constant fluctuations in temperature or humidity.
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