Is it necessary and why to wash windows before Easter? When to wash windows in the spring before Easter: signs, tips

The approach of warm spring days makes us think about putting things in order in the house. The list of priority tasks, of course, should include mandatory window cleaning, regardless of what material they are made of, reports the OKNA MEDIA portal.

Window care should be dictated not only by aesthetic considerations. Those who think that washing windows in the spring is an ingrained tradition or a side effect of excessive cleanliness are deeply mistaken. Proper care can protect your windows from damage.

Regular cleaning also helps save energy and time - less dirty windows require less effort and allow you to get faster results.

Why do you need to wash your windows before Easter?

There is an opinion that before this solemn holiday, it is necessary to cleanse yourself not only spiritually, but also physically. It’s worth tidying up and getting a haircut. It is also worth completely throwing out trash from the house, washing all surfaces and doing general cleaning. One of the stages of preparation for Easter celebration is washing windows.

Why you need to wash your windows before Easter:

  • Our ancestors considered windows to be the eyes of a house, a dwelling, through which their owner looks at the world around him. If the windows are dirty, it distorts the worldview of homeowners.
  • Accordingly, he may react inadequately to different life situations, this in turn will attract illnesses and negative energy.
  • Windows are a portal to the other world, so it is necessary to protect it and keep it clean. Please note that in Ancient Rus' there was a separate day intended for washing windows and glass.

Preparation for the holiday

When to wash windows before Easter?

It is believed that such manipulations usually need to be carried out on Maundy Thursday. It is on this day that it is advisable to wash all glass surfaces, including windows, mirrors, tables, if there are any in the house. He was called Fedul the windy. It was celebrated on April 18.

When to wash windows before Easter:

  • It was believed that before this date it was impossible to open windows wide, as you could invite trouble on yourself and let an unpleasant wind into your home, which would bring with it negativity, illness, and deterioration of your financial situation.
  • Until that day, all the windows were kept completely closed and were in no hurry to ventilate. It was April 18th that came the day when it was necessary to open the windows and doors wide and let the fresh spring breeze into the house.
  • Anyone who opens the windows on the day of Fedul will be able to heat his house without firewood. There is even such a proverb. On this day, they not only ventilate the room, but also clean the windows. It is believed that the wind of change, which brings goodness, good luck, and good news, will not be able to penetrate the house if its windows or glass are dirty.
  • It was on April 18 in the first half of the day that it was necessary to wash the windows. It was believed that a person who cleared the windows of debris and dust on this day and gave them shine would be able to enjoy the warmth and comfort of their own home for a whole year. However, this is not the only sign that concerns window washing.
  • It is on this day that it is necessary to wash absolutely all the windows in the room. That is, under no circumstances should you postpone the manipulation until the evening, after lunch, or another day. You must first remove the curtains, wipe the frames from dust, and then start washing the windows.

Before the holiday

How to clean windows for Easter?

Under no circumstances should windows be washed in cloudy weather. If it is raining outside, it is useless to do this; manipulation can bring misfortune. Such cleaning operations are carried out only during good weather.

How to clean windows for Easter:

  • Under no circumstances should one throw rubbish out of the window on this day, even if it is very small. Before opening the window, you must completely wash the window sill so that there is nothing on it.
  • A person who throws dirty laundry out of the window on this day will lose material well-being, quickly go bankrupt and experience problems with money. That is why it was not allowed to throw garbage through the window.

Glass cleaning

Basics of cleaning PVC windows

Plastic windows need to be washed more often than their counterparts made from other materials. PVC frames have electrostatic properties and therefore attract dust more easily.

To care for these windows, it is best to use a mild detergent (optionally, dishwashing liquid) that does not contain harsh chemicals. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid tarnishing of the frame, damage to the plastic or reinforcing profiles.

It may sound fantastic, but regular window cleaning with the right products is enough to keep your uPVC frames in very good condition for many years.

How to properly wash windows in an apartment: signs

Please note that all curtains must be hung before sunset. Our ancestors considered windows to be a portal to the other world, and only curtains are a kind of barrier, indicating that someone lives in the house, and this is not at all the entrance to the abode of the dead.

How to properly wash windows in an apartment, signs:

  • If there are no curtains on the window, then evil spirits can enter the house. Therefore, we tried to wash all the windows and hang clean curtains before sunset.
  • There was a tradition that made it possible to make a house successful, rich, and ensure that warmth and mutual understanding reigned in it. That is why, before washing windows, you need to fill a bucket of water, throw in a handful of coins and dip a cloth into this liquid to clean the windows.
  • Please note that the dirty water was not discharged into the toilet or into the sewer, but over the threshold. Even if you live in an apartment building, we recommend going outside and pouring dirty water under a tree that grows near the house.
  • Under no circumstances should you throw away water in the house. It is believed that this can cause the accumulation of negative energy, dirt and debris. The coins were not thrown away, but were put into a bag and kept in the house.
  • You cannot exchange them or use them to buy groceries. It is believed that they bring happiness and good luck to the house and must be preserved. We did exactly the same thing with cleaning the floor.


Should you wash your windows before Easter?

Of course, washing windows is not some kind of mandatory requirement before Easter. If you have previously carried out cleaning procedures at home, including washing the windows, they are clean, then there is no need to clean them again.

Should you wash your windows before Easter?

  • All manipulations associated with cleaning the house, clearing all corners and crannies of dirt are aimed at adjusting a person’s psychological state in the right way, clearing thoughts, to perceive new information.
  • That’s why, if you don’t have time to wash your windows by Easter, or you’re sick, don’t be upset. The main thing is that all thoughts are pure. Under no circumstances should you have bad thoughts in your head during the preparation for Easter; you should not wish harm on anyone.
  • This is precisely the main purpose of cleaning before Easter. It is necessary to cleanse your own thoughts and soul in order to meet Easter in a renewed state.


Cleaning windows after winter

The approach of warm spring days makes us think about putting things in order in the house. The list of priority tasks, of course, should include mandatory window cleaning, regardless of what material they are made of, reports the OKNA MEDIA portal.

Window care should be dictated not only by aesthetic considerations. Those who think that washing windows in the spring is an ingrained tradition or a side effect of excessive cleanliness are deeply mistaken. Proper care can protect your windows from damage.

Regular cleaning also helps save energy and time - less dirty windows require less effort and allow you to get faster results.

Which side to start washing windows from: signs

Easter is a Christian holiday, but there are a lot of folk superstitions regarding window cleaning, which many try to adhere to.

Which side should you start washing windows from? Signs:

  • At the initial stage, the windows inside the room were cleaned, because first of all it is necessary to put the inner world in order, fill the house, cleanse its aura, and only then begin to clean the outside.
  • The curtains were removed, washed, and then the frames inside the room, as well as the inside of the glass, were washed with a damp cloth. Only after this the window was opened and the outside was cleaned.

Window cleaning

Equipment needed for washing

What tools do you need to equip yourself in order to conveniently clean glass? There isn't much of it:

  • soft sponge or piece of foam rubber;
  • container for water or diluting cleaning solution;
  • several pieces of soft cotton cloth, microfiber or natural suede cloth, or you can use non-woven cloth;
  • A squeegee (often called a screed) is a special T-shaped tool consisting of a handle with a hinge and a rubber strip designed to remove water from glass.
  • household gloves to protect the skin of the hands.

According to popular wisdom, what is the correct way to wash windows before Easter?

It is necessary to begin general cleaning before Easter by washing the windows. It is believed that they are the ones who open our eyes to the outside world, so first of all it is necessary to clean the glass.

According to popular wisdom, how to properly wash windows before Easter:

  • To protect your home from evil spirits, it is necessary to pour a little Holy water into a bucket of soapy water. This will allow you to remove demons, as well as evil spirits. This will save you from making wrong decisions. If there is a pregnant woman in the family, it is necessary to protect her from washing windows. It is believed that this can lead to miscarriage or difficult childbirth. After sunset, no one washes the windows either; it is believed that during this period evil spirits are activated and can penetrate through the open sashes.
  • If you choose the right color of curtains, you can achieve certain successes in life. After all, the shade of the curtains affects the aura in the apartment. The color white symbolizes purity and also helps repel negativity. This is a kind of sieve or partition that filters all negative energy, preventing it from entering the house. Yellow color is a symbol of the sun and communication.
  • Therefore, if you don't usually have a lot of guests, hang yellow curtains. This will allow you to make new friends and acquaintances. Green color reduces fatigue and health. Therefore, it is recommended to hang them in the kitchen for those who have very hard work. Brown color is a cause of discomfort, causing anxiety. It is best to hang curtains in dark shades in winter.
  • Red is a symbol of vital energy, but for overly active people with a choleric temperament, it is best to use pastel shades. Pink blocks aggression and can create a romantic mood. Therefore, it is perfect for newlyweds. Blue calms people down, thereby blocking excessive emotionality and susceptibility to troubles.


Practical recommendations from experienced cleaners

Eyes are the mirror of the human soul, and windows are an important part of the appearance of any building. In practice, it has been proven that the cleanliness of windows can influence well-being and mood, changing it in one direction or another. For example, the “eyes of a building” overgrown with dust significantly reduce the level of natural illumination in the room, which can provoke a depressed state and depression. At the same time, shining windows improve aesthetic perception, improve mood and performance, which means it is always important to keep windows clean.

When to wash windows before Easter in 2021?

In 2022, Easter falls on April 19. It is worth noting that Fedul Vetrenik is on April 18. That is, on Holy Saturday, on the eve of Easter. However, on Saturday you should never start cleaning windows.

When to wash windows before Easter in 2022:

  • It is believed that starting from Saturday, almost all complex and large-scale matters must be postponed until better times. In 2022, according to signs, it is necessary to clean windows after Easter. That is, a week after April 19.
  • This is an ideal option for the May holidays. It is not recommended to wash windows before April 18, since according to popular belief, this means letting a cold wind into your home, which can take wealth, luck, and happiness out of your home.
  • In 2022, Easter falls on May 2. Therefore, you can start cleaning starting April 18, after Fedula anemone.

A lot of useful information can be found on our website:

  • How to properly wash a cotton, wool, down, padding poly, bamboo blanket in a washing machine?
  • How to wash a parka at home, with fur inside, padding poly, sheepskin, down, cotton, by hand?
  • How to wash nylon, children's tights so that there are no pills - by hand, in the washing machine.
  • On what days of the week you can and cannot wash clothes: signs, prohibitions
  • How to properly wash bed linen made of cotton, linen, satin, silk, calico, and synthetics?

Remember that during the window cleaning process, all curtains must be washed in the morning so that by evening they hang on the windows. In order to get rid of misfortune and give the curtains greater strength, you need to sprinkle them with Thursday salt or sprinkle them with holy water.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for February 2022

Nourishing and soothing face masks:12-26
Cleansing masks:1-10, 27, 28
Facial scrub:1-5, 28
Anti-aging procedures:18
Skin treatment:3-5, 8, 9, 12-14, 22, 23
Removing age spots and freckles, evening out complexion:1-3
Tartar removal, teeth whitening:8, 9
Removing calluses:1, 28
Masks and wraps for hand skin:19-21
Manicure:1, 5, 8, 9, 19, 26-28
Pedicure:1, 5, 8, 9, 19, 26-28
Tanning, solarium:1-3, 10
Piercing (face, head):2, 28
Plastic surgery, mesotherapy, removal of tumors and scars (face, head):2, 28
Plastic surgery, removal of scars and tumors (abdomen):No
Plastic surgery, removal of scars and tumors (breast):2, 28
Massage (relaxing, detoxifying, relieving cramps):1-3, 10
Massage (restorative, invigorating):20, 21
Massage for stretch marks:20, 21
Massage (lymphatic drainage):1-5
Stone therapy:10, 21
Cryosauna:6, 15, 16
Aromatherapy:3-4, 12-14, 22-24
Depilation, hair removal:12-14, 22-24
Removing unwanted hair from the face:22, 23
Reducing calories, switching to proper nutrition:1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 25, 28
Fight cellulite:1, 2, 6, 7
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool:1-3, 10, 12-14, 21
Eyelash and hair extensions:8, 9, 18, 28
Tinting eyelashes and eyebrows:18, 25
Permanent makeup and tattoos:2, 28
Visit to the hairdresser:1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 28
Visiting a trichologist:1, 28
Visiting a makeup artist or cosmetologist:2, 18
Treatment of fungus on the feet:1, 28
Shopping (beauty products, clothes, shoes):13
Unfavorable days for operations of complex procedures:4, 10, 11, 19, 27
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures:1, 2, 18, 22, 23, 28
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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