How to properly wash windows in an apartment: signs and superstitions

Wise people have always understood that each time of day is intended for doing certain things. The ancestors knew when it was necessary to carry out certain work in order to achieve success and not cause trouble due to refusal to follow traditions and ignoring repeatedly proven signs.

Modern people often do the same. Especially in situations when it comes to window cleaning. For example, experienced housewives know that washing windows in the evening is not the best solution. Today we will tell you where this opinion came from and what is the basis for this opinion.

How to properly wash windows in an apartment

Cleaning is a common task, although it has many peculiarities. Window cleaning is carried out infrequently; it has certain rules for this procedure. Cleaning itself is not only about cleaning the home from dirt and dust, but also about energetic cleansing. It is noteworthy that any accumulated emotions, negative and positive, are washed away. That is why washing windows, floors, and cleaning other surfaces should be done correctly.

Windows have long been considered the eyes of the home, so it is important to keep them clean. They should let in bright sunlight, protecting the house from evil spirits and negativity. However, for the protection to be as effective as possible, you need to wash them following certain rules:

  1. Washing is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn.
  2. Should be washed when there is no direct sunlight.
  3. If it is expected to rain on the day of window cleaning, the procedure must be rescheduled. Otherwise, you can bring illness to your household.
  4. They wash the inside of the apartment first, then the outside.

There are a number of cases that should be avoided. For example, dirty water after washing windows is not left overnight; it is poured directly into the sewer or under a tree. While washing windows, you should imagine how negativity and other people’s unkind glances leave your home. Clean glass now reflects the evil eye.

Windows and the urban environment

In modern realities, especially in large industrial cities, window glass becomes contaminated very quickly.
City dust, smoke from industrial enterprises, all kinds of toxic substances from public transport, etc. settle on them. Such dirt can form microdamages on glass. And if you do not regularly pay attention to maintaining the cleanliness of plastic windows, dirt is absorbed through such microdamages and becomes difficult to remove.

Therefore, experts recommend regularly cleaning windows, without waiting for the right moment, thereby extending the life of both windows and plastic frames. When installing wooden euro windows, regular maintenance and cleanliness is also of great importance. In addition, the varnish coating of wooden frames requires special attention.

Which side to wash windows according to the sign

As already noted, first of all, glass is washed inside the apartment. An analogy with human therapy is given. It is pointless to treat a patient externally until diseases, viruses and toxins leave his body. It is noteworthy that you need to not only wipe the glass from dirt, but also use visualization. It is recommended to imagine that the negative goes away along with the impurities and dust. In addition, it is worth thinking that the glass is at the same time transparent, letting in healing sunlight and becoming a shield that reflects bad, unkind views.

Attention! Glass washing can be divided into several days, but no more than 7 days.

One or several days are dedicated to washing everything inside the apartment. They wash the outside for another day or two.

Glass washing can be extended over several days

There is an option to wash with charmed water, for example, by adding a couple of coins. Having completed the procedure, the money is left on the windowsill, which will attract wealth to a clean home. Another option suggests adding a few drops of blessed water. This is recommended when quarrels, illnesses become more frequent in the house, and flowers are fading.

Useful life hacks (inventions) for cleaning windows

  • If the window is large, you can use a mop with a telescopic handle to clean it. It can be purchased at almost any hardware store.
  • The melamine sponge is excellent for removing dirty stains from plastic frames. Its only drawback is that it is quickly erased, so use it to save money only on contaminated areas.
  • A gadget like a window vacuum cleaner can help save time and effort. The only thing is that the vacuum cleaner is only suitable for washing glass. The frames and window sill will have to be washed by hand. This gadget is indispensable for houses with a lot of windows.

Important! It is better to wash windows with gloves so that the cleaning solutions do not dry out the skin of your hands.

Is it possible to wash windows in the evening according to a sign?

The question of the time of day when windows are supposed to be washed requires a separate discussion. It’s one thing to follow traditions, it’s another thing to live in modern conditions, when 24 hours are sorely not enough. This is especially true for holidays before which it is necessary to do general cleaning, for example, on “Clean Thursday”. However, this is a working day that ends in the evening, leaving only a few hours for cleaning.

But most superstitions say that after sunset you cannot sweep, wash floors and windows, or wipe dust. It is also forbidden to open windows while cleaning, because unclean forces awaken, eager to penetrate the cozy home. It turns out that there is only time left in the morning, and it is then that it is recommended to wash windows.

Attention! Glasses are not washed after sunset, during church holidays, on Sundays, or on Saturday afternoons.

As already noted, this process can be divided into several days. Of course, washing windows in the morning is not the most desirable process, but in order for the house to become cleaner and at an energy level, it is worth making an effort for a couple of days.

Clean windows for a long time: 7 tips that save your time

Boring and monotonous household chores never end, and in general tend to accumulate. Any woman is familiar with the situation when she has to choose what to spend an hour of free time on - walking with her son, cooking dinner or washing the floors. Or maybe windows that get dirty so quickly that it looks like you have to clean them every week.

Here are some tips from experienced housewives on how to quickly clean window glass and keep it crystal clean for a long time. Now you will definitely have time for something more pleasant.

What can you wash with?

The first thing that comes to mind is household chemicals for washing glass. The choice of funds is huge, but it’s better not to save money. After all, as you know, the miser pays twice. Instead of the expected cleanliness and shine, there is a risk of getting dull glass with streaks, and sometimes even scratches and disgusting yellow spots on plastic frames.

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You can go the proven route and wash the windows with soapy water, preferably warm. Agree, prolonged contact of hands with boiling or cold water cannot be called comfortable. In addition, hot water may leave streaks on the glass.

Add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the water and whisk the solution until foamy. Or grate laundry soap on a fine grater and mix it with water. But in this case, in order to avoid getting unsightly stains, you will have to rub the window glass with a rag for a long time.

Traditional recipes for adding shine

Using folk recipes is the best way out when you want to add shine without spending money on expensive household cleaners. One of the proven methods that our grandmothers used is to dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 1 liter of water. Alcohol can be replaced with vinegar.

The use of crushed chalk, tooth powder and potato starch are no less effective methods in the fight to keep window glass clean and shiny. Starch is taken at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Chalk and powder are diluted in warm water in proportions of 3 teaspoons per 1 glass. Just don’t grab both means at the same time - choose one. Have pity on passers-by: do not force them to wear sunglasses, so as not to be blinded by the crystal clearness and mirror shine of your window glass.

When is the best time to wash

Try to wash windows on a cloudy, cool day. Due to the scorching sun and heat, moisture from the glass will evaporate too quickly, and unsightly stains cannot be avoided. Well, rain, of course, will not allow you to polish the glass until it shines. In addition, dried raindrops will leave traces.

Where to begin

To begin, open the curtains and remove indoor plants from the windowsill so that nothing interferes with the cleaning process. It is more convenient to start washing windows from the inside, where dirt is not as obvious as from the outside. The detergent is applied to the glass, frame and window sill, moving from bottom to top. Then remove the remaining liquid with a damp cloth.

Then they begin to directly wash the glass. They are again passed over with a cleaning solution and wiped dry, now starting from top to bottom. Then the glass is polished until it shines. And then they repeat all the same actions, but from the street side.

How to remove heavy stains

Sometimes insect stains remain on windows that are difficult to clean. Those who made an unsuccessful attempt to fly from the street into the room through the window glass. To remove these marks, you will need an onion. You should cut it in half and wipe the cut area on the dirty areas of the window. And then walk with a damp cloth soaked in water.

You can also achieve ideal glass cleanliness using potatoes by doing exactly the same procedure with a raw tuber as with onions.

What to wipe dry with

If the house does not have a special brush with a rubber scraper designed to remove cleaning solution from glass, there is nothing left to do but use improvised materials. For example, any housewife can find clean rags. Flannel, cotton or microfiber are suitable for washing windows.

Or you can use paper the old fashioned way: wipe the glass with newspapers, as our parents did, or with paper towels. The second option is preferable. Newspapers contain lead that is hazardous to health. And then, printing ink can leave black streaks on white window frames if they are made of plastic.

How to maintain a long-lasting cleanliness effect

Finish wiping the glass with a solution of 3 teaspoons of water, 7 teaspoons of glycerin and a couple of drops of alcohol will help maintain the clean effect for a long time. Mix the ingredients, moisten a paper towel with them and wipe the already washed and dry window glass. The product forms a thin invisible film on them that does not allow dust to settle.

As you can see, cleaning windows is not difficult at all. It’s special if you know some of the subtleties of how to do it quickly and efficiently. And be sure to preserve the results for a long time!




About curtains and drapes

Curtains and curtains on the windows create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere throughout the home. However, this is not their only function. There are signs associated with this piece of decor; moreover, curtains and drapes are a real amulet.

Since ancient times, windows have been covered with wooden shutters, on which amulets were hung or burned. Over time, they were replaced with fabric curtains.

Attention! Massive curtains or thin curtains perform a protective function to the same extent.

In addition, you can choose curtains and curtains of a certain color, then their magical work will be directed to a special sphere of action:

  1. White. A symbol of purity that reflects negativity. But the overabundance is alarming.
  2. Yellow. Sunny color enhances mood and encourages communication.
  3. Green.
    Helps you relax faster, gain strength, promote health and good mood. Green curtains are best hung in the bedroom
  4. Brown. Brown curtains are considered to cause discomfort, although they are best hung in winter.
  5. Red. Symbolizes vital energy, but can cause its excess.
  6. Pink. Suppresses aggression, awakens romantic notes.
  7. Blue. It pacifies the household and calms them down.

Curtains and curtains need to be changed regularly or washed in the morning so that in the evening they decorate the windows, fresh and clean. It is recommended to change them twice a year, in spring and autumn. It is allowed to read cleansing spells over the new curtains, sprinkle them with holy water, or sprinkle them with Thursday salt.

Safety regulations

Before you think about how to clean the windows outside on a high floor, you need to familiarize yourself with the safety regulations. When starting to clean a glassed-in loggia, it is important to be very careful and attentive. External cleaning is difficult. In order not to take risks, you must not ignore the precautions:

  1. Don't reach for hard-to-reach places. It's better to use a scraper. When there is no such equipment, they wrap something soft around a stick.
  2. It is forbidden to lean on the opening. You cannot hang your body on the street. If you ignore this rule, it is easy to fall down. Such cases are not uncommon.
  3. To wash the outside of tall windows, use a safety belt - a belt.

When it is impossible to call a cleaning service, you will have to wash the outside yourself. Do not try to reach anywhere with your hands; this could result in injury or death. A retractable structure or magnetic scrapers will help. How to wash the outside of windows with such devices is indicated in the instructions. It is not recommended to use a lot of detergent composition. Otherwise, you can stain neighboring loggias, walls, and windows.

How to wipe glass without leaving streaks

Once the glass and frames are clean, a final step is required. It determines whether streaks will remain on the glass. 2-3 minutes after washing, wipe the glass dry with a clean, dry soft cotton or microfiber cloth. Old cotton fabric may leave lint, which is bad, but it absorbs moisture well. You can choose the same “grandmother’s” method - crumple up a newspaper and walk over the surface of the glass. It will sparkle and shine! Paper towels are more convenient for this purpose. You just need to choose thick ones, otherwise lumps of wet paper will remain on the glass instead of light streaks of detergent.

If stains still remain in some places, the easiest way is to spray clean water from a spray bottle in this place and wipe again with a dry cloth.

In hot and windy weather, moisture dries quickly, so you should wipe the glass dry immediately after washing, otherwise streaks cannot be avoided.

What mistakes should you avoid when cleaning?

Most often, owners make the following mistakes in the process:

  • Aggressive cleaning agents. The abrasives contained in the composition can scratch both glass and profiles.
  • Gasoline or acidic solvents cause yellowing of windows.
  • Hard sponges and metal scrapers also leave small scratches on the surface.
  • Do not remove dirt from the windowsill with sharp objects - knives, chisels, screwdrivers.

Read here how to clean a plastic window sill using home and industrial products.

Fighting difficult pollution

To get rid of stubborn stains from tape, glue, self-adhesive film and other “heavy” marks, you need to do the following.

  1. Apply a detergent designed for cleaning glass to the stain.
  2. Lather with a washcloth according to the size of the mark.
  3. Wait about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Scrub the marks with a thick sponge.
  5. Wipe with newspaper or a linen cloth.
  6. If the effect is not achieved, repeat everything from the beginning.

Difficulties with bars

If the window frames open into the living space, then cleaning windows with bars will not be difficult. The situation is more complicated with cast non-removable structures.

There are several options:

  1. Use a steam cleaner.
    Its nozzle is inserted into the existing opening and the device is connected to the network. Under the influence of steam, all dirt will dissolve, even without the use of detergents. However, if the opening is too narrow, then wiping the glass with a rag will not work.

  2. Residents of the first floors (provided the windows are low) can use the Karcher mini-wash.
    This device supplies water under high pressure. After using it, not only the glass, but also the grilles will be perfectly clean. If Karcher is not available, then a regular hose will do, but its efficiency is lower.
  3. Call specialists. They have devices that can help you cope with any task. However, cleaning services will cost money.

The last and most labor-intensive option is removing window structures. Although it will not be possible to do without special knowledge and tools.

What cleaning products to use in winter

At this time of year, cleaning outside window openings poses some challenges. The main difficulty is the rapid icing of wet surfaces in the cold. For this reason, traditional glass washing with water has to be abandoned.

It is better to use non-freezing liquid. In winter, it helps drivers by preventing the formation of ice on car windshields. The use of anti-freeze allows you to avoid difficulties in removing contaminants at sub-zero air temperatures outside.

Advice! When purchasing a cleaning product, it is advisable to choose a product in a package with a spray tip, this will allow you to work more conveniently and reduce liquid consumption.

Sometimes drops of icy rain freeze on the outside of a double-glazed window, forming ice. To soften it, you will need an active solution with a lower freezing point. It can be easily prepared at home using salt or vinegar. It is enough to pour two tablespoons of salt into a glass of water and treat the icy glass unit with the resulting solution. Then quickly wipe the surface dry. Saline solution is used to prevent icing of wooden windows.

Note! Salt can have a bad effect on the rubber seals of plastic frames, so you should not treat double-glazed windows that are too saturated with saline solutions.

Why do you need to wash your windows before Easter?

There is an opinion that before this solemn holiday, it is necessary to cleanse yourself not only spiritually, but also physically. It’s worth tidying up and getting a haircut. It is also worth completely throwing out trash from the house, washing all surfaces and doing general cleaning. One of the stages of preparation for Easter celebration is washing windows.

Why you need to wash your windows before Easter:

  • Our ancestors considered windows to be the eyes of a house, a dwelling, through which their owner looks at the world around him. If the windows are dirty, it distorts the worldview of homeowners.
  • Accordingly, he may react inadequately to different life situations, this in turn will attract illnesses and negative energy.
  • Windows are a portal to the other world, so it is necessary to protect it and keep it clean. Please note that in Ancient Rus' there was a separate day intended for washing windows and glass.

Preparation for the holiday

What equipment and devices to use

Properly selected available tools will facilitate and speed up the work process. In cold weather, it is almost impossible to do this without equipment and various devices. If you have to wash windows in frosty weather, you can’t do without a scraper. They are convenient for removing ice.

You should not use cotton and flannel rags this time. Their fibers often stick to the glass. Because of them, you have to wipe the glass more thoroughly, which only extends the washing process over time.

For double-glazed windows with slight dirt, plastic holders with microfiber coats are suitable. The cleaning solution should be applied to the glass with a non-woven cloth. They do not leave streaks and absorb much less liquid. After wiping, the remaining moisture from the surface quickly evaporates before it has time to freeze.

To remove liquid, it is convenient to use a squeegee (a rubber blade in a metal holder). The rubber adheres tightly to the glass and does not allow liquid to drain, removing it dry, without requiring additional wiping of the surface with rags.

Note! If water is used to clean the window opening, it should be at room temperature. Using cold or hot water can lead to the appearance of microcracks in double-glazed windows. It is better to remove significant stains from glass using cleaning agents without abrasives, so as not to leave scratches on the surface.

For those who managed to acquire a steam generator, it is much easier to cope with removing frozen ice from glass in the cold. Many housewives have been using this convenient device for a long time, which even has a special nozzle for cleaning glass surfaces with steam. In the summer, water stone is removed from double-glazed windows using a steam generator. In winter, it is convenient for them to warm a frozen surface, which makes it possible to remove ice without extra effort, and it is much easier to clean various contaminants.

Preparing the tools

  • A sponge with a hard side to remove heavy dirt.
  • Windshield wiper (squeeze or screed). With its help, you may even fall in love with the process.
  • Detergents, the recipes of which we will describe below.
  • A piece of fabric. It can be cotton, suede, linen or any other material that absorbs water well.
  • A bowl of water is useful for both washing and rinsing.

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