Choose by color: chic plastic windows using lamination technique

Home » Plastic windows » Colored windows - a bright accent in the interior of a home

Do you want your home to stand out but are afraid to experiment with a colorful exterior? Choose windows in extravagant colors. Green, blue, yellow or red frames add variety to the appearance of any building. Thanks to multi-colored windows, the house will acquire a unique character and will evoke thoughts of a holiday, for example, in Greek, Spanish or Italian seaside towns.

Just 20 years ago, mostly white plastic windows were produced in Russia. Why? They were very accessible, relatively inexpensive and - most importantly - neutral, thanks to which they fit into any architectural style. Over time, they began to be replaced by PVC models with wood frames in warm shades, such as “golden oak” or “Winchester”, which are still popular today.

Wide range of colors of plastic profiles.

Currently, the most popular colored windows are in subdued colors, such as:

  • black
  • anthracite
  • grey.

However, cool colors such as Sheffield oak are becoming increasingly popular in wood-look PVC windows.

None of these suggestions seem right to you? Reach out to a palette of custom colors and - like Southern Europeans - choose windows in strong, bold colors.

How plastic windows are made colored

The white profile is the most common; it is universal and compatible with almost any interior. There are several technologies for giving plastic windows any color.


Before gluing the acrylic film onto the PVC profile, it is pre-treated with primers for better adhesion, after which it is placed in a chamber and heated. Under the influence of temperatures, a special film “tightly” sticks to the plastic, forming a reliable and durable coating. Laminating film recreates not only the color, but also the texture and characteristics of wood fibers. The colors of laminated plastic windows are very diverse (the palette is presented below).

A machine designed for applying colored film to a window profile. In a roll - film in the color of wood

The film contains several very thin layers. The shade depends on the acrylic substance. The top layer of polymers is transparent. Its tasks are to protect against moisture and impart a glossy shine. Total thickness – up to 0.2 mm.

Acrylic film is UV resistant and easy to care for. You can laminate the profile on one side or the entire window.

The film can be applied to any profile. Most often it is glued from the outside. However, if the owner wishes, lamination can be double-sided.

The sequence of obtaining a color profile on the machine:

1. First of all, all excess particles, dust, and dirt are removed from the surface of the plastic. This is done chemically - using alkaline detergents

2. Then the material is thoroughly dried

3. The next step is to apply a layer of primer to the plastic. It is a mixture of glue and solvent and is designed to improve the adhesion of the film to the material

4. In no less than 24 hours, the frame is ready for film application. This happens in a special chamber with precisely controlled temperature (+130°C), air humidity and pressure

5. The squeegee unit evenly distributes the glue over the surface of the film. In this case, the material is heated to a certain temperature (no more than 45°C) in order to improve the application to the plastic and at the same time prevent air bubbles from appearing under the film

6. Simultaneously with the application of glue and heating of materials, special rollers operate in the chamber, pressing the film to the frame and removing air from under it

7. If the edges of the film extend beyond the edges of the frame, the excess parts are cut off with a disk-shaped cutter or a starting knife

8. After applying the film to the window frame, you need to wait at least two weeks until the material shrinks completely. This is necessary so that the window profile does not deteriorate during transportation and installation due to an insufficiently “grabbed” surface

9. Then the product is checked for peeling of the film, presence of defects, etc.

10. When the frame is completely ready, a protective film is glued on top of it to prevent mechanical damage during transportation and installation

11. The finished profile cannot be put into operation immediately. Before welding or cutting the material, you need to wait three days, and before installing arches or otherwise curved frames - 28 days. But the difficulties do not end there - to store such products, it is important to maintain optimal humidity and air temperature. Only after this are laminated window profiles delivered to warehouses and stores, where we see them perfectly covered.

Bulk coloring

The coloring pigment is added to the liquid raw material (polyvinyl chloride) at the stage of profile production. In this way, it is possible to obtain a color that is most resistant to mechanical damage, since the tinting compound is located in the plastic of the profile itself.

The influence of ultraviolet radiation largely depends on the quality of the dye, and on cheap products partial fading of the surface is often noticeable. One of the significant drawbacks is the poor color variety - the most common are light brown and dark brown profiles.

An example of a window profile painted “in bulk” (that is, completely)

The material is durable, resistant to weather conditions, and polishes well. Such designs are much more reliable than simple white ones and are resistant to aging.

The technology allows you to get almost any shade, but it is impossible to imitate natural wood in this way.

Various surface types:

  • matte;
  • smooth;
  • silky.

The coating provides immunity to mechanical damage. The main advantage is the relatively low price.

Blitz survey: Do you have plastic windows installed in your home?

Paint spraying method

This approach allows us to obtain more than 2000 different shades, which will satisfy the needs of any customer. After thorough cleaning, paint is applied to the profile by spraying. The technology is cheaper than lamination, and the color of the windows can be easily updated.

Among the disadvantages: the inability to create an imitation of wood, the coating is easily damaged.
The level of professionalism of the artist greatly influences the quality of painting. Related articles:

Laminated windows with wood effect Colored windows with lamination

Laminated triangular windows

Manufacturing principle

Brown plastic windows are no different in configuration from ordinary white window designs. They can have different sizes, shapes and types of glazing.

The specific color is imparted thanks to lamination technology - a relatively new method used by manufacturers in the manufacturing process of their products. It involves adhesion of a window profile to a film of a certain color thanks to a special melted adhesive. The result is a monolithic structure, characterized by reliability, resistance to temperature changes, precipitation and other irritants. Laminated windows can last up to 30 years without changing their original appearance.

The window frame can be laminated on one or both sides . The first option concerns cases when the color of the structure needs to be changed only on one side - internal or external. For example, if there is a need to adjust the shade of a plastic window to the interior, where furniture made in a certain color predominates. The same nuance applies to the inside of the PVC model, when the frame is adjusted to match the wall decoration.

About plastic wood-look windows in the video:

Advantages and disadvantages of colored window profiles

Before you decide to install a Rehau colored PVC profile in your apartment, you need to carefully consider this decision; an integrated approach is important here.


Possibility of color design that matches the interior of the room inside and the facade of the building outside

Metal-plastic glazing with wood imitation will cost much less than a structure for the manufacture of which natural raw materials were used

The decorative film layer can be applied only on one side, which is especially important if it is necessary to maintain the holistic visual design of the overall facade in apartment buildings

Structures painted in dark colors are much more practical than white ones; they do not require frequent labor-intensive maintenance (dirt is not so noticeable on them)

Any of the decorative processing technologies described above is safe for the health of residents of the premises in which colored plastic windows are installed

The tinting coating provides additional protection to the profile and helps to increase its service life, preserving the external characteristics of the window or balcony

Large assortment of color palettes according to the RAL catalog


Structures made from colored PVC profiles are more expensive than those made from regular white plastic. The price depends on the coating technology and may be 30%-60% higher

Scratches may appear on the surface laminated with film, which is very noticeable if there is a white profile underneath. The film coating is characterized by fairly high strength, but it is still much lower than that of polyvinyl chloride. Powder dyes are even more susceptible to mechanical damage, but they are easier to paint over. Scratches on the film are also partially masked with special markers

Colored windows require appropriate fittings - you will need other handles, awnings, rubber seals, window sills and other accessories that are more expensive than the common white ones

A painted or film-coated profile is more prone to thermal deformation than usual. This must be taken into account when taking dimensions and installation work. The installation gap increases, which somewhat reduces the rigidity of the fixation in the opening, especially if the window is on the south side. Due to high deformation loads, the colored profile is reinforced with massive reinforcing elements (steel thickness 1.5 mm), this increases the already considerable weight of the metal-plastic structure

It should be remembered that the primary function of a high-quality window is to create a barrier between the street and the apartment to ensure comfortable living conditions, and the color of the profile is a secondary task. There is no need to blindly chase fashion trends, act as thoughtfully as possible!

▶️ Video: What are colored windows

Features of operation of brown windows

Dark-colored structures accumulate thermal energy well.
This feature does not have a noticeable effect on the operation of windows made of aluminum or wooden profiles, but with plastic the situation is different. When heated, low-quality polyvinyl chloride expands and softens. If the permissible threshold is exceeded, the windows are deformed and depressurization occurs. As a result, it is advisable to be careful when installing dark brown windows in areas where there is prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. To reduce the risk of deformation in this case, you need to study how a particular brand of profile tolerates thermal effects over a long period of time. If windows made of painted or laminated profiles are installed in houses made of natural wood, two important features must also be taken into account:

  1. The walls of new houses made of timber or logs can sag within a year. This is due to the fact that the tree is saturated with moisture and first expands and then dries out. To prevent this process from causing deformation of the windows, a special technology is used when installing them - casing. The use of casing is also necessary when installing wooden windows.
  2. Laminated film and painted plastic retain their rich original color for a long time. The facade plane of walls made of timber or logs fades much faster than the profile, and this feature must be taken into account when choosing window decor. It is better to immediately determine the optimal option for a contrasting combination of different shades with the prospect that one of the colors will begin to lose intensity over time.

When installing brown wooden windows, you also need to be prepared for the gradual loss of its aesthetic characteristics by the outside of the structure. Typically, manufacturers provide a guarantee for economy class coatings of 5-8 years, and for premium category paintings - about 25 years.

When choosing wooden windows, the outer part of the sashes and frames can be protected with special profile linings made of aluminum, which are painted in any color.

Yellow windows - sunny optimism

Although yellow is sometimes called the color of envy, most of us associate it with sunshine, holidays and optimism. In Russia it is relatively rarely used in window and door systems. But things are different in countries known for their colorful architecture, such as Denmark, Sweden or Norway, England and Ireland, the Netherlands or southern Europe, i.e. in Spain, Greece or Italy. There, yellow timber or uPVC windows are usually accompanied by shutters of the same color in standard buildings with facades made of stone, traditional trim, brick or timber.

Blitz survey: What color can a plastic window be?

However, they are being used more and more willingly, including in Russia, in modern buildings. They look ideal in such implementations, for example, in the company of tempered glass, aluminum or steel.

Why is it worth choosing windows in the color of the sun, for example, in the shade “ivory”? They diversify the appearance of the building, especially if, in addition to the windows, it is decorated in subdued colors. They additionally warm its character and bring warm light into the interior.

Yellow plastic windows.

Additional decorative design of plastic windows

Windows made of PVC profiles can be decorated not only by painting or laminating the plastic. There are different ways to give these products a respectable and original look.

Decorative layout

The division of internal light openings in fixed and active sashes significantly improves the appearance of the windows. This procedure is performed using a special decorative layout (spreads). It comes in several types:

  • interglazed;
  • invoice;
  • Viennese;
  • Venetian

Typically, the frames are made from the same materials from which the main window profile is made, and they have the same decorative coating. However, some design projects require the use of a contrasting layout. In such cases, golden or silver moldings of different widths are most often used.

Stained glass

You can decorate windows and limit the view from the street using stained glass windows. In addition to the classical technique, various technologies are used for their manufacture:

  • fusing;
  • sandblasting;
  • diamond engraving;
  • facet;
  • photo printing on film.

In addition, reflective glass is often used to equip brown windows, which not only limit the view, but also protect rooms from overheating.

In some cases, the simultaneous use of stained glass and decorative layouts may be appropriate. However, in such situations, it is necessary to ensure that the separating profiles do not spoil the pattern on the glass, which should be either symmetrical or fragmentary.

Since different materials are used to make brown windows, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to choosing the type of profiles. After all, a mistake at this stage can have serious, far-reaching consequences. Although laminated PVC profiles reliably imitate the textures of various species, in some cases it is better not to save money and order windows made of wood. Moreover, models made from Euro timber today are not inferior to plastic products in terms of wear resistance, stability and durability.

Red windows - energy and power

The color red is considered energetic and bold, but at the same time overwhelming. For this reason, it is not very often used in exterior building elements such as trim or window and door systems.

Looking at photos of historical or stylized “antique” houses in France or England, as well as modern buildings also in Russia, we can say that this color has undeservedly acquired a reputation for being difficult to use.

An unusual way to decorate is to use red in only one of several windows so that the color does not dominate the appearance of the entire building.

Red windows are mainly used in decorative window models, i.e. with several narrow sashes or with shutters. Such windows go well with traditional materials, such as stone, brick or wood. However, fire red windows can be successfully used with wide format windows. You can choose a dark shade of red, such as ruby.

Red plastic windows in the kitchen.

Green windows - calming nature

Houses with green windows and sometimes shutters are a hallmark of countries such as Germany, Belgium, Holland or England. Russians are increasingly choosing window and door products in this color. Why? They are suitable for a wide variety of home styles. Green windows with rounded profiles, complemented by double glazed windows or even shutters, are an excellent choice for houses with neutral facades with white or cream trim, as well as for buildings made of clinker and wood.

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On the other hand, models with modern, narrow profiles and large-format glazing combine perfectly with the minimalist forms of modern buildings.

What shades are especially popular for homes with green windows? Currently, green windows in muted, calm and even cold shades of olive or sage are especially popular. Depending on the time of day and the strength of sunlight, they change their color, sometimes resembling gray windows.

Green windows with highly saturated colors (“bottle glass”), such as dark emerald and swamp green, offered by color window companies are also very popular.

PVC windows with green frame.

Types of lamination

1. One-sided lamination - the film is applied only from the inside

2. Double-sided lamination - the film is applied both from the inside and from the outside

3. Lamination in the mass - changing the color of the structure of the profile itself (black in section)


When applying lamination, it is possible to obtain the effect of one-sided painting of the frame of a plastic frame. There are situations when all the windows on the outside of the building should look in the same style without disturbing the overall style of the building. In this case, the solution would be to use one-sided lamination, changing the color of the frame only on the inside. And vice versa.


With double lamination in color, the frame will look equally bright both outside and inside. It is possible to give different colors to the inside and outside, depending on the specific installation requirements. This is reflected in the cost of the final product - double lamination leads to a 70% increase in the cost of the design compared to the standard white package. On the other hand, the customer pays money for the special chic of his home, giving a unique style to the interior and exterior.

Lamination process - rolling out the film using rollers

Mass painting in the color of PVC windows allows you to quickly achieve a unique interior. The plastic base is colored in the mass in various shades of a calm spectrum - cream, caramel and even brown. Any natural colors are available to the customer. Such painted structures look similar to natural wood structures, only the end part is made without respecting the structure of the wood, repeating the color of the main structure.

Machine working with laminating film close up

Bulk lamination

Bulk lamination of the profile is carried out by the manufacturer using special equipment, which changes the entire color of the section of the product. This lamination method is the most expensive and is used by manufacturers for the greatest similarity with wooden windows.

In this option, a film imitating the structure of the material is applied to a black profile.
While this technology is at the development stage and, unfortunately, the choice of this type of laminated products is small. Related articles:
◾Round windows

◾Arched windows

◾Ventilation valve for plastic windows

Blue and blue windows - a la sea and sky

Postcards and photographs from Greece, Italy or Malta show breathtaking panoramas of azure seas and local architecture combining white trim with blue windows. This solution is increasingly used not only in the south of Europe, but also in its less sunny parts.

Interestingly, in the rural areas of our country, blue windows have been used for many centuries.

Their intense color was supposed to repel insects from entering the premises. Why not try to bring some holiday memories or nostalgia for times gone by into your home?

If you are planning a building with white facades and natural terracotta tiles, then this is the ideal backdrop for blue windows, for example, in the shade “cobalt” . They also fit perfectly into wooden houses or houses with wooden facades, as well as brick or stone buildings, provided that the shade of the walls is cool.

Are you concerned that a strong color such as red, yellow, green or blue will cause problems with your interior design? Choose two-tone windows - with bright profiles on the outside and muted colors on the inside.

Blue window systems.


If you want to give your interior impeccability and additional zest, installing brown plastic windows will help you. They look great both in country houses and in apartments, and go perfectly with almost any interior and various exterior decorations.

The versatility of brown designs lies in the fact that there is a huge variety of shades available. For example, you can order plastic windows that imitate a particular type of wood for an apartment where furniture in the same color predominates. Believe me, the result will be much more stunning than if you choose ordinary white profiles.

Brown plastic windows are made in two ways:

  • by gluing a special colored film to the profile;
  • by adding colored pigment to the raw material for making plastic.

If we compare brown plastic windows made using one of the listed methods, then their quality does not differ in any way. Colored film - performs an additional protective role, and during the application process it fits tightly to the profile, forming a single whole, and does not peel off in the future.

Another advantage of brown PVC structures is their long-lasting freshness, which cannot be said about classic white profiles. Colored film is able to repel dust at a time when dirt accumulates on plastic very quickly and this does not look very attractive from the outside.

If you already have regular plastic windows installed in your home, you can place an order for their lamination at any time. At the same time, you should not be afraid that their quality will be lower than factory designs.

Brown color goes well with most home decor styles. For example, if pink, green or blue shades predominate in your home, brown color will easily fit into such a setting and will only add romance and cheerfulness to the atmosphere in the house.

In the case of eco-style, you will also not lose by installing laminated windows. Many experts claim that light colors are best combined with brown PVC structures. And, as you know, harmony in the house is the key to a comfortable stay.

Brown PVC windows go wonderfully with facades in almost any finish.

Manufacturers of plastic structures today offer many shades of brown, but do not stop there. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose exactly the profile that will harmoniously fit into your interior and look great from the outside. In the catalogs of companies involved in the installation of PVC windows, you can come across frames ranging in color from gold to chocolate. It will not be a problem to find window structures there that resemble one or another type of wood (spruce, pine, oak).

What benefits does the installation of laminated plastic structures provide? Brown windows do not require annual painting and putty; the insulation procedure before the onset of winter becomes optional. In general, colored window designs will save your time and money, while the atmosphere in the house will always be warm and cozy.

Watch the video for the process of painting plastic windows brown:

Black PVC windows

Black frames are an excellent solution not only for a country house, but also for a modern apartment. Firstly, this way you better outline the geometry of the interior, and secondly, you can balance out too light, faceless rooms and give them a unique style.

Black windows in the interior require accuracy and a sense of style. Panoramic glazing allows you to let a lot of light into the house, and black frames give the room a special nobility.

Expert commentary

Alexey Belogolovtsev

Leading technical specialist at Windows-Life

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To complement the composition, you can use black fittings, then the steel shine will not stand out against the background of the dark profile. The handles can be black or, conversely, light and contrasting - in this case, black plastic windows will look even more impressive.

PVC windows are black.

Folding plastic windows in the hallway.

The dark brown windows fit perfectly into the children's room.

Windows in the bedroom

The bedroom is the most intimate room in the entire apartment; guests do not come here, and the owners themselves spend most of their time in the living room, kitchen, and office. Therefore, if your bedroom is not an exquisite stylish boudoir, in the interior of which every detail is carefully checked, then it is not necessary to install an expensive designer window in it. It is much more important to ensure silence, comfort and warmth in the bedroom using a high-quality window. So, plastic windows for a bedroom must have good heat-insulating properties, provide complete sound insulation of the room, and must have a micro-ventilation function.

The color combination of the window profile with the facade of the house

In apartment buildings, you won’t really be able to experiment with color shades (we’re talking about the outside of the profile), since the window will stand out from the rest, or rather be dissonant. In the case of a country cottage or dacha, things are different; there are no limits to the owners’ fantasies.

If the façade of the house is finished with terracotta-colored brick, then installing a brown Rehau PVC profile will be the best option. Well, against the background of gray walls, plastic windows with a metallic shade, taken a couple of tones darker, look great.

For wooden private houses and summer cottages, the best solution would be to purchase windows with profile lamination to match the texture of wood. Frames of chocolate or deep brown color also look good.

An example of a successful combination of a wood-look window and a brown window sill in a country house:

Laminated window profiles can be brown on the inside and white on the outside

White profile - standard, intended for outdoor use

Window sills, as a rule, are matched to the tone of the internal profile

Color combination rules:

  1. The shade is in harmony with the color of the facade. For example, if the house is gray, then choose the frames also gray, but of a darker shade, or black.
  2. For a home in a classic style, plastic windows laminated to look like natural wood or simple chocolate-colored frames would be ideal.
  3. Bright non-standard colors are suitable for extravagant buildings.
  4. Frames and garage doors look beautiful in the same color.
  5. A simple way is to combine the shade of the profile with the color of the doors or roof. But selection by contrast will be much bolder and more interesting.

When choosing the shade of a PVC profile, you can focus on the color of the roof or garage door. The latter sometimes occupy a large area, so the garage should be perceived not just as an auxiliary structure, but as a component of the house.

As for plastic windows with bright colors, they often become the calling card of commercial establishments, in particular banks.

Multi-colored plastic windows with brown and red profiles.


Brown plastic windows are the best alternative to wooden structures. They not only add originality to the building, but also have a number of positive qualities.

Perfect for glazing both apartments and country houses. A huge variety of colors and shades allows you to choose exactly the model that you need and will blend harmoniously with your interior or wall decoration.

Everyone has the opportunity to place an order for the installation of brown plastic windows with a pattern, which to some extent represent an imitation of a particular type of wood. also choose the texture of the profile surface - either embossed or smooth.

Laminating film, which is used to give the window frame a certain color, in addition to the decorative effect, plays an additional protective role.

Brown plastic windows have the following positive properties:

  • windows can serve uninterruptedly for a long time (more than 20 years) at temperature changes from -80°C to +125°C;
  • the laminating film protects the main structure from the effects of precipitation and other atmospheric phenomena;
  • the window frame perfectly resists sunlight and does not change its original color over a long period of operation;
  • Windows repel dirt and dust.

Brown PVC models are easy to clean. They do not leave fingerprints, as is the case with conventional white designs, and in order to remove dust or dirt, just wipe with a napkin several times.

If you want to install brown windows in your home, you can choose a shade that imitates a particular type of wood. There are models available made to look like oak, pine, walnut, fir or window frames in an original light shade, reminiscent of the color of coffee with milk.

And most importantly, laminated window structures, regardless of the color you choose, will last a long time, keep your home warm and cozy in the winter, and will always protect you from annoying noises from the street.

In addition, the windows are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances even when exposed to harsh sun.

Glazing with colored apartment windows

The main thing here is not to give in to emotions, because the wrong color can, at a minimum, spoil the mood, and at a maximum require additional cosmetic repairs so that the windows at least somehow fit into the home interior.

  1. The shade of the Rehau PVC profile can be matched to the color of the interior doors, because windows and doors are changed very rarely, they will complement each other.
  2. Selecting the color of the walls (wallpaper). For example, if the walls are painted light green, then green window frames will go well with them.
  3. For a classic-style room, windows with wood imitation are suitable; high-tech style design is combined with white, gray, metal profile; For the Art Nouveau style, brightly colored frames (yellow, red, blue, purple) are suitable.

Blitz survey: When choosing a plastic window, what is important to pay attention to?

When choosing the color of plastic windows, you should take into account the characteristics of the room itself. If the room faces south, then cool tones of purple or blue can bring freshness and coolness. For a room where there is a lack of sunlight, a yellow or orange profile is suitable. Red colors are more suitable for the kitchen, but not for the bedroom!

Expert commentary

Alexey Belogolovtsev

Leading technical specialist at Windows-Life

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Remember that dark colors visually narrow the boundaries of space. In small rooms, choose light shades.

When using panoramic glazing, it is advisable to choose calm tones, since large windows will already attract a lot of attention.

To avoid making a mistake with the choice of PVC profile color, if possible, it is advisable to come to the company’s office to look at the available samples with your own eyes.

Selection of fittings and seals

The window system includes a wide range of accessories, which you should also pay attention to when installing colored plastic windows.

Fittings are most often offered in white; no less popular is the design of window handles and hinges in steel, bronze, copper, and silver. Multi-colored fittings are not so easy to find.

The seal can also match or contrast the color of the frame. If you approach the choice creatively and with imagination, you can choose very original, interesting combinations that will make your interior unique.

Selection of colors for the window sill and slopes

You need to choose an interesting option that is in harmony with the design. Colored window sills for decorating plastic windows are made in two ways:

  1. Gluing textured film onto the surface.
  2. Bulk dyeing: adding dye at the production stage.

The structure of a laminated window sill. You can set any color:

Adhesive layer Kleiberit

Protective film

Lignodur shaping profile

Elesgo multilayer laminate

The film has a variety of options, is wear-resistant, and is not afraid of temperature changes. Paint does not make it possible to imitate natural wood or stone; the window sill can only be one color. But the painted surface does not acquire additional strength. The choice of window sill can be based on the principle of harmony or contrast.

In the second case, it is not easy to combine shades beautifully. It takes artistic taste, but the result will be impressive. The first option is easier to implement, but less interesting.

Laminated window sills in wood color are a general eco-style trend.

Black stone window sills are a fashion trend for the next few years.

Window sill made of wood.

Bright colored window sill.

Regarding the color of the slopes, it is desirable that the color of the slopes be in harmony with the color of the window sill.

No. 3. Color options

Spray painting is done in hundreds of shades; there are fewer options for bulk coloring and lamination, but still sufficient. The following color profile options are in greatest demand:

  • brown;
  • with imitation wood;
  • grey, black and beige are neutral shades that can easily fit into most interior styles;
  • profile with metallized surface;
  • profiles of non-standard shades (green, red, blue, orange) are still rarely ordered. This is an option for brave people who create a colorful interior. Also, such a solution is chosen by companies that want to make their office memorable both inside and out.

Large window companies are constantly expanding their offerings. It is predicted that in the future there will be a film with a 3 D effect , which will make windows even more interesting. Films with an even better imitation of the wood surface will also appear. I would like to believe that the performance of the film will improve. For example, after numerous customer requests, Renolit (the largest manufacturer of lamination film) has developed a material with lower thermal absorption, and now the film with the same colors as before heats up 3-110C less.

In addition, do not forget that the profile can be laminated on only one side, or laminated on both sides, but in different colors , so you don’t have to worry that the new window will not fit into the façade of the apartment building. Let the window on the outside be as required by the appearance of the house, but on the inside the profile can be whatever you want.

Colored glass

A double-glazed window can also be unusual. The easiest way is to apply film. However, it is not reliable and is easy to scratch.

The most resistant to negative influences is glass that is colored in the mass. The option that received a non-standard color due to pyrolysis is practically not inferior to it. A coloring pigment is incorporated into the structure of the finished glass under the influence of high temperatures.

Spraying is another method of painting. The advantage is that shade options can be predicted as accurately as possible by adjusting the paint saturation.

Blitz survey: Which brand of plastic windows is the best?

Features of multi-colored glasses:

  1. Retains transparency.
  2. Variety of shades . Proper use of them will help adjust the illumination of the room. Warm golden tones will bring soft sunlight, blue tones will bring cool notes.
  3. They get hotter under the sun . Therefore, installation on the south side is not recommended.

Colored stained glass windows are used to decorate the glass unit. However, they weigh a lot and are very expensive. Only aluminum profiles can withstand the load. Therefore, they choose imitation stained glass, it looks quite advantageous.

Examples of windows with stained glass on glass:

Rectangular plastic windows with red squares.

Stained glass window on the balcony.

The decor of a plastic window with a complex pattern offers a magnificent view from the street.

The widest choice of patterns is the main advantage of stained glass plastic windows.

White plastic windows with a beautiful pattern on the glass.

Mirror glass performs the function of tinting: it protects the home from the views of curious passers-by. Such surfaces partially reflect the sun's rays. Frosted glass also has a tinting effect. Installed in bathrooms, toilets, locker rooms. Interesting patterns are applied to them. Glass with a layout will give the room a touch of antiquity.

Bulk coloring

This technology involves adding dye to the raw material mass, which is used to produce the profile. At first glance, this seems to be the best method for creating a colored frame. In fact, the only advantage of this option is the significant savings in the manufacturing process. From the point of view of practicality and durability, the brown tint of the frame obtained in this way fades quite quickly when exposed to sunlight, so the application of a protective film will be required.

Decorative layout

Window layout is a design and decoration option where small inserts made of wood, plastic or other material are made on the surface of the glass. They simultaneously perform two options - decorate and add strength.

There are sprats:

  • constructive
  • interglazed.

The first ones are installed on top of the windows on each side, the second ones, respectively, are mounted inside the window. Both options are quite durable and reliable, they are characterized by their strengths and weaknesses.

Windows made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with decorative layout on the balcony.

Plastic windows with natural wood look.

Windows with gray frames.

Decorative layout for windows in different colors.

Briefly about the technology

Lamination of the plastic profile is carried out using special high-quality RENOLIT films made in Germany. The laminating films are bonded to the profile surface at a temperature of +125..+130 using two-component polyurethane glue. The connection occurs at the molecular level.

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