We choose a window profile like experts: 3 materials and more than a dozen nuances

Drywall today can be called the most multifunctional building material. With it you can cover any surface in any room. To create a frame base for plasterboard sheets, you can use wooden or metal profiles. In this article we will tell you how to use a wooden profile for drywall.

Drywall today can be called the most multifunctional building material. With it you can cover any surface in any room. To create a frame base for plasterboard sheets, you can use wooden or metal profiles. In this article we will tell you how to use a wooden profile for drywall.

Most often, a metal frame is used in repair work, guaranteeing a higher level of strength of the entire structure. However, it is more difficult to work with than wooden slats. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material, which is very important in the modern world.

No. 1. Frame material

The frame of wooden Euro windows is made not from solid wood, but from three-layer laminated veneer lumber . This design provides the window with the greatest durability and resistance to negative environmental factors. It’s almost impossible to find a frame made from solid wood today, but if suddenly someone offers something similar, then you shouldn’t opt ​​for this option.

One of the most important parameters of the frame is the type of wood , which largely determines the properties of the window. The most commonly used breeds are:

  • pine. Coniferous wood is cheaper, but does not have record durability. Pine, due to the presence of resin passages, will exude a fresh forest aroma, which has a positive effect on the microclimate of the room. According to the degree of resinity, pine comes in two types: tar and pipe. The first option is resistant to moisture, so it is recommended for use in areas with high humidity. Coniferous species are also characterized by increased softness: on the one hand, this is a minus, since dents may remain, but, on the other hand, softness allows frames of any configuration to be made from pine;

  • oak is the hardest and most durable species, which will ensure maximum durability of the structure. The disadvantages include heavy weight, so the thickness of such a profile should be the minimum acceptable. Oak wood retains heat worse than coniferous wood. The process of preparing the material involves drying the wood; this is a technologically complex process and the correct execution of it affects durability and many other performance indicators. Since it is impossible to understand when purchasing how correctly the drying was carried out, it is better to trust your choice only to trusted manufacturers;
  • larch has become the most popular choice today, because it combines the advantages of the two previous options. This is a lightweight wood with high strength and low price. An additional advantage of larch is that if there are any violations during the wood processing process, cracks and deformations immediately appear, which are noticeable to the naked eye, so choosing high-quality larch is much easier than choosing high-quality oak.

Create a drawing

Before you begin installation, you need to draw up a drawing. It's not difficult to create it like this:

  • need to measure the length of the room
  • measure the height of the room
  • multiply the resulting numbers, resulting in the perimeter of the room
  • In order to do this, it is imperative to measure the perimeter of windows and doorways and put them on the drawing.

After creating this simple diagram, you can easily assess the range of work to be done and be able to decide on the amount of materials. Only with a well-thought-out drawing will you get the right frame.

No. 2. Characteristics of the “profile”

Calling a wooden frame a profile is a stretch, so this word is used in quotation marks. In this case, a profile is understood as a whole set of parameters , incl. the type of wood, the thickness of the timber and the use of additional overlays.

In the production of wooden windows, three-layer laminated veneer lumber is used, which allows you to get rid of deformations under the influence of negative environmental factors, as well as provide increased strength and durability. For domestic conditions, it is better to choose timber with a thickness of at least 78 mm .

During the production process, wood goes through three stages of drying, after which it is discarded. To make a window frame, it is unacceptable to use wood with knots, cracks, resin pockets and core parts. The processed and selected board is spliced ​​along its length and then through its thickness. For gluing, water-repellent glue , and the boards are placed so that the fibers are in different directions . Thanks to this technology, wood receives additional strength and does not deform in conditions of high humidity and temperature changes . Compared to a solid frame, the strength of laminated veneer lumber increases by 80% and rigidity by 40%.

Many performance qualities depend on the quality of wood drying . In most cases, it is impossible to check this parameter when purchasing, which is why the name of the manufacturer and the presence of a certificate are so important. When choosing, you can evaluate another parameter of wood quality - surface features . It should be smooth, without roughness or uneven joints, and the paint should be applied in an even layer.

It is important that environmentally friendly and breathable primers and paints are used in the manufacture of the structure. Some manufacturers offer the use of aluminum overlays , which protect the wood from exposure to sunlight, protect against negative atmospheric influences and prevent the wood from absorbing smog. Such overlays will be useful in cases where the region experiences constant high humidity, temperature changes and frequent precipitation, or there is a high content of smog and smoke in the air, which is typical for large cities.

Warehousing of finished products

The range of finished products does not end with window beams. In the warehouse, the already mentioned laminated board is ready for shipment, as well as a variety of profiled moldings, decking boards (for sunny France, for example), small-slat laminated timber, wall timber for the construction of country houses, exotic hagara (planed boards made from glued small-slat timber) and other products .

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No. 3. Double-glazed window parameters

Since the double-glazed window occupies the largest area of ​​the window, maximum attention should be paid to its characteristics. Single- and double-chamber double-glazed windows have become the most popular today. The chamber is understood as the space between the glasses, which means that in a single-chamber double-glazed window two glasses are used, in a two-chamber double-glazed window - three, etc. The more cameras there are, the better the heat and sound insulation properties the window gets. The width of the glass unit directly affects the ability to block noise and cold.

The thickness of the glass is usually 4 mm , the chamber is filled with air, inert gas or vacuum, the glasses are connected by an aluminum frame. In double-glazed windows, the middle glass can have a thickness of 6 mm , which ensures an increased level of thermal insulation. The distance between the glasses in a double-glazed window can be the same, or maybe different. In the latter case, it is possible to achieve an increased level of noise insulation. Some manufacturers install regular glass along with double-glazed windows, improving heat and sound insulation. Double frames are used for the same purpose.

For warm, quiet areas, single-chamber double- glazed windows are suitable; for cooler and noisier areas, double-glazed windows . For the coldest regions or for apartments near busy highways, three-chamber structures can be used, but as the number of chambers increases, the weight and thickness of the window increases.

Profile dimensions (window frame width)

When determining the parameters of the frame, the characteristics of the double-glazed window are taken as a basis. This allows you to find out what the width of the window frame and the installation width will be. Standard sizes: 68, 78, 92 and 110 mm.

Of the listed options, the second one is the most popular - 78 mm, since it allows you to freely install a double-glazed window.

The first of them, 68 mm, is used much less frequently. This frame width is chosen only if there are no strict requirements for the heat conservation of the structure. The higher the value of this parameter of a wooden window, the better the product will retain heat in the room. The 110 mm option is less commonly used.

No. 4. Type of glass in a double glazing unit

To meet ever-increasing demands, manufacturers are constantly offering new types of glass. Today, in addition to the most common float glasses, the following can be used:

  • selective glasses that help maintain an optimal indoor microclimate under different external conditions. A special coating allows light rays to pass through, but prevents thermal radiation from escaping from the apartment, so that heat will not leave the room in winter. In summer, heat from the street, on the contrary, will not be able to penetrate inside due to the same spraying, so it will be possible to keep cool. At the moment, there are two types of selective glasses : i -glasses have greater transparency and efficiency, but are afraid of negative atmospheric influences, and k -glasses are easily tolerated, but their efficiency is lower;
  • Triplex glass boasts increased strength and safety. They are made by combining several glasses and a thin laminating film. An additional advantage of such glass is its high noise insulation qualities;
  • sun glasses their name gives away the features of the purpose. They are used in cases where the windows face south and an excessive amount of sunlight enters the room. Such glasses are made by coloring in bulk or through the application of special coatings. Coatings are designed to reflect or absorb the sun's rays, preventing the rays from penetrating through the glass. As a coating, a thin metal layer or a layer of metal oxides is applied to the glass, which can absorb part of the radiation. Solid-colored glass also retains sufficient amounts of solar heat and light;

  • Tempered glass acquires increased strength and resistance to temperature changes due to special thermal or chemical treatment. With strong impacts, such glass shatters into small, non-sharp fragments;
  • reinforced glass is obtained through the use of metal mesh; they are durable and fireproof, but are used extremely rarely in wooden windows.

No. 5. Wooden euro-window seals

In order for the window to be as airtight as possible and reliably protect it from drafts and other negative influences of the external environment, some of its most critical places need to be sealed. Conscientious manufacturers use sealant in the following places:

  • the area where the double-glazed window is adjacent to the “profile”, it is often also called the area of ​​glazing beads;

  • glass joint area;
  • the vestibule area, i.e. along the perimeter of the opening sash.

For all these areas, sealant of different widths and section shapes can be used, but this is not as important as what material the sealant is made of.

As a rule, the seal for wooden euro-windows is made from the following materials:

  • rubber. The cheapest material, its service life and some performance qualities significantly depend on additives. The best option is a seal made of vulcanized rubber and filled with carbon black. However, all rubber seals have one significant drawback - at low temperatures, elasticity is lost, and over time the material becomes completely deformed;

  • EPDM seal boasts an excellent price-quality ratio. The material tolerates temperature changes and other weather vagaries well, does not lose shape over time, is resistant to compression, and can be used for about 20 years;
  • silicone seal has record indicators of durability, resistance to sunlight, humidity, chemicals, it does not lose its properties over time, but is very expensive, so it is used extremely rarely;

  • PVC seals are made from a mixture of polyvinyl chloride and plasticized nitrile rubbers. The material turns out to be cheap, and that’s where its advantages end. Disadvantages include poor elasticity, rapid wear, and intolerance to low temperatures. Because of these disadvantages, the material is now practically not used, but, nevertheless, not the most conscientious manufacturers continue to use such a sealant.

Some manufacturers and sellers talk about using a rubber-silicone seal , which supposedly has the advantages of both materials. This is nothing more than an advertising gimmick, and most often thermoplastic rubber is hidden under this name.

Installation of a wooden frame

All profiles are mounted according to the previously drawn up drawing. Creating a frame begins with a support beam, which is attached to the floor using screws, dowels or anchors. It all depends on the base material. If there is a doorway in the partition, you need to take two profiles diverging from the passage to the walls.

The beams are attached to the ceiling and walls in the same way. After this, vertical posts are installed in the central part of the frame. You need to start with the bars that frame the doorway. The distance between them should be 3–5 cm greater than the outer size of the door frame.

The racks must be installed strictly vertically with their ends close to the horizontal support and ceiling bars of the frame. Self-tapping screws are used as fastening materials, as well as steel corners or fastening plates, which are intended for assembling rafters. They can withstand heavy loads and therefore guarantee reliable communication. At the height of the door frame plus 2 cm, the racks must be connected with a horizontal jumper.

Between the opening and the walls, at the same distance in increments of 40 - 60 cm, you need to install a sufficient number of racks. Adjacent sheets of drywall must be fastened in such a way that the junction of the two sheets is located exactly in the central axis of the profile. If the ceiling height is greater than the length of the plasterboard sheet, then horizontal bars must be installed at the junction of the first and second rows.

No. 6. Ventilation of wooden euro windows

Manufacturers often list their ability to breathe as the main advantages of wooden euro-windows. Of course, natural wood allows air to pass through well, but in the production of windows it is treated with a lot of protective agents, varnishes and primers, and these materials significantly reduce its ability to pass air through. On average, this design passes 3 liters of air per hour, while only one person needs 60 liters per hour. That is why additional window ventilation , which in wooden euro-windows is implemented in one of the following ways :

  • micro-slit ventilation ensures a slight opening of the window sash, due to which normal air exchange occurs, but at the same time heat and sound insulation is maintained at a sufficient level;

  • The comb allows you to open the window to the required level. This is the simplest and cheapest design possible, which allows you to leave both the smallest gap and a fairly decent one;
  • window, well known to us from old windows, can provide an excellent level of ventilation in wooden euro-windows. When it opens, fresh air rushes upward, providing soft and effective ventilation. The only negative is the reduction in the transparent part of the window.

Ventilation valves are not usually used in wooden euro-windows, but to ensure more efficient ventilation, you can use a ventilation valve built into the wall. Its arrangement is more expensive and labor-intensive, but the result is worth it.

Radial cutting workshop

Next, the round timber is supplied to the radial sawing area. All equipment for these purposes (feeding to the workshop, board sorting, waste disposal + additional equipment) was completely designed and installed by the German company EWD.

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