A variety of curtains for window decoration in a kitchen studio

The first thing that catches your eye in a living space is the window. Only then the gaze passes over the walls, floor, ceiling, and dwells more carefully on the decoration and details of the interior.

Curtains for the kitchen-living room

A window will delight its owner, give him aesthetic pleasure and comfort if it is beautifully decorated with curtains that harmoniously fit into the proposed space, creating and emphasizing its integrity.

Curtains for the kitchen-living room

It is not an easy task to decorate the opening in the bedroom, nursery, living room, kitchen. An even more difficult question is to decorate the window (one or more) of a combined home. For example, if you have a studio apartment, which is a combined living room and kitchen, you need a special approach.

Features of a studio kitchen

The kitchen-living room is a room where there is constantly high humidity, high temperatures and odors from cooked food. Based on this, the curtains should be washed and dried well.

If the room is small and has low ceilings, then the curtains should not be long and spread across the floor: this will disturb both the owners and guests.

With such curtains it is inconvenient to ventilate the room, because... You can push objects on tables and window sills. However, in a large enough room they can be used to decorate windows.

Curtains in the interior of the apartment.


Criteria for choosing curtains for window decoration

Long, massive curtains are not suitable in the kitchen, since they may accidentally catch fire or melt (if they are made of synthetic materials) when the stove is located next to a window. It is better to choose short products or blinds.

You need a practical and easy-to-use kitchen curtain that is easy to wash, dries quickly, and absorbs less odors and fumes. If necessary, it can be thrown away due to its damaged appearance.

Kitchens are often characterized by a small area. Curtains are designed to visually expand the room or at least not darken it. To achieve a positive effect from curtains, you should use models of light and delicate, muted and soft shades.

The use of small, scattered ornamental details is encouraged, while large, massive patterns should be abandoned.

The reception or relaxation area has different requirements for decorating curtains. Unlike the kitchen, the living rooms are decorated presentably and luxuriously. Here you can show your taste and sense of style.

In the living room, curtains of any length and different colors are used.

In most studio apartments, access to the balcony is located in the living room. There are no restrictive measures in terms of appearance. It is important that the hanging curtains match the style of the room and complement it.

Work zone

The work area is a space with difficult conditions: temperature and humidity change quickly here, splashes fly from the sink and hot drops of oil from the frying pan. To decide on curtains for this area, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • size - the smaller and darker the room, the more transparent and lighter the curtains should be. The pattern also directly depends on the area of ​​the zone: the smaller the room, the smaller the pattern should be, since large images can reduce the space;
  • the location of the stove - the closer the heating devices, the shorter the curtains should be to avoid fire. It is best to choose fabrics with special impregnation against fire;

  • The location of the sink is the same rule as with the stove - the closer, the shorter. There are curtains with impregnation and against moisture absorption, but such options cannot be washed - only dry cleaning will do;
  • length - up to the window sill - the most popular and optimal option for the kitchen. If you want more originality, then you can choose asymmetrical or arched models;
  • material - the choice is between natural, synthetic and mixed fabrics. For the work area, mixed curtains are an ideal solution, since they do not absorb odors and dirt, and they are very easy to care for. It is worth paying attention to additional impregnation;
  • kitchen style - the area should look harmonious, therefore, for example, roller blinds are not suitable for a classic design.

With the choice presented in stores, choosing the perfect curtains for the kitchen is not difficult. To the requirements you can add ease of removal, washing and ironing of the product. The main thing is to think about security and functionality first, and only then about design.

Luxurious velvet curtains, and even with a lambrequin, look great - no doubt about it. But what will happen to them if they are near the stove? At best, they will lose their appearance due to carbon deposits, at worst, they will catch fire.

Species diversity of kitchen curtains

There are many curtains for the kitchen. They differ in appearance and characteristics.


This is a canvas that can be raised and lowered. When assembled, the product creates folds. Due to their elegant appearance, they are often used in classic interiors and are suitable for decorating kitchen-living room windows.

Roman paintings on kitchen windows.


They resemble Roman blinds, but when assembled they do not form folds. Collected in a roll.

Roller blinds do not clutter up the room.


These are thin and long strips of fabric. They can be used to decorate windows, as well as to create separate areas of the kitchen-living room.

Japanese woven fabrics.


The most versatile curtains. Suitable for any interior.

Universal classic curtains.


Convenient for use in rooms that are not on the sunny side.

Airy tulle.

With lambrequin

This is a cut piece of fabric gathered in waves that is hung above the curtains from the top. Decorating windows this way is appropriate only in spacious kitchens.

Beautiful lambrequin on the curtains.


They can be wooden, metal, plastic, fabric. Such curtains are available both vertical and horizontal. They do not absorb odors and dirt and are easy to clean.

Blinds on the windows to protect from sunlight.


Curtains made of threads come in different lengths and shades, and are often decorated with beads.

Thread curtains for the window and doorway.

If there is a balcony

By decorating a balcony block with textiles, you can visually change the symmetry, create a single curtain composition and improve access to the door. To frame the windows and balcony doors, you can use tulle made from two sliding sheets on rings. In addition, Roman blinds can be attached to the window frame and door sash.

They can be combined with light curtains draped with tiebacks. Curtains with grommets, selected according to the level of illumination, will also perfectly complement the door and windows to the loggia.

Choosing a curtain style for a kitchen combined with a living room

For a combined space, you need to choose the appropriate style of curtains.


More often, white tulle and curtains made of dense material of discreet color are used. When decorating the food preparation area, Roman blinds are used. To create a unified space, it is better to use them in the reception area.

The most suitable colors are cream, beige, brown and its shades. It is preferable to use silk, satin, brocade, jacquard.

Light shades in the interior of the kitchen-living room.

High tech

It is distinguished by clear patterns and functionality.

Thick, heavy drapes and curtains with lambrequins are not suitable for the style.

Blinds (fabric, aluminum, plastic) and light curtains are preferred. The colors are muted, calm, the material is without patterns or pictures.

No patterns or pictures on high-tech style curtains.


In another way it is called “urban” style. The direction is characterized by the use of large spaces. Windows are often left without any decoration, but heavy curtains can be used.

Tulle and a curtain on one window would be inappropriate here. In the cooking area, blinds, Roman blinds or roller blinds are recommended. The materials are strictly natural.

Urban style in the interior of the living room-kitchen.


It is also called “rustic” style. It creates a cozy, family atmosphere in the room.

Materials: chintz, linen, cotton, silk. Design – a simple pattern (for example, a cage).

Country style in design.


French style. It is characterized by the use of short curtains predominantly made from natural fabrics.

Color white, cream, lavender, light green. Curtains are plain or with floral patterns.

French curtains Provence.

Advantages and disadvantages of two windows in a room

Two windows in one room are a stylish solution on which you can make favorable accents. There will always be a lot of light in the room. The main task when filling with furniture is not to lose this dignity in a dull style. The following factors support the beneficial use of two windows:

  • Huge flow of natural light. The sun penetrates into the room constantly throughout the daylight hours. A feeling of lightness and freedom is created.
  • Small rooms with adjacent glazing look more spacious. Gloss in the finish and mirrors will further enhance this feeling.
  • Possibility of zoning. Each window can be decorated in a separate style. This advantage is especially beneficial for one-room studio apartments.
  • Several wide rectangular windows allow you to enjoy stunning panoramic views.
  • The original design allows you to decorate the room in any style.

A significant disadvantage of 2-3 windows in one room is the difficulty of arranging massive furniture. It will not be possible to move a large wardrobe or sofa against the wall. The unaesthetic street view will have to be masked with thick curtains or other window decorations. Frames and glass will have to be additionally insulated to avoid large heat losses for one room in winter. Difficulties may also arise in finishing the walls. Most materials need to be adjusted to the correct size.

Color range and material

Various colors of curtains are used, for example:

  1. White and cream visually expand the space, but are easily dirty.
  2. Brown suits classic and modern designs.
  3. Red can be used as a bright accent in the interior.
  4. Purple gives the room a luxurious look.
  5. Yellow and its light shades are suitable for country and Provence styles.
  6. Light green stands out against the general background, so do not overload the curtains with a complex design.
  7. Blue and its shades are suitable for adding coolness to a kitchen located on the sunny side.

The material for kitchen curtains can be different. Heavy fabrics are recommended for the relaxation area; mixed fabrics for the workspace (easily washable and do not absorb moisture and dirt).

Kitchen in light soft colors.

Selection depending on purpose

Curtains are also selected depending on the purpose of the room or part of it.

Work zone

The use of long curtains in the work area is prohibited, because near heating devices (stove, hob) they may accidentally ignite.

Even if you use a hook for fastening and leave the curtains at a height, this will not eliminate the problem. In addition, the products will absorb dirt and grease. Cleaning curtains afterwards is not easy.

Blinds (metal, plastic) are an acceptable type of design; you can hang Roman blinds. They can be removed, raised, and will not interfere with cooking.

The stove or hob is located near the window. In this case, short curtains (preferably made of lightweight materials) are suitable. The best option is a Japanese panel.

Practical curtains on the window.

The window located in the kitchen work area is decorated with short synthetic curtains. They absorb less moisture, odors, grease, dirt, and are easier to clean compared to natural fabrics.

In a kitchen of a small area, curtains of light and warm shades are used. It is better to take material for curtains with small ornaments so that there is no feeling of overload. Large patterns and bright colors also visually reduce the space.

If the sink is located near a window opening, then you need to protect the fabric from frequent exposure to water. Therefore, the optimal length of products is up to the level of the window sill or even shorter. Suitable fabrics are made of synthetic material or blinds, roller blinds, curtains with an asymmetrical cut, in the form of an arch.

Short curtains for the windows.

Dining room

More often, the window is located in the reception area, and if there is a table or other set opposite it, then light, translucent curtains should be used.

The following colors work well:

  • light brown, orange, red and pastel colors have a stimulating effect on appetite;
  • yellow color gives a feeling of satisfaction and saturation;
  • cold shades have a depressing effect on appetite.

According to the designers' advice, you can combine curtains and tulle in the dining room, alternating them with seating and cooking areas. There are no special requirements for length.

Delicate tulle and light curtains for the dining room.

Living room

When choosing curtains for a living room studio, consider:

  • relationship with the kitchen;
  • area and degree of illumination of the guest reception area;
  • general interior of the hall.

Delicate and warm colors are selected for window openings located on the north side. Cool shades are suitable for southern windows, rich colors are suitable for large rooms. Vertical curtains are recommended for spaces with low ceilings.

Depending on the design of the living room combined with the kitchen, you should pay attention to:

  1. If the zoned areas are designed in different styles, the curtains should be combined with the general decor of the recreation area.
  2. If it is necessary to combine disparate parts of the room with the help of curtains, in this case the curtains are matched to the kitchen apron and complemented with the help of small interior details (pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths).

A possible design option for curtains in the living room is to combine them with the design of the room. Traditionally, white tulle of various shades and thick curtains of pastel colors are used.

Warm shades in the interior of the room.


  • modern - bright accents (including the curtains themselves);
  • high-tech - light fabrics with small splashes of metallic shades;
  • Provence – lilac shades of curtains;
  • country - curtains with floral and floral patterns;
  • Baroque - curtains with lambrequins, fringe, tails.

Bright curtains for a sunny room.

For two windows

According to designers, curtains from different zones should not be combined with each other.

Possible design options:

  1. If the windows are located next to each other, their design is combined.
  2. Depending on the style of the relaxation area and work area, you can select curtains for the kitchen-living room in any way you like.

Different styles for window curtains.


The balcony door is often decorated with Roman blinds, but this creates obstacles every time when exiting. But this situation can be solved if you fasten the curtains directly to the door.

Modern designers advise using a Japanese panel, which is made to order according to the size of the balcony door. It does not roll up like Roman blinds, but moves sideways.

Original curtains for balcony doors.

The product will protect from sunlight and create the effect of lightly darkening the space. You can decorate your balcony with simple curtains, making a bright accent on them.

There are many criteria for choosing curtains. By following the tips and recommendations, you can independently choose the design for the room.

Window shape

In apartments or private houses, rooms with several windows may have non-standard openings. There are many interesting ideas for their development. The main thing is that they match the appearance of the building. The frame color can be any. Modern interiors have long been no longer tied to the classic concept - they are moving away from white towards beige, blue, brown and other interesting shades. This makes it difficult to choose curtains and types of curtain rods. The shape of the openings can be of the following types:

  1. Big ones. Light curtains that transmit light well are suitable. They should not be made of solid fabric, so as not to limit access to individual sections. There should be two curtains. They will successfully hide and disguise the window on the sides. A large pattern also leads to a visual reduction in window space.
  2. Small ones. Miniature windows will be decorated with light curtains with tulle and lambrequin. A floor-length curtain will lengthen the opening, and the decor under the ceiling will make it visually wider.
  3. To the floor Openings can be panoramic or narrow with dividing partitions. For large floor-to-ceiling windows, curtains are chosen exactly to size; they should not bunch up. The color of the material should be light.
  4. Narrow. Several windows in a row on one wall can be combined into one picture. A solid cornice with a common curtain is hung under the ceiling. This design will not hurt, even if there is an exit to the “French balcony” in the middle. An excellent solution to widen the opening is to hang a cornice that extends beyond the window.
  5. Wide. You can harmoniously fit such an opening into the interior using thick curtains to match the walls. When entering adjacent surfaces, they will create the effect of their continuation.

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